§|Si: - - *'• -• -• >x • •'•• • • • ' . . ^ •• ' -• * •* • " • • % " T -*•• • t.- *' if W Wk ^ ^ 4 * b t* \ t &* ' ** * r" •*"% * * "Y' * -* & *• f THE MUENRY PLAINOEALER > Published every Thursday at Mchenry, HI., by Charles F. Renich. Sc*1v: 4^: - 7 - Entered as second-class matter at Die postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months ..... $2.00 „.$1.00 FOR WINTER SPORTS A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager DOLLAR LINE BOSS iwij *» SKSSS Joseph R. Sheehan of Chicago, the Mew president of the Dollar Steam* ship company, recently arrived in San Francisco to assume his duties, the first of which was to release 94,500.000 in the company's reorganization plan. HITLER S FAVOR Mstgna Munson of Norway made this beautiful ski suit. It is of waterproofed homespun in a heavenly shade of blue for the trousers and sleeveless jacket, and in white for the skirt. Orange and blue in woolen braid and embroidery add color. : CHINA'S AIR CHIEF . Col. Gen. Werner von Fritscb, who resigned from the army last February presumably because of ill fcealth, is again installed as one of the most trusted officers in the German army. Now he is honorary fvhief of the Twelfth artillery, an tM>nor rarely conferred and then •niy on those high in Hitler's favor. Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 39-fp Gen. Chien Ta-chun, chief aide de camp of General Kai-shek, iis also the director-general of «the Chinese air force. Water Turns to Wine Parents are the explanation of the modern miracles which take place annually in the region of Halle. Ger many, in that water there has the habit of turning to wine. As St. Martin, whose day is celebrated there, is credited with being able to change water to wine, children fill jars with water and command him to perform the miracle. The peasants of the region are fortunately not above practicing an innocent fraud. They secretly refill the jars with wine and let the children discover that the saint has answered their prayers. > Bargains In Hardwareltems SATURDAY ONLY H. C. KAMHOLZ West McHenry S4.25 13-gal. Copper Wash Boiler $4.50 Johnson Racer or Hockey Shoe Skates^ pr. $3.50 14-qt. Covered Milk Pails 35c Waste Baskets • •• - 15c Canvas Gloves, pair $1.50 Strip First Grade Sole Leather, (enough for 3 pair taps) $1.75.12 and 14-qt. Open MilkPailg $2.15 40-inch Sled .. $3.75 46-inch Sled $4.25 52-inch Sled 85c No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tub _ 95c No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tub $1.10 No. 3 Galvanized Wash Tub $1.15 19-inch Square Wash Tub $3-65 $375 $275 28c 10«* 98c $1.00 $1.85 $3-15 $3-50 65# 75tf 85c 90 <b i v - - ' ' BETTY NIELSEN Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois «1.00 *1.00 $1.00 *1-00 Silk Blouses, regularly $1.95 . _ Rayon Pajamas in blues, greens red ..._ Sweaters, each Children's Sweaters, 2 for .. Children's 2-piece "tuck-stitch" Pajamas Saturday, February 25, Dollar Day, is our last day in present location before moving into new building. You will find many splendid bargains still remaining which were quoted in Removal Sale ad last week. Van Becomes a ffi; Mixer , Br aoftnuET doouttu • D. J. Walsh--WNU Servlc*. UESS I'll take a smoke," said James Van Dorf, after traveling bags had been stowed away, the coats had been hung, footstools had been pulled out and the three other members of bis party appeared to be comfortably supplied with papers or magazines to their liking. "Go ahead. Van, I'll stay wilh the girls," said Tom Pritchard, settling down to read the latest fight news. "Nov, for goodness sake, Jim, don't forget we're here and stay jn the smoker all evening," cautioned Molly Van Dorf, who had traveled with her husband times enough to know that he was liable to do that Very thing. The limited pulled out of the union station a few'minutes later and in due time the conductor came through the car to collect tickets. Tom produced four through tickets, remarkinjg casually, "You'll find my brother-in-law in the smoker:" As it happened, however, Mr. Van Dorf had not gone to the smoker; instead he "had stepped out on the deserted observation platform where he proceeded to enjoy his cigar and the passing panorama of the city and suburbs. -There the conductor found him. "Mr. Pritchard has my ticket," he mumbled without taking the cigar from his mouth, "going to Banff." FOR SALE NURSERY STOCK--A representative of the Sherman Nursery Co. of Charles City, Iowa, is, now taking orders for sprihg delivery. Guaranteed first quality transplanted stock. Pay when delivered. ^Special 55th Anniversary Sale with prices greatly reduced on orders during February. L. D. Anderson, Co. Park and Washington Sts., McHenry. Cail 135-W. *37-4 M SOCIETY m AMERICAN LEGION c Algonquin post 670 of the American Legion will act as host to the McHenry County Council of the Legion in the school gymnasium Thursday night. After the business meeting, a program, with Commander Fra'nek of Algonquin in charge, will be presented. Speaker will be Judge Harry Daniels of Elgin. A good "feed" will feature the, meeting which is open to ex-service men. "Brownie" Jayne will be in charge of this detail. All posts in McHenry county are very active and good delegations are expected from Harvard, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Huntley, Cary, Fox Riv- Grove, Marengo and Richmond SHORT SHORT STORY Complete in This IsiU# Shortly after the conductor's departure, a woman stepped out on the platform and seated herself near by. "Isn't this air refreshing," she exclaimed spontaneously, taking several deep breaths-. "The car gets so stuffy, I keep in the open as much as possible." "That's my idea, too," said Mr. Van Dorf mendaciously, for he invariably spent most o„f his time on a train in the smoker where FOR SALE--Tavern fixtures. 20 ft, front bar with • ft. cigar case; 16 ft, back bar with 4 ft. liquor display case.jer Bill Mertes, Pistakee Bay, McHenry j Special guests of the evening will be 176. 40 Mayor Kublank of Algonquin, who will present the keys of the village, the village trustees and the menctbera 6f the school board. V* J T": FOR SALE--Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Soy Beans, and a carload of <Jrass Seed. Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 40 GOOD USED CARS 1937 LaFayette Sedan, new paint job; 1934 Chevrolet Master Coaich in good shape. 1934 Chevrolet Standard Coach in very good shape. 1933 Plymouth Coach, motor COM4 pletely overhauled. ~ 1933 Plymouth Sedan, rune and look® good. 1932 Dodge Sedan, new paint. 1931 Oakland Sedan, in good shape. 1931 Chevrolet 157-in. W. B. Truck. 1931 International 1% ton Truck. 1930 Chevrolet 131-in. W.B. Cattle Truck. 1930 Ford Coach. And other Cheap Cars to Choose From SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES Phone 277 ---- McHenry HONORS DAUGHTER Mrs. Ada Mann,.' who resides on Ptark street at Woodstock, entertained at a surprise party at her home Wednesday afternoon in honor of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Thomas, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were both present at the party, which also marked the observance of their wedding anniversary y Mrs. Mann, who is 83 years old, took great delight in planning the surprise for her daughter. The guest of honor -pas remembered with many lovely presents. Lunch, including a large birthday cake, was served to the assembled guests at the close of the afternoon. * * * . t - C. O. F. Approximately sixty men TUiiiBday, FeDt'iuurjf 23,1931 to* 5f Who Are They? *H A ; iiliil Here's another "Way Back When" picture this week. These three boys are well known to most of our readers. They are brothers anc associated with McHenry concerns. Can you guess ? business T-, GOOD COAL--If you need good coal T f for your STOKER, H«tCT F»mace «i f a Catho|ic 0r<&. Pore"t2SThSd livery. *40- FOR RENT FOR RENT--80-acre farm. Also barley and soy beans for sale. Telephone McHenry 138-M. 39-tf WANTED WANTED TO LEA SE Gasoline ser- provided for vice station in or around McHenry. Contact Valvoline Oil Co., McHenry, 111., Ed Thenens, Agents Phone Mcthe jHenry 32. *37-4 hall Tuesday evening. John Thennes and his committee prepared and served the deep sea fish which were sent from Florida by Msgr. C. S. Nix for this meeting. During the business meeting, which preceded the lunch, all the men present affixed their name to a card of thanks to be sent to Msgr. Nix in appreciation of the splendid treat he Because he was hungry and cold, Arthur McKeone smashed a store window in Chicago. He smiled happily when he was arrested and seAt to jail for malicious mischief Rev. Merrii Sulzman, Catholic priest of Matanuska, Alaska, besides attending to the spiritual needs of the settlement, also acts as fire chief of the nine valley camps. "Six dollars isn't enough to monkey with," a holdup man told a sandwich1 shop proprietor at Dixon, 111., after looking into the cash register. The bandit then walked away. After robbing the parsonage of the Rev. S. Raynor Smith in Roseburf, Ore., a contrite thief left a note calling himself a "cad' 'and asking the minister to pray for him. h& >•" air grew thick enough to be cut with a .knife. "Are you, too, taking a wellearned rest?" inquired the lady pleasantly. "Yes," said Mr. Van Dorf, "in fact this is the first vadation I've taken in five years." "And where are you going to play and who are your playmates to be?" asked the pleasant lady coaxingly. "Oh, I'm with a party," he answered evasively, beginning to suspect that it might be well for him to be getting in before Molly sent Tom to find him. "Oh, please $on't let me drive you away," cried the lady as he started to rise, "you haven't half finished your smoke and I'm going to leave you to enjoy it in peace." Mr. Van Dorf relighted his cigar. He'd take a few more puffs anyway before going inside. But just as he was about to leave a man appeared who took the lately vacated seat next to him. "Got a match?" asked the stranger, taking a cigarette from a case. "Fine night," he went on after lighting up. "Are you going far?" "Canadian Rockies--Banff--Lake Louise," replied Mr. Van Dorf. "Oh, so you're touring," said the man, "with & ^arty, I suppose." "Uh-hoh," said Mr. Van Dorf, beginning to feel a trifle irritated. "Many in your party?" "Four," answered Mr. Van Dorf shortly. Gosh darn it! he thought, why were people so interested in where he was going and whom he was with? "Four!" exclaimed the man in a surprised tone. "Did I understand you to say four?" Mr. Van Dorf arose. "Since it seems to interest you," he said coldly, "I am traveling with my wife, my brother-in-law and his wife. Let me bid you good night." "Just a moment, old chap, do you mind telling me your brother-inlaw's name?" "His name is Pritchard, but I assure you, my good man, if you are a detective your clues have led you far afield." "Ha-ha-ha," shouted the man, "the joke's on us all right. Did you tell the conductor that Mr. Pritchard had your ticket?" "Certainly. He has all four of our tickets." ."Listen, old man, you see we're a party of ten being conducted on a tour to Banff by a Mrs. Pritchard and the conductor understood you to say that Mrs. instead of Mr., so our Mrs. Pritchard delegated the lady who talked to you earlier and myself to find out if you were trying to horn in on her party. It's been tried before, you see, and this really looked like a clear case." • • • "Where in the world did you meet all those tourists, Jim?" asked Molly the next day in the diner "they're not even in our car." "I'm a great mixer, my dear. L don't believe you've ever properly appreciated my ability in that line,' replied Mr. Van Dorf, a trifle nerv ously, as a smiling young woman bowed to him from across the next table. about 16 ft.;1<lQnft„A , , Give details^W.OOO bond VOTE $90,000 SCHOOL BONDS Citizens of Woodstock and its Community High School district on Saturday afternoon voted in favor of a issue for the erection WANTED--Used boat, also 9 Hi P. outboard. and prices. Write box «X,' Care of The ®r,an ,ad 1 dlt,1?.n the Community High Plaindealer. 40 ^h°o1 building. A few months ago _|the voters approved a $110,000 bond WANTED -- Carpenter helpersi with j issue for this purpose, the government own tools. No other need apply. Also to make a $90,000 grant. Later it was painter. HUNTER BOAT CO., Mc-! found that the PWA funds were not Henry. 40-2 available, so the second bond issue was voted on and carried, authorizing MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener - if desired. Reasonable rates.. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf MOTOR BLOCKS WELDED -- Our electric welding equipment makes repair^ possible without removing from chassis. Adams Repair Shop, Pearl Street. Res. phone 134-M. 40 FOR EVENING ie Perfumes Harmfid Some perfumes have a harmful effect on certain individuals. When breathed in large quantities, says Collier's Weekly, many innocent odors, such as tuberose, magnolia aptf narcissus, produce^headache, dizziness, convulsions ana even episeizures. the total amount necessary. Read the Want Ads Specials for $ Day PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR SOY BEANS FOR SEED /"ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Mahchu or Illini Beans, 99% Purity and 95% GforniiiL&tioii Regular Value $1.25 per bushel ----4# For Saturday Only at $1.15 per bushel (sales tax paid) -Heavy Chicks- All A. A. A. Heavy Chicks (except White Giants) . for Saturday only $9-00 per 100. McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER, Mgr. McHenry LLAR DAVI1 BAKERY Black velvet ribbon gathered on to stiff black tulle with black velvet trimming is used in this evening dress. The muff is of the same material. A rosette of black velvet ribbon is worn in the hair. Designed by Channel of Paris. By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright Public Ltdgtr, inc PLAYING DISCORDS ON THE PIANO PUT IT OUT OF BETTY LOU BLOCK CAKE Very Delicious. You could not make it at home Cor the price. FRESH LEMON CREAM PIE Made from fresh California Lemons, topped with plenty of whipped cream. JUICY FRESH STRAWBERRY TARTS Filled with fresh, red, ripe Strawberries, topped with pure, rich whipped cream. leptic^ i Mrs. Nellie Savage of Battle Creek, Mich., suffered a fractured right ankle when she arose after kneeling during a funeral of a relative. Discords are entirely a matter of the mind. As far as the musical instruments are concerned, there is no difference between harmonious chords and discords. They simply consist of various kinds of vibrations of the strings or other parts of the instrument. The harm done to pianos by unskilled musicians and children is due rather to the "thumping" and general ill-treatm^ nt. Musical combinations which are considered "chords" by some people are classed as rank discords by others. This is largely a matter of taste and education. Geno Poultry Remedlerat Wattles Prug Store. 39-fp «0S$ DON'T FORGET! -- During Lent we will have tasty, rich butter Hot Cross Buns. Buy them where they are made and you know you will have them fresh. Phone 287