i *- .-v •>; , f ^ „ >> f^ Ws^' L ^ "*"t * is- -<*"*£ ^ L * *** ** 7-i* -te" / v "» i*^. „ * ^ ^ JV-^'X $}*?$'*'.: r iuiuwuij, xwiiuuj 2S, 1939 ,<*i "" '. -'*"•» ~ *• x •'-"* v tvj<, . *.» * v* _^ ' "*" -^ *'v*'r * \rf ^p5*%"1* PLADfDKAIJ|a ->,.. v ^ rp,":V.':; Page rln "SO I HEAR" • .«;r #i£t- <:i', v . ; guts '1' 'tV "' ' 1 %"" 1 EARL WALSH tag both answered to the name grandjma, bat their outfits were * puzzle, i Quite a commotion when Grandma i "Speed" started for Um wrong rest room door. { " --I N O T I C E I Bowline scores will be found in another section of The Plaindealer this week and in the future. Bowling Notes j will appear on the sport page. This \ a "rascal out-; th ftfc. John looked like sun-bonnett-sue. Bowling notes, which were uninten- We have fun. The grapevine tells Besides the bonnett, we think be wore • tionally omitted last week when scores us that Margaret Westman, would like* nightshirt. [were taken out to make way for late write us a thing or two about our! --B-- I advertising, appear at the top of this reference to her husband's bowling.! Not to let the men get away with week's notes. Mrs. John Stilling (Migraret) was , will permit us to prepare and set; cute rascal in a little girl's out-' scores for the first run of each issue.! all the ideas. Mrs. John Herdrich It. seems we called her husband a wpre a complete masculine outfit j big "lug." Now, Lug is an old Irish rather dressy. But, we don't know expression meaning "Lug." j where she got that flat derby hat. SPORTS EDITOR. Just Little BOWLING NOTES Marion Krause was mowing 'em TO THE RESCUE 'Hie only reason Margaret does^t; B°b^nway was cutting up capers|down last Sunday as the McHenry, A member of a club had ^ habit write is because she thinks her^letter in a Digger- suit. girls beat Woodstock. 'of consuming his soup in a noisy might appear in print. It MIGHT! ,. B , .1 , and boisterous fashion. The noise " | George Barbian wu a .study in; Billy Pries was the class of the upset other members. but they were Anyhow, Margaret had better ~ even wore a little, pink hair City League, helping to knock off the too courteous to protest. careful or we will draw a verbal pic-J™bbon. Just too darling! j league leaders in straight' One day, however, when the ofture of she and our S. B. C. backing) •• # ^ f* our grandmother's buggy horse (Old! George's wife, Cfcrtie, was *>me- Doll) up to the back stoop -- with what of a cupie doll in. a one-piece, ideas of hopping from stoop to back ^omer effect gown. -- for a little ride. Theri^wis * fcr*ve'j . • ; . I Hank Britz was a dandy dude in a pair of farmerettes! • , White suit. Mustache was painted on.: games. three ' fensive sounds were at their loudest, a young and nerveless mem- "Aug" Freund spoiled a nice series ber strode towards the culprit and with a lowly 166 garble. At least that said: "May I help, sir?" was lowly when sandwiched in* be*- "Help!," retorted the diner. *'I Iween. 213 and 2l5>.' • ! ' -1 ' <. ' v ; Wanted: --by "Pink" Gorman * ball to fit in the 1-2 pocket. * « ; Floyd Covalt went great guns iif the Old Timers League -- a 612 ser Marquette beats Notre Dame -- not . u _ , , ' /"• only beat 'em - they smeared 'em. . Mh and Mrs Ralph Justen wfire a * --II-- study in blue -- Overalls! f" \ „ Well, we haven't harped much on| # ^ NiD. teams since their football team' That fellow, A1 Wllbrandt was « went out to California and got took.jhuxom looking lady m a printed ies with a 240 game Some people made remarks to us ori^wn. Hat and w,g were tilted at a at us about that time. But, it's all saucjr angle. A long fur flounced! in fun. If you're the betting kind,j*™""* that sturdy neckline just lay your two-bits on N. D. teams don't need help." V "Sorry," sa id the youngster. "I thought perhaps you .might wish to be dragged ashore."--Tit-Bits Magazine. _ • ^ ^ _ •*k NO CHANCE \r>A week out and year in Mrs- Wilbrandt wore a rather nifty week in and ^ree* •-• litJe sport outfit that wasn't so Another Krause goes places! , Lil rolled a 536 series Monday night at the Palace. and year out. -Imasqueradish. Striped, seamed trous- Somebody always wsints -ussWi&ck ers> Oh, we dunno. It was just nifty. our neck out in this column. L*st week we skipped it. This week they It was ft wow of a party. We couldare still at us to mention that nose n't stay for the finish, but had our trouble a third ward, Green Street share of good laughs. As we went Alderman suffered. Just something out the door, the piano was playing in ^ air! More fun! I ."My Sweet Little Headache" and we ' j_ Tendered about the 'morrow. Just to show that determination and , _ • ' perseverance wins the crown, we point Our high school team beat Fox Lake Jut that Huntley beat Crystal Lake last Friday night, but we hav^en t givthis week after Crystal Lake had en you a box score. To tell the truth, ridden the crest for beating Hebron, j the whole truth, so help me - it was- II n t much of a game. We won 38 to We hear that Ela's basketball team 22 Fox Lake doesn't have too much hasn't had too much success in the material lacking height McAndrews . fcut was switched to forward and scored have been losing by a nose. 'Only » P°ints - much better than his work Sr points mak! the difference be- at center this year. STfofthe yea?" fnd their 0pp0T1"(ANDERSON SERVICE GO ! TO TOWN IN LAST HALF Now, that this cold spell has hit, Tq WALLOP ARLINGTON we can'-t refrain ajiy longer from ^ spreading an appeal to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, American Legion gcoreg Q£ season> Anderson's Ser and all chari a e ' 1 vice defeated Arlington Heights 71-33, this way. Eddie Matthews ™y not ^ ^ . have a coat or it may be that he ' walks the street unconscious of the The game, for thfe'first haif, wa? a George Weber turned a 615 series in the McHenry - Volo Vultures match, Willys Schreiner hit 'em this way. 163 - 200 - 210. Wasn't warmed up the first game. x Mr. Bug--Why so gloomy, Skeets? ••• 1 Mr. Mosquito-^All the girls are Meister Braus had a nifty really swimming now instead of lylast Sunday night, taking ing around the beaches. The match Woodstock's White Swan 2750 to 2712. • A Test of Courage Over in Canada we ftnd that the r After the Armistice all A. E. F. Canadian team rolled some lofty dreams were inspired by the satne scores last Saturday night. " George ambitions--the first boat back to the Weber had a 223 game. Sargeant U. S. A. Bacon rolled a 247 game. The team, "If that horse-faced colonel told total for that game was 1001. ! me I could start for home tomor- ; row," mutterefl one doughboy wistn »u ...v. . Pete Freund, the Canada plumbing fully, "I'd be tempted to kiss him." won and lost ratings this year, but ^as. switched to forward and^ scoref! j anj heating expert, is feeling pretty "1' 1 could get up enough nerve CASH CHOP New Gloucester, Maine, which recently had a bad woods fire, once gave up the secret of successful farming to a visiting reporter who was entertained on a prosperous looking place. "We raise all our own vegetables," said the farmer, "and most of our meat, eggs, milk and fruit, all right here, and cut our fuel in the woodlot." v "But what's your cash crop?" the reporter asked. * - "We'ell," said the old man, "in the fall, when everythin's laid by, I get around some, and I do pretty well at the trottin' races."--Boston Globe. Strong Hampshire Legions Mee^ Anderson's Service Sunday .It Never forgets One of the fine team of elephants at a traveling circus developed a bad cough, and the keeper, after taking counsel with the local vet, decided to dose me animal with a bijeket df water into which a whole bottle of whisky had been poured. The following day the proprietor of the circus met the keeper, and inquired after the animal. - "And how is Sally this morning?" he asked. "Sally?" replied the keeper. "Oh, she's just the same! But all the other elephants are coughing now!" --Answers Magazine. ., ; ^ ' Just an Argument / • The argument raged among a surgeon, an architect and a politician. The question: Whose profession is the oldest in the world? "It was a surgical operation when Eve was made from Adam's rib," boasted the surgeon. "Yes," returned the architect, "but before that order was created from chaos, and that was an architectural job." "Well," broke in the politician, "somebody must have created the chaos!"--Washington Post. good about winning a $17.48 prize u*. *° *"ss that mug," retorted a caustic the Northwest Sweepstakes at Paia- comrade, i-'I wouldn t be afraid to • ... swim the Atlantic!"--Foreien Service;, tine. Pete handicap. had a 66§ , series with -Foreign Serv- Mike Schaefer, bowling In the "Irish vs. Not So Irish" match at the Palace Running up one of their bi^est last Sunday went like this 223-132-215. Must have been usi thfl ^ ^ rvroc at fhn oao oaw A n/iAWoAn'« Vni> , " • w m that second game. Ed Smith went like this in the Forester league 225-228-167. How can you explain those! scores? Of course, want to use it on him sometime, a 620 series is nothing to sneeze at. j Pearson's Weekly. McHenry trimfhed Woodstock's . • » , ^ i i,Ann haam 1 a n" ^miivf ior i>it" nrst n»n« whb c weather. a y • . closely contested affair with the Serially paradmg arornd t^e cornej m * shirt sleeves. The time has come: » < Fellow Citizens! Are we going to ,ast h»lf fou"d Arl'nfJ.to" dmng ™ore stand idly by and watch this pitiable ®q"a^kiri^ than basketball playing white Swan outfit again. Bacon, condition exist? Wrap all bundles and therefore were out-scored 47-12. Winkel> and gnlith came th h carefully. ! ^•/"^^on found the hoop for 32 the last game when pins were needed. _R_ points^Adams dropped in 18, Anmalll Bacon had a 629 series. Geister top- The Arlington Heights boys mere YJ: Weisgerber lead Arlington with ped the Swans with 606. inclined to be a bit rough last Sun-110 P°»nts- + ^ i ---- day night. It must have struck the! . . enr^ Merchants have now hit a Viola Brefeld run up a neat 209 Anderson Service boys wrong. How win^ning^stnde ^ ^in .^e Ladies League Monday / Storing It Up He--See that man over there? He's a bombastic butt, a windjam* mer, a nonentity, a false alarm, a hot air, a shrimp-- Woman--Would you mind writing that down for me? He--Why? Woman--He's my husband, and I Fifty-Fifty A man had set up in busipess selling rabbit pies. One day a friend called on him and said: "John, how is it you are able to sell your rabbit pies so cheaply?" "Well, I put a proportion of horsemeat in with the rabbit," explained John. "How much horsemeat do you put; in?" asked his friend. "Oh, fifty - fifty," replied John. ) "One horse, one rabbit."--Tit-Bits rMagazine. ANOTHER CHANCE A Problem Everywfceri There was a ring at the doof. Irate Visitor--If you do not shut off your radio I shall complain to the police. Householder--If you do not like my radio you can move into another street. Irate Visitor--Let me tell you this. they poured in those baskets! Look at the box score. Harry Anderson had 32 points. --P-- The Service team has one combination that could be called the "A" team. All names start with "A." Three Andersons, Adams and Anibal- They flashed a good brand of night to brinjr victorv to her T1 already live in another street, rk with William Kreutzer lead- Z I ing scorer. Walter Kreutzer. handled the game in excellent fashmii. • --II-- Anderson's Service -- 71 FG V. 'Adams, f 8 H. Anderson, f 15 J. Aniballi, c 7 At the gmme Sunday night, a new c- Anderson, g 0 team was organized. Captain John Conway, g 1 Bolger will be at forward. Harry R- Ferwerda, g 0 Fredericks and Harry Durland will G. Anderson, g 0 also share forward duties. Earl <> -- "Legs" Dowell and Henry "Boley" i TOTALS 81 Miller will change off at center. Hank Arlington Heights -- S3 FT 2 2 8 2 0 0 © TP 18 32 Dan O'Shea is tops in th«- K. of C' League with a 242 game. John Herdrich has a 618 series post*! ed at Schaefer's. Marion Krause is goin' to town. 171 The blackboard at the Palace shows • 2 240 game across from her name. x 0 0 GIRL 8GOUT8 Heuser will take care of both guard positions without any help. | Htertel, f --II-- | Morris, f Some of our younger bowlers are Koske, f showing class. Hank Britz as a 178 Pingel, f ....... average in the Mixed Nut league.'Weisgerber, c Willys Schreiner and Bob Martin are ] Weisberger, c a couple of other young fellows who (Kapplh^ g are showing class. Then, there is Brodnan tr Petie Schaefer - he *ot up to ISO ' ' ~ one game. . . • One time we took up the problem of people turning on electric lights in chicken coups in the middle of the night to fool the old biddies into getting off their haunches and get to scratching -- thus to lay more eggs. Now it's a different story. KG .. 8 .. 0 . . 2 .. 0 .. 4 .. 1 .. 2 .. 2 2 0 0 0 2 • 1 0 1 As we didn't have school last Mon- 71 day, our party was postponed until (this Monday night at seven o'clock. TP j Because of the weather, we also post- 8 poned our Salvation Army Tag Day 0 until Saturday. The weather was 4 Brand and so we received a reasonable 0 nm of money. 101 The first game of the four we play- 2 ed in the Scout room onday night, 6, was to name as many fruits and vege- 4 tables as possible and place them un- Ceremonial "Does your wife insist on being presented at court?" "I'm afraid she does." "But great statesmen no longer permit it." "No. But we know a local Indian chief who for a consideration will arrange a satisfactory ceremonial/* BANG! BANG! TOTALS .14 HEBRON ELIMINATES MCHS IN DISTRICT MEET "In a quarrel with her fellow last night Miss Manybeaux was terribly _ burnt when the powder she had der the beginning letter of the word,' *J}eft*?S[0(!ed! 88 as the alphabet was listed on t*• paper with ample space between each range words so that they spelled furniture and other articles such as vases 'Awful! What caused it?" "So much friction, of courM." Its Purpose M 1/xwxuiwi anJ niftnfeB Af+*r- U„J i Tlwwoo iIrriissnhmmeenn weerree ggaazziinngg iinn aada-- AAT1 WWAAUUOCUOWNDDAA ' aask^ed, Jthee aannsswweerr*s off wuh*ic hv, <w,ueerset loa"b-sl mi»raStuiroen> aMt Woikees,t"m in8satiedr cPataht,e dr"ailt. . . . . | breyiations of states, we played an* hates the divil." \ bates the divil, "Faith, and that was the intention/' replied Michael.--Chicago New*. That's Different Sergeant--So you let him escape, eh? Didn't I tell you guys to guard McHlenry's high school basketball oral game where each player had to team was eliminated in the. first round name quickly a food which did not Eg® of the district tournament at Wau- contain the letter "P." prices are so low that Peggy Feltz conda by the strong Hebron five. The' We were next taken to Miss Alchases the hens off the nest to ,kfep. final score was 48 to 17. ithoff's room where sandwiches with them from laying two a day. Hebron went into an early lead and olives and pickles, milk, cake, and _ ' I the game was never close. The Mc-; cookies were served. Each scout had c t t t l ,1S u06 marvels that j Henry boys fouled too freely in an « "snapper" at her place, which Bet-| all the exits? b. I. H. hasnt been run out of town 'effort to stop Hebron shots. jty Kramer brought in honor of her Patrolman -- We did, sir. He for piclnng on certain people. Werej Hebron looms as the outstanding birthday. j musta got out by one of the enon the edge of town right now, Joe. ' squad in the tournament and may sur- After the valentines had been pass- trances. _ , . prise their many followers in sectional ed out, Nadine Schaefer, Charlene Tuesday night came a late call from • antj regional play. ! Mertes, Shirley Patzke, and myself re- Schaefers Alleys. Could we come, jn the opening game of the tourna- ce'ved the prizes. ov®r" 1J e"' we had our slippers on! ment held last evening at Whuconda,1 Much work for and old rockm' chair had /~~ T> -* - - - - there was something , - test passing has Bu?»i Richmond was defeated by Grant of.heen coming in and Miss Fisher and Fox Lake, 31-17. McHenry will meet Marengo here Friday evening in the final game of a not too successful season. .. * ANNOUNCEMENTS </ -It- Special was no name for it. That Mixed Nut gang had a masquerade. Quite a party -- and such costumes! Holy smokers -- what costumes! ! Now^f^'^m^'on'^rS W»WAT COMMI&SIONH! what people wear, but if everything1 ^ desire to announce that .I will be a goes right there will be a picture on candidate for the office of highway the sport page. May have to wait(commissioner for McHenry township until next week before it is developed. at the election to be held on Tuesday, I April 4. Your vote and support is Back to Petie. He wore ladies solicited. clothing. A veiled hat with two long 39-2 JOS. J. "Butch** FREUND. pheasant feathers. The skirt Miss Althoff are swamped with work correcting them. But keep it up, because we want the best, investiture ceremony we've had yet. BONNIE; JPJUGE. N O T I C B was sheer and short, but long underwear saved the day. To Sportsmen of McHenry County: There is a beautiful trophy awaiting for the best amateur trap shooter over the handicap scores. There is no entry fee. The winner of. this match keeps the trophy forever. Shooters can fire the 25 targets on 16 yards any day. Sunday, February 26, between the hours of 11 a. m.* Eternal Feminine Visitor--So you're the oldest inhabitant? Village Ancient -- Well, strictly •peakin', sir, my ole woman is, but she won't have it.--Stray Stories Magazine. Labor Relations Mrs. Green--Your husband is a manufp£turer. Has he had any trouble witlr sit-down strikes? Mrs. Brown--None whatever--he runs a tack factory.--Farm Journal. Fanny Freund wore a Pop-eye outfit pipe and all. --I-- Rosemary Hettermann was the cop. *40-6 That gang kept her pretty busy keeping order. v j FOR SUPERVISOR I desire to announce that I will be|and 1 p.m. only. a candidate for the office of supervisor Regulations, largest bore of gun 12 for McHenry township at the election j gauge, not loaded heavier than 3 to be held on Tuesday, April 5. Your drams of powder, 1*4 ounce of shot, support and vote will be appreciated, j not larger than 7% chill shells. For MATH N. SCHMlTT. sale on premises at JERRY'S PLACE, --: ! Wonder Lake. 39-2 I She Should Know 1 Delores--Why do they call English the'mother tongue, daddy dear? * Daddy--Ask your mother. She's the only one who gets a chance to um it. Steve Jancoff of Toledo, Ohio, was; robbed of his door key. Later thieves Two gunmen took precautions while Harold Freund "wa«i a fcesp big entered his home and' stole $50 worth they robbed Mrs. Mary Pardovich«jpf sauaw Indian -- well padded. His of money and property. • . : #300 in her Chicago store. They lockwife wore a gypsy costume. j ed the front door and put up a sign -<• • ... /1 Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedtes at that read: "Will be back in 15 min- Ramsgate's Coat of Ariiv Ramsgate, England, has a coat of arms showing a shield between a life boatman and a coastguard, while above the shield is a crown and a lighthouse. John Herdrich and "Speed* Still-j Watties Drug Store 39-trutes." of Name Vernon The name Vernon is of Latin oti» gin and means "flourishing." It may also be a residence name from the town of Vernon in Normandy. Verne and Verner are other forma. Bride (sobbing)--Look how the rain is pouring down on my wedding day. Bridesmaid--Don't cry, dear, next time it will probably be clear and bright. Noisy An agent was showing a prospective tenant over a small0 cottage, and explained that he required a quiet family. "Have you any children?" hp inquired. "No!" "Have you a piano or wireless?" "No." "Do you play any musical instrument?" "No, but my pen scratches sometimes."-- Tit-Bits Magazine. My, O My! Molly had just arrived back from a char-a-banc outing. "How did you enjoy yourself, Molly?" asked her grandma. "O, it was all very beautiful, but you should just see the 'Devil's Gorge.' " • "My dear," reproved the shocked old lady, "you shouldn't speak like that of your friends. I expect the ride and the fresh air gave them an appetite." |K>METmNG MISSING CR "So you met Smith at the dinner --how'd you find him?" "Not half I expected." "He must have left his better half It home." Just Sew-Sew "Oh, dear," said the young wife. "Willy is such a poor dresser ! Half the buttons are usually missing from his clothes." "Perhaps," observed the husband's aunt, acidly, "they aren't sewed on securely." "That's exactly it," sighed- the wife. "Willy's awfully careless about his sewing." llrlnwi .<s Pool of Apples The peel of apples is more than six times as rich in vitamin C as is the flesh near the core. The skin also furnishes desirable bulk in the diet. ' \x The game of games will be played They defeated the Waukegan Moose -^ V?•' at the M. C. H. S. gym on February' 42-35 two weeks ago, Paul Sokody* \-. 26th, Sunday night,, at 8:15. The has changed suits from the Walz-Meefc »• • Hampshire Legion will oppose Ander sort's Service. Hampshire has won 24 games and lost 4, having defeated the best teams in Northern Illinois. to the Legion and is now playing for* ward/. . ^ -• The preliminary game will start at " 4a '•> 7 o'clock -- Promptly! . ;v POTPOURRI* Cranberries The eranberry plant is a-trailing vine from which grow long slender stems on which the fruit appears. These stems are curved like the neck of a crane--hence the name craneberry, or cranberry. Over a million bushels a year are used in this country coming principally from New Jersey, Cape Cod and Wisconsin. $ Western Newspaper Union. DONNIE By ANNE CAMPBELL Donnie can trade toil for gold, j Though he is just ten years old! Poverty's cold winds have blown ' Thrpugh th^yfta^^at he^ hii;! known. • . ' ', •"i. v .. There are lawns that must be cut ; There are basements to be cleaned; Chimneys emptied of their soot; . Donnie will not be demeaned By an idle day when he Can support his Jamiljrj^ Donnie reads his mothers heart. Her discouraged tears must start, But his own tears do not fall. Strong men learn to scale Life's . . wall! There are childreH to be tended ; There are floors that he can mop: Gates and fences to be mended! Donnie's toil can never stop. Uncomplaining, comforted, Donnie pays for milk and bread. Every joy of Donnie's lies In his mother's patient eyes. As the days march steadily To the man that he will be! Copyright.--WNU Servlc*. Dollar Day SPECIALS! MIRRORS at Vt price while they last -- Some with r frames! PENCILS reg. 5c, 4 for 15c PENCILS, reg. lc, 10c do* NOTE BOOK PAPER, 4 packs for 15c. SCHOOL BAGS, 20% Dis* count. NOTE BOOK COVER, reg. 10c, for 8o; reg-. 25c for 20c. VACUUM BOTTLES, Discount. WASTE BASKET, reg 39c value at 29c. CREPE PAPER, any-color, 4 folds for 35c. CHARMIN TOILET TISSUE. 4 rolls for 25c. BOX STATIONERY, at 20 per cent discount. NOVELS-- Mystery, Wild West Adventure Story Books at 15c each. FLASHLIGHTS*, 20^ count. Albert Krause -- Office Supplies -- News Agency -- Elm Street Gapes Disease of Chickens Gapes is a disease ef chickens. It is caused by small worms which attach themselves to the lining of the windpipe and came strangulation by closing the air passages. at the Nye Store - West McHenry $1.25 Candy Dishes $1.25 to $1.50 Chromium Items (for wedding gifts or card prixet) $1.00 $100 2 J 91.25 Elgin Compacts $1.25 to $1.50 Salt and Peppers. $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 to $1.50 Cigarette Cases $1.00 Picture Frames *1.00 7« Tftble Model Reconditioned Radios at $2-50 - $3.50 - $4.00 - $5.00 (guaranteed to give service) V«w Zenith, Crowley. RC. A. Radios at $9-95 and «p Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop Main Street McHanry < "