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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1939, p. 8

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Society Notes C. D. OF A. ithqlic Daughters of America met Tuesday evening for their regular business meeting, following which cards were played. Prizes were woi by Misses Mildred Kinsala and evieve Knox. Their next meeting/will be on Thursday, April 20, at which time a social evening will be enjoyed. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS ; The Christian Mothers of St. Mail's church will hold their regular meeting at the school hall Friday . evening, April 14- - f 4. • The men and women Foresters of St. Mary's parish received an forita* lion from St. Stephanus court at Aurora to attend a card party and dance which it was sponsoring Wednesday evening. Sevetal from here attended. * • • • •/.rn- O. E. S. ' t - * Order of Eastern Star met In *Hgvlar session Monday evening. Misses Frances and Elsie Vycital and Sylvia Snydnr served on the committee. Business was transacted the early part of the evening, after which a social hour was enjoyed. Following cards, lunch was" served, with decorations approd VIEW ART EXHIBIT Twelve members' and one guest of the Women's club of Hebron motored j priate to the Easter season, to the home of Mrs. C. W. Klontz in this city last Thursday afternoon to view her art exhitbit. INe cream and cake was served the guests by members of a church organization. M. E. WOMEN'S ASSN. . ».The McHenry County - Like County North Shore and Northwest suburban groups of the Methodist Women's association will hold >«n all day meet- FOX RIVER VALLEY, R.N. A, Pox River Valley ' Camp, R. N. A., will meet Tuesday evening, April 18, at 7:30 o'clock! The business meeting will be followed by a public card party. Everybody is welcome. There will be refreshments and prizes. Mrs. Marie Schaefer is chairman of the committee which is composed of Mrs. •Frances Froehlich, Mrs."Harriet Fasse, ing at the Grace Community church j Mrs. John Phalin ahd Mm*. Charles a t L a k e B l u f f F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 4 . R e g - 1 R e i h a n s p e r g e r . - , • ^ ' • i s t r a t i o n w i l l b e h e l d a t 9 : 3 0 . i p t h e • ' * - i ° morning. SURPRISE PARTY Stanley Schaeffer, whose '.marriage 'fd-. 'Miss Ltouise Weingart will take The Mothers' Club wiff meet Fri-'j place Saturday, was surorised, by a day, April 14, at the American" Legion j group of his pals at the Clarence Marhall, McHenry. Mrs. George Kramer , tin home Monday, where .ah -enjoyable OOtmrOEVENTB *4 * w----» > •» •*!>»««•.*•& ' AprU 14 ; ' j Meeting -- MottKheerrss' Clui) -- American Legion Hall--Mrs. George Kramer. Meeting--Christian Mothers--School i •- April ii ^ \' /'•>: Dance--Fox Pavilion--Alumni Association. ; April IS Pot-ILuck Supper--M. E. Church--6:30 p. m. April 18 Meeting--Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A.--7:30 p.m. April 20 > Meeting--C. D. of A. Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 89-fp Buy your bally chicks it the Parmer ® Mill. Phone 29. > 41-tf ATTY. & J, KMIOHT * SEEKS DBMOC1ATIO • JtTOOI KOMIKATION Attorney B. J. Knight of Rockford will seek the Democratic nomination for circuit judge at the nominating convention of the Democratic party to be held on the night of April 15 at Rockford. In the absence of any other avowed candidates for the Democratic nomination, the Rockford attorney is expected to be the district convention's choice to carry the party's flag in the June 5th judicial election. Democratic central committee chairmen in Winnebago, Lake, Boone and McHenry counties, comprising the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, have announced support of a plan to name but one Democratic candidate for 'judge although three are to be elected in June. MARGARST TRAITOR, S3, DIES AT HOME OF SON, ON JECKS FARM Mrs. Margaret R. Trainor, 83 years old, died at the home of her son, Wilbur, who resides on the Jecks farm near this city, Friday morning, April 7, 1939, at 4 o'clock. She had been ill a week. The deceased, the widow of the late Charles Trainor, had lived hb.-e about two years, prior to which time she had made her home with her son and family in Woodstock for twelve years. Resides the two sons, Charles J. and Wilbur A., ten grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held Monday morning in St. Mary's church here with burial in St. Mary's cemetery. ; Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf NON-SKI* Held vow rupture wfch the prwtail Mquirac by ankmn tram. ^ iBb [n»|| kweneedSpet In? nS&SktBum i ' i f - Many diffeme itykt , spring and Battle. Lac H expert fitter prcacrfcT a "NON-SKID" Tnm far your requirement* and end your rupture tremble* today MCI CONSlLlATItlV THOMAS P. BOLOER| . ,,,blUg(|»|t:. .' t ; * McHeafy evening was spent with cards and visiting. Lun^h was served at the close of the evening and the honored guest presented with two gifts. Those present were: Robert Martin, Wm. Bacon, David and Roy, Karnholz, Raymond and Chester Howard. Maurice and Willys Schreiner, Harold and Charles Vycital, Charles Brda and Robert Frisby, Jr. »""E LOOM FAIRMOUNT flere'i real news, men! Real, thoroughbred Fruit-of-the-Loom Pajamas for only $1.65 -- and In tke newest, smartest of patterns. Real nightwear luxury at a price that sets a new standard for value. AD made with the new Loomsnap "Lastex™ Pliabelt waistband (no strings -- no buttons). MM<r Stiysim Omk Middr* pfttrft f irffar f lift Imrplicr CmMs McGee's will be the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ben Dietz, Mrs. Frank Hughes and Mrs. Berthold. Mr. Duker's public speaking class will be guests. • * «t ' „ PARENT - TEACHERS' • Regular meeting of the Parent -Teachers' association of St. Mary - St. Patrick school was held Wednesday afternoon, April 12. Mothers of the fifth grade pupils served as hostesses, with Mrs. Walter Carey chairman. Gerald Reed spoke on "Education in Russia." . v • • • ATTEND ftaft--" Marin Krause, Julia McLaughlin, Mrs. Stasia Malone of Elgin is Elvira Schroeder, Helen Conway, Dor- spending several days with her sister, othy Fisher, Agnes Freund and Clarice! Mrs. M. J. Walsh, and other relatives Purvey were Chicago visitors Wednes-! here. She, in company with Floyd and MRS. STASIA MALONE; RETURNS HOME FROM SOJOURN IN FLORIDA day, where they attended the stage play, "I Married an Angel," at the Grand Opera House. Louise Smith of Chicago was also a member of the party. Previous to witnessing the play, the group had dinner at the Blackstone hotel where they heard Bob Crosby and his orchestra and listened to his broadcast. They returned home on the midnight train. * * « W. C. O. F. St. Clara's Court. W. C. O. F., will meet at St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall this (Thursday) evening, April 13. Thirteen members of the court attended installation ceremonies of St Cecelia's court of St. Nicholas parish, where Fr. Frank Miller is stationed, at Aurora Tuesday evening. Those making the trip were as follows: Gertrude Weber, Barbara Kruase, Evelyn Blake, Caroline Justen, Caroline Sthiessle, Schmitt, Weber, Mathilda Gerasch, Kate Worts, Mary Freund and Ella Buss. Frances Kaelin of Aurora was also present. Merlin Aylward, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aylward of Elgin, returned last Thursday from Jacksonville, Fla., where she had been a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaney since December 24. * Mrs. Malone and the boys left Jacksonville early Tuesday morning, April 4, arriving in Elgin Thursday evening. One night was spent in Tennessee and one in Kentucky enroute. She reports a very delightful "winter sightseeing, during which time she visited almost every town and city of any importance in the state, in company with the Heaney family by whom she was royally entertained and who left nothing undone for her comfort. The Sunday before her return was spent with Mr. and Mrs. Heaney, daughter, Catherine, Mayme and Margaret Aylward and Floyd and Merlin Aylward at Jacksonville Beach, Where a picnic dinner and bathing was enjoyed' in a temperature of 81 degrees. Florence Blake, MTrgTreV^evening they were all entertain- Margaret Freund, Helen at dinner in the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. James Boyle and family, former local residents. Members of the Boyle family are in good health and well pleased with Florida, where they recently purchased a new home. Report of Cbndrtion of WEST McHENRY STATE BANK i ?£°^nry ^est McHenry), in the State of Illinois, a member e Reserve System, at the close of business on March 29, 1939, published in accordance w*ith a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. ASSETS 1. Loans and discounts (including $111.02 overdrafts) $341,905.87 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 301,810.87 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 15,395.33 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures ....* 104,653.65 5. Corporate stock (including $3,000.00~s^k <rf Fedenrt Reserve bank) 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection 7. Bank premises owned $7,549.70, furniture and fuctures $1>244.16 , *• Real estate owned other than bank premises 3,003.00 126,718.91 ** 8,793.86 1,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS .$903,281.49 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, porations . 14. Ti and corj . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . * . . . $ 3 3 9 , 5 6 6 . 6 6 ime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $748,052.06 23. Other liabilities 330,003.29 72,467.06 6,016.14 18,980.43 'TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including obligations ; shown in item 33) .$767,032.48 CAPITAL ACCOUNT 25. Capital * ...^.............,.......w; 60,000.00 26. Surplus -- 60,000.00 27. Undivided profits ... 28,149.01 28. Reserves (and ^tirement account for preferred capital) 8,100.00 29. TOT AIL CAPITAL ACCOUNT - .$136,249.01 Hi TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNT .................$903,281.49 •This bank's capital consists of common stock.with total par value of $50,000.00. MEMORANDA 81. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value)'r (a) U.S, Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities • ; (e) TOTAL 8/ Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged requirements of law -... ,..4 27,000.00 .4 27,000.00 assets pursuant to ..$ 25,000.00 (e) TOTAL $ 25,000.00 $8. (b) Other obligations not included in item 24 which are subordinated to claims of depositors and other creditors ;.... $ 37,823.39 I, Gerald. J. Carey, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GERALD J. CAREY Correct--Attest: JOS. W. FREUND, SIMON "STOFFEL, C. J. REIHANSPERGER, < " ' Directors. Among the Sick George Thompson of Barrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson of McHenry, is a patient in the Sherman hospital, Elgin, where he underwent an appendectomy last Friday. Mrs. AI Barbian and daughter, 'Rita, were confuted to their home on Riverside Drive several days last week with influenza. Mrs. Thomas Phalin is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism and has been confined jUi bed at her home on John street. John J., little son pf Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, who had" been ill with bronchial pneumonia, suffered a relapse several days ago and is now under the care of Mrs. Sibre Whiting, R. N. His condition is Improving. "Steve Harvey, who is recuperating from an appendix operation performed recently, is spending the week at his home in Lily Lake. Miss Edythe Geary, night operator at the local telephone exchange, who has been very ill at St. Therese hospital following an operation Monday of last week, is reported improving. Edward Knox, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident a few weeks ago, is making satisfactory progress at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Barbara Engeln, granddaughter. Mrs. Virginia Thomas, and Mrs. Richard Cronin returned home from Rochester, Minn., Sunday, where they were called on Wednesday of last week by the serious illness of the for mer's son, John "Toddy" Engeln, who was operated on at Mayo Bros, a few weeks ago. His wife, who has been with^Mm since the operation, remained at Rochester. Latest reports are that his condition is little improved. Robert Stilling, son wf Mr. and Mrs. George Stilling, is absent from his work at the local high school and con fined to bed because of illness. Math M. Niesen is ill at his homo on Riverside Drive. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hamil have trtoV ed into the upper flat of the Web< r place on Charles street. -Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kemper have moved from a cottage near Johnsburg to the A. J. Kamholg house on Main street. Mr. Kemper is manager of the Standard Oil station at the intersection of Routes 20 and 31. Wm. Buchert has rented h^s oil sta tion on Route 31 to the Superior Oil company. Elmer Jensen, the new manager, took over the business last week. •Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Tanners Mill. Phone 2t 41-tf Buy your baby chick* , at the Vfcnness mil. Phone ». ^ -- 4S-tf Tnomai. /? THE HENRY DRUGGIST' Ms HENRY* ILLINOIS* Pl Ml »,A 75c Pazo Ointment ... 63^ % 100 Bayer Aspirin ... . 59^ 75c Listerine .. 59 c 35c Freezone 24^ $1.00 Larvez 79C 50c Calox ...... 39c 50c Ipana ... .... ....... ... 39^ 50c Kolynos ..... 39d 65c Pines 54<^ 50c Yeast Foam ~ Tablets 43«> 60< ALKASiLTlER \oo Moke-up *"^/e Three-in-ons make-up kit half the price you'd expect to pay VALUE ONLY \\V Luxurious Dorothy Gray combination--$3 value at j$1.50> Jfgu, p.i .ation MAKE-UP FILM, smooth and delicate in texture. Gives skin a youthful looking moistness, without • shining or gumming. Makes make-up cling lightly, serene- i ly. Plus ELATION FACE POWDER, exquisite, light-as-asigh, scented with lilting Elation Perfume. Plus DOROTHY : CRAY IJPSTICK, creamy-moist, flattering. In correctly harmonizing shades, of course! ^ ICE CREAM MACAROON-BLACK RASPBERRY ICE-MACAROON Two delicious layers of Macaroon ice cream with the deep almond flavor of fresh macaroon cookies, baked especially for Luick, and famous Luick Black Raspberry Ice with the true berry flavor. . . /: <60c Murine ... - 49C 60c Minit Rub 49C Dextri Maltose 63C Dyan Shine 19^ 75c Noxex&a 49^ 60o Corega 43^ 50c Lysol 43d 75c Ovaltine '. ~r-59d 65c Bisodol 49d 35c Italian Balm - 29d 50c Pablum • • y, 43C 40c Castoria ^ 31C 26c ' ••-WPHILLIP'S MILK 07 IIAONESIA TOOTH PASTE --with Rose Colored----~ 19c PALMOUVF SHAVtN* CREAM Brush/ess WRedubr SO 4 DOK'S I* . £ 1 aei i%/ t009\ JELLY 27t m KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS 200 SHEETS Medium Size 49<^ U p j o h n SUPER D COB LIVER OIL ; 1 pint $1.19 , $1.98 H E A T I N G PADS --close-outs-- ; 98^ GiUette FREE! GILLETTE SHAVING CREAM o i i i r T1 r rt I U i H : A n E PAST t ( T i \ V I V S « > M F I nPSODENr y TooPASTE 40^ SiZC 33 P I N T r H|NEIoll $1.00 Adlerika 79<* Palmolive Soajf, 6 bars -- 25^ $1.00 Nujol _L....... -I 59c 60c Rem 49C 25c Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder • 15d 50c Vitalis .... 39d 25c Feenaraittt 19tf 75c Jar Barbasol... 43d 75c Fitch Shampoo 59d Pint Witch Hazel 29d COOUVlK OIL r/m PlNt 1/3 Pint Free with purchase t>f 1 Pint GU<|¥ Coat, $1 value 50c William's Shave Cream 39c $1.00 Miles Nervine ... 79^ Blue Jay Com Plasters ' Rubbing- A3oohol, 1 pint 9^ $1.00 Mar-O-Oil Shampoo .... 4 67 <t Alarm Clocki 98^ ^ Toot* paste 4n> sue 75* •. NAYBELUNE '666* IfftSiCTS 23) ITt - • v . ••fi- . . ' - r S

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