Society Notes ' v. • ALTAR AND ROSARY • 1fhe Altar and Rosary society of St Patrick's church will sponsor a public card party at the home of Mrs. Richard Fleming, on Wednesday April 26 at 2 p. m. SPONSOR DA NOB The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. dfohn's church in Johnsburg is sponsoring a benefit dance to be held in the Johnsburg school hall Wednesday evening, May 3, Proceeds will go to the church. Old and Young are invited. e • Mrs. Harry. entertained tfce members of ttye Oefcaert - Bridge club at her home ,Twewia$;j*f$«rnoon. Contract bridge , and prizes were won bj-,. A1 Barbian, Mrs. Floyd Cdfcley and ms. Harold Owen. <+ • • t ' P. T. A. <JIE&T SPARER Miss Bertha \^llingtop of the :D& vision of OhiW Hjgione, State Department of Public mcmho^s of tfcc, "Tuberculosis" at l'ick school hall at 3 o'clock hi the This meetin who wishes ti urged to briQg Will speak to association on |try - Sjfe« Patfesday, May 3, oon. open to anyone Members are "friends. . ^ If you're found ordinary trusses a makeshift, don't , be discouraged. Science end experience have worked together to end rupture handicaps--to give you Complete physical and mental ease. Let H> fit you with the amazing, NEW NON-SKID SPOT-PAD TRUSS You'll see at a glance how the new ^Non-Skid Spot-Pad" feoture holds the rupture securely with only one-half the pressure of ordinary trusses. Light ond comfortable, you can wear it with- • out being conscious of it. The "Spot" holds the hernia „ securely, as with your fingers, while the non-skid surface keeps the pad from slipping. ^ v • fic Fitting By Experts f ^and consult us without cost of*. obligation. There is a "Spot-Pod" Truss to fit your exact requirement^. THO|||L§ P. BOLGER • • Druggist ; Pfcone 40 McHenry and bunco FOX RIVER VALJLEY Seven tables of . 4jtr<fc were played at th£ jMbtfc card party sponsored by Fox stiver. Valley Camp, ft. N. A., Tuesday evening. A business meeting preceded the . soda! evening. ' Prizes in bridge frgre .won by Mrs. Ed Sutton, Miss Mary fcinney arid Mrs. Margaret Bienapfl; i» five hundred by Mrs. Henry Kins*la, and in bunco *y. Mrs. Ida Kreutzer. . A lovely lunch was served by the committee. j. » Scien ^Come i SWELL SAVED HONEY COUNTY LEGiqK MEETING Dr. Stephen F. French of Elmhurst will be the speaker at the County Legion meeting to be held at Fox River Grove on April 27. The meeting will be held in the Cemocky dance pavilion. Dr .French is a member Of the State Legion Child Welfare commission All Legionnaires are urged to attend. • • • PARENT - TEACHERS' At the meeting of the Parent-Teachers' association held last week plans were made for a style show to be held at the school hall some time in May for the benefit of the school. The next meeting of the association will be held on May 3, when mothers of the fourth grade pupils will be hostesses with Mrs. Bernard' N. Smith as chairman. • • • ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Anouncement has been made of the engagement of Miss Marjorie Zim< merman of North Avers avenue, cago, to Wilbur S. Strom. Mi3s Zimmerman is a graduate of Northwestern University. The Zimmerman family is well known here. They have maintained a summer home near the golf course for several years.', • • • £. R. R. PINOCHLE CLUB Members of East River Road Pinochle club held their last meeting with Mrs. George Glos at her home at Emerald Park Thursday. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Vales, Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Mrs. W. W. Feiind. Miss Mary Sutton, a guest of the afternoon, was presented with a guest prize. Their next meeting; will bo with Mrs. Vafes. . _ DESSERT - LUNCHEOTT Mrs. W. B. Tonyan and Mrs. Howard Wattles entertained at a dessert - luncheon at the home of the latter Tuesday evening of last week. The affair was one in a series of card parties being sponsored by the Mothers Club for the benefit of the public library. Six tables of bridge were played with prizes won by Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. A. R. Sutton and Mrs. George Miller. m 9 m BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs. M. W. Crouch was pleasantly surprised by a group of relatives and friends at her new home on Route 31 Saturday* evening in honor of her birthday. Guests numbered about twenty, "fifteen of whom were from Chicago. A merry social evening was enjoyed and the guest of honor was presented with gifts. Refreshments were served'at the close of the evening. ing in honor of the twenty-fifth wedding anntaorsa.ry of Mr. and "Mr* Clyde C. Wright A pleasant social evening was enjoyed, at the conclusion of which lunch wias served. Messages of congratulations were tender ed' the honored couple and they were presented with lovely gifts on this occasion. Among those. present ^ece: Mrs. Lyda Dalezal, Miss Zelma Russell and Charles Schaurson of Chicago, Mi. and Mrs. Norman Washo of Lak^^rorich, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michel and family of Belvidere, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crook and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell of Round Lake, Mrs. Crook of Qak Park and Joseph Wiser. ST. MARY'S CHURCH SCENE OF COLONIAL r ' WEDDING SATURDAY 3 Features on WILSON BROTHERS | SHIRTS 1 I. Seamless OBAN K-V Collar 2. Trim V-SHAPED Waist j li AII SANFORIZED ^ Shrunk • . *2 McGee's Overton Motor Sales 1938 Olds '8' Four-Door Trunk Sedan, deluxe equipment, radio, run 15,00 miles $850 Buick Two-Boor Trunk Sedan, deluxe equipment, ra dio, etc., run only miles uuj a - *775 1937 Dodge DeLuxeJour-Door Trunk Sedan, perfect condi - tion, guaranteed $550 1936 Olds- DeLuxe Four-Door Trunk Sedan, new tires, radio -- Can't, tell from new, only dL ... $475 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe Master Coupe, perfect condition -- Can't tell from new $395 1936 Pontiao Four-Door De Luxe Trunk Sedan, beautiful gnnmet al finish, good-will guarantee $450 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan, black finish, low mileage and new tires $400 Twenty Others to Choose From Prices from $50.00 up W. C. O. F. A chicken diriner at the Cadillac Cafe on Riverside Drive will precede installation ceremonies of St. Clara's court, W. C. O. F., next Thursday evening, April 27. Service will begin at 6 o'clock and all those wishing to attend are asked to make reservations with Mary Freund, 111-W, or Helen Weber, 89-R, not later than Tuesday morning. 1 n nAn l Following the dinner, installation of 17,000 j0ff jcers will take place in St. Maty- St. Patrick school hall, after Which there will be cards and lunch. Payments to suit your purse on the low, liberal General Motors Plan! R. I. Overton Motor Sales Where Customers Send Their Friends - BUICK AND PONTIAO - West McHenry -- Phone 6 Introducing Dorothy Qray Cosmetics ... Three-iii-one make-up kit--at r hua„lifr t.hke. price .y.o..u.'.d'j e-x pect to .p.a..y. ' N *.< VALUE : ONLY \\v Luxurious Dorothy Gray combination--$3 value at $1.5(1..-: JMnr ELATION MAKE-UP FILM, smooth and delicate in tcx^ . lure. Gives skin a youthful looking moiatneu. without shining or gumming. Makes make-up cling lightly, Krene»i If. Ptm ELATION FACE POWDER, exquisite, light-as-a.}; --g*», scented with lilting Elation Perfume. Plus DOROTHlf j GRAY LIPSTICK, creamy - moist, flattering. In correctly . hrnionuini shades, of emtru! ' AT BOLG ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained a1 group of friends and relatives at their home on. Main street, Saturday evening at a 6:30 o'clock dinner. A social evening was spent; with bridge and pinochle furnishing diversion. Guests, were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of iRlngwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and Miss Maude Granger of this city. • • • MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club held its regular monthly meeting at the American Legion hall last Friday afternoon, with Mrs. George Kramer as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ben Dietz, Mrs. Frank Hughes and Mrs. Berthold. The public speaking class, under the supervision of Supt. C. H. Duker, presented a program. Mrs. Richard' Fleming was in charge in the absence of the president, Mrs. Paul Schwerman. Games were played and lunch served. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns will be hostess at the meeting in May. , a * * BWTTHDAY PART* Mrs. Robert Frisby «was surprised by a group of friends at her home on Charles street Sunday evening in compliment to her birthday which occurred a few days before. Four tables of five hundred were played, with prizes won by E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Robert Frisby, M. A. Sutton and Miss Kate McLaughlin. Lunch was served at the close of the games and the honored guest presented with a gift. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton, Misses Barbara and Gertrude Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber, Miss Kate McLaughlin, Tom McLaughlin and Mr, and Mrs George Miller. ! Photo T>jr Worwick MR®. STANLEY SCHAFFER In a very pretty all-Colonial wedding performed Saturday morning at nine o'clock, in St. Mary's church, Miss Louise Weingart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart of thi3 city, and Mr. Stanley Schaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer, also of this city, were united in marriage. They repeated their vows before an altar massed with red roses and white lilies, intermingled with fern3. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the ceremony and Nuptial High Mass. The charming bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of Chantilly lace and net, the jacket being of lace, and the full skirt of net. It was made with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Her fingertip veil of net was fashioned with a headpiece of Chantilly lace and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. As her only jewelry the bride wore a fifty-six year old gold necklace belonging to her maternal grandmother, who wore it when she was married. Miss Evelyn Weingart, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a frock of blue net over blue satin. On her head was a coronet of plaited blue flowers with a net veil. She carried a bouquet of shell-pink sweet peas. Willys Schreiner served the groom as best man and ushers were Donald Weingart and Robert Martin. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was had at the home of the bride's parents and at noon, dinner was served members of the immediate families at Jos. Hettermann's in Johnsburg. In the afternoon and evening a wedding reception for about sixty guests was held in St. Mary - St. Patrcik school hall, where decorations were in pink. The bride and groom left on a short honeymoon, and are now at home to their many friends on Main street. Mr. Schaffer is employed as a carpenter. EIGHT YEARS OLD little Dorothy Ann Justen, daugh- - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Ju3ten, entertained a group of classmates and friends at her home Tuesday afternoon in honor of her eighth birthday. Games were played and prizes were won by Marie Justen, Mary Elaine Bauer, Marion Grace Conway, and Dorothy Ann Justen. The little guests remembered their hostess with many gifts. Late in the afternoon refresh ments were served at a long table, centered with a decorated, tiered birthday cake. Among those present were: Marion Grace Conway, Joanne Freund, Marie Justen, Donna Freund, Terry Bauer, Mary Elaine Bauer, Lucille Knox, Janice Justen, Anna Herdrich, Ruth Ann Johnson, Joanne Nett, Charlene and Josephine Guercio and Cecile Tonyan. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell of Lake Defiance gave a surprise party at their home at Lake Dvftaaea Sunday ma* Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox are parents of a son born last Thursday at the Woodstock hospital. The Joe Mays announce the birth of a daughter at the Woodstock hospital last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cary are parents of a daughter born Sunday at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan. Residence Chang* Dr. and Mrs. L. B. gone to housekeeping Murphy have in the upper flat of the house formerly known as the Math Heimer residence on Waukegan street, recently purchased by Mrs. Christina Nell. Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund have moved from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, to their new home recently completed at Fair Oaks. Mrs. Raymond McCarthy, son, Raymond, and Mrs. R. J. Deady of Chicago and Mrs. Steve Kelly and son, James, of Libertyville visited Miss Genevieve Knox Saturday. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph May has been named Joann Frances. Boy your baby ektcks at tbe Farmers MilL Fhou 39. 41-tf 8SEtf TO SKT MINIMUM WAGE LEVEL FOR STATE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS According teach $8#0 to a statement issued Saturday by the Illinois Education association, one-third of the elementary hers in Illinois receive less than per year. Measures now pending in the Legislature Would set a minimum wage level for teachers of $800 per year. Mrs. Irving Pearson, executive secretary of the association, stated: "The State now guarantees a minimum support level sufficiently high to no longer warrant teachers' salaries of $600, $600 and $700. A minimum wage provision is necessary to asure a reasonable minimum educational return for the investment, made by the iState and local district." The proposed minimum wage measure would affect forty-one McHenry county elementary teachers, according to the Education association, sponsor of the minimum wage proposal. A study is cited, showing that lowsalaried iteachers are handicapped hr professional growth. Rural teachers receiving $650 per year spend' au average of only $18 annually for summer school study, professional literature, and other means of professional growth. "® The association farther states that Illinois r^nks twenty-seventh in the average salary paid to white teachers in one-room rural schools. Cyclone Electric Brooder^ tor Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Dru^ Store. 89-fp i ' , DANCE For St. John's Church, Johnsburg -- Sponsored by . Young Ladies dality. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3RD OLD AND YOUNG Trapdoor Spider Good Waiter A trapdoor spider has been knowh to lie at its door three months, waiting for a victim. AUCTION Consignment Sale at the STATE LINE SALES BARN on the Illinois and Wisconsin line on' U. S. Highway 12, Genoa City, Wis.) FRIDAY, APRIL 28 * : -- Commencing at 10 a. m., Shaffp «-i- Merchandise, Machinery and •: Livestock * - - -, a - ' --Ukrms of Sale All sums of $25.00 and' under cash, over that amount, 6 months credit bearing 3% interest. Interest Or fijhnancial arrangements of 6 to 20 mos. time at 6% interest. • •; v \ * j : L. J. KLOPPSTEIN ' gj^Sales Managocy- *. ".V • 1L H. Freeman, Auctioneer' Thorp Finance Co., Thorp, Wis., Cleffca Cyclone Electric Brooders ftr Sale at the Vfcrpera MOL Phone V «l-tf OA T V3ty(McmSimnvcM. onLJj mattresses All With Scientific Simmons nnerspring Centers S i m m o n s SfiOMONS COMFORT AT A SURPRISINGLY 7 LOW COST TO MATCH_*19.75 EXCELLENT -fiALITY Here are three outstanding values in Sleeping comfort. Come in and see them. Then, "Choose Yoilr Comfort/' . ' I t , . ^ : / ' & X y "~[ ^ *> ••*** St. ^ . 'i.: S i m m o n s BEAUTYREST Known from coast to coast. S37 tiny coils in individual cloth pockets; sag-proof edges; adjusts itself instantly to every move yon make! One Week Only--- Extra Special Sale Regular $18.50 Coil Spring Mattresses, full or twin sto Regular $11.50 All Felt Mattress, fall or twin sise Regular $ Regular $ 8.50 Felt and Cotton Mattresa, full oriwin sixe 5.50 Cotton Mattrew, full or twin siye >150® $ ».75 J 6-W J 4-86 N. ^ JUSTEN & SON Phone 63-W - vf Wm McBamy h, - .1,^. «» +• •'a