' s . k* «• # t' ;Sp « 'j&tH if* St? < f*w*T a emsris YM PageFouf •'# * v* • A f^'-V-C'T f5S/f ••*£ Vij.£ v* ?• •> ' **>.•? !* •% ;«$*Z' **?'& , '> ' ' * '*' * ^ V>" *" ' * ^ ' ',» A <•»«»' - fc*. , » . i„".' *» « , •»»*•» «" >'? -« '» f ' we, i » - «• *1* „•.«$».' '«• •• *< ',/>/} >r».f t«.»» |,t „ ., », .*1' ' 'TH E HcHKNBY PLAIHDBALXE ' THE M'HENRY PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at Metienry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under . *the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months ...$2.00 ...$1.00 H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Ic* JC- *l. gSt V <%. SUSTAIN IN it M. E. CHURCH NOTES ( You are invited to attend services :.at this church every Sunday. Sunday School--10 a.m. ,'.•„* ; Morning Worship--11a.m. ' • ; • Epworth League--7-:3Q p. til, " .*.. Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor. COMING BVKNT|| , April 27 _ Installation Dinner -- WtC. O. F.,-- Cadillac Cafe. . %•, County Legion Meeting--Pox R1*« Grove. . May 2 Open Meeting --St. Mary's Court -- Thomas Cannon Jubilee. Public Card Party--Riverview Camp -- K. C. Hall. v May S P. T. A. Meeting:--Bertha Wellington -- St. Mary - St. Patrick School hall. Dance -- Young Ladies' Sodality -- Johnsburg School haft May 4 Pot-Luck Supper^--C. D. of' C. hall. , : GRAND OPENING Bill. Mertes announces the .grand opening of his new bar and newly1 remodeled Oak Park Tap Room at Pistakee- Bay, in this issue; for Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30. Special dinner and entertainment are provided. SNUG HARBOR TAVERN /L'l. - Good Place to Eat and Drink ^ ; • FISH FRYS FRIDAY ^CHICKEN DINNERS ON S A T U R D A Y AND SUNDAY -- M u s J & b y B e n T h o i y j e s o n - Watson . > . . Schimmel if .' Spring Is And that'means NEW FURNITURE to a lot of .people.., We have very attractive suites and pieces for every room in the home and at prices that are also attractive. ^ f ; jElefore you choose furniture this Spring, come lit and let us show you quality merchandise and quote prices, ^ Green and Elm Streets --: :-- McHenry --- Pi * W& Royal Blue | Specials Friday--Saturday MEAT DEPARTMENT Lamb Patties Fresh Ground Beef .. Pork Sausage, home-made Ring Bologna Pork Chops, medium cut GROCERIES ..!!2..J..._*..lb. •-tt£: f'ljl I 'lit - ilii > |ij» Sardines, in tomato sauce, 15-oz., special caji Pure Strawberry Preserves 1-lh. Grapefruit Juice, 12-oz. can • Cans Cornflakes, Kellogg's, large size 2 for Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies 'y " 25 fta -FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 19^ 19<£ 19^ 19c 25E 10^ 19tf 11^ 19 c 25d Radishes, Green Onions 3 bunches Sunkist Oranges, special 2 dozen 35^» Fancy Baldwin Apples 3 lbs. 19^ grocery R/larket ~ Ifmerchandise West McHenry, 111. Phone 166 ^-- We Deliver! Royal Dlue eal Oar gains Vjood * !•* King Of Tires The famous MOHAWK Chief Low in Price - Highest in Quality A Standard Tire - Priced Right! I N T R O D U C T O R ^ 3 A 1 . i To introduce this wonderful tibre* #e Will give a'20% "discount -- 6.00x16 Chief --- reg. $15.96, at'^iLlj,... $12-7* 6.00x16 'Warrior-- reg. $14.35, at 1.!!! 5^11.48 - Other Sizes Pricfed Proportionately4 National Batteries--made by the world's larger manufacturer--as low as .$3-95 Car and Tractor Oils and Greases -- Guaranteed Vulcanizing and Tire Repairs - Battery Charging and Repairing Walter J. Freund Phone 6 McHenry, Dl. QABBY QERTIE is "The maid who listens to a liable to lose her job." \SAYS:= Roasted shelled peatruts combine nicely with rice in croquettes. 1 * • • Warm weather is a good time to make rplls, since they rise efcsily when it is warm. . • « Juice left from Sptfefed fruits makes an excellent 'basting liquid for chops or roasts. It is especially tasty when used on ham. Butter burns easily. Consequently it is a good plan to use other fats, such as lard, lard substitutes or oils, for browning purposes. " + • • A sieve is a necessity in flower seed sowing. The soil should be sifted for seed boxes and it is best sifted over seeds when planted in the open ground. • • • Leftovers will shrink on exposure to the air. They should be "allowed to cool and then covered with waxed paper before they are stored in the •refrigerator. <£> Associated Newspapers.--WNU Service FOR SALE--The Cyclone Expansion Electric Brooder. 500 chick size 129.50. 150 chick size $8.90. ^hone 29 Farmers Mill. 42-tf DEBVNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright by Public L*dg4rt Inc. 4E0M& WASHINGTON 010 NOT CUT DOWN ACHERJiy 4- THEf I Jk.Uk.Arl WHEN A SOY ISL Very little is known of Washington's childhood. There is no worthwhile basis for believing that Washington ever had a hatchet or chopped down a cherry tree. The Encyclopedia Britannica says: "The story of the hatchet and the cherry tree and similar tales are quite apocryphal, having been coined by Washington's most popular biographer, Weems." WMU Service. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Evergreens of 50 different varieties. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees. All kinds of blooming shrubbery. Raspberry and Strawberry plants; Grapevines; Rhubarb Roots; also Rose Bushed. Extra specials Saturday and Sunday. Westman Evergren Nursery, % mile west of Woodstock on South street. 48-3 FOR SALE--Chrysler Coupe "62/' m good working order. Steel frame l\wn swing with canopy top, and seve bunches of lath. P. J. Cleary, West McHenry, 111. - *49 is): FOR SALE---Iowealth Hybrid Seed Com. We have a car of V-C fertilizers. The fertilizers with the tobacco stem base, they do not harden in the bag, nor clog in the feeder box; you are asured of an even distribution in every hill of corn. IklcHenry Flour Mills. * 49-3 FOR SALE CHEAP--Federal Truck, good running order. John R. Smith. • *49 FOR SALE--Slightly, used Chicken Equipment--Brooder, feeders, waterer, incubator, electric switch, nests, etc. Telephone McHenry 661-M-l. *49 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Work Land and Pasture. Inquire of Peter A. Freund. Telephone 614-R.l. McHenry. 44-tf FOR RENT*-One 3-room flat, heat furnished. Schneider Apartments cor. Riverside Drive and Pearl Street. 49 WANTED WANTED--Girl for general housework; no family washing. Must be fond of children. Mrs. Ralph Leonard, Leonard Manor, Crystal Lake. Phone Crystal Lake 109-R. 49 WANTED--Girl for waitress and restaurant work. ' Write Box "G," care of Plaindealer. • 49 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up ho^s and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed" in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 681-M-l. 2-tf TREE SURGERY--For a careful and scientific service in the care of your trees, call McHenry 129-J. Spraying, Pruning, Feeding, Cavity Treatment. LEO P. THORNHILL. 41-tf I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hlettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf ANNUAL RURAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING HELD < At LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL _ y Annual board of directors' meeting of the rural schools underlying McHenry district was held at the local high school auditorium Monday^ evening. April 24. First of these annual board meetings was held at-Hebron last week. The Harvard board meeting was held at the Harvard High school Wednesday evening and the Woodstock session will be held at the Woodstock High school this (Thursday) evening. Otjier meetings to be held are the Richmond at Richmond High school, piil 28; Crystal Lake at Crystal ake4 May 1 and Marengo at Marengo, "ay 3~ Reports of the officers of the districts are presented as well as a report by the county, superintendent of schools, Mrs. Ethel C. Coe. Either Judge Henry L. Cowlin of Crystal Lake or Asst. State's Atty. Don A. Wicks of Woodstock will discuss legal duties of the school directors; Leon J. Lundahl, Crystal Lake, is scheduled to talk on pending legislation as regarding schools and Arno Kohls, Harvard, will discuss county school projects with WPA labor. Mr. Kohls is district director of WPA. Problems of the Various districts will also be discussed. Thursday April 27,1939 BERTHA WELLINGTON TO ADDRESS P. T. A. ON "CHILD TUBERCULOSIS" Members and friends of the Parent - Teachers' association of St. Mary - St. Patrick school are reminded and urged to hear Miss Bertha Wellington, District Supervisor of Nurses of the Division of Child Hygiene, $tate Department of Public Health, at the school hall next Wednesday afternoon, May 3, at 3:30 o'clock. She will speak on "Tuberculosis and its Relation to the Adolescent," a subject of vital importance to every mother. Be sure to come and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served at thfe conclusion of the meeting. The Schick clinic will be held as scheduled in the public grade school gynasium at 9 o'clock Thursday looming, May 4. Anyone who has never had this Schick test is urged to be present. Local doctors will be assisted by Miss Wellington and Mts. Rulien. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin visited in the B. F. Martin home at Grayslake Sunday. Enter for Name Contest , Due to the large crowd in attendance at the Grand Opening of my tavern last Saturday, many were unable to cast their ballots for the naming of the tavern. The name contest has been extended until Saturday, May 6. Be sure to enter and be eligible for the prizfc • Fish Fry Friday Night--SMELTS Special Lunch for Saturday, April 29 aJ tx" ^ Dancing with Orchestra JOHN F. WILSON ^ One block west of Burton's Bridge On Route 1X6 SPECIALS FLOUR. 2414-lb. .sack, McHenry or Energy, bag 65^ HELP -- Water Softener, 2 l&ge packages GARDEN SEEDS -- 6 packages for FRUIT COOKIES -- pound . " ^ 15^ FRESH PINEAPPLE -- Large size, 24's, each 15^ FRESH PEAS -- 2 lbs. 19tf EGGS -- Strictly fresh, dozen... 18^; 2 dozen... 35it POT ROAST FANCY BEEF -- pound 230 BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Drive Phone 180 Our New Spring Stock Has Arrived -THIS WEEK'S SPECIALSPOTPOURRI EXPERT WELDING--When machinery breaks down bring the parts to us. We have modern electrical equipment. Phone 195. Res. phone 134-M. Adams Repair IShop, Pearl Street. 49 Coldest Spots in the World In the United States, Miles City,. Mont., has the record for low temQerature. A reading of 65 degrees below zero has been recorded there. A town in Siberia, however, has registered 90.4 below, while another point nearby was unofficially recorded at 97.6 below. C Western Newspaper Union. FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to load. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 HAS MOST 'OOMPH* MRS. BEN BONSLETT DIES IN CHICAGO FROM HEART ATTACK Funeral "services for Mrs. Edna Bonslett of 1300 N. Parkside avenue, Chicago, were held from funeral parlors at 5701 West Division street at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, April 26, with burial in Niles, Mich., Thursday. Mrs. Bonslett, wife of Ben Bonslett, a native of McHenry, died at her home Tuesday morning of a heart at tack. She was the former Edna Estelle Kimmel. Her husband is the only near relative left to survive. CARD OF THANKS To Rev. Fr. Neidert, sisters of St. Francis, and relatives and friends, I wish to express my sincere thanks for prayers offered during my recent illness at St. Therese hospital. 49, ' MRS. FRANK N. PITZEN. Ann Sheridan, five feet five inches of concentrated pulchritude, topped by a wealth of flaming hair, was selected by 25 critical male judges folkrajing elimination of beauties named by ballot in 27 colleges in a nattaq-wide poll, as being the girl with the4 most "oomph." Q--en Instituted Service Order 11M Distinguished Service order ol Great Britain was instituted in 1886 by Queen Victoria. We can handle your entire finance deal and insurance when you purchase your new car. Enjoy th eservice of your local agent. . Ehrl R. Walsh Agency, Phone 43. 49 Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale Xpawi MU1. 13mm l| iUH* CARD OF THANKS f wish to thank everyone w1»o in any way remembered me during my illness and stay in the hospital. For cheering cards and messages, flowers, gifts and books and to all those who visited me, I am sincerely grateful! 49 GEORGE VALES. ILLINOIS DRIVERS' LICENSES Every citizen driving an automobile on the public highways of Illinois must have a driver's license by May 1, 1989. Applications may be made at the West McHenry State Bank. 49-fp Brighten your Living Room with a lovely Both pieces^--Davenport and Chair--at this low price! Bed, Coil Spring and Mattress $16.85 Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone <9 42-tf Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drugstore. S9»fp Hi Bo Defines ICikvj^ "Envy," said Hi Ho, the >sage of Chinatown, "is generally due to the way you let your imagination run •way with you in picturing good times that others are not really Next Door to West Mc- 3-PIECE MAPLE BED ROOM SUITE--Lovely Colonial 'ft Henry State Bank style in mellow maple finish -- $49*50 N. J. JUSTEN"& SON Telephone 63-W West MoHenry, I1L