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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1939, p. 5

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X >¥ : v' v J< ' '•' £ ^ W> *'*__• j §f J*-# m>'„\:- - ;*f; Thursday, April 27,1939 , ;i T^*»m , * » Tt^Rf 4 /.... . <- *.. ..." ... **>" rS.i. . _ . /"«' j> • .. i. . »"* ^ J . ' ? 1« , ,f I,?• * ,• . , - , 3 '/-•v •- . • '•; < 1 •, . • V- ".L- W ->V ¥*f*£* i I' *.* "«3S" :•. V FLAIKDXALZB "SO I HEAR" fry "V ,*> EARL WALSH " ^ ' :?H Let's top the list this 'week with cute little story: *r Little Jackie Wirtz, seeing some baby buggies in front of the John Phalin residence, stepped in to inquire if they "had any babies to seU." They took his order. Those Republicans are sure the cutf ups. They nominate some judges, then get $o excited about it that thejr ; forget to notify the proper people r--: the Democrats 1 . v ' v , v Don't tell us that the modern base- • ball twirler lacks control. They've y hit about six batters in the head this ' ]year and the season hasn't started full 1 - swing. »• ' >, : :vr.. • . --ii Looks like the umps can start dustg the player's Vb^ns^ .and forget . the plate. /- , 'v i Wouldn't be surprised" if sortie of " those throwers had been taking in too ••.•••v«uHiy"' hit-the-nigger-baby sideshows during the off season. --B-- Of course, the nigger baby gets more of a sporting chance. He knoy^s he's being thrown at. --H-- -"•••- Keep up that kind of stuff and our national pastime will soon bear the name of beanball. ; !""" We like to see a fellow tise Ms head in sports. But, when he starts using the other fellow's head, we're , agin'it. -S- : Aspe they still fighting ill --1-- - Evelyn Anderson sang a nice, sweet song for the Mrs. and me last Saturday from W. M. R. O. And we, had to ' miss it! ' -I- • • We asked one fellow what song Eveiyn sang for us and he said, "1 Wish I Were Single Again." But, she didn't. Right away %e began to WG®f8«# if the Mrs. had "snook" in a request r.umber. . -BAttention Men! Ladies skip this: We feel it is only fair to warn you. There's a racket going on in our fair city. It should be stopped before the idea spreads. It's like this -- "Two- Ton Tony" is preying on men who go downtown of an evening and f.nd it just a little, late before they think of getting home. "t . "Two-Ton" tells the boys that going home with this "honey" stuff is old stuff. Sez racketeer "Two-Ton," "Bring the little woman a pint of ice cream and 111 guarantee everything •will, be O.K." Then, of course, he wraps up the package and rings the cash bell. ; We know one fair lady who is wondering if her husband has an interest in an ice cream factory. (Verona Kent -- but don't say ,we said so.). --II-- ' Just thinking. When you read our big newspapers, it isn't any wonder that Aliens think our country ought to be changed. --I-- Free speech has been a great thing baseball in McHenry. But, we do hear that the Foresters have plins under way right now to sponsor a team. --8-- And1 now as the press wheels start a weekly whirl, we come to the end of the line. Maybe a little story woukl do no harm. ' --'I"" :: A farmer" had a radio iftStiafled in. his hen house, thinking the melodious tunes would speed up egg production. He had to take the darned thing out, though. The orchestras played that late swing tune "Hold tight!", "Hold Tight!" ao much the hens quit layin'. That's all! „V * Well, Summer is in the air and it's time for all Scouts to be out On hikes and camping trips. It was with this purpose in mind that we have changed our next weekly meeting to Wednesday. This Wednesday evening we will go to Hunter's Woods, just west of ACTIVE AT 102 • iW 41Q This "Way Back When" baby is a! town, to hold our regular Scout meet-! very well u known man abouJ «<>wn. You ing. We will cook our suppers overff" him moat any place. As a open fires, pass Scout tests, play clu?' weTentufe td ^y, m his W games, and enjoy ourselves as on!y ^!?lrm«°ments. he may be found m those who stay outdoors can. We were | nry* given our choice of three periods in which to hold our meetings, but it Miss Frances Knapp. who recently celebrated her 102nd birthday * at Narrowsbnrjf, N. Y. She does her own housework and has no formula for attaining longevity, except, "either you dp, or yon don't." STRIPED RAYON MEMBERS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS GIVE FINAL EXAM SPEECHES was almost unanimous that we would go to the woods. The last Monday night meeting was held as usual in the Grade School. After voting upon the question Troop meetings, we ^ere given a JACKSON HURLS 3-HIT GAME FOR JOHNSBURG The Johnsburg Colts opened their 0fj baseball season last Sunday by giving _ the Shamrocks from Irish Prairie a highly interesting course of instruc-1 thorough beating. Joe Jackson was tion. Mr. Jack Hoag, the father of Ion th.e m5>und for the Colts while Jim two of our Scouts, taught us how to I l-ai'kin did the hurling for the Shamdo splicing with ropes. We learned j r°cks. George Jackson led the attack how to braid two ropes together, and j Johnsburg getting two doubles and how to form an eye splice. Splicing j drjvinK >n four runs Both teams played without their regular shortstops, Dick Conway of the Shamrocks and Howard Freund of the Colts. The Colts took the lead in the early innings of the game and kept it to the finish. The Shamrocks got off to a slow start, but hope to round into form soon. is a very useful knowledge, because there are many times when a long rope is needed, and it would not be practical to knot two ropes together. Such a case would be when a rope must pass through a pulley. Then, too, a splice is a much more permanent method of uniting two rope ends, since there is no danger of slipping. After we had mastered most of the details of the splices that Mr. Hoag showed us, we went to the room where our Troop machinery is kept to receive a different type of instruction. The aim of Mr. Glenn Peterson, our' E- Meyers, lb handicraft leader, has been to givejG. Jackson, c some instruction on the use of our ma- j D. Schmitt, lr chinery at each meeting, and to defer (Hiller, rf the active usage of the tools to next;G. Hettermann, rf, year. Since this is the first year thejA. Jackson, 2b ......... Troop has had tools, it would be wise ^ F- Schmitt, ss .......... to give the Scouts some oral training J. Jackson, p or instruction before they use thetnl SCOUT DAVID SWANSON. Members of the public speaking class of the local high school this week delivered their final examination speeches before students in the various schools in this vicinity. Elmer Erber and Shirley Colby spoke at a meeting of the rural Doards of education held in the local hi$h school Monday evening. On Tuesday eight students presented their speeches at the Crystal Lake High school. They were "Bob" Knox, Marie Johnson, Helen Buch, Esther Colby, James Doherty and James Larkin. Teachers of that school awarded highest rating to "Bob" Knox. That same day Paul Shadle met with two of the history classes and spokte to them on "Germany." Remaining members, of the public speaking class gave their speeches before students of the Hebron High school Wednesday. They were: Ger aldine Becker, Richard Justen, Alta Mae Denman, Dorothy Lay, Berwyon Bourelle and Paul Shadle. The girls' trio, under the direction of'Miss May Justen. also presented several num bers .^t this time. The trio is corhposd of Helen Kilday, Catherine Rcthermel and Louise Gerrard. Beatrice William and Helen Kilday gave their final examination speeches before members of the Mothers' club several weeks ago. Colta'^'lt- J. Freund, 3b , R. Stilling, 2b D. Kennebeck, The bine and rose striped rayon used to trim the navy blue dress is also used in the sailor hat. The trimnfing for the hat is navy blue grosgrain. HIS ORGANS MIXED 0IRL SCOUTS TOTALS Shamrocks McHENRY FOLKS WILL TURN CLOCKS FORWARD ONE HOUR APRIL 30th GMC PRICES CHECK WITH THE 3 LOWEST! yfr:.K 'A Every type-- capacities Vi to 15 tons! 3 and 4 cyl. Die«els--10 models! paynnntf'fttro'i >> Man at lowest ill our own YMAC i i f r a t a * GMC F E A T U R E S AGAINST ALL TRUCKS 1 SUPH-DUTY tmi»u wMt POWER-PAK pistons 1 TOP-SIZE bodte* omd MP-- EASE k 4 SHOCK ABSORMtS oa «• . half-ton modth 4 SYMCtO-MESH thiftmg mm* . FRICTION-FREE ttoaffeg M : haavy-duty Greatest power of any trucka . --and greater gas savingal Pays for itaelf out of savings! y'4 Front Street R. T. OVERTON MOTOR SALES West McHenry, III TRAILERS •DIESELS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS N. Stilling, ss ... G. Larkin, lb .... W. Bolger, c ...... J. Larkin, p T. Bolger, 3b .... 34 Instead of meeting in Miss Fisher's room Monday, the seventeenth, we held our meeting in the Girl Scout room. Shirley Patzke and Betty Kramer planned our meeting with the playing Stilling, 2b of games. We first reviewed old games >\ m. Bolger, rf we played in kindergarten and first JJ- j®1?8' •" grade. Among these were "Did You Win. Adams, If Ever See A Lassie," "London Bridge," and "Farmer in the Dell," etc. Some of the Scouts also passed second class tests by teaching games. Orders were next taken for manuals I > •'< with the nr?w requirements contained! The top'news of the week is a 725 in them, "McHenry" armbands, an^ series by Herman Steffes. One of, troop crests. Money was also collect- j those things that happen once in a, ed from some of the Scouts for these I lifetime. Herman's aerie* went like articles. <• this 235-268-222. This Monday, we went on a short i TOTALS 'Residents of McHenry will set their clocks ahead one hour Sunday morning, April 30, when daylight saving time will become effective. Daylight saving time has been observed in McHenry for several years, becoming effective automatically each year because of an ordinance passed by the city council, making it an annual occurrence. Men and women engaged in business are especially grateful for this arrangement, for It gives--^diem an opportunity to enjoy the (lovely summer evenings at their favorite recreation. Too, it makes it less confusing for summer residents who are engaged in business and obliged to commute daily to cities outside of McHenry. The schedule of the Masses in-the churches when daylight saving time goes into effect are: St. Mary's--7:00 - 8:30 - 10:00.-11:30 St. Patrick's--8:00 - 10:00 (this Sun- • day). • St. John's--8:00- 10:00. Time schedule for trains between Chicago and McHenry remain the ^same except for an hour's difference From McHenry--7^07- a. m., DST; 3:10 p. m., DST Arrive M^Heftfry--10:17 a. m, DST; 6:20 p. mC DST. BOWLING NOTES for this «**y. tat . m.n ««fct tolWke I triedI out q»iu» . few| w.Hy try it out in his own home first. Did you hear about those McHenryites who ran over a pole kitty ? Guess they had ondtelinra time. --I-- FaMe: James Dykes throws a tea patty for the umpires. --I-- John Cooney, veteran outfielder on the Boston Bees roster has played 695 contests in the National League 9ver a 14 year period -- and never hit a . home rnn. --IIt begins to look like the McHenry Country Club can be stamped as the permanent spot for the high school District Golf Elimination Meet. --I-- The event will take place on Saturday of next week, May 6. That's ftve years a-runnin' that the meet has been held on our course. • --1-- • • McHenry made no special sffort to get the meet this year. They juit want to come! --I--• We can advance two fair to middlin' reasons. First, our school evidently handles the meet- properly. Second, arid perhaps of greatest importance, the other schools must like our course. --I-- While the McHenry team doesn't rate with the larger schools entered as it has the past few years, there .are at least two boys apt to come through with low scores. Richard Justen shoots a nice game. Earl Smith, the peppery little quarterback you ijhave seen on the gridiron, is another better than average golfer. Earl turned in a 42 this week. --I-- George and Joe Jackson, Donald Meyers, Bob Schultz, Francis Schmitt «nd Dick Williams make up the bal< a nee of the squad. Five out of the group named will be entered in the district meet. Our boys beat Woodstock last Saturday and have good intentions of doing the same at Barrington this week. --I-- There will be a fifty cent entry fee in this meet, with funds used for medals and trophies. . --I-- We dont expect McHeniy to win any trophies, but one never can tell. Mix a little luck with determination and things happen. The story is old. A lot of people never expected ol' Christopher Columbus to make it! I-- Nothinc much to bf reported on Armstrong Hike-O-Meters. We went in a 667 series at Schaefer's. down Waukegan Road, east of the! ---- grade school, and then turned left atj In a match at the Palace, Schaefer'6 the end of it. At the end of this road; Meister Biau nosed out the Palace we cut across the grass to our right | Meister Brau 2838 to 2815. Herman 'til we came to the channel. We fol-1 Schaefer hit 641, Grimelli 599, and Ed lowed the channel to the back of the Smith 587, clubhouse, where we got wet feet Eugene Saunders, eight-year-old St. Louis boy, has the unique experience of having his heart, stomach, liver and appendix in almost opposite placement from the normal. Doctors who examined him said, "It is just something rare. People so afflicted have livad to i ripe old age." HAT FOR SPRING crossing the swamp to the clubhouse. We then went up the road to the top of the hill. Here we played several games taught us by Scouts passing test?. Each troop usually selects a kind of The Female Canadiens beat the Palace Girls. Dot Schaefer was top with 503. Gertie iBarbian hit 499. Our Standard Oil team beat their fellow oilers from Elgin by too much crest which they appreciate the most, at the Palace Wednesday night. We selcted the Lily-of-the-valley as our crest because of the, white which stands for purity and simplicity. We next went down to Gervaise ran second. Belling's holme and went out on the pier and some of the girls climbed in and out of the boats. After seeing the baby puppies our meeting was adjourned. BONNIE PAGE. ALL-STAR WRESTLING AND BOXING SHOW AT ANTIOCH SCHOOL Grimelli and Sompel won the city league doubles. Schreiner and Hobbs Mrs. A1 Krause rolled a 218 gtme this week. "Speed" Stilling and Rosemary Hetermann are out in front;.in tha Schaefer tournament Woodstock Friday night. will be at the Palace Antioch, for many years the center of Lake county sports, once again will come into the focus of the local sportlight when the fire department of thq| town presents an all-star wrestling and boxing card in the high school gym Friday night, April 28. Jim ^Mc- FIRE DEPARTMENT IS CALLED TO EXTINGUISH tWO FIRES TUESDAY The local fire department on Tuesday answered two calls within the 9s; CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. David Reid entertained a number of friends at the Homestead Tea Room last Thursday evening in honor of their twenty-fifth weddinp anniversary. A social evening was spent and refreshments were served. The guests of honor were presented with a lovely gift. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy, Miss Mary Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walkington, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bauer, Ray Hughes, Henry Johansen and George and Will Reid. "ip1 AUTO INSURANCE We have what you want and what you need at lowest rates. Our policies include "Drive Other Car" coverage and other up to the minute needs. Earl R. Walsh Agency, Phone 43. 49 DOLLAR DAYS Friday and Saturday OVERALLS Blue Denim or Hickory Stripe - Sanforized - Triple Stitched - Sizes 34 to 44. $1 WORK PANTS Heavy Covert Cloth - Sanforised- Sizes 31 to 42. $1 SHIRTS-SHORTS Sanforized and Steam Shrunk. 4 for $j SOX Heaw Rockford 10 pair for $1 WORK SHIRTS Blue Cham bray - 2 Pockets - Sanforized -Triple Stitched. 2 for $| Buy your baby chicks at the Farmera Mill. Phone 29. 42-tf Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedies at Watties Drug Store. 89-tf Real values in Tennis Balls at Bolger's! 29c each, 3 for 79c. 49-p5 Pi iscilla and Cottage Sets - 6 colors and styles to choose from! 2 Pr. SI DRESSES Indies' - fast colors - 80 sq. Percale - 14 to 52. 2 tor $| HOSE Full-fashioned - Splash-proof - Ringless - Pure Silk - Chiffon or Service. 2 pair for $| HOSE Pure Silk - Chiffon - 3- thread - Semi-fashion. 3 pair for $1 BLOUSES Silk in the Newest Shades and Stylea- 34 to 40. " SLACKS and BLOUSE SETS FMMEBETTES & SLACKS sr-M FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY FOR WORK - SPORT - OR DRESS --AT MODERATE PRICES-- GREEN STREET McHENRf Lilac wings and pink carnations set the spring color scheme of this tiny straw hat. The streamers are pink sijk velvet ribbon. HERE'S THE WINNER gym rnaayn«nw jcity. Both were caused by grass or Millen, Antioch's favorite son, will be ru£bjsh fir the feature attraction, and has been pitted against his arch enemy of long standing, the colorful Abyssionian woldman, King Kong, in one of a double wind-up. In the other feature, Ruffy Silverstein, Illinois state heavyweight champion, has signed to match speed and cleverness against the shifty-eyed Chinese sensation, Mr. Chin Lee. Silverstein, who is the talk of the wrestling world, and a likely candidate for world championship honors, should have a real struggle on his hands Friday, since Chin Lee has been topping most of the big stars on the west coast. A special attraction featuring for the first time ever in 'Lake county a real Jiu-jitsu match in which the contestants wear the Jud jackets. On the boxing end of the program, several Antioch High School champions will go against a picked Fox Lake team in a series of three , round bouts. Mrs. John Herman, who was injured in a fall about a week ago, is being cared for at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Kramer. . fires and were extinguished before much.damage had been done. The first of these occurred during the morning near the Ben Miller residence. A grass fire got beyond control and started a wood pile on fire. In the afternoon of that day the department was summoned to the Ted Miller residence on Richmond Road, and there extinguished a blaze in the shed which had started from a rubbish fire in a back lot. The flames crept beneath the building and spread rapidly along the wall. ESCORTS ROYAL COUPLR Lieutenant Phillip Guinto of State Police department, District 3, on Tuesday headed the motorcycle convoy which escorted Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Ingrid, future rulers of Denmark and Iceland, to the Wisconsin state line. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Romano and family and Mrs. Catherine Schubert spent Sunday at their summer home at Emerald Park. Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedies at Watties Drag Store. v 89-tf Of Bill Mertes' New Bar AND NEWLY REMODELED OAK PARKTAP ROOM PISTAKEE BAY, An English springer spaniel, Clipfort Press Agent, owned by Bud Lewis of Beverly pills, Calif., was selected by the jaiges as the best dog in the annual skew of the Beverly Bills Kennel ehib. More than 6M dogs competed. Real values in Tennis Balls at Bolger's! 29c each, 8 for 79c. 49-p5 Buy yonr baby chicks at the Farmers MilL Phone*. ENTERTAINMENT PHONE McHENRY 176

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