yyvrr*"; "Thursday, May 11,1939 THE MeHKMET PLAUVDEAIsKE • .glib McCTTLLOM LAKE 3 Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Barth of Mc- •Collum's Lake moved back to Chicago, liaving sold their place here. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kurth and . «iaughter of Chicago spent Sunday their home here. M. McKim is supervising the build' lag of radio announcer Pat Flanagan's home now tinder construction at Wonder Lake. ^ Mrs. George Schubert spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. J. Riter has returned to Chicago after spending a week at her cottage here. FrankRitzer and friends of Chicago spent the weekend at McCollum's Lake. Sidney Smith was surprised by a few friends May 6 in honor of his birthday. Those present were Mr. and FREE OPEN AIR .T/UJUN6 MOVIES EVERY ^MONDAY mOHT -- OAK LAWN GRILLE Route 31 1% mita north of McHenry Gome and Bring the Children! OBERHOFER HOTEL ;V* - " • WUl be open, for business " ^ SATURDAY, MAY 13 ^ Saturday Only --- Chicken Dinner - French Fries, 50c FRANK KEMPFER* Prop. Come and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening at ~ PINK HARRISON'S At Pistakee Bay Divine Music FRIED CHICKEN 60c Perfect Mixed Drinks : ASST. SANDWICHES f BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Diifteifcg Even" Saturday Night Throughout the Season Mrs. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Kosties, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kurth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Elarton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. John Parcell and family of Chicago have' moved out to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. William Frett of Chicago were visitors at the Joseph A. Slhaefer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood and family of Chicago spent Sunday here. Peter Haushen has returned to his home again after spending four weeks in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy and daughter, Arline, are spending a week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bold and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr and Mrs. Gouth and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen and daughter of Chicago spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Krekel of Chicago have moved to their home at McCol lum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dom of Chicago have moved here to become permanent residents of our community. Mr. Zervoer and children of Chi cago spent Sunday at their cottage. M. McKim was recently surprised by a group of friends in honor of his birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Schlitts, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huska, Mrs. Kilfether and Mrs. Smith SPRING O&OVE the members of her club on Tuesday evening. Two tables of five hundred, were in play and prize winners were ; Mrs. Joseph E. Freund and Mrs. J. J. Freund. Consolation went to Mrs. Charles Freund. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wagner of Chicago sfient Sunday with his mother, Mrs. John Wagner. A most enjoyable evening was spent at the Charles Freund home on Friday by a party of friends. Thp guests were entertained by P*ul Weber who showed movies of his trip to Miami with beautiful scene® from St. Petersburg, Palm Beach and Key West, some of them in technicolor. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer entertained relatives from Rockford over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, son, Tommy, and daughter, Charlotte, motored to McHenry on Sunday to spend the day with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund. V, Misses Eleanor and Lucille Freund spent Sunday at their home here. A party invaded the home of Mrs Nick "Freund on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Fred Meyer and Mrs. Freund's birthday anhiversaries. Present were twenty-four guests to enjoy an afternoon of cards and visiting Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Frank May, while consolation went to Mrs. Leon VanEvery. Traveling prizes were won by Mrs. J. J Freund and Mrs. Ernest Peacock. This pleasant afternoon was brought to close with the serving of a lovely lunch. Mr^. Math Nimsgern was hostess to SEE r#/s ST/vstr/oAf/H /VEW/939 A GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE«MEIER-MISER at# A/ew/w eaSY TERMS! pull 6 Co. Ft. Capacity, 11.4 Sq. Ft. Shelf Area. 6 lb*. Ice. 63 lea CubeIs. Dulux Extefior Finish. . S86 the New food-Keeping Miracfr? "^•^"WFllWMTOe FftfGIDAIRE ni METEK -WSEt v,taJ juice, from <£*!* la this new genuine Frigidaire • f put Preserves focSl- , "Super-Vrflue 6" you get the I 'ty days longer. V " samt simplest refrigerating mech*n- I C0MF iftr err Tu,. ism . . . the world-famous f SWSATIOttl Meter-Miser ... same one-piece all* f TODAY/ steel cabinet construction ... sam* finest features of quality and performance as other Frigidaire models costing up to $100 more! A host of time-raving, money-saving Frigidaire features... Super-Freest!; Automatic Tray Release, Meter-Miser, 5-Year Protection Plan- Backed by General Motors--and many more! See this high quality, low cost refrigerator that will give you years of dependable service. Now on display at our store. Ask about the easy payment plan that will put it la. you* home ||c only a few cents a day! Jacob & Sons GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN SLOcuars LAKE Mass Murder instead of a "skeeterbite." We didn't even get a nibble on our r Derby hint. Guess the boss forgot to Now for another week. We really [ead our column this week. Well our should have been two pfeople last week, ™rse didn't run anyway, so, ho-hum! we were that busy!. It's A. good thing e are 3° 8Wnc Meandering spring comes but once, a year or we'd Pre^y soon, though! lt> probably end up a mereahadow of , , , our fofrmer self. Girls, at last we know a neat - plumber. We've been hunting ,for That big basket of oranges and **ars for one who cleaned up after he grapefruit, which was the prize at was »«»**• Name furnished on r^. the Royal Neighbors shin-dig the oth- (*u er night, made us sort of homesick. - We just aren't luck with prizes; we Spring is here. Definitely this time have yet to win our first, but shucks, T"*!,1 the J^'es had on their new hats the fruit was probably from Florida J?!™!a hu™ anyway. "" Speaking^of prizes, Bill Althoff certainly did himself proud' Saturday night. We didn't win anything there either, but Bill talked pretty fast to the Mr. about a refrigerator and we think Bill won! dinger style show at the St. Mary - St. Patrick School on the eighteenth of this month. Don't forget to. be onf hand to see the latest things forf Spring and Summer wear. The show'! is sponsored by the Parent-Teachers and given by Betty Nielsen. 'j£&y VsM All the models for the style show will be from our own community. They do all right, too, you can taker our word for it, men, because you. are not invited. •w: A brick building collapsfed m transport, Ind., while Paul Rea, 55, was asleep in it. Police found him surrounded by fallen timbers and bricks*-1 and still sleeping. After 56 years of wedded life, Mrsiv- Annie Ludwig filed suit for divorce against Henry Ludwig in St. Louis. Each is 78 years old. »" k 'j We think youll like Bob Burns in "I'm From Missouri." It has some bad spots, but there are some very funny ones to make up for it. Incidentally, we saw Bob Burns and pet- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were ted the mule the day we were oh the Saturday afternoon and supper guests Paramount lot. He's a great guy. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoytjBurn's, not the mule! Matthews at Oak Park. . j . ' •' ' 1 v^y' Peter Jacobs of Chicago spent Sat-] If you liked "Four^Datigftters" vouH urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. probably like "Ye?P My Darling Marlett Henry. (Daughter." We thought it was good Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sobers of entertainment. Wauconda spent last Wednesday even- MI PitCSE TRESTAURAN Phone® JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. 6reen St FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY FRESH PERCH ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook We saw Jeffren Lyim i couple of times at pre-views. He's very tall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfannenstill *&f blonde and handsome. The girls were Grayslake were Saturday afternoon keeping him very_ busy signing autographs. We also saw Fay Bainter, but the Lane girls managed to dodge and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and us the whole time. son of Diamond Lake sp<!nt Sunday. -- afternoon at the home of Mrs. Celia From the Hollywood Reporter we Dowell. I hear that a Big feminine star has Mr. and Mrs.* George Harris and been told by the Head Man at her daughter, Ellen, and son, Ross, of studio that he is going to wreck her Wauconda spent last Monday evening career. Aren't you curious girls? at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Maybe we can find out for next week. Cook. | : Mrs. Ella Parks, Hugh Parks and At last we are a success. WVens daughter, Jacqueline, of Park Ridge are building in our little houses after spent Sunday afternoon at the home' two futile years. of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. / Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock, Wau-1 We are still wondermg why S. I. H. conda, were callers at the home of hasn't told us the name of the son? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Sat- Evelyn Anderson sang to him. Maybe urday afternoon. 'it was "You Couldn't B6 Cuter" and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and he's afraid to tell us. daughtef, Frances, spent last Friday j ^ evening at tne home of Miss Frances Did the kids have a whooping timv Davis. 'a* wholesale Schick Test Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent day morning! From the hub-bub you last Saturday at the home of Mr. and would almost have expected to fvnd Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park.] They were accompanied home by Mrs. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, who. spent the weekend here. Jay Cook of Chicago, Ray Cook ai«| Mi's. Williams and son Itnd three granddaughters of Zion were callers' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and guests, Mrs. Raymond LusStSsiid daughter, Betty Lou. spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mr* Peter Anderson at Cary. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were Sunday dinner and supper guests atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry in honor of their wedding anniversary. Edward Wirtz of Mundelein and Miss Anna Weitz of Grayslake spent last Wednesday evening at the hom« of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mother's Day • SUNDAY,' MAY li.*"'?';/ "When Your Hair Has Turned to Silver" Mother's silvery hair is always beautiful -- Make it a glorious crown for this greatest day of HER year by a visit 'lithe •£•••" CURL 'N SWIRL BEAUTY SALON . Agnes K. Bchmitt Phone 624-M-2 :--: --:-- : Xehnsburg VOLO BUT USE GASOltAtE Q Uiifemljr fccUttaat pwliwuauca whiiw y-- bmy It --at home or on tour. © LiT*li« iMfMli--instant, ample power at your command op the start-up, m traffic, on the hills. Q Aa akuduct of smooth poww--more of it than any known automobile engine can utilize. Q Omltr •coaomy--even surpassing last year's Red Crown in low cost per mile. 0 Higher aatt-kaock tkaa «w hrfow. • riNI OASOLINIS . . -. SOLITB WITH BTHYL / (pnrnimm pricU) STANDARD RED CROWN (rttmUr pricmt) STANOLIND priff) X& ADY MOW Oil Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family of Wauconda visited Mr. andh Mrs. Dean Baseley Sunday. Mrs. Nick Molidgr of Grayslake spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs; Catherine Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe aridt family of Crystal Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Sunday. The Volo Sewing Circle met at tlMI home of Mrs. Joseph Wiser Monday afternoon. - Mrs. Frank St. George spent Friday at the home of Mrs. Frank Hil?» onimus in Wauconda. G. A. Vasey of Belvidere, 111., vis* ited his daughter, Mrs. Herman Dunker Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paddock and family of Waukegan have moved here to the home of the former's parents,, Mrs. Richard Dowell spent Friday: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. The school board of the Volo school held a meeting at the school Tuesday evening. Clifford Wilson returned to his duties at the Carey Electric Shop, Ma- Henry, Monday, after being ill for |i few weeks at his home here. Special Mothers' Day services wilt be held at the Volo Bible Church Suriday. ^ Mrs. Harry Francisco of Wauconda^ called at the home of Mr. and Mri. Lloyd Fisher Friday. Miss Vinnie Bacon spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr& Ed Bacon near Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Georgi spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dusil in Chf» cago. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tough spent Thursday in Chicago with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner anf |Mr. and Mrs. Frank St George spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. Itnd Mrs. Ed Baumruk in Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and famii ily, Mrs. Richard Dowell and daugh* ter, Ada, Mrs. Herman Dunker and Bon, Robert, attended the Junior play, f'Tell the Judge" at the Wauconda Township High school Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Georgf pent Thursday evening at the home; of Mr. and Mrs. J. Balmes in Evansion. George Scott of Crystal Lake was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. il The Only Tires Made With the NEW SAFETY-LOCK CORD and GEAR-GRIP TREAD ... Stronger Cord Body--More Non-Skid Mileage YoU'RE safer on any road in any weather when your car is equipped with new Firestone Champion Tires. They give you greater protection against blowouts because of the exclusive Firestone Safety-Lock Cord Body and they give you greater protection against skidding b«cause of the amazing new Firestone Gear* Grip Tread. The sensational new Safety-Lock Cord Body is the result of a new and revolutionary means of locking greater safety into the cord body of the tires. This is accomplished first, by the use of a new type of tire cord called "Safety-Lock," in which the cotton fibers are more compactly interwoven to give greater strength. And then the fibers in each individual cord, the cords in each ply and the plies themselves are all securely locked together by a new and advanced Firestone process of Gum-Dipping, which provides amazingly greater strength <-»tnd greater strength means greater safety. The new Safety-Lock cord construction gives added strength that makes possible th$ use of the new, thicker, tougher, deeper Firestone Gear-Grip Tread, which provides remarkably longer non-skid mileage. This sensational new tread is called "Gear-Grip" because of its v":que design which has more than three t~> - >d sharp-edged angles that LOUIS UNSER 1938 tiki's fmak Wln--r For 12 coasccutive ric«,m9 winning driver in the Pik«'l Peak Climb, where a slip mrm death, hu selected and htwjhl Firestone Tires. grip the road with a sure-footed hold to pro» tect against skidding and to assure a safe stop. In good weather or bad, in winter or Summer, you need all of this extra protection and you need it NOW! Let us equip your car with a set of new Firestone Champion Tires -- the only tires made that are safetyproved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. --- firestone CHAMPION flrtsfottt HIGH SPEED CONVOY 5.25-17.9X4.*% 5.50-16. 14-15 5.50-17. I4.M 6.00-16. 1S.9S 6.00-17. xe.so 6.00-18.ei7»IS 6.25-16. X7>tS 6.50-16. lf.3S 7.00.15. ax.is 7.00-16. SX.9S 5.25-17.exX.M 5.50-16. XS.7S 5.50-17. X3.S* 6.00-16. I4.3S 6.00-17. X4*es 6.00-l8.exS.4S 6.2 5-16. xe.xs 6.50-16. X7.4* 7.00-15. !».*• 7.00-16. If.75 4.50-21. ee.3S 4.75-19. e.ea 5.00-19. ».»s 5.25-17. f.es 5.25-18. 5.5o-i6.ex«^e 5.50-17. xx.e* 6.00-16. XX.fS 6.25-16. LS-4S 6.50-16. 14.S* TRUCK TIRES AND OTHKR PASSENGER CAR SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW Miss Katherine Buch of Chicago Spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. JS. $. Bock Ust*M Tin Volcm of NnifM* wftfc McMmrd Crw»i>, Marf«y«# Syttfa 4ffr*rf W«ff«MteJa, Maaday tMiiifi over NefloswM* N. ft. C. M Kthwl. WALTER J. FREUND G-uar&nteed Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Battery Charging and Bepairi&f