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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1939, p. 3

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. ' *ik ISPs • 4 Thursday, May 18,1939 Page Three 1 • " n™ SFHING QRdVS 1 r Mrs.. A1 Schmeltzer and Mrs. Chas Ireund entertained a party of friends •t the Ni_p-A-Kee Lunch Room in Fox Sake on Tuesday afternoon. Bridge furnished the entertainment and prizes for high honors went to Mrs. John ilday and Mrs. Albert Jus ten while rs. Anton Schneider received consolation. Traveller's prize went to p»- Albert Jus ten. A lovely lunch 'tkras served at the conclusion of cards. I. Mrs. Joseph G. Warner was hostess |io the members of her club on Wed Itesday afternoon. Two tables of five Jfcundred were in play but no prizes prere awarded as the four members ith lowest scores treat the four score members at the end of a Refreshments were served. ,1 Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers tjif St. Peter's church held their regular meeting at the Anton Widhalm home on Thursday night. Cards were enjoyed after the meeting and lunch was served by Mrs. Widhalm. Martin Butler, who was quite ill last week, is now improved and again able to be up and around. Junior and Senior students of Richmond jjHigh school and their friends enjoyed the prom held at the Baker hotel in St. Charles on Friday night. A banquet'was served at 8:00 o'clock followed by an evening of dancing. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and children of Chicago spent Saturday in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orvis. Tommy Madden of Rockford visited friends here on Sunday. Mrs. Mad den was unable to accompany him because of ill health. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmetler spent the weekend in Rockford with Mf. and Mrs. Charles Thompson. Michael Wagner of Chicago spent Monday with his children at the home WILLYS WYLK'S ORCHESTRA Special Chicken Plate Dinner -- J. B. HETTEBMANN, Prop. 50c of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Gerald Hergott narrowly escaped serious injury while chopping wood one day last week. The blade of the axe came loose and hit him on the head. He was taken to a doctor but it was found that no stitches were necessary and no serious injury had been done. Misses Carol and Ellen Bower of Waukegan spent the weekend .here. Miss Evelyn Sanders, Woodstock, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Mrs. Alice Wagner spent Tuesday evening in the home of her sister, Mrs. Leonard Franzen, at Ring-wood. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. George Kattner, Miss Christina Kattner and Wendlyn Kattner motored from Chicago on Sunday to spend the day With Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Mj\ and Mrs. Charles' Freund and children mqtored to McHenry Sunday afternoon to the home of his mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund to join in a family | reunion in honor of Mother's Day and j the First Communion Day of Leo Gerasch. Movie, shots were taken in the afternoon. A delicious supper was served at six. lite evening was spent at cards and general family chatter Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Edd Stacknick, Jr., of .Chicago spent' the weekend with his family at Mc-j Collum's Lake. The moving picture show at Mc-I „ ~~ , Collum's Lake was well attended on1 , ," a ^rs* Ben J. Miller attend- Monday evening I ed the graduation of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howe of Chi-1 Florence> from the Walther Memorial go are Spending several days at,hospital in Chicago Friday, May 12 their home here | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and Mr. Miss Sarah Miller of Richmond and George M. Justen aiid daughspent several day! with her aunt, Mrs. 'ter- Patricia, spent Mother s Day with Jos. A. Schaefer, here. ... .-Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen. Joseph Crick of McCollum's Lake ^M^®nd Mrs W,m- Spencer attended has opened a new filling station. the T^P Festival at Holland, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden and, GV®F the weekend. daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at1 N* C- Kle,n ,s spending several days their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wodrich and family spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hausher of Chicago have moved to McCollum's Lake td make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood of Chi- McCULLOM LAKE with his daughter, Mrs. Mildred May, at Waupaca, Wis. Mrs. Thomas Fhalin spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Richard Stenger, and husband at Waukegan. Mrs. S. Walsh, son, Leo, Miss Mary Kenneally, Edw. Kenneally and Mrs. Mina Frisby of Elgin visited Mrs. by the death of Bernard O'Connell, son-in-law of Mrs. FriStoy. Miss Jane Durland spent the weekend with Miss Jeanne, Warner in Elgin. Miss Ruth Reihansperger of Rockford College at Rockford spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger. Ed Sherman of Chicago spent tne weekend at his home here. ,Miss Dorothy" Althoff of Chicago visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff, over the weekend. Harry Schnaitman and Miss Jane Schnaitman of Champaign spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schnaitman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson spent Sunday and Monday at the Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan. They cago spent the weekend*; their home Mary OTlaherty last Thursday evenhere | Berth Maciritish and Frank Ritzeri Mrs. Frank Vales, Robert Braband and friend of Chciago were Sunday ?nd George Vales of Chicago visited dinner guests at the Jos. A. Schaefer (the Albert Vales home last Thuis h°Mr! and Mrs. Frank Fritz and son' Miss Eleanor Althoff student nurse and family of Chicago spent Sunday at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan, at McCollum's Lake. , spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Crick entertained UttIe Mary Dolores Young of Waufriends from Chicago Sunday. ,kegan visited her grandparents, Mr. Miss Eleanor Schaefer is confined Mrs. M. J. Walsh, last week. Mr&. Hagedorn and son, Arthur, of Chicago spent several days at her daughter's home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Winkrantz and friend, Jim, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. J. Riter has returned to her home in Chicago after spending several weeks at her cottage. Mrs. John Pardell and sons of Chfcaj* o are spending several days at their new home here. H. McDonald of Chicago is the new owner of Barth's Tavern at McCollum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wolf and family of See r#/s Swsjr/oMi /Vziv/939 Sapee-Pa/ue 6" * A GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE™ METER-MISER a?a Mew/ew "°T*" ""•KMjtag MrachI FRIGIDAIRE WW THE KETEt-mset on. p'"'™* fro" drrin, COME IN! SEE THS SflttiTw. 111 Full 6 Cu. Ft. Capacity. 11.4 Sq. Ft. Sb«ll Arm. 6 lbs. Ic«, <) let Cubes. Duloz E» MtotHiUk . ."--ssr.--- i- In this new genuine Frigidaire "Super-Value 6" you get the mim simplest refrigerating mechanism . . . the smmt world-famous Meter-Miser ... t*mt one-piece allsteel cabinet construction ... samt finest features of quality and performance as other Frigidaire models costing up to $100 more! A host of time-saving, money-saving Frigidaire features...Soper-Freezes, Automatic Tray Release, Meter-Miser, 5-Year Protection Plan-- Backed !>f General Motors-and many more! See this high' quality, low cost refrigerator that will give you years of dependable service. Now on display at our store. Ask about the easy payment plan that will put it in your home for «nly a fewce^s a 4§*1 GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS to her bed because of illness. ime to drive ! THERE'S ONLY one argument about LaSalle--people argue over who'a privileged to drive itl The big Cadillac engine is so smooth and quiet and powerful-- and the car is so easy to handle in every way--that driving is a sheer delight. In fact, almost half the people who take j the wheel for a demonstration -- take a 1^-"" home for keeps! Don't buy Ml mxioa. Tnuuparlaiwn, mtmtm mnd local smr ear unless you first try • I«S«Ile! (M mny}, option*! tqiiipimnt mnd R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Ptwil Street " West McH«n LILY LAXX were accompanied by Miss Maud Granger of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Ringwood. The trip was in celebration of the eighteenth wedding anniversary of the Thompsons. - Mrs. Catherine Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and LeRoy Conway were visitors at Park Ridge last Thursday evening, where they attended a mission being conducted by Fr. Walter Conway. Mrs. Agnes Guffey of Clinton, Iowa, and- Miss Eva Anglese of Morrison, 111., have returned to their homes after a visit in the Clarence Anglese home. • *' „ j 'V* •>? siyf} The city of PueWo, Colo., paid Mrs. Helen Christ $50 after she was bitten by a rattlesnake while watching birds at the city park zoo. ... Eyes Bxaained Dr. Paul A. Schwabe Phene: McHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 m A. B. Nye Bldg. Mfest McHenry THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and lit tie daughter of Chicago spent a few •days last week at the Rapp Cottage on Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. William Marum of Edison Park spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Justen. Christine Wegener of Chicago and Mrs. Anna Freund has moved to Robert Krinn of DesPlaines visited the Hanover, 111., where she is rinaking her home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' home with her son, Rev. Fr. Claude George J. Wegener, over the week* | Freund, who has charge of a parish end. j there. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chi-1 Mrs. John Phalin, accompanied by cago spent the weekend at their cot-. her son, Harold and family, of Grays tage. Ilake, were Chicago visitors one day Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and son and last week, where they called on Mrs daughter of Chicago spent the week- Phalin's son-in-law, James Mahoney end at their cottage. 'at Loretta hospital. Mr. Mahoney, Jim «Rogers and Vera Howell of plumbing inspector, was seriously in- Chicago spent the weekend at the jured when he was hit on the head by home of Madelaine Harber. • pavt of a brick which had fallen sev- George Toons of Chicago spent the eral feet. He is improving nicely and weekend at his cottage. [has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chi-j m. M: Niesen and daughter, Mrs cago spent Sunday at tKeir summer peter M. Justen, visited the latter's home. j son, Dan, a student at Notre Dame Nora McCalla, Mr. and Mrs. Drls- university, Sunday. coll and Margaret Farrell of Chicago' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vales of Cicero visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. spent the weekend with his parents. Thomas Kalbough Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. George Vollmer of Charles and Jacob Buss of Chicago Chicago spent Sunday at^Lily Lake. I spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz or Chicago , Mrs. and Mrs. George H. "Johnson, spent Sunday at their cottage. accompanied by their daughter, Mar- Mrs. Venable and daughter have re- puerite, of DeKalb, spent Sunday with turned to Chicago after spending a their sor^s, George and Fran^, at week at her cottage at Lily Lake. Champaign. They also visited the Mr. and Mrs. Sansone and sons of Chanute Airport at Rantoultt Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Misses Jeanette Lindsay and Arleen Mr. and Mrs. Whipse of Chicagb Bacon were Waukegan visitors Saturspent the weekend at Lily Lake. day. Visitors in the home of Mr, and Misses Mary Althoff. and Dorothy Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday were Mr. Fisher spent Saturday at DeKalb. and Mrs. John Cunningham, Mrs. Car- Mr and Mrs. Robert Frisby and rie Parker and Mrs. Jack Keene, all family were Sunday visitors at Milof Barrington. 1 waukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0. Swanson and George Vales has returned to Chidaughter, Lois, of Chicago spent the cago and resumed his work with the weekend at their cottage. R0y Stuart orchestra, where he plays Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago bass viol and is also vocalist, spent a few days at their cottage. I Wm. Justen and son, Rollin, spent Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen and Sunday at Northbrook a'hd Wilmette. Wialter Schwab of Chicago spent the Miss Pauline Herdrich of Chicago weekend at their cottage. i spent a few weeks in the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Lucas of Chicago re- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Herdrich. turned to their home in Chicago after, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer and spending a few days at their cottage, children, Mrs. George B. Frisby and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch were din- son# James, were visitors in the home ner guests at the home of Mr. and 0f Mrs. Catherine O'Connell in Chi- Mrs. Clarence Blum in Chicago cago Sunday, where they were called Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough and, Mrs. Thomas Klabough and daughter,! Kathleen, were Chicago visitors onv Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand of Chicago visited the home of her mother, Mrs. Lottie Bransford, over the weekend. MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone ST! JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. ^reen St. FISH FRY TVKRY FRIDAY--<- FRESH PERCH 1 « J j M• I Grand Opening of -- Jerrv's & Marie's HILLTOP INN f miles north of McHenry on Rte. 31 and Johnaburg Road now under their management Y F R E E L u n c h t o A H . Also serving oar delicious Fried Chicken and trimmings at 45c per plate Special Fish Fry# every Friday Night Says: Suggested sauces to serve with' fish include cucumber, egg, relish*' olive, tomato and tartar sauces. • • • A little mustard spread over chops or steaks to be broiled or baked will greatly improve the flavor. Try keeping one drawer especially for wrappings. Then when there are gifts to be wrapped or packages to be jnailed there won't be thqt last minute scramble for string and and paper. • • • A glass cut to fit the window sill upon which plants or flower-filled bowls are placed will save the woodwork. The glass is easy to wash and it will not detract from the appearance of the room. • Associated Newspapers.--WNU S«rvlc«. (fABBY (fERTIE 9 "Tap> episodes anelng is festered ia from the best sellers." Your Car is worth -mote at the 7&&/Dealers •Mi SSgf feve' fV:'1 1 N ,V s | til* D*aia* me $25 more tor my cer.;vb; and you get Moie 1. Matchless V-8 Performance # Which c*r gets away first when the light* cay go? Which car easily climbs steep grades? No wonder Fords the buy of the year. And with this super-Ford performance goes a smooth, quiet operation only 8 cylinders can give you. 3. Triple Cushion Comfort • A revelation in restful riding --the easiest ride of any car in the low priced field. Scientific soundproofing practically eliminates noiae. 2. Biggest Hydraulic Brakes * F o r d h y d r a u l i c b r a k e s h a r e t h e b i g g e s t ; ' l>rake drums and lining areas in the low priced ' 'leld. They give you a smooth, safe stop-tf*«i/> Ik • Buss-Page Motor Sides Authorised FORD Sales and Service Vain Street, McHenry, HI

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