fry. '* VMWW -sy 1 TT-yy^y ^ tr t ;%r;> ':- V.'v\. "•"." '•";.. V-J.W." •*£ - MoHswar Himaun - • " - • . ' 'i> "' f * ¥ ^ ' V .••;•:> . ••• • . .VJ '.,%! • I. ' •'• CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauncey W. Reed Neutrality Speculation is rife" as to just what the attitude of the Congress will be regarding the neutrality program are the following: 1. It provides that United Stated directly or indirectly to whenever the President shall find that any of the belligerents any articles a state of war exists between foreign or Materials until title therein shall states he shall issue a proclamation have been vested in some foreign govnaming the states involved. 2. That ernment, agency, institution, corporaafter the issuance of such proclama- tion or person, except in accordance tion, it shall thereafter be unlawful, with such rules and regulations as <a) For any citizeft of the United the President shall prescribe, (e) To States to travel on (any vessel of the solicit or receive any contribution for belligerents except under such rules or on behalf of any belligerent, conas the President might prescribe, tributions to be used for medical aid, 3. It will which will shortly confront both Houses, Recently Secretary o,f State^ (b) For citizens'of the U. S. or vessels food and clothing excepted. Hull Set forth his views on the veryjflying the Flag of the U.S. to proceed create a National Munitions Control controversial subject of neutrality and! through any defined combat areas ex- Board. It is anticipated that the con cept under such limitations as -the troversy will be lengthy and the prob- President m&^ prescribe. (6) For any abilities are that isolationist Senators person within the United States to will filibuster against the program in purchase, sell or exchange bonds, se- the Senate. Our guess is that the da curities or oth?r obligations of the bate will become so bitter and pro belligerent nations, with" the right, longed without enacting the highly made by Secretary Hull. The most im-j however, for the President to make controversial program recommended portant provisions of this Resolution exceptions, (d) To transport from the by Secretary Hull. Loans To Snail Business and Industry At long last it appears that Consoon thereafter Representative Bloom, Acting Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs introduced a Joint Resolution which he termed the "Neutrality Act of 1939." It embraces many of the recommendations khJ, t&ere! What's your hurry?" Tve got to get listed in the new Telephone Directory before it closes "O.R,; Run along. You can't afford not to ho in T H E N E W T E L E P H O N E D I R E C T O R Y GOES TO PRESS SOON! • THERE'S still time to get your name* address and telephone number in the new Telephone Directory -- the popular "Who's Who and Where." People are going to look for you there -- friends, business associates, people with news or opportunities for you! Order your telephone right away--and you'll be in! Get in touch with the telephone, Business Office for particulars. ORDER YOUR TELEPHONI NOIV~AND BE SURE *2^ YOU'RE LISTED •j la Mcffesry , write to or stop is mi Groom Street ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY gress is beginning to realize that a "Loan to Small Business" program will go far in aiding in a general business recovery. It is reported that a drive will soon get under way for the enactment of a bill introduced by Senator Mead which will provide for the insurance by the Reconstruction 'Finance Corporation of loans to small business and industries. In 1935, during the early days of his first term in Congress, the writer, realizing that small businesses and indutsries are the backbone of our commercial life and that they were the "real" forgotten men, introduced a bill embracing a olan for industrial recovery which would have provided for the insurance by the government of loans by local banks to local industries. The bill .Sought to create a United States Industrial Loan Insurance Corporation for such purpose and had its inception from a survey made under the direction of Mr| Lester J. Norris of St. Charles, Illinois. It is to be hoped that before adjournment the Congress Will make some effort to aid small business and industry. After all, they are a highly important part of our industrial and business life. Devaluation of the Dollar It is rumored that the Administration is beginning to worry about the situation which exists relative to the legislation which twill J&ive to the President continued power to devalue the dollar. The bill passed the House over strong Republican objection and was referred to the Senate Banking ^Committee where at the present time it appears to be stymied. Unless the legislation becomes a law before July 1st, the President's power to devalue the dollar will expire.. ; " ' ^ * J *; V ,W-t o m e«*» rf Yearn A«i TWENTY YEARS AGO A very flue piece of rustic work in cement may be seen at the entrance of the sacristy at St. Mary's Catholic church. The work is that of Nicholas? Bohr, our expert cement worker. McHenry saloon keepers are now and have been up a tree for some time past, wondering whether or not July 1 will see the, closing of thair various places of business. Quite a number of resorters were disappointed to find the famous Stilling hotel at Pastakee Bay closed. From all indications at this time, the hotel will not be opened this, season. The McHenry Artificial Stone Co., has had many compliments extended its way for the neat job done on the McHenry House. THIRTY YEARS AO0 Read the Want Ads 4 you are not cor r y,sf,cd an Work at the depot during the past four days has been devoted exclusively to the digging of dtiches and tile laying for sewerage, together with the building of a cesspool. An undecided question among his friends is, "Did Peter B. Freund place a $10.00 gold piece in the .tin box that was placed under the corner stone of the new Catholic church at Woodstock last Sunday?" The story goes that he really did do it, but his friends are shy of the absolute truth regarding the matter. A distinct rocking of the earth was felt by McHenry people at 8:30 yesterday morning, the shock lasting about fifteen seconds. The plain just east of the mill dam, now owned by the Borden Milk company, is being cleared from its rubbish and we are told that a neat little park is not an impossibility. FORTY YEARS AGO Last Thursday and Friday McHenry's efficient road commissioners, Messrs. Green, Harrison and Freund, met and held a public letting of contracts. They contracted for nearly $1,500* worth of work to be done this year. This will include about 2,000 yards of grading and graveling. Chas. O^Boyle has disposed of his stallion to Linus and Lincoln Lusk for $300. This horse is three years old J and weighs 1600 pounds. He has a strong pedigree and Mr .O'Boyle took great care in his selection. T. J. Walsh is having his agricuU tural implement warehouse painted this week. George Curtis is doing the work. y Gilbert Bros, has put in a new soda fountain, which they will have in operation in a few days. •./K . ' \ % f You be the judge on this SPECIAL OFFER I v - Put Automatic Gas Water Heating to the test in your home. Install a complete Water Heater or a Coorersion Unit for your present storage tank. After 30 day* of convenient, carefree service, check the operating cost on your Gas bilL Then, unless you are completely satisfied, u>t will refund the payments made oh the new unit and remove it at tur expense! 1 You'll enjoy having all the hot water you want • •ywhen you want it! ' • No watching--no waiting when you have Automatic Gas Water heating. Just a turn of a faucet gives you plenty of hot water--instantly. Hot Water fot dishes, bathing, cleaning, the laundry, and a hundred other household uses--ready at any time of day or night. Best of all, the cost for this carefree convenience is amazingly low. And that is a fact you can prove for yourself. For unless you are satisfied with the low operating cost, we'll give you your money back. So take advantage of this limited offer-- now. We'll gladly give you complete information. FIFTY YEARS AGO Miss Kate Gilles, who has been at Vinton, Iowa, the past year, returned to her home in this village on Saturday. . Miss Mary Wentworth, Miss Maude VanSlyke and Howard R. Perry attended the Teachers' Institute at Marengo on Saturday. W. A. Cristy is building a carriage house on the east side of his bam. E. Lawlus is making arrangements to put a new front in his store, which SIXTY YEARS AGO WESTERN UNITED "VGAS"*, electric cqmpanyJL/ Tur° Old stn AUtOMat? ** WAreihba?a* °nly $0 OOO ** ,7' *oC Heate*foron?as ^«er 3y<***«ply%d°"*~*.loog Kid Gloves. Extra good quality, will greatly improve its appearance. 49c per pair at Fitzsimmons and Evanson. Mrs. E. W, Howe has just received a full line of millinery, and will dis pose of it at the very lowest figures for cash. Mr. A. F. Parson's will address the Red Ribbon club on Thursday evening at the Universalist church. The other exercises will embrace essays, declara tions and music. Circuit Court is in session at Woodstock this week. McHenry is represented on the Grand Jury by J. M McOmber and Nicholas Freund, and on the Petit Jury by Henry Colby and Smith Searles. v Test Pearl With Teeth To test a pearl, you can try it with your teeth. If natural, the pearl feels gritty, if artificial the surface is smooth. Buddhist Sacred Books The Buddhist sacred books are written in Pali, India's living tongue from the Seventh through the Seventeenth centuries. Pomegranate's Juice Acid Pomegranates grow wild in Afghanistan and northwest India and the districts south and southwest of the Caspian sea. They have a refreshing acid juice. * Termites Used as food Termites are considered a great delicacy in Africa and are also eaten in India. fUr- American Milk World Thiiwday, Jtmet, 1939 •elene* double eheoks as tests are constantly being ap0tjed to milk te protect He purity and safeguard quality for tho home. |\I8TRIBVTION of milk la this MJ country has grows to a point where It Car outstrips acy other country in the world in volume add sanitary protection of its product When 30 million bottles ot fresh milk are placed on the doorsteps of American homes every day this stupendous but unobtrusive daily service to consumers is so efficiently carried out as to be almost unbelievable to foreign milk experts. Daily distribution ot milk by trained organizations is a distinctively American development, says the Milk Industry Foundation, as few consumers in foreign lands have a dependable protected supply ot milk delivered dally at their doorsteps. In most other countries milk dis* trlbatlon is generally aa Intiqaatsd*' although traditional, hit of miss at* fair Dog carts, moles, hand tasks and other primitive means are used to make deliveries. As a rule milk is dipped from open containers la vessels supplied by the housewife. The modern equipment ot tho American milk distributor is in dV rect contrast to most foreign meth* ods. Here the distributor is trained in the handling and processing ot a perishable food and also serves as a guardian ot the community health. Pasteurising, bottle-washing, bofr tling, capping, refrigerating, testing; safeguarding butterfat content, to spectlng farms and the myriad de> tails ot delivery equipment, all of which protect the milk* are alfljMl unknown to foreign milkmen.. TWO STRIKES ON HIM BEFORE HE GOES TO BAT THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ 1069,000 POUNDS Of STEtl *,000 TMSATR _ (H 1MB UNITSD STATES SHOW SOUND AUd nm cot*fti& mrn rue utrr ai»6fsr HSuRt MAS OMVStttl, MANY OF THMM OVONOtMr ON AM&UGM tilMi MAIM* <S THI ONLY sum IN THI UNITBO STATES THAT IS BOUNDCO BV ONUf om crMRSjm TMS OTHERS AM BOUHDED * 2 OP TO 9 MEI6HB0RM0 STATES. DOCTORS OF EARLV ARA&A PmSCftieEDTHI /HAVtrtO OtCH§S* AS A CURE FOR THE. • SICK... TUB SuPPOSBD TO n|| ?ATi£NT BY HI* MIND 0& NTS A/LMettK* ALL 9OH0OLASJN TKRNtS OP AN EDICT MftSSO IH Eyes Baamined Dr. Paul A. Schwabe Phone: McHenry 12)4 Woodstock 674 A. E. Nye Bldg. West McHenry OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RURAL LIBRARY NOTICE ' The rural school library at the high school will be open from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. every Friday afternoon during the summer months."" Bobette Cristy will act as librarian. PETER PEEVE Ja -,;V • Weodchuck Table OeUeaey KThe pioneers esteemed the wood* chuck, when young and tender, as a table delicacy. Woodchuck hide made the best whiplashes and was sometimes used for moccasins. f Horses Wanted ~~ i b u Y and Disabled Horses. Pky from $5 to $14. ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 444 335 Haywaid Street Woodstock. 111. -V--. Phone 43 ATTORNEY AT. LAW Priat Bldf. OFFICE HOURS - / Tuesdays and Fridays Olfcer Days by Appointment McHenry • - - • A. P. Freund Go. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Gruu ; Service --Road Bnilding-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, Iff Quality Canvas Products BEN THONNESON AWNINGS --CRYSTAL LAKB Across from Post Office " Tel. Cryg. Lake 838 -- 129 Main St. Window Shades - . Venetian Blinds Boat Covers - Outboard Motor Covers - Tarpaulins FIR* AUTO INSURANCE r£S EARL R. WALSH , 'V'.» Presenting Eeliable Companies When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHanrj •rif MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldf. 4 8. Genesee St^ Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 143 Telephone No. 300 $ Btoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classed of property in the best companies. mC8T MeHENRY ILLINOIS S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Yonr Service in Building Your Wants Charlie's Repair Shop &«ffj|ea8t corner of State Bridge on Charles Street Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering -Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL ' ^ Phone 154 X-Ray DR. L. B. DKK MURPHY TOT. - OffWso Bows -- § a.m . to 9 p. a Riverside Drivo -- McHenry, HL KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the Most reliable Companies •lOisii in and (aft it MeHonry •