SUfl w 11 / 7 > l Thursday, Jane 22, 1939 . v' ,%U 'y, •***. fiA'i: >••**" ^r*v?^ r /v.-., * y * ^ -* .. *<V , / •>' "f •'->' -- 1AM %/ ; * ^ ' v* * *• ' ' •*•, f »<»*-- -- unit n«t. * ersonrn Mrs. Jack Walsh was a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Miller, several days last week. Clare Whiting returned to Elgin last Thursday evening, after a seven! days' visit with relatives here. Richard Wegener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wegener of Chicago, former local residents, graduated from a Chicago school of pharmacy last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Regner were Chicago callers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanHeirslee •ad children of Waukegan spent the -ELASTIC HOSIERY C*mfort aaltorm pressure ana onqwMr tea. be tnilMd oa)y trtxr. Elastic Hottest b scientifically coastractec O Hm rvbbw mo rHt M mIHy •* silk ead linen metanals. . (tiiry piece of El attic Hosiery mM to our itofw Is maautactvreo especially or us, •nder Mir own specifications, ana terries our Guarantee o. quality' and satisfactory service. ' \)ur complete stock o. Staamlen jr :>eamae Hosier} consists of: Anklets, Unas Caps iegqin« s. and Garter Stockings ale. in tha diffaran. tirade' o silk ano inan. c*r*riancad fitter? always on duty. <io haras /or no»- saltation and fittings. Reasonable prices. E LAS lie HOSIER* NON-SKID SPCh fAO TRUSO-ts aidominKl SUPPORTERS. SHOULDER BRACES THOMAS P. BOLGER Pbeoe 40 . McHenry weekend with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Mrs. Simon Stoffel returned home Saturday evening from a visit in.the home of her daughter, Mrs. Curtto Westfall, in Chicago. Miss Catherine Diedrich, R. N., of St. Charles hospital, Aurora, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Mrs. Sue Rankin and daughter, Eleanor, who spent the past several months in Chicago, will be in McHenry for the summer. They are residing in the Frett place at the end of John street. Sr. Mary Henry (Anna Bolger) accompanied by Sr. Ursullne, superior of Holy Angels academy, at Milwaukee, Wis., came Saturday to spend a few days with relatives here, Mrs. Mary McCabe of Oak Park arrived Saturday for a visit with McHenry relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fyfe caMed on relatives and friends in Huntley one day last week. Mrs. Floyd Cooley, Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Ray McGee were visitors in the home of Mr?. Julia Kent at Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. Clarence Martin is spending a week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. Albert Blake of this city and MSte. Earl Conley, daughter, Rosemary, of Huntley, have returned from Adrian, Mich., where they visited their grandmother, Mrs. H, C. Kuney. Mrs. Mollie Givens Accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Grayslake to Chicago Saturday. I M. A. Conway and son, Fr. Waltsr Conway, C. S. C., entrained Sunday for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will' visit in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. John Meehan. | N. C. Klein, who is on a visit in the« east, is at present spending some time in Washington, D. C. He writes that! he has visited various government j buildings, including the Capitol^ and Mount Vernon and George and Martha Washin^tons' Tomb. Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN YOLO It seems we have made a grave error. Eddie Buss (the alderman Buss) claims that he is the original "glamour- pants." Says he, and we quote, "Here I am in the hospital with a gorgeous pair of blue silk (my dear) pajamas and I think I've clinched the famous title (see above). I come home and what do I find, handsome A1 not only steals me title but wins by a hat. There aint no justice." ' JBeing a pal we can't let poor Eddie down, so this column herewith openS a contest for the "Glamour Boy" of McHenry. Get busy now and work for your favorite contender. All votes carefully counted' and winner to be presented with appropriate prize at American Legion Carnival, July 4th. Address your vote* to "Mary" at the Plaindeakir office. Boy are we curious. '•,;/* '• :,v" Four Mfr diays of earni**! Barttarday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Rides for all, a prize in each and every package. Remember for fun and profit, be at the American Legion Caniival -- July 1-2.3 and 4. Fireworks on the 4th promise to be bigger and better than ever. Bring you rear muffs. Yes, we are in on it too. Anyone wishing to help us out on the Hooligan game will earn our undying gratitude. Mrs. Covalt, Sr., and girls sure got around Hollywood too. They did right well for only a month's time. Glad to have you back again Mrs. Covalt. Let's compare notes. Just what did you think of Cary Grant? It isn't Easy to go thru Life without ast Accident EARL R. WALSH Phone 43 - Representing THE TRAVELERS, Hutfofrf POTPOURRI St. Patrick m Scotchman One legend says Saint Patrick, always associated with Ireland, Jjwas in reality, a Scotchman. Captured by pirates when 16 years old, he was taken to Ireland aqd spent six years as a shepherd. He escaped to a French monastery and remained until middle age. He then returned to Ireland as a missionary. Western Newspr.per Every time we decide to see Clarence pitch for dear old McH<gjry, we get company. Not that we mind dishing it out, we just naturally like folks around, but we like ball games too, and the one drawback to McHenry is "it's a long way from Ladies' Day at Cubs park." «• . - Thomas Booth of Detroit suddenly stopped speaking to his wife after 21 years of married life. Recently, after ten years of silence, she won a divbrce. In awarding contracts for a new hospital in Morgantown, W. Va., the county court announced a contest to pick a name for the structure, the prize being a free appendectomy. One maift goal of our National Farm Program still is balanced abundance, just as it has been for the last six years -- Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace. There's a bakery sale at Justen's store, Green and Elm, on Saturday. This is for the Ladies' Aid and don't forget. Doughnuts like mother used to make, pies like grandma baked, and cakes -- dear Aunt Sophronia% fav* orite recipe. We've said good-bye for the summer to Reverend Gerrard and family. We hope everyone has a good rest and church will reopen with renewed enthusiasm. "Pygmalion" is a very good picture especially for those who enjoy fine acting and a dry British humor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Vasey in Waukegan. The Volo Cemetery Society will meet at the home of Jason Walton on Thursday, July IS. Mrs. Eva Barron, Mrs. Blanch Keown and son, Junior, of Grayslake and Ole Hartwick of Granite Falls, Minn, called at the home of Mrs. Sarah Fisher" Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould ana daughter of Libertyyille spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Williatn Waldmann spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Combs neai Round Lake. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Ml*. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James WSlliams in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago spent Sunday here at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. The Volo 4-H Club met at the home of Harry Case Friday evening. The club will meet next at the home if Stanley Brown Friday evening, June 30. Mr. and Mes. Clarence Grabbe and family of Crystal Lake were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour and Mr> and Mrs. Wendell Dickson of Wauconda were Friday evening visitors at the home of Miss Vinnu> Bacon. G. A. Vasey of Belvidero called on Mrs. Sarah Fisher Saturday. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. William Fink Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was called to order at 2 o'clock and the major lesson Frank Dusil in Berwyn Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family visited the game farm near Barrington Sunday. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Weight near Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family attended tha wedding of Miss Leona Ketel to Mr. Carlson Palmer at Barrington Saturday afternoon. L1LYL4XB Page Three Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen of! Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Grout Mi# Chicago are spending a week at their J Margaret Farrell, Mrs. Genevieve Drii, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and son, Alvin, of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and children of Chicago spent the weekend at Lliy Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chicago spent a few days at their, cottage recently. Visitors in the hoftie of Mr. and Mrs. William Bender Sunday were Mrs. J. Herron, Miss Esther Herron and Mr., and Mrs. Edward Bender and children, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at thefr summer home. ^ cottage Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and daugh. ther, Josephine, were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs. Claussen iuid daughter of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stmad Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Max Wehner and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wehner of Chicago .spent a week at their cottage. Mary Hubbell and Mra. Hubbell and Billie Robinson of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs.,Lester Venable Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cichlar and family ant! Mr. and Mrs. R. Roth and daughter, all of Chicago. Mrs. Thomas Klabough and Mrs. Fred Dosch were Chicago visitors at the home of Mrs, Nora McCalla on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Galitz, Chicago, spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mary Faehse of Chicago is spending the sumifler at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Budil and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Allend of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mae Budil. coll visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday. Visitors in the home of Mr. an# Mrs. William Pankonen Sunday wem Walter Schwab, Frank Schwab, Ml* and Mrs. George Schuhrke, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gehrke and daughtefy Dolores, all of Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth arii leaving for a trip to New York Tuesday, June 20, where they will visjl at the home of an aunt and also visit the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth arjjji; entertaining a visitor from German^ Miss Elise Schuster, a cousin of Mf. Seyfferth. - 2; f rj4~ "ff i * '{. i .i ' »2vi '" "REDUCE . . . The Safe, Natural Way Bring This Ad and ...... For trial,treatment; Regular $2.00 $1 Nw-»«hhm Permanent*. $2.50 up Oil Permanent*, 2 persons for $5 up Singly for ..........$3.00 up complete SCISSOR RAZOR WAVE CUT with Shampoo and Hairdress $1.50 S T 0 M P A N A T 0 ' S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, IIL f on "Frozen Foods" was given by M='s. i ^ y IX iv T T OF THE RUSSEL BROTHERS 11-PIECS i ? T Tt Don't forget the big premier of "Man About Town" at Waukegan next Sunday, June 2§th. A bit of Hollywood you don't peed to travel 2,500 miles to see. , . ' 1/UeaJzk. Special) y B 7 pc. CRYSTAL JUICE SET Here's a reed moneysaving value. 1-qt. ball-shaped Juice Pitcher and 6 5-oz. fancy paste mold tumblers. Regularly 49c. COMPLETE SET ONLY 25 c We are sorry to hear about Henry Heuser. The "little butcher" at Reiner's had many friends and it's rather a shock to say good-by« to soon. You'll be missed, Henry! , George Johnson "siced" a book agent on us last week. We forgive him because we bought the book, but maybe he ought to avoid the Mr. for a few days. QABBY QERTIE Howard Converse and Mrs. Cecil Anderson, local leaders, who (crave the lesson very ably. Mrs. Russell Magnussen gave the minor lesson on "Interesting Places To Visit in the Northeastern Part of the United States." A very dainty lunch was then served by Mrs. Fink. John Roney then invited all members and guests tji//toihvNhl!' flower gardens, which pwtfed to be a beautiful tour. There will be no unit meeting in July or August. A unit picnic was decided for the month of July. A committee consisting of Mrs. William Dillion, Mrs. Russell Magnu?- sen, Mrs. Walter Crook, was selected. There will be an annual garden party July 6 for all units of Lake county. Members will all be notified of this event later. Clifford Wilson attended a "Radio Trade Show" in Chicago Friday. Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Herman Dunker, and Mrs. M. O'Brien spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Matzen at Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. O. Klemm and daughter, Elaine, and Mrs. Frank St. George motored to Burlington, Iowa, Thursday. Miss Dorothy Klemm reutrned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. Balmes of Evanston spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Frank St. Geodrge attended a pre-nuptial shower in honor of Miss Newburg at the home of Mr. and Mrs.j jji a* t h e Bridge Ball Room Route 20 at the McHenry Bridge June 24 "PENNIES(FROM HEAVEN" -- You must be there to get one of the balloons which will contain valuable prizes for the lucky grabbers. ADMISSION 40 CENTS PER PERSON * 3® Pm i mm [SUMMER HOUSEWARES.^ FOOD SAVER COVER SET Set 6 pieces. Pure oil silk with colorful red grape pattern. Keeps food fresh and sanitary. REFRIGERATOR PAN A!2> tasmsmiwywq SAVE WITH DODGE Each White enamel with blue bead. Size 12'/i in. long, 8 in. wide, deep. "Fewer engagements would be broken if girls were permitted to kiss men to whom they are not engaged." BOSTON GLAMOUR SILEX COFFEE MAKER fliiv *295 Each Genuine Silex. Containers of Pyrex Oven-proof glass. 8-cup capacity. ELECTRIC FAN Standard 8U nonoscillating. Black enamel finish. I0K" high, 8%" wide. (For alternating current 110-120 volts-- SALE OF GLASSWARE 7-pc. Rose Beverage Set, 80-oz. Jug, 10-oz. Tumblers ... Glass Water Bottle, Crystal, I -qt. Large Glass Juice Reamer Crystal or Rose Tumblers 9-oz. 3 for Crystal or Rose Tumblers, I2-OZ....2 for •i V on price...becaus* this bigger. Dodge, packed with one extra-value feature after another, coats even leaa than U«t year! on gas oil... because the new Dodge engine gives you a!l the proven Dodge economy features, plus even more advancements for 19391 new cium the new gear- WF shift the steering wheel, plus other outstanding impro vements, are yours for no extra cost! ^on repair bills...because you get Dodge's world-famous Dependability ... a ruggedness that can endure hard OMge without flinching! JHf on future trade-in... because Dodge Dependability counts plenty when you yet ready to trade in! BEFORE you decide on any car, read carefully all the important Dodge Savings listed above. Then see the evidence with your own eyes. Go to your Dodge dealer and take a look 0t the new Luxury Liner from every Vital money-saving standpoint. When you've looked your fill, take a look at the price tag! You'll find this big Luxury Liner sells for even /ess than last year's Dodge!" Vfcae la ea Mater Ions <tntewr Hear. filnmHi Nefceerfc. Tkmdays,ItellP.M.. E. D. S.T. NEW 1939 '*" * "X* " T** urn pucq, 756r I *815--" «nv extr«. TAKE A LOOK! New invisible luggage compartment, completely concealed beneath windstreamed rear ^semble, yet actually 27% larger! DODGE U/XURy l/t/ER FREE PROOF THAT 00061 SAVES GAS! Prove Dodge economy for yourself with this free "Gasometer" test which shows, right before your eyes, exactly how many miles Dodge travels on an accurately measured quantity of g«sl Wm. H. Althoff Hdi^e. Boston's younger set recently started a boom to take the 1938 debutante "clamour girl" title away from New York, nominating beautifnl, blonde Eleanor Frothingham, town above. The Boston social is irked at New York taking the title year after year. Corner Main Street and Rovte 31 Ibmie 284 Mrs. Nick M. Jusfcen, Mrs. William Jtosten and Mrs. Jos. Banc s^snt lfonday afternoon in Waukegan. Phone 156 DODGE and PLYMOUTH Pearl Street "GET IN AND GOr Don't Miss Our Big Display of "WORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL" USED CARS! KMV FN con to COAST TMML! «U0 ON OttPMfc A COMPLETE S&ECT10N OF Ml MAKES. Mi M00&S AT All POKES! WHATEVER V00 HAMT 01 A m ••