E M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter ^at the postoffice at McHenry, III., •the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months .$2.00 ..$1.00 A. H. MOSHER Editor and M "LADY ELGIN" WEDS^ WILLIAM JOHNS ON SATURDAY, JUNE 24 Miss Arlene Warner, "Lady Elpin," ; Sdnuprhter of Mr. and Mrs." Walter M. Warner of Elgin, became the bride of William M.~"Johns, Jr., of Newcastle, Pa., in a ceremony performed Satur- -J- 'day afternooq. June 24, at 4 oVlock, in T^i'--7:>the" rectory of St. Mary's Catholic church at Elgin, with Rev. Fr. B. E. . Beddoes officiating. / " , \ The lovely bride wore a full-skirted v. ;wedding gown of white satin, withi ' • , trimming of white chantilly lace on, , , , ' ' ' the hi^rh necked bodice. She carried a , colonial bouquet of white bridal roses v v'l/ and sweet peas and wore a halo of ' white bridal roses in her dark hair. Miss Jeanne Warner, sister of the bride, who served as bridesmaid, was in a bouffant frock of yellow net over peach taffeta. Her bouquet was fashioned of mixed flowers and harmonized with the blossoms in her hair. Wesley Albert served the groom as best man. The bride's mother wore dusty rose lace and Mrs. Johns, mother of the bridegroom, navy blue lace, both with white accessories. Their corsages were of mixed flowers. Following the ceremony, an open house reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where fifty guests were served. Friends and relatives were^jpresent from Chicago, Crvstal Lake, Wheaton, Wauconda, Dundee, Grayslake, McHenry and Newcastle. Pa. Mrs. Johns wore a going-away ensemble of navy blue crepe/ with large white and blue linen hat and white accessories. Following a honeymoon in the east, the couple will be at home at 439 Fulton "street, Elgin. The bride attended Elgin High school and is a member of the Junior Woman's club. She is employed at the Elgin National Watch company and was recently chosen to represent the company at the New York World's Fair as "Lady Elgin." She is a native of McHenry, the daughter of the former Irene Frisby. \ Mr. Johns graduated from the Newcastle, Pa.i High school and thXElgin Watchmakers' college. He is al£o employed at the factory. / - EDWARD HARRISON OF RINGWOOD WEDS MISS RUTH OWEN OP ELGIN Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin and Edward Harrison, son of Mrs. George Harrison of ^RjngWod, were married Saturday afternoon at Nashua, Iowa in "The Little Brown Church irL the Vale." The bride is a daughtef of Mrs. James Oven. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kuecker of Elgin. They are now at home at 1038 Duncan ave., Elgin. The bride is an employe of the Elgin National Watch Co. factory, and the bridegroom is employed by Chas. E. Giertz and Son. Need Rtfbber Stamps ? Orderat The Plaindealer. Sensational News! Now You Can Buy the Famou* •-- Standard Gum-Dipped Tires at These Prices: Size 4.40-21 4.50-21. 175-191 5.25-18 5.50-17 6.00-16 6.50-16 Former Price J 9.10 ,.10.00 : 10.30 -moo .. 13.20 _ 14.35 .. 17.40 SALE PRICE $5-55 6.48 6-70 7.8O 8-55 9-32 11.34 You Save $3.55 3.52 3.60 4.20 4.65 5.03 6.06 For a safe 4th of Juy trip, come in today and equip your car with the greatest tire bargains of the year! Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery ^i--jf Charging and Repairiag Phone 294 --:-- --:-- West McHenry N. C. KLEIN HOME FROM TRIP TO THE NEW YORK'S FAIR -r (Continued from first every country in the world. "The weather was very hot and sultry while in Washington. One had to keep an electric fan going all- night to get a comfortable sleep. Every branch of the government has its own building, and each one seems more imposing than another. Opposite Washington Monument, and across an artificial lake about 1,000 feet long, stands the Lincoln Mem orial building, built entirely of marble, and the figure of Abraham Lincoln sculptured out of a single piece of marble that weighed 60,00© tons. The statue is about twenty feet high. The entire grounds, which cover many acres ame very beautiful. Washington's Home "Again after dinner we were taken to Mount Vernon, in Virginia. After crossing the Potomac river we entered W. Washington, which before 1820 was known as Georgetown. A six-lane road along the Potomac river, passing through Alexandria took us to George Washington's home. Each person entering the grounds must pay twentyfive cents for the maintenance thereof. Several hundred feet from the gate, stands Washington's home, in which is still the furnishings that were used during his lifetime. Farther on, one passes through beautiful and well-kept flower beds, then on to the tomb where George and Martha Wash, ington are buried. The names on the graves are still readable. All the country through this district is very hilly and wooded with age-old trees, and everything in the best order. "From here we were taken to Arlington Cemetery where most of the patriotic generals and soldiers of the Revolutionary War are buried. tWe also saw the tomb where the Unknown Soldier lies buried, where sentinels continually pace back and forth. Returning to Washington about 6 p. m., we stopped at our hotel, had lunch, and at 7:30 were again taken by bus to see the Capitol and other government buildings beautifully lighted up "Saturday morning was at our disposal to go where we pleased. At 3:45 we were taken to the station where we again hoarded B. & O. trains and were on our way to Pittsburg. We followed the Potomac river for miles, as it wound its way through the Cumberland mountains. At 5:30 a short stop .was made at Harper's Ferry where the Potomac joins Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia; to the right was the Shenandoah river, and in the background the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Arriving at Pittsburg at 10:30, we spent the night at the Pittsburgher. "After breakfast, we, for the last time, boarded a B. & O. train, for home. Dinner was served on the train while on we went 473 miles in a steady grind till we arrived at Chicago at 5:40 DST. Stayed at Wauke. gan over night and returned to McHenry 10 a.m. Monday, tiredj but satisfied." ii. end here. FOR SALE FOR.49ALE--74x137% ft. lot on Main street, % block from McHenry high school. All improvements in and paid for. Call Sheldrake 3385, Chicago. •4-2 SEE G-E REFRIGERATOR--The buy of your life! New lower prices, with proved features that make for econpmy, greater efficiency. On display at CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP, Green Street McHenry, Phone 251. 6 FOR A GLORIOUS FIGURE AND A glamorous Fourth. A Jantzen Glamour swim suit. Several new styles at McGEE'S. 6 FOR SALE--Seed Buckwheat, $1.70 per hundredweight. McHenry Flour Mills. 5-2 FO(R SALE--Threshers--22-54 Case, 28-46 Avery; Tractors--15-30 McCormick Deering, 20-40-Oil Pull, "D" John Deere. EARL BARRON, Grayslake, 111. 5-2 FOR SALE--DeSoto automobile. in good condition. Also house furnish-, ings. Phone McHenry 211-R. 6 FOR SALE--Ice Box, 75-lb., like new, $5.00. Mrs."W. H. Guffey, Phone 131-W. 6 FOR SALE--Fur Coat. Genuine Marmink, full length. Butler, Fox street, Pjjione 79-W. *« FOR SALE--Square Piano; 27-in. Detroit Moto-Mower; Flag pole and 6x10 flag (new); Venetian Blinds. (All in good condition). Write Box 33. West McHenry, 111. *6 FOR RENT OR SALE--10-room house near German church. Also 10-room house at Kiverdale on river. J. B. Kelter. 6-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Four-room summer cottage on Fox River. Further information--See John A. Bolger, McHenry, 111., Phone 60-M or 29. 6 FOR MALE -- Murphy's Guaranteed Fly Spray in 5-gal. drums, $4.00. Order a drum today. Farmers Mill, Phone 29. 6 FOR SALE--24'r Protein Pure Malt Sprouts at $18.50 per ton, delivered. Fanners Mill. Phone 29. 6 HAVING SOLD MY RESIDENCE--I will purchase farm from 10 to 50 acres and will pay all cash if price is right. Address Box 427, McHenry, 111. *4-2 WANTED TO RENT--10 to 40 acre farm from private party. Will take possession now or in fall. Please give rates per year. Address Box "Q," McHenry Plaindealer. 6 WANTED--Field or stack bailing on hay or straw. See the Clipper Combine at Orr's Blacksmith Shop. Lester Hawley, Phone Hebron 791. *6 ,, „ T" $10 REWARD--For information of Marcellus Mayers and J»U8l.ter. J ^ ilolen jn Emera]d park Marcella, of Chicago spent the week- * » F 4341 HI HI Mil JUNE 30 to JULY 5 The buying public this spring has given tthe new 1939 Chevrolet an unusually fine reception. As a result we have accepted in trade many fine passenger cars and trucks. This used car stock must be moved. Prices have been slashed. These cajjs are ready for sale and will give many miles of trouble-free transportation. Cars-Trucks CHEVROLET FORD HUDSOIT DODGE TERRAPLANE AND OTHER MAKES McHenry, 111. A. F. Figatner, 4341 W. Madisof St., Chicago. Columbus 2660. . 6 WANTED--Maid for general housework. Cooking, no laundry, good salary. Pistakee, Phone McHenry 295. 6 , WANTED--Girl for waitress and res- I taurant work. Write Box "G," care of Plaindealer. 6 WANTED--Pupils who need private tutoring during summer months. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 6 DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani_ tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 Big semi-annual corset sale. Opens Wednesday, July 5; ends Wednesday, July 12. Woodstock Dry Goods Co Woodstock, 111. 6 SOLEMNIZE JUNE WEDDING AT PAUL KOPFT HOME SATURDAY Miss Lois M. Bernhart, daughter of Mrs. Martha Koch Bernhart of Chicago was married to Kenneth L. Heck, son of John Heck of JLaCrosse, Wis., at a formal wedding ceremony per formed Saturday evening, June 24, in the "Paul Kopft, home, located on the river one mile north of McHenry, by the Rev. H. J. Collins of Ringwood. Seventy-five guests were present at the wedding, supper which followed the service. Attendants were Miss Elaine Klotz and John Calef, The lovely bride wore a cream sheer wedding gown With satin bodice and a long flowing veil. Her bridal bouquet wasaof cream The couple left on a honeymoon trip to northern Wisconsin, and upon-their return will reside in Park Ridge. Big semi-annual corset sale. Opens Wednesday, July 5; ends Wednesday, July 12. Woodstock Dry Goods Co., Woodstock, 111. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Reunion of Old Friends * v - . • • ' • .» v, i '• - .. • -"'V -V - V '•v " ^ • •W* •' ' Above is a gathering of old schoolmates and friends recently held. AH well known former McHenry residents, they are now scattered and re side' in neighboring cities. They are: Mrs. Anna Mollohan, Ridgefield; Mrs. Mary Lanaphere, Elv- • « : -v--- gin; Mrs. Kate Howe Fay, Elgin; Mrs. Ahna Byrd, Chicago; Mrs. Dora Price, Elgin; Mrs. Mayme Besley Wynkoop, Mrs. Lois Whiting Senne and Mrs. Hattie Mead Dalton, Woodstock. LOST LOST--Small change purse containing money, somewhere between West McHenry State Bank and Kamholz Hard- I ware store. Phone 634-W-2. 6 MISCBLLAinSOU« FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 CASH FOR DEAD HORSES AND I CATTLE--Dead hogs and sheep removed free. Midwest Removal Company, Phone Woodstock 1624-M-1. Reverse charges. *5-4 :4, 1936 CHEV. STD. TOWN SDN. 1936 CHEV. DeL. TOW»N SDN 1934 B^ICK DeLUXE SEDAN With Heater and Radio 1933 CHEV. MASTER COACH With Radio 1932 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1931 ESSEX SEDAN (2) 1931 DODGE SEDAN 1931 FORD COUPE 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE 1937 LaFAYETTE TOURING SEDAN Good tires, motor in excellent shape. New paint. Priced to sell at < $395 1935 CHEV. Jle&UXE COACII 1935 FOflD COUPE 1934 CHEV. DeLUXE COUPE With Radio 1932 CHEV. SPORT SEDAN 1930 GRAHAM SEDAN 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 PONTIAC CAOCH 1930 PONTIAC SEDAN 1930 PONTIAC COACH 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 FORD DeLUXE COUPE In pood shape, 6-plv tires, low mileage, perfect mechanical condition. Ready togejtttcinly tr|.v. $175 T R U C K S 1935 CHEVROLET 1 y2 TON 157" W. B. -- With Body 1934 CHEVROLET l«/2 TON 157" Wr. B. -- Good Tires 1934 CHEVROLET l'/2 TON 131" W. B. -- With Body 1914 FORD SDN. DELIVERY Reconditioned Motor 1932 PONTIAC PICKUP 1931 CHEVROLET l'/2 TON 157" W.B. 1936 TERRAPLANE COUPE lias hydraulic brakes, steel turret top, heater. Priced at. $295'. BARN DANCE--At Thos. A. Bolger's new barn, 2 miles south of McHenry, Friday evening, June 30th. Miller's Orchestra. 6 STONES, STUMPS, CONCRETE OR DITCHES DUG--Or anything else re-; moved. Estimates free. Call Rich-; mond 842. Arthur Staines, McHenry,! 111., Route , i 4-4 [ EVER SINCE EVE WOMEN HAVE BEEN "ribbing" their husbands about the shirts they wear. Women know that Fruit of the Loom shirts represent the sterling mark of quality. $1.65 at McGEE'S. * 6 DRI-GAS INFORMATION--Come in. Learn how thousands of housewives who live beyond gafe^majH^ are modernizing their cooking with DRI-GAS. ALTHOFF HARDWARE, McHenry. 6 UPHOLSTERING SERVICE--We can save you money. Make your present [furniture continue in attractive service for years. Consult us! CARL RIETESEL Phone 109-W. 6 MANY OTHER Models and makes 131" W.B. WW FORD L'A TON •WHI* Cab and Body YOUR CAR ACCEPTED IN W7-/- v TBLAB% BEFORE YOU LEAVE--Drive in for filling of that famous Mobilgas, Mobiloil, Mobilg tease and Washing. It's good-luck insurance. ANDERSON'S SERVICE, Phone 280. 6 Sales McHenry -- Telephone 277 Richmond -- Telephone 10 McHenry, Illinois WHERE FRIEND MEETS FRIEND Richmond, 111. I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hlettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf FOR SALE--4-Door LaFayette Sedan, | with trunk. Good condition. Priced i reasonably for quick sste. Phone McHenry 216-J. 6 ENJOY McHenry Beer The American Legion Carnival at McHenry Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 1-2-3-4 BRING THE FAMILY SAVE on TIRES TO JULY 4th INCLUSIVE S A V I N G FROM STANDARD LIST On Big Husky Genuine New 4.75-19 4.50-21 $5-74 $5-50 5.25-18 5.50-17 $6-86 $7.32 6.00-16 $.50-16 $798 $9-70 Net Prices Including Old Tire / TIRES Real tire news for you! For one-half the cost of little-known or off-brand "standard" tires, you get the PATHFINDER, made and guaranteed for life by GOODYEAR! Pathfinder is a big tough tire with long-wearing center-traction tread and brjiise-resisting, blowout-protected plies of low stretch Supertwist Cord. Don't delay these special prices are good only until July 4th -- so buy now for your Holiday Trip! SO% Saving on Goodyear Heavy Duty Tubes Pearl Street Phone 156 McHenry,