if-,*'-' ih k -ev¥,; • ffc^'Yhundky, July 13,1939 'v.. •v*. ' f ^ ^ ! r1Pi-'75;-; >W*H* - r-f-f-.- < •:**"« V.i,p/-. .; THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER i»^'7 uSO I HEAR" ,-•?< *#;"•* «$t Lv _w 5, --Jfcn '« "' EARL WALSH "Ole Man Mose* and his better .'.. (much better!) half are hack on the job after a trip to Alaska. That Is -- he says he was hi Alaska, t>ut we dunno. Hell! He didnt WB jet an Eskimo. --I-- • That sounds to us like taking i| trip to the Aquarium and not seeing tjt fefe. . -- I-- -vvA' '; The "Renichs are home, tt^Goe^ ;!:#^ii|bis is a good chance to say thanks - for a card from "Ma" Renich. --I-- "We haven't heard any bad reports . ' 'about the ladies, but it seems our |*ublisher, Mr. Renich, was arrested ^ Jtwice in Alaska. Think of it! Well, maybe it wasn't so bad. It seems that some guy (a^id a little jshrimp is suspicftmed) put1 the m>n him- Boys wilrhe boys! - -I- •f y,~ _ Our delicate looking Publisher ha^. -r' * , Jiis picture taken quite a few times; -•'> They say that country is full of moun< - tains. Look closely. The mountains are in the background. v -BWell. "Mose," quite a few things happened while you .were away. The first shot out of the box, we helped get that fine new bridge dedicated at Johnsburg. -IWe took advantage of your absenee and slipped in quite a. few boosts for the Democrats. --I"*" • SC ;h Well, we really tried to he fair and gave Bill Carroll, one of your best Republicans, credit for a peach of a speech. Bill's talk went Wtt big at • Johnsburg. JOHNSBURG TIGERS OF '39 ersonals Bob,; f® enjoying a vacation in Florida/':';;." =.' Francis and Edward Bonslett of Evanston visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Peter Riemann and son, Henry, of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Moritz of Chi- Milwaukee, Wis., were Friday guests cago enjoyed a vacation in McHenry | in the home of the former's sister, last week. Mrs. Helena Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burke and children of Wilmette visited last week in the M. J. Walsh and W. F. Burke homos. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linden, Mrs. John Vietoris, Mrs. Arthur Goodstein and Miss Louise Linden of Chicago called on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams were Sunday visitors at Holy Hill, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen are enjoying a two weeks' vacation in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Mike " Lavelle of Streator were Sunday visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Miss Beatrice Lane was a weekend i visitor in McHenry. Miss Ruth Lackner of Chicago sp£n£< the past week in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Oak Park spent the weekend at their cottage in Hickory Grange. "Their son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey were dinner guests in the Frank • Purvey home at Woodstock Monday evening. ^Stanley Hill and father of Chicago wi-e Sunday visitors here. Mrs. Jack Thies, Mrs. Richard Hester, Miss Lucille Steffes and Mrs. Jacob Steffes attended a party honoring Mrs. Ralph Schroeder in Chicago on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Betty Nielsen of this city and Mrs. D. W. Strong of Wondei^ Lake left Sunday f or Rochester'. Minn., where the former's d lighter, Betty, had been undergoing treatment for chronic arthritis the past three weeks She returned home with them Tuesday evening very much improved. Miss Lillian Vales of Chicago, who Recently returned from a trip to the pastern coast, spent several days last week in the Albert Vales home here s . < • " " Fige ft?t WV Green and Miss Marian Krause at- j,.' , i tended a luncheon at the Lawrence McChesney home in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. John McDonoug^i and son, David, of Chicago are spending the week in the James Orr residence. Weekend visitors in the Albert Vales home were Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Vales, Mr. and Mrs. John Micklaurx and Mrs. Edward Regner. all of Cicero. ' Mr. and Mrs. A1 Monroe and friend of Elgin visited in the J. W. Rothermel home one day last week.* Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and niece, Mrs. A1 Monroe, of Elgin were Waukegan visitors last Wednesday. Misses Jeanne and Audrey Warner and Doris Pilcher of Elgin visited the former's sister, Mary Lou, who is spending several days here with relatives, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Merrick of Racine and sister, Mrs. Rothring, of Burlington called on McHenry friends Friday. Mrs. Stacia Malone of Elgin, who is spending several weeks here with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Walsh, has returned froni a visit in the home of her niece, Mrs. Louis Young, in Wauke- :£v>v' Miss Ruth Reihanpserger is spending the week with friends In',:. Ham- j gan. mond, Ind. ' 1 Mrs. Gerald Carey and Miss Clara Mrs, Bernice Huemann, Mrs. Minnie I Stoffel were Chicago visitors Monday. The above team consists of local bays who h^ve played together since they were kne^rhigh to a grasshopper. This can still be rated a teen-age team. Follow their progress through The Plaindealer &port page each week. Top Row: Vincent Tonyan, "Bud" Meyers, Paul Pitzen. Center Row: Alvin Freund, Norbert Smith, Lawrence Klapperich, Walter Smith, Steve Schmitt, Stanley Freund. Seated: Teddy Pitzen, "Bud" Miller, Harold freund (Manager), Bill Kreutzer and Donald Freund, MUNDELE1N GETS ONLY FOUR HITS, BUT TIGERS SOOUTS TO HOU> SWIM MEET! BULL VALLEY BOYS ____ . ,.w „„„„„ McCoH»eS! DEFEAT CRYSTAL LAKE HELP EH WITH ERRORS Boy Scouts of America will gather in i „ _ .Crystal Lake at 2:30 Daylight Saving! Tb® Bul1 Valley Boys really went A bad fv-st inning beat Johnsburg Time, Thursday afternoon July 20, j*° *own defeat Crystal Lake by the Sunday 6-4. Mundelein scored three 1939 to participate in a District Swim'score °f ® *° * ,.ast Sunday. Each runs without1 getting a hit. The boys Meet. ! team collected thirteen hits to put have to take back a lot of things we said about the girls and their hats Well, the All-Star game is over and it proves a lot of things besides the superior strength of the American League.. It proves that flhos^ gmmes are more than exhibition affairs. Both tides are out to win. You didn't see much switching of players. Only one real substitution was made in the game and that when Ival Goodman was injured in a dive for a line drive. --n-- . Pinch-hitters went up to swing for the pitchers, of course. They always do -- almost. It was first pointed out to us by Roy "Pete" Clark, proprietor of the Nook, and a great sport fan, that each team had twenty-five players on hand. Including pinch-hitters and the usuthree- inning switch of pitchers, only twenty-eight men were used in the f game. --I-- That means that .the ether twentytwo men went along for the ride - - and a question arises: found it hard to get at Krene, who There will be two classes of contes-j P^enty action in the game, with a five run lead up to the fifth in- tants -- one under 110 pounds and v ^ ning, was plenty hot. Johnsburg one 100 pounds or over. Each class* *-- • scored two runs in the fifth and a will compete with other troops in such1 ninth inning rally fell short. After events as Relay Races, Breast Stroke Mungle, 88 r" two runs had scored, the tying runs on Races, R^tecue Carry Races, Back Dowell, 3b . second and first, two men out, a double Stroke Races, Flutter Board Races; Kehr, lb ...... y Kreutzer and A1 and Diving Skill. I Deering, rf ................. r ifTatteV third but A space betwee I atVagcond for the be cleared for this project during an Harris, p hour and a half in the afternoon be-; Feltz, 2b .... ginning at 2:30. 1^' ®°we^' ® Parents, friends and others are In- Doherty, cf vited to attend. See any men with their shirt-tails out in the Alaska district, "Mose?" -8- You know, if the men keep on |?teal tr_ these style changes, we re going t0 Freund. Kreutzer ifTa^v third but A space between the two piers will j Nickels. If 'Should all All-Stars be used in the big game Freund was nailed third out. Half Day will appear on the Johnsburg diamond next Sunday, July 16. Mundelein -- & ' .. AB Brown, 4St 4 Meinke, rf 4 Chamberlaiij, 2b .... 4 Gore, 3b ..s... 4 Kiene, p 4 Huffman, s* ............ 4 Clendening, c ......... 4 Amann, lb 4 Fenwick, If .............. 4 TOTALS .36 Johnsburg Tigers -- 4 AB A. Freund, ef 5 N. Smith, 2b .......... 4 B. Meyer, ss .......... 4 - J W. Smith, lb 4 T. Pitzen, If 8 H. Freund, c 2 ^ D. FVeund, 3b ... 4 J P. Pitzen, rf 3 . t B. Kreutzer, p ........ '4 . B. Miller, rf 1 0 1 1 1 • d I r 6 0 0 0 • t • o And the Race Begins! 0 12 9 i t - 11 TOTALS 34 4 Score by Innings > tMundelein 800 201 000--6 4 1 The boys are all good or they would- j johnsburg .™.„. 000 020 002--4 8 7 li't be on the team. Take ^or| Two-base hit--ClendenJng. Threethe shortstop posts- Each 8"or^®P', base hit--B. Kreutzer. Struck out by Vaughn Crystal Lake Cook, e D. Kopsel, 2b F. Kopsel, lb Selzer, ss W. Kopsel, p A. Kopsel. 3b Nelson, If .... Thurow, cf .... P. Thurow, rf AB H H ..... 4 1 . 4 • i-A .;.... 4 ' . 0 * * '1 ' 1 1 ...... 4 1 3 ...... 2 ...... ,4o '-"' %A. "' '* -'4- V 1 ...... S_ 1 .....30 6 13 !.• 3 R 0 H 1 4 0 2 ..... 4 1 2 ..... 4 1 2 ...... 4 0 1 4 1 1 3 0 : : 1 : -.a 1 ; '1 8. ' M TOTALS ...... 32 4 13 Struck out by--Harris,9, B. Dowell, W. Kopsel, 6. Walked by--Harris, Dowell, 0, Kopsel, 3. PLAYGROUND NOTES Each spots. and Cronin, had an .error. ,_Kiene 2 Kreutzer, 5. Bases on put the pitchers, in The above picture shows Jerry Due to the hot weather tne playground activities are being held in the City Park. With all of the shade that there is in the park this will be a much nicer place for the children to play. Practically all Of the equipment and games that were used on the High School grounds will be available so the sane activities will be carried Due to the 4th of July the past week tere was no league ball game on I balls off--Kiene. j pire--Burulfi. 0. Kreotaer, Kubovy, owner of a popular re soft at Tuesday, but that will continue to be "t U Wonder Lake, about to start one of a Tuesday moniing ganl« M long as HALT A TOW or BOMi, along the line su6 - Vaughn and Luke^ppling or Crosetti for Cronin. would ^he changes •aVfl weakened the infield^ --I-- We think not. Now, tell u."that tAeir hitting itrength wo Id have been pissed. DM you say hi< ing, dear uncle Oscar . --' yrbmt hitting ? - BEEF AND BRAWN GOES TO MAT AT GRAYSLAKE couldn't resist.) several boat races which he has spon-, boys want it. sored. (Jerry is going to be plenty, , v T • « u * surprised to see this picture. We I ^ enough boys and girls have tenthought it a fine action shot and just nis rockets, and wish to play tennis. If poundage means anything, Lake | county wrestling enthusiasts who spend their Friday nights shouting' themselves hoarse at the weekly bouts in Peg's Grayslake Arena should SPRING GROVE Thursday morning of each week will be spent on the High School Courts. This will offer an opportunity for the youngsters of McHenry to learn this fvie game. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and chil- The hot weather has made the city really get their moneys worth this dren from Chicago visited Mr. and beach a popular place the last few week for the local promoters have Mrs. Byron Orvis and Mr. and Mrs.1 days A test has been made of the j carded a double main event totaling Mike Huff on Thursday. ^ river water at the beach and accordrame. near'y ^alf a ton of bone, beef and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and, ing to the State Board of Health the This was not i* seems therel br"wn- _ xl_ . , x , granddaughter, Carol, motored to water is in fair shape, but whenever J4ot by a long shot. W-seem , in one of the twin-features ' Slaugh- jowa on Tuesday to visit Carol's the water becomes cloud/ and dirty, were °"ly th^teen i JP j ter-house" Phil Malloy, 255 pound grandmother. She returned with them swimming in it should be discouraged the lusty bats of all «e .nwwjr j bruising bully from the Chicago stock -an<| js spending the week here. I as much as possible. i; > gers in the *ame. - yards who has muscled his way into Mr. and Mrs. Charles May l.nd sons! -- 1 .H'-'r i h f a ffuess '°°a' pP°tlight of sports with his spent Sunday with her parents, Mr J The girls tennis team tciS iKtiil tin- That leads us to venwLe a g lough and ready tactics, takes on a antj Mrs. J. J. Freund. fable to cope wjth the Harvard girls that thw inust have been <wme pitch- man fuHy his equaj in size, weight, MMrr.. aanndd MMrrss.. BB.. LL.. OOrrvviiss ssppeenntt SSuunn--1 ! aanndd so lost their return match at ing going on out thei e on j and toughness in Friedrich von day afternoon in the L^pnard Franzen ' Harvard Sunday afternoon. Adele , Schacht, six foot six inch 260 pound home at Ringwood. I Froehlich was again victorious in hei in 'German giant. The Slaughter-house Mrs. Bertha Esh, Mr. and Mrs.j singles match, and teaming up with has been ridiner rough-shod over all Andy Straub, daughter, Yvonne, and Arlene Bacon, this pair iMMt able to (pot In the Yatikee stadium. Joe DiMaggio hit a keep a little Yankee Upi , j opposition at the local lake arena this Miss Lorraine Nett motored to Dun- defeat their opponents. gatae. It's an °ld xeoisge^#.. : year, and the wild-eyed addicts of dee Sunday to visit in the home ofr :• "Babe" Ruth swatted on®|™1. tu. ringside and grandstand have been Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esh. Mrs. Esh Next Sunday afternoon the boys' . All-Star game to give * clamouring for promoters to bring in had just returned home from the hos- tennis team will idea. --I-- This might be as good a tvm *• any to brag up our White Sox. --I-- If only Mrs. Stratton's boy, Monte, had never learned to tote shootin Irons. Ah me! What, a team "Pop Sykes would have. --I-- Here's how your ball teams art Kned op for next Sunday : --1-- , The McHenry nine will meet the strong West End team from Elgin. , The boys have plenty of work cut out I' for them in this tussle . Just enough Veterans mixed in with fellows on the way up makes a nice set-up on the local squad. Plenty of enthusiasm on the squad. New suits and the old pep! pay a match on the local courts, meeting a strong tennis team from Woodstock. someone rough and tough enough to pjtal where she underwent an open stop the nigged butcher boy. ^ tion. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs German Oak vs. Glamour Boy Straub also visited friends in Elgir. The other main go sends Hans Misses Lucille and Jeanette Hergott, Boys, don't forget the Mg feasting Schnabel. the German Oak and expon- who are employed in McHenry spent derby on July 23. Several boys are ent of the dangerous back-breaker Sunday with their parents, Mr. and already bUBy making their cars and hold, against handsome and hardy Mrs. Arthur Hergott, j there is still plenty of time for more Arthur von Saxon, Pacific Coast glam- Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake] of you boys to get into this thrilling cur boy. Both Hans and Art proved visited with her daughter, Mrs. A1 j event. Persuade yoar dad ot big that they are in the title class wheii Schmeltzer on Friday. In the after- < brother to help you in making your each slam-banged rody Rudy Kay, Chi- noon they motored to Waukegan cago's tuffy, for a loss here. From On Sunday Mr. and among these four big guns to see Freund and children motored to Mcaction in the double main &o Friday, Henry to spend the evening with his promoters are expecting to find a mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund. logical opponent to stop the sensational rise to the world's crown of the mightly little Ruffy Silverstein. SCOUTERS PICNIC CANCELLED The Boone-McHenry District Scout- - . , ... | rtte Picnic toriginally scheduled fof Johnsburg's Tigers cross bats with, gun(jayt jujy has been cancelled Half Dayt The Johnsburg boys have according to a report from Clifford , Iheir pictures On our sport sheet this jjerwin, chairman of Camping and Veek, but that's no reason you can "Activities for the District. The comgo in and see theni in person. I mittee met Thursday, July 6, and it • ' . • ! was decided at this time to cancel The Shamrocks of Irish Prairie (proposed outing. • me are artxiously avj.iting the in- ; t ifasion of the Johnsburg Coltp. When Mrg j w Rothermel, daughter " Irish Prairie meets Johnsburg, theres Cathrine, Mrs. Arnold Miller and Mis. bound to be some acp^^-lli , David Berthold and son. Buddy, were <jmers can remember. Elgin callers Tuesday. A meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Frank May on Thursday night when plans were made for the chicken dinner and summer festival to. be held on Sunday, July 23, in St. Peter's parish grounds. Miss Celia Brown left on Monday for a trip to Iowa . A large crowd enjoyed "the movies shown by Paul Weber at his garage Monday night. Scenes from Georgia, Florida and many interesting local shots were sjiown. v ' "Brad," a Boston terrior, was successfully operated on at Brookline, Mass., for removal of seven stones he had swallowed fro* his owner's rock garden. car. National contests are now carried Mrs. Charles on in this sport, so this will give y«n. fellows here in McHenry a line chance to see and get a start in this popular and growing sport. Results of Harvard tennis match: Adele Froehlich defeated Hazel Gates -- 6-1, 6-1. Shirley Dennison defeated Julia McLaughlin -- 6-0, 6-1. .Mercedes Shields defeated Arleen Bacon -- 2-6, 6-2, 6-2. Eleanor Strain defeated Wanda Smith -- 6-4, 6-4. **. Mary Denise Sullivan defeated Miriam Sayler -- 6-1, 7-5. Marijule Shields defeated Kathleen Justen -- 10-8, 6-3. Doubles Bacon and Froehlich defeated Gates and Dennison -- 6-3. 6-1. Shields and Strain defeated McLaughlin and Sayler -- 6-,2 6-2; W O M E N ' S Slack Suits In natural colors only/sixes 14-20. Don't miss these values! A limited '77/* quantity Only | W O M E N ' S SLACKS Brown or blue, regular $1.00 value S"S 49c W O M E N ' S Bathing Suits Kreptex - All colors! Regular '•••••.. £ZCkf> $1.98 value Uc/v Women's Halters • • 10c Women's WHITE OXFORDS Regular $2.98 - Ail leather - We have all sizes! A real buy, J CI AQ Values at ....' I«TJ Young Women** SANDALS With Cuban heel - Smart brown or patent leathers Reg. 1.9$ at only $1.39 Men's White Oxford! These are all leather welts - Endicott-Johnson Shoe? Worth matfunore - A few brown and whites & whites Kow aaly $2.49 • v . . . :!•' V' V.: : '---- WORK SHOES Black or brown - Retails - For long wear $1.98 M a d e b y Endicott-J ohnson Women's Ked£ Sport Oxfords In white or Mm - Smart looking 2% - 8 Sizes Sold originally for $1.98. Now 88c G E N U I N E Keds Tennis Shoes, maroon only, sizes 3 - iy2, Regular $1.25 v a l u e , NOW 49c M E N ' S Shorts or Shirts The Shorts are of good Broadcloth . • and the Shirta of Combed Yarn * Shirt and Shorts 2 - 25c MEN Work Try a Suit at Shirts and pants • In greens Sanforised • 2 pocket shirts $1.98 We carry an excellent line of Sportwear for the entire family. CREEN STREET MCHENRY, ILL - • ! • * fs