Page Eighteen ULY LAKE ORDNANCE '.i. * 1' •*>'• Jf " f »«A.' - ' '•"•V • ' TBS McHENRY PLAINDEALER * w-; > v. • ' v* ,•* K&! : ' MI8DEMEAN0RS In It ORDAINED BY THE PRESl- DBNT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LILY LAK& SECTION 1. No person shall be guilty of an assault, nor of an assault and battery, within the limits of the Village of Lily Lake, McHenry County, Illinois; ^whoever shall bel guilty of an assault or an assault and kittery shldl fate fined not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 2. No person shall provoke a breach of the peace, nor use any violent threatening, profane or iaicrrnt language to the disturbance J of any person, or Use any threatening it or abusive language toward any other '.person tending to a breach of the peace; any person convicted for violatfag any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $1.00 n»r more than $60.00. SECTION 3. No person shall be - intoxicated in any street, highway, ' thoroughfare, park or public place, V-or in any private house or place, to ;;the disturbance of any person; any person convicted for violation of this section shall be fined not less than r $1.00, nor more than $25.00. SECTION 4. No person shall ha guilty of disorderly conduct, nor make, aid, countenance, or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, or breach of the peace; any person violating any of the offenses set out in this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $200.00. SECTION 5. No person shall be guilty of open lewdness, disorderly conduct or act of pubilc indecency; any person upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $3.00 nor more than $100.00. SECTION 6. No person shall shoot any bird or animal, nor hunt with gun or dog in any street, highway, alley, thoroughfare, park or public grounds; and upon conviction thereof, such per- , son violating the provisions of this ' section shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00. SECTION 7. No squibs, rockets, crackers, bombs or fireworks, contain ing powder, or other combustible or explosive materials, shall be kept or stored within the village, except the same be kept or stored in a fireproof vault; and any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00 SECTION 8. No person shall fire, or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol or firearms of any description, or fire, explode, or set off any squib, crackers or other thing containing powder or other explosive substance; any person convicted of violating any one of the offenses set out in this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00. SECTION 9. No person shall, by any menace, profane, swearing1, vulgar language, or any disorderly or unusual conduct, interrupt or disturb : any assembly of people met for the worship of God; any person violating . any of the offenses of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00. SECTION 10. No person shall will- / fully interrupt or disturb any school or other assembly of people, met for •v'a lawful purpose; any person violating any of the offenses set out in this section shall, upon conviction, be fined nflt less than $6.00 nor more than $50.00. SECTION 11. No person shall willfully interrupt or disturb any funeral assembly or procession; any person violating any of the offenses set out •'.'••in this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00. SECTION 12. No person shall bathe or swim in any lake, river, pond, ditch or body of water within the corpSHjte limits of the village, in a . naked state, amouning to an indecent exposure of the person, during the period of time commencing at sunrise and ending one hour after sunset; any person violating the provisions of this section, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $15.00 for each offense. SECTION 13. No person shall appear in a public place in a state of nudity, nor shall make any indecent exposure of the person; any person convicted for violating the provisions hereof shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00. SECTION 14. No person shall instigate, cause or assist in any dogfight, cock-fight, or any public or private fighting; and any person violating any one of ^l\p provisions of this sectioh shall, upon the conviction thereof, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $200.00. SECTION 15. No person shall instigate, cause or in any manner assist in any indecent or immoral show or exhibition; any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon convictin, be fined not less than $10.00 nor more than $50.00. SECTION 16. No person shall • write any obscene or indecent words, or make obscene or indecent pictures - upon any bridge, fence, depot, station house, school house, church, building . or public place; any person violating D any of the provisions of this section ' shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined > not less than $1.00 nor more than ll fS&OO. SECTION 17. No person shall * overload, overwork, torture, mutilate, :/ or cruelly beat or kill any animal, or - knowingly allow the same to be done; ^ any person violating any of the pros':' visions of this section shall, upon con- 1' viction, be fined not less than $1.00 *\ nor more than $10.00 t * SECTION 18. No person shall injure, destroy, deface, or assist in in • faring, destroying or defacing any bridge, fence, public or private build : fag, sign, lamp, postefftee box or hy i Arant; any person violating any of (IN provisions of this section shall, fi upon conviction, be fined not less than C mUfl nor more than #tttU)0. MOTION 1®. No person shall ex or offer to give away, or have in his possession, with or without intent to sell or give away, any obscene or indecent book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, lithograph, engraving, picture, daguerreotpye, photograph, stereoany one of the offenses in this section' Eighth--To establish, maintain, or set out shall, upon conviction, be fined carry on any offensive or unwholesome not less than $5.00 nor more thati business within the limits of the Vil- $200.00. . lage of Lily Lake, or within one mile SECTION 84. No person shall of the limits thereof. erect, maintain or use any sign or Ninth--To establish a cemetery scopic picture, model, cast, instrument' advertising board without a special within the corporate limits of the Vilor article of indecent or immoral use;'permit from the board of trustees; lage of Lily Lake, or within one mile any person violating any of the pro-!any person violating any of the pro- of the limits thereof, without first visions of this section shall, upon con- visions of this section shall, upon con- having obtained permission so to do viction thereof, be fined not less than viction, be fined not less than $10.00 by an ordinance of the board of trtts $10.00 nor more than $200.00. [nor more than $100.00. tees. SECTION 20. No person shall keep! SECTION 35. No person shall Tenth--For any person to prevent or maintain a house of ill-fame or. burn any standing hay or grass, nor or suffer any offal, filth, refuse or assignation, or place for the prac- Jset fire to or burn any leaves or other animal or vegetable matter, which is tice of prostitution or lewdness. No combustible matter in any street, al- liable to become putrid or offensive, person shall patronize or be an in- ley. P*rk or public ground; any per- or injurious to health, to remain on mate of the same, nor let, own or be son violating any of the provisions of any premises used or occupied by him interested in any house, room or other | this section shall, upon conviction for a longer period than four hours premises for any such purpose, nor thereof, be fined not less than $1.00 at one time shall keep |a common, ill-governed, nor more than $10.00. | Eleventh--To keep, or suffer to be disorderly house, to the encourage-1 SECTION 36. No personshaUal-.^P* '^ v* fwl..voffen3ive, nauseous or ment of idleness, gaming, drinking, low-or-suffer any dead or disabled f»thy condition, any railroad dar, fornication or other misbehavior, j dog, horse, or other animal belonging. buHding,^yard, grounds or premises. Whoever violates any provision of this^to him, or in .his charge, to lie upon I Twelfth--To own, keep or use any section shall be guilty of maintaining any street, alley, road, or other ground, railroad car, yard, pen, place or prema nuisance; any person guilty of any; or public or private place; any person ises, in or upon which cattle or swine one of the offensfes set out and speci- violating any of the provisions of this shall be confined, or kept, so as to be fied in this section shall, upon convic-,section shall, upon conviction thereof,'offensive to those residing in the vftion thereof, be fined not less than be fined not less than $1.00 nor more cinity, or any annoyance to others. ULYLAKB $6.00 nor more than $200.00. SECTION 21. tfo person shall play for money, or other valuable thing, at than $20.00. ^ | Thirteenth--To erect, continue or SECTION St. Vagrants, mendi- use any building or other place, for . cants, idle and dissolute persons, who the exercise of any trade, employany game with cards, dice, checks or'go about begging, or place themselves ment, or manufacture, which by ocat billiards, or with any other article,!in any highway to beg or receive caponing noxious exhalations, offeninstrujnent or thing whatever, which alms, persons who use any juggling piye smells, or otherwise, is offensive or unlawful games, common drank- or dangerous to the health of indlvards, prostitutes, lewd, wanton and iduals, or of the public. lascivious person in speech or behav-J Fourteenth--To locate, without first ior, or common raiders or brawler*, having obtained permission of -the. persons who habitually neglect their board of trustees so to do, any packemployment or calling, and do not pro- ing house, rendering establishment, vide for themselves or for the sup- tallow chandlery, bone factory, soap port of their families, and all persons factory, or tannery, within the limits who, not leaving Visible means to of the village, and within the distance may be used for the purpose of playing or betting upon, or winning or losing money, or anything of value, nor shall bet on any game others may be playing; any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $25.00. SECTION 22. No person shall keep a place for gambling in any I maintain themselves, are without em-' 0f forty rods, outside of the village building, place, booth, yard or garden, by him or his agent used and occupied, nor procure or permit any persons to frequent or to come together to play for money, or other valuable thing, at any game, nor shall ployment, and habitually frequent limits. houses of ill-fame, gaming houses,' Fifteenth--To locate, withou^first dramshops, or saloons, shall be fined having obtained permission of the not to exceed two hundred dollars. I board of trustees to do so, any brew- SECTION 38. Every person con- ery, distillery, livery stable, blackvicted under the last section, upon smith shop or foundry, within the limkeep or suffer to be kept any tables whom any fine or penalty shall be its of the village. or other apparatus for the purpose jmp0sed may ^ on the order of the[ Sixteenth--To 1 of playing at any game or sport for j court or magistrate before whom the port through the Village of Lily Lake any such purpose; any person violat ing any of the provisions of this secmoney, or any valuable thing, nor j convjction is had, committed to the the body or carcass of any unslaughtshall keep or rent any such place for village calaboose or jail, and shall be ered dead animal, offal, blood, bones, required to work at such labflr as his tank stuff in a state of decomposition, --„ - . strength will permit, not exceeding or any putrid or offensive animal mattion shall, upon conviction, be fined hours each working day; and ter. not less than $10.00 nor more than fQr such the person so employed' Seventeenth--To throw, place or $200.00. J shall be allowed, exclusive of his" leave any coal, ashes, refuse, tins or SECTION 23. No person shall, board, one dollar and fifty cents per rubbish of any kind, on any improved, keep, maintain, direct or manage or ^ for each day's work on account paved or macadamized street or highaid in the keeping, maintaining, direct-1^ an(j cos,tg# I way in the Village of Lily Lake, ing or managing of any lottery for SECTION 39. Whoever willfully! Eighteenth--To permit any swill, the drawing or disposing of money °*|enters and passes over any garden, brine, urine, or other offensive animal any other property or thing whatever, iar{j^ Qr jmprove(j field, after being substance, or any stinking, noxious any person violating any of the pro-, eXpressiy forbidden so to do by the liquid or other filthy matter of any visions of this section shall, upon con-10Wner or occupant thereof, shall be kind, to run or fall from or out of any viction, be fined not less than $25.00 ,^ne(j noj exceeding five dollars. | building, vehicle' or erection into or nor more than $200.00. SECTION 40 Anv Derson or ner- upon any street or public place. SECTION 24. No Nineteenth-To erect, maintain own manage, use or practice any 1 agents, servants, or employes of any or use any sign or advertising board device whatever with intent to ch t ^ company or corporation, who or structure, higher than five feet or defraud J shall bring into or transport through above the surface of the ground, or guilty of any of the ^"ses s .t ti ^, the Village of Lily Lake, the body or more than four feet in width. in this section shall, p®" Ugl than' carcass of any unslaughtered dead Twentieth--To erect, maintain, own 'animal, or any offal, blood, bones or or use any fence or simliar structure tank stuff in a state of decomposition, exceeding five feet in height, unless , or any putrid or offensive animal mat- constructed of pickets or barbies* fer or permit any cattle to pasture on ter shalI ^ deemed ^ilty of a mis- wire. any highway, alley, park or public demeanort and on conviction thereof. SECTION 2. All premises within ground, nor shall any cattle be al- ^fore any court having jurisdiction, the village, kept, occupied or used for thereof, be fined a sunii $10.00 nor more than $200.00. SECTION 25. No person shall suflowed to stop for the purpose of pas turing while the same are being driven in a drove or herd thereon; any person found guilty of any of the of shall be fined not less than five dollars the purpose of steaming, boiling, renor more than one hundred dollars fat ducing or rendering in any manner each and every offense. ,any offal, tainted or damaged lard or SECTION 41. No person shall taHow, or .the/te*™nf _°r when the or fenses set out in this section, shall, "*of any animal substances, upon conviction, be fined not less than j*™*- or Uft anv eMl ashes smme is» or may ** occupied $1.00 nor more th.n $10.00. u.ed in such manner .s to ocoion SECTION 26. No person, being refuse» "ns or rubbish of any * offensive smell, or to so taint the the owner or h.ving the charge P»ved. m,c»d.miIed. or ^ ^ k ttnwhole<iome or swine shall suffer the same to run or t improved stre<rt or hipi ff i t th smeH are severally be at large; any person found *^ty | ^e Vt£ declared to be a nuisance. of any offenses set out in this see-; WJ>" th£ aLti©^ SECTION 3. Every person engagtion shall, upon conviction, be fined Si.- ed in manufacturing animal matter or not less than $1.00 nor more than sha11 ** ft*fd n"m°"'r"te"noJt 1*^08„Ut^,ra' n ODVe ,d,o lU*, offal into a fertilizer or other pro- 'duct, within the rt»U, before SECTION 42. No person shall en- the rcnditipn thereof, thoroughly de- , !>are, injure, kill, or attempt to en- the 8%me> by the application ly or indirectly, aid or assist in,' or, snare, injure or kill any robin or other gaits> acids, or other chemicals, counsel or advise the breaking of any, small bird, by means of any trap, ^at the same shall not be offensive, pound; any person found guilty of, slingshot, stone, missile, gun or «FrnON 4 The owner or person w of the offenses set out in this sec- w^pon of any kind within the limits 4^ TOe owner or p£son tion shall, upon conviction, be (Vned of the Villane of Lii, Lake; any per- L^ oT uUow not less than $1.00 nor more than(son found guilty of any one of the $10 00 * offenses herein set out shall, upon con- tannery, sw*Die, pigsy, f j. SECTION 28. No person shall en-1 viction. be fined not .ess than one do.- "^^"'^ffSve ^r^whole^™ gage in any sport or exercise tending (lar nor more than twenty dollars. condition' or any other unwholesom to jfare horses, injure passengers, orj SECTION ^ v or nauseus building or place, snail embarrass the passage of vehicles or any act or omission forbidden by . mediately clean> abate or remove foot passengers; any person found this chapter . 'the same upon being notified so to do guilty of any of the offenses frt out, SECTION 44. JThis ordinance shall fay an office H r or of the Vil- $10.00. SECTION 27. No person shall break, open, or in any manner, direct in this section shall, upon conviction, be in force and effect in ten days from . be fined not less than $1.00 nor more,and after its passage, approval and SECTION 5 No than $10.00. I publication, and posting, as required SECTION 29. No person shall by law. keep or leave open any cellar door, orj Approved. _____ grating of any vault, or any highway HARRY H. WISE, or sidewalk, or suffer the same to bej Village President. left or kept open, or suffer any side- Attiiitswalk in front of his premises to be- BEN CHELINI, come or continue so out of repair as Village Clerk» to endanger life or limb; any person passed the 30th day of June, A. D. guilty of violating any of the provi-j ^39 Approved the 30th day of June person shall keep, or suffer to be kept, any swine in any inclosure or pen within the distance of two hundred feet of any dwelling house; and any person so keeping or suffering to be kept, m any pen or inclosure on his premises, .any swine contrary to the foregoing ^provision, shall be deemed the author of a nuisance. i SECTION 6. Whenever any nuisions of this section shall, upon con- j^ d. 1939. Published the 20th day sance shall be found on any premises viction, be fined not less than $5.00 July, A. D. 1939 (SEAL) nor more than $200.00. SECTION 30. All scaffolds erected in this village shall be well and safely supported, and be of sufficient width and properly secured, so as to insure the safety of persons working thereon, or passing under or by the same, BE^ IT ORDAINED B^Y^THE PRESIagainst the falling thereof, on, or * passing under or by the same, against within the village contrary to any ordinance of said village, the president of the board of trustees is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to cause the same to be summarily abated, in such manner as he may direct. ^ ^ SECTION 7. Whoever violates any DENT^"and""BOARD OF TRUS- clause, section or provision of this ULYlLAKEJlRDINANCE NUISANCES TfcES OF THE VILLAGE OF LILY j chapter shall be deemed guilty of T AKF- ' causing or maintaining a nuisance and - wa. • v w shall be fined not less than five dollars -- , - i,«v other SECTION 1. It is ere y .and not exceeding two hundred dolon; any scaffold which^nay be other- to ^ a nuisance: .^.'lars, and may in addition, m the dts wise erected shall a,First-To so negligently conduct Qf the Qr mafiristrate. sane*; (and any person who shall [ any buaine83 or UBe any premises as ^ imprigoned not exceeding nx the falling thereof, or of a^ mater ials used, placed or deposited thereerect or use, or cause to be erected or ^ create such an offensive smell as used, any scaffold contrary to the pro- ^ may taint the air, and render it unvisionB hereof, shall be subject to a wholesome or disagreeable to "Others fine of not less than five dollars, knd not exceeding one hundred dollars, and to like fine for every day the same shall remain after notice given by any policeman of said village to remove or construct the same. SECTION 31. No person shall raise or fly a kite in any part of any street, avenue or alley of this village devoted to business, under a penalty of one dollar for every offense. SECTION 32. No person shall sell, offer to sell, or dispose of any impure, unwholesome, adulterated, or diluted milk; any person found guilty, by the court, of any one of the offenses in this section set out shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $200.00. 8BCTION 33. No. person shall sell or offer to sell any diseased, tainted, potoid, decayed, or unwholesome meat, fruit, vegetables, or provisions; any I A --}<i-- kv ilia AAtti4 A# Second--To cause or suffer the car cass of any animal, or any offal, filth, or noisome substance to be collected, deposited, or to remain in any place. Third--To throw or deposit any of months. SECTION 8. Any and all ordinances concerning nuisances, excepting any provision in an ordinance creating a board of health and prescribing rules and regulations and fines and penalties, passed June 30th 1939 and published July 20th 1939, are hereby A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies League was held Tuesday afternoon at the Lily Lake Casino. Cards and bunco were played. Prises were wor by M. Fliesche|, Mrs. Aptaker, Mrs. Strnad, Mrs. L. Erickson, Josephine Dosch and Mrs. Fred Dosch. Election of officers were held with Mrs. Mae Budil, president; Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, vice-president; Mrs. Strnad, secretary, and Mrs. George Wegener, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen of Chicago spent a few days at their cottage. Marilyn Klaubough spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grout in Chicago. Mr. and Mri; Clarence Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Corrine Groat of Chicago spent a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Klabough. *! Mrs. Wilbert Swanson returned home from Chicago after spending a week at the home of her sister, Lillian Schonauer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chicago spent a few days at their cottage. Mr. and .Mrs. Japes KJpfeough spent the weekend at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klabough, of Downers Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wiederrcht and son and daughter of Chicago visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Strnad Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. S. Grant of Cichago and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ludovice of Evanston. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly Sunday were Kathrine and Betty Quinlan and friend of Chicago. Mr.1 and Mrs. Ernie Allend end Alice Cahill of Chicago visited at the home of Mrs. Mae Budil over tne weekend. Miss Jean Klabough celebrated her fourteenth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough, recently. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone. About 6:30 o'clock a lovely dinner was served. Many lovely gifts were received. Guests present were Jimmie Farrington, Lois Swanson, Richard Peterson, Lawrence Sansone, William Teritsa, Corrine Grout, Marilyn Klabough, Janet Grout qnd Leonard Ricard, all of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nemes and daughter of Chicago visited the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wru blewski, over the weekend. il ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, IN THE COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1989 AND ENDING. APffH, gfl. 1940. ' BE IT ORDAINED bf Prudent and the Board of Trustees of the McHENIRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: SECTION l. That the following sums, or so much thereof as shall be authorized by law, are hereby appropriated to defray all necessary and proper expenses of the McHenry Township ^Pire -Protectietf District of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1989 and eliding April SO. 1940. 1. Administration Expense Funi»~ For printing, postage and ' miscellaneous office supplies 400.00 2. Fire Equipment Replacement Fluid .....-- 1,500.00 3. Salary Fund -- •. Salaries of Trustees 150 .<00 • b. Attorney's Mid Legal i- fees 250.00 c. Fire chief arid firemen 1,500.00 4. Fire Protection Fund -- For the purchase of fire protection equipment ...... 2,500.00 5. Organization Fund -- • To defray expenses of arganization 600.00 6. For miscellaneous, Contingent and General Expenses, unforeseen and not included in any above items 500.00 JOHN8BURG iy, July 36, lMi MMt, sell or offer to sell, give away person found guilty, by the court, of fal or other offensive matter, or the repealed. carcass of any animal, in any water-. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall course, pond, spring or well. I be in force and effect in ten days from Fourth-.--'To deposit any night soil/ gn(j after its passage, approval, pubi dead animal, or other filthy, offensive, j jjCation and posting, as required b; or noisome substance upon any lot, street, alley, highway, park or other place. Fifth--To corrupt, or render unwholesome or impure the water of any spring, river, stream, or pond, to the injury or prejudice of others. Sixth--To sell malted, vinous or spirituous liquors without a license, 11989. Approved the 30th day of June except for sacramental, medicinal or 1 A. D. 1939. Published the 20th/ day Approved: HARRY H. WISE* , '•>;;• President. Attest:- •; / BEN CHEUNI, Village Clerk. Passed the 30th day of June, chemical purposes. Seventh--To obstruct or encroach upon public highways, private ways, streets, alleys and commons. of July A. D. 1939. Order your Robber Stifcmpa Plaindealer. 1 st The YOLO The Volo Cemetery Society met at the home of Jason Walton Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing auction ftve hundred and airplane bunco. Prizes were honored to Mrs. M. Bryant, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Joesph Vogt, Mrs. William Nichoils, Virginia Mae Passfield and Lydia Mae Hironimus. A very dainty lunch was served which brought the afternoon to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker near Crystal Lake Sunday. The Volo 4-H Club met at the home of Stanley Brown Friday evening.1 The club will meet next at the home of Marvin Wirtz Friday evening, Ju'y 28. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. William Wirtz, Mrs. Herman Dunker, Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, and Mrs. Alvin Case attended the card party and one o'clock luncheon for the benefit of the Eastern Star, "Mayflower Chapter," at Wauconda Tuesday afternoon. The Volo Cemetery Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Jay Vasey Thursday, August 10. Mrs. Herman Dunker attended the funeral .services for Mrs. G. Whistou near Crystal Lake Wednesday. Misses Stella and Mayme Dowell spent Thursday afternoon with their sister, Mrs. John Passfield. Mrs. A. Smith and son, Stanley, of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Vasey in Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Ford McDonald, Mrs. William Dillion of Prairie View, Mrs. J. J. Walker, Mrs. John Hutzel of Chicago, Mrs. Henry Krueger of Wauconda, and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg of Waukegan spent Thursday at the home of Jason Walton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago spent the weekend here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family were Waukegan shoppers Friday. / Mr. And Mrs. Ray Stoltz of Villa Park spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Slocum's Lake spent Thursday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey were Woodstock callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Wayne Bacon and family of Crystal Lake were Wednesday supper guests at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family of Wauconda vieited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family visited Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda Sunday. Miss Vinnie Bacon wae a Waukegan caller Friday. Christian Work In Cht--s There is record of a translation Into Chinese of the first Christian work In China, the Book of the Jewish Messiah, dating 63548. TOTAL $7,300.00 SECTION 2. That the unexpended balance of any item or items of any appropriation made by this Qrdinance, may be guaranteed in making up any deficiency in any item or items under the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. / ANTON M. SCHMITT, President of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. Attest :- JOSEPH M. REGNER, Secretary. Approved:- VERNON J. KNOX, Attorney. • Passed: July 10, 1939. Approved: July 10, 1939. ' * 'Published: July 20, 1939. i Wont Kind ol Poisoning The worst kind of poisoning botulism--is caused by eating homecanned fruits and vegetables from improperly sterilized containers. Sixty-Are per cent of botulism are fataL Mrs. John M. Pitsen called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newell in Chicago •& Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George King, Elnter Meyers and Mrs. Joe P. Miller motored to Waukegan Wednwtey. Mrs. (Ray Horick of W&dstock vis* ited with her mother. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Goraki and children of Wloodstock spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe P Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck ant family motored to Volo Sunday even. ing. Joe Pitzen of Beloit, Wis., is spending a few weeks with his father, Jotui Pitsen, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thiel were callers at Round Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Miehels and Mrs. John M. Pitzen were Woodstock caller on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mike Wagner and son, Bill, of Volo hnd Mrs. Engeln of McHenry visited With Mrs. Althoff last Friday. Mrs. Frank Kempfer of Twin Lake* attended the Lady Forester meeting here Tuesday evening. Mrs. John M. Schmitt and Mrs# jjie Schaefer "'motored to Waukegan on Thursday.""- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Oleynichak and children of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday fh the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and sons were Woodstock callers Saturday afternoon. Laurence Richter of Appleton, Wis., and Mrs. Ben Richter of Burlington, Wis., visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, last week Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Schaefer called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Ol Thursday evening. Mrs. George Miehels and Mrs. Joe Miehels visited with George Miehels at St. Therese hospital at Waukegan Thursday. George Miller and Diana Freund spent the week in Chicago-with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett. Miss Gertrude Williams spent Sunday withe her parents, Mr. and Min* Peter Williams. Tony Schmitt motored to Aurora on Sunday evening. Mr. hnd Mrs. Fred Smith weir* Volo callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls of Spring Grove attended the funeral of his brother, Charles Karls, here Thursr day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and Joe Huemann called on George Miehels at St. Therese hospital Friday evening. Miss. Katherine Althoff of Elgin is spending a few days in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Quite a few from here attended the. Richmond picnic Sunday evening. Miss Marie Oxtoby and Bud Majrers were Round Lake callers Sunday evening. Subscribe for Th* Plain deeler Eyes camine* $r. Taul A. Schwabe A. B. Nye West McHenry McHenry 12*4 Woodstock <7* THCB8DAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY MI PLACE RESTAURANT t . : i FISH FRY •jiH ' •' • •" f • "-•"W-MIVv.* • aiday--fkssh ram • Come and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening it PINK HARRISON'S ------At Pistakee Bay * Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinka FRIED CHICKEN -- 60c : ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season SNUG HARBOR TAVERN Good Place to Eat and Drink FISH FRYS FRIDAY -- CHICKEN DINNERS ON SATURDAY AKD SUNDAY Music by Ben Thonneson- Wataon Scfaimniel - CENTRAL GARAGE ••One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinoie-- STANDARD OIL PRODUCT* Guaranteed 8ervice on all Makes of Oars and Trucks Fnll line of Atlas and Qoodyear Tires Electric and Aoetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing fRED J. SMITH, Prep. Hwme-aOOa *. Turing