, •ThnratoT," •*. "j--y.:yrvzJ- <>•*, \r s /'• y* % '/- ->y, NEW £MPIBf McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sea. Mat. 3 p. m. CaatbnuMi FRIDAY SaHy Eil«rs - Allan Lane 'THEY MADE HER A SPY" Alao --; Two Comedies j '-' • Conmndtjr Sine SATURDAY Bob Hope -- Shirley Ross Una Marital \ "SOME LIKE It HOT' Aleo -- Stooge Comedy - Cartoon Travel Talk A News SUNDAY -- MONDAY Inly 23 -24 Lewis SUii - Mickey Rooney Cerlia Piarker -- Fay Holdeii "THE HARDYS RIDE HIGH" Also Cartoon • Comedy - Newa and Novelty TUESDAY -- 10c - 29c - (1) "Big Town Cxar'* (2)"The Man Who Dared" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY FRIDAY Tyrone Power - Alice Fajf* A1 Jotam "ROSE OP WASHINGTON SQUARE" TtoBeciictfil l<;i iovai! CRYSTAL LAKB. KL. (VfcUiMifTkMli FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE!! Robert You nig in "BRIDAL SUITE" Lloyd Nolan in "UNDERCOVER DOCTOR" SUNDAY -- MONDAY San. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. -- 25c to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. • 10c TYRONE POWER _ ALICE FA YE AL JOLSON -- in -- "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" Giving the world the only rival to "Alexander's Ragtime Band!" 10c TUESDAY - Special - flMney Toler hi Phyllia Brooks T CHARLIE CHAN IN RENO" with Bkardo Cortes and: •4 WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Warner Baxter in "THEf RETURN Of THE CISCO KID" with Lynn B«ri - Cesar Roffitn 200 BIG REASONS! island OU Penal Colony Hainan island, once occupied by the Japanese, was used as a penal colony between the Fifteenth and Seventeenth centuries. Ten Largest Foreign Cities The 10 largest foreign cities, in order, are London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai, Osaka, Leningrad, Buenos Aires and Vienna*. Cleveland's First Postmaster Cleveland's first postmaster was Elisha Norton, appointed by President Thomas Jefferson on Aprfi L VMft ' ^ Scientifte Name for Grapefnrit The scientific name for grapefruit is citrus decumana. In some tropical countries it is grown wider various names such as pomelo, pummelo, pompelmous and shaddock. Editors' Train Crossing Mam Range of Rocky Momtamg Northern Pacific Railway Photo Up in the world--5,506 feet above sea level, the National Editorial Association special train crossed the Continental Divide of the Main Range of the Rockies, west of Helena, on June 12. MILLER ttjfw *•>! i** Theater --- Woodstock Alr-Condltloned FRIDAY -- JULY 21 "THEY MADE HER A SPY" with Sally Eiler* -- Allan Lane SATURDAY -- JULY 2| Continuous from 2:30 "CHARLIE CHAN IN RENO" with Sidney Toler - Rkardo Cortez P L U S "NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDE" with William Boyd (Hop-a-Long Cassidy) _ _ P L U S "THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN" Chapter No. 11 SUNDAY -- MONDAY July 23 - 24 - Continuous from 2:30 . "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" -- with---. • TYRONE POWER ALICE FA YE AL JOLSON . A l s o ---- News - Cartoon - Comedy TUESDAY -- JULY 25 •fl-pr- Special Bargian Nite! "BRIDAL SUITE" with Robert Young -- Annabella WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY July 26 - 27 "RETURN OF THE CISCO KID" with Warner Baxter - Lynn Ban "My friends/' said the Senator, "I have nothing to say. Let my record speak for itself/* When a vote-wise politician starts* stealing our stuff, we know we have something in Tydol's "prove it, don't claim it" platform. So, fto claims about Tydol's mileage ... no bragging about its smooth, anti-knock performance ? ... no extolling the advantages of top-cylinder oil in every drop of Tydol. % Instead, we ask you to try . t • a tankful of Tydol today. ' Then let the record speak for itself ? --the record Tydol makes in your ;,^^ao4 apt promises on paper. V . V j T** A TAN&UL TODAY.., LET TYDOL TALK FO* fTSBf Superior Oil Co, DISTRIBUTOR -- C. N. Carlson. Agent Phone McHenry 255 Associate Dealers -- JOHN THOMPSON, Service Station No. 2, Route 20 -- E. J. CHRISTENSON, 31-WJ9TO-8 ajoss, TYDOL V lAMUH i i*w*irv •" •' »• DEBUNKER By Joint Hmvty Fmtbay, Ph.Dt. *» htUtc Mm. Uc. MAD DOGS 9BAOMFOAM MFTME AMX/TH HL -aa Vary few mad dogs have ever been observed foaming at the mouth. Yet people talk of this symptom aa though it were a certain' test. A mad dog is a sick dog, and he probably will not want to bite anyone. If he does bite you, there will probably be no signs of foaming at the mouth. Beware of sick dogs. In the last stages, when a dog with hydrophobia (or rabies) becomes paralyzed and is no longer able to stand up. his Jaws may hang open, and saliva may run out. At this stage, he is likely to be too weak to bite anyone. One of the most reliable symptoms of this disease is that the bark of the dog becomes exceedingly high-pitched. VNUamtc*. QABBY QERTIE Says:= When finely chopped nuts are needed for cakes, salads or sandwiches, run the nuts through a foodchopping machine. * • • Cut glass should be washed first in warm water then plunged into cold water to which a teaspoon of starch has been dissolved. • ' • • Baking soda gives instant relief to a burn or a scald. Applied either wet or dry to the burned part it gives immediate relief. • • + When soldering first pasta a piece of adhesive tape over the hole inside the receptacle that is to be repaired. The tape will hold the solder in place. (AincliM N«w»pap«r»--WNU larvtce < rOTPOURRI Great Turtle Island The Galapagos islands in the far Pacific are so named because of the huge turtles found there. "Gala" means great and "pagos," turtle. Its beaches are filled with these animals weighing as much as 500 pounds. Also found there are huge lizards, some four feet long. Large reptiles and many other species of wild life abound there. CHIC ENSEMBLE |• * [ This ensemble is the latest in summer wear. The cloak is in yellow Wool and the dress is yellow and gray Page Three NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District No. 15, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1939, will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the residence of Edwara Nickels from and after 6 o'clock p. m. on the 20th day of August 1939. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the 27th day of August 1939, at the public grade school building in this School District. Dated this 18th day of July, 1939. Board of Education of School District No. 15, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. By -- EDWARD NICKELS, . • Secretary. EXTINGUISH GRASS FIRE The McHenry Fire department wa* called to Lily Lake Sunday afternoon to protect nearby buildings from a grass fire which had got beyond control.' The blase, which had started a short distance from Route 20, withm the city limits, was extinguished. BEG PARDON! like credit lines under the pictures of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns and the Johnsburg Tigers, appearing in last week's issue of the Plaindealer, wert unintentionally omitted. The former photograph was taken by Michael Birch of Elgin, and the latter, by Andrew Worwick of this city. lowest Death Rate la Belgium Spa, one of the oldest watering places ill the world, has the lowest death rate in Belgium. In a suit for divorce, John F. Voelz of Richmond, Calif., complained that his wife attended communist meetings and forced him to sleep in the chicken coop.. Smiles dhi Back! The man with a smile doesn't ft along as fast as the with a backbone. Joseph Boni of Philadelphia complained to police that a former boarder had stolen a suit of his underwear to which was pinned his life savings -- $500 in bills. - T: ' BUILDS BARN A barn is under construction on the Stephen H. Freund farm north of this city. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. I desire to announce the opening of a new Radio Shop in the Nash-Packard Salesroom, corner Riverside Drive and Pearl Streets. McHenry, where I am prepared to service a.11 of radios and guarantee satisfactory work* '< ; I have had several years of experience M this; line and invite inspection of my shop. Also do repair work on all electrical appliances ---- National Union Radio Tubes for Sale -- Cliff's Radio Service E. WILSON. Prop. Phone 13 , • •••'•v .X"\' McHenry * ' *V- ";*l -(li "When you get three instead of one you can't always blame the telephone operator for the wrong number." WHY PAY MORE? "The Best For Less" OPEN 24 HOURS HI-TEST This gas carries a 74 Octane number which is higher than any gas sold as regular in this locality ECO For the motorist Who wants mileage and real ecoftwny HESTER OILS West McHenry, IB. South of C. & N. W. Tracks on Rt 20 [TAX PAID] IT BEATS THE FIELD Bit COUNTS! IIOAKT ,r f jW^fou the biggest, mo* l^^ued oo a low-priced car. ^ hnfcauUcs^ver^ O BEST ALL-ROUND PIRFORMANCE1 Ford V-8 has (he omiy V-8 engine, and is the fastest, most powerful and best "all-round" performing car in the low-price field. 3 STEADIEST-RIDING CHASSISI Only Focd V-8 in its price class has Torque-tube Drive awl four radius rods. 4 LONGEST PASSENGER RIDEFTASEI Ford's 123 inches between front and rear spring ct--cri is longer by 9 inches than any other car's at this price. K TOP OVERALL ECONOMY! *5 k.p. Wot* V-8 gave more miles per gallon than any other leading low-priced car in this year's Gilaore- Yoniaite run. Ford owners also report m oil added between tegular changes. For low-cost transportation MOMRN STYUNGI WITH MODEM Of itS . best--HOW CM O/Wflyi# rich interiors, stream-lined, flush-doaiag lag* FORD VI rich gage backs, ford V-8 is the style leader of ita price class. 7 OUTSTANDING B4GINEOMNGI Oafrcsr at the price with semi-ceotrifugal dutch, seal inserts on mil valves, cast-steel crankshafts, sad attny other engineering details. PHONE 1 TOR A DEMONSTRATION Buss-Page Motor Sales Authorised FORD Sales and Service Main Street, McHenry, HI ' jj ^ ^ fj c 'x £ ' " . . . . ,