^ i ^ «'• ,..M»•« ^ I-: ',- P\J V fa ?4 i RINGWOOD Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the • *4pcotoh Bridge Club at her home on ^Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. V' l<ouis Schroeder. Miss Dora Anderson entertained the Hebron Young Adults group at her Jiome Thursday evening. Mrs. Ray Merchant entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs 7 .•"'..iVilliam McCannon and Mrs. George Young. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Monday Ivith her daughter at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beth, Jr., and daughter spent Monday in the Wm. Beth home. . , Will Dodge of Woodstock spent . Tuesday with Howard Shepard. Dora Anderson of Pistakee Bay spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Rita Mae Merchant of McHenry -ipent Thursday at her home here. " ^ • Mrs. George Shepard and daughter, J Gladys, were callers it the home of H\$HE former's mother at McHenry on ;>!, ^Thursday morning. : ' " . The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. ;*.?• -Jtalph .KafOed at Greenwood Friday. A * 'pot-luck dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn, Mrs. James ' Rainey. Mrs. Frank Fay and Mrs. Dick 01§on spefit Thursday afternoon at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visiters at \Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. R. Remer and daughter, Nancy, of Pistakee Bay spent Thura day with her mother, Mrs. Patrick Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and family spent Friday in Chicago . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and son, Eugene, of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Sehpard home. Mrs. Patrick Coyne spent Saturday in Chicago with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and fam- ' j]y were visitors at Woodstock Saturti& y evening. : Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis, and Mrs. Patrick Coyne spent Tuesday afternoon in the TR. Remer home at Pistakee Bay. " Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Rich mond, Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne, : and Mvs. Frankie Stephenson enjoyed a picnic at Pox River Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. ButlGF and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitehens attended the Langley-Cantrall wedding at LaGrange Saturday. The Happy Clover 4-H girls held Iheir meeting at the home* of Marion , Hawley Thursday. Mrs. Arnold Reinart and son. Howard. of Elgin, Mrs. Charles Dowe and children and Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, Rosena, of McHenry spent Tuesday afternoon in the Geo. Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Negri and fami l y o f C h i c a g o s p e n t T h u r s d a y a n d i Friday in the Roy Neal home. j Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller, Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Miss Martha Lea of McHenry were callers in the Geo. Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Miss Bern ice Prichett of Denver, Colo.* spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. Miss Bernice Smith, DeKalb, spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. Roy Neal, Mrs. Cora Flanders and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy were visitors at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard and daughter, Alice, of Kenosha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Fred Wiedrich attended the Wiedrich - Wolsram reunion at Sharon Sunday. Mrs. iRoy Neal and son, John, and Miss Lorraine Mazzotti were visitors at Williams Bay Saturday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. SLibbie Ladd and Miss Bernice Prichett who spent the past two weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson iBoyd and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peguasch of Chicago spent Sunday in the S, H. Beatty home. Miss Audrey Merchant returned home Sunday from a week's visit In the R. E. Howard home at Kenosha. Muriel, fVarl, Roy, George and Elaine Wiedrich of Wonder Lakespent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Miss Mae Wiedrich and nephew, Charles Carr, were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Monday with her parents at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and LILT LAKS The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a card and bunco party at the Lily Lake Casino Tuesday afternoon. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul and sister, Agnes, and daughters, Joan and Patricia, all of Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chicago spent" the weekend at their cottage. A party was held on the lawn at! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sansone o*»| Sunday evening. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by the guests.! Later in the evening, the boys and| girls toasted wginei-s over an open! fire. Guests present were Shirley Wil-j liams, Lois Swanson, Barbara Bunnel, Richard Hyatt, Robert W. Losey, • Robert C. Einspar, Marston V. Wru-j blewski, Laurence Sansone, Richard Marsh, Laurence Kane, James De-j Joa, Madeline Clementi and Richard Peschke, all of Lily Lake. - Rolland Schonaur of Chicago is j spending two weeks at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bert Swanson. MMMM , v " A ,"\ Thursday, SPRING GROVE J m '1 . thur Tidmirsh of Hudson Falls at the El-Ro-Do restaurant. On Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and sons, Wil- Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough have family of Algonquin were callers in i returned home after visiting at the the C. J. Jepson home Sunday afternoon. . There will ke Community services at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Mrs. Wm. Charles of Woodstock home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klabough, of Downers Grove for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Krinn and daughter, Myrtle, were Lake Geneva visitors, for lard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs.Esping were guests at the home of Mr* and Mrs. T. N. Matthews at Delhi, New York. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Burnett were. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spoor of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van Natta and daughter, Norene, and son, John, and Miss Margaret Johnson of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner entertained the following guests at a Wear- Ever Aluminum dinner on Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown of Volo. Miss Dorothy Wagner of Round Lake, Mr. Roy Pfannenstill of Wlaukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson and daughter, Charlene, and Frank Wackerow of Chicago spent Monday even* ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, guests of Arthur Wackerow. Miss Helen lawless and Peter Jacobs of Chicago spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. James DaCola and sons, Andrew and James, Jr., Mi's. Carnella and sons, Edward and Andrew, of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Burnett Saturday evening. will give a talk on her trip through j a few days. Europe and Elmer Clausen will sing. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough and The Ringwood unit of Home Bureau are sponsoring the program. daughters, Kathleen, Jeanne and Marilyn, visited at the Brookfield Zoo on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muzzy, Sr., of i Sunday. Marengo spent Saturday in the home; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn of Cicof their son, F. N. Muzzy, and family, ero visited the home of the lasers Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sanford of Chi-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. G«orge J. Wegcago spent from Fridav until Sun-1 ener, over the weekend* day night in the S. W. Smith home. j Mr. aaid Mrs. Harry Miller of Miss Pearl Smith spent the past Cicero spent the weekend at their week-with her sister at Woodstock. summer home _ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son,! Mr. and Mrs. George Esser and fam- Arnold, of Harvard spent Saturday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. ily of Chicago spent the veeekend at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and sons and Fred ScKau" returned to his home daughter of Chicago spent the weekin Chicago Monday after spending the. end at their summer home. past month with his daughter, Mrs. Visitors at the home of Lavm over Louis Hawley, and family. the weekend were a g,rls club of CMMr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and;cago and their friends. Guests were family spent Sunday with the latter's | Edythe Erickson, Florence Jeske, Vimothe? MiS Wattle® at McHenry. j okt Wikre, Maxine Fiekes, Jeanette Walter Krohn of/Harvard spent' Watson, Rulh Johnson, ^urencePe; Sunday in the Roy Harrison home. ; P«n» Charles No:rd, ^ Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank pf Rog-.Ray MumenthaTer, Arthur Hoffman ers P^rk spent the weekend in an^ Ot. Oyon. Marsh ftn(J °Mr anTMrs. F. A. Hitehens and son, Richard, of Chicago spent the Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended weekend at their summer home. _ the wedding of their cousin, Isabel j Mr. and Mrs. ° Langley to C. J. Cantrall Saturday, j spent the weekend at their summer July 22, at the First Methodist church j home. in LaGrange. A reception at the Dinner guests «t the home ofM^ Langley home followed the ceremony, and Mrs. Carl ^ Swanson Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cantrall are well were Mr. and Mrs. William Hagie ana known here After a honeymoon U'i? family and Mrs Too «y» they will reside in Elgin where Mr. I Mrs. Swanson, all of Chi g; . Cantrall is in the real estate bus!- u A. famUy reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W"hner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward (jABBY QERTIE "Girls will continue to take oil for Paris so long as France , sets the styles." is in ness with Butler & Butler. Robert Anderson entertained the 4-H boys "irrWrho„e'¥ond«;!Wehner .nd children Men and Ed evening. A social evening was en ward, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wehner and joyed. Ice cream and cake was serv ed. Subscribe for The Plain dealer' 'daughter, Jean, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Medenas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Psuetsa and daughters, Helen and Frances, and son, Frank, Mr and Mrs. Dietschak and son, Frank, Mr. and I Mrs. Ott, >nd Mr. and Mrs. Max | Wehner and daughters, Hilda, Marie, and Lois, all of Chicago. The Purple Heart Order The Purple Heart order, founded at Ansonia, Conn., is the only Rational organization in the United States composed exclusively of war veterans who have been wounded in action under conditions which entitles them to wear a wound chevron, or whe were awarded the meritorious citation certificate by the commander-in-chief of the American Expeditionary Forces. Subscribe for The FlaindealHl , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freuiui and Children and Paul Weber were^uinner guests in the home of^Mr ad Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Tuesday night. Cards were enjoyed throughout the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orth, daugher, Patty, of Round Lake also called. Mrs. Steve Schaefer entertained the. members of her club and five guests at her home in Fox Lake on Thursday night. Three tables of ftve hundred were in play and prize winners were Mrs. Steve Schaefer, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Arthur Klein. Consolation went to Mrs. Fred May . Winners of traveller's prises were Mrs Edith Cleveland and Mrs. Schaefer. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. An eight and. one-half pound son was born to MrV and Mrs. Ben Fouf at their home on Thursday. Mrs. Charles Freund was hostess to the members of her club On Wed' nesday afternoon. Cards furnished the entertainment and, prizes were award ed to Mrs. Arthur Rauen. Mrs. Norbert Klaus and consolation went to Mrs. Eldred Johnson. Mrs. George W. May received the traveler's prite. A dinner was served after cards. Mr and Mrs. Leo Freund, Johnsbufg, and Mr. and Mrs. George Freund, McHenry, spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund on Thursday night. Cards and visiting were the evening's diversion and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Freund are the happy parents of a baby boy born Sunday. Miss Hazel Sanders anud Jean Benish visited in the home of Mrs. Bessie Baril in Chicago the past week. Mrs. George W. May and daughter, Georgia, and son, Paul, Mrs. Charles Freund, son, Tommy, Paul Weber and Alyce Nodland enjoyed a trip to Brookfield Zoo one day last week. Approximately nine hundred people were served chicken dinner at St. Peter's parish hall on Sunday at their annual summer festivaf. A huge crowd attended and the affair was a gr^at success. Winners of the grand prizes were Joseph Frett of Johnsburg, Alvin Freund and Mrs. Math Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huff and twin daughters, Dianne and Jdanne, and Miss Katherine Huff of Chicago visited their parents, Mr. a$0 Mrs. Mike Huff, on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer visited relatives in Rockford on Friday. Mike Wagner of Chicago spent the weekend with hi's children lit the home of his paretns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Among those from out-of-town who visited home folks on Sunday and Attended the bazaar in St. Peter's par ish grounds were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman, Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , Rauen, Misses Christina Kattner, Agnes and Marie Lay, Catherine Freund, Chicago; Bernice and Lucille Nimsgern and Jeanette and Lucille Hergott. Presidents Born In March Four Presidents-j-Madison, Jackson, Tyler and Cleveland--were born in March. • OUTPUUS ANY'A-TON I „ „ , . • SAVES MOtE OAS • MOOER CAM*: *; '•* " *£ ••• • BIGGEST BODIES • 4 SHOCK ABSORBERS Owners report gas savings of 15% itjrUi- pan*!, pick-up and to 40* over comparable trucks. you 'gmost for four Tost* rata GMC tbrat in power. half-ton investment in this yith thres truck-butlt body 1»» CMC. Check up and XIMU PMYMMNTI FHROUGKVOVR ewe ?MAC Mas ct fowMt •vaifabl* rafwt ,<"* "V " ; ••/•"it R. I. OVERTON MOTOK SALXS Jf West 6MC TRUCKS TRAILERS •DIESELS •••ii THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE >&> CONSUMPTION 1TMB UMtTED STATE5 CONSUMED 67% or THE V/ORLP'S RUBBER PHOOUCTtOM AMP H •3^1,6^363 ANM THE UNITED STATES CvfRVT^LpCR^N5.|ETHE NEXT RANKIN®, 15®T&HJSlAl«5,R3SSg'oiOj0BS IN "THE INDUJ STRY. IN TOME MITTS OR &N91MP, FNSREAP OF *CTTM W* MUSCMMAITQFIQPJ •ill. - 'WATf*. "WB VAORP VUC U^B TO SIGN IF/ AH ELI*E CTTHREIC NAALM PEO WOEPR A U NIT MWAAMT --T, JsAeMmEeSn ENWGMION EWERA t0 PTJM6-JTW T9D) . PpOlWf CEOR VPEORS SSIBTPILAITMIE S. SVTMFTT* MPS AH GUTEN/OU PTSCOVEXY M MS LLFTK lAXBNO RINATWOyRi / RHIAAL* WPRsOePAURCEf*P VAU BMT EMTAMYO PW HFOICRH "PTERREAMTITINSS AyHrPo RWAITaHeO UwTi tHhAoJuARt P0 ORFy iFwIR« B C SET 7-P I ECE REFRESHMENT SET It's smart and practical for serving liquid refreshment in summer. Convenient wire carrier rack. Ch<^lt of red or green enamel finish with 6 large white opal hobnail Ice Tea Tumblers. McCULLOM LAKE A'1 LLJ FOR JULY COMFORT wm Electric Fan SI .39 Each Don-oscillating. Rubber footed mcul w Black enamel finish. 8" blades. Conv. Stool 29CEki Light wood frame Cover of durable canvas Compact and serviceable. Shoe Polish 9c-2 to. Rite • Way White Shoe Polish for kid. canvas, buck, suede. Will not streak. Custard Sot 59c Each 7 pieces. 6 dainty Jot cups in hirtdy rack." Most widely used Pyre* dish. WFL (NI ' i'f , J: Outinq Jmo Fly-Ded Sprayer A. Thompson of Chicago is spending two weeks at his cottage at Mc- Collum Lake. Employees of the F. W. W. Co. s^ore 163C had a picnic at the A. Thompson cottage Sunday. Fifteen fcirls and their friends and husbands were present. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. A. Carus of .Chicago are spending two weeks at ! M^Collum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schubert spent Sftturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Joe Bold and family Chieago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Creek entertained frionds from Chicago Sunday, j , Weekend guests at the Hagedorn « . t t a g e were Miss Marie Sladeck of. Blue Island and Miss Enes Scopel of St. Louis, Mo., both being registered nurses. ! Th" Theo. A. Carus' entertained Miss Lillian Huster of Rogers Park1 and Mrs. John Smith of Gale wood, ( jrecently. ! Mrs. C. Richardson of Columbus, Ohio, spent Sunday at the Henderson jB|)ttage here. 1 • Frank Ritzer and Bert Macintyre Of McCollum Lake entertained Rollie Cox, Jack Duffy and Billy Harper of Chicago Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. E. Henderson of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage here. r Mit-s Mildred and Sue Frett and John Freund of McHenry spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. tSchaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Wider of Chicago are spending a week here. Mrs. Joe Lehmen is spending the Summer with Mrs. Art Burg. •* Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitiaferro of Chicago are spending a week at McColflum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Art Burg, Jr., spent the weekend at McCollum Lake. To SEE McHenry, Illinois and 29-30 (Green, i-gal- Steel Insect spray. Kills Compact, sturdy Strong wire cloth JjackeL ioo% cork flies, moths, mos- comtruction. Pump Made, green or red •insulated. White quitoes, ants, etc. 6- attaches directly to rubber binding. Wir« «toneware crock, ox. cans. glass jar. jVi-o* handle22'/»"overall# . H. Althoff Hdwe. Corner Main Street and Soute 31 . . Phone 284 aX)CUM'S LAKE Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son of Diamond Lake spent Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. j Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con-j verse. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent l a s t Tuesday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. While in New York last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, Willar/3 "Darrell arid Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Espmg were din-1 ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. HaroM Wells and sons, Donald and William,: of Glens Falls and Mr. and Mr*. Ac-, New Games Galore and Quite a Bit More Than Ever Before! Chicken Dinner 12 to 3