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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1939, p. 6

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PaftUx ' *&LJ & *v4* fMif, Aagnst t, llll" IT'S GETTING CLOSER 0 m OONT mio-cwi ANIMAL i, By CHARLES B. ROTH Tail* T*lM TWENTY TEARS AGO Meandering Mary Sjr MARY E. OWEN The roads in the village limits of McHenry are undoubtedly as bad as may be found anywhere in McHenry county and in most cases are considerably worse. The wheat crop that is being threshed in this locality is the smallest in| jtears. In some The circus came to Chicago and of course the "kids" had to go. Considerable change this year to keep up with the streamlined idea but on the whole. pretty much the same old circus. We missed the man being shot from the cannon and the statuary. Dear S. I. H.: When you start running the county, please add a mosquito heaven and plenty of signs on super-byways to protect poor innocent drivers from getting into tha wrong lane. Doggone it, we got in the wrong lane twice last Friday and when we came to g sign it was too late to get out. Also, What do you intend to do abou the weather? Ov?r 80 jis out with us. told, the fields are producing but from seven to ten bushels to the acre. So rapidly are the lots on Fox river in the vicinity of this village selling of late that we find it rather difficult to keep tab on all sales. Milk prices for August, as established between the dealers and the milk marketing association, will be $3.52 per hundred pounds for 3.5 per cent test k Mike Curtis, the director, is alwSys putting the set in stitches with his Inability to grasp American language, instances, we are'Best recent miff -- "You are all fur bearing royalty. Wardrobe will put the ladies in stables while the men outfits will be. trimmed with vermin." The Pope feilas requested the autographs of Don Ameche, Tyrone POwfer and Leo Carrillo. THIRTY YEARS AGO MEMORY COURSE IN 1,000 LESSONS THE' German psychologist, Ebbinghaus, a careful, scholarly observer of the workings of the human mind, has said that we forget 90 per cent of what we learn within 24 hours. From your own -experience jvou know that what he says is true. The business man, noting this, understands why he must advertise, not occasionally nor sporadically, but all the time. It's the only way he car. be of the greatest service to his customers. His advertising reminds us of him ahd of the things he sells, and though we may forget him and those things between times, every advertisement he publishes renews the impression and creates recognition of his business. His problem is to j find the most economical way of reminding us that it is to our advantage to trade with him. He discovers soon that nothing is so economical a medium for this purpose as the newspaper. There he advertises. We ifead. Both he and ourselves benefit by his repeated advertising. He benefits in the obvious way, by winning us as steady customers. We benefit in an equally obvious Charles Roth way, by finding a man whom we can trust and from whom we can buy all the many things we need to make our lives more interesting and complete. Advertising is the news of business. Often that news is of far more importance to us than any other news in the paper. For example, if a woman needs a new coat and scans the advertisements to see what is being offered, the business news she reads is of far greater moment in her life right then than the story on page one of a war in Asia Minor or of an oil field fire in Texas. Stripped of all glamor and mystery advertising amounts to nothing 'more exciting than this: telling people of a place where they can get what they need to make life possible or endurable or lively or enjoyable at the most satisfactory and economical basis. The advertiser who keeps the story of his advantages naturally gets the bulk of the trade, because, as you hare just learned, we all forget rapidly and must be reminded continually if we are to act. When advertising is carried on for a long enough time, the name of the man and his product become a part of the daily life of millions of households, respected, revered things and names, almost as close to us as .friends or members of our own family. O Charlaa B. Roth. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE IMP/tOVfMgAfTf MAK§ NgW JOBS- •wasiwAH iaoontseHSMtttt MUTTwmmBwl TOwMPOMtelLHaT CFOQKMODHMey w weTeM ACU *>- <Mp*ovrMCNT,Aboe» 3 vena* •GO. MM sirfcc MOOUCIP -TO-TALL IN • •fco.oi f.«e ? WSMTBO KlTCmfc orvicts SAve AMERICAN WOMCK 6o, ooo, ooo Hot/sew^- uomtt * OAy INDUSTRY AIOS urn? SU«*acr CAN how M *INW*W MOW PUftASty ANO SCAimfUUV THAWTXty fo*MBeSoouSo m j^y*/ OMCS VAASTPP-- carton tiNTgiH / SCML-COLOM 'ORIGLNATLO IN ancient dttncc - Birr it */AS -rue*. »y *o* QunrtON MARK 1MB 0»INSST «OFT0 ppa mspnont «* %UHTHM4 LANtuaSt0 An improved steam merry-go-round will be located near Boone creek in this village all next week. T. H. Bethke landed a 4% pound black bass from the waters of the Fox river Tuesday evening, this being one of the largest fish of this "Wishing," the current sorig hit (we have been putting over in this column?) is making good for song writer Buddy DeSylva. Two publishing houses turned it down before It was accepted by Crawford on recommendation only, proving it's always hard to pfck a winner. As soon as Clark Gable finishes (?) "Gone With the Wind," he and the Mrs. will hit the ocean trail for Europe.- It will be "voyage number one" variety taken from these waters this! for them both. When that pair make season. | London, the natives should have some- During this morning's ferocious thing to talk about besides umbrellas storm the lightning struck one of the cottages at Dr. Carl Strueh's Orchard Beach sanatorium and almost caused the death of the doctor, as well as that of Dr. Albert Henkel of Chicago, a patient helpless from and gas masks. A promoter was trying to sell a prominent member of the movie colony some stock in a gold mine. He articular j went to the length and breadth of rheumatism. Dr. Strueh was thrown salesmanship and finally signed off to the floor and stayed unconscious j with, "Mr. X, you don't even have to for several minutes. Though the shock j dig down for this gold, it's right on was a severe one, he did not suffer | top of the ground." P. M. M. C. w»- any material bid result and is thank- plied, "Don't tell me you have to stoop ful for the narrow escape he had. FORTY YEARS AGO down and pick it up?" Do you remember way back a picture called "Submarine D-l?" In the The Ladies Pistakee Bay Euchre' scene showing the making of submavclub met at the yacht club pavilion j ines, the shots taken by Warners were Wednesday afternoon.' There were i of the actual construction of the illabout fifty members present. fated Squalus. )> /First Lieutenant Howard R. Perry, ------ tellttau-^ the 17th u- s- Inf-» has been order- i Did ya« know that "l**#** Brenda "•"a-fed Houston, Texas, where: Frazier has been so annoyed by all the he will act as aid-de-camp to Col. publicity she receives that she has Chambers McKibbin. I just shelled out a lot of that "filthy It is rumored that there is an elec-, lucre" to a clipping service for a flock trie railroad to be erected between(of scrap books? We have one up on Sycamore and DeKalb. I her though, we've been keeping a W. A. Cristy and T. J. Walsh and scrap book for years just in case we wife will take part in the "Queen should get famous or something. Nev Esther" entertainment to be given at Wauconda Saturday. FIFTY YEARS AGO Stoffel and Blake are now tunning a steam yacht for the purpose of delivering goods to the lake resorts. Stan Wright caught a twelve pound pickerel in the creek near the red bridge Monday morning, er can tell when we'll win a cross! word puzzle contest and then our life, will be an open scrap book. Community Church Junior Leagues are dedicating a new song to their leader Shirley Colby. "So Red the Nose." Lots of activity around the Grade School. Looks like they are getting Herbert Bennett, and Charlie Nord-| ready for an early opening. Are you quist are rusticating, on the shores of ready kids! Gosh there's always some- Lake Michigan, near Racine, Wis. ! body to take the joy out of life! The steamer "Mary Griswold,"/ made her ftrst excursion of the sea-' As we go to press news comes to son from this place to the LtltM iOn' this column of other library contribu- Sunday last. itions. The sum of $10.00 was raised by Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer and a gif f $20.00 comes from R. J Miller. We are moving right along! I*? DEBCNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright by Public Ltdgfr, Iqc MONKEYS 00 NOT HUNT FLEAS IN EACH OTHERS HAIR. In spite of almost universal opinion among visitors at the zoo, monkeys rarely have been known to have fleas. When they search through each other's hair they are looking for small bits of sweat secretion, similar to dandruff, which is shed by the skin. They like this "scurf' because it is salty, and will spend hours searching for small particles of it. WMtT Scrrlc*. My Neighbor Soap lasts longer if it is well dried out. As soon as the soap is received the wrappers should be discarded and the soap piled loosely in a dry place. ' • •, • When the foliage of house plants becomes spotted, look for overwatering or burning from direct sunlight on foliage that has not been accustomed to it. • « • The next time you make scalloped potatoes, try using a can of cream of mushroom soup in place of part of the milk. It gives the potatoes • delicious flavor. • • • A good duster mad* of soft, clean, non-scratching, and non-linting cloth can be easily prepared by dipping the cloth into a solution of one tablespoon of kerosene and one quart of water. • A MO elated Miwipaput--WNU SirvtM. Swap Mates, 14 Children and One Cow Two rural wives, one a grandmother, the other a slim woman of 27, made a friendly swap of husbands at Columbia ville, Mich. They divided 14 children, each taking seven. Pictured here are the two wires. On the left is Mrs. Edith June, 47, who is keeping house for George Davis, 45. On the right is Bin. Mildred Davit, <7, who is keeping house for Clarence June, 24. Sisters Reunited After Fifty Years Mrs. Rifka Fishpen of Johannesburg, South Afriea, is shown (right) being greeted by her sister, Mrs. Rose Frost of Brooklyn, as she arrived in New York. The sisters have not seen each other for M yean. Scale Mountain Peaks in Map Survey On mountain peaks general land office surveyors obtain scientific measurements to insure accuracy in the new official master map of the United States. As the transit man places his instrument in position, linesmen stretch the steel tape along the correct line into the valley. Naming Mount Rainier Mount Rainier was named after the British admiral, Peter Rainier, who figured in the American Revolution. The name was bestowed by Capt. George Vancouver, English navigator and explorer, in 1792. First Pan-American Conference The First Pan-American conference in 1889 lasted more than six months; the last, ending December 27, 1938, only 18 days. Speed of Birds When Migrating When migrating, birds fly at great speeds three and a half miles above the surface of the earth. At this height, they have the help of constant winds blowing up to mil-- an hour. Why It Is Lalique Glass Lalique glass is named for ito maker, Rene Lalique, one of the leading French designers of mental glass. PETER PEEVE r. PETER PEEVE J m R,4 i4>ii > "ratf f' nan o. wller, ild. Specializing in EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT will be in Dr. A. I. Freehlieh's Once, corner Owen ft Streets, McBenry Wednesday froai 2 to G L A S S E S F I T T E D m ' i'A;' v, Phone 43 VEUHM J. KMX ATTORNEY AT Priii BWf. j r - OFFICE HOURS ^,4 Tuesdays and Fridays - Other Days by Appointment McHenry - - > . * » * -l * !? 2 A.P.Fretmd SicvUiBfCon Truddng,Hydraulic*BdCr»jM 8ervice --Road Bnilding-- T«L 204-M McHenry, m Horses Wanted I B U Y Old and Disabled Horses. Pay from $5 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 444 335 Hayward Street Woodstock, 111. Quality Canvas Products BEN THONNESON AWNINGS W|*YOTAL LAKE > Across from Post Office TeL Oya. Lake 838 -- 129 Main St Window Shades * - Venetian Blinds Boat Covers - Outboard Motor Covers - Tarpaulins pnti AUTO FARM Lira INSURANCE EAKL R. WALSH Presenting Billable Companies When yon need insurance of any kANT Phone 43 or Sl-M Pries Bid*. McHeniy M6REY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend en tret mortgages on real estate and others who waat to borrow money on red estate. If in* terested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with yen. Joseph R. Sikes Waakegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St, Waukegan, 1U. TEL. MAJESTIC 101 Telephone No. 80fr ftoffel ft Keihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOH S. H. Fremiti & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Yonr Service in Building Yonr Wants Charlie's Repair Ship Northeast corner of State Bridge oa Charles Street Badiators Repaired Holies and Fender# MfB Paintinf Furniture Vpholsteriag CHARLES BIXTE8BL ~ KENT A COMPANY AH Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the moot rettaMo Cbeipnniea OSOM in and talk it over T McHcary S Pfcone li9 DR. L. B. MURPHY DENTIST Office *onrt -- t n.m. to R i v e r s i d e D r i v e ^ M c H e n r y , DL t

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