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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1939, p. 7

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17,1939 CAU6HT IN THE MIDDLE v :1irli|-frtriiiiCi> ' ' "'•V r-'.> • • ' ' •-V; V- % m&t BUtlMtSS W 'tv . Where Water Will Be Boosted Uphill This construction scene on the Contra Costa canal shows in the fore* ground a lined section of the ditch approaching a pumping station; at :left center, reinforcing steel in place and concrete being poured for wain of the building that will house the motor-driven pumps; and at upper left (indicated by arrow) the continuation of the concrete-lined canal at an elevation SO feet higher than infthe foreground. Four such pumping plants are being built about a mile apart near the upper end of the Contra Costa canal, near Oakley, Calif. \ He Really 'Worked Like a Horse* kwiwr, - • "s. ' o< *V Oliver Fairbanks, a farmer near Omaha, had the misfortune to lose four horses--they died. But he still managed to put up his hay. He just hitched himself up with his 16-year-old mare and "polled 'til my eyef stuck out." Mrs. Fairbanks drove the "team." THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENBY, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFf| McHENRY COUNTY, J. B. KELTER, HELEN A. REED, the last WiU and ' Charles E. Raed, c A. BOHLANDER, of F. First Suein Trust in the Trust Deed dated October 24th, 1924, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 151 of on page 110; Bank of Chicago, Illinois; and Unknown Owners, Mortgages, it National IN CHANCERY--Gen. No. 28750. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 28th. day of July A. D. 1S89, I, Vincent S. Lumley, Master in Chancery of the Circulf Court? will on (Friday the 25th., day of August A.D. 1989, at the hour of ten o'clock in the foi noon of said day, (Central Standard Time), at the East front door of the Court House, in the city of Woodsock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree in full, to-jjrit:- Commencing two (2) chains and thirty-four (34) links, South thirty - nine and three - fourths (39 3/4) degrees West of the West corner of Lot Number thirteen (13) of Peter H. Klapperick*s Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section eight (8) Township forty-ftve (45) North of Range Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian on the Northwest bank of Fox River, thence South thirty-nine and three-fourths (39 3/4) degrees West one (1) chain and twentyeight (28) links; thence East fifty and one-half (50%) degrees South three (3) chains and eighty- four (84) links; thence at right angles North fifty and onehalf (50%) degrees East one (1) chain and twenty-five (25) links; thence at right angles west fifty . and one-half (50Vt) decrees North along tKe Southwest line of one acre of land deeded to Charles Champion four chains and twelve (12) links to the plscc pf beginning, .containing onehalf acre of Jand averaging sixteen (16) rods in length and five (5) rods in width, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale Cash in hand on day of sale, at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale. Dated this 1st. day of August A. D 1939 1 VINCENT S. LUMLEY, Master in Chancer*, (ftb. August 3 - 10 - 17) H|a. M. Carroll, Attorney : Woodstock, Illinois FLUXSIAI Washington, August 16 --Political propaganda mills running at full blast keep this town from the summer dolusually follow a Conadjournment. The hired at work sorting ammunition from the Congressional battlefor the early skirmishes. The by these skilled researchers are then woven into impressive speeches to be delivered by political brass-hats at meetings or Over the radio as part of the partisan "education" movement among voters. Occasionally the press releases on controversial subjects bear theft true origin -- the official imprint of the Republican or Democratic National Committee. However, the output of these propaganda factories known in the trade as "canned speeches" are usually shipped to a Senator or Representative to be used under his name as his own views. which have been challenged to take advantage .of a five-month Congressional vacation to stage an intensive drive for recovery are still skeptical of the political future. The Roosveltian declaration as to the type of a Presidential candidate he favors, as outlined in a long message to the Young Democratic Clubs, while not exactly unexpected has a deterrent effect on incentives within industry. It is argued that business would not want to unloosen the private purse strings for a relatively short spell only to be faced with a continuance of the New Deal objectives. Those industrial chieftains, holding that the social and economical goals of Mr. Roosevelt and his camp followers are detrimental to, private enterprise, feel that his definition of an acceptable candidate must be projected and analysed in terms applicable to the 1940 Presidential campaign. It is surprising how the confirmation of a rumor makes business leaders so skittish in launching an enormous outflow of private funds. Every seasoned politician has privately admitted that in event Mr. Roosevelt was not a candidate for a third term it was a 100 to one shot that he would not support a Democratic candidate who could not subscribe fully to the Roosevelt ideals in government policies. Now that the Chief Executive has been a little more explicit on the subject the boys with the money bags are in a dither. They profess to sea extension of government controls over private trade in event the man meeting the President's specifications is nominated and elected. The Republican high command is, of course, unwilling to concede that F.D.R. can name his successor with the possible exception of having the choice placed at the head of the Democratic ticket The conservative wing of the Democratic party has indicated this week that they would like to see their titu. lar leader duplicate A1 Smith's performance and "take a walk" when a _ hia conditions trotted out at the nominating These political rivals are watching keen interest the promised statement from the Department of Justice as to an "official" conception of the actual scope of the Hatch lull. This new law which limits office-holders on the Federal payroll from active par ticipation in partisan fights will probably nip many promising public careers in the bud. The U. S. Attorney General's opinion will not be the last word for eventually the Hatch Act will be tested in the courts. Many workers in the party vineyard may be called upon to take their choice between drawing a Federal salary and cutting away from their party welfare activities. Mr. Murphy, the present Attorney-General, is a politician of no small calibre which may or may not make him bend over backwards in his "interpretation" of the Hatch curb. Truly, the weather is not the only irritation around the Nation's capital. Mailing lists culled from the register of voters in various Congressional Districts are utilized to the fullest extent these days. It is particularly true in the rural districts where farmers are flooded with printed matter fiom Federal agencies and from their representatives in Congress. Each group endeavors to prove that their records make them "friends of the farmer." The theme of their presentation is to demonstrate that either the Department of Agriculture or the Congress have worked with might and main to insure prosperity to the rural dwellers. For instance, R. M. Evans, Administrator of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration <is now on a speaking tour of the Southwest attempting to jusify the Triple A program. He claims that if this alphabetical agency were not functioning farmers would not now receive much above twenty or twenty-five cenxs.per bushel for their wheat. On the other hand Representative Karl E. Mundt, of South Dakota, criticizes the Administration's farm program that "this _ . . _ for "not foodstuffs' and set up a farm p. which will pay them a fair and honest price for a full and complete crop.' If the average farmer to read through the welter of dropped in his mail-box he will have little time in which to handle the chores about the farm. RKDUOI The Safe, Natml Way." SCISSOR RAZOR S T O M P A N A MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTEH & F&EUHD, Props. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY -- FRESH PERCH Come and Etojoy Yourselves Saturday Evening at PINK HARRISON'S -L--•--At Pistakee Bay- Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks FRIED CHICKEN -- 600 ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season v-v* •/. : ;V.:,r•..•;. CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Ifciffaiiteed Service on all Makes of Cars and Trucks Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing FRED J. SMITH, Prop, Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate off Charles Karls, Deceased. The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of John Karls, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 18th day of September, A. D. 1939, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D. 1939 JOHN KARLS, Administrate?. Aug. 10 - 17 - 24) CHURCH SERVICES AMVWMCRg FROM . we-HALF TO -TW9-THM0S OF THE RETAIL PRICE Of , ' CI6TAHRSE ATVTfEK5A 6/eK FHACteTsOtMRYT CSO "STM PXS*f Hf/ tm OP popular MWX /* ^ XJ. 2- A CNA RCVOFLPC JIWALC TOlWPVfNf* , PoINvEeAr PtPhL£E fWroASn PtI AdCoEcP* A S'GN OF HOSPITAL I T - ' /otrr cFotNofe sH aOmSpm Kt. MAfUAftAeC TMUKOTWV AH0*f Ttx^T/ U gAFSK/lAAlMlYP nttnO MDf fUCVOfAPL , MMTVK AftP jfMflt/ MT HCHteM ifhlA/Nr-P, eIHtUr 4rKeM*/ 6, counTxy/ 601*6 (J?! IN 1690 SOVECNMErJT «PfNt3|(46 ABSCRBCP 1% OF THE NATIONAL » •N i<}29 IT AS53R&EU /V». 5 WHILE TOO Ay IT ovfR 75%/ (Daylight Saving Time) St. Mary's Catholic Church )(A8S€8* Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:80 Holv Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7:00 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 p.m and 7:00 p.m. ' E Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor. ]£!, St. Patrick's Catholic Church * Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. in. a 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. -and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rev. ffm. A. CRourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnalmrg MftSS66 * Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; Eoly Days: 7:00 and 9:0&; Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:30. / Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Community Church; Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Devotions: 11 Conducted by Epworth League. J Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor, s? Lutheran Evangelical Church > Sunday Service: 8:00 a. no. ' Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor; YOURS TODAY "Need Rubber Stamps? Order^t Tha Plaindealar. LERE'S a refrigerator that's certainly both a beauty and a bargain! A genuine General Electric with the same sturdy all-steel cabinet construction, the same sealed-in-steel cold-making mechanism that have made General Electric Refrigerators famous throughout the world for depend ablet perform anc^ ^and tnduring economy. Begin enjoying the new convenience and new, thrifty savings of this modern refrigerator tomorrow! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Balance (plus smgJI carrying charge) on your Electric Service t>ill. ATTENTION! Other electric appliance dealers now making an especially attractive mid-summer offer on modern electric refrigerators. Get faet»-no\|| 14 other G-E Models, all priced lower than ever before I A GENUINE GENERAL ELECTRIC WITH... • AII-SImI Cabinet • Stainless Steel Super- Freezer __ •; .. '/V * Sealed-in-steel Thrift "tJnit * 5 Years Performance Protection * 11.7 Square Foot of Area PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS

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