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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1939, p. 6

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rage Si* Thursday, August 24, 1031 Woman Sculptor Completes World Cruise topsail rified steel ketch Vanora, which carried Mrs. Marion Rice Hart and her crew of two men on a world cruise, tieds up at a pier in New York after completion of the voyage. Mrs. Hart, who was a sculptor in Paris, began her cruise at Cowes in 1936. She had to fire four skippers for incompetence en route. The two remaining members of the erew praised her seamanship; She Is Custodian to 200 Spiders Off for her yearly vacation is Miss Mary Pfeiffer of Hoboken, N. J., a spry little lady who holds one of the world's strangest jobs. Bidding her farewell here is William Kiefer; an employee of the precision instrument firm for whieh she works. Miss Pfeiffer is the "spider lady," and , (or 59 years she has been custodian of 290 spiders whose delicate gossamer threads she inserts in the diaphragms of surveying telescopes. OMAMIZZ SOCIAL CLUB AT LILT T.AOT While the incorporation of the Vil- Fellow Citisens of the Village of Lily Lake: "I take gfcMki pleasure in addressing you on this occasion, as your lage of Lily Lake has been taking duly elected' *pr esident.. T.h e purpose the front pages and making headlines ^ UlV }*ke t "\t0 » in all our local papers, we, the wo-im™ity two"fo]d men, have been trying to illuminate j 1- To give to the residents and the dark places on the pathway of ®1"*®ns_of Lily Lake every possible life and brighten the road. Too many people today think of their earthty possessions and their employment, rather than trying to distribute smiles and good cheer wherever they go. In the pursuit of this endeavor benefit TtroL convenience that they rightfully observe by demanding through our organized government, the rights and privileges which are inherent to every citizen of every democratic government, namely, free* we formed a social club Wednesday, i dom, safety, comfort, and respect July 19, to be known as the Lily Lake | *°r their village. Social Club. Mrs. Harry Wise was! "?• To use those funds which we elected its president; Mrs. James Far-' •re Paying as taxes, solely and prinrington, vice-president; Mrs. Louise ! ®jp*My for Lily Lake resident. No, Gannon, treasurer, and Mrs. Davia linger *>1 Lily Lake receive an in-J _______ Kagen, secretary. Meetings to be held direct benefit from this revenue, j The home of J. H. Miller is being throughout .the summer months on j From now on, all monies coming into | newly repainted and decorated. J. A. TWENTY YEARS AGO the Village of Lily Lake will be used ( Neyer is the artist on the job. for maintaining and beautifying our. Rural letter carrier James N. Saycommunity. Ileris the proud daddy of a bouncing "Let me stress at this time the many baby girl, born on Tuesday morning difficulties attendant with our organ- of this week. Of course, he's smiling. members. The first social function' ization. In this day and age with! The local station agent, C. W. Goodheld was a card party at the village, large metropolitan areas and indus- ell, Has been spending the past sevhall, Saturday, August 12. Seventy-j trial districts at a practical stand-J eral weeks at Eleanor, Ala., is expectfour guests were entertained and re-, still, it took superhuman efforts to ed home shortly, when he will againj Roun(j Lake Monday evening, freshments were served and beauti-, overcome the obstacles which confront- \ resume his duties as agent for the C. | «j*he Volo Home Bureau unit of tjie each Wednesday at the village hall at 1:30 p. m., and the club to continue to function throughout the winter. The monies collected will either be spent for charity or to entertain the accompanied by Mr. James Davis, agriculture instructor, journey to the state fair at Springfield Thursday. Mrs. B. Grabbe of Waukegan spent a few days here with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. William WSrta. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill are the parents of a daughter, born Thursday, August 17, at St. Theresa hospital. The little lady will, answer to the name of Ruth Ann. Mrs. Frank Gould and daughter of Libertyville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Friday afternoon. Marvin Wirtz, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz, underwent a (minor opter^\tion at St, Therese hospital Friday morning. Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago and Mrs. Wendell Dickson of Wauconda were Sunday visitors at thai home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays-J lake spent Sunday with the latter'* father, Henry Passfield. , j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and sons were Monday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey in Wau kegan. Miss Vinnie Bacon called^ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon near ful prizes were distributed., i ed us at every turn of the road. Riv- & N. W. Railway Co. 'Lake County Home Bureau held a al factions, discontented people and1 Robert E. Kno*. who only a short speciai meeting at the home of* Mrs. Miss Madelaine Harber of Random lack of co-operation choked at the time ago was released tvom army ser-1 £ari Fink Friday eveni Shot, Lily Lake, entertained the Lily! very throat of our completion, but vice, had his ftve passenger Ford Lake Social club at her home Wed-j with sincerity of purpose and the touring car stolen while at Elgin last nesday, August 16. Thirty-six wo-j strong belief for the great objectives (Saturday. men and ten children were present., with which we took task, we finally i • Luncheon was served. At this meet-1 won out, and now we stand before THIRTY YEARS AO| ing it was decided that the children one another as fellow citizens of Lily ---- of Lily Lake should be entertained, Lake. | The old hardware building, until before returning to their respective "Now that we are incorporated as last week occupied by F. L. McOmschools. A picnic was decided upon a state functionary, our battle has ber, is in the hands of the wreckers to be held Thursday, August 24, at not ended. No, it has just begun! ! |and before the end of the week will 10 a.m., at Betty's Picnic Grove, the "There are many problems facing have vanished. A beautiful new cemothers'to furnish lunri)£0n^mH>rizes us such as to find ways and means of ment store building, to be occupied by were donated by the/memb^s to be j raising funds for improvements such Mr. McOmber, will take its place. distributed to the children^co^peting as: | The beautiful home of M. W. Merin the various ^an/es^Any/uilented "*• Dragging and dredging the riman has been newly painted and decchild will be askad to perform. We Lake. j orated throughout and now is one of.evenjng( August 17, given in honor of sincerely trust that S*H-^he mothers' "2- Creating healthful living con- the prettiest homes to be found in' Rev an(j Mrs. Gerald H. Rapelji, who of thf> children of the Lake will per- ditions. jour village. are moving to Detroit, Mich., in Sepmit them to be the guests of our club.! "3. Building and improving our' Will Gallaher, Jr., has -resigned his j tember. A (gift was presented to I roads. | position with the Chicago Telephone them as a token of appreciation for While the ladies have been trying' "4- The Problem of cutting and rid- company here and has gone to join his the four years they have devoted to to spread harmony and good will, the din* ourselves of noxious weeds. | parents in Milwaukee. Gilbert Mc-j keeping our Sunday School alive, men have not been idle. They, tn| "5- And many others too numerous Omber has already taken his place. Mr. and Mrs. J. Balmes of Evanstrving to stimulate interest in the to mention which are the common lot "Buff" Feltz, the happy-go-lucky old ] ton ?pent Monday evening at the newlv incorporated village, had a let-'of newly formed governmental bodies > pal, surprised his parents last weekj home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. ter delivered to all property owners' "But» with a11 of these> we are still by sending the "paint man", to the George. Saturday August 19, in an endeavor thankful. I have hopes and visions family home and ordered him to fix Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and to correct a lot of false rumors that that with the ftne support some of up the place to make it appear just Mrs Alex Bartini and family spent have been circulated not for the good y™ have given me, and with the^ help like new. Naturally "Bur' footed the Wednesday at the home of Mr. and , ... ^ j. i -x-j Richardson in Forest Carl evening. Messrs. Frank Wilson and Ed Bacon attended the funeral services for John Fairweather at Downer's Grove Wednesday. Mrj and jMrs. JLloyd Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case attended the Wisconsin State fair at Milwaukee H ny Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm and daugh ter, Elaine, attended the state fair at Springfield Thursday. About fifty members of the Volo Community Bible Church attended a farewell dinner party on Thursday F|ED O. MTT.T.TO Specialising la EYE, EAR, NOSE and THKOAT will bo is Dr. A. I. Fioehlich's OWee, corner Green & Elm Streets, MeHenry Bwt WidnnsJsy freat 2 to 4 M G L A S S E S F I T T E D 1 J Phone 43 mm j. una •'••a | ATTORNEY AT ^ Pries Bldg. ' || •t DFFICE HOURS -* # Tuesdays and Fridays ' • y - "Other Days by Appointment MeHenry - - , y . Tilings ' m' 1, A.P.FreundCo, > Exeavatiiif Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Gnu Service , ^' Road Bnilding-- ^ TeL 204-M MeHenry, Dl Horses Wanted ^ i b u y ' Old and Disabled Horiftk,! Pay from $5 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 444 S35 Hayward Street ' Woodstock, 111. of the Lake as a whole. The following is the text of the letter: "Property Owners of Lily Lak* of our other duly elected officers, we bill, shall continue our fight, and win ourj objective, namely, a livable and en«j joyable community in the Village of | PORTY YEARS AGO By CHARLES B. ROTH THE wife of an executive of a national concern which has a policy of keeping its men in one place no longer than six months was telling me the other day of the difficulties she experienced when she and her husband first began their business wanderings. Getting acquainted in a new community wasn't so hard, she said, as establishing herself in an economic way a n d f i n d i n g o u t where to buy what her family needed and getting the most for her money. --^'Inside of a ye^r, though,,T she declared, "I discovered a great truth, and that solved the problem for me. Now I can go into any new community and inside of two weeks I'll be buying at the best and most dependable and economical places." "What was that great truth you discovered?" I must find out. "That advertising is information." She told, me that she thought advertising in the newspapers is the keystone to modern life and that it would be impossible to live efficiently and well and economically without it. I agreed with her. A stranger in town uses advertising to size up the town and to establish his buying connections just as this intelligent woman does. Charles Roth Mrs. Thomas Iferk. "Dear Friends:- There has been a Lily Lake. | Last Sunday the ^Steamer McHen great deal of contention and idle g°s-j "At this time I would like to say to ry" carried thirty-seven passengers to sip in our village concerning the cor- aj] groups who are in conflict with; the Lpttis^ Bedsr poration taxes since the posting of one another, let us lay down our erms, | La^t Tuesday evening Robert Sutthe appropriation ordinance, and we ]e1(. us hold out the olive branch of . ton/was racing into town when his are giving you this information so, peace towards one another, and let j ho/se became unmanagable and ran that you may know the facts concern-1 us C0.0perate to make our community away. Mr. Sutton was thrown out, ing the increase in taxes by virtue of one cf prideful accomplishment. ) thje wheels of the buggy passed over the incorporation of the village. j "And so on this occasion of our, his^head cutting and bruising him sev- "The maximum amount of taxes getting together for the purpose of. ere; that may be levied for corporate pur- j explaining to the property owners the| Las^Saturday between the hours of poses in any city or village in Mc- truth concerning the corporation tax j 4:25 and 5:10 p.m., one hundred) „ Henry county is sixty-seven cents per matters, both as, to the source of the teams, by actual count, passed by the $100 assessed valuation, but as the taxes, the small difference in each pro- j Plaindealer office. This statement is Village of Lily Lake is not approprt-; perty owner's tax bill and the pur-, vouched for by one of our business ating taxes for all corporate purposes,' poses for which the taxes are used, I, men. the increase in Lily Lake will not ex-; ask the co-operation of each property j Aug. Buckholz the popuar west side ceed ftfty cents for each $100 assessed j owner in our endeavor to make the tailor has moved across in the valuation. Village of Lily Lake the peaceful and Ostrander building. The change was "The majority of the homes in Lily \ homelike village that we all had hop-, necessary by his increase in business. Lake have an assessed valuation of, ed it would be when we purchased our, -hj-tv vwTn« irn properties here. | FIFTY'YEARS AGO "It was also decided at the last Wrong Name and Nation Catherine the Great, most famous Empress of Russia, was not a Russian nor was her real name Catherine. She was born at Stettin, Germany, and her name was Sophia. CHURCH SERVICE* (Daylight Saving Time) St. Mary's Catholic Chnrcfc A STRANGER IN TOWN The most successful advertisers therefore look upon their advertisements, not as more sales talks about their merchandise or service, lmt rather as business information which the pnbtte shonld have. The best advertisements in the newspaper are those which tell a complete story, which tell it honestly and simply and which keep on telling it. We who are customers read these advertisements and the information they convey gives us the knowledge we need in order to spend our money wisely and well. The first definition of advertising, as you probably know, is to make known. One of the prophets of old, the Bible tells us, stood outside the city's gates and advertised himself. All over America today thousands of merchants stand and advertise themselves -- make themselves known so that we who need may learn and buy, to our advantage quite as much as to theirs. The stranger in town and the oldest inhabitant both look upon advertising to help guide them in buying what they need in their every day life. And because of advertising the stranger can go into a strange elty and no longer be a stranger. The old familiar names, the old familiar packages of products used at home, makes every new community a friendly place, because it is a reeog- [ nized place. • Charlaa B. Both approximately $300, therefore ,the In- (, crease in your taxes for corporate. purposes would not exceed $1.50. (meeting of the Lily Lake Social Club' John Evanson A Co., of this vil- . . . , to make an endeavor to enlist the aid lage have secured a place m Floral !">» ^ ^rer/.o».nr*«v«Ugeto join H.U. ,t the County Fair, «d will p»y $3.00 to your aMomt'on, and rt- vl)ltr<! c,ub week we And, make a fine display of ladles' and ceived a Kreat dpal l M .opporters becoming members gents' line underwear, at the Fair your money than you '.nil:rMeive; ^ . 1 ^ ^ tha, ^ week from the officials of the village for; A u.m. «n»ir iTranlr T one-half the amount of money. .can start our charitable work for' Frank L. Carr has sold one-half _ . . . 'the winter. We want every woman interest m the Richmond Gazette tojt^ie881,ons- "Heretofore, you have paid your -n th-g communjty to feel that she Fred E. Holmes, and the firm is now general taxes to the county, and have wi„ ^ welcome at any of our meetreceived nothing m return for the - ag we feel gure they are vitallv benefit of the territory now incorpor- interested in making this little subated, but as a corporation, we are divjsion a ^tter place for their chfladvised, there will be a refund from dren and them8elvej>< the general taxes of approximately „Mrg Jerome B0yk0t better known Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7:00 and 8:00. First Friday^ 6:30 and 8:00* Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 p. m ••;v;'^ihnd 7:00 p.m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor* ; ill Patrick's Catholic Chart* Masses:> Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass. Quality Canvas Products BIN THONNESOH AWNINGS -- CRYSTAL LAKE*. Across from Peat Offi|i TeL Or*. Lake 838 -- 129 Main & Window Shades - . Venetian Blinds Boat Covers - Outboard Motor Covers - Tarpaulins PIRS AUTO INSURANCE ?£ EARL R. WALSI • ' ftmslin Reliable Companies When job need insurance of any kfilfe . Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHanry twenty-five to thirty-five per cent of the total of the general taxes, which money may be used for corporate purposes, and in addition thereto, the liquor license will be available for corporate frarposes. "There will be a meeting of village officials at the village hall from three to six p. m., Sunday, August 20, at which time you are cordially invited to be present and discuss with the officials any question pertaining to taxes on your property. "If possible, kindly bring your 1938 tax bill with you. "Yours very truly, HARRY M. WISE, President. At this meeting the president of the village and all the officials received many people and explained away a lot of doubt. Their sole aim is to arouse interest and instill confidence in the minds of all property owners. Harry Wise delivered the following address: "Mr. Chairman, Honored Guests, and to all of us as 'Betty/ with her generous heart, has invited all the women, members and guests, and if you care to become a member to be her guest Wednesday afternoon, August 30, at 1:30 p.m. She will serve refreshments and furnish prizes. Admission is twenty-five cents. This entitles you to play cards and have fun. The code of this club is to give happiness and do good, that is our only law, our anchor of salvation, our beacon of light, our reason for exist ing. Won't you come and help us it> this worthy cause ? There's lots of fun in the world if ai fellow knows how to find it." St. Patrick Born in Wales St. Patrick was a Roman citizen who was born in Wales. His father was a Celt and a Roman official named Kelpurnius. The family was aristocratic, as evidenced by St. Patrick's Latin nam?, Patricius. St. Patrick's native tongue was Welsh, or a language akin to that. Carr & Holmes. Miss Carrie Ladd and Miss Mary Ladd of Ringwood, returned yesterday from an extended visit of fourteen weeks, with friendfe, in Nebraska and Iowa. Geo. W. Colby started on Tuesday morning for a trip through Virginia. He contemplates settling in that state. VOLO Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Wm. A. 0"Rourke, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family of Wauconda were Tuesday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Monday. Harry Case, Robert Dunker, Richard Fisher from the Volo 4-H Club St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburf Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10KW; li;15. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7tS©.' Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Community Church Sunday School: 10 a. m. Morning Devotions: 11 a. m.» « ducted by Epworth League. Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor. Lutheran Evangelical Church Sunday Service: 8:00 a.m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. Byes A. E. Nye Bldg. Dr. Paul A. Schwabe West MeHenry OPTOMETRIST Phone: MeHenry 12S-I THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock <74 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have mosey to lend en Irst Mortgages on reel estate ail others who want to borrow money on reel estate. If interested either way, I will be |U to talk it ever with you. Joseph R. Sikes Wankegan National Bank Bldg; 4 8. Gsnssss St* Waukegan, 1JL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 Telephone No, 300 Stoffel ft Reihansperger InsnraMe- agenta for nil classes if property hi the best companies. IVEST McHENRY ILLINOIS S. H. Freund & Sob CONTRACTORS AND BUILD£R8 Phone 56-W MeHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building Your Wants ,THE OLD TIME MOVIE COW0OV USED TO HftWE TO DO SOME RIGHT FANlCV ^MOOTIN' -- KIowadovs WAS "TO PLAV A'qeetar AND BE AM e*peprr CPOOMBC*/ PETER CbrHe's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charles Street Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fendeis Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL KENT ft COMPANY AH Kinds of I N S U R A N C f Placed with the na*t reliable Companies Cnae in and talk it ever MeHenry 8 ISO x-iv DR» & B. MURPHY Office Hours -- 9 a.m. to 9 pwi Riverside Drive -- MeHenry, I

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