P FT*'*?? V „ • > « > ; ? T . f f ? - ; " ^ V ; ; : - ; f - ; i ; " ^ . " p #'\f '• •-<"' 'fc'iSr >';\. • .. -fv ** •• &-j- nuuroiAL RINGWOOD >;• ^:: :•; .'• • ' " S s"' i !;.- •' ... :;• /••••"t >v,;.j >•' "••••;' ' . ,r' r--v": '• !rij Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were ' awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and Geo. Young and G. E. Shepard and Ixrais Havley. Mrs. Patrick Coyne and daughter Kathryn, were visitors in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, called on relatives near Hebron Thursday afternoon. ' Miss Dorothy McClintic returnee to her home at Hillsdale, Michigan, on ; Thursday after a visit in the George Shepard home.; Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Mrs. Cora Fland- • ens and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, John, visited frien<$5 at Oak - 'Lawn, La- ** Grange and Chicago on Wednesday • and Thursday. . ^ Mrs. Harold Parrin and son of Sturand Mrs. Cora Kelley spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jessie Jolit* at Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended the Fair at Milwaukee Tuesday. Mrs.^LesterCarr and sons and Mae Wiedrich spent Thursday at Brookfield Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond and Wayne Foss were Sunday dinner quests of the former's mother, Mrs. Rilla Foss. Howard Shepard spent the weekend with Bill Dodge at Woodstock. Mrs. JAA. Vaillancourt spent a few days the past week with her daughter and family in Chicago. D. L. Hall and daughter, Elly, attended a family' picnic at Grayslake Sunday. Mf. and Mrs. Rapier Remer and daughter, Nancy, of Plstakee Bay spent Sunday in the Pat Coyne home. S. H. Beatty enjoyed? a picnic at Beatty's Pond, Sunday. Miss Shirley Neal spent the weekend in Chicago with her cousin, Julia Negri. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Virginia, spent Monday at Evqsaton They were accompanied by Mildred Jepson who spent the weekend hera. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Swan and daugh< ter of Elgin were dinner guests in the H. M. Stephenson home Wednesday. Mf. and Mrs. Stephen M/Schmidt of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in the George Young home Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt and family attended a Hunt reunion at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and son, Charlie and Mrs. S. W. Sfnith spent Saturday afternoon at Antioch Ralph Smith and sons of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Miss Mercedes Lindemann is vis* family and Dorothy McClintic were! itin# in the Lyle Hopper, home in visitors at Brookfield Zoo Tuesday and | Chicago. Miss Shirley Sappiro and Lorraine Mazzotti returned to their home in Chicago Moday, after a few week's pis, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. John were supper guests in the Wm. Heine Neal and daughter of Oak Lawn spent j home in Chicago Tuesday. Friday in the Roy Neal home. | Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Dimonfand family of Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, Ostend spent Thursday evening in the I were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Dick Olson home. , r . Miss Dorothy McClintic, Gladys Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jolits and sons1 and Howard Shepard and Alan Ainger attended the Milwaukee Fair Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Lumley of Crookston, Minn., called on friends here Saturday. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson visited her DASH FOR DEAD CATTLE AND HORSES Horses, $2.00; Cows, $3.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Woodstock 1624-M-l (Reverse Charges) sister at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family and Maxine McKeegan of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family and Mrs. Leo Karls and sons of Richmond, Will Beatty of Keystone, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montan ye and son of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and sons, Mrs. Viola Low and children and Mr. and Mrs. FE STANDARD TIRES THE THRIFT SENSATION OF 1939 HOW YOU CAN GET ONE OF THESE AMAZING TIRES ^ ^ • BUY ONE AT LIST PRICE AND GET THE NEXT ONE AT 50"-. DISCOUNT... AS LOW AS visit in the Roy Neal home. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Miss Soper and J. V. Buckland visited friends in Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and son, Charlie, ad Mrs. S. W. Smith attended the Antioch County Fair Saturday evening. Shirley Sappiro, Lorraine Mazzotti, Betty Ann Coyne and LeRoy Neal spent Sunday evening at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ray Merchat and daughter Rita Mae, Audrey, and Mrs. Charle* Coles, and Ethel Krohn spent Thursday at Kenosha. Mrs. Henry Sweet of Spring Grow spent Thursday evening in the S. W. Smith home. Quite a few from here attended the Rural Youth picnic in Thompson's Woods Sunday. Jean Harrison of Round Lake spent the past Vreek with her grandparents* Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smitt* family, Mrs. S. W. Smith a* Mercedes Lindemann attended day dinner in the William WM. jjjhome at Woodstock Thursday ing. J. D. Smith of Lincoln, 111., is visit- Ing in the J. V. Buckland home. Mrs. Ray Merchant and Mrs. Chas. Coles attended Mrs. Ed Howard's funeral at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Martha James and her niece, Mrs. Anna Jaeger, avid daughter, Hattie, of Rockford spent Thursday with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry visited her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, and family a few days the past Week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. The M. E. Church is receiving a couple of coats of paint. and H In* with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mtas Vtonie Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt* and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Dunker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family, Mr. and Km.- Lloyd Russell ahd family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown and family/ Mr. and Mrs. W. Sunderland an« family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Passfteld, Mrs Richard Dowell and family, Messrs. Henry Passfield, Milton Dowell, Lloyd Dowell, Arthur Monaham and Arthur Nicholls attended the Antioch Agricultural fair Friday. Mrs. Charles Miller spent a few days the past week in Chicago with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and sons attended the Wisconsin State fair at Milwaukee Thursday SLOCUM'S LAKE iOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaeefr, Waukegan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frances Lichte and son, Henry, of Chicago spent the weekend with Miss Annabel Meyers. Miss Katherine Altfloff of Elgin yisited with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Huff and family of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. George King Sunday evening. Mrs. Delbert Smith and children of Grayslake spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaef er. George Jackson, Elmer Meyers and Jim Freund attended the ball game in Chicago^ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock were callers here Sunday evening. VOLO Mort Jensen spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan and daughter, Jane, and Mrs? Marlett Henry Were callers at Barrington last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Itork. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan and daughter, Jane, called on friends at Milwaukee last Saturday; also attended the state fair. Mrs. Celia Dowell and ^aughter, Marion, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ]|ifkett of Rochester, .JSVis., were recent -callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock of Round Lake attended the Wisconsin State at Milwaukee last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Otis Phillips attended the fair and 4-H club show at Antioch Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Harvey Obenauf were Sunday guest? at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Obenauf at Libertyville. Ray Cook of Zion spent Sunday at the home ofhis father. Wilbur Cook. Mr. ahd^Mrs. Wm. VajiNatta of Crystal Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnet* last Wednesday. Miss Orissa Brdwn of Wauconda spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of WSlbur Cook; Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake, Arthur Hillier of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Jane Keeler and granddaughters, Jane and Bettie, of Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, Willard Darrein Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, attended the Wisconsin* State fair at Milwaukee Friday. Earl Converse and Arthur Bertha and Marion Davis of the "Flats" attended the state fair at Milwaukee last Friday.^ Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Wauconda were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren attended the Wisconsin State fair at Milwaukee last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mrs. Jane Keeler, Mrs. Irene Bonola and daughters, Jane and Bettie, Barrington, spent Monday at the G. J. Burnett home. * LILT LAKE Tir estc MT STANDARD Finite IIIC CHAMPION SZE Pric* For Tb* lit Tk* N«xt TW.50* Dbcowrt Plica For t Tlrw YOU SAVE SIZE Mc* Fo» TIm 1* Tlra N«d Tlra 50* Dhco--1 Prtc* Foi t Tlra* YOU SAVE 4.40-211 4.50-21) 4.75-181 S.00-191 4.50-20) 5.00-20) 5.25-17) 5.50-17j 5J5-l«j 5-50-11 i 6.00-16. $7.20 7.4S 7.40 9.50 •il 10.35 $3.40 3.731 3 JO 4.75 4.33 5.10 $10.00 11.10 11.40 14£5 12.90 15.53 $3.40 3.72 3.00 4.75 4.32 S.17 5.25-171 5.50-17 > 6.00-W. SJS-M. 6.50-16. 7.00-lt. $14.45 15.95 17.95 19.35 21.95 $7.33 7.90 t.90 9.40 10.90 $21.90 23.93 24.93 29.03 32.93 $7.32 7.97 0.97 9.47 10.97 Above Prices laclsd* Yoar Old Tlra--Other Sizes Propor -Hoiate !y Lew 'A 50% DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES TO THE PURCHASE OF 2nd TIRE ON THE FOLLOWING: v. T1 restonewoH SPIED firtttont CONVOY sa Mc* For TW Next TjwSOS Cite* Fa|t Itf Tlra t TIM* 4.75-11) 140-11! $1040 $5.15 $15.45 US-17) SJS-171 13.20 440 1940 SJS-ll) S44-1I5 12.00 440 10.00 Ut-ll 14.30 7.10 21J3 SJS-IS) fcstiii 17.40 0.70 24.10 SAVE 4.40-21 4.50-21 <.75-19 5JS-1T 5.50-11 rric* For 11m Nmi Tlra 50* Mm Fm 1tf Tlra IHnom « Tlra* $0.35 $4.10 $1243 0.40 440 12.90 11.00 5.50 1440 10.00 540 1540 11.95 5.90 17.93 BATTERIES $3.95 AND UP FOR GREATEST SAFETY AND ECONOMY PUT A NEW TUBE IN EVERY NEW Y1RC LIFETIME GUARANTEE NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery and Repairing West McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGraw and daughters, Dolores and Florence, of Cuba township spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. B. Grabbe of Waukegan spent Friday here with Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. G. A. Vasey of Hampshire, 111., visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Saturday. •/: Arvilla Fisher, Marvin Wirtz, Robert Dunker, Harry Case, Richard Fisher, Donald Brown, Burnell Russell, William Sunderland, and Wayne and Warren Pankonin from the Volo 4-H club exhibited their projects at the Antioch Agricultural fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke and son of Evanston were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. « Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill and daughter, Ruth Ann, returned to their home {Saturday from the St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Misses Marjorie and Shirley Ritta pi Mundelein spent Friday with thett aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. William Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wellmann and son, Junior, of Grayslake were Monday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. A/thur \Kaiser an« Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield at tended the Wisconsin State fair at Milwaukee Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusil, Mr. and TVIrs. James Dusil, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sirovatka of Berwn were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. an< Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. L. Littlefteld and son spent Friday at Rockford with relatives The Volo Cemetery Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Fassfield September 14. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughters of Slocum's Lake were Sunday eveninH visitors at the home of Mrs. Sarah Fisher. The Volo 4-H club met at the home of Wayne and Warren Pankonin on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr of Wauconda spent Wednesday even- The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at the Lily Lake Ca sino Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Olson, Jeanne Lipson, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Dosch Mrs. Gold and Mrs. Gilman. Mrs. Kelly of Chicago, mother of Mrs. Sansone, spent the weekend at her home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn of Ci Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McGlave are spending the week with Miss Ann Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. John Long and children,, Terry. Eddie and Nancy -Xathlee, and Mr. and Mrs. William Krieg of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty, the former's aunt and uncle. Miss Maxine Bacon, who is employed in Chicago, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh attended the Milwaukee fair Thursday. Mrs. Charles Egan, son, Charles, returned to their home in Chicago after several weeks' visit in the home of her father, George Meyers, who r*. turned to Chicago with them. Ben Winn of Richmond was a caller in the Peter Doherty home Saturday evening. Miss Marie Heil of Marathon, Wis., is visiting her sister, Miss Carolyn Heil, and other relativesJ&nd friends in this vicinity. / Joseph Justen returned home Friday from a 7,000 mile motorcycle trip to the West coast, where he attended the San Francisco fair. Several months ago he visited the World's Fair afc New York City, also on his motorcycle. Mrs. Arthur Hanberg and Miss June Hjerpe of Gary, Ind., spent last week at the David Payne residence. Mrs. Payne is the former's mother and the latter's grandmother. Mr. Arthur Hanberg and Miss Irene Pa^rne called Sunday and the visitors returned home with them. Harold and Barrie Taxman left Saturday to spend the week with their grandmother f Mrs. F. Taxman, at Rock Island. » Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Warren Jones toured to Ladd, 111., and spent Thursday »nd Friday with friends. The visitors were former residents of Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. Bohnen and son, Jackie, of Wilmette spent Sunday with Mrs. John King, her mother. Mrs. King and Jackie Thies returned home with them for a few days' visit. Mrs. Charles Weier, formerly Miss Lucy Schoel of McHenry, and Mrs. Nelson Cameron, formerly Miss Lottie Hartlett, also of McHenry, visited old friends here Sunday, among these were Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman Both ladies are now living in Chicago Mrs. Ben Justen has returned home from a week's visit at Springfield, 111. Her mother, Mrs. William Rothermel, is seriously ill in that city. Miss Murleen Engel of Washburn has been visiting her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mfs. F. J. Aicher for several days. Mr| and Mrs. Lowell Nye of Lib ertyville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. The George Penny family have departed fw their home in Winnebago, Minn.,, after a visit in the Dr. Froehlich home J Mr.yajao Mrs. Adrian Thomas, Forest Pafrk were Weekend visitors here. They (jxpect to leave today, Thursday, accompanied by friends, for a trip to Denver, and then on to a ftshing trip in the North Woods before returning. Sister Mary Urbana has returned from a visit with relatives in Keota, Iowa, and will resume her teaching duties at St. Mary - St. Patrick school in September. Mra. Lydia Bierbaum journeyed to the home of her brother, Frank Stock, in Michigan and will spend some time toth him. Mrs. John S. Freund and daughter, Mrs. Ferdinand Baur visited Mrs. Roy Newell, the former's sister, and Mrs. Baur, the latter's mother-in-law, who has been ill, in Chicago Friday. Miss Helen Stevens has returned from a visit with friends at DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and children spent the weekend with relatives at Rockford. Miss Eleanor Bolger put in her first day of work at the West McHenry bank Monday. Miss Eleanor Sutton attended the marriage ceremony at Woodstock Sat» ufday when Miss Marian Alta Simmons of Woodstock became the bride of Lester Whaples of Harvard. , Lenore Frisby and brother, Robert, attended the Milwaukee fair Sunday. Clara Stoffel visited with Chicago friends this past weekend. Mrs. Walter Dwyer and children of Chicago were weekend visitors at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Westfall of Chicago spent Sunday in the home o» her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cooney and children of Woodstock were Sunday callers in the W. F. Burke home. Mr. and Mrs. George Wlrfs are vacationing through Wisconsin ana Minnesota. G. A. Vasey of Hampshire was a weekend visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. C. Benwell. ThejJ. E. Jones family of Dixon and Mrs. F. D. Jones of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodell. Miss Winifred Benwell and some friends from Woodstock saw Veloz and Yolanda on the stage of the Chicago theatre Monday and then attended another movie in the evening. James Doherty, Fred Cronin, Jack Powers, Dick Rossman and Edward Carp. enjoyed the sights of the Milwaukee fair last Wednesday evening. The horse show was of particular interest, with the new race track which was built by the WPA. They gazed upon several prize horses, including one that was " almost a blonde." Other features were the Dairy show and the fascinating process of making beer. Miss Jane Marshall has returned to her home in Rockford after visiting at the Magnus Nelson home several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber attended the Fair at Milwaukee last Thursday. Miss Ruth Reihansperger spent this Thmdftj, August 31,1939 week with friends at Michigan City, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago returned Sunday evening frofii a week's vacation at Denver, Colo. Mrs.. Lawrence will spend next week with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Twenty-six applicants took the Civil- Service exam at the High school Thursday for the position as Ringwood mail carrier. Miss Carmen Freund, Leonard Anton son, Miss Frances Fuchs and Johnny Weingart spent the past weekend at the Wisconsin Dells. Miss Kathleen Justen left today, Thursday, for St. Francis ^hospital Evanston, where she will study nun* ing. Mr. and Mrs. FVed Schoewer attended the church dinner at Hampshire Sunday. ' • ' FORMER WOODSTOCK PASTOR DIES AT CANTON i- ; . ' v Rev. William Kilbourne, 79 years old former pastor of the Congregational church at Woodstock, died August 26 at the Graham hospital in Canton, 111. During the World War Rev. Kilbourne was overseas, where he served as Y. M. C. A. secretary. $ QUICK RELIEF FROM K:: STOMACH ULCERS •ww EXCESS ACID ikWb af HwaeTreat«eattfcat : Help er KWN Ceet Yo« I Oraeoma mtlHnn bottlei of the WILLARD TKKATUKNT lam beanaoMfor relfelof mywatoam of dlatrea* ittainc from 1 snABaMhaal Mam due to Sold on 15 dar«'trial! i" which fully WATTLES DRUG STORET^'HENRY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL.' Regularly 25c SCHOOL LUNCH B0 WITH TRAY Whoopie! What a thrill it is for youngsters to sarr; their lunch to school .. j* apd this new handy box tb make it fresher tasting. In red, blue and green crackle finish. Box is 7^1 e" x 5%" * 4* with tray inside. WOW! SACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN cero visited at the home of her par- . Bender. Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Stussi, Mr. and Mrs. Sex, Sam Noveck, Mr. and Mrs. B. Peschke, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Citro and daughter, Marin, Mr. dnd Mrs. Russell and Flossie Miller, all of Lily Lake. Mrs. Wilbert Swanson is spending a week in Chicago at the home of her ents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gold had to return t» Chicago for a few days because of the illness and death of Mrs. Gold's brother-in-law. Mrs. Hubbell and daughter, Mrs. Robinson, and son, Billie, of Chicago are sending two weeks at their new home which has just been completed. Mr. and Mns. M. Friedman ano Morton Sloan of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs Sarley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Galitz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galitz, Jr., of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home here. Miss Jeanne Klabough has return ed to her home in Manston, Wis., after spending the summer at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer and daughter, Doris, of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero are spending two weeks at their home at Lily Lake Mrs. Nora McCalla of Chicago visited at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Thursday. The benefit dance for the Civic Club which was held at The Bridge in McHenry Saturday evening, Augpst 26, was a success. About three hundred people attended. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wehner over the weekend wew Mr. and Mrs. Pound and daughter, Lorraine, all of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Misher of Wauconda visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sansone Sunday afternoon. A birthday party was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Krieger Wednesday evening. Singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone Guests who were present: Mr. and Mrs. Halveck, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. B. sister, Lillian Padlock 25c ei. I'rm Clock 98c it. ^ ; itf" rustless alloy 4ohourspringmove- "! cs«e. Brass plated ment with concealed i aad hard steel alarm. Top shut-off. fliackle. Locker size. Attractive dial. Hub. Soles T 9c ir.' Easy to apply. &rapcr and rubber Mec. Pencil^ 29c M. Made by Autopoittt Five colors. Bakeljlt cement with every esse. Eraser and ball pair of soles. clip..Full length. Our new stock of OIL BURNING HEATERS has arrived. Watch for announcement nixt week! Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. Corner Main Street and Route 31 Phone 284 tfurnace work and air-conditioning our specialty: Estimates cheerfully given! honauer. MASTER OF SUMMER ENGINE HEAT When thermometers soar . . . when long, hard drives raise delicate engine parts to unbelievably high temperatures . . . • (hit it when Vcedol off* in dependable, trouble-ire® lubrication. Its high resistance to heat, its natural purity, itt tough, sinewy film . . . these qualities repay the wise nwtori# in freedom from costly lubrication-failure. VEEDOL * MOTOR Oil . THI OF PROTECTION w For Your Afc>/or | At Piiltrt Displaying This Sign ASSOCIATE DEALERS --Thompson's Service Station, Superior Service Station No. 3, Schwerman Motor Sales, Anderson's Service Station, Holly Service Station, RingiPood Garage. SLPERIOR OIL COMPANY, Distributor* C. N. Carlson, Agent -- Fhone McHenry 255