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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1939, p. 3

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' - - ' • ' W ' f & K £ f r y t T r . W ' 2 & f & - P ? * C * V - f ; •'A-fr'tii-A if'44 • MiC • " • .' ' . - - ' . * ' " ' • i l l r. jv.'V ~ ; y % $ ' • $ • ' . - - T " ; •»" rLAO WHICH nrSPIRKD :• OU* NATIONAL ANTHEH 5 WAS MADE IN BREWERY The original "Star Spangled Banner," the flag that waved over Fort McHenry and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the national anthem off 'the United States, was hand made by ya widow and her daughter*, on the malting floor of a Baltimore brewery. The shot -torn flag, preserved i» the National Museum, and the walls if of the old brewery, which are still standing, will be the center' of attention again in September, when the u$v lake merry-00- • ' * ' BOUND I am starting out with the men this week because, when they saw what the womeh of Isily Lake were doing with their club work, they decided to form a club of their own--This is to be called the Sportsman's Club of Lily Lake. The first meeting will be held Saturday, September 10, for the election of officers. However, in the meantime, they are trying to show us what real co-operation and speed is. They are giving a dance and buf fet supper at the Village Hall, Saturfxiends at Lily Lake. The officials of the village presented Miss Harber with a very beautiful fountain pen and pencil. I believe they want to see her go out and write a lot of orders now that she has recovered from her illness that lasted over six months, and her accident that happened wherein she nearly lost her life fourteen weeks ago. Leon 8ex and his able assistant, Sam Novak, have reverted to the horse MTEfiESTfflt ' NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM OOLUMHS OF OUB EXCHANGES PafeThrtr CKO.P NOMINEE IN 1940 TO WIN SAY FARM BELT EDITOR8 Washington, D. C.-President Roosevelt is now barely leading Vice-President Garner for the 1940 Democratic Presidential Nomination, while Paul V% McNutt's support grows. New York District Attorney Dewey's Dorothy Jean Stefany of Fox River streng^ th for nex^ t June's G^ . ^O . P. and buggy days and may be seen Grove completed the summer term of Nomination for the Presidency~wanes every Sunday driving about the roads eight weeks' study of the clarinet at!with the growth of support for other in our village--and how I want a ride the National Music Camp, Interlochen. 1940 Republican leaders, the rise of in that buggy! We have missed the Michigan, and with the group that farmer-Senator Styles Bridges of , day evening, September 3 All are!loVely Mrs" Sex *round the vill*&e toured from ther« on August 14, made New Hampshire attracting note- ^country celebrates the 125th anniver-j. . . . ' n n . p . t h e s e p a s t f e w w e e k s . I u n d e r s t a n d s e v e r a l a p p e a r a n c e s i n c o n c e r t s a t w o r t h y a t t e n t i o n . T h e R e p u b l i c a n ; aary of "The Star Spangled Banner." thjg club .g ^ proraote doserf riend- she has been unable to leave Chicago the New York World's Fair. As a j Presidential Nominee will be elected ship in this area Their aim is to1 due to the illness of her young son. member of the 150-piece orchestra, • in 1940. These are the opinions of have a tran for tran shootine target00""5 ottt 80011 • Mrs- we do miss the eighty piece band and the sixty the editors of the weekly newspapers pnrtfe* Ak tita Md todSSSi*"* I***:ch.oir' Dorothy tad the prMlef,; l„ th„ C.ntr.1 P.rm Belt, .wording and all winter sports. So far they' Talking about missing people and °f playing over two major networks(to the results of the August poll of hlave only told me their plans for the Iwe mean miss Mrs. Schroeder, the each week at the Camp, and at the the Columbia Survey announced, Auwinter. Let's hope they have plenty wido* of Louis Schroeder. After the Faif in a series of ten major concerts, past 22, iri Washington of snow so their plans will not mis-' ^er husband she felt she three of which were broadcast on a The Survey polled 3.193 weekly carry. Application for charter mem-Jcould not physically conduct the res- coast to coast network, August 17-20., newspaper editors in Illinois, Iowa, Long owned and operated by Edward Johnson, brewer, physician, jurist, and Mayor of Baltimore during and after the War of 1812, the brewery was selected as a convenient place for the stitching of the flag because the malting floor provided generous space for the thirty by forty-two foot banner. Less than a month before the Brit ish attack on Fort McHenry, Amerbers are now being taken. After their meeting of September 10 and the election of officers, members will be art- - ican officers commanding the Fort had mjtted only upon application and bal honored Mrs. Mary Young, Pickers ^ill with the request that she make » flag for them. Mrs. Pickersgill was selected because her hiother had established the family reputation and trade of flag making. She made the "Grand Union Flag" under which George Washington took command of .the American Army at Cambridge, Mass., in 1776, and later trained her daughter in the art. Using the malting floor of the brewery, which was near their home. Mrs. Pickersgill and her 14-year-old daughter, Caroline, with the guidance of Mrs. Young, worked daily and often until midnight, stitching the fifteen alternate red and white stripes and the fifteen stars which measured two feet from point to point. Ji The finished flag was flying ovte^ Fort McHenry when the British fleet began its bombardment. Every schoolboy knows the story of how Franci* Scott Key, anxiously pacing the deck of a cartelihip waited for the dawn t<> see "if our flag was still there." In his joy at seeing it the nex$ morn lot. Any man interested in this club, please contact Chief of Police Lannes. Lots of luck fellers--"git goin'." Now for the ladies' clubs. When I was a young child I was taught when I wanted anything within reason, and asked for it in a nice way, my choice taurant they had made a land-mark, | Billy Owen of the O. W Lehmann | Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebrasand on Friday, August 18, vacated horse farm, near Antioch, is in the fca and' Wisconsin. Th». editors men Memorial hospital, 1 ' ing he penned the immortal words 0f) basement. This is good news. - - - That' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spatafora have the premises on Route 20 in the Vil- Vitcory Memorial hospital, Wauke- j an<j women who are in constant touch lage of Lily Lake. We regret very gan, recovering from a broken jaw. with public opinion, were asked who much to have this business establish- !'*»s thtr^result of a horse tossing his fn their opinion, are the present leadment discontinued and the entire pop- head to rid himself of flifs while be- ers for the 1940 Presidential Nominulation regrets Mrs. Schroeder has ing exercised. jations of the two major parties and departed from our community as slwj The South Dakota hopper is here! .which party's nominee will win, acwas held in high esteem by all who Wtiat a lot of devastation will re- cording to current indications. In knew her. j suit if thjf hopper is released. Hop- contrast to polls of population sam- ( Mr. and Mrs. William Bender have pers multiply fast and their eating! pies, the poll of the editors takes into for getting it was pretty good. What! been entertaining Mrs. Henry Jlerron t capacity is unlimited. Barren Ma- j accoant factors other than general the ladies of Lily Lake want is for; and daughter, Esther, so Billy tells rengo farms and McHenry county j popularity which affect .nominations more ladies to become interested m j me. Speaking of Billy Bender and ( hopper is in a bottle--on exhibition, and elections. club work. We feel, if you attend his young pal and associate in busi- j lands would soon loom up. But the j p0U1 Republicans stand out prommeetings of either the Lily Lake So-'ness (you. of course, know -these en- in the Marengo Republican-News of j inently in the August poll. As in the cial Club or the Lily Lake Ladies' , ei getic youths are in the grass-cut-1 flee--and will not be released. j Columbia Survey's June poll of the League, you will be much happier in ting business), they also tell me they. The first cement pouring on the new;natjon's leading daily newspaper fedithis little village. Won't you become will be out every weekend this fall to grade separation at the "wye," east tors, the "Big Four" leading for the interested in either one or both clubs help keep our gardens beautiful, of Crystal Lake, was poured la-st, G. O. P. nomination are: first, Senator soon? These are two of our most attractive* Thursday morning. Work of con- Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan; I understand the latch-kev has been | and ambitious boys ,in (Lily SLake.; struct ing that $200,000 improvement ^ second, Distrinct Attorney Thomas A. on the outside this week at the hom*'Cheerio, boys, more luck to you! Keep is progressing rapidly. (Dewey, with three per cent less than of Dr. Lesli<! Krieger for Mr and Mr* the Eood work up! ! j There are towns, lakes, and other ( Vandenberg; third. Senator Robert Har^W Miller of Chicago. Dr. Krie*-| When I talked to Mrs. Charles Naf-'points of interest which have some a. Taft of Ohio; and fourth, Senator er's hoihe is one of the finest in th«;tol she was packing to spend a few rather complicated names,. particular- Styles Bridges, whose supporters resubdivision and practically all of his days and attend a very exclusive gar- ly when called Inoians. But | eentiy formed the first national camleisure hours are spcnt improving his den wedding in Kenodha. Every one here's one listed by the Chicago Motor j paign organization, complete with property. He has quite recently made j knows she is one of New York's best . Club touring bureau to end the con- ^ manager, in the Republican field, his residence into a permanent home, ] bridge and mah-jong players and I un- troversy over which 1?t"e most com* J Fiye Democrats highlight the Auinsulating same and putting in a derstand when she returns from her plicated. Its Lake Cnargoggagogg- p(1n jn an extension of the Demo* 38.4%; Vice-President Garner, second and pressing for first with 37.7%; third, Secretary of State Cordell Hull who steadfastly avoids any appearance of political ambitions; and fourth Postmaster General James A. Farley, whose position on the third-term question still forms a vital phase of President Roosevelt's strength. Sixty-three per cent of the editors now believe the Republican Nominee will be elected, while twenty-nine per ccnt think the Democratic nominee will win. This compares with sixtythree and twenty-three per cent, rejpectively, in the June poll. The rest arc still undecided. The remarkable rises in strength of Styles. Bridges on the Republican side and Paul V. McNutt in the Democrats reflects the "growing opinion," a number of the editors asserted, "that the 1940 Presidential Nominations are far from being closed matters." It was pointed out that, at the corres- - U , , j presidential election in 1936, Senator >• Borah was leading for the Republican - ' Nomination in the national survey. Vi ml of the country's largest poll and tha| Governor Landon was in but ten til place at that time. The editors were asked to rank th« leaders they named according to whnlA they believe to be their standings fof the respective party nomination^ first, second, third, fourth, etc. In th* totals of these designations for toj> places the same Republicans, Bridge% j Dewey, Taft and Vandenbecp, leadL In the Democrats, however, Garnor takes first place away from Roose<» velt. Mailing «f 8af«ty Matehw postal laws and regulation* prbvide that: "Safety matches: (strike-only-on-box variety) shall be accepted for transmission in the domestic mails when packed in as-* bestos wrapped, tightly closed metponding time in 1935 before the last' containers " V IT LASTS "The Star Spangled Banner." was on September 14, 1814. After t#ie bombardment tiie flag! taining short sojourn in Kenosha will pack manchaugaagogg - cKaubungagun-} crtjc pour» of thp June poll xnr. ana mrs. josepn oputaiora nave ^*er a"d tucker and depart for her agunga w ich ® ffeoirranhical ^tderH^ Security Administrator Mcbe n very busy this past week enter- home in New York, together with her of havmg the ,0"ee®t ^0graphlCal j Nutt, WTJOSC return to the United Mr. and Mrs. Valentino of >n. Her husband, Charlie, will be name in the United States. " " Wuken down and the shot M^iU. torn - - I fly "home. (Crystal Lake, have reached un< • Since Frank Reczknowski was hurt heights of twenty feet. Massive bloswere embroidered by Mrs. Pickersgill. j their guests are thoroughly enjoying It became the treasured trophy of themselves, Major Armistead, commanding officer of Fort McHenry. A century later bis descendants placed it in the National Museum in Washington, where it 5 till is preserved. Little has been written about the banner's birthplace. Research has established that the brewery was built about 1783 by Thomas Peters, who had moved from Philadelphia to Baltimore. The foundation and some of the original walls are still standing in the courtyard in the rear of a com-1 never emjity. mercial building at 831 Lombard street, The firm became Peters and Johnson's about 1796. Mayor Johnson lived next door to . nt Mra (States and new Federal appointment Sun flowers at the home of Mrs. r spaished his campaign into the news, Louis Johnson on lerra avenue. is pdded to thp group f Democratic Crystal L^ke, have^ leaders for ftrst place in the August Poll: President, barely first with , ®nd David Kagen (and not j weeks ago Sunday by riding his soms hang from the tops of the hu forgetting Baby Jerry) have certainly, skooter |nto aR automobii€ on plants. Unusual too- in the size an; been busy entertaining these past few, the state ,roa(j an(j we saw him leave number of blossoms are morning gl weeks. Their home has been like the £ qu ]ocal hpysician after ies at the home of a neighbor, Mn A TUT 5JrS.; i receiving first aid we have heard Stowe. . and their daughter, Miss Mane Th<>m- nothing as to his condition. We ara A fall from a horse while riding as, and Miss Esther McGovern, all of anx5ous and wouid like to welcome near Antioch caused injuries for which Chicago, were there two weeks and hig LU Lake home We Edward Sanno, 31, of Chicago, was the people that arrive over weekends derstand he was teken to Chicago, taken to St. Therese hospital, Wattare too numerous to mention Sara the following day | kegan, Sunday noon, August 20. San- Kagen greets all comers with open Speaking of accidents, we had two no was discovered in a semi-conscious I arms, and I understand the kitchen ts I day Chick Salenuis was hurt condition by workers at the stable* never empty. I trying to open the front door to his after a search made when the horse Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harder are held cottage. The story goes that he lost returned without him. in high esteem^in this village and I,his key and not wanting to disturb Three of the important members of know everyone joins them in their be- ^s wjfe> who as Winchell would say "Captain Midnight," one of the sea- , i a .....i-aj reavement. They have just lost their (j storking and expecting in a couple son's most popular radio serials, live the property 'h°: lovely little eight-month-old grand- of „«k., h.d to br~k the gh<». In Cry»t.l like. The, .re Robert ^rf' Re t™nB(Mr*d the' cl,Ug',ter' G«n« "«rd<r- »nd "" doing so. he cut an .rtery and was In Burtt, who has a Urge farm just outfor many yea^ He tranrterred tne (^med to the lake with heavy hearts. J a very serious condition for quite side of town, who is the author of operation to Ge°r*e i.^Browni short y, As a hostess she has lost none of herlsome time iIrene Hobbs should cer- "Captain Midnight;" Frits Block* r before the w . | charm, however, and has entertained tajidy be given a vote of thanks for producer of the serial, a summer resiaans have ^entified tto stewtare £,Carroll and James DePriest and R. A.,the distance she gave this neigh- Sent on North Shore Drive, and Geo, Claggetts .Brewery, bu Harder and children this past week. When I arrived at the scene and Drake, a regular Crystal Lake resi- »earc as s w . . . ; We would like to send a spiritual (watched her work, I thanked God for dent who writes the commercial copy VI , COU!f ^ the t^e the flair1 bou<luet and deepest sympathy to Mrs. j women like this We have heard noth-- on "Captain Midnight." til 1824, and that at tn«^ time; ine g j Gertrude Strauss, whose mother pass-jing since about Chick's condition as Four shotguns valued at *208 were was made £ '?pe5^ b^ow Dre1ed away Friday, August 25. Her moth-!he was aiBO teken to Chicago the fol- stolen Sunday, August 20, from Hal- Mrs. P^ler will be missed around the subdivi- lowing day. ing's resort, at Grass lake, Charles aerveo as the Old * lag Mouse, iiQn she ^3 both lovely to look at We als0 nearly iost our charming Haling reported to Sheriff Thomas E. less than a oc y. t . and charming to know. Iand brilliant village attorney, Paul Kennedy. The guns were lying near 1 J, ^ 11r-rroiiton signer' Was Chief of Police Cannes «*id i Leit2cu, when he was stricken very the west end of the bar when three Tnj'nd;Le Mrs. Lannes surprised last Wednesday; suddenjy with blood poisoning and wab young men came in, Haling state®" «f the Declaration o p ' when fifty guests burst in upon their to a private sanitarium in Chi- While he was waiting on customers Sng^BaTtlmoreWdest. Records show Th.e? di.dn>t W® fo1 a ^w weeks. We spent many at the east end of the bar the young HOW AT YOUJt STANDARD OIL DIALER GOOD/^EAR LABOR DAY 2-TIRE SALE! ONLY 5 MORS DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mond&< • >/4 \ •' • "• •• ; ' »?, ; being a imore so , r, -t_ they were celebrating both of their anxious hours worrying about his men disappeared. So that Leonard and Damei JBarnit birthdayg but they didn't reckon with condjtion but he has returned to his ivan Bjorkman, 23 BEalluti!m!o r*e and Hanover SSttrreuettss iinn 1177446 bthe Lily ^ sl«uth_ that uncovers home_ at the Lake> but WU1 haveto be kegan> narrowly esca and it is believed that there wfere sev eral earlier brew houses. Ethel Bernice Bigger*4 did the guns, years old, Wailescaped serious inmany mysteries--and tells few. Mrs. pretty careful for a long time. Speak- jury recently 1 when his motorcycle lannes proved herself efficient and ing Qf Mr. Leitzell, he has just won crashed into the side of a truck, served -- m-m-m -- what food she a veJ.y jmportant wager from Bernie Bjorkman told police that the drivur serves! The party was orderly but peschke (tveryone knows that Bernio Qf the truck, George Schrader, 37, al*» did it wear into the wee hours, but 0perates the famous Casino) and Ber- Qf Waukegan, failed to signal a left' .who wants to go home early from a nie was the loser, but ,a good loser. It turn at no S.' Jackson street an#; youngest, LanneS party? seems that certain documents were drove into the path of his bike. Hf; Mrs. George Kane has been ill this sh0wn Bernie that were not in con- |-eceived a lacerated hand. j heart ailment, but formity with the original documents Death rode the highways in the THE FIRST AT CURRENT LIST SEC0N %0FF CURRENT LIST PRICE ; - .\fr 1 \ Ethel Bernice Biggers, daughter of Joseph B. and Jennie ^ Jcret? Biggers, was born at Rockford. j pas^ week with a _ „ 111 cn August 16, 1904. She had f°ur showed her sportsmanship and came and paui won, because he could pr>- Harvard area last weekend as tw#| broth'rs and one sister. One brother^to tbe birthday party given for Made-, duce and did produce the original in ,an auto accident near Delavan that Robert, died in infancy. jlaine Harber Saturday. We trust her documtnts. ' Harvard farm area residents f\gurej:j When just a child, Miss Biggers condition will improve steadily and Miss Shirley Tuckman felt the urge c i a i m e d the life of three Chicag# was brought to this community see her smiling face with us t0 see the Windy City, so she packed y0Ung people, and a series of mlno* j spending some few years at Green- ,every night. her tents like the Arabs and silently automobile accidents were reported ol*| -wcod, and then, the remainder of her Miss May and Grace'Hubbell, Viola went to Oak Park to visit Lorraine highways near that city. Herman , life in this vicinity.. IBvady and Mrs. Hel n Robinson and, (jnt iiui foi a few days. Strang, 20, son of Joesph Strang, a||? She received her primary education her charming son, Billy, are complet-; Hope I haven't forgotten any of the empioye on the Nick Rickert farm l|j in the Ringwood school, and gradu-! jng a beautiful home in Lily Lake. W® news ^at was imparted to me---you tjie LaWrence area, and Emmett Do-; ated from the McHenry High school feej certain these women fully appre- alj They say it's easy to remember Wane Jr., 20, are being held in tech-, with the class of 1924. jciate the benefits to be derived ft"0"1 pleasant times, succesess you have njcaj custody as the result of an accir. Her mother died when Ethel was the incorporation of the village and achieved, compliments you've recelv- dent near the Assembly Grounds on only eleven, but she was tenderly fee| secure in building a home of such ed> the good deeds you've done, but Lake Delavan at 10:30 Sunday night, reared by her father and a faithful an elaborate type. Leon Sex is the|it's tou8:h to remember the other times August 20, in which two Chicago, aister. Her father preceded her in bujjder and we all give a vote ot'--the times you've blundered, made a yOUng ladies were instantly killed, a:' death only about five years, and the thanks for the good work Pete Koob fool of yourself, turned yello*, don*. third died of injuries the next day, brothers and sisters have kept up the and William Etten did on the con- cruei things. Wie don't want to re- and three other people remain in the home where the father left them. ) struction and McHenry Artificial member things that humiliate and Walworth county hospital. | When a child, Ethel attended the g^ne have done on the concrete work. worry us--we try to escape these. I Deputy sheriffs of Lake county are Sunday School at Ringwood, where Most of the homes that have been want ^ {ajr with all of our Lily searching for burglars who stole anher teacher, Mrs. Hepburn, gave her|erected this year are a tribute to ^ j^ke friends--if I have forgotten any- tjqUes> silverware and curios from th# j a New Testament, which has been her/his community. Welcome to you?| thing important, it is not because 1 home of Irving Vaughan, sports writfrj Solacc*for the years she has been an new home. jam only trying to look at the bright cr for a Chicago newspaper, near th§, invalid. She is known to have readj The Vogue Tavern, owned by Mr. 'gide Qf iife. I do not want to comma Cedar Crest Coif club in Lake Villa.. that Book through at least twice, to and Mrs. Roy Hobbs, was the seen*! stupid, silly and vicious acts. If I other thieves got away with a bundle f.nd comfort in affliction. of mUch merriment Sunday afternoon j am ever wrong in any of my social from ^ Chicago, Milwaukee, St j Those who loved her best say that when Mr. and Mrs. A1 Juvinatti^and - columns> iet me know and I'll correct pauj raiiroad depot in Grayslake, con- J she certainly did the best she could. considering her handicaps. She loved to be helping with the house work eves when disabled by poor health; She was the life of the family; always r ready with a ouitffoWpke. even in the | housewife as well and can she premost solemn time. ThisNnakes her serve cucumbers. I know--as fast as •OflCE! TIMM cm NOT unsafe "barged* tirwM. All ara genuine Goodyear "firsts". At these savings you can't afford to pass up the chance to turn in your dangerous old tire*. Youll SAVE and be SAFER1 No Charge lor mounting. ^^2 m Size 1st Tin 2nd lira YOSSMfC Sis* 1st Tix« 2nd Tir* YOU MVE 4.40-4.50-21 $10.00 $5.00 >5.00 4.40-4.50-21 $ 7.20 $3.60 <3.60 4.75-5.00-19 10.30 5.15 5J5 4.75-5.00-19 7.45 3.70 3.75 5.25-5.50-18 12.00 *.00 6.00 5.25-5.50-18 t.65 4.30 4.35 5.25-5.50-17 13^0 4JM 6.60 5.25-5^0-17 9.50 4.75 4.75 6.00-16 14.35 7.15 7^0 6.00-16 10.35 5.15 510 6^5-jB^l6 17.40 t.70 170 6^5-6^0-16 12.60 4.30 &30 | Net prices--yoer old tirt. Offcer siaea at proporMoaote taviegs. | twenty-five guests <Jrove out from them in the next issue. taining various carnival goods. Chicago for dinner. When it comes j am here to give boosts, not knocks. pjr€ originating from the explosion to good food, Roy and Irene know]gejjeve me> how to put it on. Irene is not only a, MADELAINE D. HARBE* partner to her husband but a thrifty all the more missed in the home. We do not know what h r relifriou*- beliefs were, but she and her pister often prayed together for relief from suffering, and the peace that she puts them up--I eat them. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Harber &f Random Shot entertained many guests in honor of their daughter. Madclainels, "birthday, Saturday, August ! of a gasoline engine in the pumfr : i:hoii5€, destroyed buildings anu croplt; on the Edwards farm on the river road north of Carpentersville late Thurs-j day afternoon of last week. The o large barn, milk house and pump hous*j burned to the ground. The adjacent house was saved by the Dundee and Martin L. Benson, 39, son of the East Dundee fire departments. The late Marie and Christian Benson pass- cngjne has been used every after- MART1N BENSON DIES ON MONDAY AT ST. comes with the presence of the Mas-126. It started at nine and ended at ed away Monday evening, 5:25, at St. npon ^o pump water for cooling th«* ter. and we know that no prayers^are four-thirty and did they sing "Sweet Therese hospital. Waukegart, as a re- milk By good fortune no one was unanswered by the Great Healer of Adeline." When guests come early ,suit of a ruptured appendix. He had jnjured when it blew to pieces yes-] bodies and souls. land stay late it must mean they are resided in McHenry about two and terday. The stock loss was a single! She leaves" to mourn her passing, j enjoying themselves--and the party, one-half years previous to his death heifer which strayed into the burn- j three brothers, Clark, George, and j started again the following day and'and was formerly of 4119 N. Monti- jng bam after cows and horses had Archie, and Miss Myrtle, all ba^g ji went on into hours. It was with a | cello ave., Chicago. been led out in safety. All crops ex-j the parental home. , , . jglad heart that they enteitained Mr.! He leaves his beloved wife, Esther, (.ept ^e soy bean had been harvested . Card of Thanks (and Mrs. Henry Fsfct and Jack. Sun-,and brothers, Otto B., Rudolph, and threshed. j We wish to thank neighbors aiftd day afternoon. Mrs. Fast has been Oscar A.. Sigurd, Garfield and is pre- Ferdinand Dahle, who resides ort a friends for their kindness^, and sym- very ill for the past eight months, but ceded in death by another brother, fail?T1 just west of Big Foot on the patky in our recent sorrow, also those does she look good now, and we are Bergliot. State Line road, was the only Purs * Who furnished cars, and foi the floral all happy she can get around to see! Funeral services were held this af- Milk Association member in the Haf- FLASH! EXTRA! More good news! The "G-IOC ALL-WEATHEH -- the sleek, streamlined Goodyear Centennial tire you've been reading about in the magaamee -- the tire which gfres you up to 33% more tread mileage -- is included in this BIG SALE! GOOOYEAR'S !' must fcr r.qn! o: w GUARANTEE :.g h t: Fv, Ct jodvvox T rr i ; q;.-:r J-.'- >• : to q. , a l : s ! a c i o r y s i r v u : .1 % O I ! : r mcn'h.i o: 19 men".".. ' : 2i rr,;:-."-. h u! for the TULL L i f t : c: '" - v. ; out any ?:m-> or l.rr.:'.»! SPtCIAL ON - MARATHON TIB EC KAMI HALF I I K B * o r r DIAL Here'* a rugged* extra-value tire that runs cmd runs and russsl Sample Savimg MrnmmrmM.Hu, 6M-16 |$11.95|$5.9S | HJM Net price*--wH* yomr *M Mr*. Otfcar ibti at proporHoa«t« mini. N E W T I R E N E E D S N E W T U B E BLAKE MOTOR SALES Phone 156 Pearl and Paris Streets . McHenry. Illinois CENTRAL GARAGE tributes. SISTER AND BROTHERS Mbacribe fer H»e Ptafaidealer us on her own power again. The latch- ternoon, Thursday, at . the funeral Vard area to win honorary mention key is always out at the Harber's and (home at 3834-36 Irving Park roaa, in the annual neatest farm contest an extra plate or plates are usually Chicago, with interment at Mount He will receive a junior award of* put on for every meal for her genial Olive. ^merit plaque. : J Phone 200-J FEED J. SMITH, Prop. Johnsburg

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