r. ' i •*„ Jf %|f *WW'r^x^: <V'n "<*• V < /.* .1 ?•£ ;s"> ffttY?S\-v-'•::* •'i® ri ^ #, >.i •* ^ 4,^%^ Thwriday, September 14,1999 FINANCE COMMITTEE PFWONTS GREATLY $ REDUCED BUDGET A buffet for the coming year which •ailed for a reduction of $87,178,10 mw the approved budget of last year was submitted for approval Tuesday by the finance committee'of the board ef supervisors. The committee estimates that the income and expenses for county next year will balance at $361,434.00 while the total income and expenditures last year amounted to $448,610.10. The annual tax levy ordinance called for ajotal of $163,210.00 to be levied on " Jax^ble property, an increase of overthe. amount of last year. Following is the various amttliit***# dumber of men will be required to fulincome estimated for the year: JfrMtt • \, **xe8, 1188,417^9; repair of bridges,* **$19,000; net receipts of county ofTi- , cers, $44,532.80; income townships to county home, 13,800; county home $4,000; county licenses, $15,000; from state for mother's pensions, $919.42; blind pensions, $6,204.99; M. F. T. •76,000, and old age assistance, $4,560, making a total of $361,434.06. Helen Hayes, the actress, has a private shooting gallery in which the /targets bear likenesses of well-known dramatic critics. "C0LLE6IATE" FOOTBAU. Nc Value "Collegiate" tiylc football made of pebble gram compu ttuon fabric. Tbe outer casing attached to a rubberized fit> ric enables ball to retain n> eetvaiM <i»pc Oftcial uuc. «|3»u tun mil KAVT WCEOTTXHO SEKVtCB CALLS TOE - MOES KHUS^KKHTS Orders were issued to the Navy Recruiting Service this week to the effect that Navy enlistments will be greatly accelerated immediately. All applicants in the Chicago area, which includes most of the states of Illinois and Wisconsin and the nmthsrn district of Indiana,' whose enlistment papers are completed, have brea called for enlistment in the i^ptamber quota. Th« Navy Department stresses that the increased activity in recruiting is not a war measure nor in anticipation of this country's becoming a belligerent. It means that a much larger fill our definitely prescribed obligations as a neutapl nation. The coir missioning and manning of many vessels now in reserve, and other nearing completion at shipyards, will require several thousand additional personnel and is of urgent importance as a step in the preservation of the neutrality status of the United States. Naturally, with the increase in enlisted strength of the Navy, more petty officer and other higher ratings, as well as additional commissioned personnel will be required. Those who enlist first during this expansion will, of course, have an excellnet opportunity for early promotion. LILT a* Y GO I have heard that silence is golden and that no news is good news but my readers seem to feel that I have let them down. A bady penny always turns up so here I am, you all--'Let's get on the merry-go-round and see what it happening in the village. / Donald Rowinski of Eagle River. Wis., has left for his home after spending a week with his Auntie Betty, Mrs. Jerome Boyko, and, speaking of Betty, I understand her party was a "wow." She served luncheon to all the members of the Lily Lake Social Club. Many prizes were won by the members and I understand an enjoyable afternoon was had by all who attended. The picnic given for the children of the Lake was a success also, but it was too bad more mothers did ncft send their children to partake of the refreshments and enjoy all the festivities. Paul Leitzel was s busy host over the weekend, having entertained Misses Melba Nottmeier, Rose Anne Larry, Beredette Larry, Billy Coles, Mrs. Blahche Coles and Mrs. Beatrice Andrews. Paul is one of the most genial hosts of the village. i Mrs. Charles Nafton and her son. Jerome, came over to bid a few of us a fond adieu before leaving for her ®*7 Omprif Council Room, September 5, 1939. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Ferwerda/ Freund, Nye, Regner. Absent; Buss. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Nye, that the minutes of the last regular IMAGINARY LINE WILL DOOM ESKIMOS LIVING « ON DIOMEDES ISLANDS Although this is no "Believe It or Not," it's surprising enough to learn that an imaginary line in the Bering Sea has upset the whole social and economic life of the Diomede Eskimeeting be approved as read. Motion •m<?' ,• , _ ri>rr:_j I According to a letter written by Fr. „ ' . , 'B. Lafortune, S.J., Catholic Mission- Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by, ary at Kings island, to a friend at Regner, tlfct the treasurer s report Anhcorage, Alaska, the past winter on approved as wm. Motion carried, the Bering Sea was a very severe Motion by Freund, seconded one. A storm which raged incessant* Bolger, that the collector's report be ly caused the natives to desert their approved as read. Motion carried, j homes for a whole month. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Fer.' Thi« Wend of the missionary who wefcda to approve the action of the,lives at Anchorage is Arthur Eide, for finance committee in paying the fol- "»erly an Indian service teacher at lowing bills: H. E. Buch A Son,' *he Apctit outpost for three years. $26.20; M. W. Crouch, $25.00; The This 1,ire» he reported, is the inter- McHenry Band, $400.00; West Mc-!national boundary line that separates Henry State Bank (sewer bonc^and Almska, from S0*"* territory. It runs interest), $1,360.00. Motion c*Vried. through the middle of the Motion by Nye, ncooded by Reg ,iWO-mi-*-Wide 5h,n"el th,t """"" ne*, that the following bills be paid as - approved by the finance committee. M. M. Niesenn, Waterwork's Big and Little Diomede. Big Diomede is on the Russian side, while Little Domede is a part of Alaska. Natural currents of the Bering Sea cause the ice packs to shift back and Whereas, in the past, applicants bome in Brooklyn. It speaks well of have had to wait from three to six months between the date of first applying and the date of actual enlistment, it is expected that there will now be a minimum of delay in effect- Lily Lake when we can bring guests out from New York for the, entire summer. We have two gay honeymooners among our midst, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ing actual enlistment, probably about Vanderford. They have been residtwo or three weeks. ing in one of Dr. Jacobs' cottages and The age limits remain at 18 to 24, although married six months informed inclusive. ~ 'me they are still on their honeymoon. Keep the good work up -- what we want to see around our village is more romance. Mrs. Harry Wise, president of the Lily Lake Social Club, informs m» ties of Rock and Green in Wuconsin,,' that no definite date has been set for should be made in person at U. S.! the first meeting in Chicago of this Searchlight Bike Basket 98c it. Sturdy nickel plated eomtruction. 5 cell focusing search. Range 2100 ft. N. Strap* to fasten to handle bars. Woven wire. Level carrying. 15* x to" x 4#' Clean'gRod 35c M. Solid maple rods, ' o9 finished. Has 4" handle. 36" long. For 12 • 16 gauge. Uait C*U* 2 fir 15c New turret top. Moisture proof --1 leakproof. Insulated neutral top. ALTHOFF HDWE. Center Main Street and Rente 31 PhoM 284 Applications for enlistment of persons residing in the following counties in Illinois: Winnebago, Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Ogle, Boone, Lee, DeKalb and McHenry, and the counr if eons the U Navy Recruiting Sub-Station, Room 114, Postoffice Building, Rockford, Illinois. Telephone during office hours, Main 6702 and after office hours or on Sunday and holidays, Forest 2202. HOMES SHOULD BE SAFE Accidents in the home cause a greater number of serious accidents and 'injuries than do accidents on streets and highways, in industrial plants or in other places according to statistics completed by reliable sources. Is this true of homes in McHenry county ? If so, why ? The McHenry County Home Bureau, as a special project, are interested in finding out if this is true and if it is help bring down the high per cent TF possble. • *Ve:yu rura!ri hor"e„is to be vi?ited ThankZ Bave^do~come" a'eain! in October. The following questions will be asked: Have you had an accident in your home during the past club. As soon as the time and place have been decided I shall inform you all. Someone misinformed the village sleuth about the correct date when the Sportsmens' Club would have their first real meeting and election of officers. I understand definitely that this shall take place Saturday, September 16, at the Village Hall. Their first meeting held Saturday. September 2, superintendent 50.OO forth between the Arctic Ocean and W C. Felts, Supt. streets and ,the fiering Sea. The huntin|f season el eys 105.0v is on then, since the walrus, seal and Elmer Christensen, Special po- 1 other game go with the ice fioes. The r ui ivi'r """V". *000 Eskimos set out from both islands Liberty Oil Co. ,Labor and oil 'in their skin boats to kill enough for city streets 81.70 game to last during the long winter. Tonyan Construction Co., Con- j A u!e was told of Fr. Thomas Cunstruction new pump house 1,394.00 nin^ham the missionary on Little Di- Wm. Tesch, Labor on streets 2.50 omede, who, two years ago, vwent on 8 trip with a group of his proinn nn They were drifting toward 100.00 home with a load of game when the 'current swung them across to Big <0.00 Diomede. John B. Wirts, Marshall service Jack Smith, Police service .... L. J. McCracken, Beach supervision -- N. F. Colby, Special police duty Win. H. AlthofF, Supplies H. E. Buch & Son, Waterworks supplies, labor McHenry Plaindealer, Printing water bills Thomas P. Bolger, Bulbs ........ Henry C. Kamholz, Supplies .. John Stilling, Gasoline, oil .... John J. Vycital, Supplies Earl R. Walsh, Office expense, postage Public Service Co., Sewer power and light .... Public Service Co., Service at City Hall Public Service Co., Ornamental light service was a huge success. One of the high- Public Service Co., Bracket lights of the evening was the speech made by Dave Joslyn of Woodstock. He surely is well informed on his fishing and hunting. Wle all knew of his brilliant record as an outstanding authority on law, but were we surprised when he entertained the guests with his brilliant and interesting talk. The officials of the Board of Lily Lake have just informed me that they year7 If so, what caused it? have „in vited s,e v„er a„l of the of,f icials of, Three safety rules have been sug- the Eomrd o{ McHenry and several gested that, if followed, would avoid home accidents. . 1. Keep your mind on your job. 2. Use common sense. , 3. Don't work when too tired to think. October 8 to October 14 has been set aside as Fire Prevention Week. Fires cause many accidents, but there are other causes. *The Home Bureau members will appreciate the co-operation of all rural families in this survey. light service Public Service Co., Service at pump house Public Service Co., Service at sewerage plant Mayme Buss, Commisaion and clerical service Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Telephone service Carey Electric Shop, Labor |at' pump house, street lights, canopies 182.73 Liberty Oil Co., Oil for country club road from Motor Fuel Tax fund 281.62 Fred C. Felts, Supt. sewer, salary prominent business men of McHenry to attend their board meeting Friday evening, September 15. . Edward M. Lannes, chief of PoHce>! public Service Co., Power and of this little community, is riding ||ght dfewer around in a brand new Plymouth--h»- j McHen;y Lumi^r' Compa'nyi dio and everything. Congratulations, Lime for disposal plant and do have fun, Chiefy! 1 Mayme Buss, Sewer salaries _ 1 Father Cunningham was arrested, 1 «o taken to the mainland and condemned 1.62 t0 death after a brief trial without a u 99 ^ury" Asking to see his death war- " rant, he discovered it did not bear the name of Stalin and so challenged its on Vftlidity. The missionary must have •20 touched a vulnerable spot with the Russians for he was allowed to go •'2 During the past winter food was 'kept from the mouths of hungry 18.00 meili women, and children of the Little Diomede by the impenetrable wall "•I" of an imaginary line. Conditions were so bad that a chief committed suicide •J^ through sheer remorse for his people. I So far as the people of Big and Lit- 95.31 Diomedes were concerned there was no boundary line before the present 158.18 S-.viet regime came into power, Mr. Eide said. The people of the two i*- 65.34 land3 traded beck and forth, they interg* married and thrived for the channel 45.87 between the two islands was the most fertile hunting grounds in all of the 62.00 Arctic. When the Red Russians took over the country they halted an education& l system set up under the Czarv 1 ists and established a rigid frontier at the boundary. Why the Russians no longer welcome free trade and communion as the old regime did, Mr. Eide only ventured opinions. It i* possible, he believed, the Soviets do net want the Americans to learn how they treat their natives. Stories have 'erep* across telling of the low plane of :ife on which the Russian Eskimos exist. *n nn "r' believes the boundary linej 30.00 chould be abolished at the Diomedes 90.00 At the annual twin party given by the summer colony near Skowhegan, Me., 150 pairs of twins were present » There seems to be- {ai im.-oo ref kfri.i ennd»«lyf ; vMfontt:i_onn ohyv otjo0ii_g~err , sseeccoonndaeeda ubyv ,• . . . . , n order to return happiness and sofeeling around the village this P«t preun(j that the Tax Levy Ordinance cjaj stability to the Eskimos there ' two weeks and more and more people f th 1939 j th '.m0Unt of tu I f !! . .. . tnere. , - . .J-a. o--ji- *»,„:- f---- At IIOr tne year in amount 01 Though out of the Indian service since- . 113.136.00 b. and «>Prov«J .» „!4, Mr. Eide .till ».» numerous, ™.. firSL. we ^ve re»d- Motion carried. problems to be settled for the EskiJ L, u Maker that we' Motion by Bolder, seconded by Fer- mos and t|,e eradication, for trading; reason to thank our. Maker tnat e werda> that refunds be prepared on an(j hinitinir at least of the interna-1 ?e von* of u« h^v^the^four tsTentiai Special Assessments Numbers 11, 14 tional Une between the Diomedes " 1 Everyone of us have the four essential gnd lg and the flnn of j w North & Qne f hem qualities to make and keep friends, > ^ employed for accounting and and integrity, breadth and depth " proper distributions, and that CHURCH SERVTOICS personality; some deep community of;the ^ Attorney ^ instructed to UHUItl/11 «S£KV1UES interests; mutual self-revelation an jprepare necessary legal data. Mo- j . answering trust and mutual self-K,v-|tion carried (Daylight Saving Time) ing. Let us all get together and work) Motion fay Bol(?er seconded by Fer-' ' St- Mary'8 Catholic Church towards this one goal, a communityjwerda to adjourn. Motion carried. 'Masses: •. 11lM wherein happiness reigns. As we trav-| EARL R WALSH City-Clerk. ! Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 el down the dusty corridors of time* let us show more consideration for those we meet along the way. Noth- n 1 unnr'v i ing good was ever gained by heart ache and trouble. If we apply oUr NNOUNCE CAMPAIGN Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7:00 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. s Ives to honest labor, save a JittU, The flighted sqUeals of rats will money, treat all our fellow c*«ens , heard the len?th and breadth of with consideration, our lives will be, e countryside on Friday, October 13, much happier. or t^at is the day selected for the Mrs. Oliver A. Har r j Btal banauet of the rats in McHenry turned from an eastern trip ^jiere ounty Delicious foods, mixed with Masses: she spent a few days settling the es- iU will be exposed the same Sundays: 8:00; 9:0^; 10;:00; U?0ii tate of her mother. Miss Madelaine. M TO OUST RATS Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. it. Thursday before First Friday.! After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 p. m and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church . * XT i night on farms and other premises, Harber will leave for ey u,.-;nP=B»' resulting, it is hoped in the eliminathe net fortnight ric y " ' tion of the dreaded rat pest from th She will ship her car from D,ftrolt; to Buffalo, travel down the Storm Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis The campaign is sponsored tributed at 6:30, 1:00 and before to Buffalo, travel aown. «« °"""*iby the Extension Service of McHenry »nd durin»r the 7:30 Mass. King Highway to New York- th®n",county and the McHenry County Farm Confessions: to Williamsport, Penn., from_ there tO g^ ^ direct co-operation with the Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p,m. and U. S. Bureau of Biological Survey. 1 As a result of years of experience in rat control, the federal rat specialists have perfected the one-day county- wide plan. Red squill is the fstal . in ••wry price el Plymouth, Chervolet and Ford V-8, to Buick, Studebakor wad Lincoln-Zephyr. Naturally we get the cream of the trade-ins, because our complete new Leadership Line--Ford V-8 Standard, De Luxe, Mercury and Lindoln- Zephyr--is selling like wildfire. We've &ot to keep this fine stock of used cars rolling out -- so every one is priced right dewn M ground* another of her factories in Kingston, New York, and from there to Richford, Vermont. Miss Harber's business is traveling, her hobby is traveling between Lily Lake and Chicago. |t is also rumored that a very prominent Chicagoan is trying to convince Miss Harber to become a Mrs. early > 7:00 to 8:00 p. in. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, pastor. ingredient oif th7 Si tit Sill E ^ John'. Catholic Church, Johnsborg available on the day of the rat ban- Thafs a tweak for you--tri get the car you've wanted, at the price you hoped for. Come in and picj^& out West McHenry In January and sail for Hongkong, quet. Rate take the red squill bait China, and live Ween there and, quite readily and only a small part Peshawar, India, for a period of four of a teaspoonful is needed to cause years We understand her Lily Lakf death, the experts ssy. Other animals, home is for sale and we are wonder- «uch as cats and dogs.ma^acciden. ing if this fs the reason for her want- ally take some of the bait but it ing to dispose of her lovely home. (causes vomiting and the red squill !s Our good friend. Leon Sex. I under-j thus eliminated. | stand is building two more beautiful | Fish and meat are the foods used. homes for Chicagoans. I hevent learn- The idea of preparing two baits, aced the names of the parties who in-j cording to the Biological Survey, Is to tend living in these homes, but I'll serve the rats a meal so they can give you more details later. Congrat-j choose the type of food they like best. ulations, Leon. j Improvements have been made, year Mr. and Mrs .Harry Wise and fam-'by year, and now the concoction is ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chelini and made tasty enough for the most disfamily and Mr, and Mrs. David Kagenj criminating of rats. | and Jerry spent the weekend at their I Bait distribution places have been ed in. a room by her father, escaped Lily Lake homes. , named in every township in the through a chimney and married Thom- Mrs. Irving Roth and son, Alvin, • county. Orders for the bait must be as Morgan. accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Mil- j placed with the bait distributor at ---------- ler, of Los Angeles, have just return-! j^gt a week in advance of the baned to Chicago after a few weeks spent qUet day, says J. H. Brock, County in California. One of the biggest Farm Adviser, so that the quantity thrills of this trip is to drive out te Qf ba;t needed' for the entire county San Pedro Harbor and watch the fleet |Can be obtained and be on hand the the time to enjoy this is at sunrise. 1 0f the campaign. People will Another thrill that you have.on this place their advance orders for bait trip is traveling up to San Francisco, j through a distributor, then return on riding in the cable cars and standing Friday, October 13, obtain their bait, Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:|&. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. ------- Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30.and 7:30, Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Community Church Sunday School: 10 a. m. Morning Sermon: 11 a.m. Epworth League: 7:30 p.m. Lutheran Evangelical Church Sunday Service: 8:00 a.m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. Miss Mary Lithmel of Dublin, lock- POTPOURRI Main Street :0? BETTER USED CARS OF EVE0Y MAKE SEE YOu* DEALER on top of the Presidio and looking take it home and expose it that night. out over the great Pacific, To watch -- • the fog roll in is a sight for sore MAP EXHIBIT ; eyes. We undersand Mrs. Roth spent! The McHenry Community High a week in San Francisco enjoying the school is planning a map exhibit oa Fair. ! Tuesday afternoon, September 26. The Cheerio, Lily Lakers* Fll be seeing teachers of all rural schools are weljrou next week. jcome to look at the maps. . World's Largest Cmve The Carlsbad Cavern in New Mexico is the largest cave known to man. Its entire dimensions are yet unknown. The cavern is a series of rooms, hundreds of feet below the earth's surface, one of which is half a mile long and several hundred feet wide. Its ceiling is more than 300 feet' high. 9 Western Newspaper Unioa. My Neighbor iSays:= Meats are graded by the government as: choice, prime, good, medium or plain. • • • Slip a thimble into the finger of a glove when mending it. It makgg mending much easier. • • • • When pouring hot jelly into glasses, set glasses on a damp cloth and they will not crack. • • • Cultivate the soil around during dry, hot weather. It is better than watering with a hose. • • • * A few bread crumbs added to scrambled eggs improves flavor an4 makes an extra serving possible. • • • Woolen socks will not shrink if washed carefully in tepid water and white soap suds. Rinse in clear, lukewarm water, wring out, and hang in the air to dry quickly. (Associated Newspapers--WNU Service.) TWO-PIECE SUIT This two-piece suit is in pastel blue linen. A decorative effect is achieved by the use of appliqued aarrew stripes of finely scalloped ldd. ***;> ' '•MR snmeosovs Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake visited her dsughter, Mrs. Schmeltser, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner^ sp«0k ';: Sunday at Holy Hill, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kattner atul Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer returned one day last week from a trip to Yeliorwstone National Park in Wyoming antf Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lenin entertained relatives from Chicago over the weekend. 1 Mrs. George W. May and children were visitors in the Charles Freund home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub. daughter, Yvonne, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz, son, Terry, of Fox Lake spent Sunday with Mrs! Bertha Esh. Mike Wagner of Chicago spent tae weekend with his children in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mrs. Bessie Barii was a supper guest in the Ai Schmeltder home on Monday. Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner underwent an operation at Victor Memorial hospital in Wfeukegan last week. Heir many friends will be glad to hear that she is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and children visited his mother, Mrs. John S. Freund in McHenry on Sunday. ' V'. f 1 • / /,; 1 •** ' *A» "' 0 KVA. • • ;• v'»4A Vrh- James Stauffer of Blairstown, lows still drives his own automobile at the age of 91. PHONE 15 DR. J. E. SAYLEt DENTIST Office Hours 9-12 and 1-6 Evenings by Appointment Main Street W. McHenry QABBY GERTIE H rtjfM' CASH FOR DEAD CATTLE AND HORSES Horses, $2.00; Cows, $3.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Woodstock 1624-M-l (Reverse Charges) QUICK RELIEF FRO*! ffjaaptaasa ef Mstreee Ortiieg ircm STOMACH ULCERS out TO EXCESS ACID [Tsffsef NMMliMtaeattbit er R«M Ceet Yea Nethtag Mkm botlln of the WIIAARI* TMUTMZNT bra bean sold for rrlie: of Sold oa IS da?*'trial! "A wrench comes in handy if om ' SSSm "!>•«* ti** futty has a loose not in the car." I W A iTLES DRUG STORE, M'HENRf j POULTRYMEN ATTENTION! We have a poultry expert who will worm, cull and vaccinate your chickens! Worming--$1.50 per 100 birds including worm capsules. Culling--$1.00 per 100 birds. Chicken Pox Vaccination--$1.*75 per 100 birds including Vaccine. MCHENRY GO. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSM. Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER. Mgr. McHenry STOKER • The "O. P." Automatic Coal Burner it really automatic It is the only stoker that feeds bituminous coal from the bin and removes the ashes. It is low in cost and easy to pay for. When you buy your stoker why not get automatic heat? A phone caII wiff bring you off the facte. POCAHONTAS IUEL COMPANY INC0IP0IMB e FW ft1 *PT WATCH FOR THESE RADIO PROGRAMS WJR--Detroit--750 Kilocycles -- Every WEDNESDAY at 9 to 9:15 P. M., EST. WTMJ--Milwaukee -- 620 Kilocycles -- Every TUESDAY at 9 to 9:15 P. M., CST. WTAM--Cleveland -- 1070 Kilocycles -- Everv SUM- -- DAY at 10:05 to 10:20 P. M. EST. Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co. Office Phone 27 Crystal Lake, HI