"* niaaHUUB . '"**•"?. V* .:•*• .».•* vv?v i -y*:a *R*.s "*,^T 'u' - 4 ",«',F % •», ThurwUy, September 21, r OELMQUENT TAX LIST FOR M'HEMir TWT. STATE OP ILLINOIS, McHENRY COUNTY. SS. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I, C. Frank Daly, County Collector of McHenry County, in the State aforesaid, shall apply to the Probate Court of said McHenry County, on the 2nd day of October 1939, for judgment against the lands and lots mentioned and described in the following list of delinquent lands and lots, for taxes, interests, and costs due severally thereon; and for an order to sell said lands and lots for the satisfaction thereof, on the 3rd Monday in October A. D. 1939, to-wit, on the 16th day of October A. D. 1939, all the lands and lots for the sale of which an order shall be made, will, be exposed at • public sale, at the Court House in said C6urity, for the amount of taxes, interest, and costs due thereon. „ McHenry Township 45 Range 8 Section 1, Township 45, Range 8 Harry J O'Shea, E 30a EV4 SE»4 30a I 9-47 Section 3, Township 45, Range 8 John J Stilling, E of rd SV4 NEVi 57.5<Ja Peter Miller, W of rd SV4 NEV4 22.50a Peter Miller, SV4 NWV4 80a Ben Justen (ex N 10a W of rd) SEV4SEV4 & N% SEV4 110a Section 6, Township 45, Range 8 Wonder Lake Synd, SV4 SWV4 NEV4 20a F Wonder Lake Synd, NW14 SEV4 40a F Wonder Lake Synt, (ex pc 5.50a S side SWV4 SEV4) SWV4 SEV4 34.50a Section 7, Township 45, Range 8 Wonder Lake Synd, (ex 5.50a ,, pc E side NEV4 NWV4) NEV4 NWV4 34.50a 498 Section 8. Tbwnship 45, Range 8 Wonder Lake Synd, S 20a Wj% NWV4 20a ..... 16.16 Section 10, Township 45, Range 8 Fred Brockman, County Clerk's Plat, pt It 44 3.33a 18.28 Section 9, Township, 45, Range 8 H W Allert Est, County Clerk's Plat, Its 59 A 60 103a Chgo Joint Stock Land Bank, County Clerk's Plat, It 67 A pt sublt 1 It 30 62.70a .... Section 10, Township 45, Range 8 Chgo Joint Stock Land Bank,- It 70 23.79a County Clerk's Plat Ben Justen, NEV4 NE*4 40a Peter Miller, W of rd SEVi NEV4 31a 6.26 6.56 8.50 20.74 4.74 84.16 2*22 J23J92 31.71 73.02 29.72 28.96 19.36 71.89 50.94 17.30 16,42 12.46 Section 12, Township 45, Range 8 John Frett, E 1 rd SWV4 NEV4 .50a F 4.99 John Frett, SEV4 NEV4 40a; 86.74 Coanty Clerk's Plat Section 13, Township 45, Range 8 Karl Carls, sublt 1 It 5 .96a 7.47 William J Meyer, It 7 la ....F 96.06 • Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz, Sublt 1 It 9 ,90a ; Katarzyna Marcinkiewicx, It 10 & sub It 2 It 9 .26a .... Katrazyna Marcinkiewicx, pt sublt 3 It 9 2.75a Kaiherine Klein, N pt sublt 1 It 16 .56a ... F Geo A Joe Frett, E 66 ft of S 330 ft sublt 2 It 18 .50a F Josephine Frett, EV4 sublt 1 It 28 .75a Catherine Hettermann Est, (ex E 42 ft) It 29 .90a Catherine Hettermann Est, S 132 ft of E 42 ft It 29 10a Nicholas M Schaefer, 3a sub- It 3 It 38 3a Joseph King, pt sulbt 1 It 40 1.92a John & Clara E Bode, It 43 10a* Joseph King, It 45 13a Clara Klein Adams, pt It 47 .45a Lois Marion Freund, pt It: 47 .27a ............ Joseph King, It 51 22a Hubert Karls, It 53 7a Castor M Adams Est, NEV4 SW14 SWVi 10a F Joseph King, N„ of creek SEV4 SW% 27.63a Joseph King, (ex Fairview sub) W\ of creek W frl Vi SEVi 62.17a. .... Joseph King, pt SWV4 SEVi 2.78a Joseph King, pt SWVi SEW .27a . Section 14, Township 45, Range 8 Peter Smith (ex W 1 rd) SVfe SWV4 NfiV4 20a F Peter Smith, S 28a NEV4; NEV* 28a F Peter Smith, E% SVfe NEVi 60a F County Clerk's Plat "William Tonyan, (ex DR 200 19.02 44.73 506.27 97.06 199.24 237.87 4.66 15.76 617.48 259.09 17.95 O70.50 105.22 29.98 30.12 29.54 152.48 264.43 llb.98 23.32 1.01 1.25 2.63 #.16 287.20 13.58 13.39 4.37 1.01 7.86 2.38 11.44 8.41 6.74 14.72 46.63 6.74 88.75 1.01 .64 87.40 123.05 30 25.11 44.58 74.79 57.00 50.97 p 242) S of hwy It 4 4.75a John Hoff, it ? 107.89a ..... .. Flora Leubscher, It 11 & N tot Its 12 & 13 20.06a F Section 15. Township 45, Range 8 "€&go Joint Stock Land Bank, It 3 WM> 40.74a 26.36 flection 18, Township 45, Range. 8 Wonder Lake Synd, (ex Shore Hills, Deep Spring Woods ; , Unit 1 & 2 & Wonder Cei>K ter) NWV4 84.96a Wonder Lake Synd, (ex plat' 46.4a) N% SWV4 33.60a F Section' 19, Towtuihip 45, Raiige 8 j Chester B Howe, NEU NEV4 | 40a .... $6.10 Chester B Howe, WV4 NEV4 80a 47.50 Chester B Howe, (ex E 1 rd) W»/2 SEV4 78.90a 82.20 Station 20, Township 45, Range 8 *C E Jecks County Clerk's .. flat, It 3SWV4 50a F 158.52 jfiection 21, Toiwnshlp 45. Range 8 Mathias M Blake, S 12a NE% SWV4 12a r Mathias M Blake, NEV4 SEV4 SWV4 10a Mathias M Blake, (ex- 12a If side) W% SEV4 A S pt $EV4 SEV4 88a Brand Ice Co, County Clerk's Plat, It 5 A pt It 6 27a 21.72 Section 23, Township 45, Range 8 Math B Laures, pt NWH NEV4 la Eva Streets, County Clerk's Plat, It 8 SEV4 16.36a * Coanty Clerk's Plat Section 24, Township 45, Range 8 John J Freund, pt It 1 14.00a 5.62 John J Schmitt, pt It 4 85.30a 42.59 Emma Pabst, DR 199 p 500 pt It 4 2.07a - Eva Streets, It 6 46.45a John Hoff, It 11 18a Leslie Morgan J>oc No 62681 Fr SWV4 .80a F Section 25, Township 45, Range 8 Joseph Diederich Jr, (ex S% WVi WV4 SWV4 NEK) S% NEV4 75a 38.48 County Clerk's Plat SK Section 26, Township 45, Range i Roy Kent, Trustee C, (ex DR 199-583) pt It 1 6.15a .. Jacob Brefeld, C, pc 132 ft wide W of & adj Owens Out Lots It 1 ,34a F Roy A Kent, Trustee C, (ex sublt 2 of It 5 A all It 6, blk 23 McH W of Riv) It 5 58.18a F Earl O A Margaret Long, C, Doc No 84568 pt It 5 Roy Kent, C, pt It 8 2.31a ..F Geo A Jos Frett, C, S 50 ft of N 207 ft It 11 .40a F Nick N Freund, C, N 301 ft (ex S 144 ft) W of lane pt It 11 .40a ....... Margaret A B J Brefeld, C, It IK .89a Charles\A Parks, C, It 15 ..F Charles A Parks, C (ex E 50 ft) It 16 1.35a .! F Fred W Voeltz, C, It 20 .40a Matt B Laures, C, It 23 .30a Fred'k A Kathryn M Beller, C, It 26 .50a F Nick M Freund, C, pt It 27 20a < Fred'k A Kathryn M Beller, C, (ex DR 169 p 135) It 28 6.52a F Helen I Dobyns, C, DR 226 p 512 It 29 72a .. County Clerk's Plat Section 27, Township 45, Range 8 Myron H Detrick, C, Hanley's Out Lot 3 A 4 3.07a F A S Parks Est, C, DR 120 p 374 pt It 17 .50a ...F Geo A Hanley Est, C, NW It pt It 17 .31a F Martin Boyle Est, (ex DR 151 p 493) pt It 30 47.87a County Clerk's Plat NJ4 Section 28, Township 45, Range 8 Martin Boyle Est, It 1 59.73a 50.90 Section 29. Township 45, Range 8 C E Jecks, S 25.07a of E 60a NWV4 A S 35j07a W% NEVi 60a .....F C E Jecks, E 50a of W 100a NWVi 50a F Pearl Bischoff, N% S% 160a Section 30, Township 45, Range 8 Vinton F Thompson, W% NEVi 80a 103.32 Raymond Schobinger, N% NW% 79a ......" 20.89 Vinton F Thompson, (ex S 20a) WV4 SEVi 60a 27.28 Section 31. Township 45, Range 8 Mary Dalziel, SV£ NEV4 80a 86.40 L J Pa^e, S 10a SEVi 10a .... 7.58 Section 33, Township 45, Range 8 Pearl Bischoff, County Clerk's Plat, It 2 NW% 60.22a 48.08 Section, 34, Township 45, Range 8 Myron H Detrick, C, County Clerk's Plat, Its 3 pt It 4 NEVi NEVi 18.42a F Myron H Detrick, C, W 157.62 • ft, County ^ Clerk's Plat, k 2 NEVi NEVi .75a F Myron H Detrick, (%x DR 228 p 53) pt SEVi NEVi A pt WV4 NEVi 21.58a Coanty Clerk's Plat NEV4 Section 35, Townahip 45, Range 8 Fred'k A Kathryn M Beller, C, pt It 3 13a F Joseph H Boss, C, DR 156 p 361 pt It 3 3.19a Emma A King, C, DR 125 p 84 pt It 3 3.19a Fred'k A Kathryn M Beller, C. It 6 2.28a F Otto Luedtke, pt SWVi SWVi 5a P Section 36, Township 45, Range 8 William Ensweiler, DR 200 p 564 pt NWV4 SWVi 1.50a Jacob Olson, (ex DR 225 p 52) DR 220 p 263 pt S% SWV4 1.20a J Edw R Sutton, Wl% SEVi SEV4 & SWVi SEVi 59.96a Geo Boehm A Charles E Hardow, DR 192 p 16 pt W% .20a Section 5, Township 45, l&nge 9 Henry Frenze, Doc No 64780 .40a F 29.59 Section 6, Township 45, Range 9 Barney Keller, NEV4 NWV4 38.15a 14.46 E Roy Fitzgerald, WVfe SWVi 73.15a 41.28 County Clerk's Plat Section 7, Townahip 45, Range 9 Frank Cossman, It 10 10a .... 8.50 E Roy Fitzgerald, It 12 5a .. 1.69 E Roy Fitzgerald, It 13 29^„ ; 31.95 E Roy Fitzgerald, It 14 40.5$a 10.78 Section 8, Township 45, Range 9 John Heinrichson, Duck Island S% ,50a F 120.67 County Clerk's Plat Section 8, Township 45, Range 9 §8 $4 138.13 149.84 219.36 339.56 47.80 54.37 21.54 28.50 12.12 127.92 .81 45.03 67.40 13.25 33.05 148 12.22 10.84 ' tJl 9.36 17.58 2.25 .54 41.72 14.70 29.14 26.90 35.88 323.50 44.58 21.41 49.33 4.64 4.16 52.48 flection 22, Township 45, Range 8 V C Wolverton, pt It 5 .91a F Joseph F Johnson, pt It 5 .50a ,.F Ed Loose, pt It 6 ,25a ..F H J Hughes Sr, pt It 6 1.14a „F Charles E Reed, It 8 .50a ..F Johanna Lutz, DR 231 p 573 pt It 10 ,25a n County Clerk's Plat | oection 17, Township 45, RartKe. 9 Mrs A H Mellin, (ex Doc No 63425) It 1 .50a „.F. Harry W Horn, DR 163 p 159 It 2 ,11a Hugh Fanning, DR ?25 p 16 pt frl NWVl .29a Z Carl Kustner, DR 225 p if pt frl NW Vi .29a A H Mellin, DR 108 p 450 pt It 3 2.55a ...F Nellie Nelson, W) 50 ft DR 143 p 431 pt It 3 ,50a ........ C M Phister, Coon Island pt It 9 .25a Wm H Kraft, Coon Island 100 ft x 200 ft pt It 9 .75a ...J* Louisa Herman, Coon Island pt It 10 8a F 18.68 37.59 29.04 83.01 11.72 20.25 7.80 3.50 3.50 70.33 20.06 5.63 26.13 Cooty Clerk's Plat fiirtha 18, Townahip 45, Raafi 9 Edw Todd, Schaefer*s Sub Div NE 60 ft It 1 A NE 60 ft It 1 Dorothea A Hattie Redwanf, Schaefer's Sub Div It 4 A It 4 .41a ....?. J* Richard H Grier, Schaefer's Sub Div It 8 A It 8 .46a .... Arthur Lecerer, Schaefer's Sub Div It 10 A It 10 .49a John G Heiderman, pc 4x10 rds adj It 10 on NE ,25a .... Harry W Horn, DR 158 p 159 pt It 12 .17a John A Agnes Kropik, DR 204 p 400 pt It 13 .19a -v Rose Hitzel, Doc No 57148 pt It 13 .20a Charles Nevaril, pt It 14 i5a Frank Nell, pt It 14 .05a ...... F E Lackowski, Rocky , , Beach WV4 It 8 .22a F E Lackowski, Rocky f Beach It 9 .43a F E Lackowski, Rocky Beach Its 10 A 11 .86a ........ Charles Wieland, WV4 Rocky Beach It 2 A It 21 .25a .... Charles Wieland, Rocky Beach It 3 A It 22 ,50a .... Peter R Freund, %a pt It 28 .50a .....r. F Frank Cossman, NWV4 NWV4 39.06a F E Lackowski, Deer Park pt NV4 SVi SEVi 4a F Section 19, Township 45, .Range 9 John J Freund, County Clerk's Plat It 5 (ex NE • 4a) NV4 NWVi 76a 47.64 Joseph Stilling, SWVi SWVi 41.89a 16.27 Section 20, Township 45, Range 9 < Julia A Rose Stilling .75a .... 9.09 Mrs Julia Guarisco. ex for E Wm Driebholz Est, Lakeside Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 A 7 A County Clerk's Plat NEV4 • It 1 4a F i#m& Harry E Hoff, as per plat book 3 p 27, County Clerk's Plat NEVi It 2 10a F 28.19 Florence M Foreman, as per ' v Plat Book 9 p 1 SW of hy pt County Clerk's Plat ^ NEVi It 2 1.97a Mrs Julia Guarisco, ex for E Wm Driebholz Est, Lakeside Lots 2 A County Clerk's Plat NEVi It 3 .25a F 17.91 Florence E Waters. Lakeside Lots, It 8 A E 33 ft It 9 A County Clerk's Plat NEVi (ex W 33 ft) It 4 .87a 72.82 Harry E Hoff, County Clerk's Plat NEVi W 33 ft It 4 .75a F 22.33 Ernestine Severinghaus, Lakeside Lots 13 A County Clerk's Plat NEVi It 7 75a JF 226.51 Harry E Hoff, Lakeside Lots DR 124 p 85 (ex W 6 ft) It 10 A W 33 ft It 9 NV4 NEVi .13a F 47.64 Ernestine Severinghaus, County Clerk's Plat NEVi ' Lakeside Lots, It 8 A NW of hy It 2 11.50a F 147.91 Harry E Hoff, County Clerk's Plat NEVi Lakeside Lots pt It 9 .62a F 117.36 Chas M A Agnes R Griffith, Spring Lake Lots, pc in rear A It 5 A W 4 ft It 4 .60a 27.80 Josephine A Sidney L Peterson, Spring Lake Lots, It 10 County Clerk's Plat NWVi pt It 23 A WV4 It 13 .45a 16.86 Arthur A JFViestedt, County Clerk's Plat NWVi It 30 .35a ...F 124.84 Arthur A Friestedt, Spring Lake Lots, It 19 .25a F 156.41 Arthur A Friestedt, Spring Lake Lots 20 A EVi It 21 A County Clerk's Plat It 31 A EV4 It 32 .37a F 127.54 Section 20, Townahip 45, Ranee 9 Edw H A Mabel L Higgins, Spring Lake Lots, sublt 1 of It 26 sublt 1 of It 27 A County Clerk's Plat It 17 .87a f8J8 Geo W A Gertrude P Miller, County Clerk's Plat pt It 21 .52a 15.13 Oscar A Stockseth, County Clerk's Plat pt It 21 .23a .... 2.88 James J Leach, County Clerk's Plat pt It 21 .24a .... 14.4P James Nixon, County Clerk's Plat pt It 21 .23a 7.22 Kuck V4, Helma V4, Olsen Vi A Knudsen Vi Spring Lake Lots 34 A 35 ,50a 88.42 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, (ex N 283 ft of W 200 ft) NEVi SWVi 38.75a F 196.30 Henry Tonyan, SEVi SWVi 40a F 180.13 Henry Tonyan, W"% SEVi A SEVi SEVi 120a F 881.73 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, NEVi SEVi 40a ....F 249.08 Violet Anderson, pt SWVi NWV4 .20a Clarence U Peterson, DR 161 p 612 pt SWVi NWVi 1.50a 26.36 Section 29, Township 45, Range 9 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, County Cerk's Plat NV4 Its 1 A 2 72.78a F 411.63 Joseph Stilling, County Clerk's Plat NV4 It 9 6.70a 2.60 Section 30, Township 45, Range 9 Joseph Stilling, NWVi NWVi 41.49a 8044 Joseph Stilling, (ex stp to Pub Serv Co) SVi NWVi 81.05a 26.94 Section 32, Township 45, Range 9 Michael Bauer, NWVi NEVi 40a 9.63 Alfred Seyfferth, 5a NE cor EVi SW Vi 8.50a F Alfred Seyfferth, N 16 rds E 35 rds W 65 rds S 54 rds EV4 SWVi 3.50a F I&I4 W F Rommel, oc 5x35 rds • EV4 SWVi 1.10a ...F 24.01 W F Rommel, N 10 rds S 33 i rds E 4 rds SEVi SWVi 2.56a F 18J2 August Landl, (ex 1 rd stp ! on N side) S 10a SEVi * SWVi 3.50a ...F 88.23 Anna Rommel, DR 138 p 226 pt SWVi ,75a F 29.20 William A Margaret Hubert, pt SWVi SEVi 35a F 112.70 Cenways SaMivisien 1 G Peterson, Its 11 A 18 E G Palcrson, It 13 Aylward, It 14 .............. . J®hn Aylward, It 15 Joha Alyward, It 19 John Aylward, It 20 B B Crooks Subdivision John J Stilling, It 6 A SW 16 ft It 7 Crystal Glen Subdivision Joseph A Miller, Its 1 A 2 DnBclI Park Subdivision Roy Smith, It 66 l«t Addition DuBell Park Subdivision Minnie Schmeigliti, It 27 ..F 14.57 Deep Springs Woods Unit No 1 Theo A Hazel Mieling, It 14, blk 1 ...... Wonder Lake Synd, It 6, blk S& Lee A Kathleen Hainline, lj^ 7, blk 2 ^ Frederick A Hazel Busck, It 8, blk 2 F Forest A Clara Clark, It 1, blk 8 ..., ,......k..r' Wonder Lake Synd, It 5, Jblk * F Joseph Kochton, It 1, blk 4 Wonder Lake Synd, It 2, blk 4 ; 1.... $?• Wonder Lake Synd, It 8, blk 4 : Udo F A Anna Lee, It 12, blk 4 < Annette Schmidt, It 14, blk 4 : ..^ Wonder Lake Synd, It 8, blk 5 , Wonder Lake Synd. It 12, blk 5 Wonder Lake Synd, It 13, blk 5 y John McMahon, It 14, blk 5 Wonder Lake Synd, It 18, blk 5 F Robert W A Ruth Blackhill, It 19, blk 5 ..." Wonder Lake Synd, Ett It 20, blk 5 * Gudrum Omberg, It 20, blk 6 Arthur J Helgesen, It 80, blk 6 F *1.05 Wonder Lake Synd, It 4, hlk--^ 7 5 .48 28.24 -1.! ?.72 ;j£.72 2.72 2.72 26.97 18.07 1.25 6.17 .36 .4.92 20^38 14.53 2.82 4.23 1.08 .24 .48 4.23 f.64 .36 7i 6.42 1.65 4.92 .18 8.21 M JS» .89 M .89 JS9 M 22.99 21.44 3.28 3.28 3.87 64.80 69.83 24.p6 Wtmder Lake Synd, It 5, blk 7 Wonder Lake Synd, It 1, blk 8 ......; James A Mildred Dirk, It 7, blk 8 F H C Springston, It 16, blk 8 F Wonder Lake Synd, It 9, blk 9 Helmer A Alice Engstrom, It 10, blk 9 Wonder Lake Synd, It 20, blk 9 .- ;>..F Wonder Lake Synd, It 21, blk 9 Frank A Elsie Forty, It 30, blk 9 Deep Spring Woods Unit No 2 Wonder Lake Synd, It 13, blk 10 Cary M Bishop, It 6, blk 11 Cary M Bishop, It 7, blk ll Wonder Lake Synd, It 9, blk 11 Wonder Lake Synd, It 3, blk 12 Wonder Lake Synd, It 12, blk 12 -- Wonder Lake Synd, It 13, blk 12 Wonder Lake Synd, It 14, blk 12 - Wbnder Lake Synd, It 1, blk 13 ^ Wonder Lake Synd, It 17, blk 13 Wonder Lake Synd, It 18, blk 13 Wonder Lake Synd, It 7, bllf 14 - Wonder Lake Synd, It 2, blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd, It 3, blk 15 Frederick R A Anna Fruetschler, It 14, blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd, It 16, blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd, It 15, blk 16 Margaret F Janisch, It 16, blk 16 Wonder Lake Synd, It 17, blk 16 Arthur E A Elsie Doyle, It 19, blk 16 Wonder Lake Synd, It 27, blk 16 - Wonder Lake Synd, It 28, blk 16 Patrick A Madline Sullivan. It 36, blk 16 Andrew Kunz et al, It 11, blk 17 Elems Four Mile Water (Pt Lot 28) Emma Benton, It 6 .20a ....F 181.56 H S Bergman, It 11 .10a H S Bergman, It 15 Fair Oaks Subdivision P S Lynch, It 7. .......... P S Lynch, It 8 Oscar F Engel, It 9 Edw R Sutton, It 18 .....JF Edw R Sutton, It 14 .F Edw R Sutton, It 17 ........... Joel Johnson It 23 Robert Carlson. It 24' ....... 24 .72 1.65 1.66 .94 11,20 2.12 94 .47 .60 5.14 .58 .24 6.84 .24 .24 .24 10.28 .60 .60 6.14 <48 .48 6.14 6.84 24 9.70 4.00 8.00 .48 .24 .48 12.33 6.49 2.76 29.28 6.34 11.36 6.48 22.74 5.77 9.02 9.02 John J Freund, It IS John J Freund, It 18 John J Freund. It 14 John J Freund. It 15 John J Freund, It 16 .....^.w John J Freund, It 17 John J Freund, It 18 Grand Vew Subdivision Al Yactor, It 2 26.92 Margaret Doyle, It 8 ............ 14.46 Milko Rocko, (Wly 86 ft) It 6 * 11.48 Louisa Hermans Subdivision ¥ Part Coon Island Richard Schroeder, It 2 .....JP Louisa Herman, It 8 Louisa Herman, It 4 Louisa Herman, It 6 .............. Wm Benning, It 9 Martin Flucks, It 11 .F '1 ^ Haenianns Subdivision Frank P Pricketto, It 10 5.62 2nd Addition to Huemanns Sobdivision Axel Swan son, It 3 19.92 Theo J Knaack, It 4 5.12 Marie C McArthur. It 9 .^... 23.68 John Narubio, It 15 8.48 Victor Barsotti, It 16 ;....^..ii 17.44 Re-Plat Howells Villa Subdivision Marie Johnson, It 5 F 277.02 J L Walsch, N 40 ft It 8 ....F 43.92 Eimma E Pabst, It 18 2.26 Mae Howell, S 18.8 ft It 14 . .39 John W Buttas, It 21 32.88 Margaret Hughes et al. It 28 A N 32 ft It 24 F 86.13 W B Wanzer, It 22 16.44 Emma E Pabst, Its 29 A 80 68.28 Margaret Hughes et al, Its 36 A 36 F 44.07 Wm F Waugh, It 40 25.44 Kings Fair View Subdivision J King, It 10 1.25 LaVerne, Chas Harmon A / Anna Harmon, It 11 :r-- 10.97 Joseph King, It 17 1.25 Joseph King, It 18 1.26 1st Addition to Kings Fair View Subdivision Joseph King,. incl Its 1 to 10 Joseph King, incl Its 14 to 20 L&kewood Subdivision Alfred Kurth, It 9 P C Lieser, It 20 A W A Frieda 0 Anderson, It 21 Lily moor SubdlViaiwi S P Johnston, D E R O'Connal, Its 7, A 8, blk 7 - H E Kloth, Its 19 A 20, blk 8 A V Ryan, Its 24 A 25, blk 10 -- Otto H Mager, NH It 22 A It 23. blk 11 F S P Johnston, It 8, <J)Ik 12 F A Hergott, Its 15 A 16, ' blk 12 James W Brunette, Its 24 A 25, blk 19 F Geo R Pechia, Its 14 A 15, blk 20 : Lawrence Piehl, It 1, blk 28 Mathilda. Madaraaz, Its 11 .A 12, blk 28 : J P Brenner, Its 40, 41 42, blk 28 Lookout Point Unit No 1 Wonder Lake Synd, It 3, blk Wonder Lake Synd. It 4, blk Eveffn Cooke Beaudry et al, It 7,'blk 1 Wonder Lake Synd, It 18, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 11, blk 2 Wonder Lake Synd, It 1, Wk 3 Wonder Lake Synd, It 6, blk 3 . Wonder L$ke Synd, K 8, blk Wonder Laiie Synd, it 11, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 1, blk 5 Wonder Lake Synd, It 6, blk MapteWoods Park Lillie Meurer, (ex 45 ft) Its 5 A 6 Hays Subdivision N C Crowley, It 4 Edw C Herhold, ^t 11 --•» E Ingeborh Ahlstrom Newren, Its 19 A 20 Clarence F Dickey, It 22 McCollum Lake Estates Arnold N Goldman, It 1, blk 1 Arnold N Goldman, It 2, i blk 1 ...» Arnold N Goldman, It 3, blk 1 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 1 ..... Arnold N Goldman, "it 67 1.25 1.25 5.12 5.91 8.15 2.04 6.88 13.14 6.33 7.21 1.02 4.08 12.07 4.19 .52 9.14 2.04 1.40 1.40 140 .70 1.72 .T8 1.16 1.16 tM IM 20.11 5.52 28.18 28.44 7.97 .60 .601 .50 It 15, n. It 16, blk 1 Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 1 ... Arnold N Goldman, It 7. blk 1 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, .50 .60 .60 .88 Clement Lodge Subdivision Mable M Krause, It 19 6.10 1st Addition Fair Oaks Subdivision utton, It 1 -96 futton, It 2 .96 ETT Sutton, It 8 E R Sutton, It 4 E R Sutton, It 6 E R Sutton, It 6 E R Sutton, It 7 E R Sutton, SV4 It 14 A SV4 It 18 .......... E R Sutton, It 16 E R Sutton.lt 17 «... E R Sutton, It 18 M.^........ E R Sutton, It 21 E R Sutton, It 22 E Br Sutton, It 23 E R Sutton, It 24 E R Sutton, It 25 -- TD* InV OUllOKI, 1lb4 «v E R Sutton, It 27 E R Sutton. It 28 E R Sutton, It 29 E R Sutton, It 30 E R Sutton. It 81 .............. E R Sutton, It 34 E R Sutton, It 42 E R Sutton, It 44 .................... E R Sutton. It 45 Chas Kent, It 46 «... E R Sutton, It 47 ..... E R Sutton, It 48 Flanders Subdivision Louis Plencner Sr, It 8, blk 1 Harold C Bergen, It 6, blk 1 Friends Oak Glen Sobdivision William McDonald, It 1 1148 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 *9.84 .96 .96 14.38 8.79 blk 1 Arnold N Goldman. It 10,' ' lbk 1 1-77 Anthony Piotrowski, It 1, blk 2 «50 Anhony Piotrowski, It 2, blk 2 «60 Anthony Piotrowski, It 3, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 2 Arnold M Goldman, It, 5, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman. It 8, blk 2 ..... Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 2 .... Arnold N Goldman, It 11, blk 2 ...... Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 2 ..... Arnold N .Goldman, It 13, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, Wk 2 .... Arnold N Goldman, It 15, blk 2 ...:. Arnold N Goldman, It 16, blk 2 Arnold N Goldman, It 17, blk 2 ......... Arnold N Goldman, It' 19,: blk 2 Adam Joboinski, It 22, blk 2 32.68 Anthony Piotrowski, It 28, blk 2 .65 Anthony Piotrowski, It 24, blk 2 ' : 'f Jl Arnold N Goldman, It 1, •, ~ .50 .50 J® 'M .50 M .66 .66 .65 .66 'M .65 Arnold N Goldman it t, blk 8, Arnold N Goldman, It 8, £ Wk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 8,. blk 8 ^ Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 8 .y..„.„..._ r Rose Hagedorn, It 8, blk 8 .. Arnold N Goldman, 4t 9, ' blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 8 ...., Arnold N Goldman, It 11, blk 3 Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 3 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, blk 3 Arnold N Goldman, It 16, blk 3 .;...* Arnold N Goldman, It 17. blk 3 Arnold N Goldman. It 18, blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 19, blk 3 Arnold N Goldman, It 20, Wk 8 Earl R Wagonseller, It 21, blk 8 Earl R Wagonseller, It 22, blk 3 Arnold N Goldman, lfk 26, blk 8 i Arnold N Goldman. It 6, blk 4 Godlman, It 6, b! * Goldman, It 7. Arnold blk 4 Arnold blk 4 Arnold blk 4 .. Arnold N blk 4 Arnold N Gol< blk 4 .\... Arnold N Goldman, It 17, blk 4 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, blk 4 Arnold N Goldman, It 20, blk 4 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, Jblk 5 ....\ ........ Arnold N Goldman, It 5, blk 5 * Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 5 Arnold N Goldman, It f, ; blk 5 . ^ Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 5 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, blk 5 Arnold N Goldman, It 16, blk 5 F Wm Schweiger, At 17, blk 5 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, blk 6 Arnold N Goldman, It 20, blk 5 Arnold N Goldman. It 8, blk 6 ..... Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 6 •r........ Arnold N Goldman, It 5, blk 6 .......... Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 6 Arnold N Goldman, It 7, blk 6 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 6 -- Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 6 ~.......l Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 6 Arnold N Goldman, It 11, blk 6 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 6 blk 6 ....... Arnold N Goldman, It 17, blk 6 ..... Arnold N Goldman, Jt 15, blk 6 ... Arnold N Goldman, It 16, blk 6 -- Arnold N Goldman, It 1, blk 7 ........ Arnold N Goldman, It 2, blk 7 .......... Arnold N Goldman, It 3, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 7 A mold N Goldman, It 6, blk 7 .......... Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 7, blk 7 ............... Arnold N. Goldman, It 8, blk 7 :...... Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 7 .... Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 11, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 13, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 17, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, blk 7 ................... Arnold N 'Goldman, It 20, blk 7 ... ..... Arnold N Goldman, It 24, blk 7 Arnold N Goldman, It 26, blk 7 ........... Arnold N Goldman, It 1, blk 8 ............... Arnold N Goldman, It 2, blk 8 -- Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 8 .......... Arnold N Cc!dman; H 5, blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 7, blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 8 „ Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 8 Arnold N Goldman, It 13, " blk 8 ; Arnold N Goldman, It 3, blk 9 ..... Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 9 Arnold N Goldman, It 9, Wk 9 Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 9 8.69 •; ;65 ,&";66 "-"t66 • * . 6 .66 ••••4 .66 .66 ..65 ,65 81 1.8I • .81 >81 479 .81 .81 1.18 1.13 1.13 I13 1-18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 4.32 8.76 .65 .65 .65 4.4^ 12.56 6.60 .81 4.79 .50 .50 .60 .60 .50 .50 .60 160 .54 12.14 424 464 .65 .50 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 4.48 J81 .81 Kenneth Ebey, It 11, blk 9 .. 11.52 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, Wk 9 ,..................#p»* 6.38' Arnold N Goldman, It 15, '• blk 9 *...*•............ .65 Elsie M Ohlendorf, It 16, Uk 9 18S4 Arnold N Goldman, It 21, ( blk 9 .... ^ ,, .Of Arnold N Goldman, It.22, ' 1 blk 9 i*-; 5.04 Arnold N Goldman, H 4, blk 10 ' .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 10 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 6, n t'-.yx** blk 10 ..... ...^s •••-r. JS0 Arnold N Goldman, It 7, ^1 ~ Uk 10 .«gi .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, I r blk 10 H J| Arnold N Goldman, it 9, ; blk 10 ..-- .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 10, •; blk 10 ;. ......U l.2t Arnold N Goldman^ It 11, blk 10 .M Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 10 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 18, • blk 10 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, blk 10 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 18, • * blk 10 jf Arnold N Goldman, It 19, • blk 10 ; .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 20, Wk 10 8*7 Arnold N Goldman, It 22, blk 10 .50 Arnold N Goldman, it 1, blk 11 ....- M' Arnold N Goldman, It 2, ' \ blk 11 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 3, Wk 11 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, blk 11 JO Albert Sengstock, It 5, 11 4.18 Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 11 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 7, blk 11 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 11 jl Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 11 3.69 Arnold N Goldman, It 10, blk 11 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 11, blk 11 9.68 Arnold N Goldman, It 13, Wk 11 JO Arnold N Goldman It 21, blk 11 M Arnold N Goldman, It 22, Wk 11 .50 Helge A Margaret C Davidsen, It 23, blk 11 Arnold N Goldman, It 25, blk 11 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 26, blk 11 3.69 Arnold N Goldman, It 31, blk 11 Jl Arnold N Goldman, It 32, blk 11 JO Arnold N GoMlhan, It 2, Wk 12 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 3, blk 12 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 4, = ; blk 12 /Vill-; Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 12 ...'. .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 12 ;; JO Arnold N "Goldman, It 7, . blk 12 .10 Arnold" N Goldman, It 12, blk 12 W JO Arnold N Goldman, It 13, Wk 12 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, Wk 12 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 19, Wk 12 1.40 Arnold N Goldman, It 26, blk 12 Jt Arnold N Goldman, It 27, - blk 12 5.60 Arnold N Goldman, It 28, , *ik 12 ....... JO Anton Hagel, It 29, blk 1* 1.00 Anton Hagel, It 30. blk ic ' 1.00 Arnold N Goldman, H 31, blk 12 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 82, blk 12 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 1, blk 13 Jl Arnold N Goldman, It 2, si blk 13 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It T, Wk 13 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 13 M ' Arnold N Goldman It 12, | blk 13 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, blk 13 .60 -.iMarie Elmer, Jt 20, blk 13 ,. 18.76 ™ Arnold N Goldman, It 32, blk 13 *.50 Arnold N Goldman, It 33. * blk 13 .60 Arnold N Goldman, It 34, ; bik 13 :... i J| Arnold N Goldman, It 86, • ; blk 13 JO Paul A Alice Fuhs, It 39, blk 13 2.58 Arnold N Goldman, It 1, blk 14 Arnold N Goldman, It 2, r. ? blk 14 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 3, blk 14 F 8.76 Arnold N Goldman, It 5, blk 14 JO Arnold N Goldman, It 6, blk 14 Arnold N Goldman, It 7, blk 14 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 8, blk 14 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 9, blk 14 f ||| ; Arnold N Goldman, It 12, blk 14 .50 •011 Arnold N Goldman, It .13, , blk 14 jo •81 Arnold N Goldman, It 14, ' " - ! blk 14 JO ••01! Arnold N Goldman; It 16, „ 1 blk 14 JO -81 Arnold N Goldman, It 16, Wk 14 .50 Arnold N Goldman, It 17, blk 14 .5f Arnold N Goldman, It 18, blk 14 - .50 H Greene, It 26, blk 14 8.64 Arnold N Goldman, It 27, Wk 14 Arnold N Goldman, It 28. N • ; blk 14 4.48 .81 .81 .65 .68 7,17 J5 i (Continued on Pkge Three)