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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1939, p. 4

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Bpsnro aiovs PabBalMd mry Thm-aday at Mefienry, Dl., by Charles F. Bajeh. Entered u second-class matter at Mrs. Holiday with Mrs. George Yo«ng. - Howard Shepard apent Satarttay and Sunday in Chieago. Mrs. Roy Neal, Min Sopv aud Mrs. Flanders went to Williams Bay on . 4jhe postoffioe at McHenry, Dl, under * the act of May 8, 1879. * One Year ! Months 12.00 $1.00 i. H. MOSBBR Editor ai id Manager Plenty of Orange Juice Visitors in Italy, particularly in j Sicily, report vast orange groves ] where the best oranges are bought 1 for a penny each and where lemons | .sometimes tip the scale in excess | of two pounds. J. J. Freund was hottest to Thursday and Mrs. LJbbie Ladd rethe members of her club on Tuesday turned home with thorn. night. Cards furnished entertainment Mr Mrs. Glenn Jackson of and prizes for high scores went to Richmond spent Sunday with the lat- Mrs. Freund, Mrs. A1 Schmeltxer and ter»g parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mrs. John Kattner. Refreshments j^tty. were served following cards. | Mr and Mrg George Young «nd Mrs. George W. May was guest of SOn, Alfred, spent Tuesday evening honor at a shower at the home of jn the James Bell home at Richmond, her sister, Mrs. Charles Freund, oni The Ladies' Aid Society will meet Thursday afternoon. About twenty with Mrs. Ray Peters Friday, Sept. puests were present to enjoy the af- 22. ternoon at cards with prizes awarded Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent to Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. George the weekend at her home here. W. May, Mrs. Peter M. May, Mrs.| an<j Mrs. Elmer Olson and fam- Edwin May, Mrs. Joseph E. Freund .. t Sunday in the Thurlow Yor* and Mrs. Edwin Freund. Consolation j,0me at Big Foot. Mrs. Charles Peet spent Will Beck home at NEW £MPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS 8«n. Mat 3 p. m. Oontinuoos FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Margaret Lindsay • Ronald Reagan 'Dead End* Kids Jell's kitchen"1 ;SUNDAY -- MONDAY September 24-25 Ayres - Anita- Louise Tom Brown "fHESE GLAMOUR GIRLS" Alii -- Mickey Mouse Cartoon March of Time and World News TUESDAY 10c - 20c (1) 'The Forgotten Woman' (2) "They All Come Out" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY SoMija Henie - Tyrone Power Rudv Vallee "SECOND FIDDLE" went to Mrs. Fred May . The honored an(j ^ruerfb was Ithe happy recipient of Sundav in the many beautiful gifts. A supper was Dundee. served following cards. j jjrs George Harrison spent Sunday A party of friends spent a pleasant w|th her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hinze, evening at the Joseph Brown Taverii' at cryStal Lake. on Saturday night in honor of the! <i>he Ladies' Aid Society will serve birthday anniversary of Fred Spar- a supper on Hawley's porch, Wednesrer of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrm-, jgy September 27. and family spend the summer months j jjrs g, w .Smith and daughter, at their cottage here. A lovely lunch Bernj(.ei were callers at Genoa City was served with a large birthday cak*. an(j jpthe Ed Mutz home near Wil- A most interesting ball game was mot Wednesday evenings played under the flood lights on Fri-j ]£rs Cora Flanders; Miss Soper, day night between McHenry and Mrs Libbie Ladd and Mrs. Roy Neal Spring Grove with the Spring Grove ( t(K)j{ j^s Lixzifc Notton home to p team the winner. Refreshments were Burlington Thursday. Miss Norton \ enjoyed after the game, furnished by an(j jjrs Ladd spent a week with | the losing team. I relatives at Williams Bay. | Miss Agnes Lay, a bride of this | Miss Mercedes Lindemann-of1)Wood j week, was honored at a shower given stock spent the weekend with her (for her by Mrs. Norbert Klaus at j grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W I St. Peter's parish hall on Sunday af- Smith. ternoon. Five hundred and bunco were | Home Bureau will give a party played throughout the afternoon and for the 4_jj clubs at the home of Mr. .several lovely prizes were awarded u(] j^rs c. L. Harrison Friday eventhose achieving high scores. The hon- jng September 29. ored guest was presented with many! jjrg w g Harrison went to Carlovely and useful gifts. Refreshments pentersville Wednesday to a Federawere served. | tion meeting of the Home Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh and daugh- wJth the Executive Board. ters, Gladys, Cora and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Foulke of Spring Barrinjrton were guests in the Bertha Grovp an(j Rev. and Mrs. Collins visit- Esh home on Sunday. Ifi*. MQail Schweitser at CWeago on Ttiaaday Evening. Mr.aitd Mrs. John Smith and son, Clareaee, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith returned home Tuesday evening from a flaking trip in Wisconsin. Irvin flthltfer and Roman Schaofer at Waukegan called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. 'Meyers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Condon, Brookfield, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstoffr of Wbodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien and family, Genoa, spent Simday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs i Wm. Althoff. Joe Lay and Miss Agnes Schmitt of Johnsburg spent the weekend in Sterling, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schmitt and ^daughter, Mrs. Mike Schaefer, were Kenosha, Wis., visitors Saturday. VOLO Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright at Lake Defiance Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacRae and son, Rogers, and Mrs. Anna Carlson of Waukegan were Wednesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing at Hampshire. The Volo Cemetery Society met at the home of Mrs. Roy Passiield on Thursday afternoon. Two tables cf airplane bunco and two tables of auction five hundred were played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harry Lusk, Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Jay Vasey, Mrs. Charles Dalvin, Mrs. William Nicholls and Mrs. Frank Wilson. A very dainty lunch was served at the close of an enjoyable afternoon. MrS. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, and Mrs. Sarah Fisher were Friday /dinfner guests iat the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda in honor of Mrs. Scheid's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoltz of Wood- The Beautiful ICl/IOVAIi MM CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co'*. Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Shirley Temple in "SUSANNAH OF THE MO UNTIES" with Randolph Scott Also -- Our Gc<ng Comedy! SIUNDAY AND MONDAY San. Cont. from 2:45 p.m. -- 25c to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. • 10c BING CROSBY in "THE STAR MAKER" with Louise Campbell - Linda Ware and Ned Sparks 100 New Stars of Tomorrow . and Bing in his best role! TUESDAY He -- S p e c i a l -- - ' l i e Virginia Bruce in "STRONGER THAN DESIRE" with Walter Pidgeoa - Lee Bowman WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Gary Cooper in "THE COWBOY AND THE LADY" with Merle Oberon . Patsy Kelly home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. Adolph Anderson of DeWitt, Iowa, called at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Sunday. Mrs. B. Grabbe of Waukegan spent Tuesday here at the home of Mr. ajid Mrs. William Wirtz. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of \ ed Mm. J. G. Wagner at the Victory ; Memorial hospital at Waukegan Sun- " ~~ day afternoon. LILY LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Alice Howard of Kenosha, Mr. T~ 1 and Mrs. E. E .Whiting, Rosalie and A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' George and Roland Haldemann and Leapue was held at Berrfte's Casino Mr. and Mrs. Wm McCannon were ^ Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were Sunday visitors in the Kay Merchant^^ spent the weekend here at the won bv Helen Morrison, Mrs. M. Bud- home. . il. Mrs. A. Sevfferth and Mrs. Strnad. Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daugh- Mrs. Nora McCalla of Chicago vis- ters and Mercedes Lindemann, Woodisted the home of her daughter, Mr. stock, were callers nvthe Lonnie and and Mrs. Thomas Klabough. for a S. W. Smith homes Wednesday evenfew da vs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ing. O'Connor and baby daughter, Patty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe were Lou. of Manston are visiting at their Sunday dinner pests of the latter s home for a week. Mrs. O'Connor is parents at Woodstock. a sister of Mrs. Klabough. Mrs. Milford Smith, Billy, Jean and Visitors at the home of Mr. and Marjoiie Harrison of Round Lake Mrs. George Esser Sundaay were Mr* spent Sunday in the Clayton Harnand Mrs. Ed Frigone, Miss M. Esser son home (sister of Mr. Esser), and Art Neu- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasch ^and metzler, all of Chicago. daughter, Donna Lee, of Slades Cor- Mr. and Mr. Lester Venable and ners were supper guests in the Robdaughter, Marilvn, and Mrs. Strnad ert Howe home Sunday. visited the home of his brother, Mr. Mrs. Fred Wiednch, Jr., and daughand Mrs. Norman Venable, in Rock- ter, Mary and Janet Johnson spent ford Sunday. Saturday in the Phelps Saunders home Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert SwansQn spent at Fontana. a few days in Chicago wftere they Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the visited at the home of her sister, home of her son, George, at Antioch. Lillian Schonauer. I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vogel and Mr. Mrs. Mae"T$udil visited at the home and Mrs. Charles Brennan of Solon of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernte Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Allend, in Chicago ^Saturday. Vis- jr.t and daughter, Mary, and Janet itors at the Budil home Sunday were Johnson visited Mrs. Frank Johnson her son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Budil and at the Rock ford hospital Sunday. baby. I Mr. and Mrs. .Louis Abendroth of Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough vis- Elgin were callers in the Fred Wiedited at the home of his brother, Mr. rich, Jr., home Sunday. and Mrs. Frank Klabough, of Downers Louis Hawley and Lester Carr re* Grove over the weekend. j turned home Saturday from a fishing Visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. trip in Wisconsin. George Sielisch Sunday were Mr. and Among those from here to attend Mrs. William Schfler and Mr. and the Methodist Women's Association Mrs. Demelle of Chicago. ' meeting at McHenry Friday were Mrs. Joseph Daly and sister, Mrs. Mesdames' Charles Peet, Viola Low, Bert White of Freeport, Ohio, Mrs. w. B. Harrison, Ray Peters, Rilla J. C. Truesdell of Chicago are spend- poss, H. M. Stephenson, B. T. Butler, ing a few days at the home of their gen Walkington, Paul Walkington, C. brother in Fon du Lac, Wis. 1 j. Jepson and Harry Collins. Viola Brady, Mary Hubbell and jp^d Wiedrich, Jr. and Billy Bren- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch visited at nan were visitors at Freeport Friday. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cun- Mrs Collins entertained the Spring ningham of Barrington Thursday. ! Grove Ladies' Aid at her home Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Peschke Who day to a chop suey dinner. operate the Lily Lake Casino, have jyjr an(j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., purchase the home of the late Louis an(j 80rii Frank, spent Sunday at Del- M*s. R. Cope Wednesday afternoon, • spent Friday in Chicago at tlia - very large crowd in attendance. The of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Valenta major lejson was "Standards in Buy- The Volo unit of the Lake Covnty ing to Wear/' ghren by our home ad-1 Home Bureau will meet next at the visor, Mrs. Helen Volk. The minor home of Mrs. Walter Crook WeAieslesson was "Interesting Places To day, October 11 w««nes- Visit in the Northwest Region of the Mr. a«d Mrs.'Howard Anderson of United States," given by Miss Beatrice Wauconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson. A very dainty lunch was serv- Baseley Sunday. ed at the close of the meeting. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusil in Berwyn. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, called at the home of Mr. and Mr*. George Vasey in Waukegan Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. George Scheid spent Sunday at the Brookfield Zoo. ^ TWO Ybiamnr>dAiUtms robbed nm« persons 't o iuikq trim* Biie ner huso ived taiw>tW f*r +*** a store at Bowling Green, KV, but re-1 yem™ fuMd to take the money «r . W0*d Two Phfla4e|pUa pnljosmim in i patrol car speeded in reverse for tlwM Uodcs to catch * man fleeing from a gambling place. ' Diving for a set of false tedth M by a companion while swimming, a boy near New Hope, Pa., brought 19 a set, but not the right one. A map, claimed the set recovered Mrs. Frabk Walsh of ChidSgt) titled that she and her husband had without who had only seventy-five cents. Read the Want Ada an Hour From Now? Y°u>ll sbb 17 PASS But don't waste time staring after . ii lSKO Nash. Get in the driver's seat . for that's where the fun begins. - ^ Turn the Weather Bye to the comfort < * you want. (It offers sw oonditioned . air wonders this year.) lust a nudge of your toe, and a hundred* odd stampeding horsee lift you ahead. iThen--a dick--a rtuk--and a neir Fourth Speed Forward lends soU ; wings to your ride. A Sunday driver ahead? Don't worry. There's something new in the throttle --the Nash Automatic Overtake. Just press your toe--and leave him dawdling in your dust. ^There's riding magic, pore and * in the Arrow-Flight Ride. Miraoulove . result of new springing combination ^. so smooth, so level, so silent, PW might be in your easy chair! Can you be blamed if nightfall finds yavT hr away, sleeping ander die stars ii > your Nash convertible bed? e e e V We're asking yon, with nothing tat your' own preferencee and instincts, to get behind the wheel of a 1940 Nash. For j ten glorious minntee--that's all. Then decide if any other car today cfii give you as much doWn-right fun as _ this new, lower-priced Nash! I Ltt't ft Your Nash dealer is ready sw|v Now On Dtoftaf • S*eItAm4DrtmM Nmh Prias htfim mUmml , *830-00 I Delivered in McHenry Mrfw Stmmfr* Bmd$m*nfa4 Fimtrmi T»x*$ Mftalta MilMT NEW UM0I HMO TV* mtw 1940 Dtluat Nth S**m cmtt --tj 1873.00, d»Uvr»d 1 factory, mm* mr4 ttmijt m*mt and Ftdtra! Taatt iududtd. Tk* Wtmtktr Bit air tyittm, Famrth Sp--4 Ftrwmrd, Whit* Sidtwll Tim and Rtmr Wkttl-ikiilds trt apHnrnt uttrn. Rossman Motor Sales Corner Riverside Drive and Pearl Street.. . Phone 13 ANBsasotrs wooosroca MILLER Theatre Air-Conditioned Woodstock FRIDAY -- September 22 -- On the Screen 'THE GIRL FROM MEXICO" with ^upe Velez - Donald Woods Leon Errol SATURDAY -- September 23 Continuous Saturday from 2:30 2 -- BIG HITS -- 2 Gene Autry in "MOUNTAIN RHYTHM" -- A N D -- Aime Shirley - James Ellison in "SORORITY HOUSE" Schroeder at Lily lake. J. Daly and granddaughter, Gen- avan an(j Fontana. tvti td Foatshrdlu cmfwyp vbgkqj vb SUNDAY -- MONDAY S e p t e m b e r 2 4 - 2 5 Continuous Sunday from 2'30 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE! Irene Dunrn - Fred MscMurray in "INVITATION TO HAPPINESS" -^1...:.-. -- A N D Ann Sheridan . Pat O'Brien "INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY September 26 - 27 - 2tJ. " "YOUNG MR. LINCOLN" with Henry Fonda • Alice Brady Marjorie Weaver Also -- "Clown Princess* Our Gang Comedy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shult?, Solon Mills, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughters, Mae and Mrs. Lester Carr, were visevieve Daw, were Kenosha visitors last week. Mrs. Strnad is spending a week in Chicago at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Venable. An error occurred in this column j"t"or8 at Woodstock Thursday, last week when it was stated that A, - shower was held at the home of Mr. ^ and Mrs. Math Freund. This should have read at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth. RINGWOOD JOHNSBURG Joe E. Friend of Richmond was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. George King spent a few days I in Woodstock with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. George Shepard entertained, M,£* a„d ' Mrs. Alex Freund and the Bridge Club at her home Tuesday daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent afternoon. Prizes were merited by Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stephen Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, and Mrs. J. F. Mc- Laughlin. j Mr and jjr9 Delbert Smith and Mrs. C. J. Jepson' and Mrs. Viola famjiy 0f Grayslake spent Sunday in Low t<K>k Virginia Jepson to Mt. Ver- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. non, Iowa, Thursday, where she will gcjiaejrer enter her second year at Cornel col-j Miss Angela Tonyan of St. Anle^ l 11 , . .' . thony's hospital in Chicago, spent a The Home Circle met at the home ! eek>^ vacation with her mother, Mrs. of Mrs. Ben Walkington Wednesday. I Eliiabeth Tonyan. A one o'clock luncheon was served; M Qeoree Miller of Grayslake by Mrs. Walkington, Mrs. Fred Wied- j ited ith her father, John Pitsen, rich, Jr., and Mrs. Vaillancourt. Af-'r^^" ter lunch the usual business meeting 1 A few frjends surprised Miss Lawas held with officers elected for the yerne Freund on her sixteenth birthcoming year as follows: Mrs. Ray day Friday evening Games were Peters, president, Mrs. Roy Neal, vice-1 j d and lunch served. Those pres- ^esidcnt^Mrs. Vioja Low, secreUry,• ent were Eieanot Ring, Jeanette and treasurer. A L^-aine Kennebeck, Lorrarr.e Freund. fine program followed Delma Freund, Mercedes Stilling, Del- | Mrs Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake, ma Thelen> George Jackson, Elmer spent Wednesday with her mother, M s James Freund, Joe Jackson, Mr Ha™n- m *« I Howard Freund, Ray Stilling. LeRoy ^ Ha™ °f | Meyers and Gerald Hettermann. M , « , r o S y W ' t h J ^ e r M i s s K a t h e r i n e P i t s e n o f C h i c a g o I s w rT 8n f w y; ^ I spending a few days with her father, Brown spent Wednesday;J^hn Pitzell. Mn DW ftl, 1 tv ' Mrs- Jacob ThiieI and fami]y and Mrs. Dick Olson and Ethel Dimon Miss Marie King visited with Mrs. WMr 7 n d M " M i k e G o r s k i a t W o o d s t o c k T u e s d a y Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent _ftpr_oon Wwnl Fo?^*0' • -i j Mr. and Mrs.^Jack Bode and daugha V,S r at I ter, Paulene, and Miss Thelma Jack- M . N4i" 1 « T, • ' son and Frank Klapperich attended-a Mr.. Juk Nichols, McHeory, .peut the home of Mr. and Do the lamps m your home pass these tests? KO SHADOWS NO Wt- . . . 1 / no^--replace them with these Lovely New Lamps... at Amazingly Low Prices! JL VMW StiMly L«n|». (Uft) Hi^ilighted bronze finished base. Tan parchment- SHeilector Lamp. 6-way light* ic. Silver and gold or bronac* nisbed base. Pleated shade Choice of eggshell of *iiq banana heart color. •II" .-..AND UtCTKKITY IS CHIAF! Because of our special quantity purchase the best lamps now cost so much i€ss • You'll be delighted to see what a great difference these stunning new Better light-Better Sight lamps make in your home. Rooms take on new - life--new beauty. Seeing is made easier. Eyes feel better.... Come in now and choose the lamps you need from our wide selection of types and styles. ' All I. £. S. Certified Etch lamp in the group carries the Approval Tag of the Illuminating Engineering Society. It's your assurance of the finest type of lighting. No harsh glare, no sharp shadows... an abundance of light, soft and evenly diffused. •oflaftar I \left)6-way lighting. Silver and gold or bronze finished b»se.v Pleated *1 eggshell, yr tan. 9 ^ IT'S EASY TO HAVE BETTER LIGHTING You can get Better Light-Better Sight lamps fox only a small down payment. The balance, plus a small carrying charge, may be paid in convenient monthly amounts with your Electric Service bill. * lamp. Silver and gold or bronze finished base. 3-way lighting. Pleated shade i n eggshell or tan. I12»5 PuBue SERVICE STORE ^THC* f c K A L I R S ARB * L S O % F ' F E R I N G PINS V A LUIS I N I AMPS TdnfejHM: OryiUl Lak* 210

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