THE MUENRY PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at Me* fcenry, 111., by Charles F. Renieh. Entered as second-class matter at {f postoffice at McHenry, 111., under * * the act of May 8, 18TO, One Year ... Six Months .$2.00 $i.ob H. MOS3HER Editor and Manager Mm, ? Timely Editorial 1^ 1VRIGHT A. PATTERSOW ' Editor-in-Chief Western Newspaper Union Chicago, 111. regardless of who may win, all Europe will be governed by dictators whose edicts will be enforced by armed strength, and Europe will have restantial people of the world today. The newspapers representing this ! class of Americans, approximately fifty per cent of our population, will •iaas known that civilization which, through evolution, has provided the individual liberty the human race has valued, which has taken men out of \ bondage and given them tHfe right to h .fcppines*' and .opportunity, and to the . development of individual initiative -- is tottering throughout the world with ; the possible exception of the Americas. ': • Should the present war in Europe .continue for so long as a year, and wk verted to the conditions of the Middli; | provide the needed leadership. 'Through that leadership these news- Should America become a part of!P*Pe»s create that anti-war sentithat conflict, the American People j ^^t; not as^ j»c,fots,^J»ut as a^serwill suffer the same fate that wiii be-r*" rase. "'7 ,re fall the peoples of Europe, Asia and, will be that when the conflict now Africa. We^will lose what we knowing: is over because of exhaustion, as the "American system, which of-!when the world outside of the Amerfers opportunity for, and encourages |'cas, has lost that form of civil,zaindividual .initiative, whfch .permits | tion that has been bu.lded through freedom of-action and expression that [^"tunes of evolution, America will he means tfbertv tn a P0sltl0n to brm« lt back for them _ . , . . . . . - , i and in time restore sanity throughout Today this country is being flooded jthg worH with propaganda from the war-ridden j ,j^e future world civilization is nations of Europe, with the hope o .jepen(jent upon tj,e country newsarousing our emotions to the poin perg Qf America todsiy. These newswhere we will join in the present con-;£ wfll n()t ffti, flict. Tliis propaganda is being sup-, plemented in this country by those [ who are seeking the establishment of; state socialism, who believe in thef rule of the proletariat. They repre-j sent many classes, many different ele FOB SALB FARMERS, ATTENTION--We «• change cracked corn for shelled corn for 15c- per 100 lbs. Farmers Mill, Phone 20. T*tf LAKE FOR SALE--160 acres, Mc- Collum'8 Lake. This includes fine business or home building site of one acre on west side of laJt«,< Can be made source of fine income, Address--Mrs. W. E. Bishop, Chehalfe, Wash, 17-4 SPRING GROVE Say, Folks! Let's forget w*r talk for awhile and indulge in & little gaiety. Just as k suggestion, we can all go over to the -- On Route 20 -- East of the Fox River, McHenry j is being sponsored fey McHENRY COUNCIL, ^ #f C. The Knights have promised a real evening of fun at a small cost! :: Dixieland Band ^ifVIIVO ^ - - - w . . - are attempting to. create that emo-!guests in the A1 Schmeltzer home on tion among the American people j Thursday night. ' t which would take us in$o the present] Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner has retiirnwosid conflict as a means through; ed to her home from Victory Memorwhich to achieve their ends. |ial hospital in Waukegan where she There is one class ip America that,!TMently underwent an operation and with propel' leadership, will keep 18 recovering nicely. America out of war. That is the peo-^Mrs. J.-C. ^rlong has movet1 to pie of our rural communities -- people Hebron. The house Mrs. Furlong aof the towns and farms. In the words cated waB recently puwhas^ by Joof the late Arthur Balfour of England J- tochmitt, who will move into they are tfie safest, sanest,, most sub- >n the near future. „ ^ * 'v ' Mr. and Mrs. George W. May are i the happy parents of a six pound j girl born at Community hospital in Woodstock on Friday. Chester Stevens, Jr., small son of Mr. and Mr3. Chester Stevens, underwent an appendectomy operation at Community hospital, Woodstock, last week. He returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and sons land Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widhalm, son, Raymond, were Sunday dinner guests in the J. J. Freund home. Mrs. Laura James of Rockford spent from Friday until Sunday in the J. G. Wagner residence. Mrs. James returned home Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Farmer, who were ! visitors Sunday afternoon. Other calllers were Mr. and Mrs. William Shotjliff and the Leonard Franzen family jof Ringwood. ; Miss Lorraine May, who is attending Beauty Culture School in Wauke- 1 gan, spent the weekend with her parjents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May. Miss Carol Bowers motored from Wlaukegan on Sunday to spend the I day with her mother, Mrs. Margaret ' Bower. I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund observj ed their tenth wedding anniversary by I entertaining forty-five guests at their home on Sunday. Although the date | of the anniversary was on Monday, ; October 3, the event was celebrated on j Sunday so that all of their sisters and ; brothers could be with them. Cards I and visiting furnished the entertain- Jment. A delicious supper was served with two huge cakes beautifully dec- I orated gracing the table. One of the cakes was decorated in honor of their j oldest daughter, Mary Lou, Whose birthday fell on that day. Mr. and {Mrs. Freund were the happy recipi- ; ents of many beautiful gifts. | Miss Eleanor Freund of Chicago < spent Sunday at her home here. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Chi- ; cago visited his mother, Mrs. John ; Wagner, on Sunday. I Guests in the Bertha Esh home on j Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Andy 1 Straub, daughter, Yvonne, Chicago; I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz, sob, Terry, [ Fox Lake, Glendale Esh and Mi$ Rita Junis of Chicago. ' A party of friends pleasantly sur- PEARS FOR SALE--Small, 7Be and large, $1.00 per bushel. Mrs. B. Joos, Park Street, McHenry. *20 FARMERS--Be sure and see the new FORD Tractor at Buss-Page Motor Seles, Wlest McHenry, on Friday, October 6. ' 20 e fFTSR SALE--Second-hand lumber timbers, 8x8, 6x6, etc; also planks 2x10 and 2x12. Inquire Thos. A. . Bolger. Phone 608-J-2. *20 12 FOR &ALE--Twelve used row boats, A-! condition*. Inquire at Pitzen's Camp. 20 FOR SALE--Two circulating heaters, bum wood or coal; one kitchen range. Springdale Farm, 1% miles north & % mile eaist'of Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 244. *20 FOR SALE--Hampshire boars and gilts, doubly immunized, 135 pounds. Fred Asher, Rte. 2, McHenry. Phone McHenry 619-R-l. *20 FOR SALE--Heavy pullets, Rocks, six months old, some laying. W. S. Borgen, one mile south on old Crystal Lake road,, past McHenry Flour Mill. *20 FOR SALE!--On acount of moving, 1032 8-cyl. Packard Sedan, splendid mechanical condition, uphosltery in fine shape, $125. No reasonable offer refused. 120-ft. Speed Boat, 6-cyl. engine, mahogany hull, many extras, $100. Phone Saturday or Sunday, McHenry 210-RX. 20 FOR SALE--Six pure-bred Guernsey bull calves. Springdale Farm, 1% miles north and Vz mile east of Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 244.' *20 FOR RENT FOR RENT--(For rooms and bath, Waukegan Street, facing high school grounds. Georgie Meine. *20 and attend the big ' v Dance to the music of the, Abuachof colored artists make "hot music." HEAR THE NEW $ 0 V A.CO ED We hope to be seem' you at .The Budget -- : * .( r , This advertisement contributed by.John J. Karls FOR RENT--Three room flat, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at Schneider's apartment on Riverside Drive. 20 WANTED WANTED--Man who if desirous of getting into business for' himself. No investment or signers required. Car needed. S. F. Baker A Co., Keokuk, Iowa. *18-3 FARM OWNERS We are representing a group of men interested in farm investment. If you have a farm in the 40-acre to 320- acre range and really want to sell at a reasonable price, let us know immediately, so that we may examine it Phone, write or call--KENT & CO., INC., McHenry. 20 MISCBLLAHEOUa -"Wholesale to the Public-- Prices Cut In Half! 39c BROOMS, on sale 19^ 1 broom limit to customer McHenry FLOUR, 24i/,.lb». 61tf V Red Bag COFFEE, lb. .... 12^ New, fresh CABBAGE, lb. iy2^ -f ! Blue label Karo , SYRUP, iy2-lb. can 9c (fine for baby's feeding) Creamed Corn ^ GOLDEN BANTAM, Nj^ca&s for 29<^ White Mountain TOILET TISSUB^Kj 3 rolls for Jp ; 10<£ Wis. fancy white POTATOES, peck 19^ Kellogg's ' CORNFLAKES, 3 for 19tf (large siz», white bowls) Soap Chips - lg. size CLEAN QUICK 25^ ! prised Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund at their home on Tuesday night. When the guests arrived they charivaried the couple and were immediately invited in. Cajd tables were set up and cards were'enjoyed throughout the evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs, Charles May and Mrs. Charles Freund while consolation went to Mrs. Ben May. A special prize went to Mrs. Edwin Freund. Lunch was served by the guests after which they departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Freund many more happy anniversaries. FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 1C2, reverse charges. 44-10 McHENRY'S RADIO X-RAY LABOlfATORY -i'Expert repairs on all makes. All work guaranteed. Your local Member R. S. A. CLIFF'S RADIO SERVICE, Phone' 13, Riverside Drive. McHenry. 17-12 Mrs. Barbara Butxen, son, Wilfred, of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pieh. Donme Kinsala, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinsala of Chicago, in visiting his grandparents, the Henry Kinsalas. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lodtz, accompanied by Marion, motored to Champaign, 111., to visit their son, Norman, who is a student there. Mr. and Mrs. tt. Kirch, son, Ernest, and Mrs. N. Wirts were Sunday guests at the Hagedorn cottage at McCollura Lake. Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. Lester Page and Mrs. Richard Stenger, Waukegan, enjoyed seeing John Barrymore in "My Dear Children" at Chicago Saturday. Miss Louise Kirch and Miss Margaret Wirtz, both of Chicago, spent an enjoyable weekend as guests of Miss Hagedorn, McCollum Lake. Mrs. C. W. Goodell acted as organist at Worthy Patrons' and Worthy Patrons' night at the Woodstock chapter of th? O. E. 3., last' Friday evening. She will act in the same capacity at a meeting of the Richmend chapter Monday evening:, October 9. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and children of Aurora were guests of relatives here Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Ringwood, journeyed to the White Pines State Park near Oregon Sunmostly day and also called on Rockford friends. Mrs. A1 Wagner returned to her home in Chicago after enjoying a visit with the E. F. Kelters at Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whalen and daughter of Elgin, called on Father Lehane at Aurora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington have been enjoying a trip through the south and east. Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. Hugh Morris attended a shower at the home of MrB. Eleanor Strandel of Aurora Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fred Miller, daughter, Barbara, and Mrs. Meyer Klass of Sturgeon Bay spent Monday in the Nick Steilen home "in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Milwaukee, Wis., called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Givens and son, Donald, visited the former's sister-in-law at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Sunday evening. Mrs. McGinness, who has been a patient at the hospital for several weeks, is showing a little improvement. Visitors in the George Scheid home last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Scheid, son, William, of Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. Lahoda and children of Mundelein, Mr. and Mrs. Math Glosson, daughter, Francis, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scheid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt spent Saturday evening at Elgin. Mrs. Meyer Klass retuned to her home in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Tuesday after a visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buss returned home Sunday morning after a trip though the northwest. They enjoyed immensely a visit to I^oys' Town, and also called on the George Hess family, former residents of McHenry who moved to South Dakota. In.1 Minnesota they witnessed the fishing procedure of A1 Krause and John Thennes and then drove to Ballclub Lake to see Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Regnei. They brought Mrs. Regner back to McHenry, but Mr. Regner remained for a longer stay. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. • and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer at Wil-EIMar, Pistakee Bay, were Mrs. A. Mann, daughters, Loretta and Lee, Mrs. Harry Wl Scott, dr/ghter, Edith, and Mrs. Aman4^J)ean, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, little daughter, Terry, spent a day last ily an3 Mhu A dele Froehlieh spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Genevieve Knox of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin and Miss Georgiana Donahue of Huntley spent the weekend at the home of John Sutton at Dixon, Miss Clara Schiessle wis a Chicago caller Monday. Raymond Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers, former residents of McHenry, is taking a general business course at Y.M.C.A. college, Chicago. • \ Miss Kathleen J(uiten, student nurse at Evanston, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Justen. Miss Clara Miller and Mrs. Josephine Heimer enjoyed a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Moritz at Lauderbach, Wis. Harold Lindsay, who has been employed at the Bolger drug store for some time, left Sunday for Detroit, Mich., where he will study pharmacy. % rami _ win AIIITCDI OF rax IN imnnHK>T% John Thmm tad JU Krawe nS"* turiud mm 8»turd»y eTfnine frorn.ry their tehlng trip to Island Lakej Minn., with the sad news that th« fish wouldn't bite at their lines, f fact, they couldn't even buy any fisli, '*' to bring back with them, so they haC" V to hold up their chins and proudly* > display the few pike they caught t<» - the McHenry populace. \- They did enjoy the trip howovpr^;' •• , and amdng the outstanding sight$u - were the International Falls betwe Canada and the U. S. and the iron orel * mine at Hibbing, Minn., the largest ithe world. The two would-be fisherff1^ ' i also met up with Mr. and Mrs. Ed»7 ^ ward Busts and Joe Regner at Ballelufr- * Lake, Minn. . Outstanding cities enroute to the * resort at Island Lake were Madison, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, MrJ^ and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and Mrs. | cities at the head of Lake Su- John R. Knox were Sunday guests! Per'or> Superior, Wis., and Duluth, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer and Mrs. John Zimmer at Pfelatine. Miss Sylvia Snyder spent the weekend at her home in* Janesville, Wis. Mrs. Regin# Marre, son, Mrs. Nellie Jensen and son, Lenne, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the John Scheid home. Mrs. Josephine Heimer is visiting j with Mrs. E. J. Heimer at Chicago this week. Mrs. Ole Tollefson was V visitor at Walworth, Wis., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers, son, Richard, and friend were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon. Mr. Meyers and Richard were former residents of this city. <Mrs. John Tax of Cheyenne, Wyo., is enjoying a few weeks' visit with her former classmate, Mrs. Ole Tollefson, at the latter's summer home at Fair Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley, daughter, Alice, were Chicago visitors Sunday at the home of A. J. Butler. Mrs. George Lindfay. a -^delepate from the local chapter of the O. E. S., attended the Grand Chapter of the O. E. S. at Medina Temple, Chicago, Tuesday and Wednesday. Among those elected to high offices were Mrs. Lulu E. Benson as Worthy Grand Matrolfr, William Reber of Bethol chapter at Elgin as _ Associate Grand Patron, Mrs Esther Gielow of Chicago as Associate Grand .Conductor. The Ray McGeesf expect to leave Saturday for a vacation in the East. They will visit witn^ Mrs. McGee'^ sister who lives in Washington, D. C.' In company with Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer j Freund, they will attend the Post'-] master's National convention next week. I Mrs. Alfred Tonyan, little daughter, Diane, and Isabell Simon spent Wednesday afternoon at Fremont Center. Minn. During the week they wer|y v>J, * v. away from home, they traveled l,5l^^v^. miles and would have called it a peri ' feet trip had the fish shown a more co-operation. Reed the Want Ada 22 IiTORTAHT IMPROVEMENTS in the New it Here Phone 1 Mam street McHenry, 111 McHENRY POLICEMAN FILES DISORDERLY CONDUCT CHARGE Disorderly conduct wa» the charge filed against Jennie Olson and her husband, Albert Olson, of McHenry %nd as a result they were each placed under a $1,000 beace bond by Justice of the Peace Charles F. Hayes. Elmer Christiansen, police officer and neighbor of the Olson's was the complainant, saying that the Olsons called him "vile names," threatened and challenged him to fight and generally disturbed the peace. Mr. and Mrs. Olson denied the charges. 'State's Atty. William M. Carroll recommended the pence bonds and advised the defendants to discontinue their annoyances. Subscribe ?or The Plaindealer for sale JONATHAN 50c bushel WIND-FALL APPLES $1 bushel . HAND PICKED Pine Tree Dairy Farm McHenry, 111. (No Deliveries) GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable • _ - ,, . . rates. Regular year round route, week with Dr. and Mrs. Monarch --r--- TOMATO JUICE, 3 tall cans for .... 25c Shredded 4 WHEAT, g^SgsTtS# Dog FOOD, 4 cans 19^ Cameo CLEANSE^: 4 carisffor 19tf G u e r n s e y ORADE A MILK, 8«> MtHenry Food Mart Phone 12 i- FRED PEPPINCr, Prop* Free Delivery Statement or the Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress of March 3, 1933, Of The McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly, at McHenry, HI., for October 1, 1989. State of Illinois, County of McHenry. Before me, a Notary Puftjffd in' kn<* for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared A. H. Mosher, who, having been duly s^orn according to law, deposes and> says that he is the managing-editor of the McHenry Plaindealer, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement oC the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in tke above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Chas. F. Renich, Woodstock, 111. Editor, A. H. Mosher, McHenry, 111. Managing Editor, A. H. Mosher, McHenry, III. 2. That the owner is Chas. P. Renicii, »V*uuusiuck, III. 1 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other secv.rity holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages ot other securities are Araericaii_ Nati«aal B#nk, Woodstock, 111. ~ i 'Z : A. H. MOSHER, i Managing-Editor. . j Sworn to and subscribed before mt this 5th day of October 1939. I EARL R. WALSH, I (Seal) Notary Public. formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 866 or 681-M-l. 2-tf DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our saniJ tary loading devices. Post moVtem will be given if requested. Phon Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-, Among the Sick I Mr. an family w 'home of Mrs. Martha Bowman of Richmond entered the Woodstock hospital last Friday for medical attention. Lieut. L. R. Bacon, who has been a patient at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, following a motorcycle accident which occurred * 'few weeks ago, returned to his home and is able to get around on crutches. Mrs. George Wegener has been confined to her bed at Lily Lake due to illness during the past week. Her daughter, Mrs. Robert Krinn, R. N., of Chicago has been caring for her. Mrs. George Wirfs, who underwent a recent operation at St. Therese's hospital," Waukegan, returned to her is steadily improving in health. Mrs. M. J. Walsh has been confined to her bed the past few weeks. Mrs. Victor Larsen, who has been very ill at the Lutheran Deaconess hospital, Chicago, for several weeks, is showing ~a slight improvement. Franklin Ensign of Palatine, a former resident of McHenry, underwent surgery at the Sherman hospital, Elgin, Monday. > Mrs. Paul F. Schulz of Johnsburg visited her Eastern Star Chapter in Chicago Tuesday evening. Being a charter member, she was escorted in the East with the other members. She also enjoyed seeing her daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Paul G. Schulz, Acting Conductress. . o at Yorkville. Harry Cook of Denver, Colo., will remain for a visit of a~ month or six weeks at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Miller and were Sunday callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decker at Chicago., They also visited Mrs. Freund who is a patient" at a Chicago hospital. Sunday visitors in the John Phalin home were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phalin, daughter. Terry, of Bellvue, Iowa, and r. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, Mr. and rs. James Mahoney, son, James, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, all of Chicago. » Mr. and Mrs. Carl Freund of Cincinnati, Ohio, spent the weekend witlf McHenry relatives. Mrs. Paul Yanda was a weekend guest at Winnebago. Minn. Mrs. Jacob Diedrich.. daughters Vendelina and Catherine, and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Tommy, visited the former'7 sister. Mrs. Sam Harbst, in Chicago one day last wee*. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger called r.t the Behm home at Freemont Center Sunday evening. Donald Givens is enjoying a vacation from his work at the McHenry Ice Cream company. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke, J. B. Kelter, Mr? McCarthy and her guest. Miss Cecelia Aylward, were visitors in th*> EdwardfAylward home at Hebro" Tue dnv. Mrs. Edwprd Dowling of Indianapolis, T"d.. is spendine a few days this we?k with her mother, Mrs. Ella Gans. Miss Cecelia Aylward of \Chicago js enjoyinpr a few days with her aunt. Mrs. Marr"1 ret McCarthy, Dr. W. F. Granzig is offering his services during the absence of T)jr. C. W. Klontz, who, in company with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Njck Freund, is enjoying. • variation in California. Norman Lodtz, son of John'Lodtz, McHenry tailor, recently receiyed ARRESTED FOR LARCENY Walter Kohn of Slocum Lake was taken to Woodstock Monday by Sheriff Lester Edinger on a warrant charging larceny in connection with the j taking of some parts from a crane a owned by C. J. Mitchell of Island Lake, the Boy Scout Eagle award for his It is charged the parts taken were diligent work in the organization, valued at $60. j Mr. and Mrs. ^i»rl Weber and fam- F Thursday, Oct. 12 McHENRY COUNCIL, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Is sponsoring a big celebration and dance during the evening of this holiday,r It is to be held at ' • the " " trrr^ • Bridge Ballroom On Route 20, East of Fox River An event of the season, which none can affdrd to miss. Plenty of entertainment is promised by the local Knightir Dance to the music of the Dixieland Band & - Real Colored Musicmates \ > *^|5ear the mm NOVACORD .fi*;ikcst in musical instruments.^ :1 "* . , " Join the fun at The Bridge Thursday, Oct. 12 This advertisement contributed by the ~ -T----1West McHenry State Bank j