""V- • Y '< ^ k ?*<$: ,w e » •*' ** , ? f%?vs •••vTi.^ ^ "C ! # i iatf&h tV'i '• •-••k" 'yT^TWR *' fflPage Four Thursday, December 7, R - '.v T THE M'HENRY PUUNOEALER ^ Published every Thursday at Me- „\ henry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHonry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. A. H. MOSHER Bdltor and Manager 'One Year ... Six Months ..........--... $2.00' $1.00 r Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huff were pleasantly surprised on Tuesday when their children motored from Chicago to spend the day with them in honor of their wedding anniversary. Word has been received from Lawrence WidhaJm from Oregon. Lawrence spent several years in this vicinity. He was employed on the Edwin Freund farm. Mr. and Mir. Wade Sanborn are enjoying .a month's vacation in Florida. , Mr. «nd Ha James Gracy called FOR SALE FOR SALE--Used stoves at reasonable prices. Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., West McHenry, Phone 283. 29 FOR SALE--Extra choice turkeys and capons, live or dressed. One mile east of Spring Grove, opposite Colmar Country Club. F. R. Furlott. 29 FOR SALE--Seven high grade Holstein cows; one pure bred bull and NU flbutliB wow OH OUMUW mfoiuuroi PAYABLE NEXT YEAR CHRISTMAS CARDS Ion friends in Woodstock Wednesday one Pure bred cow T.B and Bangs j afternoon. tested. We are selling these cows because we are getting into a Guernsey herd. Adler's Farm, 2% miles south of Lake Villa and Route 54. *29 Several members of the Lotus Coun- * ~~ I try Women's Chib attended a lecture Select your Christmas Cards from *i«d at"TPbodstooV Pro«- The Plaindealer line. Prices range byterian church on Monday afternoon, j FOR SAL45--Turkeys. Robert Vogt. $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made Included were Mrs, Davy. Mrs. Clyde Phone McHenry 616-W-2. 29 in two days from time order is placed. Parfrey, Mrs. Otto Schueneman. Mrs., -- , . Harry McGinnis, Mrs. A1 Benish, Mrs. FOR SALE--Choice boars. Inrin May, Phone 600-M-2, McHenry. *29 WAKTS® •:b< NEW EMPIRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS San. Mat. 3 p. m. Ooatinoai FRIDAY -- SATURDAY D e c e m b e r 8 - 9 Jane Withers - The Ritz Brothers "PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES" : Also -- Short Subjects SUNDAY -- MONDAY December 10 • 11 Alice Fa ye - Don Ameche Stuart Erwin - Buster Keaton "HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" Also -- Selected Short Subjects TUESDAY 10c - 25c (1) "HEAVEN WITH A BARBED WIRE FENCE" (2) "THE ESCAPE" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Ann Siothem • Franchot Tone (1) 'FAST AND FURIOUS' Virginia Weidler - Gene Reynolds (2) 'BAD LITTLE ANGEL' WA NTEIV--Experienced girl or woman for cooking and downstairs work. Call Crystal Lake 780. 29 WANTED -- Candy salesman. Earn Christmas money selling fancy box chocolates. Sell to factories, homes, churches, etc. Open to individuals or groups. Write to Sales Manager, Beall Candy Co., 6733 So. Western, Chicago. *29 MISCELLANEOUS <-V , I If • . 4y • woodstooT Theatre -- Woodstock Air-Conditioned FRIDAY -- SATURDAY j , D e c e m b e r 8 - 9 Continuous from 2;3Q "THE ROARING TWENTIES" -- with -- James Cagney - Priscilla Lane Humphrey Bogart - Gladys George SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY?--".!-". Dnmber 10 - 11 *11 3 * BIG DAYS * 3 Continuous Sunday from 2:30 Bargain Matinee Till 6:00 THE BIG MUSICAL FUN SHOW! "BABES IN ARMS" - i t a r r i n g - , MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND And Hundreds fat a Big Cast! A l i o -- "MEK1BABIES" Walt Disney Cartoon - Latest News WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY December 13 - 14 ^ Benefit Show of the / Alenite Recreation Club On the Screen < DUST BE MY DESTINY" -- with --> John Garfield - Priscilla Lane ALSO -- Cartoon - Latest News Rose Winn, Mrs. Siedachlag and Mrs. Edith TOrner. Mrs. Ina Gracy, Ruth and John Gracy and Miss Hazel Sanders vis- j WANTED -- A second-hand organ, ited Grandma Gracy at Ridgefield on|Writc Box "S," care of The Plain- Wednesday tevenmg. I dealer. 29 Mrs. Elsie Benish spent several days Uat week with friends in Chicago. j Approximately flf^y-flve people attended the card party given by the Lotus Chorus Club in Town Hall on Friday night. In the game of five hundred, prizes were won by Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Chester Stevens, Walter Winn and Math Nimsgera Pinochle prize winners were Mrs. Otto Schueneman, H. S. Myers and H. B. McGinnis. In bunco, Mrs. Davy, Ralph Pierce and Hazel Sanders were awarded the prizes. . A special prize went to Ralph Pierce, Following cards, refreshments were served. The committee in charge wishes to thank all who attended and those who gave donations. , Mrs. Fred Harms has gone to West Virginia where she was called by the illness of her daughter. She expects to remain with her daughter for quite some time. She had been employed in the William Kattner home. ! -Forty-five guests were present in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION!---We May in Johnsburg on Friday night have a poultry expert who will worm, in honor of Mr. May's fortieth birth- jcu^» an<* vaccinate your poultry, day anniversary. Among those from!**1"1668 very reasonable. FARMERS here who attended were Messrs. andj^kL, Phone 29. 23-tf Mesdames Arthur Kattner and son, GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let as B i l l y , B e n M a y , G e o r g e W . M a y , E d - - , ; . n ~ v ^ , [Win May and childrenf Peter M.y and!?"P<^ * y°ST **!?• '.on, Raymond May. Oat-of-town " oft*"er , * dCTlred' Rc"<m»l>l« rates. Regular year round route. iHDicrr rot T.it« MAN, a. jr. DAW, ROR EMBEZZLEMENT Claims for old-age and survivors in surance may be filed after November 30, 1939', although the payment of benefits will not begin before next year, Albert S. Lewis, Manager of the Social Security Board's field office aj Waukegan announced,, last V day. The Board ha* instructed field office managers to begtn the study of claims as soon as they are filed, he said, to ensure the prompt distribution of benefits. "We already have sent letters to wage earners who reached the age of sixty-five and were paid lump-sums equal to three and one-half per cent of their total taxable wages," Mr. Lewis said. "We notified them that they may now, under amendments to the Social Security Act, be entitled to regular monthly benefits for the remainder of their lives. Many of these persons undoubtedly will be eligible for such benefits and many who have not filed claims will be able to meet the more (liberalized requirements of the revised law." The amendments do away with the stipulation that a man cannot accumulate wage credits after he is sixty-five. He may claim his benefits at sixty-five but the amendments make it possible for him to accumulate enough wage credits to entitle him and his survivors and dependents to insurance benefits regardless of his age. ^ Howard J. Davis, 33, of Fox Lake, former treasurer for the Shields township school district, was chaxnadfwith ting 96,805.66 of the s®ftictVi money and bonds and Monday bj the December d jury at Waukegan. Jlghteen counts were contained in the .indictment against Davis, each alleging that he took various amounts of the school district funds from March 28 to July 18, 1938. Alfred B. Bowman of Lake Bluff replaced Davis as school treasurer by HOLD IMPORTANT PMA MEETING, WOOQDSTOCK, •j n WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 A sectional meeting of all directory district officers, local officers and many members of the Pure Milk association from Rock, Wlalworth, Kenosha and Racine counties in Wisconsin and Boone, McHenry, Lake, Cook, DuPage and Kape counties in Illinois, will be held in St. Mary's gymnasium at Woodstock. 111., on Wednesday evening, December 13, 1939, at 8 o'clock. Arthur H. Lauterbach, general manager of the Pure Milk association, and N. J. Cladakis, Federal Market Administrator for the Chicago Market VIVIAN BOLGER IS INJURED IN CRASH THURSDAY MORNING the trustees, Roy Steele, .Daly Mon-lin£ area> wil' be the principal speakroe and J. Russell Miller. Last May! ers and wiH hav® a veiT important the trustees filed a civil suit against messa£e for all dairymen, the sureties of Davis' bond, claiming that he failed to turn over the full amounts of the school district's funds and bonds to his successor. Two judgments for approximately 96,000, the amount of the alleged shortage in Davis' account, had been obtained by the trusteees against the bondsmen in circuit civil proceedings. Davis is to be taken into custody on the criminal capias for embezzlement. Bond on the charge was set at 13,000. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS --On homes and farms, in and around McHenry, HI. Low interest rates. Sec Kent A Co. Inc., McHenry, 111., Phone 8. 28-tf Vivian Bolger of this city and Paul E. Hart of Elgin were injur-1 ed early last Thursday morning wlien their automobile was forced off U. S Route 20 near Mt. Hope cemetery.; Elgin, and struck a pole. Both are| employed at the Elgin State hospital,! FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per, ^?,ss Bolfr employed as a! head for _oil;d or d-oo wn h.o r.s es and, co.w . s;. 8 The two erw" ere .ta k^ en to a doc.t or ,s , . Q an<! "'£*1 I office and later were returned to thej service, Sundays and holidays mclud- state hogpital. Hart told Sgt. Walter j Groth and Patrolman William Eddy! and G. B. Bendewald that he was! driving west and that his car was forced off the pavement by two east-' bound machines as one tried to pass { the other. Hart lost control of the; wheel and the car hit a pole. , I Miss Bolger suffered two lacera-j tions of the forehead, bruises and shock, while Hart received a broken' nose. Miss Bolger is expected to re ! turn to her home south of McHenry! today. She is recovering nicely. ed. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hoffman and children, Mr. and Mrs. John „ ... „ .. Doetsch and Miss Lorraine Nett of,Sn,ith- Phone 865 or 63^M"1- 2"tf Wilmette; Messrs and Mesdames DEAD ANIMALS--We want them- Steve Schaefer and sons, Fred May and sons, John Weber and daughters and William Britz from Fox Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. EWred Johnson and children, McHenry. A group of friends attended the Penny Supper at Richmond church last week. They enjoyed an excellent meal. Mrs. Frances Price of Racine spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke. Thomas Madden of Rockford visited 'Jim Madden and Mrs. Mary Harms on Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Alvin Westman and children of Woodstock were Sunday visitors'at the Frank Sanders home. Guests in the William Shotliff home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Somers tend dhildr^n of May-wood, BE IT ORDAINED by Aa City Carl Stevens, ajid Thomas Madden of. Council of the City of McHenry, Mc- Rockford. , \ | Henry County, Illinois, as follows, to- Dr. YoUnpr and family of Chicafeo wit: spent Saturday and Sunday in their SECTION I. That paragraph 251 home in Colemar. I of Article II of the Municipal Code Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myera and 0f the City of McHenry be, and the formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Pay Cash! f 1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 AN ORDINANCE . AMENDING AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING FOOD DEALERS AND KNOWN AS CHAPTER 12, AR-« TICLE 11, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. The B e a u t i f u l i j r o v A i ! CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY James Cagney in "THE ROARING TWENTIES" V with Priscilla Lane ! Humphrey Bogart - Jeffrey tyyna, SUNDAY AND MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. -- 26c to 6 p. 30c after; Child. - Ite MICKEY ROONEY ' JUDY GARLAND "BABES IN _ with _ Chas. Winninger - Gay 'Ribbfe America's No. 1 Musical Fun Show! WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY FVanchot Tone in FAST AND FURIOUS-' -t »m s«>thern daughters Were visitors in the A1 Benish home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Pittges and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson in Rockford. They also attended the 'bi*t!hday celebration Vrf Mr. Schmeltzer's grandfather. Miss Lucille Nimsgera spent sever* al days with her sister, Bernieee, in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson and Elmer Johnson of Boyceville, Wis., are visiting in the Eldred Johnson home. On Monday, they attended the Livestock Exposition in Chicago. Mrs. Ben Winn entertained Circle Number Three of Richmond Women's Council at her home on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meters, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer.. Smith and Mrs. Nick Freund visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tonyan in Lake Bluff Sunday. * Spring Grove Ladies' Aid is collecting canned fruit and vegetables for the Lake Bluff Orphanage. They will! Applications exchange jars for your full ones. Share any surplus you have with this worthy institution. Dedication of the'nfew building adjoining the Community church is to take place Sunday. A pot-luck dinner will be-fenjoyed after services. Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Charles Freund spent an evemng at cards. in the home of Mrs. Al Schmeltzer on Monday night. Mrs. jjj. Freund and vMrs. Nimsgern were awarded the prises. A lovely lunch wgr served.. same is hereby amended so that said paragraph 251 shall read as follows, to-wit: It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any vehicle, including wagons and motor vehicles and vehicles propelled by human power, for the storage or carrying of meat, poultry, fish, butter, cheese, lard, vegetables, bread or bakery products, or any other provisions ihtended for human consumption, including beverages and milk, in the city for the purpose of delivering any such foodstuffs to any place in the city for use and consumption in the city for such purposes, or for re-sale, unless a license for such vehicles is first secured and the provisions ' of this article are fully complied with. SECTION II. That paragraph 252 of Article II of the Municipal Code of the City of McHenry be, and the same is hereby amended so that said paragraph 252 shall read as follows, to- ^MINGEVSNTft December 8 O. E. S.--Installation of Officers. . - December 1$ East River Road Pihochle--Mrs. 0. E. Smith.. . December 14 W. C. 0, F. -- Christmas Party --- St. Mary - St. Patrick hall. Ladies' Aid--Christmas Party--M. E church hall. December 16 "The MagTp Gift"--Operetta--Com- Children's Party--Sponsored by Mothers Cl^-^-K^C. hall. Decemlber 17 P.-T.A. -- Public Card Far* i* St. Mary - St. Patrick hall. < **** "December 21 Children's Party--Sponsored by P.-T. A.--St. Mary - St. Patrick hall. for such licenses shall be made to the City Clerk, and shall recite the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, the name or names of the per- - sons from whom such deliveries are made, and the nature of the goods ^•carried. The clerk shall iseue such licenses and shall give to £he Health Officer a list of all sucli licenses issued. The annual fee for such vehicles shall be Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars for each fiscal year. The license fee from the effective date of this Ordinance until the beginning of the fiscal year on May 1, 1940, shall be Five is ($5.00) Dollars. SECTION III. All ordinances heretofore passed in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The invalidity of a*ny part of this Ordinance shall not affect such parts of this Ordinance as shall be otherwise valid. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to feaw. .»--^ ' - , Approved: R. I. OVERTON, I ' Mayor. ; Attest: EARErttrVALSH, • City Clerk. Passed: December 4, 1939. Approved: December 4, 1989, Published: December 7, 1989. Subscribe for The PUindealer AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478, Woodstock, 111. The undersigned having decided t<i quit farming will sell at public auction on what is known as the Lines farm, located 2 miles west of Hebron, fl miles east of Harvard TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 Commencing at 10:00 a.m., sharp, the following described property without reserve. 47 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 47 44 - Head Cattle - 44 31 Hoi stein Cows, new milkers and close springers; 12 Holstein heifers coming 3 years old, will freshen in early spring. This is a real good herd mostly home raised. TThey are young and most of them are either in only a short time or will be fresh within n short time. One Holstein bull. 3 - Horses - 3 One sorrel horse 11 years old, wt. 1650; gray mare 10 yrs. old, wt. 1400; bay mare, 12 years old, wt. 1400. Farm Machinery and Furniture F-20 McCormiek Deering tractor on rubber, new; McCormick Deering 14 in. 2-bottom tractor plow; McCormick Deering 7 ft. tractor disc; tractor corn cultivator; 8-ft. McCormick Deering grain binder; McCormick Deering corn binder. International 14-in.. type E. silo filler; iron beam walking plow; four section harrow; two section harrow cultipactor; 8 ft. Van Brunt single disc grain drill; McCormick Deering corn planter with fertilizer attachment; single row corn cultivator. McCormick Deering 6 ft. mower; McCormick Deering side delivery rake; McCormick Deering hay loader;; iron wheel wagon; 3 in. truck wagon with flat rack; hay rack; McCormick Deering manure spreader; International feed grinder. Gehl hammer mill; sleighs; Pine Tree Surge milking machine with two single units and pipe for 35 cows; % horse electric motor: fanning mill; grindstone; corn sheller; wheel barrow; 7«5x7 in. drive belt. 8 milk cans, pails and strainer.; wash and sterilizing tank equipment; set of breeching harness; set back pad harness; 100 ft. garden hose; hay Tope, fork and pulley; fgrks, shovels and all small tools used on a farm; one pump jack; one milk can box; one field cultivator. This is an extra good lot of machinery. Most of it was new this and last season and been housed and well tak en care of. It is like new and ig an opportunity seldom offered where" a)? machinery is as good a lot as this. One kitchen cabinet; 6 dining room chairs; one dining buffet; 2 steel beds with springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; Mayflower coolc stove. Peed and Grain 5 tons oat hay in barn; 25 tons alfalfa hay in barn; 20 tons cut fodder; 100 tons of silage; 500 bu. good barley; 1600 bu. ear corn. This being a large sale all machin ery will be sold before noon so V* there on time. Lunch will be served on grounds all pay. , p> TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $25 .and under cash. Over that amount a credit of 6 mos. time will be given o« approved bankable notes satisfactory to clerk bearing rate of 7 per cent interest. Those desiring credit please make arrangements with bank before sale. Positively no property to be removed until settled for with cleric. XKN VANDERPAL "First ^National Bank of Woodstock Clerk: V. 8. Rnbber ConsumptkMl The United States consumM roughly half the world's annual pro* duction of rubber, largely because of intensive development of the automotive industry. QTTKXN or SHOIJUiD SaNDS DBUOHTFlTL " LITTER TO McHENBY Although the years roll by, life doea not lose its ever re-occurring thrills for Miss Maud Cnrr, well known local resident, who, this week, received another letter from Queen Elizabeth of England. ^ . Bearing the coat of arms of Buckingham Palace, the gracious letter was written by the queen's lad'y-inwaiting, Helen Graham, a member of the rojtel household, (in answer to Miss Curr's letter of recent date enclosed was a lovely photograph of the two charming little princesses* Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. Miss Curr was delighted to recdhnfe * All members of the Pure Milk asso-' Si? u*1,™!? TiTf *** ciation and also members of other ua ****"** co-operatives, as well a.% independent % 9 ° roeTr!ori"s milk producers, are cordially invited came here from her beauto attend this meeting. j £,ful Scottish home in 1901 and has Business men in the various towns• t^entv vm!*8'®!? citizen for about, are also cordially invited and, as their i :jv 0f JL„ rh;i, f8 °"e,P interests are very closely woven to- _ „ . r" er ather being" gether with that of the dairy farmer, * d «hf uTf *"d hfe" "^•fturer, the present time from two very well executives* poems and composed several songs. CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 Santa Claus will be at Althoff's in -isi t, . . _ , , West McHenry on Saturday, Decem- Select your Christmas Cards from ber 16. ^ The Plaindealer line. Prices range ^ •>. $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made Order your Robber 5tampe a*»Tfce in two days from time order is placed. Plaindealer. 0 FAMILY V GIFT * Furniture is a gift which the whole family can enjoy. Below we are offering many helpful suggestions to the shopper av, this holiday season. Furniture is a gift that will last 'for years and provide a lar^e amount of comfort and happiness. This year give furniture and make your selections at this store. M FAVORED GIFT FOR ^^2} TMMT FAVORITE PCKS0M 0« WW XMAS LIST-A CASWELl-RUNYAN Lounge Chairs and Ottomans YOU thrilled gift that •b« will cherish Lamps of all Kind# tf CONVENIENT-USEFUL AND iSw<<&*/ Knee-Hole Desl {CONVENIENT, nttfel tod beautiful--thest three words so aptly describe the Caswell-Runyan Perfec Sewing Cabinet! It cornea fuiiy equipped with thread, yarn, darning needles, etc. Yo« can plan on long years of enjoyment and practical usability with *<« new creation of Caswell Runyan. Expert craftsmen have added their skill to a snperb finish. This sewing cabinet must be seen to be truly apprein today {«!. Yoo use itco^ Smoking Stands Free - Westinghoup Electric Sewing" Machines ,4? ABC Washers and Ironers Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites Inner Spring Mattresses ---Bridge Sets ^Studio Couch|p -Pull-up Chairs - Platform Rockers --Breakfast Sets Carpet Sweepers - Vacuum Cleaners Occasional Tables Lamp Tables Pier Cabinets' , Kitchen Pictures Rugs ' Bookers ' TOR CHILDKEHf Sleds Doll Carriages Table and Chair Set Velocipedes Autos Rocking Hones Rockers and Chairs jons Secretary Desk Hassocks Mirrors Card Tables Desk Chairs Hampers Pillows JACOB JUSTEN1& GREEN and ELM STREETS McHENRY, ILLINOIS