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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1939, p. 5

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"SO I HEAR" ' •, mum«emi, ms. • • •* •. EARL WALSH . **What have they cot?* 3k'A the beginning of last year. This lAtOlm KXOKXATIOM is only his sophomore year. Tag himj for future developments ^ i •-»- k "In" Laores should ha a top pesp»jformer this year. He played a lot of good basketball last year. Got bounced from too many games for having four personal fouls. Has a way with him and always cornea up with an Buim mow I KCEMBEK 13 AMD 14 PALACSftALLEYg ies that went like this: 167. 288 - 212 x •jfj That's the way the question 'has Seeii j ^nnoc®n' ^ didn t do nuthin' look." v;'lhot at us the past week about our: Yse~ 8 *°t hips Fnd«y night, but fiifch school basketball team. |dont think that foxy grandpa coach " p_ | didn't see that. Take away those fouls Well, they started &ve 8-footers «n<* "I 1 r*" ^ a wo* of a basket-, ball player before the season goes far. Has what it takes! • ;. 1 " •{ Geno Unti has seen quite t of action and should fill In nicely at guard. j|gain8t Wauconda last Fri4fUT night. somethin'. Truthfully, we havent ken ride to make up our mind as to what this feam can or will do. Schedule: Sunday Monday -- Ladies' League. Tuesday -- Ciiy League. t Wednesday •*-- Old Timers. Thursday --- X. of C. FSpday -- C.Q.F. , -Saturday -- Open bowling. 'i'.. '0 Palace Alleys:- In the Old Timer* league, Jipi Sayler chalked up a ?22 game. Les Another lady star shines. Frances Freund chimes in with a 225 game. Other leading scores for the week: Smith of Harvard K. of C. -- 578; Pete "Freund -- 578 and (^eorge Weber -- 563 with .the Canadiens. m K. of C. • M. Walsh, 405; A. P. Ifejmcl 888; Yanda, 402; Art Tonyan, 898; J Frisby, 471. Total--205#. E. Sutton, 452; Murphy, 897; Paul Justed « sophomore at St. Ambrose college,, Davenport, Iowa, enjoyed his Thanksgiving, vacation this weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. o Chris Smith, left last Thursday for Iowa. From there he intends to travel to Butte, Montana, where he will remain for a few months! Let's look at the team that saw, Donald Howard was a high scorer Action in the fU&t gama. with the second team last year. Not < t * • "r~ T -J™?, U"' pi6B^ ^1', H,M *' -- - -- -- ™ --«u w ^ « ^ "T **1** !Kood eye H,s coach ^ Plenty'holiday season, the Alemite Recreation 1®^W* parkin and Bobby Stilling at the for- of spots for him. dub, of the Alemite Die Casting Di " ' vision, Woodstock, Illinois, is mobil- John Garfield and PHscilla Lane As is their usual custom around the _ Bill Marshall was a Chicago caller Adams went like this ioi - 169 - 211 j Walsh, 378; Nye, 46J; Conway, 468. Sunday mornihg. -- 581. A little more umph on that Total~2151- • M,ss Manruerite Fretiitd of Mount second game would have nut him over I G- Frisb.v, 425; Blake, 886; J. Mil- Mary college. Milwaukee,- Wis., spent 000. - ller, 420; Whiting, 420; Wifkel, 582 » few Wednesday evening to , * $ m . • I. - - .! Total-2183. tTncle B# SmWife Wj . P- Schaefer 482; G. Miller, *17; predicted in Bowling Notes last week.l„"^. 5t?r' * ' Regner, 516; W. How do you like tHs: 198 - 237 - 232i®u^°n' Total---2417. -- 667| |tr|tappened in the Forester' f Udies* Lesjpis re*- *'ard positions. At center, Bob Schults ^V.'ii5ahled to the circle. Richard "Nickie »'.A•?•• '..jreond aud Joe Gausden were the '-vguards. There are your 6-footers. "I11 ' v •'* Freund played a lot of guard last ? y e a r a n d s h o u l d h i t a f i n e s t r i d e t h i s Reason. His game last week didn't ' ' Come up to last year's performances Jh our eyes, but we aren't worrying ijbout that. Richard, "Dick" or e ^Nickie" will rate high in the county |pis year or well miss our guess. Sit: --1-- Joe Gausden has shifted positions fluite a bit ever since his grade school 4fiays. Coach Reed now has him teamed up with Freund at guard and he looks like bad medicine for fast charging forwards. • --«-- ' Bob Schultz scored from every angle Friday night in sinking 11 baskets. Schultz is a big whopper. His passing Wasn't so hot -- he dribbled in earnest if not too smoothly -- he didn't move back on defense too fast -- But, he scored 23 points -- so whathell more can we ask in one game? --«-- Sbhultc is somewhat unpredictable All we know is that we'd rather have, kim on our team than ag'in us. --I-- tLarkin showed promise last year, it was set back a-ways with illness, is actions on the floor seemed smooth In the first game. A tendency toward drifting into the coffin corner for his ifjiots was about all we could criticize if criticise we mtfst! --I-- . > Bobby Stlling has gone a long way Sunday, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nilk Freund. Miss Jane Durland, a freshman at Clarke college, Dubuque, Jowa, helped ^arrner' ^fu»d returned to her < ^ Mr P Harry home after several weefa **** in a week's visit with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann are spending a few days in Milwaukee where they are attending the Welldriller convention. Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Conway enjoyed a pot-luck supper at the meeting ef the V. F. W^-a4 the Legion hall in Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon and evening. *• Vernon Reinbolt, Jfhett Degan, Vivian Reinbolt and Walter Smith attended a moving picture in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Robert Sutton %f Richmond visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay, Tuesday. C Mrs. Nellie Bacon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and daughters of Woodstock and Miss Maxine Bacon of Chicago Sunday. Miss Carmen Freund returned to her sjpjs : ^nr p Freund -- G. Miller, 282; L. CoxjDurland' *lehnU« Thanksgiving la?t 282; Hayte, 842; Freund, 428. Total Thursday- " • ' -- 1284. Rovena Marshull, who is recuperet-1 Wilhrandt Marv 94A- M w.1 Dick Weber showed on ocafSions in wing its forces behind a drive to pro- ct fJmromnt *sint aarpmpaeiun)dwe>c*tAomniyn , mrolIlUedJ x^a. r_ ^' » M. Wllu im/1a -t~ :v • . KM) in Tier l»t n»tA CV«' . ' y» The Miss^S Kathryn, Isabell and Lucille Simon, Dorcas Howe, and Arthur , _ . . . .. , . E„ , . , , ^ : U....UV, W. v>wiiw ay, 396: Fits- "Curly" McVkrkers and Jerome Buch the past that he can score points.; vide many needy families with Christ- , s^nes Jer, , match. She jjrer&id. 344. Total--1428 ! spent Sunday evening ia Chicago. How he does it, we dunno. Has a mas baskets. This year, to replace P^bably wont he doing much bowling Barbiaa -- G. Barbian *517- E Mil-1 Frank Hugher and son, Raymond, straight shot--no arch. Well be the ever popular "Days of '49," the tr°nn* ^ rais-|ler, 379; Vachet, 425; D. Weber, 288. »nd Clayton Hughes of Crystal Lake ; Total--1598. ' returned home Friday night after enweek of huntuttg quail and shot--no arch. __ , . _ „ „F watcbang him and let yea know how! ARC is sponsoring a benefit movie 110ven*1 later. at the Miller Theatre, December 18 and 14. Eart Eddy relied a 249 game and in^s^'^'KenneWk61^'- sat nave tney got7" Our They have been very fortunate in 8ll whWehls-teammate. tJhl-jer, 889. ' Totai-1419 ' hest answer is -- A lot of work ahead!; being able to select one of the most ro <?'f wa lfn,1 behI"d 4 w^h a„2^ and | --I-- j entertaining movies of the year, "Dust SL wl * McHlnryt Reed has a nice bunch of fellows. Be My Destiny" for their benefit show ^ - They wouldn't he there if they weren't Starring John Garfield and Priscilla good fellows. They should *da more'Lar.s, "Dust Be My Destiny" has been games than'they lose --I-- • " ' las one of the big hit shows of the This game of basketbal ls fast and film season. It is a straight-from-the exciting. Better get into the habit heart tale of two young "nobodies" of seeing the games. It gets in your;who fall in love, marrv, and who ask blood after a while. . , | --' a : I to earn fheir living and a place to Now, Here's Soarethln': ' |hang their hats. But even these Dear So I Hear: simple things are denied them, be- I think more attention should be' cause the boy is a fugitive from jusgiven to the Lightwetgiht basketball I tice, for a murder which he didn't comteam; after all, they have to practice mit. Even when the boy, through his as much as the first team. heroism, aids in the capture of a hand I also think it would be a good idea to have a county tournment for the Lightweights; this could be held at one of the smaller schools who, never have a tournament. "PROFESSOR SNAP." Dear "Professor Snap" ky .n iw Z - *•«"' Old Timers Team 1 -- J. Schmitt. 470; Carl- °i?_e ,W^rld excfpt th,e riffht 498': Smit^^L^'T^LMM 68 Team 564; Perkins, 443: Meyers, 488; Rog' ers, 520. Total--2454V Team 2 -- Karls, 433; Covalt, 482; J. Schaefer. 474; Freund, 516; Adams, 581. Total--2486. of notorious bank robbers, the shadow of the law hangs over him. His vin- »}' ^ ****' dication in the climati|B courtroom er, 889. Match Games Harvard K. of C. -- T. King, 498; J. Condon, 423 ; D. OUalleran, 390; Bruno Grimell! led the Palace Meis- R" W Sheilds' 411 scene forms a poignant ending. •WTvh is poplar co-starrrri,n,,gp team is G. Justen, 466; Simon, 455; Ed Smith, ably supported by a large cast headed aen oar* ' bv Alan Hale, Frank McHugh, Billy ®67, Tota|--Z463- Halop. Bobby Jordan, Charles Grape- By golly, * 'Professor Snap," jou wj^li ^H^nry" T U.1 u A1 J xr:-? ' Weber, 477. Totel--2396. -Home Killed Pork- Friday & Saturday Specials! Pork Loin Roast, lb. Fresh Hams, half or whole, lb. 174 Pork Butts, home style, lb. 154 Fresh Side Pork, lb. 174 Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. 144 Pork Liver, lb 124 .Native Short Rib of Beef, lean, lb. _ 124 Fresh, Meaty Spare Ribs, lb. 154 Home-rendered Pure Lard, 5 «». 444 : (bring your pail) Pig's Heada* half oif;; :-~ whole, lb. ™. • &4 Old-Fashioned Home-made Head Cheese, 3-lb. tin 44* REGNER'S Grocery & Market -- Phone 3 -- have some ^reat ideas there.. |John Litel, Maroni Olsen and Victor Can we just call you Snappy" for (Kilian. sh«orr t? , . . , Through the courtesy and hearty AAK* We agree that the second team has j co-oneration of the management of }45' J ^ H , to practice as much as the first team the Miller Theatre, the Alemite Rec- 4qq. Sf,' -- and a heckofalot more! Just think ration Club will receive a large per- Sf',, , ' ^hennes, 497; of all the pushing around they have centige of all advance sale tickets Winkel» 614' Total--2864 y) to take from those big blokes. W'ere And, as in past vears. the entire pro- „ JL K. of C. ^ , - weakening toward your side. !ceeds from the benefit show will be Fordham -- Weber, 481; Larkin, Last year we thought some of USed to give many families a Happy ?®7; Guffey» 440; Tonyan, 487; Stillchanging that name from second team an(] Merry Christmas. ing, 456. Total--2231. to lightweights, then a guy like Bobby Advance tickets are now on sale. __Notr* Da"e -- Fitz- 438; Freund, Schaefer -- Cleveland. 271: Still- joying a other game in the mountains of Kentucky. During their absence, Mrs. Frank Hughes spent the week with relatives in Seneca arfd Richland Center, Wis. Total! Miss Margaret Won of Clarke coli -- 2168. >'-.j j lege, Dubuque;'Iowa, Sf^nt the week- McHenry K. of C. H. Schaefer, end with her foWner classmate, Miss 474; Nye, 488; Walsh, 472; Conway',' Marjf Durland. T • 467; J. Frisby, 472. Total 2328. Mr- and Mrs- John Felr and friends I from Davenport, Iowa, 'were weekend McHenry K. of C. -- E. Sutton, 482;! quests at the Math Bauer home. G. Frisby, 478; W. Sutton, 521; Ton-' Mrs- Ben Justen and daughters, t -- AAA. e«. i y*n- 469; A Schaefer, 491. Total--Bertha Bet nice, and son, Paul, wattles, 444, Sayler, 2391. J visited Dr. Jerome Justen at Momence Harvard K. of C. -- McCabe, 491; I Saturday- Sullivan, 445; Browne, 517; Smith,1 William H. Atthoff, Maurice Glad- 578; Palmer, 508. Total--2539. stone, Fred Ferwerda and C. H. Duker attended a banquet at Waukegan last Wednesday noon Miss Ines Bacon was a Chicago caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barbian of Walhalla, Mich., arreted Saturday for a week's viait with Mrs. Kathryn Bar bian. Mrs. Jack McLaughlin, daughter, Julia, Alice Gaulke, Mrs. Henry Stephenson and Mrs. Pink Harrison Total--2319. spent Monday at Milwaukee. " * U n t i , ^93; Knox, 489; O. Tough's Tavern -- W i r t * , 494: Wag-' Harry Bateman c l o s e d his summer Justen, 481; H. Weber, 512; A. ner. 491. Schreiner. 410: Hook. IKfl-'home north of town for the winter eago. Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mrs. Harvey Nye, Mrs. William Nye and Mm Gna Freund were Milwaukee visitors oa Tuesday. Donald Oivens was a Chicago wlUy Wednesday. Miss Helen Welch of Oak P*ek is visiting her sister^Mrs Clarence 1U|-- Mr. and Mrs. (»eorge Heimer of Saginaw, Mich., were called here this Thursday bv the death of his brotherin- law, Dr. F. J. Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Waukegan visited in the ^ome of their aunt. Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson are building a new home in the Wattles' subdivision. . % v ^ Woodstock -- Stone, 492; Clausen, 513; B. Johnson, 486; Knutson, 490; Kunda, 469. Total--2450. Canadiens -- Adams, 502; R. Con- Team S _ TVipi* 603; P. Freund, 578; G. Weber, t ? IZ e ' 46?:i568; H. Schaefer, 484. Total--2630. C. O. F. Team 2 -- Heimer, 483; Weingart,; kv 450- a 2: G. Freund. 458: Tnnv.n i«9.lDy' A Schaefer's McHenry Beer -- J. Fris- Schaefer, 513; L. C011- 462; Krause, 452. ner, 491; Schreiner, 410; Hook* 450; Lensen, 520. Total--2365v tow I and has moved to Chicago. | Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Callahan of Chicago were guests of her aunt, Mrs. I Etta Powers, Sunday. Miss Belle Carey of Elgin visited j her sister, Mrs, R, I. Overton, the 'past week. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence and APPEAL FILED TOP*" * STAY RUSSELL DEATH Attorney Don Rogers, counsel for Jack Russell, alias Oliver Dressier, who is under sentence to die January 5, for the kidnapping and murder of William Scott Hamilton. Arkansas City, Kas., salesman, filed notice of appeal Friday in the United States District court. Federal Jud?e Charles E. Woodward approved a nauper's petition for Russell, who lacked funds for the appeal, and announced he would stay the execution next week. Russell was corvicted on a charge of kidnappiner Ha \/ton after he escaped from the Oklahoma state prison. Volcanic Glass Knives Volcanic glass was quarried 1qr Indians in California's Mojave deeert and used fn make knives. Stilling had to come along. H he's (Kemilir Miller Theatre price of thirty S73; Carey» 3?5; Schn lightweight, we're a fairy. i cents for adults will prevail. Steffes, 53 C. Total--2115. Of course. dear old Snannv." the' « f DePaal -- Unlii.* 414: One of the objectives of the Boy ®®r. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Chi-k Schreiner, 398; Scout movement is to provide good, were guests in the Mrs. Moltie' t ! clean recreation. To gain this end;Giv^ns home Sunday. course, "Snappy," the; • j\ Unti, 414; Thompson, quite a number of means are used. Mr. and Mrs. George Kunstman and idea is that every dog has his day. As LOCAL CAGERS TAKE 1 4381 E" MarehaU, 409; W. Marshall, These include the songs and games at °ors of BaUvia visited relatives here these -second team boys earn their 1 advitvii vdau /it a bus - 414; Green, 475. Total--2105. jthe meetings, the patrol meetings, Friday spurs they are graduated to first team| UlrBWEK JvKUM UliASST Ixyyola -- McOefe, 378; Weldt, 489; woodworking meetings as with our' Mrs- Robert Thompson and Miss duty. We can't build'em up too fast. WAUCONDA FIVE 33 - 25 Regner, 485; R. Martin, 589; Kin- troop, hikes and other events. In-iMaud Gr*n*er were Chicago callers They might get the idea that they are, ^ sala, 525. Total--2316. deed, the whole advancement pro-iMonday good. Many a boy is a shining light McHenry High played their first - - T ~ on the second team and an also ran*^anie of basketball last Friday even- SOCIAL SECURITY OUTFIT. on the first squad That tournament idea isn't so bad. Have patience! MBiWte •«**»» "Snappy," old kid. i . - Yours, "S. I. H." Our old friend, Charlie Kuhnert, got City League gram, although it is intended to" be I James Kenneally, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Sehreiner' a^- Sehlosser, 496; Mil- educational, provides the Scouts with;?Fd Kennetlly, daughter, . . ing and opened the season with a 88 ler. 402; L. Smith, 467; Schreiner, enough work to keep them busy, nnd Mrs. Kenneally s _®V' to 25 win over Wauconda team. 510; Lenzen, 427. Total--2302. happy. There is really a good deal ^a ed on Mary U* e y While McHenry was not exactly im- Grimelli's -- Thorsell, 532; Gor- of fun and satisfaction in earning a J: t v m 1 v .»w . f nressive, it must be remembered that man, 461; J. G. Wagner, 513; Ritta, Merit Badge. Mrs. John Walsn ot vvaii the season has just begun. Many a 435; Grimelli, 565. Total-- 2506. In addition to the more regular Sun«®y evenipg f|tt M T ~ rough spot will be smoothed out be- Smith'8 -- Hobbs, 484; Hester, 400; forms of recreation listed above, the' ,ve8. for* the team hits mid-season form. J[usten, 548; Green, 508; Smith, 500. troop committeemen and Scoutmaster,' Schultz was the big gun on offense, Total--2440. | o r the area o f f i c i a l s , get t o g e t h e r a t ' Miss CcliJt Murray ( of Wauconda "»lled on her auntv-Mltf. Math Freund quite a wallop about an article he re-j scoring 23 points in the contest. Freund's -- Brda, 420; J. F. Wag-! intervals to plan events that stand, cently saw in a Chicago paper which( Advance dope had Wauconda paint- ner, 518; Carlson, 421; J. J. Wag-! out from the rest. They are the overtold of Louis Brenecka and his family of 19 living on a farm near Hebron. The clipping says they have no "Security" problems. Clothes problem? "Nothin to it," say the Breneckas. When one grows up, another one steps into his clothing. ed as a prettv classy outfit. It would- ner, 478; Freund, 485. Total--2322. ! night hikes, the Merit Badge shows, n't be surprising to see that dope bet- Ladies' League 1 area-wide Courts of Honor, the anter verified when their regular center Fords Page, 861; Knox, 874; F.,nual triP to a football game, etc. Miss Evelyn Justen was a weekend guest in Chicago,, . Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Martin of Grayslake visited l^cHehry friends on returns to action. , proehlich, 874 ;" J. Hei'mer, 321. Total j The m°8t recent " bi «" event of this,M «.d*y n^a^S Second Team Wins 26 to 16 1 1420. class was the overnite hike to the . ^ rnr„v _.e„ Wauconda's second team got off to McHenrv Lumber -- Covalt. 399: L.!HuntIey Scout cabin- This trip, held '*?* «"• J?aturdav. Miss Clara Stoffel. Miss Evelyn Gifts For Xmas % You'll lqye Ooldstripe 3 thread hose. They look as fine and filmy as 2-thread; wear like 4-thread. What's new in Pajamas? -- "Kayser Slumber-Jacks" • in flannelette, beautifully cut, tailored styles and color fast! » Kitten Mitts and Gloves-- the smart winter mitten they're brightly colored and gay; pretty and practical to make the Perfect gift! ! Chenille House Coats, red and blue, sixes 16,18 and 20 at $3.85 Also--Crepe Zipper Coats at ^ $J.95 Kathryn Barbian STYLE SHOP . . . . . , „ McHenry Lumber -- Covalt, 899; L.!"U»"Y tr,P'nKiU visitors at Wtaukesha. Wis.. Saturday, a jnmp on our boys, but 'Mac's" gang Blake, 845; Gert Weber, 825; Mrs. Dp^mber 1, was very Afferent from ^ Stoffei returned home with nnally hit stride for a rousing fvush. N. Freund, 328. Total---1397. .most of our hikes, and very success- T " ~ The column gets a report thatthreeR0ieer Wirtz, the Jackson brothers. Karls' Cafe -- Marshall, 650; H.!ful- considering the rainy weather. | ^ AiP_ftr,j.r Woodstock. Wonder Lakers -- Andy Knns, Walter Adams. Schaefer. Unti and Co'nway Weber 390- V Deidrich 327- Mrs About fifteen boys made the trip, go-1 c j uT^Pnkirt Ttinmnnna Schwalge and Jerry Kubovy Shoulder- \ saw action. Joe Jackson led the scor- Deltz 279 Total-1546 ™ ^ ^ Upent Sunday ® the Robfert Thompson ed their trusty muskets and braved with four baskets. Several of Wattles Drugs -- A. Froehlich 848* the perilous woods surrounding Witch these bovg show a lot of uromise. n wphpr ^70' If Vvrit^l MO- T* Lake in Manistee County, Michigan. Hebron. Huntley Next Budler «)1 Total--1349 Each came hoiKe with a deer. (We| Coach Reed takes his charges up to ' _____ K with a fireplace and a big hope there "Is, no mistake in spelling | Hebron Friday night for a real test Regner'e L. Thennes, 298; K. ^ ^re was started in the stove and when that "deer" te printed!. Hebron has a veteran team that is Brefeld, 861; Conway, 384; B. Then- a g^ohne lantern made the cabin dear! j sure to be much farther advanced Bes> 405. y Brefeld,' 862! Total [bright. We immediately set up the 11' •; " ;than the local squad. A Urge group jgio. ' ' folding cots which were in the cabin. Just to prove their story Jerry's of fans are expected to follow the Marion's Beauty -- R. Walsh 811*1 As there was room to cook for only Place is putting on a big Venison Dm- boys to this game. Green 411* Haoke 428* M Krause* a couple inside 41 number of campfirca ner next Sunday.^ It promises to bei It is expected that Hnfttley will 451. ju|ia McLaughlin, 450.' Total--!were soon around the cabin. The delicious. Line up to the right and , again blow into town on Saturday 2051 ' * jboys got some experience in starting don't crowd. _ j night with a scrappy outfit that never Carey Electric --> Gr'imelli ,340* A 'fires in the rain, for it began to come Thennes, 287; Lockwood, 400;' A.'i-down slightly. After the suppers wee ing over in cars driven by Mr. G. F. Peterson, Mr. Schoenholtz, Mrs Bell- j ^ Zimmer of Palatine spent mg and Mrs. Johnson We found the f d Week With her sister, cabm to be a snug httle log house, ' Joh^ R. Kn0, with a fireplace and a big wood stove.! Mrs g F KeltBt has returned from 4 1 Bmqm • ri an ImltmaUM fw) Social ImuMt The Plaindealer --I-- jlets down. Members and non-members alike en-1 Wauconda Jl joyed hearing Andy Puplis speak at j an open meeting in the Wl Werden last Thursday evening. j Floss --•-- | Oswald Most of you know that Andy wasjw. Porten an All-American Quarterback af Notre | Froehlich Dame a couple of years ago. He is Stone now coaching in the Crystal Lake high school -- And doin' all right for himself. His football team came through with the conference championship this fall. i Larkin --I-- t Weber Andy told of many amusing and Schultz interesting incidents' that occurred Howard during his football career. j Stilling --* Laures Andy, himself, got many,, a chuckle Freund out of a talk given by Father O'Rourke Unti -- another football star of another Gausden ..Z day. TOTALS . Little Finland seems to have given Hitltar a riln for front page honors. --»-- We've had our rs for game, little Finland, ft has happened before thai countries started out to. abolish war and wound up by having war abolish countries. ^ FOX RIVER YALLHY CAMP The Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its annual election of Officers Tuesday evening. The new officers are: Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer, Oracle; Mrs. Mary Freund. Past Oracle; Mrs.* Susan Olsen. Vice Oracle; Mrs. George Lindsay. Recorder; Mrs. Etta Wattles, Receiver: Miss Clara Stoffel, Chancellor; Mrs. Cora Bassett, i Marshall; Mrs. Pearl Peterson, Manager; Dr. Klontz. Physician. A Christmas party will be held after the next meeting on December 19. Small gifts will be exchanged at this Freund, 428; M. Sehiessle, 455. Totalieaten and the beds arran^ed, we gathmij 19Q5 I ered around the fireplace to roast McHenry Ice -- L. Stilling, 392;7 marshrrmllows. tell stories and sing. Wagner, 333; Berthold, 398; Kinsala, «TaPs" was bu*,ed for h*ht* out- 461* L. Krause, 441. Total--2025. About 8 o'clock the next morning, the M I k f noise «oinS on made xt impossible to , . , * __ sleep, so "up and about!" Fires were / Mnfeki. - Karls, 528; Itaw J |n /n(| those ^ br<.,kt|lsts •SI; G T r7', °^, ' 5M: Wmke" co4king. The variety .nd qu.lit? of 537. Total--^>71. j,^ dighes cooked Qn Qur hikeg jg McHenry Beer -- Meyer, 524; Fen- PF ner, 527; Phannenstill, 536; Uhlrich, 4 597; Eddy, 612. Total--2796. |. County League % . Meister Bran's -- E. Smith, 560; 2 Gus Freund, 475; H. Smith, 536; G. TOTALS 15 3 Weber, 443; Bruno, 582. Total--2626 X Schacfer's Meister Bran's -- Adams 0 487; Stilling, 479; J. Herdrich, 493; 0 P. Koob, 549; H. Simon, 552. Total -2560. % 18 ---- , tCHAEFER S ALLET8 surprising. Some of our boys are be- '•j coming quite practiced, producing omelets, pancakes, stews, oatmeal, biscuits and puddings. We spent the entire morning cooking and cleaning up, and were sorry when the cars arrived to take us home. We are all looking forward to the possibility of another trip to Huntley next spring. SCOUT DAVID SWANSON. GREEN STREET TAVERN The interior decorating is proceeding'. Come i nd tell us how you like it. The walls are flashed and await your approval. » WATCH FOE OUB GRAND OPENING JOE J . MILLER Among the Sick Richard Salter of Richmond was ad; mltted to the Woodstock public hos-j Schedule: ' Sunday -- Open howltffc Monday -- C. O. F. Tuesday Afternoon--Ladies. Tuesday -- K. of C. Wednesday -- Fox Lake. ™ - Thursday--Commercial Leagee. Friday -- Open bowling. Saturday -- Opes bowling.* •»*>(?« ;• -T:T. ,»V: 1. time, guest. Each pital over the weekend for medical treatment. Mrs. Fred Dosch is recovering from a heart attack at her hmoe at Lily La^e. Schaefcr's Alleys s- Ethel Cooper of Richmond entered Gertie Barbian mewed fUto dOWR Woodstock hospital over the,weekend this week -- 517 pins. for surgery. % ' > v Jack Weber, little son of Mr. and Joe Regner sandwiched m a 201 Mrs. Robert Weber, underwent a ton- game the other night. Hear tell he silectomy at the Woodstock hospital was talked out of a high series. Saturday. ' j Math Freund has been absent from . Whoops! Bob Conway reports that his work as a teacher in the Lily Lake Marion Krause hit 555 in open bowl* school several days the #ast week due ing. Her high game was ZU. LeRoy to illness. i "Mike" Cortway also ran. Mrs. John Phalin has been quite ill t " • ~ may invite a]at her home since sheHras taken.sick' John P. Weber, an old wood-cutter, VEHICLE LICENSE NOTICE City vehicle licenses become due on January 1. Fees payable to the city Clerk under new ordinances are as follows: Passenger vehicles for private use and trucks of less , than one ton capacity $2.00 Freight or merchandise carrying vehicles -- oiie to two ton capacity ....$3.00 over two ton capacity ..$5.00 Motorcycles ,...$1.00 Public passenger vehicles having capacity of seven or less $2.50 Public passenger vehicles with capacity of over seven persons $4.00 Automobile dealers «...$5.00 CITY COUNCIL OF McHENRY. early Tuesday morning. really trkrmed 'em down in a 612 ser- Santa CI a us will be at Althoff's in West McHenry on Saturday, December 16. 29 Flowers for the holiday season. Evergreen blankets and wreaths. McHenry Floral Co. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. 29 Friday and Saturday SPECIALS APPLES -- Jfiancy Jonathan or Delicious . ORANGES Large California, 176 sue ..._. MIXED NUTS -- Extra fancy ... FLOtJR McHenry Early Riier, 24y,Jb. EGGSF -- Strictly frfth PORK SAUSAGE MEAT -- Home-made BEEF POT ROAST -- Fancy PACKAGE BACON -- Sliced BARBIAN BROS. do*. 29^ lb. 21e sack 69 C *01. 25^ lb. 20o Jb. 23r lb. 25o We Delivt-if Phone 180 Riverside Drive

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