Yourself and friends are cordially invited ; 3 to attend our annual • .* fiz; „ *h} Christmas Poultry Part)| on Saturday Evening, December 16 at HARRY FREDRICK'S PLACE Hearl & Green Sta«-- Next door to McHenry Brewery ^ ^ McHENRY J ; : ILLINOIS - Come and glf^ir Christmas tttrkey or goose TURKEY DINNER -- 50c Phone McHenry 876 >ALACE ALLET8N Schedule. Sunday -- Open bowling Monday -- Ladies' LeaifM Tuesday -- City League. Wednesday -- Old Tinier*. Thursday -- K. of C. • Friday -- C.O.F. Saturday -- Open bowl)ttC» jfr.. m-.4*^ :.T Old Timers G. Wattles, 608; J. Sayler, 448; J. Perkins, 510; Wm. Meyers, 470; P. Rosrers, 560. Total--2491. | J. Karls, 450; F. Covalt ,409; J. ! Schaeffer, 511; N. Freund, 538; L. 1 Adams, 499. Total--2407. J. Schmidt, 418; N. Carlson, 415; M. Schaeffer, 440; C. Hughes, 518; E. Smith, 535. Total--2821. C. Goodell, 489; T. Wilson, 378; J. Crlsty, 582; A. Barbian, 419; E. HATS OFF TO RED CROSS ROLL CALL CHAIRMAN, WORKERS . Elmer J. Freund, Chairman of the 1039 Red Cross Roll Call, and his co-workers have completed a thorough canvas of the territory assigned the |fcHenry unft, increasing previous •umber of memberships. The response of citizens in this city as well as that of the good people in Johnsburg and Spring Grove contributed much to their success. The undersigned, members of the executive committee, do hereby appreciate the time and diligence given by said chairman and his co-workers in co-operating with the American Red Cross through the local unit Mrs. Jack Walsh, Chairman. Mrs. James N. Sayler, Secy. Gerald J. Carey, Treas. Wo*ideful bojcas of clous candy, that will delight the wife, mother or girl friend. ; . These days a carton of cigarettes will always be -Either appreciated. We have all vftbe popular brand*! Remember Brother, Grandpa, Bad or that Boy Friend with a pipe and large can of their favorite brand of smoking TURKEY DINNER EVERY SUNDAY, 75^ IPPPSS LUNCH EVERY DAY, 35^ AND UP ^ Foantain sendee Dei,,*, _2__ ^ ^ *>• Cigars and Cigarettes ---- AUCTION L. H. FREEMAN & SON, Tel. 118, Hebron, 111., Auctioneers The undersigned, having purchased a farm in Iowa and moving to aaaie in the near future, will sell at public auct oq on what is known as the old Townsend farm, located 2% miles west of Round Lake, 3 miles northeast) of Volo, 1% miles south of Lone Lake, 7 miles west of Grayslake, 7 miles east of McHenry, on the Wooster Lake Road, 1 mile north of Route 20, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1939 Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property without reserve:- 68 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 27 DURHAM, GUERNSEY & HOLSTEIN COWS -- 12 head Durham heifers coming 2 years old, some bred to freshen this coming spring; 1 pure bred registered Durham bull, 2 years old. Two of these Durham cows are registered, balance of herd are high grades. They are all young; a great number are first and second calf. They are a high producing herd with an average butterfat test of 4.5, and this is an oppotunity to buy the good young kind at auction seldom offered in any locality, so be here and take advantage of this sale. 4 brood sows, wt. 875 lbs., bred to farrow the fore part of March; 1 Hampshire boar, wt. 350 lbs.; 23 head of Chester White shoata, wt. 150 lbs. HAY, GRAIN & FEED -- 500 bu. good oats, 4 tons ear corn in crib, 8 tons baled second crop alfalfa, 8 tons baled pure timothy hay; 4 tons baled mixed hay. 25 tons soy bean hay in barn, 24 ft. good silage in IS ft. silo. Machinery 16-in. Case tractor pkm; steel beam walking plow; 8 taction steel drag (like new); John Deere corn planter; one norse cultivator; 6 ft. McCormick mower; new Case dump rake; McCormick grain binder; McCormick corn binder; McCormick silo filler; 10 in. Hammer mill, (like new); New Idea manure spreader, (like new); 2 steel wheel truck wagons; set of bob sleighs; 2 hay racks with baskets; electric pump jack outfit; wash tank and solution tank; hay rope, fork and pulleys; 12 milk cans; Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount onefourth down, balance six monthly payments at 39c interest. 'No ques- . tions asked. No co-signers needed. Lunch on Grounds all Day THORP FINANCE CORPORATION, Clerking A. Freeman. Tel 118, Hebron, 111., Reprwentatfte DAUGHERTY BROS., Owners AUCTION i L. H. FREEMAN & SON, Tel. 118, Hebron, III., Auctioneers Having sold the farm, the undersigned will sell at public auction Oil the farm known as the Trow farm, located at Tryons Corners, 5 mifcy southeast of Hebron, 5 miles southwest of Richmond, 8 miles norSleast of Woodstock and 2^4 miles north of Greenwood, on ---- MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1939 Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property without reserve 20 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE SPRINGERS, NEW MILKERS AND MILKERS --One Pure Btdhr* 1 real good herd of high producing and testing cows; 1 Holitein heifer. 10 months old; 2 Holstein heifer calves, 3 months old; 1 registered Holstein stock bull. 100 White Wyandotte Pullets -- 6 Ducks -- 4 Geese 8 HORSES -- Black gelding, 5 years old, wt. 1500 lbs.; bay gelding, 6 years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; roan gelding. 12 years old, wt. 1700 lbs. FEED and GRAIN -- 15 tons ear corn in crib, 100 bu. seed oats, 300 bu. good oats, ^4 ton soy bean meal, % ton bran, 20 tons soy bean hay, 5 tons timothy hay, quantity shredded corn fodder, 22 ft. good silage in 16 ft. silo, 30 shocks good corn in field. Machinery * > Emerson 16 inch sulky plow; steel beam walking plow; T $t. diae pulverizer, 3 section drag; Broadcast seeder; John Deere corn planter with 90 rods wire; single row corn cultivator; mower; McCormick- Deering hay loader; side delivery rake; steel hay rake; McCormick- Deering grain binder; McCormick-Deering com binder; 1% horsepower gas engine; New Idea manure spreader; 3 in. truck wagon; iron wheel truck wagon; set bob sleighs; Empire milking machine with double unit, piped for 29 cows; milk cart; Cowboy tank heater; grindstone; corn sheller; 1,000 lb. scales; two % horsepower electric motors; Losee master heater; wash tank and solution tank; 9 milk cans, pails and strainer; set back pad harness; 400 oak fence posts; 2 odd sets harness; hay ropes, forks and pulleys; quantity of household furniture, including an organ; forks, shovels and all small tools on farm. The machinery listed above is mostly nearly new and an opportunity to buy good stuff at auction. TERMS: All sums of $25 and under cash. Over that amount a credit of 6 months time will be given ort bankable notes beariag 7^ interest. No property to be removed until settled for. v . ' MRS. FRANCES TROW Laneh on Grounds All Day HEBRQN STATE BANK, Clerking Harold Owen has been on a business Team 3 -- Theis, 423; Nye, 4<u; Chevrolet's FIRST Again: Only Chevrolet has this EXCLUSIVE VACUUMPOWER I Justen, «<; nuiivu, 000; omiUi, 9ti J Total--2384. Team 4 -- Unti, 412; Kno$, 471; A. j Justen, 561; H. Weber, 466; A. Freund, 537. Total--2487. j- Team 1 -- Karls, 472; Rothermel, j 484; Schaefer, 451; TTiennes; 538; j Winkle, 548. Total--2498. I Team 2 -- Heimer, 483; Weingart, |479: G. Freund, 402; W. Tonyan, 621; • G. Weber, 518. Total -2403. I Qty League Team 1 -- Schlosser, 442; C. Miller, 435; Leo Smith, 496; Schreiner, 619; j Lenten, 505. Total--2397. ! Team 2 -- Brda. 456; Joe Wagner, j 401; L .Carlson, 413; J. Wagner,-631; | G. Freund, 607. Total--2508. Team 3 -- Hobbs, 498; Hester, 411; Justen, 502; Green, 494; H. Smith 505. Total--2406. Team 4 -- Thorsell, 507; Gorman, 443; J. G. Wagner. 469; A. Ritta, 435; B. Grimelli, 496. Total--2350. Ladies' League Carey Electric -- Grimelli, 812; A. Thennes, 341; Lockwood, 466; A. Freund, 888; M. Schiessle, 395. Total -- 1902. Regner's--L. Thennes, 295; K. Brefeld, 404; Conway, 398; B. Thennes, 374; V. Brefeld, 426. Total--1897. McHenry Ice Co. -- Walsh, 879; Green, 376; Hapke, 411; M. Krause, 1394; Julia McLaughlin, 406. Total-- 1966. Marion's Beauty Shoppe -- Stilling, 398; Wagner, 371; Berthold, 829; Kinsala, 379; L. Krause, 410. Total -- 1887. Fords -- J. Heimer, 274; F. Froehlich, 420; H. Kno*, 320; D. Page, 379. Total--1893. Wattles Drugs -- L. Budler, 827; H. Vycital, 322; B. Weber, 340; A. Froehlich, 488. Total--1477. Karls -- Simon, 282; H. Weber, 372; Deidrich, 856; Marshall, 489. Total --1499. McHenry Lumber -- Mrs. Freund, 266; G. Weber, 340; L. Blake, 422; S. Covalt. 369. Total--1897. K. of C. Loyola -- McGee, 402; Weldt, 464; Regner, 492; Martin, 441; Kinsala, 525. Total--2324. Fordham -- Weber, 493; Larkin, 432; Guffey, 396; Tonyan, 437; Stilling, 486. Total--2244. DePaul -- Unti, 467; Thompson, 419; E. Marshall, 480; B. Marshall, 360; Green, 451. Total--2167. Notre Dame -- Fitz, 435; Freund, 428; Carey, 375; Schreiner, 688; Steffes, 552. Total--2378. Match Game Woodstock -- Anderson, 489; Dutton, 494; Sweetland, 518; Krier, 617; Winterfeld. 510. Total--2528. Tough's Tavern -- Wirtz, 461; Wagner, 538; Schreiner, 461; Hook, 460; Lenzen, 503. Total--2404. Fred Frohn-eihNSled at Fort Sheridan- last week. NEW fMPIRI McHENRY, ILLINOIS Ban. Mat. 8 p. m. Continuous f RID AY -- SATURDAY ^ December 15 - 16 Victor McLaglen - Sally Eilers "FULL CONFESSION" Alao -- Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY -- MONDAY December 17-18 Mickey Rboney • Judy Garland "BABES IN ARMS" . TUESDAY 10c - 25c . lie Penner - Betty GraMe (1) "The Day The Bookies Wept" (2) "Sued For Libel" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY" John Garfteld - Priadlla Lane "DUST BE MY DESTINY" All 1 ? nacre or tarn alike.Bat < only Chevrolet's New EicMK •NtM VMM #re Vacuum-Power Shift actt for itself when you touch the lever.... Only this one advanced steering column gearshift ii 99% automatic in operatkmt You see, Chevrolet'a Naw KxdueifH Vacuum-Power Shift has a hidden poWkr cylinder. And this power cylinder goes into action the instant you start to shift feats. It does 99% of the work for you instead of letting you push and tug and do all tba work yourself! - J You want the newsot and beat--the bfii In driving and riding ease, the beat in styling and road-action---and on all these counts ^Chevrolet's FIRST Again!'! Onvrdtti amp* Shipped to Pidirs* NOT DftlVEN OVBRLAND! •w #«* ii! n#*1: .<*• a**! TatM*m Snp eeiml DrnLmm Triw. my 85-H.P. VALVI-IN-HKAD SIX ANB BP, *mt FHM, WiMfm, Trmmsportmffow taiitf oft ran jhh guf loosl «i (if mmyy. aprtomml ttmipmmt < CMS.r oHo--wm. Prict imfjmtt to without notion, on Mwmt #3 Sm )X. EYE IT* • TRY IT• • BUY IT! MoHKNSY. ILL, •CHAEFER'S ALLEYS Schedule: Sunday -- Open bowline. Monday--*C. O. F. Tuesday Afternoon--Ladies. ; Tuesday -- K. of C. Wednesday -- Fox Lake. Thursday--Commercial League. Friday -- Open bowling. A Saturday -- Open boWltejt*, K. of C. G. Frisby, 467; Murphy, 881; Blake, 411; Schmitt, 373; Conway, 463. Total-- 2095. Nye, 476; J. Miller, 375; G. Miller, 423; Whiting, 429; Winkel, 531. Total-- 2233. E. Sutton, 495; Art Tonyan, 469; J. Walsh, 375: P. Schaefer, 424; W. Sutton, 518. Total--2281. M. Walsh, 359; Yanda, 431; A. P. Freund, 375; Regner, 480; J. Frisby, 440. Total--2085. Ladies' League G. Miller. 322: L. Cox. 186; Hayte, 291: Kreund, 470. Total--1269. Marl 352; A. Schaefer, 299; L. Conwav, 290; Fitzgerald, 317. Total -- 1258. G. Barbian, 445;. E. Miller, 359; Weber. 269; E. Schaefer, 392. Total --1495. Wilbrsndt, 426; Cleveland, 246; Varhet, 419; D. Schaefer, 440. Total--, 1531. Osnadiens Team !--(J. Dowe. 387; A. Wrewnd, 350: B. Frisby, 368; Joe Weber, 482; Ed Tonyan, 398. Total--1980. Team 2 -- H. M. Weber, 504; B. Frisby, 488; Fr. Paul. 372; G. Frisby. 390; Louis Diedrich, • 375. Total -- 2074. Team 3 -- Vern Freund, 425; P." Freund. 448; Vic Freund. 384; E. Vogt, |381: C. Althoff, 297. Total--1980. Teasa 4 -- R. Justen. 489; C. Vycital, 347; C. Weineart. 393; E. Steinsdorfer, 441; J. P. Weber, 498. Total--2178. Match Games Elgin C. O. F. -- Heimann, 497; Schmit*. 524: Wiedeman, 487; Danielek. 571; Kienlen. 545. Total--2624. McHenry C.O. F. -- J. Herdrich, 463; P. Freund. 497; W. Sutton, 469; A. Schaefer, €16; Wteher,, 681. Total--2566. .J1 MpHelefn -- Fehner, 560; N. Ulhrich. 505; Phannestill, 491; L. Ulhrich, 492; Eddy, 640. Total--2688. McHenry Miester Braus -- Adams, 500: H. Schaefer. 561; Rishe, 557; Koob, 551; Simon, 552. Total;--2722. , ' -- • " Order yoqr Rubber Stampa at Tbs Plaindeakr. I (C) WHIZ MIX. Something rally n«w in dfink mixcrt -- mixes, wlUp*. liquidizes with lightning ipttd Makes orange ice without tomaco juice from whole ripe t toe*. A sift yoa'll watt 10 tjjff htep for touxsmT . -,C ,1 ,3i f] GIVE ELECTRIC '•*. 'si (A) IIICTRIC SOASTIK. Cooks an entire meal for eight, to juicy, tempting perfection. Portable, easy to clctn. Automatic temferatuie contml. Heavy insulation. Ideal for everyday or auxiliary cooking Model illustrated. (Pan set extra) *17" (•) SUNBIAM MIXMASTII. Beats, whips mashes, mixes, juices. •Has new Mix Finder dial which •utomaticallv maintains 10 separate tnixin# speeds. With two (iass bowis . . " *2375 (D)DILUXI TOASTMASTIR TRAY SIT. Set includes faroou* Toasohaster 2-slice pop-up toaster, toast cutting board, large serving and 4 smaller lap trayt- Three Mesa sparkling relish dishes. . . « (I) SUNBIAM COFPIiMASTIR. Unbreakable!. .unbeatable! Lusaous chromrplatc. Completely automatic -- act it. forget; it shuta itself off. then resets to keep coffee hot. Brews One cup as perfectly as eight! '16 (P) HANDTHOT TOASTIRGRIlt. A bound-to-please gift. Smartly designed in gleaming chromium. Ideal tor making tasty snacks in a jitfy. Fries, grills, toasts two full-sized sandwiches at once. $05f CO) HOTPOINT WAFFIIR. Makes waffles that melt in your mouth ! Graceful design with wide tray base . . . finished in gleaming chrome-plate. Heat indicator, exanding hinge, long-lived G. E. eating element Popular at -'>3 he: *11" r »!2«i FIN-IT-UP LAMP. Ivory finished •*•«« MAKE-UP MIRROR bracket, convenient switch pull<ord. Bound to please both ladies and menim folk. Ideal for make-up or shaving. w I ii. i< puil^ulOt uvuiiu yicasc uuiii i i -U- J- folk. i T1 Complete with (ami outlet in bate. . . Jan two of the many lovely lamp bargains jwu ll find on display. The attractive I.E.S. pair abown here are obtainable with bronze or silver aad gold finished base* -- multi-way lightin ChOMtOfl way liglmof. fonwiisptctALmsoti -AN S*T*A SPECIAL 9lfT! Wasbcrt, Ironers, tots--rtiumnec aannda Ubot-saviog be conveniences that „pr«M<«ifo'?e,rst°C^k, A« If" Choice with features galorevariety of pneesciake your d»°*ce- Hundreds of attractive, useful electric appliances to choose from--pieced for every budget, suitable for every need. Sensible gifts for sentimental giving--combining lasting, practical, pleasure-giving gualities the true spirit of Christmas giving. \ • f "• , • Liberal terms! All appliances selling for $5 and up may be purchased for a toiall down payment .. . balance, plus small cumng charge; oa your monthly service bill. \ We urge you to moke your selections early ml Electric s hmnm Christxnit U. 6 <ub>c model. f extra teaiures . . . *159* .\itw ttNlVIBSAi HIATINS PA9, fbut fhcttnostsrs posicivrl^ maioaia My oae of ^ hnn NuK-toot coi^, • -j- ut'Cfl apes, washable nuslia t||| and w*tcrpic>ot c&se. . . . Other d«ol«ra are also oWtring chok* ultrtloM •I •Itctrk glfti for Chrlsimas giving. PUBLIC Sam STORE JHIKHRON (LICTRIC ALARM CtOCK. A in motrte4 bfOwi csl^c Ith *c'it->WZ~ S99S Mi*, scilevl uj-oii mocor Ouly - * m: 101 Williams Si, Crystal Lake