December 21,1938 l^T: Vu;"l ••• ikiMM * S&OCUftrS LAKE and Mrs. laak and daughter, Betty, were business Mfbra *t JVCifh. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry attended the Old Time '•m Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robertg lance at Libertyville Saturday «m- ||atthews spent from Friday evening'rjng ttatil Sunday evening at the home of j Chesney Brooks and Mrs, Andrew Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Sowers, Miss Ellen Harris and Ross Oak Park. J Harris of Wlauconda attended the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan and, Christmas Cantata, directed by Mrs. i&ughter, Jane, of Chicago were Son-;j. Figley at the M. E. church at pay afternoon and supper guests at Hinckley last Sunday evening, fc home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett lenry Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago were last Monday and overnight guests at the home of daughter, Elizabeth, of Libertyville Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. trere Sunday evening visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were J^ome of Willard Darrell. I dinner guests at the home of Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and, and Mrs. C. H. Hansen last Tuesday. %Wo sons of North Chicago were Sun- J Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta of ilay afternoon and supper guests at Crystal Lake visited at the home of the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blom- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Fri- -gren. I day afternoon. Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Monday j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Chicago. I sons, Robert and Lyle, and Willard . Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Darrell attended the 4-H Achieve- Wauconda were callers at the home (mr.snt program at the Grayslake school 1L. ILa. ilaristt Henry^.Sr^. --, last Friday afternoon. } Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta > Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and 0f Elgin spent Saturday afternoon at " „ "Jlr. and Mrs. Marlett. Henry and son, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burllarlett, spent last Friday evening at nett. file home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer were \.jy Callahan in Chicago. »Saturday evening guests at the home Miss Mriam King of Volo was a of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. ' nvpper guest of Msss Marion Dowell V, "Jtonday evening. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs? John J-; Slomgren were guests of the Yolo . /Home Bureau unit at a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Carl Fink last Wednesday afternoon. | Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake vis- , _ 4 Mr. and Mr.s Ralph Wagner were ited her father, Henry Passfield, Sun- Saturday evening guests at the home day. VOLO «f Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brown at lily • "|**ke. • M r . a n d M r s . W. E. Brooks and son, "Vifliesney, and Otis Phillips were din- *%er and afternoon guests last Tuesday 4 M the home of Mrs. Ella Parks at ffark Ridge. Mr. and Mrt. John Blomgren spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. In Ihe afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Blomgren CASH FOR DEAD CATTLE AND HORSES Horses, $2.60; Cows, $3.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-i m ' pne Mile South of McHenry | ^ on Route 31. „ Flowers for all occasions! SLENDERIZE lfl\ 2 to 4 Lbs. Weekly The Safe Natural Way, and Ward Otff Infectious Colds, Stiff Joints, Rheumatisnii. With Our Individual Swedish Massage and B a t h s . T r i a l T r e a t m e n t Reg. for $1. Reg. $3 for $2 Up. Seven Visits, $11 and •MMi $1€.50. 14 Vis- ^ % its, $17.50 and $28.50. Ultra1-Violet Sun Tan Bath, $1.00. STOMP AN ATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstodt, HI. With Flowers" This Christmas We are prepared to supply your needs at this holiday time. Poinsettias Mistletoe Cut Flowers Potted Plants Wreaths IT Blankets etc. GO. Saiitfa, off McHemy oa Route nL3i ";™ • Telephone 608-R-l G. A. Vasey of McHenry spent Saturday at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Ed Wilbur of Waukegan called at ttoie home of Mr, and Mrs. (Lloyd Fisher Sunday. Mrs. Ellwood Dowell accompanied Mrs. Alexander Boucher to Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evans ton spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs .Ed Bacon of Round Lake were Friday evening guests at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and daughter of Libertyville spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mrs. Horace Grabbe of Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker were Rockford callers Monday. Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and sons of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, G. A. Vasey of McHenry, Mrs. B: Clinge and son of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman and son of Crystal Lake and Mrs. M. Ullrich and son of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda were Saturday visitors at the Dowell brothers home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker visited Mrs. Charles Rushing and baby daughter at the Sherman hospital in Ele-in Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. Mrt. William Wirtz and family Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mr. and Mrs .Lloyd j Fisher and family and Alvin Case and son attended the 4-H Achievement program at the Grayslake scho auditorium Wednesday evening. / | Mr. and Mrs. A. Thelen of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Lea, were Crystal Lake callers Thursday. Clarence Whitman of. Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Sunday. | A number of our local men were elected officers of the PMA Wauconda , local at a meeting held at the Wauconda Township High school Monday 'pve^insr: President, William Wirtz; Vice-President, Joseph Wiser; Sec- 1 retary - Treasurer. Alvin Ca«e; Advisorv Committee, Llovd Fisher; Votinc Delegates. John Brown and Peter Brown; Director, Anthony Wegener. ] Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Woodstock caller Saturday. I The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of j Mrs. Carl Fink Wednesday afternoon I with the following members attendi M*-s. Howard Converse, Mrs. W. Dillion, Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, Mrs. Paul Arney, Mrs. Walter Crook. Miss Genevieve Wrights Mrs. Ray Hafer. Mrs. Sidney Russell; Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Russell Mag- *-ns«en Mrs. Herman Dunker, Mrs. Wm. Wirtz, Mrs- Wendell Dickson, Mrs. Douglas Waite, Mrs. Wm. Fink, Mrs. Rollin Hallock, Mrs. Ray Padrock. Guests were: Mrs. Jane O'Brien, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Arthur Dillion, Mrs. Frank Ehert, Mrs. Levi Waite, Mrs. Robert Hook, Mrs. John Blomgren. Mrs. Henry Matthews The Vnlo unit welocmed two new members, Mrs. Alvin Case and Mrs. Jane O'Brien. Mr. • and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Saturday evening at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. James Prokes m Berwyn. / .. . • ,' Ambassador Precedence 'At affairs of state in Washington, ctlStdm gives precedence to foreign ambassadors over all American officials except the President and vice president. Defective Eyesight Figures Eighty-two out of every 100 persons under 60 years of age, and 23 of every 100 under 20 years of age, have defective eyelight, studies reveal. * CHRISTMAS MAIL 9 Uncle Stun has a big job this Christmas --ha even delivers Santa's mail! A South Dakota newspaper askf these questions: "Would you tack the news of your daughter's wedding on a telephone pole? Would you use a hotel register or telephone directory to tell that you had enlarged your store? Would you put the news of your wife's party on a billboard or moving picture screen? Then why ia heck don't you put your advertising in the newspaper, too?" Last year's Holiday mail was the biggest ever handled by the United States postoflice, and this year's will probably be bigger. Cards, childish letters tc Santa Claus„ carelessly wrapped and, addressed packages and the aiwuys-presznt human element of waiting until the last minute complicate the job. First mail to be handled each year is that for foreign countries, shown ofcove being placed aboard a transatlantic liner. Suck pack' ages must be mailed early. St. Peter's parish will celebrate the birth of Our Lord by hearing mass at 4:00 o'clock, early Christmas morning. This mass will be immediately followed by a low mass. The last mass will be read at 8:30 o'clock. Confessions will be heard Saturday afternoon and evening and on Sunday afternoon. The children of St. Peter's school will have their annual Christmas party at the parish hall tonight, Thursday, December 21. A program of songs and playlets by the children will be enjoyed. As a happy ending Santa Claus will appear with gifts for all the kiddies. Mrs. Albert Brits, Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. Arthur Klein visited Mrs. Frank Proaser in Chicago on Monday. day. Cards furnished the entertainment and awards for high scores went to Mrs. Frak May and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Consolation went to Mrs. Ernest Peacock. Mrs. EDa Siegier and Mrs. Jennie Qxtoby were winners of traveller's prises. A delicious lunch was served. ) The ushers of St. Peter's church met at the Ed Bauer home in Ringwood Thursday evening. The regular meeting was held after which cards were enjoyed. Refreshments were served. Georgia May celebrated her eighth birthday on Friday by inviting several of her schoolmates to her home. Games were played and a delicious supper with birthday cake and ice cream was served. Those who made up this happy party were Louise, Marie, Helen and Joseph Stoffel, Tommy and Charlotte Freund and Paul and Donna May. The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Josephine Wire * - ^ A? i^egion rost No. YU8 Christmas party Monday night, Mr. and Mrs .Wade Sanborn returned home Sunday night from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Philip May left on Wednesday for a trip to Iowa and Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomspon and daughter were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens recently. Paul Weber visited Mends in Chicago on Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Brown entertained a party of friends at her home Thursday afternoon in honor of her birth- Mrs. Frank Sanders and daughters, Evelyn Sanders and Mrs. Alvin Westman motored to Rockford on Saturday. Will Turner of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs, Ben Winn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jones are enjoying a trip to Florida. # Sam Dyxtra. Mrs. James Gracey and Ruth Gracey spent Saturday in Waukegan. Miss Lucy Stevens, who is employed in Chicago, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens. A most enjoyable evening of cards and visiting was spent in the Arthur Kattner home Saturday night by Mr. itliu Mn. Jonn Dogiyn of Wilmeiie; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer, Fox Lake and Mr. and Mrs. AI Schmeltzer. A chicken dinner was served. / Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erickson of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of Mr .and Mrs. Albert Britz. Miss Lorraine May, who attends school in Waukegan, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus ef Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lay, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Muhlenback of Kenosha were visitors in the James Foulke home Sunday. A group of friends enjoyed a' Christmas party at Westlakv's Tavern in Solon on Sunday. Cards were played throughout the afternoon and and prizes were merited by Mrs. Art Kattner and Mrs. Edwin Freund while Mrs. George W. May received consolation. Following cards all gathered around a huge Christmas tree and gifts were exchanged. A turkev dinner was served t»y Mrs. Westlake. inose present other than mentioned were Mrs. Victor Erickson, Chicago, Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. Steve Schaefer, Fox Lake, Mrs. Eldred Johnson, McHenry, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Johnsburg, Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Al Schmeltzer and Mrs. Chas. Freund- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Bertha Esh and Mrs. Anna Sanders attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMear's baby at Richmond on Sunday. Guests in the Charles Behrens home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Utesch, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meisner, Clarence Utesch and Miss Margaret Schacht of Walworth, Mr. and Mrs. William Adsit and daughter and M& and Mrs. Thornton of McHenry. Mrs. Edith Turner spent Friday l» Chicago. " ' Legal Day of Rest Sunday first became a legal day of rest under the Roman emperor Constantine. MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTKN A FHETT>ro, Props. Given St Chicken Dinner Sunday--^- 60c ' panday ---- Chicken Chop Suey Friday Fresh Boneless Pike » OUR STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL nTTRTgT^a* Towns bearing Christmasy names like Santa Claus, Bethlehem, A areth and Christmas ( t h e y ' r e r-»i towns, too) always have a latuioffice business in re-mailing cards and packages fortvarded from all parts of the country. Above, at Bethlehem, Conn^ Postmaster Earl S. Johnson stamps the special postmark used last year. It is the shape of a Christmas tree with the words. "Greetings from the Little Town of Bethlehem." He handles about 80.000 pieces of mail each season. Pit v the poor post titan at a, time like this! Small town postoffices usually add more clerks at the holiday season. In big cities addi' tional mailmen like these are pressed into service. Uncle Sam does a good job of it--just so your cards and gifts will be deliver by Christmas morning! "iUfcy "-If,,. . "M HCHLY CARVE! FRAME GRACEFUL 18th CENTURV STYLE $98.00 Every popular style, fabric 'and oolor ... A gift extraordinary! Two-piece suites priced 'from $6&5Q to $120-00 TWlf tailored in beautiful cwehf fabrics . . . built with lh« lamoui 5-Star Corv*ti uction ... a "hit" at the Chicago Style Stow . . . bm this suit* tomorrow. Plan Songs, Games To Combat Dullness --, After Heavy Dinner For that "stuffy" feeling after a heavy Christmas dinner there's nothing better than a few games to clear the atmosphere. Or, for th r matter, any of the following: Jot down a few parlor games and get together (in advance) whatever para{5hernalia you need for them Give charades. For this pi what kind (words, proverbs, eti > and collect some gadgets or "pre p erftes" or sketchy costume maten al--and do it the day before if not sooner. < Let the children give a little play or a little entertainment of sing: carols and reciting. ; Give a Christmas pageant <>r dramatize a Christmas carol. T1 s can be done easily in an inforrr a I way . • Have a candlelight procession wn ih singing. Give a little party or invite a ft w outside grownups and children in fur simple refreshments. * We are proud of our tismps ... the largest selection we ever had, priced " very low! ° Cbri/xilt the, WANT ADS ik Mirrors ..% priced from $1.50 to $9.50* v Large stock in a variety of shapes and sizes. Chairs of every style, shStpe and cdfterfng ... in variety " to suit all tastes ... Priced from $4-75 to $33-50 v SCATTER RUGS Ideal For Giving Colorfuf, beautiful, extremely practical. fhes<* Bigelow scatter* are welcome additions to charminBv homes. They spread plenty of diet* "' and gayety for their size, and yo«»-- can use them in dozens of spot* Kround the hou4'e. Wide variety of patterns, colors and grades. • Smokers metal and v wood ,.. $1-00 to $7,50 Twin Studios -- $24-5Q^ 539 Q9L Your selection will be held for Christmas if you wish Jl'STKN & SON Next door to West McHenry State Bank, Wftrt McHenry, 111. -V ' ' ' '