m-mt >j% X- !%&$$# t ^ N RECOVERY WHILE Eyes ' a* >m| A Vfitirahr ^ •--i--* wSm ran a. 0CBW9PC west OPTOMBTOOT Ffcone: McBeary ltt-J -- " " «T« THUtSDAY MORNINGS BT APPOINTMENT ONLY uutfufywwiTi* *<*>* uwartfxVvini' n r "i*f" 1 r 1 ",i*r,'r* •• • ' • ... J*-, THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ! >J> Hie smartest table decoration COMPLETE WITI for the Christmas Season. Beautiful rose colored g5ass. Embossed panel design with scollop edges. Set includes pair of candle holders and two icT band dipped white candles. Cellophane wrapped. io%" bowl; 13V2" plate. A $1.00 VALUBi CANDLES AN IDEAL GIFT 55 © Set' T«14 Talcs r. ••FUSS* «f J TWENTY YEARS AGO N YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW fn spite of the many rains oar country roads are in unusually good condition for this time of year. The Mrs. Nick Martin residence on Water street has recently been sold to Mrs. Ella Englehardt of Chicago, a sister of Mrs. H. L. Ritter and Mrs. Ben Hiller of this village. Last Thursday a deal was brought to a close which will be of great interest to the people of this village. Fred Justen, one of McHenry's most popular hotel men .bought the- Riverside House and will take possession on lan. 1. Peter J. Heimer, who is to open an Up-to-date imeat market and grocery in the Anton Engeln building on Water street, which he recently purchased, is still awaiting his fixtures and for this reason he may not get started aa early as he had expected. THIRTY YEARS AGO ~ Christmas Lights Tree Stcra# 98c et. A daadv lmk 25c sit 49c ei. loyal imported 8-light outfit in noted AH metal stand. Eas|£ \colon with 13 feet of rayon cowed ootd to let up and adjusi . .. -.-.Lroent cap only. Drew up your Tree apace 2X" etc. Card tad ph*. Christinas tree" for as little as ajc. diam. 6K* high. mmm Gift Set 79c sit "Giant Grip" belt buckle, tie clasp, collar pin packed in plastic, ash tray. Alice Mixer $4.95 11. Electric- Gleaming white enamel. Motor operate* on 110- 120 A C. with cord. Smoker $1.29 «. Smart, rich looking Mahogany grain finish; ivory trim. Easy to keep clean. Tea KttM* 11.95"."* Whistling. HeiV proof glau. Wool handle, stainless steg!; band. Capacity a q|| > •4-' Aatomotic Toast master Elec, Iron Ban Warmer >16.00 ei. 14.9511. $1.95ii. Ak aew twMbce automatic Toastmaster jH lbs. Aibtpnatk For wanning buns •--I"* toctt crunchy, satisfying »"d just thermostat maintain* and other foods, right for every taste. Automatic timing even heat Chiane Spun aluminum. 10" sad gap ap action when toast it ready. fisafc. Owl * ptaf> diaaa. A rai<Jwf> Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. Comer Main Street and Route SI v Phone 284 West McHenry has a new jewelry store located in the Schnorr block. One of the local distributors of gasoline will deliver his goods In a "buzz wagon" next year, we are told. The new front in the store building between N. J. Justen's furniture store ad F. L. McOmber's place of business on the West Side has been placed and the carpenters are busily engaged in putting on the finishing touches on the iterior of the building. Charles Harrison of Ringwood will entertain the members of the Dramatic club of that place Thursday evening next. i FORTY TBAR8 AGO A social party was held at the home of Robert Sutton on last Wednesday evening, in honor of Miss Ellen Sutton. John Bickler met with a very painful accident last Friday. He fell on a rake the prongs of which pierced his rieht hard to the bone. Blood poisoning resulted and he has suffered severely. Simon Stoffel, manager of the McHenry and Wtest McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Co., has just made a contract by which long distance telephones will be placed in the residences of C. C, Chappell and S» S. Chappell. FIFTY YEARS AGO * Miss Kate Howe came Up from Carr^ ntresville on Saturday and spent Sunday with her parents here. Nick Rothermel and Mat Miller of Rjjilev, Iowa, are visiting with friends in this vicinity this week. The cigar <»igr of Barbian Bros, was torn from its fastenings on Sunday night and carried to the second story of Owen's block, where it was found Monday evening. Willie Woodburn. son of D.N P. Woodburn, died at the residence of his parents in this village, on Thursday morning. - Connecticut Firearm* Connecticut manufactures roughly half the firearins made in the United ^ates ^ Yet your telephone company delivers 6 telephone calls a day right through theyear Each call must be handled quickly, cheaply, accurately, and individually ... it must be a completely wrapped-up package," delivered any where--usually within a few seconds. It takes good equipment to do a job like thttt ... and Illinois Bell Telephone equipment is die finest that can be had. It takes a real spirit of service... and the 24,000 men and women of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company are devoted to die ideal of "getting the message through." Your telephone is valuable because it will put you in touch with almost any one, anywhere. Of all the things you buy, few serve you so well for so , little cost as your telephone. If you haven't one^frder it today. T ILLINOIS BEU TELEPHONE COMPANY LTE DECLINE Everyone utilizes that a cold pro-' St* of the most commoft diseases duces discomfort, lessens efficiency prevalent in Illinois are running and is a menace to society. One doc- higher than last year while five are tor has defined it as a "wastebasket on the decline, according to a report for all symptoms to which a name at Springfield last Saturday by the cannot be attached." Be that as it state health department, may, everyone has experienced the To date this year, pneumonia cases unpleasant symptoms of a cold. A reported total 11,965, an increase of common cold does not "last all "in- 53^ over the same period last year, ter.' It usually runs its course In the report said. The biggest jump of from three to five days, although CQm- any disease was taken by influenza, plications often prolong recovery which totaIg 6f368 cases against 647 No one knows the exact cause of in last year. colds, but it is known that the cold Tularemia (rabbit f?ver) lias hit is sometimes the result of bacterial the peak of the season, with 267 to injection. The inhabitants of some date against 152 in the corresponding of the isolated* communities have period of 1938. ^ never experienced colds until visiters, Other increases include: who had the disease, caitke in from the Undulent fever, 216 cases this year outside. | against the 188 last year; syphillis, Within from thirty-six to forty- 24,735 against 23,667; and gonorrhea, eight hours colds developed, in nearly 13,654 against 12,238. every family. i (The increase in venereal disease The following factors may also con- cases is attributed to "more case-ftndtribute to the causes of colds: Mod- '^efforts' rather than increased wern civilization, with its crowded liv- fmotions, the department said.) ing conditions and furnace heated Diphtheria cases total 1.333 this houses; hustling daily life without ye*r- « dpo*» 193?» ^hile proper exercise in fresh air; the great ^ colJ8ft fell from 13,565 to amount of dirt breathed into the res-, J2'752' fever piratory tvac-t which irritates the' ra *' *° 13.944 this delitfate and sensitive mucous mem- ye®r- . . . branes lining the na»al passages, and ^ \er dl8e*8®8 which dropped In the lack of sunshine, , : ?re 0?J8nC* Zt™ s,mall^x- The early American Indians, living,S68' *nd ttoberculosis, 7,229 to 7.000. their outdoor life and eating coarse .f Th. grains, raw fruits and half-cooked ^ ^ SUmpw Th* vegetables, scarcely knew what a cold meant. With the encroachment of civilization, however, they became victims of all kinds of respiratory diseases. Although a proper diet does not cure a cold, it is a splendid preventive. Some investigators think that persons are more susceptible to colds if excessive moisture is held in the tissue of the body. Since large quantities of sugar and starch in the system cause this condition, too many chocolate bars, candy and other concentrated sweets should not be eaten. Other authorities think that excessive acid in the systenf lessens resistance to colds. They recommend that the diet contain large amounts of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked, and sufficient quantities of milk and other liquids. These foods counteract the acids which meat, fish, '•hi'-ken and cereal produce in the body. Several of the vitamins help prevent colds. | Vitamin A. found in cream, butter, eeg volk and all green and yellow vegetables affects the linings of the nasal passages so that thev resist the action of the variotts bacilli. Sunshine Vitamin D must be a good preventive - since it is a well known fact that inhabitants of of sunny climates are practically free from colds. Some employers furnish Vitamins A and D to their employees because they have been convinced that it lessens sick leaves from colds. Vitamin F, found in salad oils, is said to lessen susceptibility to cold and to shorten the illness if contracted Vitamin C, which is found in lemons and other fruits and in canned tomatoes, helps the body cells to function normally and thus resist colds. All studies show that one of the best ways to keen a child from having a coTd is to see that he has three good meals a day. He should have an amnle lunch at school containing milk, fruit or vegetable and one substantial dish, hot if possible! A cold lunch is usually poor in quantity and quality: Every child needsfan adequate diet in order to build up a sturdy body whose tissues will resist the inroads of baciTTi and other sources of colds. These observations lead to the following conclusion: If an individual has a proper diet, he will probably build up resistance to colds. The daily diet should contain: 1. At least a pint of milk for an adult and \ of a quart for a child. 2. Two servings of vegetables besides potato, one of which should be a leafy vegetable as lettuce, spinach, celery, cabbage or broccoli. 8. Two servings of fruit, raw, canned or cooked. (At least one fruit or vegetable should be raw, or tomatoes should be served.) 4. Two servings of whole wheat, either as breakfast ,fbod or whole wheat bread. 5. One egg. 6. One serving of meat, ftsh or cheese. 7. Two level teaspoons or one ounce of butter. ^ 8. Some source of Vitamin D as cod-liver oil when there is little or no sunshine. mt LETTER TO SANTA UNKNOWN LIBERTIES OTHER LANDS ARE MINE AS AM AMERICAN. Wis IS we Urn -- WHEW t AM NOT ASKING f ^ -EXCEPT MtO-TO SI* USX THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK •0FAMUY s GIFT" Furniture is a gift which the whole family can enjoy. Below we are offering many helpful suggestions to the shopper at this holiday season. Furniture is a gift that will last for years and provide a large amount of comfort and happiness; This year give furniture and make your selections at this store. GGC BECEUITMENT JANUARY 1 TO 15 According to information from CCC headquarters there will be another quarterly recruitment January 1 to 16, 1940. Any boy who is intefested in enlisting at that time, should apply now to the local township supervisor or the I. E. R. C. Office, Armory Building, Woodstock, 111. Boys who enroll in the CCC are assured an opportunity for hard, healthy, outdoor work, and camp life, with transportation, food, clothing, shelter, medical service, and recreational and educational opportunities furnished, plus thirty dollars a month cash allowance for himself and his dependents. Eligibility requirements are as follows: 1. Citizen of the United States. 2. Unmarried. 3. Ago limits -- between seventeen -and twenty-three and one-half years Of age. 4. Unemployed and in need of employment. 5. Not in regular, attendance at School. 6. In good physical condition. 7. Of good character. 8. Mot a member of the National guards. /v. Rleh Sonree of ftevemn Taxes hidden in the price of rejtail goods account for 39 per cent lof all local, state and national revenues, the National Consumers Tax commission estimates. UST-M CASWELL Lounge Chairs and Ottomans YOU thrilled plMnn, Lamps of all Kinds CONVENIENT--USEFUL AND Knee-Hole Desk (PONVENIBNT.I and beaurifal-- thre« words so aptly describe the Caswell-Rvnymn Perfect Sewing Cabined It comes equipped with thread, yarn, darning needles, etc. You plan on long years of enjoy and practical usability with new creation o f Caswell Runyan. Expert craftsmen added their skill to a superb finish. This sewing cabinet must be seen to be truly appreciated. Furnished in a variety of finishes. Come in today. ALL WW* (>*w^'5Buras 1 Sewing it'°s beautl „f»rs*tile »' it con- «V.Vouca«use.oneof ttnienriy to •b'l* hie? UmP "We- «nd 'Stable. It •* home- Secretary Desk llassocks lUirrors Card Tables Hampers Desk Chairs Pillows Smoking Stand# Free - Westinghouse , Electric Sewing Machines ABC Washers and Ironerg Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites Inner Spring Mattresses Bridge Sets Studio Couches Pull-up Chairs Platform Rockers Breakfast Sets > Carpet Sweepers" Vacuum Cleaners Occasional Tables Lamp Tables , ? Pier Cabinets . Kitchen Cabinets Pictures Rugs Rockers * FOR CHILDRW: Sleds Doll Carriages Table and Chair Set* Velocipedes Autos Rocking Horses Rockers and Chairs Wagons JACOB GREEN and ELM STREETS McHENRY, ILLINOIS '-i3< f li <1. . -V •