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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1939, p. 3

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bri?.-.?: «*• fvJsv :., '-*-•* •WT\ « . < v" .« i^W 1 . 4*at. r ,. .L. _.,.. „ - ber 28,1938 ?1* .V - >*«**• f • *•. .,. B »»«I^* "" " V:i. (Cottfaud Frop h|» Two$ -V :;V^,,S • flies from Long Xstsnd •"^14*^ wm% opening trans-Atlantic air andC. I. o. tgni am auto plants arc tied #\. \ -^\ defeats * st of Kansas City s'.vcn champion. in 13 federal prison for Income Ernie rounds. 30--Shaw wins Indianapolis anlo race, averaging 119.035 miles par oar. Roberts killed. myeedBQyman-<unertran bund lead18 moona r Rill Kana |JW| <• f< tax «fMlaB. farm nmropriiUoa bill senate bund leader, indicted ark on theft charges _ _ forgerv and tMt i lis is-- Roosevelt sands ahai* note to Russia asking that bombing at titles stop. DECEMBER 1--CurOss Hants spsad bunding of planes. Winnie Both Judd. V :c '*'* \ JUNE • ; . * i J . - f t e DraftDodger BergCtoll returns to the united States from Germany and is !^..S %* siayer again mwm prison as Arizona 8--Frits Kahn, bundlsadsr, sentenced to orison iotm and * half JUNE years 1--Senate passes bffl lifting long term bond K'ftril Ufiei of tfcoal iebt limit abava $30,000. Hun protests British blockade _ _ a special naval district hi 11--RFC grants lli.W0.Wt loan to Finland. Ut 8. Smm oowt bars evidence * " 'pnmotad to b. Bow rajaeta phi to matte Hyde Park home a matiinrlal ta PtaiMinl Rooeevtil I--Kiag Omhi aad Queen Elizabeth of reat amda eater United states at iagara rut: amdaUy welcomed by ta Hull. Owt Rose Worts, Prop. 3ss»'rt HenV lnokl May serve you in 1940 ai? pleasurably as we^bA?^ throughout 1939. . * ' - inr if; - MARION'S BEAUTY SHOPPE W: -"saw j , • » a \ v - i t * - A • - f. BmStntt mm ,l$r: y WVYiW YEW "PA'S" MffiH John Thennes, Prop. v . We're hurrying to wish yon an excitingly jolly1 New Year, and sincerely hope w% will continue to enjoy your patron* **?£* •pppi II '•Vjf ' ; "• .. IMO -MTHRYN URHiN STYU SHOT Gre^n Street -/ You'll enjoy more good things during 1940 thill fver before -- that's our prohphec}- to you. We hope it will come tree lor you^and those y*m care for. - v- r; H. C. KAMHOLZ^ Hard* - y'7<W'W NEW YFftflS GREtTKGS 1940 Wt? ///, mw/M HOMESTEAD TEA BOOM Mrs. Margaret Beed, Prop. •Sine aad twa at Oraat Britain wel- «amad ta Washtautan by President Hnasivall; attsad snu dhmar a» White ifr -Sow votaa Ms slash in payroU taxes; beneAta are laeraasad. 11--King and quMS aad U. S. visit. ia-Banata maa |M7m(I to depai MsuiMKt to lapwi experts. V. S. monetary (OM stock | Ik. Umi tat ions Mllioa naifc. 13--House votes« -- and queen aaU lor home. lfr--house paaaes taxMB of 1.M4 millions; retains nuisance taw, but revises tsv tes on corporations. 30--Senate committer boosts porlc iarr^i bU! fromJjW^Et, 10P m passe" Vy th* h«w, *1--WlniiiBi lifw* «att charnd is U«- wr lMbornM$nu ' MNBhahd fw feddral benrf in Hilwaukee. 25--Fraud barad at l/wistana nniwrtitv. 26 -Governor L«che steps down and Lm«- tenant Governor l^nj is sworn in in Louisiana. WOO,000 fraud laid to President Smith of the Louisiana university. #--Senate adds T3 million to relief bill and nuif tt #--Bouse hands administration defeat of neutrality bill; indorses embargo on arms shipments. 30--Senate lets Roosevelt's money rule die by preventing legislation to extend. House passes neutrality bill barring arms shipments. JULY S--Senate adopts oonforanoo report at reviving President's1 money powers. W. P. Buckner given two years In prison on Philippine railway bond charges. 10--President gives Paul V. McNutt of Indiana Job as head of the newly created Federal Security administration. 13--Senate votes to fix payroll tax at 1 per cent until IMS. It--President signs bill giving war department power to hide secret new equipment from spies. 20--House passes bill to curb bureaucrats in pontics 24-- House committee shelves President's C,000,000 housing program. lon-wids lottery swindle using name of Will Rogers exposed. 25--One killed, seven shot, In battle over nonunion labor at Boonville. Ind. 28--United States scraps trade treaty with Japan Francis B. Sayre nominated lor high commissioner to the Philippines. 31-- Senate lops $1,615,000,000 from Spending bill and passes It. AUGUST (« 1--Army's flying fortress flies coast ta coast in 9>,i hours. 1 House kills President's tending-spending bill. ' ite pa 188 millions. Agreement reached orf social security amendment cutting pay roll tax $900.- 000,000 in next three years. S--Congress adjourns after appropriating more than £13.000,000,000. f--Former Governor Leche of Louislsna and two others indicted in hot oil quiz. 14--President advances Thanksgiving day one week, naming November 23. 15--WPA raises pay of 2,000,000 workers $5,000,000 a month. New York fair asks bondholders for $4,820,000 to meet debts. 1#--Mayor of Waterbury. Conn., among 20 guilty in $1,000,000 graft 1$--u. s. and Canada sign new pact tor air service. 20--Louisiana oil czar, Dr. J. A- Shaw, witness against ex-Gov. B. W. Leche. kills * self. i H--President pleads for peace; cables Hitler, Poles, and king of Italy. 29--German liner Bremen held at Maw York for search. SEPTEMBER J--Liner Bremen allowed ts dspaxt tram New York Roosevelt establishes naval patral along Atlantic coast. 11--President lifts quota on sugar to curb iciency bill Of prices. 12--St< war resources teel plants and railroads call back their workers. 13--Congress called for September 21. 14--Borah opposes repeal of arms embargo as likely to put America into war. 16--Soviet purchasing agent tells of payments to parsons connected with Democratic national committee 20--At a conference of Republican and Democratic leaders Roosevelt urges repeal of neutrality act 21--Congress convenes in special session; Roosevelt urges early repesl of arms embargo provision of neutrality act. 25--American Legion convenes In annual session in Chicago. 27--Sudden dissolution of board causes surprise. 28 - Administra tion's neutrsllty repealer bUl sent to the senate. 29--Powerful naval fleet ordered to Hawaii. OCTOBER 2--Debate on repeal of neutrality act hnflns in senate. 4--Army places an order for J8 highspeed, u<ht tanks 5--Grover C. Bergdoll, draft dodger, sentenced to T\i years In prison. 7--Bishop Ablewhlte sent to prison tor fund shortage. 10--War department orders 65.000 semi-automatic rifles. 12--William Green elected president Of A. F. of L. for sixteenth time. 17--Brazil orders $5,670,000 rail equipment from America. 18--President closes American ports to submarines of warring nations. 19--New house bill bans financial aid ts warring nations. 20-- Roosevelt sets three-mile Umlt for submarines. 23--Indiana enduranc« flyers descend after 535 hours: new record. 24--Senate adopts cash and carry amendments to neutrality bill. 25--Government sues 236 railroads under Sherman antitrust act 27--Senate votes. 63 to 30, to repeal arms embargo provision of neutrality act BUI goes to house. 28--Carl Bevtns, Missouri flyer, kldnsped and slain in his own plane by Ernest Pletch, arrested. 29--California flyers land after 726 hours in air--new record. 30--U. S assesses Germany 50 millions for Black Tom and Kingsland blasts during world war. 31---United Mine Workers raise $3,000,000 for political fight in 1940. President asks 2T6 -wt" for added defense. NOVEMBER 9--House votes against embargo on arms; bill goes to conference. 3--Congress passes neutrality repeal bill and adjourns. 4--President signs repeal bill and bars war approves tratnload rail rate r announces 1 presidential 1*--Garaer announces csodidacjHfor Demozones to American shipping. -Supreme court rules state HOLC mortgages. cannot tax 7--Old age pension plans detested In Ohio snd California. AAA will make loans to cotton growers on new crop. 8--Navy sends marines to Hawaii to Strengthen Pacific defense. Fifteen U. S. oil tankers trsnsferred to Panamanian registry. 9--Roosevelt demands Lewis, head of C. 1. O.. resume peace negotiations with A. F. of L. 12--Dr. Smith, former president of L. S. U.. §iven 8 to 24 years for university scanals 14--Louis Levy. New York lawyer, disbarred in Manton scandal. 16--A1 Capone, gang leader, released from federal prison; enters Baltimore hospital. 21--Proportion of civil service employees reduced under President Roosevelt. 22--U S. court upfcoids wage-hour law in Montgomery Ward case. Supreme court voids cities' ban oa handbills. J7--Morgenthau declares next congress must .Uft legal debt limit. ' --• 11 -- DISASTERS 6--Giants make flv ning lor record. 12--Centennial birthday of baseball celebrated at Ooopamtown. N y.. where it originated. 21--Lou Gehrig. MWjra clinic physicians an- 23--Joe Louis stopr Tony Galento In the fourth roond. Yankees break record with U home ruaa In two gamee en sama day. JULY 8--Alice MarMe wins rtonihip at Wimb 1--American league •--SSfthh wins St. Paul open fqH championship with record soore oclfO. AUGUST »--Lou Ambsrs rngslw _ & "-n^nd tout wlth 39--New York Giants, pr champions, defeated the 0. befora 81.W8 people Is SEPTEMBER SQVALUS SINKS-U. S. navy * diving btU gets first real test rescuing 33 survivors from sunken submarine. Twemtf^kc tffctri dk JANUARY SI--The airliner Cavalier wrecked at sea off Cape May. N. J. three lost, 10 saved. B--Bomber crashes on test hop st Los Angeles: pilot killed. 25--Thirty thousand killed. 10,000 injured by earthquake in Chile; towns wiped out la disaster FEBRUARY {--Japanese submarine sunk in collision. 11--Army mystery plane crashes after coast-to-coast flight at 940-mile rate. MARCH 8--Two hundred killed In sroioaton at munitions dump In Japan; 900 houses destroyed. 18--Ten killed In airplane crash near Tacoma, Wash. 26--Alrliqef APRIta.. 4--Four navy- filers tilled when plsnes col lide in maneuvers. 15--Twenty-eight killed. 50 Injured In train wreck in Mexico. 16--Tornadoes in Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana causa 51 deaths and injurtas to 300. MAY 23--Fifty-nine trapped in sunken submarine Squalus. 24--Thirty-three rescued alive from Squalus. 26 dead. *»•"• :• JUNE / ' 1-- Missing sifti'nailirtlfeuBH wilvqa m mud; 9fl lost. 4--Twenty-two persons killed in Mexican theater fire. If--Seventy-one lives lost In wrack of French submarine. 18--Ten dead. 63 Injured la Minnesota tornado. ' u y * " • • JULY fr--Fifty-three drowned. 47 mtsslhg, in Aood In mountains of eastern Kentucky. 12--Mystery explosion snd f\re damage navy airci ft carrier Ranger. 14--Twetii*-eight perish in mine blast at Providence. Ky 17--Five killed as train bits auto In Chicago suburb. S3--Avalanche on Mount Baker Wash.. two. four missing. AUGUST 11--Nine U. S. army fliers snd two navy fliers killed as two bombers crash, 13--Fourteen killed ss Miami to Rio da Janeiro plane crashes in Rio harbor. Twenty- three killed. 60 injured, when streamliner is wrecked in .Nevada. SEPTEMBER 28--Storm in California $1,000,000 28--Munitions plant OCTOBER %* U-Wreck of school bi«| At Wff, Va^ kills six; 71 injured. -- T NOVEMBER * ; } 14--Five hundred killed SB* ttdtirtd WhSB Are engulfs Venezuelan oil port DECEMBER 3--Typhoon ravages Ave Islands In the Philippines. 5--Roscoe Ttoraer whw air race third time. 35--'Tony Galento stops Nova la 14 rounds. •r> -Booby Rings. Altot Marble win U S. net diles. n--Yankees ciiscfi American le&gue pan- I wuvt SO--Joe Lwls knocks out Bob Pastor In 11 rounds f Conn, light heavyweight champioft, nde<? his titte against Melio in 15 rounds. 28--Cincinnati Re<Js win National league pecehnt. maw 04 OCTOBER 8--YankeM win world's basabaH asrtas In .. C?ur. straifht games. 17--Bucky Walters. Cincinnati pitcher, voted most valuable player In National league. 19--Chicago White Sox defeat Cubs in city baseball series. --Joe DiMagglo wins Amerlcsn league most valuable player award. 29--Harry Thomas, heavyweight fighter, reveals fixed lights. NOVEMBER 1--Al Davi* stops Tony Csaasnarl la third round. 17--Billy Conn, light heavyweight chamilon, successful^ defends tlUe against rounds. plot Lesnevitch DECEMBER 9--Eddie Anderson awarded r'^mt as football coach of year. 10-- -Green Bay Packers whip New York Giants to win professional football title. 11--Nile Kinnick, Iowa football star, named No 1 athlete of all sports in annual poll. 13--New York Yankees voted beat team in any sport. ~ NECROLOGY •«|!M PArA m amain kma u. SPORTS IRON MAN STRIKES OUTIjOu Gehrig, "iron man of baseball" retires from New York Yankees tvith paralysis infection after hanging up ywerrf for games played. -- 1 JANUARY 3--Southern California luuit^u team dafeats Duke in Rose Bowl 3--Budge defeats Vines In pro tennis debut. 17--Edward G. Barrow elected president of the New York Yankees. 25--Joe Louis. ' heavyweight champion, stopped John Henry Lewis in first round in New York. * ' t FEBRUARY V ^ 5-- Ken Bartholomew wtais national skating title. 9--National Professional Football league re-electa Joseph Csrr president for 10 years . 23--Tony Galento scores teobnMM knockout over Abe Feldmaa. MARCH 20--Charles Bowfar n^SMd biai Isotball coach at Pitt J-.-' APRIL 2-- Ralph Guldahl wins Masters golf title at Atlanta. Ga. 16--Boston wins Stanley cup. defeating Toronto In hockey playoffs. 17--Joe Louis. heavyweight champion, knocks out Jack Roper in first round. 18--Joey Archibald wins featherweight title from Leo Kodak in 15 rounds. MAY 8--Johnstown won Kentucky derby. 20--Joseph'F. Csrr. National Football leafue president, dies, POPE SVCCVMBS--The devout kneel in prayer before casket eon* raining the body of Pope Pius XI. JANUARY . 11--Prof. Herman OUphant, treasury department counsel, in Washington. 13--Col Jacob Ruppert. owner of the New York Yankees. 26--Former Sen Joseph L Franca of Maryland. In Baltimore. 28--William B. Yeats.' iiMI Mai and stejrwright, in Frsnca. ^ • FEBRUARY 9-- Pope Pius XI. 13--Rt. Rev. J. M. Francis, Episcopalian bishop of Indianapolis. 15--Charles R. Crane, former diplomat. li»-pr. Clarenaa fBP WiMP* ifidtr. MARCH y v 2--Howard Carter, who found King Tut's tomb, in London. 5--Former U. S Attorney General John O. Sargent. 6--Frank W. Stearns, close adviser ta Prsa* Ident Coolidge. 29--Gerardo Machado, former dictator af Cuba. APRIL 2--George F. Harding, Republtcajlt natlaaal committeeman for Illinois. 6--Premier Joseph t^rons of Austrslia. 9--James Hamilton Lewis. U. S. senator from Illinois. Jl--S. S Van Dine, mystery-story writer, real name Willard li. Wright MAY - ; 26--Dr. Charles Maya, famous surgsa*. JUNE 6--George Peabody OSMxr, ttnanc&r. In Boston. t. 19--Miss Grace Abbott, noted welfare worker and University of Chicago professor. 26 - Ford Maddox Ford. Britisn author. JULY ?--Claude A. Swanson. secretary af the navy. 8--Havelock Ellis, scientist and philosopher. 11--Rep. Sam D McReynolds of Tennessee 18--J. Louis Comiskev, owner of Chicago White Sox baseball team. 28-- Dr William J Mayo, co-founder with his brother of tiie Mayo clinic. 11--Former Federal Judge F. A. Gatfsr at Milwaukee. ' AUGUST 14--T. E Powers, famai aartoanlat. SEPTEMBER 4--Charles Donnelly, president of Northern Pacific railway. 18--Charles M Schwab, steel msgnste. 23--Sigmund Freud, originator of psychoanalysis. 14--Floyd Gibbons, wsr correspondent Csrl Laemmle. pioneer movie producer OCTOBER 2--George Cardlnsl Mundelein. archbishop of Chicago. Sen. M M Logan of Kentucky. 3--Fay Templeton. actress. 6--Count Von Bernstorf. German envoy IS U S in 1917. 13--Ford Sterling, movie comedian. 13--Zane Grey, noted writer of western stories 19-Alice Brady, stage and screen atar. NOVEMBER 2--Opie Read, famous author. 8--Dr Livingston Farrand, president emeritus of Cornell university 16- -Pieice Butler. U. S. Supreme court justice 25--Tames Simpson. Chicago business leader. 27--Dr. J. A. Naismith. inventor of basketball. DECEMBER 3-- Alfred Granger, prominent architect Princess Louise, duchess of Argyle, oldest living child of Queen Victoria. •- Marshal Wu Pei-fu. poet-soldier of Repub" can China. J. Butler Wright, American ambassa-' dor to Cuba. 9 -- ° T r r f i n S . H a m m o n d , s p o r t s m a n a n d v soldier. ll--£)jugias Fairbanks Sr.. stage and screen star. Charles R. Walgreen, chain drag store : head. 18--Heywood Broun, columnist. • Released bv Western Newspaper Union.) Vitamin A in Cheese J 1 In a study of 22 kinds of cheese, Roquefort, Camenbert and Liederkranz rated high in vitamin A contint. Spsrish Date Palms The date palm was introduced into America bjr early Spanish missionaries. Harmful Mexican 8hnk The coyotilla, a wild shrub of Mexico and the Southwest, causes permanent paralysis when eaten tyy live stock. Trafie Lavs af IM Traffic laws wefe in effect in England as early ai 1835, long befora the invention of the automobile. Early Flood Contrel Flood control of the Mississippi was begun by French settlers more than 50 years before the American Revolution. ' African Travel Lanes Elephant paths are important arteries af' travel in the African for* eats. •HMcHENRY FLOUR MILLS Wm. Spencer • i.-. • * c Xott'll be sitting on .to^L of fhe world, if out • prophe'Tiea for » your > 'y "SWr oome trqe. OtD TOWNE TAVERN novo OOLKHAN, Prop. •*'< ! * • • • j > - ' BEST ISH -V .Mk.;, 1 wommt Photographer 'fevs. rith the fherry tinkle of many bells we ring in ' ^ a. new year of the be^tr luck and happiness." May we share it witjt H H. F1£MH6 MPUMEKT CO. Farm Implements f t . V ' ' l! tt. E. BUCH & GO. -JPlimbing, Heating, ElectriciT \i' i:V" •«; -4^-' 1 yotft hopes soar jiigh and your ideals tike flight -- may realization be yours for moi ^ 0SHH CHARLES HERDRICH ^ SON fZ.<y " il *. • • "' ' 4 •il McHENRY ARTIFICIAL STONE CO. . • ./.j-," "JW

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