RINGWOOD AW# *U * .• -W* %$< fi»BiMtv PL«UHDBALXR Thursday, January 11, IMOi W oodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ain*- Wednesday evening. Mrs. Butlw r§» er and sons of Greenwood and Mr. and mained for a few days visit. Mrs. George Shepard and family and Floyd ,Howe. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday afcbrnoon with the latter's Mrs. Joe McCannon entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wtednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy. Miss Mae Wiedrieh entertained the Bunco Club at the home of Mrs. Les- -ter Carr Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. George Young. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. B. T. Butler Friday, January 19. The Young Adults held a skating! narty at Beatty's pond Friday, night.1 There were approximately one hundred present. Quite a few young folks from here enjoyed a high school skating party on the river at McHenry Thursday evening. Mrs. Robert Howe entertained a few relatives and friends at her home Sunday evening in honor of her husband's birthday. Five hundred was played and prizes awarded to Maynard Stohlquist and Geo. Shepard. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent P?r£nts- Mr- and MrB- "*• Smith> at Sunday with her parents at Hunter, McHenry HI. Rev. and Mrs. Collins were guests in the Lloyd Benwell home at Ostend Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent Sun(Jay They helped Mrs. Elbert the weekend with her parents, Mr. of Woodstock celebrate her and Mrs. Charles Peet. birthday as she and her family from Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Woodstock were also guests. daughter, Gladys, spent Saturday af- Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., and daughternoon at Elgin. 'ter, Betty, Janet Johnson and Jean Miss Clara Ramacher of California Rea Vogel spent Thursday at Fonand Alvin Miller were guests in the tana. Roy Neal home Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. George Young enter- Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. Fred £ined avf hundred club from Mc- Wiedrich, Jr., went to Urbana Mon- Thursday evening. day, where thev went as delegates Mrs. John Blackman and daughterin- law of Antioch were callers at Rev. Collins' Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie 80ns» Bay Jay and Ralph, vpf Rich- Bacon mond spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Vogel and family of J®1""® Bacon. . Elkhorn spent Sunday afternoon in _ Harold Jepson of Urbana, J. A. the Fred Wliedrich, Jr., home. . Dewey of Armstrong and Mildred Jep- 1 son of Evanston spent the weekend in from the Ringwood unit of Home Bureau to Farm and Home Week. * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Friday evening with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and famthe C. J. Jepson home. I Will Beatty of Keystone spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. Jennie Baily and Mrs. J. M. Butler were guests con* in the I. N. Butler home in Elgin on Mrs. J. M. Butler of Bath, 111., is mmm® •I Trvcb Brhg Yoo All Th»tm Fonwiu Fttvnt M*w D« Luxe Truck ChMrotafi FamoM VUv«4n-HMd Truck ^ • • ' i f i • ' Chevrolet--world's largest builder of trucks--now oilers its Mew line for 194#--56 models on nine wheelbase lengths, all •tiling in the lowest price range! - Extra-powerful Valve-in-Head Engines . . . extra-strong Hypo id Rear Axles . . . extra-sturdy truck units throughout . . . . Make all these new Chevrolet* gluttons for work, whether you 1 cbooee a Sedan Delivery or a Heavy Duty Cab-Over-Engine model. And Chevrolet's famous six-cylinder economy . . . plus the exceptional dependability and long life of Chevrolet trucks . . . means that all of them are misers with your money when It comes to gas, oil and upkeep. Choose Chevrolet trucks for 194# and you choose the nation's greatest truck values . . . the best haulers, best savers and "best sellers" in the entire truck field! Truck Frana • N«w FuM-Viiiofi OutfMk »n«l N«w Crytfal-Claar Plate GI*m Win N_r_f uM Hyrir•uf e Truek Srafcw frnlilUiH 4-Way UtrkaMaa "SL-8P^t.«Blui npw,r HUnega diHiEiM)i m Heavy Duty mad*) (yoeuum-fowr train, 2-Sp--d m ai muotrpot itoonrat.l) o a Hoovy Duty 4 than •vmr, thm ••THRIFT-CARRIERS FOR THE NATION" visiting her daughter, Mrs. #. 'A. Hitchens. , Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCanncm and family of Algonquin spent Sunday afteroon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler of Elgin and Elmer Butler of Bath spent Sunday evening in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Armstrong is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Monday afternoon at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Baldwin of Norwood Park spent Saturday afternoon in the E. E. Whiting home. Fred Wiedrieh and son, Roy, attended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Etta Hoover, at Clinton, Wis., Saturday. Mrs. Roy Wiedrieh and son spent Saturday with her mother at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe, Floyd Howe and Miss Sade Shales spent Friday at Goodhope, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe received an announcement of the birth of a son, Robert La Verne, to Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Luster of Chicago, Thursday, January 4. Mrs. Luster was formerly Miss Betty Davis and lived with the Howe family for eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Nick iFreund at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Benoy of Crystal Lake f^pent Saturday evening in the Robert Howe home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Alice Howard of Kenosha. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Coles and Walter Krohn spent Sunday evening in the Ray Merchant home. Callers in the afternoon were, Ethel, Lois and Marion Krohn, Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith Pearl .and son, Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Pickert of Waukegan scent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Adell HoltZ. Miss Gene Abt and Jacob Drum of Antioch were callers in the Smith home Sunday afternoon also. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughters and Mercedes Lindemann of Woodstock si>ent Sunday in the Lonnie and S. W. Smith homes. VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George visited the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Richard Dusil, in Berwyn, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker and son, Donald, of Crystal Lake enjoyed New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and sons of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors at the Bacon home. Bernard Hanke and Joseph Schaefer of Evanston called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Friday. The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Bruno Grimelli Tuesday. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs. Harry Grantham of Wauconda were Friday visitors at the home of Mr. an4 Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mrs. Russell Gibbs, Mrs. Frank St. George and Mrs. Bruno Grimelli visited Mrs. Pet- ^r Engeln in Chicago Wednesday. G. A. Vasey of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Wednesday. EM Bacon and daughter, Wilah, of Round Lake w<£e Sunday visitors at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher of Libertyville spent Wednesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Ellapod Dowell. , Mrs. Walter Vasey was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Elmer Boucher of Libertyville spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ell wood Dowell. Mrs. Frank 'St. Georpe visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Merganthaler in Evanston Friday. Miss Vinnie Bacon WM ft Woodstock caller Saturday. N Mrs. Sarah Fisher is on the sick list at this writing. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Barron at Gnyaltke en the afternoon of Wednesday, Jinwy 17. A major project will be ynwoM and the minor project will gf reports from the delegates that atf tended Farm and Home Week at Urbana several days this week. My- Ray Hafer represented the Volo nM| at Farm and Home Week, and Walter Crok of Volo was a county representative at Urban*. BEG PARDON! The fire at the Alvan home on January 1 caused consider- ,» »bly more damage than was stated in fe the last issue of the Plaindealer. The fc4 total loss was estimated between and $500. ^ Also, in the account of the McHen- ^ ry House hotel, there was a misprint* m concerning the date of its organisa- ^ tion; the building was Orgtfiized IB 1888 instead of 1888. Subscribe far The Plaindealer -i ---np--r inmarrojx,^ . I MKR **&&&$& " :'it* ? '.nmx IKK McCULLOM LAKE Not only in the summer is McCollum Lake a spot of gay activity, but in the winter as well. Since the lake has been frozen a number of skating parties have taken place. Sunday afternoon there were sixty persons enjoying this healthful sport. Among them were Lee Larsen, Al Elarton, Mr. and Mrs. Goranson, family and guests, Hughie McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Feiereisel, Mr. and Mrs. Bauld and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, two daughters, and twenty guests, not to say anything of the*-children who reside here. The O'Flaherty's were visitors here on Tuesday and the Hawes spent Wednesday at the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyle and Mrs. Arnold were Sunday visitors in th< home of Mrs. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Kuerth and Lorraine, were out Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Makofski and Alfredia and Mr. and Mrs. Halley. The young people here have been entertaining at each others home once a week. Dorothy Becker will do the honors next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Schlitt attended the funeral 'of his aunt in Chicago on Tuesday. Mrs. McKim spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. jtri* John Farmer Buys, a TRACTOR! When John- farmed gfandfirtker drove his claim stakes in the four |orners of the homestead, he fkeamed of a big barer to shelter _|jhe mules he'd need as power to farm his acres. Those were the days J>efore advertising--when fanning 4|neant hard labor for every member 3l*f the family^--every day of the year. Now, John Farmer has just bought • new tractor to do the work of ttiany mules. And the tractor per* forms myriad tasks that moles couldn't do. It runs the buzz saw, powers the feed mill, fills the alio. Without the service of advertising John Farmer still would be farming WITH HIBICS OSlnj ICflllC RUTS TO raise feed for them; devoting valuable hours every day caring for them; How has advertising affected life os the farm? Without advertising, few farmers could afford tractors-- few would have radios, electrified homes, automobiles, automatic refrigeration, motorized washing machines-- and many other device* (0 save time and labor. Advertising has brought about JMRion-wide sales, large-scale prodnction and lower prices. Due to advertising the American Way of living is not restricted toafoffiinaj* few, but is open to alL UPHOLD AMERICAN STANDARDS J ' ...BUY ADVERTIS8D BRANDS St>e the NewJ940 CHEVROLET TRUCKS on special display NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK at yojr C h e v r o l e t d e a l e r ' s JAN 8 to 13 White Coyote Reported A white coyote, a rare animal, recently was seen in Rocky Mountain National park in Colorado. This U 9m of a strict of advorHsomonts propan boumtogmn* A North Carolina law prohibits more than three persons from riding in the front seat of an automobile McHENRY. ILL. 5A Louis, showing consumer -McHENRY AND WEST McHENRY! Friday, Saturday and Monday January 19, 20 and 22 FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY JANUARY tt,10 fHD 22, WILL BE EVENTFUL DAYS IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT OF McHENRY AND WEST McHENRY IF THE EFFORTS OF THE MERCHANTS MEET WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE JPUYING PUBLIC. THEY WILL ALL THREE BE DOLLAR DAYS. NEXT WEEK'S ISSU* OF THE PLAINDEALER WILL ADT THF BARGAIN ADS OF THESE MERCHANTS, SO BE 8URE AND WATCH FOR THEM IN A FULL 4-PAGE SECTION OF THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY WILL CONTAIN MERCHANDISE OFFERED FOR SALE AT A GREAT SAVIN* % . "• T'*:. ,« • INVENTORY IN THE STORES HAS BEEN TAKEN, WHICH ALWAYS RESULTS IN MANY ITEMS BEING FOUND WHICH ARE READY TO BE SACRIFICED IN ORDER TO MAKE BOOM FOR NEW STOCKS. THUS AN OPPORTUNITY IS SENTED FOR THRIFTY' BUYERS TO SECURE GOOD MERCHANDISE AT A PRICE TO ITT EVERY PURSE.- > * KEMZHBKK THX DATKS Of MeHXNSY'S DOLLAK i>AYS, TODAY, SATURDAY ABIT MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 9* AND 2*. • . '• "v • - • ' v..-/ WATCH FOR THE ADS - • '• " v 4. .5'. 'kt