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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1940, p. 8

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n ; ?«*5 ?r. t J. « 3 ;•*?*" Vr;-5 , , %>,>• -THX MoBXHSY i<rfn*8. i ' r:'f ,t, s '"•a > Thursday, March 14,1940 -- _ _ : -- 5 5 r-ii »•„ C. D. OF A. The last regular meeting of the WOODSTOCK Iteetre -- Woodstock Air-Conditioned #i^ FRIDAY -- March 15 2 --. KG Features -- S at Stagain Prices! DMMW Open at 6:3© 15c ttfPt!* -- 25c after 7*9 "HAWAIIAN NIGHTS" with Johnny Downs A N D -- "MARKED WOMA*^ with Bette Davis - f . SATURDAY -- March 16 --Continuous from 2 :S0--• '$ * Swell Shows * 2 : **U-B0AT 29" with Conrad Veldt ,}<& , --plus-- vj-,"; "T»E MAN FROM * SUNDOWN" . with Charles Starrett' SUNDAY -- MONDAY March 17-18 s -Continuous Sunday from 1:8#- Bargain Matinee to 6KM) -- 2 -- SMASH HITS -- 2 "CONGO MAISIE" with Ann Sothern "GERONIM^" -- with -- Preston Foster - Ellen Drew TUESDAY -- March 19 15c - Bargain Night - l#e "THE MAN WHO WOULDN'T TALK" -- wiiif - Lloyd Nolan - Marion Marsh WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY March 20 • 21 "EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT" -- with -- Saaja Henie - Ray Mfltaai •--- A 1 » • ---- "SET 'EM UP," A Pete SMth Specialty - Latest News The Beautiful I I. I OVAI! m CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. %UHtmy (Vfc Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ---- Doable Feature ---- Tito Goisar "*EE LLANO K»" Bruce Cabot -- in -- "MY SON IS GUILTY" SUNDAY -- MONDAY I Bon. Coot, from 2:45 p. m. -- 25c I to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. - 10c DAVID NIVEN --in-- *1 R A F F L E S " With OHria DeHavillaad There's Romance in Every "Raffles" Robbery! A l s o -BUSY LITTLE BEARST Academy Award Winner! -- TUESDAY -- MB -- Special -- lie Play Baiater 0 "U "OUR NEIGHBORS, THE CARTERS" with Edmund Lowe WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Preston Foster -- in -- "GERONIMO" -- with -- ;----Blen Drew - Andy Dertiie A l s o ' •». MARCH OF TIMlfc • . . .f FOX RIVER VALLEY CAMP . The next meeting of the Fox Rivet Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be held next Tuesday evening, March 19. * BIRTHDAY PARTY i Mrs. John S. Freund was surprised Wednesday night by hen children and their families when they called to Catholic Daughters of America was|Wish her & happy birthday They held Thursday, March 7. Everyon ^rQu^ht many lovely gifts and a delienjoyed the lecture, "Insure Your Soul" given by Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky. The next meeting wiU\be to Thursday, April, 4. LYONS-B&OOKS OARAVAN VIBITS WOODSTOCK o.E.A All members of the Order of the cious lunch and spent the evening at cards. Those receiving prizes were the Misses Lucille and Rita Weingart, Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Mrs. Ed Freund. Those in attendance were Mr. and Easter Star, McHenry chapter, are'Mrs. M»th Blake and family, Mr. and invited to attend Basted services in j Mr*"nd in ii«u „ . »i»„--k at ar*d Mrs. Edwin Freund, Mr. and Mrs. the Community Methodist church at ^ ^ Woin„.^ anA Mr nnH 11:00 a. m., Easter Sunday. POT-LUCK SUPPHR The Altar and Rosary sodefy of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring a pot-luck supper at 6:30 p. m. Sunday, March 17, in St. Patrick's hall. Tickets are twenty-five cents. Itie public is cordially invited. • • • RIVERVIEW CAMP PARTY , A public card party will be sponsored by the Riverview Camp, R.N. A., on Tuesday evening, April 2. A short business meeting will be called to order at 7:80 and the party will follow. For an evening of fine entertainment, don't fail to attend. . EVENING CONTRACT BRIDGE The Evening Contract Bridge club met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Geo. Stilling. Receiving awards for the highest scores were Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Harold P. Owen and Mrs. Harry Durland. The hostess served a delicious lunch to close the evening. Mrs. Alice Barbian will entertain on Tuesday evening, March 26. BI-WEEKLY FIVE HUNDRED The Bi-Weekly Five Hundred clufc met Sunday evening in the William Bishop home. The awards were received by Mrs. John Matchen, Mrs. John Phannenstill, John Phannenstill and William Freund. The guests enjoyed a delightful lunch. On Saturday evening. March 30, the William Freunds will be kosts. ^ * • • - M ' feVEVWft BRIDGE Mrs. Gertrude Sohaefer waS tiffttess to the Evening Bridge club last Thursday night instead of Mrs. Edward Nickels who was unable to entertain on account of illness in the home. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Alice Lindsay and Mrs. Edward Nickels. On Thursday, March 28, the club will meet with Mrs. Signa Miller. Peter Weingart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Freund and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schmitt and family and Mrs. John Stilling. Pictured above is the Lyons-Brooks caravan as it arrived in front of the court house at Woodstock Wednesday. Lyons and Brooks1 1, ,:»re completing a state-wide tour of the state and have been in every ' hook and corner of the state. Lyons seeks the G. O. P. nomination for f governor while Brooks is seeking the Republican nomination for U. S. senator. LYONS WANTS SALES TAX TAKEN FROM FOOD SON GREETS BROOKS ON HIS ARRIVAL CHARLES 'F. PICH o. a a 4",.. At the "hdrt 'regular meewtjr M the Order of the Eastern Star, Monday, March 11, plans were made for a supper to be given in the O. E. S. hall on Wednesday, April 3. The public is cordially invited to attend this affair of which Mrs. Chauncey Harrison of Ringwood is chairman. The next regular meeting will be beld^ Monday, March 25. " !!H,. • • • BRIDGE PART# Mrs. Betty Nielsen entertained three tables of ladies last Friday evening for a few enjoyable hours of bridge. The prize gifts were received by Mrs. Harry Durland, Mrs. GeTald Carey, Mrs. George Stilling and Mrs. Henry Miller. Other than the prize winners, the ladies in attendance were Mrs. Charles Burton of Wondei; Lake, Mrs. Joanne Riulien, Mrs. Fred ' Rogers, Mrs. Harold Owen, Mrs. A1 Barbian. Mrs. T. H. Belling, Clara Miller and Marie Ropp. ' • * * • LADIES' AID Over thirty ladies, members of the Ladies* Aid. surprised Mrs. Albert Blood last Thursday afternoon by presenting her with a surprise shower of for an anticipated blessed event. The hostesses were Mrs. C. H. Duker, Mr=. Flmer Baum. Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. Leonard McCracken and Mrs. Harold Owen. All the guests enjoyed a delightful afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Baum will present a book review at the next meeting which will be held with Mrs. Zep^ Bacon on! Main street. e • • - TENTH BIRTHtiAY Marion Grace, daughter of Mrs. Ray Conway, entertained nine little friends Friday afternoon on the occasion of her tenth birthday. The guests enjoyed a variety of lively games and afterwards their hostess took a number of snapshots of the group. Lunch was served with the large birthday cake being the main attraction. Those oresent were Joyce Weber, Dolores Vales, Marianne Rogers, Lao- Verne Hobbs, Mary Douglas, Sharon1 O'Shea, Barbara Krause, Jackie Hobbf and Tommy Douglas. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's church Saturday morning for Charles F. Pich, 72 years old, who passed away at his home in McHenry Wcdnr-^?y evening, March 6. Mr. Pich lutu uccu u.B *"'• ment for the past few years. He is survived by his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Thelen Pich, and five children. He was buried in St. Boniface cemetery, Chicago. Buy your Baby Chicks at the Farm* ers Mill, the Home of Good Chicks. Phone 29. 88 fef p8 Pictured above is Richard J. Lyons as he appeared in the circuit court room at Woodstock Wednesday. In 1.1- tsl!; he r«iterated his favoring removal of the sales tax on food as a "relic of the feudal barbarism of the middle ages." He compared the sales tax as applied to food, to the feudal barons who at harvest time "were on hand to see that the peasants handed over enough of their produce to make the castle cupboards bulge." One of the first to greet O. Wayland Brooks as he appeared at the .court house in Woodstock Wtednesday was his sonr Russell Brooks, who is a student at Todd school, Woodstock. Russell bears the same name as his father's brother who was killed in service during the world war. Speaking before a crowd in the court room, Brooks advocated senate ratification of each trade treaty negotiated between this country and others, saying "it is a dangerous practice for free people to delegate authority to one man to make treaties which affect not only the farmer, but the wage earner and business generally." The main fault in the trade agreement, he said, is that with one hand the New Deal subsidizes the American farmer for allowing part of his acres to lie farrow, while on the other hand it makes trade agreements with foreign nations allowing their farm pro. ducts to be imported into this <Mwnfary» DON'T FORGET < * * We finance new cars at 5%. Our insurance rates meet or beat them all. EARL R. WALSH, Phone 43. 43 Jfor-fa*Uo*ed PHARMACY \TI7E put emphasis W fashioned rittt on the oldvirtues of pro- Albert Clopek of West' Newbury* port, Mass., was fined fifty dollars for hitting his son-in-law, Victor Deslmone, on the head with a club for refusing to stop "jitterbug dancing" in the house. fcssional skill, courtesy, service' fmit- jfyliny. Yet this is af new-fashioned pharmacy. New|: in the lact that our shelves arer^ with the latest medica-| .. . ments from over the world; our ^ "J*' equipment is the most modern! and improved; our personnel! informed on the newest devel-V; ?$ opments in scientific medicu^.t . ,/ It costs no more to have your t prescriptions compounded here. ^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORS Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drugstore. 4f-4 msm HEAD THAT Sfuwe* C(o4e eu a AttoUfht-edqe wrrwr j w SHAViMASTER Icreeaed cemb Llghtalagoily 2-thowcwMs fast, daebls •f an inch thla. edge oscll- Almoif 3 times m lotiag cetter amch "hole area** of rotoras metal. AND ONLY SHAVEMASTER HAS IT Two models to choose from--both with the exclusive Sunbeam head that has i dry-shaving so popular. Both have motors with plenty of power. The one you buy depends on where you wish to use It--the "R" has a Universal motor that operates on both AC and DC... the "M" has a magnetic motor that operates on AC only, 57.50 Mel "V AC-DC $15.00 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street i: * •-m Wliy lug the Dniui wben you can Above is ibe Buick SPBCIAL 4-door touring sedq& $90©* NEW £MPIR§ McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sen. Mat. S p. m. Continuooa FRIDAY -- SATURDAY March 15 - 16 Robert Montgomery in "EARL OF CHICAGO" Also -- Cartoon and Musical - SUNDAY AND MONDAY March 17 - 18 Don Ameche - Andrea Leeds A1 J olson "SWANEE RIVER" Also -- Cartoon • Travelogue and News -- All Technicolor Program -- TUESDAY Admission -- 10c - 25e Humphrey Bogart is (1) "Return of Dr. X" Bruce Cabot in (2) "My Son is Guilty " WEDNESD A Y "TH U RSDAY Ann Sothem in "CONGO MAISIE" 8PONSOR PLUNKETT DINNER The March committee of the Eastern Star will sponsor a Plunkett Dint ner at the Eastern Star hall on Wedk> nesday evening, April 3, at 6:30 p. m. Buy your tickets from the following committe members: Mrs. Myrtle Harrison, Mrs. Rilla Foss, Mrs. Mabd Hawley, Mrs. Ethel Smith, Mrs. Kate Harrison, Mrs. Eva Eppel. Mrs. Otoa Nordin and Mrs. Valeska Hoppe. The tickets are forty cents each and will also be on sale at the hall. Adults only. YOU never yet saw a band come down the street without someone out in front setting the tempo, while someone back in the crowd obediently thumped in time. So you'll get what we mean when we ask, why drive a car that's along just for the march--when you can pilot a Buick and show die others the wayf MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' club met last Friday afternoon in Legion hall, with about forty-five members and friends present. Mrs. C. H. Duker was chairman of the affair, assisted by Mrs. C. W. Klontf. Mrs. Elmer B«um, Mrs. Ellen Phalin and Mrs. Ben Dietz. Mrs. Charles Goodell gave a short talk urging the ladies to attend the concert to be given by the Waukegan Philharmonic orchestra. Mrs. Russell Fyfe eavp two readings. One of these was in Irish dialogue and was very appronriate with the color scheme and lunch in anticipation of St. Patrick's dav. Dr. Kirby of the Abbott laboratories gave a very educational lecture on hay fever. The acaoella choir of the local high school offered a couple of very lovely songs to close the program. Mrs. Harold Owen will be chairman for the nmeeting Apr®, prices Begin •* % ItrBiuiBessCovpe --Sedan prices glari at $955-- -kdeUvtred at Flint, Mich. Transportation based on rail rates, state md local taxes (tf any), optionaleqtttP" mint and accessories-- extra. P^ces subject to change without notice. Maybe someday the others will have engines like velvet because they're electrically balanced after assesQ^'i but Buick has them now. ^ Maybe tomorrow they will have coil, springs all around that never need ! greasing--but Buick has them today. Maybe sometime you'll get the front> hinged doors, five-foot front seat room and Foamtex cushions of the SuPEt --maybe youll get direction signalr with automatic cut-off as standard equipment--but you can get those on the Buick you buy this yean Maybe someday youll get a /car as long as Buick for the money, or with a frame as heavy without paying more. c ; But why take a chance on those may* bes when this honey's here, ready you to take over right nbwP So drop iti on your Buick dealer. Dro|| % in to talk facts and f i g u r e s , or drop izl^ 4 to see what next year's cars will try^ ^ to look like. . "" ; • ^ tvTj" Is JEf^t drop in! Soont^ . ' A: DOMrtAK Of OmSRAi MOTORS VAU» . I. >nt Street, Weet MoHtnary, HI SALES Main St, Crystal Lake, QL

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