& w m y ^5J /if 't'-:5-;- : Thursday, March 14,1940 ./ fv') ^'V** i'sp "SO I HEAR" fry '• k * '* -i EARL WALSH I he gets that high forehead like some J of the rest of us. Politicians use those I pictures for years. . --I-- Henry Miller opposes Thenneein an attempt to win hack h!s old post as Committeeman. Henry and T. J. Walsh were the first Democrats of our _ . . , I recollection. They most have started, Day by day it appears that ourjright after >the Indians left these! bachelor list of last week stirredup j parts. This ought to be quite a batplenty of buzzin ! ^ i tie. Both are Democrats so we can't j , V~. , jsee anything agin 'em. "Hank" has! Every day somebody asks, "How,the best lingo and Thennes the biguld vou foreet : | gest smile. '• • • -- i- - Word comes that McPemiotl, of .S. X' -could you forget so-and-so --8 IPor instance, Walter Gorman, one of the slickest "Batches^ til town, was missed on our list. --I-- And--we're so sorry to have missed the name of Earl "Legs" DowelL --1- . Hew do those guys escape so long? Somebody else raised the devil 'cause we didn't get "Mattis" Engeln in the list. '--1~ \ •* Inside Staff: ScratchElbert Buch the list, tfrfs \' i. . * .-V- \ Hei*^s * leter regarding a charter member of our Bachelor Boy Club: Dear S. I. H.: Last, week you gave a list of eligible baojielors for the lonely girls. Last tut not least) you mentioned Charles hitang. I want to give a little advice to some other lonely hearts. He can't be lassoed. On February 29,1 boosted up my courage and "popped the question" to Charlie. Oh! Such disappointment Fve never known. Why he refused I cannot understand. I am < 5' 2" with eyes of blue, am not too old--and can cook. Maybe you can help" me &.I. H.? PERPLEXm, --I-- Dear "Perplexed": « ! He can't do that! I note your height, color of eyes and age. All sounds good, but your last statement sounds best--"and can cook." Right there lies the secret of _success. Why! One time a lady received . $15,000.00j in a letter contest in which the subject of how to get along with a man was the theme., Hie lady wrote: "Feed The finite." Anyhow, Perplexed, it seems Better to have asked and lost Than never to have tossed a rope . . . . , S LE , Mr and Mrs. John W. Fay send us a clipping in which the famous Boake Carter points their city of Bellingham, Washington, as a perfect spot on the map of this good old U. S. A. We gather that people work hard, earn enough and envy no man. • The Fays send best wishes to all McHenry. Well, the old political bug la getting quite a hold in and about McHenry. "We would like to interview each and every candidate for local offices. --|-- "So I Hear" will build 'em up and tear 'em down. Let it be known here, now and forever after that the views of "S. I. H." are in no way, shape or form to be construed as the views of the Editor of this paper. They aren't even a "rWifflitfbta feesimile.* In other words-^we don't agreenohow! The first to cross our path is a fine and noble gentleman from McHenry's far West Side--"Judge" Landgren. Here, my friends is a man who was once a carpenter. He threw away his hammer, then passed the bar. . Well, he didnt pass the bar--he went behind it: Now, he's picking up the hammer again. He's tunning for Committeeman. But, my friends--lie's a Republican. What a shame! Lily Lake, may give 'em both a run. Never can tell in a tluee-comer fight. --IUp in Ringwood, Sib Whiting seems to have a corner on the Democratic vote. No opposition. --B-- •• Sib's Uncle Earl is naming 6n the Republican side--and without opposition. Those Whiting boys must know their stuff. --I-- Joe Frett is Another Republican GIRLS DO HOOK PLAIHDXALKB mmr ic '• * Ifl% m ersonm Miss Carmen Freund, R. N., left .today to assume duties in Wilmette. Mrs. Fred Kamholz is spending the week in Chicago. Her husband will join her Sunday and they will attend confirmation services at which their little granddaughter, Bertha Lou Schmitt, will be confirmed. Mrs. Harold Dickow and infant son. Richard Alfred, returned home from the Woodstoek hospital today. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Grayslake were McHenry callers last Thursday. M. O. Blood of Bartelsville, Okla., was the guest of his brother and wire, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Blood, Sunday. Mr. Blood has been in Chicago the past few months on business, being auditor for the City Service company. Among the local folks who attended the Pure Milk Association annual meeting in the Auditorium theatre in Chicago Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Anton H. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund. M. and Mrs. Joseph B. Still-' ing, Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. i Nels Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Stepheff^ N. Schmitt and Edward Conway. Mrs. Kathryn Barbian spent a fg&pJ. days this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams children spent Sunday in the home fl§ their daughter, Mrs. John Whalen and family, at Elgin^ • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmit^ Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter Rosina, were Sunday callers in th# Louis Young home at Waukegan. Dr. Roberts', Stock Wattles Drug Stor£. Read the Want Ada Remedies ai • m . The above picturo shows Poarl Smith and Gertie Barbian \tith proof ot twir ability to hook 'era. Tliifi picture is brought to the attention of nten who had their doubts. MpRTON BOXERS AT HIGH SCHOOL GYM NEXT MONDAY NIGHT HEBRON PLAYS IN STATE TOURNEY AT CHAMPAIGN TONITE . Ring fans attention! Monday, March Hebron's high school basketball without opposition. Anybody whoever j 18, at 8 p.m., the first local school tefcm lias h«id a few days to reflect saw Joe run from the plate to first i boxing show in a number of years \ on winning the Rockford Sectional base knows they couldn't catch him. j will get under way in the high school j tournament. Now, they step into the _ --gym. Our "SJugsters" will trade j supreme test. They are entered with Bob Knox is another Democrat | punches with Morton reserves, of j the sixteen surviving teams in the seeking election. Bob is in Npnda, Cicero, in twelve bouts .These bouts state that will battle for the State township. Has enough voters grow-! will be a minute and a half in length Championship at Champaign this ing up in his own family to demand! with minute rest periods between j week. ome attention. If he and Tom Bolger rounds. It is rumored that Jim Mc Opposing the "Judge" is a young man whom we have not had the pleas- •are of interviewing -- Jim Downs. Seems like a real nice-feller. Ifcit, of course, he's a Republican, too! Would be pleased to hear his platform. In die same West Side hotbed, we find a young aspirant, Bob Martin, entering the field against a battle-scarred veteran of many political wars-- "Dutch" Bacon. This is a Democratic squabble. ever get all their families to voting down there on the Friarie, they can sure hold the balance of power. The West Side is going *tb miss some excitement with Herman Kreutzer, the old "Bear," withdrawing. Rumor has it that Herman is going to move into another precinct. 01' "Bear" would have stirred up plenty of noise. -- There's the picture of local luminaries. Hell! They're all good fellows Give 'em all a vote--even the Republicans! --I-- . Bowling Mores and notes viB pear on a different page this week. Look around. A few notes not Appearing with scores will be picked up here. Rosemary Hettermann Smashed the polished pins to roll up a 232 game at Schaefers. Fanny Freund holds the high game for ladies on the alleys, 235. Kinda close. ' --I-- \ Fanny went over to tlihertyville last week and bowled a 558 series. Hazel Johnson was close with 551. --1- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilbrandt entered and won the Kelley Hotel doubles matches at Elgin Saturday and Sunday with 1277. That's the spirit. Keep McHenry on the map. --•(-- The McHenry K. of C. team number 4 returned from Detroit Sunday night proud of having placed fifth in the Saturday night squiul in the ABC tournament. The team piled up a total of 2509 pins after a poor start m the first game. --1-- This team, known as McGee's, was the first McHenry team ever to enter ABC competition. Members of the team were: Herman Steffes, Willys Schreiner, George Kinsala, Bill Bacon and Capt. Robert Martin. feel that the boys are to be complimented on their showing and look forward to another year with keen anticipation. As the Lions Club meeting closed Tueedey evening, "Prof.'* Nye announced" that he had to attend another meeting--and would somebody bowl in his place on Winkel's K. of C. team? Millen, well known Lake County wrestler and former football star of Illinois University may referee. This is not definite, however. Time-keeper and judges will be local business men. Twenty boys have been training daily for three weeks. Twelve will participate in thte first show and others will not see action 'till a later meet with Grant High on the twentysixth of March. Here are the names of the youths starting with the lighter classes. Let's call this one the Paper-weight: k Tbor Hanson -- 86% fte. J. Waterton -- 91 lbs* Flyweight Richard Doherty -- 118 lbs. Featherweight Bob Weideman -- 124 lbs. John Doherty -- 126 lbs. Dsive Boyle -- 127 lbs. Bob Kuns -- 128 lbs. . Lightweight 'Lloyd Franzen -- 132 lbs. Glenn Peterson -- 133 lbs. John Blasius -- 133 lbe. , A. Wrublewski --- 133 lbs. George Brda -- 135 lbs. Francis Wirtz, 137 lbs. ' George Jackson, 138 lbs. ---••• Gerald Justen, 138 lbs. Welterweight Bob Schaefer -- 144 lbs. L McCennon -- 146 lit. B. Adams -- 146 lbs. Middleweight Vernon Peterson -- 157 lbs. Jim Burke -- 162 lbs. Johnny Ferrell, well known Elgin "glove-tosser" is also on the card. Emil Simon, Arnold Hay, Mox Durland, Johnny Boyle and George Frisby are other boxers that will be in action. The tournament * is starting today (Thursday) and will wind* Up Saturday night. : y Sdbedule. y, 10 a. m. -- Crane Tech (Chicago) vs. Champaign. 11 a. m. -- BeardstOwn vs. Salem. 2 p. m. -- Bloom (Chicago Heights) vs. Herrin. S p. mc-- Paris vs. Taylorville. 4 p. m. -- Moline vs. Casey. 7 p. m. -- Hebron vs. Lewistown. 8 p. m -- Dundee vs. Rushville. 9 p. m. -- Streator vs. Granite City. Tickets are scarce, but many fans from this section will make the trip to see whnt can be done about bringing the title back to McHenry County. Hebron has beaten Elgin. Dundee. Free port and Rockford on their way up the ladder. It looks like they have beaten the best. and all Spring JBOY SCOUTS A very interesting Scout meeting was held Mondav, March 11. After a few minutes of basketball shooting on the gym floor, the meeting (came to order with the salute to the flag. D. Edstrom and D. Schaefer led the troop in repeating the Scout Oath and Law. Re-dedication to these fine laws of Scouting is a part of every meeting. Because of activities at the high school next Monday, the regular meeting has been postnoned until the following T"esdav, March 19. Remember, the R~wd of Review which will be attached to this meeting, Scouts! You don't want to miss the Huntley trin in Anril! ! In a few days, the troop will receive a new source of information for school bouts. Several coi bers have been arranged. Lighting Systesi As stated once before, proceeds of this show, and the shows to follow, will go into a fund for the purchase of and installation of light for the high school football field. Bob, who is on the verge of listing in our bachelor club, has never been in any kind of trouble--being a single man! Looks like a promising young politician. You know, you have to "promise everything in politics. Bob should go strong with the ladies, but hear he's weak on this baby-kissing Stuff. ° \ "Dutch" was one of the few Democrats of a few years back. Traveled with a circus at one time so this 3- ring political stuff is nothing new to him. Elected Committeeman. Short 1y after, by some chance, became State Copper. Rose in ranks to Sergeant. Has dug up lots of dirt in his day (was a well-digger) but hasn't been known to throw much. --I-- Harold F. Miller is running for Committeeman in the third precinct. Kow, who the h knows "Harold"? fEhould have put "Schmalz" on the --%allot. Nice fellow even if he is a Republican. All that boy needs is a soap box! Knows plenty about political -Machines-- and how they worit. / --I-- Have interviewed Art "Torchy" Xrause -- another Republican -- and a Jltrong one! Out for Committeemanand his friends say it's on the ice. Art was born a Republican and never . Rst the birthmark. Worked hard for bis party when it wa^ a lost cause. Why, sure! Floyd Condt would. And, by golly, he did! I The W. had a greet tfme with Floyd Covalt, alias "Prof." Nye. They addressed him as 'Tttrf.", required that he hold an unlighted cigar in his mouth, do a special hop, and, in general, act his part. The plan went over big. One shouldn't laugh ta ckurch, but when we saw .Beatrice Williams sit smack down on her brother's hat last Sunday, it was almost too much. You shouM have seen the look on Dick's face. passing merit badge requirements. These bouts will follow the | Mr. Schoenholtz announced that fifty pamphlets concerning the merit badges in which the troop has been most interested have been ordered. These pamphlets are published with the purpose of supplying a summary of information required. Merit badge pamphlets are very interesting and practical little books, and the Scouts are eagerly awaiting this quite extensive library. The troop will again be the guest of the Pistakee school on March 16. At 1:30 p. m., the Scouts will gather at the swimming pool there for more work on swimpiing and life saving merit badges. The poo! was greatly enjoyed when we swam there in February. "Every Scout a swimmer" has long been a goal of the movement. The woodworking class has been meeting once more under the vision of Mr. G. F. Peterson and Mr. Schoenholtz. The group meets every Wednesday to use the troop tools and learn something of woodworking. Many merit badges relating to carpentry and woodworking have been earned there this winter. SCOUT DAVID SWANSON. MARION KRAUSE BURNS JTP PALACE ALLEYS IN 640 AND 610 SERIES The hottest news in bowling circles this week concerns two great series turned in by Marion Kreuse at the Palace. In open bowling Marion reached the tremendous heights of a 640 series. In league bowling, she polished the wood for a 610 total. 282 - 182 - 226 -- 640 196 . 282 - 182 -- 610 Just more proof that the so-called weaker sex are fast making this a woman's world. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Tito Haindeoler. . IUTS ,, A "Must** to complete your new wardrobe ... A M&llory Spring Hat. in fche new shades Other Mallory'g $4.00 Emmerson Hats $3-50 Wilson and Champ Hats $2.95 TIES ^ J11 are* Stripes and Lariat Satins tub outstanding among the colorful Spring*, Ties. See them in a oolorful array at Others 50^ •r < It's color for 8pring... and amonf the new sfaades are Willow Often, Banff Blue and Pewter Grey. Smart single - breasted 3 - button coats as well as good-looking doublebreasted models are featured in drape models. Hart-Sohaiftier and Marx $S0 Triple Test Suits $325# Curlee Suits $22-50 to $27.1 MeCEE'S Oreen Street Store for Men McHenry, HL INTRAMURAL BOXING MEET STAGED IN OURT OWN "SILVER GLOVES" An intramural boxing meet wis staged at the high school last Friday, March 8. This was an elimination meet to decide which boxers will represent M.C.H.S. in the meet next Monday, March 18. The meet also determined points which will go toward the Silver Gloves to be given as final awards. (See separate article for dope on next Monday night's program. Don't miss.) Results cf Bouts m 86% Ifei. Theo. Hansen beat Jamea Waterton 90% lbs. 113 lbs. John Doherty beat Dick Doherty 126 lbs. 128 lbs. Bob Kunz beat Bob Wiiedeman 122 lbs. 138 lbs. Lloyd Franzen K. O.'d Glenn Peterson 133 lbs. 160 lbs. James Burke draw George Frisby 140 lbs. (exhibition). ® 146 lbs. Loren McCannon K. O.'d Chaff. Adams 146 lbs. 138 lbs. Geo. Jackson draw^ Franefs -- Wirtz 138 lbs. 134 lbs. John Blasius draw M. Wrublinski 138 lbs. 128 lbs. David Boyle beat Gerald Justen 138 lbs. Ed. Thennes, present Democratic enflu m bent in the bloody third has plenty of opposition, but says he can jPun 'em ail out of gas. Has curly hair and winning smile. Should have his picture taken before & CROWD AT TRAP SHOOT The largest crowd ever to witni trap shoot at Jerry's Place, Wonder Lake, attended the third step of a four series shoot Sunday. Joseph Barrett, a member of the Woodstock Sportsmen's club, forged ahead in the shooting Sunday. The fourth shoot will take place at the Woodstock Sportsmen's trap shoot grounds next Sunday. At this tim+ four trophies and other cash prizes will be awarded to high shooters. Read the Want Ada wHEBE ELSE WILL BUY SO MUCH? people and see this new Pontine. Check *11 the facts and you'H fioi^ this big ear is actually just as easiy to buy and just as own as a small oar! USE ANY yardstick you like, •ay Pontiaoowners, "hut you won't find any car that gives you so much for so little as the new 1940 Pootiael" It's not hard to figure out. Poo tiae is a tog car, with all the advantafes only a big oar can offer yet ft* Hmtis priced right down with the lowntt Is it any wonder so many small owners are now swinging over to Pontiac? Take the advioe of these •kDttivmd (t Pontine, Mick Trmmw ptrtatUu haud •» rait rates, stmt* m# html taxes {if any}, optiomsi tmhjtct to tkmmg* »itk»mt aeffe*. fjfitp.vic ft o.ft Qjufr viz jfuthvnrt fin „xmr>rMmrgt Sedan, as Illustrated S884* I SWfU - JOMlUSTOTMf i ; tAUON-ADOtO NOOKKAU HVT THO09U THAT POMT1AC S A IttONfY 4 INCHES WlOCftHEftE. 0H INCHES LONGER MOtij BIG-CAR StZK ud everything tbat with it! Nat oaly ti| tm big-ear MitiM. nalirt aa4 iiililWiif IOW OraLATMV COSTI aMaihi pm lain of "TRIPLE-CUSHIONED" RIOEt Hara'a dnw-Mi control that lay* a aanat af saaifmt over cvarr road! THRU PERfOftMANCB Tha aaw P aatfiaa ia ao paekad with pap aad •o bar* wiajat R. L OVSBTON MOTOR SALES ^ Front • West McHonry, OH - *... IrA;