^Thursday, March 28,1910 SPRING G&OVZ ; 1 \j*r •**<•} r* THI PLAUTOKAliXK f*sr V}v i;n%!'??w< Wil Easter services at St. Peter's church were well attended. A large crowd attended the 8:00 o'clock mass which was a High Mass read by Rev. John Daleiden, pastor. An impressive sermon was given and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament followed the mass. The altars were beautifully decorated with lilies, ferns and potted » plants while the soft glow of many j handles added to its beauty. Mrs. Frank Sanders, sons, George tnd John, called on friends at Heron Wednesday. % . ^r- an<^ Mrs. Ed Peet of Ringwood !tisit*d their daughter. Mrs. Ben Pont, j ,, Jind family on Thursday. 4 Word has been received from W. # Merry that they expect to arrive *ome from California about March 30. ^ • M*®. Alfons Wirtz and infant daughter, Sandra, McHenry, spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. Mrs. Charles Behrens and Mrs. William Adsit, daughter, Beverly, spent Friday with friends in Walworth. Mrs. Harry Myers and Mrs and Mrs. Ada Carr were business call- j ily spent Easter Sunday with refers at Woodstock Thursday . 1 tives at McHenry. Misses Bernice Nimsgern, Dorothy ! Misses Millie and Sue Frett of Mc- Klein and Lucille Freund, Mr. and -Henry were callers at McCollum Lake Mrs. Andy Straub, daughter, Yvonne,, Wednesday. and Edward Klein, Chicajro, and the j Miss Eleanor Schaefer spent Wsd- A1 j Misses Evelyn Sanders, Lucille Esh nesday afternoon at Woodstock. Benish spent Thursday in Waukegan. jand Lucille Nimsgern, of Woodstock j MMrr..' aanndd MMrrss7. *EE.. "EErriicckkssoonn aanndd*'s on Mr. and Mrs. Anton May and Mr. .were among those who spent Easter °f Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. anfl Mrs. Winkrantz. Arnold May and Ted Shotliff, stud- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chients at the University of Illinois, re-' spent the weekend here. turned to Champaign Monday after' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creek and family and Mrs. Anton Meyers visited Mrs. with home folks May's sister, Mrs. Joseph Rothermel, at McHenry. A nice crowd attended Easfer Services at Solon Mills church Sunday | enjoying Easter vacation with their spent Saturday evening at Woodstock, and enjoyed the program given by the, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rush of Chicago children and the singing of the choir.! Sunday guests at the William Katt- 'Pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Collins of Communtiy church rier home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L- Bennett of. McCollum Lake. is still suffering from the results of fall several weeks ago when he crack ed two ribs. Kattner, son, Billie. Mr. j*nd Mrs. Ernest Kattner and children of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt and LILT LAKE : Easter guests in the John Lay home; 8<>n. were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus, Dor-j Mrs. Anna Voeli of Forest Park othy and Marie Lay of Chicago, Miss|spent the weekend with Mr*. Chas. i Agnes Schmitt, Johnsburg, and Miss i Behrens. " I Jean Whiting, Ringwood. j Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern were w . . t> • Mr. and Mrs. Boggs of.Fox Lake;callers in the home of Mrs Frank evening. Prizes were awarded. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Klabough, C. McDermott, Mrs. C. Vachet, Mars ton Wrublewski and Paul Harvey. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. Alex Wirfs was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lipfert and daughter, Lillian, of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanbusiness callers at McHenry Monday. Mrs. Jane Keeler of Barrington and H. L. Grantham, Sr., of Wauconda spent five days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. While there they spent one day with Mr. and Mrs. Burnett at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake, and another day at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt and Mr. and Mrs Wm. VanNatta at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Keeler and Mr. Grantham returned to their respective homes late Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hellier and two daughters, Jane and Bettie, of Barrington sfrent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. W. J. Hoffman of Chicago was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner last Friday. > A card and bunco party was held Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were h "j"" "ii V7 ™a"news , e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Einspar txtj , Waukegap last MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 ^Friday Fresh Boneless Pifet JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Qreen St. (Political Advertisement)" Let the People Rule! Votetf-o* § STELLE ADAMOWSKI BDRRETT SmalU ike, you cwu6edfa GMC fok ch2ckr*'efS THE / 3 LOWEST • • THI TRUCK Of VAlUt • Because GMCs have so much more pulliof power, it may be hard to believe thejr operate on least fas. But engineers' testa have proved this beyond question. Investigate GMC before you buy another truckl , DM paymaet ntotsw tehsrot auvgahi loaubr leow rno tY* Mi AC Man Front Street R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES CONE WITH THE WIND WEEK STARTING SUN DAY-APRIL 7 For night iiiit/ws all seats are reserved. Tickets are now on sale. Matinees will be usual continuous Derno ^served seats. Come anytime from 10.00 a. m up to 2:15 p. m. and see a complete Premiere ex y 88 shown at its famed Atlanta BUY RESERVED SEATS Nbw BOX OFFICE OPEN 10:00 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. NGRT SHOWS (8 P. M.) ALL SEATS RESERVED $1.11 M. til SINOAT MAT. (2 P. H) AU. SEATS RESERVED $1.18 tacL tn HERMY HITS. COHTWIMS NOT RESERVED 75C W. tn ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTlQIt Enclose self-addressed envelope with check or money order. While this engagement is limited this production will not be shown anywhere except at advanced > -> at least until !*4I j Nimsgern in McHenry Saturday, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner i spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. | Joseph Switzer visited with rela- I tive<* at Delavan Sunday. Guests on Easter in the hoirfe of Mr. and Mrs. Anton May were Mi*". : and Mrs. Charles May and family, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyers and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets j and children Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle and fam- c., ily of Elkhoro and Mike Wagner" of,8 " • > yl , Chicago were Sunday visitors in the " ls,tors • Fra«k Waener home. j Robert Hanford and Eugene Jung, students at Sacred Heart College in : Geneva, HI., spent the Easter holidays 'at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Philip May and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. .and Mrs. Jacob May and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and family of Wilmette were guests jn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Monday. Wdnesday afternoon BLENDED MILK PRICE f t I&WEST IN 6 MONTHS The grbss blended price of all milk testing 3.5 butterfat which entered the Chicago market from within a 70-mile zone during February was $1.70 per- 100 pounds, according to figures released last Thursday by the federal milk market administrator. This was the lowest blended price in the six months' operation of the federal order in the Chicago shed. Blended prices previously paid were: September, $1.79; October, $1.87; November, $1.90; December, $1.75, and January, $1.77. x LAST RITES TUESDAY FOR KATHLEEN LARSON When a Chelsea, Mass., jury failed to report on his guilt or innocence after four hours deliberation, the impatient ,'defendant; 'Ben Gansaraga, pleaded guilty, paid a ten dollar fine and departed. Funeral services were held for Mrs. Kathleen Larson of 5359 Iowa street, Chicago, on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., from a chapel at 5701 W. Division street, to Our Lady Help of Christians church. The remains were laid to rest in Mount Olivet. Mrs. Larson and bier husband, Victor, who survives, were former residents of McHenry, having lived in the ... { W. F. Burke house on Washington street for approximately two and onehalf years. They moved to Chicago last fall. The deceased is also survived fc|t. a brother, Frederick W. Turner. V 5PP" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller and Robert Krinn of Cicero. Mr. Reely and brother of Chicago spent Saturday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vachet. Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seyfferth. Mr< and Mrs. W. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Klabough. and Mrs. Strnad, all of Lily Lake; Mrs. Sarle and son, and Mrs. P. Gilman of Chicago were all Woodstock visitors Wed- The Community dlub held its regular meeting in the St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. Following the meeting, cards were played and refreshments served. Mrs. Elsie Benish entertained with a violin solo at the Eastern Star meeting in Richmond Monday night. Mrs. Bessie Baril was her accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son. I Billie, were callers in the Eldred i Johnson home near McHenry Monday evening. * nesday. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. P. Gilman are glad that she is able to be up and about again after undergoing a serious operation at the Michael Reese hospital in Chicago. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Peschke Sunday were Mrs. B. Suski and Stanley Logan and Norbert" Suski of Chicago.- JOHNSBURG SLOCITM'S LAKE kV Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and daughter, Shirley, Miss Evelyn Michels and Mrs. John Degen were Waukegan callers Thursday. Mrs. Rose Hoffine and daughters of Genoa, Wis., called on her sister, Mrs. George King, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell I£irk and daughter,, Darlene, of Mattoon, 111., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Miss Eleanor Althoff, student nurse at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Easter. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, daughter, An- J"?5 "azui nabel, and son, LeRoy, were Wood- ^ la?t Thur84ayi stock callers Saturday. •• i j Bill Smith was a 'Burlington, Wis., caller Monday afternoon. Miss Katherine Schmitt of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at Waukegan last Tuesday. Mrs. Marlett Henry and Mrs. Arlene Zahorick of Island Lake-spent last Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, were business callers at Waukegan Saturday. Arthur W^ckerow, Mr. and Mrs. George Eatinger, Mrs. Jane Eatinger and daughter, Roberta, of Wauconda spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner at Waukegan. Miss Frances Davis and Miss Frances Converse attended the funeral services of Miss Hazel Davis at Round Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Webster of Chicago were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. v Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and McHenr* Chicago spent the weekend with Art,fue5*8' ^yroond Lusk and Peters daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beckenbaugh 0f'w<>re Easter Sunday dinner and after- Chicago were recent visitors in the "®on quests at the home of Mr. and home of Mrs. Beckenbaugh's grand- Mrs* GeorPe Lundgren at Wauconda. mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. ^ Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Mr. and Mrs Irvin Schaefer, Wau- ^ Park were dinnor and aft"noon kegan, spent Easter in the home of ^est8 last Wednesday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. of Mr- and Mr?- Harr>T Matthews; Henry Stoffel of Volo called on John they were ?uPT>er *uests at the home Pitzen Sunday. Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and fam- Mr and Mrs* Arthur Wagner and ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff daughter, Joan, spent Easter Sunday of Woodstock. Mrs Earl Hoffine and at the home of Mr and Mrs- Peter daughters and Miss Marie King of Genoa, Wis., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller, i Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and daughter. Pauline, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Schweitzer at Chicago. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and son. Danielj. were Woodstock callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicne- a spert Sunday with Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and M. Schaefer. near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur-Wagner and daughter, Joan, spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gruebe in Chicago. Mrs. Celia Dowoll and daughter. Marion, spent Sundav afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson at Volo. Mrs. Ray Dowell spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Bacon^|t Crystal I.ake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wasrner and daughter. Joan. Mr«. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sabel were dinner and afternoon gue«ts last Thursdav at da^up-hter, Nancy, of Chicago spent the honie of Mr" and Mrs" ^ Wa*ner Sunday with Mr*. Stephen H. Smith at Waukegan Mrs. Dena Lay and daughter, Mrs. Celia Dowell arrd Thelma. ard Miss Regina Klein were Marion, and Mrs. Harry Raebu Kenosha callers one day this week. M'ss Rosemary H^ttr»rmann and broth?rs; Jerry and Jim. LeRoy Mevers and Eueene King were Woodstock call°rs Friday. Mr. and Mrs Joe Karls, Mrs. Geo, Kir-? and daughter, Bernice, called on Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock Saturday. M>\ and Mr*. Nick Miller of Richmend snent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. McGULLCM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Wagonseller were at their cottage Palm Sunday. A. Nagel of Joliet spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Winkrantz' home. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Tamm of Chicago, brother-inlaw of Mrs. Schubert of McCollum 'son were business callers at Wauk< gan last Friday. I Harry Matthews, in company with H. C. Gilkerson of Libertyville. Earl Kane of Diamond Lake and Otto Metzler and Clarence Snetzinger of Lake Zurich, went on a Dairy Marketing tour through Harvard, 111., Waterloo, Lowell and Oconomowoc, Wis., on Monday. Mr. and Mrc. Ralph Wlagner spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Obenauf at Libertyville. Chesney Brooks attended an Easter Cantata at the M. E. church at Libertyville last Wertnesday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mr=. Lusk and daughter, Betty, returned home with them to spend the Easter vacation. Harold Brooks left last Wednesday on a business trip to Harlingen, Texas. A number of neighbors and friends day evening. Five hundfed was played with honors going to Mrs. Ray Dowell and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Maple Park, Elmer Esping and Harry Matthews. After the serving of a delicious lunch and visiting,? a pleasant evening drew to a close. Jack Geary was a recent caller at Mr. and Mrs. George Scheubert the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burspent several days'in Chicago. p nett. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and fam- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Lake. Miss Nellie Creek of McCollum Lake were entertained at cards at the home went to Woodstock for an audition of Mr. and Mr=. MarletJ^ Henry Frion the WLS Home Talent show to be held March 28, 29, 30 at the Woodstock Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. G. Milner of Diamond Lake spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Winkrtanz. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elarton spent the weekend at their cottage here. Four kittens, born in a church at Bloomington, 111., were bought by - members and the money placed in the missionary fund. wi-rS t County Officials Endorser McHenry County's Republican! Candidate for the Legislature! i*;V * * ifcHenty Coatit v entitled 16 and should have a_Republican' Representative in tlie Legislature in Springfield. At the present time, the State Senator and the two Republican members of the House Representatives reside in Lake County. Republican voters in this County, ,i£ McHenry County is to have Republican representation, should give their undivided supi>ort to the pne candidate , from McHenrv Countv C. RUSSEL A L L E N In Mr. Allen McHenry County has a candidate "whirin every Republican can well admire. He is the son of the late Charles T. Allen, County Judge, whoso administration of his office was a credit to hijtiself and to the County. There is no reason whv C. Rl SSELL ALLEN should not'perform the duties ill the General Assembly of Illinois with equal honor to himself and the district he is to represent if elected. Sincerely believing that in all'faHiess McHenry County is entitled to this representation, we, the undersigned, inter .ted in the success of tVe Republican ticket in tins County, heartily endorse his candidacy and urge all Republicans to cast THREE VOTES for this candidate by placing a cross in front of his name on the Pi iiuary Ballot. - . , • , • * * .*• We further believe many Republicans in the other two counties inthi&Distiict aie inipiessed that in fairness they t o should and will take the same aetioi>-in~ their respective comities, and if this is do le, Mr. Allen will be successful, and McHenry County will be represented by a ca table and sincere Legislator. HENRY L. COWLIN, County Judge. , WM. M. CARROLL, State's Attorney! C. FRANK DALY, County Treasurer; LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff. WILL T. CONN. Circuit Clerk & Recorder It. D. W00D8, County Clerk. - $, MASTER 85 BUSINESS court «h*r models sHgiitly hifher All models priced at Flint; Michigan. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories-- extra. Prices subject to change without notice. The Master De Luxe Town Sedan, $725* Qmvraiaft KftFECTCD KNH-ACTIOM (oa Spatial Da Una oad Maatur Da Un Sariat) b au*mbl«d a* an mtagrol unit eompM* In to omn ^ p*rf*d balanc* and, Iktnhr*, pohd «pringfc«e, >Hwh| a*d brottiflF todi Individual car. Otawvlaft STABItlZCD mONT END--wiMi radiator, hood. H*odttgM> a^l f*nd«ri flnnly and itcvnly bound togattor in a rigid from#work of tkwMal it**!, gives trw* front-end stabHity. Chayralaft AUTOMATIC RIDE STAKIUZEK, aftodted la tH* front end at the chassis frame, and linked to the lower Knee-Action member, inttMb genuine steadiness on curves and sharp turns! OUvroJefi SCIENTIFICALLY BALANCED SPRINGS, with doufcW-octfcvg s<w(k absorbers, and with spring action varying automatically according to kMM and deflection, assure uniform riding smoothness at ad times. v OtavraUf, BALANCED WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION m Hb LOMOSST OF All. LOWEST-PRICED CARS gives that scientific distribution of weight WW front and rear spring* so essential to a smooth, level ride. CfcewaJert RIGID ALL-STEEL BODY and BOX-GIRDER FRAME--Mie stroa|| est and most rigid body and frame construction known to modem- avtl motive engineering--odds that Anal degree of comfort aad which spelts today's finest ride ... "CkewoM'i Kda Koyoff" "CHEVROLET'S FIRST AGAIN!" tfUawMus...feur of jut SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SA :h, 2SL' ETHEIia C0E McHENRY. ILL.