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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1940, p. 4

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wm PiceFo* ii-vW' * ' . ' ^ ^ • ' 8 , r' THE McHENR i PLAINDEALEE * J \^'**1 * ** if*1 >4» ^ _J * \ -V- jjh ~~ « w P1* ^ ^ a ( ' .y Thursday, April 4," 1340 THE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER Published every Thursday at Mohenry, 111., b> Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager IZ*2.00 $1.00 One Year .. Six Months X«OGAL CHILDREN WELL PROTECTED AGAINST SMALLPOX SUSTAININ * NtH Rubber Stamps? Order at.The Plaindealer, WOODSTOCK ILlbk Theatre Woodstock Air-conditioned FRIDAY -- SATURD^jt^ April '5-6 2 -- BIG HITS -- 2 ; "HIS GIRL FRIDA3T* -- with -- Cary Grant - Rosalind R« -- P L U S -- "BULLETS FOR RUSTLERS" SUNDAY MONDAY Continuous Sunday from 2:30 -- ..Bargain Matinee to 6:00 • Charles Slarrett -- in -- "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK" - s t a r r i n g - RICHARD GREENE ALICE FAYE FRED MacMURRAY -- A I 8 o -- "INFORMATION PLEASE" Donald Duck Cartoon Latest News Events TUESDAY -- Ap»;J * i5c - Bargain Night - lfc 'CHARLIE CHAN IN PANAMA" --- with -- Sidney Toler WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY April 10-11 1 "A CHILD IS BORN" -- f e a t u r i n g -- GERALDINE FITZGERALD JEFFREY LYNN GLADYS GEORGE A l s o March of Time, "Brave Finland" Dear Parents:- The smallpox vaccinations for the current school year have just been completed with the following results: Smallpox Vaccination Report Public Grade School Kindergarten -- Vaccinated, 10. 100%. ' Grade I -- Vaccinated, 4; revaccinated, 1. 100%. ' Grade II -- Vaccinated, 4. 100%. ® Grade III -- Vaccinated, 3; revaci cinated, 1. 100%. Grade IV -- Revaccinated, 1. 100%. Grade V -- Revaccinated 1. 100%. Grade VI -- Revaccinated, 3. 100%., Grade VII-- Revaccinated, 5. 100%. Grade VIII -- Revaccinated, 8. 100%. St. Mary - St. Patrick School Grade I -- Vaccinated, 6; revaccinated, 3; unvaccinated, 1. ; < * , ' i Grade II -- Vaccinated, 2; ^Vaccina ted 2; unvaccinated 1. : v Grade III •--Vaccinated ljUnvaccinated, 1. - Grade IV -- 100%. '>• . , Grade V--r 100%. v : * ' " ' ! Grade VI -- 100%.. • : . V* ! Grade VII -- - i Grade VIII -- Unvaccinated, 3, ! It is commendable that any classj room should have one hundred per 'cent immunization (protection against j«niallpox). But it is ffclt that those who have been directly concerned--the I children, parents, teachers--may feel : justly proud to have every child in the Public Grade School vaccinated against smallpox, giving, this school a one hundred per cent fating, j St. Mary - St. Patrick's school also | has an enviable record with many classrooms having all but one child protected against smallpox. The high school shows the following tabulation according to classes: Freshmen -- Enrollment, 78; total vaccinal, 58; unvaccinated, 20; outdated, 18. " Sophomores -- Enrollment, 47; total vaccinated, 33; unvaccinated 14; out-dated, 12. Juniors -- Enrollment, 52; total vaccinate, 44; unvaccinated 8; outdated, 33. Seniors -- Enrollment, 49; total vaccin&ted 43; unvaccinated, 6; outdated, 23. The Illinois State Department of Public Health suggests that everyone should be revaccinated every seven years. The high school records indicate that there are twenty-three seniors, thirty-three juniors, twelve sophomores and Eighteen freshmen who should be revaccinated. This in order to maintain the high standard of health now existing in McHenry schools. A. JOANNE RULIEN, "" School Nurse. GABBY QERTIE "When there's a lot of kick about dancing it never comes from the bald-headed row." DEBUNKER By John Harvey Fur bay, Ph.D. WASHINGTON WAS NOT eORN OH w THE / f TWENTY- ssn. SECOND 1 mr* °F Nfegg? FEBRUARY L. . .*5 W' &u. The Beautiful |<;i,TOVAI! Ifl CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY --- Double Feature : Jack Holt --in -- 'FUGITIVE AT LARGE' ' x Edmund Lowe "HONEYMOOH DEFERRED" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p.m. -- 25e to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. * 10c CARY GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL --in-- ••HIS GIRL FRIDAY** -- with -- ~ Ralph Bellamy Grandest Comedy of the Year! TUESDAY SPECIAL Ger&ldine Fitzgerald ^"A CHILD IS BORN" (Not recommended for children!) WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Ronald Colman in "THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" , -- with -- Walt er Huston - Ida Lupino YOUTHS FINED $50. COST FOR TURNING IN TWO FALSE ALARMS George Washington was born on February 11, 1732, according to authentic records. Since that time, the old-style calendar has been revised, and 11 days were eliminated. This changed the date of Washington's birth to the twenty-second of February, wh^ch is now celebrated as though it were actually his birthday. (Public Ledger--WNU Service.) BLUE AND WHITE * . Kenneth Giles, 16, and Carl Pearson, 17, Woodstock farm boys who pleaded guilty to the information filed against them in the county court charging them with turning in two false alarms last Wenesday night, were fined $50 each and costs of "$21.40 by Judge Henry L. Cowlin Monday morning. Judge Cowlin said he wanted the bovs to pay the fines and costs and did not want the relatives of either boys to pay. He released the two on their own bonds ori a promise that thev would work and pay the fines. Neither of the boys had been in trouble before and their records in the communities in which they live are very good. Last Wednesday night, a fire alarm was turned in from box five, at the Woodstock Typewriter factory in Woodstock, about 11:45. At 2:15 a. m., another alarm was turned in from a box at Clay and Donovan streets. The fire department answered both calls but could find no trace of a fire. Officers Lewis Thayer and Otto Krull solved the problem when, after the second alarm, Harry Wolf told the officer that he heard a car which sounded like a Model A Ford drive away from the Donovan and Clay street corner just after the alavm sounded. In a short time the officers overtook Giles and Pearson in the Model A. They were taken to the city hall for questioning and after several hours the two admitted they turned in the alarms. They gave no particular reason other than they did it for the fun of it. One of the most fetching of the new crop of bonnets is this striped stone blue and white pique rolled brim sailor. It has a bag to match. FOR SPRING ATTIRE e FOR SALE FOR SALE--Used Electrolux Gas Refrigerator, water cooled; now in use and can be seen in perfect operation. A bargain for someone whose home is equipped with gas and water. Will sell for $20 if taken at once. Inquire at Plaindealer office. *44 FOR SALE--Gravel, sand, filler, 20 cents per yard; delivery charges extra. Two blocks southwest of depot. J. B. Kelter. Call 138-M. 46-2 FOR SALE--1V2 -ton Model A, Ford 1931 Truck; 6 tires, good glass, 6x12 box; reasonable price. McHenry Ice Co. Tel. 216-J. *46 FOR SALE--Down and goose feather pillows. Also upright piano, and music cabinet. Inquire at Stock's, on Pearl street. 46 FOR SALE -- Window sash, doors, screen doors, suitable for hot-beds, chicken houses or building. McHenry House. <46 FOR SALE --- Chicken equipmentlarge Macomb or Jamesway brooders; also tempostat heat control, etc. McHenry House. "46 WANTED WANTED---Experienced girl for housework. No cooking or washing. Good home and wages. Call Crystal Lake 780: • 46 WANTED -- Garden plowing. Call Eugene Hughes, or phone McHenry 605-R-2. *46 FOR SALE--450 2-week-old White Rock Cfficks for Monday, April 8. Farmers Mill, Phorie 29. 46 WANTED TO BUY--200 White Leghorn hens. Springdale iFarm, 1% miles north and % mile east of Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 244. 46 WANTED--Girl for waitress and restaurant work. Apply at Niesen Cafe, McHenry. 46 'WHEN IN SOME' There ia a certain home whose , owner's principal delight is keeping it spick and span. After dinner he and a guest were smoking on the lawn, "rtie guest, after lighting his cigar, threw the burned match on ' the ground. "Oh, I wouldn't do that, George," said the host. "Why not?" "It spoils the appearance Of everything," was the answer; "It's just those little things that make a place look bad." The guest smoked his cigar in silence for a few minutes; then, without a word, he got up, walked down the road, and disappeared. He returned in a short time. His host asked, "Where have you been, George?" "Oh, I just went down to the river to spit," replied George. GOT ONE NOW AND THEN.. WOODSTOCK HOME w f IS BURGLARIZED ^ LAST SATURDAY Woodstock was the scene of another burglary Saturday when the R. N. Walton home at 927 Seminary avenue was burglarized between one and eleven o'clock. According to Chief Harold Kemerling and Deputy Sheriff Harold EL Reese, who investigated, a suit erf* clothes, two cameras and a typewriter were taken. Entrance to the house was gained by removing a storm window. The house^vas ransacked in the same manner as four or five other places were burglarized in Wopdstock during past months. ' Deputy Sheriff Reese said Monday morning that no clues were found. He stated that the sheriff's office in Lake county reports an epidemic of the same nature in and around Waukegan. Reese said the Walton house was 'completely ransacked from top to bottom. Drawers of dressers, desks, book stands and other furniture were removed and the contents scattered all over the house. HEALTH... y«tt-TIGGED -*•< V'3i^v WHAT Is your health " J worth? A foolish que*- T ;• tion. You wouldn't part with ie mt *ny price. Yet you perhaps may \ be neglecting this great asset. f" Don't take any chances! If you are not feeling well, go at once to see your Doctor. A pre- i, - v*i cautionary call at this time may prevent a long illness and needless expense at a later date. [* And may we suggest that you % bringyour Doctor's prescript ion v ^ here for expert compounding? .. -j -' BOLGER'SDRUG Phone 40 Green Street "What possible kick can that dog of yours get out of biting at your heels as he does?" "Oh, he gets one now and then." /FOR RENT FOR RENT--6-room modern J. B. Kelter. tel. 138-M. house. 46 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 Muzzle Muddle , Dolcini--I'd like to buy a mttzzle. Clerk--How's this one? Dolcini--OK, that wouldn't do; it would hold the mouth too tightly shut. Clerk--But I just sold one of this pattern to a woman. Dolcini--Well, it might do for a woman, but I want a muzzle for my dog. PRESCRIPTIONS FLOOR SANDING--Old floors like new; refinish with Dura Feal; a lifetime floor finish; free estimate. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Avenue, Woodstock. Phone 451-M. *45-26 NOTICE--To the persons who have been breaking into the vacant Josephine Boley house, corner of Pearl and Court streets. Unless this ceases prosecution will be started at once. The identity of these persons are known, so stay off the aforesaid property. MRS. M. L. WORTS. *45-2 NEW £MPIR! McHENRY, ILLINOIS m. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous t Among: the Sick » » » » » • • » 4 « f 4 FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Mae West - W. C. Fields "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE" Also -- Cartoon and Comedy SUNDAY AND MONDAY April 7-8 Mickey Rooney - Lewis Stone ( Cecilia Parker - Fay Holden "JUDGE HARDY AND SON" A l s o - -- Pete Smith "The Domineering Male" - Northward Ho (Northwest Passage) "TUESDAY WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Alice Faye - Fred MacMurray Richard Green "LITTLE OLD c?T NEW YORK" Also -- Fashion Forecast and Screen Snapshots Do Not Miss This Program! Marcellus "Buddy" Thennes, of Lily Lake, who had been confined to his bed for the past three months due to a fractured hip, was a patient at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, during the past week where he had the cast removed. He (a. now able to get around on crutches. Mrs. John King Ms confined to.her home with rheum^j^qn. Miriam Savler underwent a tonsillotomy at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Tuesday. ' Mrs. Tillie Freupd was released from the Woodstock hospital recently and is convalescing at her home. Mrs. Hall Allbee of Woodstock, the former Audrey McDonald, who has been seriously ill following an operation at Sherman hospital, Elgin, is slowly recovering at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. {Lewis McDonald, at, Woodstock. t John Herdrich of McHenry is a I surgery patient at the Woodstock hosjpital. where he underwent an oper- Jation Monday. f Mrs. Eari Whiting of McCollum j Lake is a patient in the Woodstock hospital. John Bolder has been confined to his bed the past week, having suffered a nervous breakdown last week. Peter Niesen of Jqhnsburg has been a patient at St. Francis hospital. Evanston, the past; week where he is being treated for a glandular ailment. Mrs. Charles Dowe underwent surgerv at St. Therese's hospitaL Waukegan, Wednesday- monu&tl -X WAGONS, TRAILERS Made to your specifications. Tractor, spreader and wagon wheels cut down for rubber tires. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. Electric Welding. Want to buy pair 11.25-24 tractor tires. Gordon Clark, Route 20, near Wonder Lake, Woodstock, Route 3. Phone Woodstock 161&-iM-2. *46-3 Good Old Days Ascum--I see there's some talk of ' having the people vote at the next election upon the question of abolishing capital punishment. Would you vote to abolish it? •" Fogie--No, sir; capital punishment was good enough for my ancestors, and it's good endugh for me. . „ the got j Careful Driver "What's happened, George," wife inquired as ^her husband out of the car to investigate. "Puncture," he replied briefly. "You should have been more careful," she said. "The guide book warned us there was a fork in the .road at this point." LINKED UP Dead ANIMALS Prompt and Sanitary Service No Help Needed to Load ft 00 to $5.00 CASH: HORSiES AND IOWIS -- Hogs and iSheep Less t ail McHenry, Enterprise 2420 46-tf CLIFF'S RADIO SERVICE -- Expert repairs on all makes, work guaranteed. Repairs on all electrical appliances. Clifford Wilson, Prop., Tel. 13, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 34-tf *6 M M CfllVflffi Your chance to try tho 0 cefcpfefo "Air-Spun" Make-vpl Ask for a "Tandem Tester" when you buy "Air-Spun" Face Powder. And you will get,os a gift,this clever gadget.. "Air-Spun" Rouge and "Sub-Deb" Lipstick joined together...a worth-while ' quantity of each. Shades will be given you harmonizing with your Powder. . • Ttien you can try that brilliant Coty idea...a complete"Air-Spun"Make-Upt „\ BOLQER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 v Green Street (Political Advertisement) He--There are many ties that bind me to the game of golf. She--Do you refer to the lixft*? Reliable Ghosts Rastus--Marcellus, does yo' belieb in ghosts? Marcellus--Nah, sah! I woke up one night an' saw one in mah room. Ah axed him what he wanted an' he said' "nothin'." But de next mornin' Ah found he'd stole mah Sunday pants. Since den Ah don't belieb in ghosts. Dey ain't reliable. DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cow« and horses, if called et once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night 1 service, Sundays and holidays. No 1 help needed in loading with our sanitary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable 1 rates. Regular year- round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf A 1940 model of a blue and white one-piece print silk dress. The short sleeves and bodice are shirred to break the simplicity of the garment. A collar is replaced by a large bow of the printed silk. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS --On homes and farms, in and around Mc Henry, 111. Low interest rates. See Kent & Co. Inc., McHenry, I1L, Phone 8. 28-tf Horse on Grandfather "My.grandfather was offered the site of St. Louis for a horse," a certain man used to say rather proudly. "Why didn't he take it?" he was once asked. "He didn't have the horse." of Not for Long Gungl--The person who tells our faults is our best friend. Tyte--Ypu're right. But h§ won't be Ion*. :• you Spirit of n(& Professor--Mr. Dzudi, do know what happened in 1776? Frosh--1776? Gosh! I can't even remember what happened last night- COMING EVENTS My Neighbor SAYS: Two and a half pounds of coffee will make enough' coffee to serve at a dinner for 50. • • • To have a paint brush always ready for use, keep the bristles suspended in raw linseed oil. • • • When removing branches from shrubs cut back to the ground or to the lateral branches. Never leave a stub. ^ . • * • Serve popped corn, shiny red apples and hot chocolate topped with marshmallows -- after the skating party. • • * Bake a sponge cake in a ring moid. When it is done coyer the top and sides with white icihgi Place cherry sauce in the hole. * * * » Serve stuffing for fowls in individual molds. Fill buttered individual baking dishes with the stuffing and let them bake for yt minutes in • April 4 C. D. of A.--Regular Meeting. Ladies' Aid--Mrs. Howard Wattles April S v 4-H Club--Clemens School. April 7 Sunday Evening Club--Geo. Youngs April 9 Tuesday Evening Bridge--Miss Bjexthn Schiessle. April 11 & W. C. O. F.--Election of Officers. Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club -- Mrs. John Stilling, April IS r-rVvA Bi - Weekly Five Hundred •*-- John Matchens. * \ April 12" Mothers' Club--Mrs. Harold P. Owen. April 16 C. O. F.--Present Father Wier, chaplain of Joliet State Prison. Contract Bridge Club--Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. ' April 19 Senior Clas^ Play--'Poor Dear Edgar' May S Open House--Public Grade School, ^ Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 42-4 Ready and Waiting Mrs. Pest--You know I always liki» to have the last word. Mr. Pest--What you have reached your last word let me know. Cramps? Pretzel is a funny thing iat our attention vamps* The darn thing always looks like it Was suffering with the cramps. WINNERS Reverse lijrmr--In the good old days girls used to kiss and make up. nygg--Yes, but nowadays they make up first. Heredity iftnith--Do you believe in heredity? Rausch--Absolutely 1 That's how I got all my money. , Bead the Wank w I NOMINATE > C. Wayland Brooks FOR u. s. SENATOR Richard J. Lyons GOVERNOR t To elect a Republican President in 1940, Illinois, a pivotal state, MUST go Republican in November. Nominate Brooks and Lyons, who have fought the New Deal for seven years and whose records and ability as colorful hard-hitting campaigners will assure a Republican victory in the state and nation. ^ » • / ' * \ Vote Republican Primary Election, April 9th Ite..

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