Thursday, April 11,1940 •impy PLAINDKALXA Page Three Ray Seymour, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs MNGWODD The Scotch Bridge Club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Louis Schroeder on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joe Me- Cannon and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon have ,iold their farm and have moved into the Mrs. Jennie Bacon house. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., who has bought the HcCannon farm, has moved there. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. ^ uis Hawley were Chicago visitors esday. * Alec Anderson and daughter, Dora, •pent Monday in the Felvey Davis home it Woodstock. Dr. and Mrs. W!m. Hepburn spent Ttnsday in the home of their daughter and family at Kenosha. Mrs. Collins entertained the Spring Grove Ladies' Lotus club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin visited Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Kafoed at Erie, 111., Thursday. J. V. Buckland returned home Friday afternoon from Florida where he spent the winter. Mrs. Libbie Ladd returned home Thursday from Florida where she has-been spending the winter. Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained a few girl friends at her home Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Virginia Jepson who was home from college. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained the five hundred club , at their r t PLACE RESTAURANT Chicken Dinner Sunday -- fOe SI fresh Boneless Pike Phone 3^7, JUSTEN & FREUHD, Props* Gfw* St • Uoim. £fectric Skavtri THE HOUSE FOR MEN. INC home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Shepard, high, and Mrs. Louis Hawley and B. T. Butler, low. , Mr. and Mrs. Daniels Rawsort entertained the Young Married Couples club at their home Friday evening. Five hundred was played with prizes awarded to Mrs. Robert Howe and Darrel Benoy, high, and Mrs. Darr^l Benoy and Glenn Benoy, low. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and family of Chicago visited relatives and friends here Friday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned home Thursday after spending a few weeks in the home of her son, George, at Miss Patrici.a Cf,o yne spen,t the wee.k -; - Mis.s Thelma Jackson is spending a ro ... u, mnA ? end in the Ralph Simpson home at feW d*yS w,th Mn Mra* Ann the home of Mrs. W. B. Harrison on Tuesday. There were fifteen guests present. Roll call was responded to by each giving a garden hint. Mrs. Sweeney gave the lesson on color and texture of curtains and rugs and wall treatment. The varioos chairmen gave their reports. Arrangements for nother party to be held the latter part of April at the Raymond Harrison home were made. More particulars about it will be given later on. *v»r,v wii*™ ev v nr-i o lFox Lake; Mr- and Mrs. Eldred John- Frank Wilson, Frank Wilson, George | son and children of McHenry and Mr. JOHNSBURG Zollock and Kenneth Russell in five hundred; Mrs. Wendell Dickson and Mrs. Carl Fink in bridge; Mrs. Andrew Sorenson, Mrs. Edwin Drom, Ed win Drom, and Harold Rudzinski in pinochle. Refreshments were served at the close of a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher in Libertyville. The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Russell Gibbs Monday. SPRING GROVE AFTER ELECTRIC 88AVE TREAT •© MfttH liMds el the rtwetrtc shaver. Mild. Crashing antiseptic -- combats skin dryness -- soothing, 'cooling, yet with a slightly stimulating eliect due to its astringent quality. $100 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street . N O T~l C,E To Truck Owners We have installed a oomplete set of equipment to officially test your brakes and headlights to comply with the truck law of the State of Illinois. Upon your testing your track yon will receive a state sticker of approval from us. J £ We also have a well equipped repair shop to take of your correction that you may comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the Patrick Coyne home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and Mrs. Martha Page of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Georgia Harrison and daughters, Olive and Bemice, of Woodstock spent Saturday here. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin Roent. a few days the past week in the Wm. McCannon home. Mrs. Geo nee Bacon of Antioch was a caller in the home of Mrs. Jennie Bacon Thursday. Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Peet. Gladys Shepard and Alan Ainger Ward at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls spent Sunday in Chicago with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Landre. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bode w$re Crystal Lake callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller attended a funeral at Minnesota Monday. Mrs. Rose Hoffine and children of Genoa, Wis., spent Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel. Miss Gertrude Williams spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Mrs. Leo Gerlach was a Chicago caller Monday. Miss Katherine Althoff of- Elgin and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Luby at Round Lake. Mike Wagner of Chicago spent the weekend with his children at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mrs. George W. May has tfeeii eonfined to her home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and family visited his mother, Mrs. John S. Freund, in McHenry Sunday. son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hiller at their home in Johnsburg on March 25. Mrs. Hiller was the former Geraldine Engels. Joseph Brown, Jr., and MARTIN BAUM COMPETES FOB NATIONAL HONOBS Martin Baum, who has won local fame for his art on a baritone, both as soloist and as. a member of the high school instrumentalists, placed first in the state contest at DeKaib Saturday for Class C schools, that is those having an enrollment of 250 or less. Within the next few weeks he will go to Battle Creek, Mich., where he will compete in the national contest- Martin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baum of McHenry. "HP1 *&• V.< * ' 4 r and Dora Anderson and Ted Kooistra! spent Sunday in the home of her were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. j mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. and Mrs .Ralph Kafoed at Erie. 111. j Mrs. Steve May entertained the five Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of' hundred club Tuesday evening. Prizes Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie were won by Mrs- Peter F. Freund, „ . Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. Wm. J. Mey- Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent ers. the weekend with her parent#, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mr«. Robert McLean of Woodstock and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. IRichard iGault of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs. Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Thursday in Chicago. J. V. Buckland was taken to the Janesville hospital Saturday where he will undergo treatment! Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison celebrated their forty-third wedding anniversary at their home Sunday by entertaining part of their children, grandchildren and a few friends. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee and children of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Malsch of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and children of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and children of Urbana spent Saturday night with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. On Sunday, they, with Mrs. Jepson and Virginia, attended a birthday dinner for Mrs Jepson's father, Clark Huson, in Elcriri. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evans- G. A. Vasey of McHenry spent Friton came and took care of her father'day here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller were Kenosha, Wis., callers Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and daughters were Elgin callers Saturday. Mrs. Frank Young visited with her mother, Mrs. Joe P. Michels, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete* M. Wagner of Volo were recent visitor* in the home of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lois of Burlington, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mrs. Rose Hoffine and children and Miss Marie King of Genoa, Wis., called on Mrs. George King Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller visited with Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock Wednesday. VOLO who is ill while Mrs. Jepson was away. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and Mr. and M rs. Ben Fout and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and family at Rockford. Mrs. Abel Holtz of Antioch spent Monday evening in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtringer and family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Lonnie Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, went to Waukegan Friday night to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickerts and they, with Mr. and Mrs. Pickert, spent the evening in Chicago. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Woodstock spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters called on relatives at Poplar Grove Sunday. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Joe McCannon Friday, April 19. Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Alice, spent Tuesday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. F. H. Peters and son, Vernon, of Forest Park and Mr. sind Mrs. Robert Peters of Oak Park spent Friday evening in the Ray Peters home. The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau held its annual guest day at Don't drive a frost-bitten car this summer! TUNE-UP • 1. Replace old winter oil with fresh, clc&n Iso-Vis in proper summer grade. Notice how it lasts. • 2. Drain anti- freeze. Flush radiator. *3. Lubricate chassis with Standard Lubricants. • 4. Service transmission with Standard Gear Lubricant. • 5. Service differential with Standard Gear Lubricant. • S. Check tires. • ?. Test spark plugs. • 8. Test battery. • 9. Check light*. • 10. Fill 'er up with a tankful of Red Crown, Standard's regular-priced gasoline that's higher - than-ever in anti-knock. Ealey « Netloeel Credit C«mI A--lyte ArtlJiiiwiOMP--KB. ?V' .in cans 90i a qfc# in bulk 254 a qt* QUAKER STAT* . in cans >54 a qfc" fOLARINC in bulk 20< a ql* STWANnOtdUlhNgDd .n.k.r.pi rni mbu)l kf i1u5t4a ajm qf c* •* S T A N D A R D O I L D E A L E R S ' «syV S 'tsm-' Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rossdeutcher and family of Chicago are enjoying a few days here with the former's mother, Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher. Mr. »nd Mrs. Arthur Powers of Waucofri^ wre Monday evening visitors at *Va home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd] Fisher. Mrd. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke in Evanston Thursday. Mary Alda Case spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Alda Smith, in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bozart of Rockford spent the 'weekend here at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefield. Community Night will be held at the Volo school Friday evening, April 19. Mr. and Mrs. A. Matiren of Park Ridge snent Friday here at their farm, "Ideal Acres." Matt Brown has returned to his home here after being a patient at St. Therese hospital for a few weeks. Mrs. Alvin Case snent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alda Smith in Wau v'onda. # Mrs. Harry Hironimus underwent a serious operation at the St. Therese hospital Wednesdav evening. Her many friends here hope for a speedy reroverv. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haseley and familv visited the form/r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ba#<wey, in, Wauconda Sunday. , * Miss Stella Dowell of Plocum's Lake M*»«t Saturday with her sister. Mrs. John Pp^sfield. Mr«. Leslie Davis and son, Arthur, of Slocum's Lake visited her sister, Mrs. Richard Dowell Tuesday. Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughters wer° Crvstnl Lake caller1* Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. -To«enh Wagner were Chicago cllet-s Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Llovd Benwell and rtnue-hW of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vase^ Fridav. Mr. and M^s. Hewn Drinker attended the "Sorinjr D:n*><>r" at the W^'copJa Federated church Saturday evening. • A number of irtrN gophered at th» horn° of Mrs. ^Ivin Case Tnesdav »veni"«r to oiyranize » eirls* 4-H club. The following f-irlg were e'ected r»ffi- "*ers: Bemice Eh»rt. president: Mae Ehert. vice-president: Arvilla Fisher ««yr*tary-tre!)surer; Mar" Case, nub- 'if'tv rertorter: Marion Wirtz. roere •t'^n chairman. The P-!rl= selected the following name. "The Volo Busy B»es." Daintv refreshments were served at the close of the ^veni»»e. The next niertinp- will be held at the home >f Mae and Pumice Ehert, Friday oirprupcr Aoril 1R. for the off'cers and their leaders. Mrs Alvin Case and Mrs. Herman Dunker. ! Mr. and Mr«. Llovd Fisher and ; -*«»tie-ht"rs Li!a>> and Anri11a, and son, Richard. Mrs. William Wirtz. dansrh- •er. Marion, and son. Marvin. Mrs German Thinker dau?M®r. Shirlev Ann, and son. Robert Eugene, and Harrv C»se attended the 4-H rally at the Lib=rtwille Township High school Thursday evening. The V6lo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau sponsored a card party »»t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Friday evening. The evening was spent in playing five hundred, bridge, pinochle and bunco. Prises were awarded to the following: Mrs. m 'TTirZIIZ^^gBHE This community was saddened by the death of John Engels on Thursday, April 4. Mr. Engels was born on November* 27, 1877 and spent his entire lifetime in this vicinity making his home in recent years with his brother, William Engels and family. When stricken with the fatal heart attack Thursday morning he was on his way to the neighboring farm of Joseph Kattner. Always enjoying good health, his sudden death came as a great shock to his relatives and many friends. Funeral services were held at St. Peter's church Monday morning at ten o'clock. Members of the Holy Name Society atetnded services in a body. Pallbearers were Raymond Grasser, William Grasser, Arnold Eng-,, els, Merlvin Encrels, Raymond May and Arnold Kattner. Burial was in St. Peter'3 cemetery. Mrs. Ina Gracy and family have moved from the Margaret Bower house to Burton's Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Glendale Esh of Chicago are the happy parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Charles Freund enjoyed an evening of cards at the home of Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Monday night. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and son, Terry?" of Fox Lake spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer visited Mr. and Mrs. Russ iBoehm in Liberty* ville Wednesday. Miss Lucille Esh is at Community hospital in Woodstock where she underwent an appendectomy on Wednesday. Members of the Holy Name Society of St. Peter's church met at the parish hall on Tuesday night for a social evening to celebrate the com- Dletion of their work on the hall. The hall has been enlarged, the walls remodeled and shelving has been built in the part to be used as a kitchen. The evening was spent at cards and visiting. Refreshments were served. Edwin Freund and Charles Freund «tt«">ded the meeting of the Catholic Order of Forest°rs on Thursday night at St. John's parish hall in Johnsburg. Mrs. Margaret Feltes visited in Chi? cap-o on Thursday. Sundav dinrer guests in the Frank Sanders home were M". and Mrs Jew seph James of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Westman and clvldren and Miss Evelyn Sanders of Woodstock and Miss Maxine Bolts of Crystal Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Straub, daughter, Yvonne, of Chicago were visitor! in the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh on Sunday. They also visited Lucille Esh at the Woodstock hospital in the afternoon. Visitors in the Peter M. May home i Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and sons and Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer and family of Merle McCauley cut a class at Colorado College in Colorado Springs and . . Lawrence [ went home, arriving just in time to Nimsgern attended a dance at Rich-! save the house from possible destruo| mond on Friday night. fion from a blazing fir<>p1»ee screeaJP WANTED! •ST"» • -, r - : ^4 1 •' yv for YOUR OLD TIRES :ON OESARDUSS OF COHOITIOM) STANDARD TIRES " SLIPPERY winter streets make tire safety a subject of first importance. Now is the time to change over your worn, smooth, dangerous tires to the safety of famous JFirestone Standard -/Tires. Don't delay * •-- sell us your old tires at once and get these outstanding advantages of new Firestone Standard Tires: 1 The protection f against blowouts firovided by the amous patented Firestone Gum- Dipped cord body. 2 The protection against side-slips and skids provided by the scientifically designed tread of the IFirestone Standard Tire. SIZE UST 25% Trade-In YOUt COST 4.40/4.U-21 $7.70 $1.92 $5.78 4.75/5.MMI 7.85 1.96 5.89 4.50/475/i.OO-H 8.20 2.05 6.15 5.26-21 10.15 2.54 7.61 5.25/5.58-17. 9.60 2.40 7.20 5.25/5.10-11 9.15 2.29 6.86 5.25 /5.50-11 10.95 2.74 8.21 B.25/5.50-11 11.35 2.84 8.51 100-15 10.45 2.61 7.84 125/I.50-II 12.70 3.17 9.53 LIFETiME GUARANTEE NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT Li&Un l« Tk» Voio* of fimteiw Mondmn twninffg, S. B. C. M Ntiwrh ~ SPECIAL PRICES ON TRAOTOR TIRES Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Batterys Charging and Repairing ^ Phone 294 --West McHenrf miw otausivt VACUUM-TOWU MOT On all models at no extra (Mt. Only Chevrolet hat Ifcit marvelous Exclusive Vacuum- Power Shift... tupplying 80% coaf ltlhy,e shifting effort automatiand requiring only 20% driver effort. NOWHERE EISE features like These! "rot IOMOOT 01 TNC LOT* From front of grille to rear of body (181 inches) Chevrolet for 1940 is the longest of all lowest-priced cars! <*/ V\ h e i you all with - - - >>.. fop only Ch.vrol«» h" . or..«t.r-v«or ductlon--th« c°n« vakl>. *«y leadership--to . Buy a ntw •alas tKa bast. volwma< Pro" glva such Chavralat far '40! "IK 810! NOYAl" with Perfected Knee-Action Oufpedel Be Lim an4 D» tiill i Chevrolet's famous Perfected Knee- Action Riding System brings you ride results never before known. CHEVROLET* First Again r ft OUT Of THt IAST 9 ***** liADBt IH SALES •5-M.P. VAIVMN-HKAO MX Chevrolet's first in acceleration, in hill-climbing, and in aH-round performance wMh all-round economy. MW FUU-VtStON BOMB BY nutn The finest bodies bvilt today --bigger, more beautiful, more comfortable in every way. *659 MASTER S5 . HISlNESS COUW _ Other model* . (Nflrtty At piodelt priced of Michigan T'an,p°^'^ Jocal tax.. W «*>' ..qMutirpom. enl and wH1w4I, notice. P"***- NfW 'ROYAL al srruN6 With completely new Streamlined body--lowered center of gravity without reductioa in road-clearance." mw UkllD MAM NfADUSHTS Jenerell Pnrkmg Uftm The safest, most icien tifk rood-lighting sy»- t«ir> ever designMt SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES WUBKKBYtnJL