r . ' / . r ; * r • • ^ * - " * > * t & . J - * ' " . , , ' • _ 1 SEW pairs be referred to the Committee on Public Puildings, giving said <*<w>paittee full POWCT to act, and t*>e roll being „ ^ called, the Chairman declared the mo- """jjjte tion unanimously carried. Supr. Beck addressed the Board and ./, stated that the Township Officials Orgnnisation was very anxious to get the ';'V dues in and urged all Supervisors to •U t#»k* said matter up with the various officials in their "Townships: that the -'*:'<NN*9 State organisation had employed Hon ' a«« Richard J, L.yons of Mundelien, Illinois, to watch legislation pertaining to the ,£«j centralization of power at Springfield, ' ; <# fit*.. Illinois, and that oue to this and other >•' , matters, the State Association was very X i * iK5» much in need of funds. Supr. Beck fur- 'i. ' -a' *"* ' v1** stated that last year the expenses |p*t"*--t& Of the County Relief Committee were jfitJ- r'fe* tf paid to Springfield, and that he wonder- •'?.?'"riy'.'} •' the Board wanted the said Com- , t writtee to attend the session this year. '< After some discussion. it was regularly n^oved ">y Supr. Kuecker and duly secohded by Supr, Filip that the -County I" • r Keller Committee be instructed to attend the session of the Legislature- and :'v'to be reimbursed for their expenses. ' r1' and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. " i Supr. Wittmus addrweed the Board 'S ';'V *nu^ Stated that there was now pending' "i the State legislature the bill known i' l tt» the State Milk Control Law, and " ,'• WondereC if the Board wanted to take action with regard to the indoraemtfht of said bill: that he had been re- Quested by the Chamber of Commerce >bf Harvard to present said matter to •. :' t^e Board. Several Sunervisors. stated ",V. that they were going to go to Sprlng- • - J field on said matter; but that thev did . not feel that any action Was necessary at this time. -** Supr. Dusenberry of Marengo Township addressed the Board, and moved that the polling place for the first district of the Marengo Preo'not V*«> -hang-Ail Trttm the City Hall to Nagwl Hatchery on Kast Prairie Street and that the sec ohd district be changed from the Kelley Carage to the Sheehan Building at 121 Wf«t Prairie Street. Snid motion was duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and declared unanimously carried. ' - ' Asst. Supr. Rosenthal bro'ight up the tnatter of County Zoning, and stated that in his opinion there was a great need in M^Henry County at this time for some kind of control of business and residential' properties outside the . corporate limits of citi»s !»nd villages. The Clerk then read to the Board a suggested form of resolution nroviding for * a County Zoning Commissioner, and, af- / ter some general discussion with regard te sftid matter, It was regularly moved . V>y Su»^»v Harrison and dn'y seconded by Supr. WittmUs that the Chair appoint a Committee of Ave Supervisors to meet With the State's Attorney and make an , investigation with regard to said matter and report their findings at the next meeting of this Board. Said motion was • , ; j declared unanimously cnrrled. Sut»r. Schmitt of McHenry Township . •ddreAaed the Board and stated that 4 fhe hew brldfe over the Pox Fiver at Johnsburtr, Illinois, being constructed by the State, was nearing comnletion. ; atld that, In the very near future, thev WA"ld have the grand opening, at which * ttme the state officials would be present, and he wished to Invite the mem- J>ershlt> of the Board. Coimtv and Townshln r>ffici»ls and the public to attend, sad that he would notify them as to the date. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of PubTTc Works and T^ilHtnps, •were presented ar* ordered placed on file. ' There V»eing no further business to come before this meeting, it was regul »r<frly moved by Supr. *Cueck«"* and *»}y seconded by Sunr. 'Plllp to ad.lourn Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjburned. | T RAT T. STWWA PT, Ctialrman. * Attest: R. I>. WOOOS, Clerk. 1-989 --r-4-" ' ' I' •" • 0 ' '• • ' '"^e' I^SfibTaWle "Board or'Stipu^rvliora of McHenry Countv. met In re-rulnr session at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Monday, the 12th daV of June a T). 1939. at ten-thirty o'clock A. M. rr>8TV The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Rov J. Stewart, and the , roll being called by the CWk. the following members responded to their names, to-wlt: Surps. L. A. Stockwell Pfcv Dusenberry. Carl T3. Wlttmus, F\ K. Heck. N. B. ClaWson, G. J. Carroll. K. P. Pueeker. Chrt*. H. Ackman. ^fink C. erris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, J. O. Stevens. Prank May, Math Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, John J. Film and Assistant Snprs. T. P. Nolsn, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal, constituting a quorum. The records of the last preceding meeting were read and on motion appr «»-ed and ordered placed on file. The following report of the ..County VraM'Te^ the month of Way, 1M9, WXM presented and read, to-wlt: Comity Treesnrer'a Bay art Vor the Konth of Kay, lMt Becelpts Hal. broucht forward May 1st., 1989 $1(15,888.0* pers. Prop. Back Tax $498.?9 til. Kmergency Relief 1.P91 00 High way Pund 1,858.70 Wiper visors Co. Home --. 416.14 VhMation of Hwy. Pines -- 388.75 fNwieral Pund T»R49.02 Old Age Asst. Sal. Refund 3S0 00 Supt. County Home Aid Age Assistance Motor Puel Tax Account Telephone Commission* LIQtlor License Com Penalties and Fees Jtefund on Insurance State's Attorney's Fund Qepoait, Order of Coart Total receipt* for May £1,471.M 4 K 9.81 41.06 ....U,786 sn 439.20 #4.77 regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker aad duly seconded to:, toup, ^SUvens that ^aid matter P? xer^tnM t ' ' Bridge Commit tee full power to. Vr.,^ .iajlpd, sujd pjotloi was mou»!/' carried. The s««ai-aaaual reports Jy Clerjj. Circuit . Clerk. Treasurer were preeenta^ -eferr«d to. proper cojpwiItteeB for rew>rt- , M The ClerV^pireaent^ of claims T-Kainst the Couaii.. togftfesr 'ion ltxpense l>ii^i\fr tne elecSE^ June a. and ft^etlon of A sat. 1 Volan and duly jjiQ^pded by ~ison the said <Ta1ms and Kl peaoe bills were inferred to Committees, and the Board _ fo 1:30 o'clock P. M. *DSfi for tee work. 1M «WMX V.KKO.I, *.) Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the MSne tneinhere responded to their name* as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a quorum. The Committee on Claims, Labor Feep and SuppHes, rnadc the fotlcwlny report, which, on motion of Sup^. AdtQiati ttnd 'uly secofided ny Supr. Harrlaen atid the roll b£:u« c&iled, v-aa d^iarwd moualy adopted, to-wlt: June *3. A. t>. »WS». Mr. Chairman and Oentleinea of the Board af Supervisor*: "four Committ«6 on Labor Fees and Sup. Claims wouid beg leave to report •hat they have examined all claims pi-e- *ented to_them, and recommend the pay- *nent ot the following, and (hit the -lerk be directed to Issue orders on the ^ounty Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts 0* I«Uow«, •o-wit: Prank Thomber Co.-- °o. Clk. jffg. and sup. |78 .87 "o. Clerk elec. au#. - 188.12 Cir. Clerk JJ9.99 P. P. Pettibone jk Co.. Cd. 0%.. ptg. and sup. P. F. Pettibone A Co.. «lr. Co. Clk. Ins. ftepda. Thomas ftrand \. S. Romberger - T. d. Maxon .... O. B. Netaon .......... Thos. Brand ::.fS McHenry Plaindealer. MUkf pfK $2.20, co clk elec supl |6 Marengo Republlcan-Newa, CO elec supl Woodstock Daily Sentinel, aujar prtg <22 40. shff olf aup |14.l9( cir cik Crystal I^ake Herald, aup hm off exp Woodstock Journal, aup scha off exp The Harvard Herald, suor OUT 32 .55 ........ I«.»0 5-*o 110 PM TI.I0 .£« TBg BOARD OrsfTPRHTWOBfi. McHKNRY CfttWT. JttWOW T. B. Pauper Pund-- ?».. Schockey ^ 77-90 r, cw«n . " " "" *" tSt Ottawa Ban., o. Soma 77.10 San., J. Schumacher 77.60 Sap.. Blaer . 76> «4 i Ben sort" litersrnu rji f-f: 7*8. no 40,00 «S.0« 53.54 ts.oo M.«« W.00 1*7.76 i\... |5.00 «.... 6.00 i 4.00 12.00. co cli; elec supl Il40.{ """nllao-hsn ft Co., cir clk Harold Schmidt, co treaa off W> $8 8t, shf off aup $4.i3, «ir clerk 11.11 Harry C. Daniels, ce judge qal.-- "=rant Vnlan, ,1udcy jus fees ..... r1. T. O'Cnrner. judev jus fe^a -<h«Hes F. Ha^es. Judcy jue feea 155.00. ro clk elec s«ol tS.M.... 40.10 t. P. r-fit^h»n. co clk elec sunl .... S eo T. R Kinaslev. ct hae Jail repair* 141.12 °feiffer Pharmacy, cir clk $ 1 fit, co treas off sup 21c, ahr as •im. *K 31 " Ml TU. Pell Tel. Co.. ct b«e 1*11 114.11 th state Pmployment Skv., ct h«e «un 35.10 'rhe John son-Randolph Co.,' MP _ scbs off exn ^ 10.40 ^thei c. Coe, Co. Sunt., *up aeb* off exp iz.29 T>. Tryon, Co. Supt. tfwy* .<30. hwy melnt IDl.fil 'VMliam P. <l«nc*r. ct hae Jail rep 1.75 'Vitts Welding Serv., ct hae r«oair fnnd Shf. Per Diem. Pees. 6«rv»-- r.e»ter Pdinger. f^erlff .".... t ester Bdin»»r, Sheri|C ).?S.0T Mrs. Agnes Hog* .... Ww. Poland Lemkar Mrs. Rm'i Schroedar Parian Kdtnger Thnrne & Son. shf .jail aup d# Shff. Off. Sup.-- foblenta Deivirtmsnt Stan 'V. S n<»r1«>v & Co ,T. S4rchie -- Phf. Feeding Prla.r-- "oval P'ue Pood Mart «... ^^hn Hdw. Co. w»>^«iev's Bakery •"'estem Ttnited Qas ft. Elec. Oor<" lrkman Ice Co "iWtWPT Dairy Ma^inr^a Bates, shf feed l>rl« *» o« ct hse ,1s« repair* 11.14 Wright's Drug Store, ahf iatf a«n clothing =anitarv Plumbing & H*ati*e ^o., ct hse jail r»>nalra Woi»er Knhs. fthff dnty ^wtliiam Co»hlan. «hf dot^y ...-- •"•ivln Swmnn, shf dnty .... ^'•rold H"hbs. shf dnty toward Freeman, shf doty °ich«H ^arre'l. «hf dpty .-• -- "'v H^rlrk. shf dpty "h'n K'mnnft shf doty "CIliter ®«h9, shf dntT Wred W'i»r». shf dnty Tflfcnir PVIIrpnr. shf dnt-V -Hones J xvilllame, shf d»*v c. Miner shf dpty $62 ahf bailiff 131 .v._ Mwonr Pt'k shp dpt|r 111, ' mbt b^Hiff $4 --_ ^Wen H. Corr. ahf bailiff Corner H Mann, shf bailiff "'nuth's Caf«. ct Juror St l>natsurant. ct jufllM '^wsrd M»»-«in, ct Jurors "nwer H M»nn, ct Juror* "'Vde C. Win#f. rt 1'TOTS ^V»vne Mp«tw. pow #• Blii«r| VcHonry County Title Co., ROW * *"dsr rd Vr-Korre Co. Bridge Boad-- T.puf^r Sw»!« Wa^no Mentrer S. P(twh»rf(ir, co dk la «•»#*» fund TMei*r(«»ir. Donovan H®nrv W. S^*de*e. co rik In depdn fund DledHck, Honovan P. KeitnelJv. er TB cattle fund 1.20 14 79 6.O0 9 42 2 7S 3.«o K.63 j?.«0 ti.iB 1.50 Xo.io ill >1.00 4.on . 4.00 4.oe 16.00 * 4.On " 4.00 8 00 *2,00 4 oe 18 00 8.00 #8 00 13.00 •«.00 4.00 Sfi.90 1.13 4.0« 4 00 4.00 7.00 S0.4M 118.18 ii.o« 10.M 15.00 11 00 tatalrtbers -, Rock ford jWUA. Tub. San., Freund Wot«isiocR Public Hospital, .._ Or. A. V. Lindberg, Anderao# 'tt.00 Alorut VelaoHL E. Nelson K.00 Ljftla ttale.Vred Hale . 4«.fi0 All of which Is respectfully submitted. R. F. nrSKV-BRRKT m 'J' H- <3. MEIKR L. A. STOCK WELL *•- Lj'it'V"- ^HANlv C. FKft!#|'v' O.-J. carrotx The Ltqu6r Coittroi Commission, of ileHenry county mid* the following report, to-wlt: ~ June 11. 1931 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board irf Supervisors: The LlqU-or Control Commiseion of McHersry Couatr, Illinois, "s-ould he* jeave to report mat they have accepter! applications, ltccnse fees and bonds fr*>m the following named persons, tavars keepers of Mcrfenry County operating outside of the corporate limits of any city or village, i>ni your Commission, sfter having m%de the inspections, require^ und?r the provisions of the IIllnolf Liquor Control Act. have issued foease* for the period ending April 11, IMl to-wit: (Names, locations and amounts on file In County Clerk's office) Total 114,150.00 Your committee woul(J beg leave to further report that they have turned over to the County Treasurer the above and foteirolner amounts and have ta^cen his receipt therefor.. All of wb'eh >e Ksn^CtfuUy auhlaitted. HOY J sTKWAftf\ Ua con. Com. r> P. KURCKBR JOHN J. PIT.IP t. G. 8TBVENS A eat. Liquor Control ConwM«|Mr. Tt was thereupon reeularty mored by Pupr Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Stookw»-Il tbat the report be adopted by this Board, and the roll being railed said motion was declared unanltno'iB^ y carried. ' The Committee on Mcttenrv Countv Home and Hospital presented the fotk> wi«4r M9orl. iU>-srlU JWe tt. 1111 Twr Committee on - McWenry Ooanty Home would beg le*v« to submit the following report on the matters and thimr* twfore them: Your Committee met at the County Home May 11, 1989. transacted the Wowing husineiw, to-wlt: Th« Committee cslled at the County Home.Inspected septic tanks and sew- Jtge disposal plant Work of cleaning herts. and rpppwlng filter In progress Snpt. Allen hss had a B In. tile laid from the farm buildings north to the <">»tvert under the highway. This Is to take fare of draining several low places Tt was s'so rece*«a»-y to cl»*n *he cii. vert under the highway and the ditch "long the south sMe of the railroad ^ipt. Allen recommended laying about nee 10-ln tile in this ditch to avoid refilling ahd he was Instructed bv your Co»»nyimer to get permission from the railroad company to do tfcla. He was also instructed to get prlces on tile delivered. chttirmsn Ackman spoke to the rail road section, foreman while we were at Maryland, srid the foreman said he would advise the road master and haye him confer with Superintendent Allen «»t the County Home. The buildings at the home were Inspected, Two doors betw»«»n the East section and the main btilldlne- need repairs: •nietal down-spouts, ridees .cornice, deck and frieze need o&lntin?. as do all the windows and sills. Cptti*. hoe* crop* and •ut-tulldlncs In good condition. Tour Committee airaln met at th* '""onrt Honse and County Wowie on Juha 7 1939 and transacted the following h»fllness. to-wlt: Trmr Committee met at the Court House. Called on County Phvdclnn Brand, and among other things decided •hat all druea and medical sunni'es for •he hi.snitnl should be ordered by the count* Physician, or with his approval Coonty Phy«lc4an Prsnd recommends 'sat twn registered nurses should be assigned *o the Countv Home, eo that: there will be a registered nurse In at- •epi^nce at all times As an assistant to the mirses Dr. firand i-eoommended employing a practical or graduate nurse It is recommended that no druirK or medicines be received in the County Hospital except by authority of the r in chhrge of case, or County rhysician. Called at the County Home. Superintendent Alien recomraeaded the horses be ifthoculated against sledp> Sng sickness The Committee instructed ®upr. Allen to have this attended to Tncpe^ted buildings, grounds, eoulpmont. tops and animals, also patients and Ihntatee' quarters and found everything in Jfood condition. All crops are In excem a small area which (a how being olfented to aoy beans. .Your Committee audited and approved hills in the following amounts: Running expense $749.91 Less receipts from sale %f hog's 230.10 Grand Total Receipts $207,839.« Bzpaadltmres fhrnnty Orders fit,180.01 Highway Orders .7,706.18 ttrand and Petit Juror* 147.80 Inheritance Tax 5.00 S>unty Orders „ 370.35 d Age Assist.' Adntf. _wk-wi. . 34.95 £Others' Pensions ... 1,022.50 r|dge Bond Orders 15,084.83 Probation Officers 90.00 Coroner's Jurors 24.00 Ynaanlty Jurors 33.00 tulnois Emergency Relief 1,931.00 County Court Jurors 326.10 Violation of Highway FtftM 291.06 Salaries - 119.58 institute Fund --»• 10.00 Stamps 150.30 Unknown Residents anil " Minor Heirs 24.83 Motor Puel Tax Fund 1,510.83 Total Disbursements 143.541.11 Balance on hand May list. in all funds .115,197.51 Grand Total $207,839.42 The above and foregoing report is true ami correct according to my beat knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, Co, Trea9. •--* v^;n Subscribed and sworn to before bk iJiny this 11th day of June. IMS. iyi^<8eal) R. D. WOODS, Co. Clerk. , ^ . | j f - i'ir ft was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Dusenberry that the reoort be a«j.s adopted by this Board. The Chair ma* »>:t r declared the motion iftianlmously car- ^ »3-. r rle«1. The ..Chairman called upon the two v.* *' political parties as ^presented by the • (. membership of the Board for sugges- ,t~. .tlons of electors to act as J*udtres and Clerks of elections and the designation of polling places in the various pre- . clncts and districts in McHenry County for the ensuing year. \fter selections were made. It was regularly moved by Pupr. Harrison and duly seconded by - Bupr. Stevens that said selections be referred to the Committee on Elections for report. Motion declared unanimously carried. Representatives of the Portland Cement Association appeared before the Board and outlined in detail the progreaa made in various localities on soil ,/ cement roads. After a general discusf >s^^* sion with regard to said matter, it was ^he A™,»*v Tns. Co.. Insur. fund 128.14 J7.R0 4* 40 in »«> i* so 4S r-;4 0 iv {1 >0 t.M * DO 4.IK etnoVw-pIl, sunr sal mil *» nitroniwrrv. »"nr sal mil .... ' P P«ck. s«nr eel mil v n n«w«oii, aurtr sal mil O. t Cprrol'. »imf sal mil Co. ttridge R«nd "f P. VtteHrer. mipr sal mil It* to W. Aekman. S"r«r S°I m|l..„ ft 80 M^Henrv Cn. Bridge Ttond erotiir c Pei^-ln s"nr .«•" 1 mil MnWer>»*v C<*. bridge lV>nd 'nv .T etewort, fumr sal mil *. ^ Warrlson, s'in»- asl mil WnF«»iry Co. • Bridge Bond .... 14 40 T. C. Stevens. S<'!ir «al lfl M"Ho»>rv Co. Bri^e Bond T ho "'•nl' V"r. sunr M< l< 4« 'nbi T Wlilf). «>ipr sal mtl It 50 t p voi«n Sr., sunr s*> mil t* ea Ps«'l Rosenthal, «inr sal mil 4* W Jli-H"""' Co. ftrW"' Boad .'... I« ">'• *. A. Cri«scv nm officer 160.04 "I'v nt Wnoi1«tncl(, ct hse Jail Ugh* a*"* water fo 4> i«liy V Winr». sun S^s exp 11* " "bilin P "iordeir*". shf dntv .... 125.00 T,«tfr Fdinger, shf per diem, fee«, r&'rv 1ft" W fshf ^ T>«t<^ V>)3^w«.n. ct he* *»U sal iW 0" Aelcja jgcb^eok*. erad Ttf cattle 7K 00 Po* A, ,Wleks. «t« •>"<* asst-~ JSjDjOO " 4, STOCK WICLL , , BT P*1CV /kttl, )?awvtj|4L _ r "S." . r - . ' ..j . Vk 5 ; The OwsmittM en Claim*. ,-0Mntr numr, »)•* f»»!»<-.^vnni»"'r>eiOfrt ""*#Hjlfh. nf Sn^r. Wprris awd d»»1y aec» 1 t;- Aokrvsw awl t-he .ir-U Vvotnp- otiPM *w<»s de.Mared »>hanlmously "•idrtp^^d. to-wit: S'i -j - • i- -,ti - M»i.'C*atr~»r>»i and,--OMitMineit ?i«f. r^ard- nt SiiT>ervi«orsi ' • r!"'« t.:- Vonr Conn«te»' on County Poor ^'aims would beg lea^e to report that •h*v have examined all claims presentto them, and recommend the navment th« an* that th» C'«rk h® to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants fo» the sernmi amounts allowed, as follow*, to- •rH • '"'M-aco Tod. H«me for Child., * ri»n»"iiont ehUilr"'! fnnd M0.75 OIM 'Poonle'a Peat Home, TB TVitient T*atinei- Pund 10.00 TVnond'tit Children Pund-- St.- Vincent'* T**tnlng School Hg.on Addison Man. Training School 41.04 Permanent Improvements bM» «a| abaa* Tobacco Madlclaea and druars Hoapitai tU6.li, Id** receipt* ^f»asis*== p\iel .-41519.75 393 96 2# S1 -- 41.24 HS.15 Arthur Knell, potatoes 23.75 Bjikkom Rrpa^ fWtty. e,veaijp,.clevis and mowaf lf||t|>pnwl , 1.71 HukH Lyon, carpiant-er wark ....... K.C5 W. P. Alien, Vltclaeatale ; ij.TR W, p. Allen afid Ksther Allen, aa, IS^O.OO Enoch «- FrUida Johnson, salaries 100.%0 Vrthur Wendl, falerv Susie McPhfrMft, salary lrvin ICoUa, salary rtiadvs wenJt salary •. • Virginia Ropers, salary i.inn^a Walt, salary ' Superior Oil Co.. kerosene Jen-A-See L,aundry, iauudfy. Pfoiffer Pharmacy, druta 1(M.F>4 t>acy Lumber Co., lutnlier, creosote and etaolfs ""vr Pyter Co., reftlls Willis Oisbrow. gas. eeadf. papers, etc EG. Oil 40.00 55.00 «.t>0 *s.oi 11.10 ti.t; r 14A4 v. Mueller Co.. lma». supplies Kuck ft Katon, spUnts 14,128 41.«* 14.9$ . • - . 12.051.25 '280.16 250.16 » *' P v .l£V ' H.lOl.OP Tt tW* movwt by *upr tTarrisiwn and duly seconded by "upr. SchmHt. that th< report of the committee on Henry County Horn® l'c adopted by this Board, and the roll ^eing rsllevi, Swpre. Stockwell. r»usenb* Try. Wittmue, Beck, Cla\V^On, Carroll,' Kuecker, ACkman, Ferris, Harrison •teven*. May Schmttt, Meier. Pilip and v.sat. Suprs. Holan and Rosenthal voted ive. nay none. The Chairman declared •he motion unanimously carried. The following report of the County Treasurer on funds due from Townships ^n County 11 nmp was presented an4i read to the Board, towlt: Igm t|( im To: McHenry Cowtv Home Committee, **oaH of SupaHrlpors. C.entlemen: As recommended hv your Committee 'n vour meetina of Sentember 8th. 193?. *nd approved hy the Board of Super- "laors In their meeting of September '*th. 1937, T, C. Frank TValv. County Treasurer. a«»b«hlt herewith a quarterly •eport showing the outstanding payments due for the County fr^>^ 'he various townships, covering the months r>f ^obrunry. 1938; March. 1989: •>nd April, 1939. and anv prior ntonths: *?|>ev--A. Stockw°'l. Feb. paid: Mareh $'1.40; April *11.40 $11-10 Marengo--R. P. Dusenberry. **el>. »w«d- Mereh paid: Anril nald. *")<»*>ham--C»H W1t»mus' Feb. paU March, paid- A or 11 o«1d. Chemung-- P K Beek; Feb. paid; March, paid: April, paid. --N. B. Cla.wson. Feb. paMl Murrli. paid: April, nald. HarHawd--f .T. Carroll, prior «71.es A"«. i#l« HST1; fiO.M; Mar. $11.41 Aorll *14.44 $110.17 9eneo!*--P p. K»eek®r. Feb. NC; Mar. 40c: Anril 1R.T0 9 6.10 Coral--Oha*. H. Ackman- nrlor month* *K 4« <Anrl. t»'7v *^b, na«d' March, paid: April, paid ....$ S.41 Orafton--P C. Ferris: Veto, paid; Msr. M4.M: Apr. 117.41' paid «-1f-M f 41.11 riot-r--Po* X Stewart: P«>h. paid; March, paid: April, nald. Ofeenwood--Tohn ^ Harr'sop; •aH«r months "4 'Sent,' 1«*>T. .tan F»h «il.0«{ Vor, ftjjSA- Anril *20.93 $141.11 H. *4-. T«•",»r• p«l». paid)- oa.<d: Aprl. paid. •Mch^nn*-- *J. O. Stevens* Peh, Paid- March. nnM: /inri] $« 0$....f $.08 Mav Feb. paid: V*»rr>h. p'td: Aorll. iwM VeHenr**--Math V. Sehmltt: Fat>. m>M; M«r. nald; April, paid. .14 c (ip'nr months *«»•* 1ft««;v Feb. paid; " Mar«-h. IWW- «4a«9 , .. ;M 71.19 \<~'>nonin--J<^hp i^Mrv lK»b. paid; March, paid; April, paid fSr»*d Total due to data: .. H11.M Thl« renoet "hows Payments uo tr. •>"d ine'oa»*.» June 12th. 1131. for the ahn^a months. .Ml of wjbleh 1« resnectfullv submitted C FR A VK D VT ,Y, Co ^rens Tt w*a thereupon regiijarly moved by cjunr. clni*r<ion and duly seconded hy "upr. St«0"eps that the r^nort be anoroved. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously adonted. The Committee on Flections, to whom was referred *he selection of Judges and Clerks of Elections, and desieantion of Polling places for the various Pre- 'Incts and Districts In McHenry County 'or the ensuing year as made by the »vo nolitlcal parties represented on the **oard of Sonet-visors presented the fol- •owing report, to-wlt: June 11, 1111. To the Chairman and QeptleDien or the Bo^rd of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections to 'vhom was referred the eloet'on e^nense '•>111* of the various precincts and dis- • Hot« In M^Henrv County, for »he Ju- ,11',|p.l F.lectlon held .Tune fi, 1939 would h«e l^ave to report that they have examined the said e-rnense bll's and would, recommend that the following amounts be allowed fo> the various pre- .ts and districts, to-wlt! Riley 111.11 10S 5« 12 01 Total --: $1,808. OS We submit herewith as a part of this report the itemized list of expenditures as above set forth and recommend that same be paid. Your Committee made the monthly •nspection of the County Home and Farm and Hospital and found everything U> be in good order. All Of which Is respectfully ||||l»l|tl| CHAS. H. ACKMAjf . , K. F. KUECKBlt 4 J. E. HARRISON ' N. B. CLAWSOK ^ i T. P. NOLAN1. JR. •J ^ Jtiaa 7, M*, WIIIIIIIIII and Memb)$rs of the Board of Supervisor* of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met of June 7 I9|a. et the McHenry County Home and audited the bllle for the month of May 1930 and reapactfully submit* the following report, recommending same be paidL Geo. A. Breon A Co. Inc., dmg* Dee. 7. 1988 _| 4Mi J. W. Niman, potatoes 10.00 F P. Kuecker. seed corn T.71 John Day and Harry Day, cleaning septic tanks Marengo 1 ............... Marengo 2 Dunham ...---- Chemung I -- Chemung S ^•munf 1 yvlden Hartlatnl ... Pnral' Oraftion 1 Ora fton 1 Dorr 1 Dorr 1 i Dorr I ....... Dorr 4 --... t~»orr 1 OreenWood Hebron Richmond . Burton McHenry 1 M .-11 enry 2 McHenry S M cH ehry 4 Nnnda 1 Vunda I ....; N'undA « ....<. Algonquin T' ---- ^lgonauin 3 --... A1 gonoti'n 3 ---.-- Algonquin 3 Orspd Total 4-- tt.539.80 All of which is respectfully aubmltted- JrftAXK MAT PA PL POP^VTTIAL J. E. HARP1SSON KB CLAWSOK MATH N. SCHMITT June 12, 1139 44.80 42.70 44.RO 49.20 47.70 44.20 •41.00 '44.20 41.70 41.80 I4.S1 44,20 47.80 11.70 81.10 11.60 1$ SO 41.10 41.70 44.40 41.60 44.10 4t.R0 4l.on 41.S0 41.00 4T.70 41 oo t!« 41.00 41.00 4S.10 41.SO To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Roard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections would _ beg leave to submit the following list ,~.t . 38.00 (of Judfre* 8nd Clerks of-Flections as se- Pabllc Service-Co^. electricity 7J-lfitected by the two political parties Marengo Bakery, bread and roll* 67.CT| re presented on the Board of Supervisors • WMof McHecrv County, Illinois, t^ether « ern ^.71 {ryith the Poliine Places of each PtecityiJ; broom*, soap. land District in sakl County, to-wit: and tags 1|.2$ 1 . Kile«r-rr£»oH>ng Place tx»wn hall, Ma- Oeprge Moocur, cabteasa-and > , ,-, ., j rengo, II.; Judges, L. Aj StockweH .Clio t,-omato plants . BlOO , Anthony. August Ruth; Clerks. Clyde -ifahn Sexto?} Co., groceries 141-48 Coarson.- William Purr, Dave McfCee «»^»4rdfBw.^o*!salt, oWmei' AavfOg. eeed &a<Hrig -WMaep Co ,- bi Si<jfonneii Im^il. Ge.,-.plow. harrow, plow share, and tewl.-box, Pulton . r. Collen, grinding -..x..,^ IJ.jOO garage, gas and% oil S3 89 Thome & Son. elotbing Woodstock Wholesale •Co.,-tah. .. Woodstock Feed and Hatohery, egg mash Crvst-al Lake Truclwng and Ex. Co.. sand and sravel .-r_ 6Sl(9 Farm Supply Store, chick and hog | feed - 47.10 i W. Woolworth Co., notion* -- 9.70 Rohn Hdw. Co.. seeds and sup...~ 15.11 Hurley Motor Sale*, gas 7.11 c«wyer Biscuit Co.. crackers 11.40 Montgomery Ward & Co., clothlaft hose, curtains, etc -- 15.71 Royal Blue Store, groceries.-.-- 61.11 Sewai-d A Rausch. fish -- 11.52 A. W. Wagner, water kettle_- Hartland Feet. Co., fertilizer. People's Supply Co., tils ---- Maremgo 1 Polling place, Nagel .Hatcherv. on East .Prairie Street, M«- r^ngei. ,111.: Judges. Joljn T> Kitchen. Krnest. C. Robb. Frank Higgins: Clerks. ... T Carina & aobU Bay. HaaUU G. E. Fits- 41'*4 simmons. , , j Manengo -- Polling place, Sheehan 28.90 | Building, 121 W, Prairie,'8W Maren-ro, 111.: Judges. R. F. Dusenberrv, O. J. Mc- Keown, Harlev W. Deits: Clerks. C. J. Coerson, J. C. Tanner. George Hance. Dunham--Polling nlace, school house Dst. 128, Harvard RFD: Judges. Carl Wittmus. Frank S. Merrill, Ray Brickies': Clerks, Anna Phil'lus. Fannie Lillibridge, Mrs. George Whipple. Chemung 1--Po"!ng place. Anderson Blag., Front St . Ham-ard, Til . Judge*. C. J. Viercjt, K-'ith Ol^rich *,»d'"er."»i. D. V. Coueblin: Clerks. R. R. Vlerck, Pran- 1.60 cis L. Minor...Thenesa Herely. 11.6$ Chemung 2--Polling place, lire englna 61.47 house, Front St., Harvard, 111., Judges* F. E. Beck, W. N. Johnson, J. B. How- Ard^ cierit»v Ag^ie*, H. Freer, BUuiche Haffoer John««n,..H ,J^^p-'C^nner. Chemung 8 -- Poling, place- Ambler l^ltlg,, Village of Chemung. Chemung, •I! . -Judgaa. 4- - JF. Mar- <hall, T. |C. Seaver; Clerks. Elizabeth 'OstfWRd, Nellie Green, A^aline. Aldeu--PolMng placia. town h*ll in village of Alden, Alden. 111., Judges. \. H. ("lawaon. !•'. C. Bottle my, (larreAt F i t 8 » p r a l d . J 4 H « i H b K r . K l h e r t Kingaley, fien Hayden. Harvard RFI).' riartland Polliw ptaoe, Sbuftleff's store in Hnrtland Tw*k, .Judges. O. J. '"larrolj. Fraiik-Cft^tB)!^- RFD,' vane Callahan, Jijrvswjd kfD; Clerks Warrap Lineoln, Mary . King, Harvard RFD, Margaret Hallisay, Woodstock ni'D. ' Seneca--Polling place. Town Hall in Seneca Twp., Marengo, RFD: Judges. '1 F. Kuecker. Wm. F. Mueller, Dan 'Canalev: Clerks, A. L. Stewart, Marengo T?FD, A. K. Rowley. Woodstock RFD, Tames Nlhan, Marengo RFD. . Coral--Polling place. Village Hall in Village of t'nion, Onion, UK: Judges, chas. H. Ackman, H. J. Miller, Wm. Gahl; Clerks, Florence Ackman, Ride Miller Poppe, Antionette Scfcildgen. Grafton 1--Polling place. Village Hall, Huntlev, Judges. Frank C. Ferris, Huntley. Ml..' Clifford Miller, Agonquln. **PD, Edwin Hemmer, Huntley, III. ""Jerks, Esther Weltzien, Frances Garieb. Florence Parley, Huntley, 111. Orafion 2. Polling place, Fred Schutt •ottage. C. L., Vii. of I^akewood, Judges "Jeorge Moffatt. Lenore T. Huling, Irene Koltweit: Clerks, Mildred .Tedlicka, Ma- Sel Dehinter, Henry Schultt. Dorr 1 -- Polling place. Woodstock ales & Service, 208 Past Jackson St., Woodstock. Til., Judges, James R. 'ierce, E. E. McBroom. - Arthur Desmond: Clerks, Tennys Wagner, Mina \nthony. Caroline Coeart. Dorr 2--Polling place. Sherburne Motor Co., Church St.. Woodstock, Til., •udges, Roy J. Stewart. Paul McNett, Robert Erwin- Clerks, Henrietta Jensen, Alice Sherburne, Sophia Figle- Witli Dorr 8--Polling place, room under ^ouaty Clerk's office, Woodstock, III., »u<*ge« John F. tV'lenke, George Cairns, tohn White: Clerks, H. C. Doering. Mary Sheahy, Freda Peteit. !><"t 4 -- Poliine place. City Hall. Woodstock, 111.. Judges, T. F. Nolan, 'r. I,ester Grlflftng. E. J. Gerry: Clerks, ^rancls Bat tern, Rmily McBroom, Anna Deneen. Dorr K--Pollinr place, Abbott's Store, ,rlHage or Rldgefleld: Judges. Walter J. "'eed, Pay H. Abbott, Henry Radke: """lerks, clarence Reed, Robert Knilans, Ralph Walkup. Greenwood--Polling place. Town Hall Village of Greenwood: Judges ,T. E. Harrison, Woodstock RFD, Walter Freeman Rin"-wcod. 111.-, Francis Brady. Woodstock RFD: Clerks, Bessie Harrison, Woodstock RFD. Mrs Walter Free- -"•n. Rl«gwr>od, 111., Helen Brady. Woodstock RFD. Hehron--Polling place. Town Hall. Hebron, III., Judces, H. M. Turner. E. A. Mead, Albert Mathison, Jr., Hehron tPT); Clerks L K. Powe, Charles Haw- 'horne. Marguerite Maas. Richmond -- Po'i'n«r place, Memorial Hall. Village of Pichmond: Judges, J. G. Stevens, R. J. Bartholf, Hugh Howler,: C'erks T, E. Sweet, J. Clyde Wilson Albert Fbrke. Surton--Pollnc Place. Town Hall. VII- 'age of Soring Grove: Judges Frank May. C. L. Stevens, Anton Mever: Mlerks, Jos. G. Wagner. Charles M. May Richmond, 111., Leo Lay', Spring Grove, HI, McHenry 1--Polling piace, Royal Blue "tore. Rtngwood, ill.. Judges Clayton C. Harrison, Raymond Paul, George J. Y6<»ng: Clerks. Vio'a Low, Julia Justen, McHenry. IH, RFD 1, Martha Hall, Rlner^-ood, III. McHenry 3--Polling place. City Hall. McHenrv, 111.. Judires. Arnold Anderson, '.Isle Hasaett, lOdward H. Nichols: ^le-rks Glea Petersop. Rachel Spurllng, Vera Kane, West McHenry, 111. McHenry 3 -- Polling place. Bnch Plumbing Shop. City of McHenry, McHenry, til.. Judges, M«th N. Schm||t, °eter j. D»herty. William Rlckler, ^lerks. Albert Krause, Kathryn Conway M'ke Walsh. McHenry 4 -- Polling place, Blldner Barber Shop. Johnshurg, Til., McHenrv V Judges, Peter Freund, Jr., Wm. T Meyers. Joe King: Clerks. Cathrine t^eund. Mammie Jackson, Hilda May. N'unda T--Poliine sam Salver- •nr's at Burton's BrldgeHn Nunda Twp., Crvstal Lake RFI"), Judfres. T. W. Ames, Wm. Hanson. LeRcv Wingate: Clerks, Kather Schwemm, Marion Shales, Mary RHen Flanagan. Nunda 2 -- Polling place, City Hall, "•itv of Crystal Lake, Crvstal Lake. 111., fudges, H. C. Meier. William Rosenthal. W. B. Rice: Clerks. Warren Swenson. Mrs. Anna Feles. Ida Oumprech*. Nunda 3--Polling place, IOOF Hall, ^'ty of Crystal Ij»ke. Crystal Lakek. III., Tudges. A. H. Hale, Chas. Pingrey, Paul T. Dohertv; ClerRs. W'" t?ruedigam, xrjrtr>r F. Long, Robert Goeben. Mgorouin 1--Polling place. Village Hall. Algonquin, Til.. Judges, John J ^ilip Walter M. Schuett, John A. Dvori «r- Clerks c ,T Ebel, G. E. Beard, Ed. war-t L. Boncoskl. Algonquin 2--Polling place, Virginia "t. Pumping House In Crystal Lake, Crystal I.ake 111., Judges. Paul F Roenthal, Frank E. Bohl, Maurice Wade: '"'larks. Paul W. Rauhut, Sidney Nelson. Willi- Wyman. Algonouin 3--Polling place, Village Wall: Village of Cary, Cary, til.. Judges. Harry A. Suchy, A. J. Synek, Paul L. ivium; Clerks. Foy L. Mentch, Elsie Hoeft, Laura Johnson. Algonouin 4--Polling place. Village "all. Village o' Fox River Grove. Fox rtiver Grove, 111., Judges: Frank Opat- Seph SerS^fi. CliRflei Fi onOt-k, ^lerks. Thomas Hucek, Jr., Louis Vavrina. John Narowet*. Algonouin 5 -- Polling place. Junior High School Dlst. 47. City of Crystal take. Crystal Lake. 111., Judges, P. E. Bertram, W. Prick, Clifton Millar; -ks. Louis Rltt, H. Ehlert, Otto Schlottman. Your Committee would therefore ••ecommend that the above and foregoing selections of Judges a*""1 Clerks of Election for the various Precincts and restricts in McHenry County as made for the ensuing year, hy the two noliti- 'al parties represented on said Board, '•e approved, and that the Clerk of the Hoard be directed to Tile reports of aaid -elections with the County Court of McHenry Countv. AU of Which is respectfully submitted. FTP'»NK M » Y > -v'Y" nighways of the town of Seneca, in said bounty* w.p.uld respectfully, represent •lhat the cal,vert kaowTi tu« Jthe Wright ""ulvjert on thl Public Highwaj- betweer <ection» lfi an<^ iO In said Toa'n near he south west earner of Jtjie north west luarter of the north west quarter of section 30 T.ownahip 44 North Range € st of the 4rd t". W. ovar % branch >f the Kish>vau^iee Fiver undermined and falling and needs to liepiaced by a ijiei*' Pil>e culyert for which work the Town of Seneca, is responsible. That the cost of iw.id cvUvert will be Lhe ,sum, of $ti00. that the population of said town is less Jhan ISOOO; thai the cost of j^aid bridge is more than fpur t4) can,t» on the one hundred dollars ($100) valuation on the latest assessment roll: and that the levy of road ihd bridge tax for two years last passed in said Town was in each year not less than twer.ty-llve cents on the one hun ired dollars ($100) valuation, the whole if which levy is needed Tor'the ordinary repair of roads ami bridges in said Town. Wherefore, the sakl Commissioner ot Hiph wiys petitions your honorablt t?oard to deem it expedient to buMd said "ulvert at the entire expense ot sail ^ounty, and that you appropriate from •he County Tteasury a sufficient sum ->f money to meet the cost of said cul- -ert and that you direct the County Su nerintendent of Highways for said "ounty to prepare plans and speciflcaions for said Improvements. a"i! aa provided for bv Article V, section 34 of be road ani bridge laws of Illinois. Dated this 12th day of June. A. D 1939. PAY WRIGHT, Hwy. Comm. of th* Town of Seneca. MeHenry County, HI.. 'State of Til . Countv of McHehry r». Fav tVYight, Highway Commissioner 'or the Town of Seneca, in said County hetng first duly sworn on oath, sayp 'hat the facts stated In the forewing pe- •ition are true of his own knowledge and that the matter Is an emergency one. _ _ PAY WRIGHf Subscribed and sworn to before m* •his 12th day Of Swnf A. D. 1939. (Seal) R. t>. WOODS, Co. Cleric Tt was thereuoon regularly moved by ^inr. Ackman and duly seconded b>- inV, Harrison that the nrayr of thf Petition be granted, and that the Chairman ajmoint a Committee of three Supervisors. and they, together with the Superintendent of "Hiehwavs, to hav» -omn'ete charge of the repair of same ind that the'- be dven full power to ac* \nd the roll" being called. Supra. Stock- •vell, Dusenberrv, Wlttmus Beck. Claw- -on. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris ^Tnrrlson. Stevens, Mav. Schmitt. Meier "•ll'o and Asst Suprs. Nolan and Rosen •hal voted aye. nay none. The Chair man declared the motion unanimously •>dont«d "rt^e ohnlrm^n aonolnted *n « such Committee. Supervisors Ackmaa, ^(""Vwll and Ferris. The foi|owinr report of the McHehry Co«ntv Relief Committee wa« presented •>pd >>ead to the Board, to-wlt: fThe above report Is on llle In the "o-'ntv Clerk's office). tt \v>« tti°reupon re*ul«rlv moved hv ""nnr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Survr. Harrison that the report he ado**- -d bv this r»oard and the roll being c*Hd. tve c»>nirman declared the motior T*a *>n a*d Bridge? presented the following report, te-wH HllJf .* J. E. HARPTSON N. B CLAWSOrf MATH N. SCHMTTT PAUL ROSENTHAL After the reading of the report by the Clerk, it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that same be adapted hv this Board, and the County Clerk be directed to file a report of the selections «n made with the County Court of Mc- T-Tenry County for confirmation and appointment and the roll being called Suprs. <tnek\vell Dusenberrv. Wittmus, Beck. ciaw«on. Carroll. Kue?ker, Ackman, Fer- >is. HarrUpn. Stevens, Majfw Schmltt MjOie'r, Filly- and Asst. Suprs. Nola'ti and Df>«enthal voted aye. nav n^iift. . The '^Ijafri'van dec'ared the. mption uilanl- *po»slv carried.,. . , ,, "T-h^ Special Committees ,|n chtttge of the repair of t,be Noe/ Lcird«s. Dlgglns, Merry and "Reed Sridges aj»d Jobrit»tb>ie, ^ulvjfsrt made the following rer>orts, to-' \^it: " ' (Copy of these reports on file In County Clerk's office). It was thereupon regtilarly nw»ved by. •Opr.' CAn^ill ttnM duly ae«>iided by" Asst. Supr. NTolan that thl< reports, pre'<- >«>ntert. be adopted -by this Board.1 ailid t-be roll bein«r called, Sophs: Stock-sreTl,' Husenherry, Wittmus. Beck, Clawson, ^•arroll. Kuecker. Ackman. Ferris. Harrison,. Stevens, May, Schmitt. Meier, *^lip snd Asst. Su>#rs. Nolan and Rosen- •hal voted ave nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. "ITje following Petition of the Highway Commissioner of the Town of Sear eca for the repair of 'he Wright Culvert -Mi an Id Township was presetted mm( *ead to the Board. io-wit: Petition to the Board of Supervisors for McHenry County, Illinois: The Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tfca of Supervisors, McHenry Counts Tlllrnis; T*>e undersigned members of th* "o->d and Bridge Committee for said ^oimtv, would beg leave to submit the 'allowing report on the matters before them That we met oa May Hth, i$th and *7th and inspected r«ad« in the east and Toutbeast nar»s of the County snd alsc • tie Greenwood Bridge and th«> HaHlaS'* «nt«r P"»l Tut road. We found th County State Aid Roads 'n verv goo*" •ondll'cn. hut there are still manv narrow pikes and narrow bridges and cul- -•erts a"d se'-erol b'-'d»res that waTf ^amaced by high water. \V«it of' T,awrence. a ama'l lake 1r voir excavated and we could have tbe "•aterial free by paylr>«r 1iU Cents t*er yard for the loading of same onto "iniitv trucks snd w» decided *o hi" f3) or four (4) thousand cul^le '•ards tr> widen some narrow n'kes nea*- 'w and also to raise the grade one O) 'not on itNiiit one-half m'le of *"os.d ths '-nk» im had'y this soring. We order >«i «»v«pii bridges and culverts repaired and widened. Word waa reeeived that the Centra1 *fe«t Construction ComosnV WOUld t>e readv to tear down the old Tohnahiirsr hrldge and the tNxm'v »*' lo the came from the -,*1c1n1tv- -o w« went to the Johnshurg Bridge on anth apd looked over same and de- ^4*4 rot to go tn t1" i>*nen«# o* h""' • to the fair "rounds for storage, but 'n tafc-e n'ank floor, s'l of «he If 'nch by 18 foot beams and »h» * lnc»- »ioor iV""* from one of the 14S feet •nans and th»t it wo»ld be beat for th' "mmty to sell the remainder of the o'd the^e'ore tn«t-»«tM the ^Qtinnrlntendent of Pi^hwtiTI tr epdeavaor to secure three bids on the old .Tohnshurir r'rTdtre. We a»a1n met •«* TH o»- •»ie 27th day of May 1939: three bids k rece'**ed for tv*« Tr,Kn«-K,ipn, r>r't"- the highest and best bid was that the r"«»,tral We=t Constr"c»|on Com. ••>anv of Chicago. IMtnols' their bid be- • »«oo cash for the old hHdsne exclu- •li'e Vf the r>lank floor s" of the 1r 'noh floor beams and th» fi inch st«»e1 'lonr lotsts out of one spaa, and they •-out* toad the materials retained bv thr •""onrtv on to our trucks and trailers T( rieoi^^d to accent said foregoing hid behalf of McHenry Countv. Illinois We will attempt to dispose of -psrt of •v« old floor plank at the alts of the, bride*. We have heard favorable comment on soli cerr,«>nt roods and arranged to go in Pock'orrt Illinois with a represents Mve of the Portland Cement assoc'atior .Tone ' <?t to Insoecf a road b»l't h" • hla method three veara ago. We ha"1 'n view nossiHe surfacing of th* Wart •ind road known as Section 10 M^T by • his r^pthod. This travel road brckthrough in several nlaces this sorinon the clay hills and we felt '•elnctan' to surface the same with asohalt an<* that the concrete would bridge ove- • hose bad nieces. The »rlp was m*j( and the road at Bockford was foun<* to he In good condition. All hut abou' three hundred (800) feet has beon cov »re<i with a lieht coat of asphalt. Th* »n*d was built out of the . natural ma terlal on the road, same being black dirt eprl sandv clav rai^l with shoot i Of* Portjund cement. The coat is about 45 cents per s«"«re yard or $47(M» per mile exclusive of the asphalt covering which "omes to ahont f?30O ner rr'1". whe- -•ecessarv. We were of the opinion thai n better road would resu't on th' Hprtland road, as we have 3 inches of n-oo/i clean crushed gravel thereon wh'ch wo»'1d he mi-red with the camen* and that probably the asphalt covering would"not be needed for many years t<- Co*»e. . , .Wt jaarain met at Woodstock. Jlji^no th», 8th dav 'of J«pe 193S an4 audlt- «-in.nd cr<\ei-eJ^ palil pill*. char«r«jjMi1e tr • he McHenry County PsJrol Svyiem or jp-v.jris /»* a whol^ .for rewiir and sup pile's ^>nd labor at the ^"ity torvl V">'se r^ntntainer $930. also in«ur- :anW *??90'.«S p11 to a total'of 14+60* *'wert» audited sod ordered pair« of »Ve Co«pty Patrol System of _ Roads for l^Kor, and materiajs heretofore ap provM as to retf's, W)are Audited and ordered naid as follows: '•ert'on 3" '..." ,$i .212.'" Se'fTons V !«. 1* •«---2,! *' SecMdtis 4. Pc-tiAWs S,J f ««-*• Sections 7, It - • )?*!?' Section $ --r..-.^--' J"*? "" Section 9 , , ,,, • i-,i n 111.40 Section 11 '?V"' Ooottor. It - rsi.^-t P-Vtlnp* 1J. 1$ !?' Of Section 14 - $S.0f 934.0# 7W6<f 771.0# and mach. rental 11 sec. 11 maint., labor, material A mach.. Cental and Treas. fee !5" Sec. 12 engineering, labor Const., labor, mat., mach. rental 141.& • B ext.. 4A 4A ext., sec. 13, Engineering, labor Coast., labor, mat. and mach. rental :1A sec. 14, maint., labor, mat., machine rental and treas. ftee- !$, sec. 17-IT Maint., labor i and 15, sec. 19 eagi. labpr .. s,' sec. 20, engi. labOr ...... MB, swc. 24, eonat,, labor, mgL, tuach. rental „_1 S4$4#< 'S, aec. 36, engi labor 1.7$ Bills were audited and ordered pai<§ "roro the County Bridge Bond Fund, foir: office work, surveying, teptiag, inapeei-- ion work and labor on hrldyrs baiaic •onstructed on the State Aid System " Toads as follows: T.illfbridjte Bl4to& 3t.«; Greenwood Brldjre, $f».It: Wi^T Irldge, $38.74. The matter of the seU o«n«at roftife vas discussed and we decided to rec<M»ij*| "end the Hartland road be so surface^* nstead of with asphalt- and that tjpM vork be done by day labor out of tsfc "4otor Fuel Tax lunda We al*t/ firliiti 0 recommend thst the Hnntier fwA • iwwB as S<sctiort 1! MFT he stirtaepi. - vlth asj»h«lt by contract method. «A« natmctod the County <Superintesdawi f Highways to prepare the proper resaw- 'it ions for both said roads and we far#, her recommend that said resolution* bft >assed hy this Board. \ We then Inspected the Gr«enw<#4l. *nd Warf Bond Issue t-Tidges and foiliMF ame to be finally completed iUikstate iallv in a»tcordan'-e with the plans spA iflcatlons and contract, and decided 4# iccept said bridges «a hshnlf of M(£ tenry County. IlllMlt, The itemised cost of same bc4nf mm "ollows; j •rsemwsat ScMm 14 cu. yda Class A concrete at $31.00 per cu. yd itrkM# '45.4 cu. yds. Class X concrete at 83I.W per cu. yd - 7S4T.4# 6.8 ci. yds. han4i mil concrete at $^6.0<» per cu. yd '«415 lbs. reinforcing harp at 5c per lb. >78'< lbs. structural ated 4e i»er lh. 54fi llaeal ft. pil« furolshad at S4c 'ISO lineal ft. pile driven ait $lc IS)Jl 1 test piles at ilK M 360 0f> >37.5 bbls. Portland cement at $3,40 p?r bM ' name plate Removal old atroctwra .... ^oat par contract '•MI previous pa^atttl \ mount due contractor We. therefore recommend that thp ""ounty Clerk draw an order on thp "ounty Treasurer, payable out of tha 'ounty Bridge Bond Funds la the audb if $3887.93 as a final payment to tnp contractor E. M. Melahn Coaatruotlopk "nmpany of Algonqula, lUiaoia in thjk uatter of said Greetn'-ood Bridge. ' J Warf Vridgp 108.4 cu. yds, class X cuhcrete " at $30.90 per cu vd .....$<,|MJCft ' 'SffiO reinforcing bars at &c ner lb J 1.4S7.CI 0878ft lbs. structural aUMl at \ $0 0$75 per lb -9,514.71. SST 6 Mneal ft. pile furptolM# at 39c '41* lineal feat pile drives at $5c per ft ' test plies at $64.tt each r>4 hhis. Portland cement at $8.80 per bl-1 ... 6 floor drains at $9.4t iiamt tdate ........... temoval old strusUMtp ........... "ost per contract '^as previous payments \mount due contractor $7$5.3^ We. therefore recommend that tl# ""onnt> Clerk draw an order on tH# bounty Treasurer, payable out of tM ""ounty Bridge Bond funds, in the suw f I78S.S7. as a final payment to the cori* -ictor Eric Bolander Con^tructio# Company of Ubertyvllle. Illinois in tHh setter of said Warf Bridge. . We have received and turned over 4# he County Treasurer for th CoUnttf toad Fund" from Motor Fuel Tax Fun% ental on County owned machinery corn> ^nsation and liability insurance as fole "WS: . ' • Section 10 MFT ectioa 11 MFT .. vet ion 13 MFT .. Section IS MT ---,.. lt?V4# Section 13 MFT .j. J.. ...Z„ . 39.a# 'cction 14 MFT ...v.-r.~f 3.3» Total l..:...3t.nT.l5' The above aaid sum is herel»v re-arjt »ropriat*d for road purposes. Including Hirchase of machinery and the repair nd storage thereof. Your Committtee estimates there wift necessary for the care of the Mj» t«nrv Countv Patrol System of Roadfi >n appropriation of from thb "inntv, Hl«*hw>y funds until the ne4l naetin* of this Board. t T. C. T,. Tryon. County Superlntendenp f Hltrhwavs for McHenry County, Illfc >ols. herebv accept the work and m »rials furnished snd apnmve the abo •Aonnts paid to the contractors of t tree®wood and Warf Pridgpa. C. I,. TRYON Co Supl Bwya^ !(4»* 'fenry Coubty. Tlllnois. • , N B. C^A^r«^r.^- ? * JOHN J FTLIP t.km " CHAS. H ACKMAIf '1 4»S.Mt ii4.rt ri M undersigned commiaaloner Totsal ^ -- I4.TS0.4? "»»re #a4 Ordered o"t of Motor Fviel Tax Funds, sfp'»e thf la^t weetiiif of th's Board, as follows: State ^'d Pout^-- t S,»c. 7-1T maint.. and labor $ 1.95 in sec. 8, const., labor 3.50 of 44, sec. 10 maint., labor, material, Tt ^ras thereupon regularly moved bjr 'upr. Stevens and duly Seconded bf supr. Ackman that the report of thl load and Bridge Committee be adont y thi-< Board, and the roll being call 'upr S lock well. Dusenberry. Wittmn *^eck. Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ar aaa, Farris, Harrison^ 'Stevens, Mi VSmitt, Meier. FiUn and A sat Sup Vn'an and Rosenthal voted aye. najf ion#. The Chairman declared the motioA nanlmco.sly carried. The following Resolution on Right ot., yay Purchase wa-• presented and tea# 0 the Board, to-wlt: fUaotattMi »- 0. W. rucbui Wh»rea« there la now av<n*l» tof he »se of McHehT County. Illinois, ouf f tbe Motor Fuel Tax of 1939, the suitt f >975.10 and. .1 Wh«reas, It is permiaaibta under sai'f' 'fotor Fuel Ta* I^w, approved Marcl| '1, 1929. to purchase Pieht of Way fr>t *>» improvement of State Aid Roads; and. Whereas, the Right of Way Commit* ee of the Board of Supervisors of Me* - 4e»iry Couaijr. Illinois, have soured th^ signatures to 'he following High way dedications for the improvement of rtate Aid Koute Number 12. McHenry v>fpty. Illinois: Stat* Aid JM. 14 SjW S JP* » » 4enrv Schildmeyer -v --:--_»150 0t| 'liarle-s Buchte ^T..-;--.--700 a<| >Tary F Deneen ... ---- -- 105.3(1 "ovwy Treas^.fiM , Mf Disb fee > 5® TotU $975.1# Therefore, he It resolvad fer said V^rd of Supervisors of McHenrv Ooun*- v. Illinois, that the above amount of? ^'975.11 of th» Motor Fuel Tax of 19!* >e used for th« purchase of said Right f wav above mentioned, and. Be It Further Resolved, that R. D, Yoods. County Clerk is hereby directed} V 1 certify a copy of this resolution to* he r>eoartnjent of Public Works and! , buildings, Division o f Highways^ "prlcsrfeld. Illinois, for Its approval for oucfcw. It'was thereupon -ectilarlv moved by 'ur»r. .»ckmaa snd dulv seconded by 5»ipr. Ferris that the -Resolution bet donted by this Board, and the roll ben- Vailed." Supr« Stockwe'l. l»u>tenberry,. Vittmus. Beck Clawson. Carroll, Kueck- ' , r. Ackman. Ferr's. Harrison. Stevens, May. Schmitt. Meier. Ftlip and Asst. | '••pr*. Nolan and Rosenthal vot«d a*«w ^-S ay none. The Chairman declared thai ."••oa t'ps!»«mou,slv car' ied. V'al The following Resolution MFT Cop- | ^ -art c<m*tr*t*ttni> 11 .tT MFT was ireswt«i «d read to the Board, to-wit: Ooa tract Ombwdea hMolthta «ff County Board ot McHenry County IW*