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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1940, p. 13

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V.jiv£ •, »v >'£" '• >'••* *. -/ ' , -,*,»jk«| I* Tstal f«rnlng« of half year „ 17,677.00 Receipts during current half ysar for th«t w*»vlc*v performed in prevtouir half yearfan.) henetafbro imparted. •» m>t r«- c*M*4:-- -f . . *••!,••••.-> / ; Recording < 100 0C CtMktt. Ck»istl . 44.411 •Total Receipts •xpenditurtfH-oT" t i >• Cttt-k Hlre> Tor >4 yr. $2,0S8.t5 Refund'docket SseSi... lJ.qQiHc* 5 j Misc. off. e*p. : 81.80l»n.f. : Docket fee turned over ' : ro^ri to Co. Clerk. ai-462 6.00 Cldrk't* "salary for ©ne-half >**i< 8.841.8p _ . • i'i' • i- Balance du« Costatyfor r<- sndmg Msy-.Mst. i»a0;...i.~„...W,7.6a.M Sheriff Receipts-- " Receipts Earned Received For sheriffs Fecadaiflims iin Courti Prbcesa Docket ;$1,036.00 $ 721.75 Execution Docket .T.. 1!U.6G 195.86 Advanced by County s fW.UO rSr Misc. Serv. 1,187.00 Total tarrilnvs of half year 92.fi8.86 ' '* Receipts during half year for-service performed in half yfcar ending It , and heretofore reported ss not received: Com'. Coats, Process Docket • Kf>.30 Execution Docket If iscellaneous *5.37 Total Receipts ....... Expenditures--t, Deputy Sheriff 810.00 Stationery Fuel Miscel. postage --. M.M Sheriff's Salairy for oae- Half year lees $71.71 Wipaid „ 778.28 To Balance ....... $1,604.28 Your Committee met at the Court Hpu&e in the City of Woodstock, on Thnrsday, the 27th day of July, A. D. 1939, and audited the above and foregoing reports and found the books and accounts of the various officers under audit neat and well kept, and the reports correct In detail with exceptions to a few minor errors that were easily adjusted. We therefore recommend that the reports be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. ^ PAUL ROSENTHAL, Chairman. 4 H. C. MEIER B. F. KUECKER T. F. NOLAN" JR. F. DUSENBERRY M. TURNKR CARROLL f jr. P . u It Supr. Supr. was regularly moved vy Ferris and duly seconded by ClaVson that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be adopted by this Board and the roll being called. Supra. Stockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, Stevens. May, Schmltt, Meier, Filip and Asfet. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay hone. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Lands and Lots presented the following report, which, seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll on motion of Supr. Stevens and duly being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: State of Til., County of MoHenry, ss. To the Chairman and Oentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Lands and Lots to whom' was referred the matter of the prepa ration in filing for record of the Crystal Lake Union Cemetery Association Plat would beg leave to report that they met at the Court House in the r>«'V of Woodstock, on the 24th day of July, '1939, and after having duly considered said request would recommend that same be granted and that the said Cemetery Association be allowed to file sa|d record at the scale of 36 f Xllf^^h'loh'Ts respectfully submitted. J6HN J. FILTP MATH N. SCHMITT L. A. STOCKWELL SARL JE. WITTMUS . B. CLAWSON The Board of Review of MefTenry County presented the following request, togther with a letter from the Illinois Tax Commission, to-wlt: <Th-e above request and letter are on fllS in the County Clerk's office.) The Chairman stated that there were a great number of properties in McHenry County that were not properly- Platted and for that reason it was impossible for the taxing authorities to describe them correctly, and that if the surveys were made it would be better for every one concerned and it was his opinion that the cost to each taxpayer would be nominal. After some further discussion with regard to said matter it wae regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the request of the Board of Review be granted, and the roll being called, Supr* Stockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May. Scbmitt, Meier. Filip and Assist. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of Claim? against the County, and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan and declared carried, the said Claims were referred to the proper Committees, and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. D. S. T. for Committee work. 1130 O'CLOCK *. V. (0. •. *.) Board met pursuant to adjournment WM| upon roll call, the same members responded to their names as appeared of irecprd In the morning session, constituting a full Board. A delegation of residents and ty .^Wtters on Fre»ndly East RWi from Route No. 20 to Rout»»Jfp, T McHenry Township appeared floa"d and filed a petition signed By proximately 185 residents and property, owners on said route asking for quick1 and speedy completion of the improvement of said road. Several members of the delegation stated that the haxardou* condition caused by dust and flying stofce that now exists. The Chairman informed the delegation that the Board wae very much in sympathy with their cause and that the Improvement would be completed as soon as funds were available, after which it was regularly moved by 8upr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the petition be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for investigation and report. Motion declared unanimously carried. Norma Taylor Scott, representative of the National Ke-e/npioyment Service located in the Woodstock Post Office, appared before the Board and made a formal request for the renewing of the appropriation for incidental expenses of her office in an amount not to exceed $25.00 per month for the ensuing year. After some discussion. It was regularly robved by Supr. Turner and dulv seconded by Supr. Ackman that the request be granted, and the roll being called. Suprs. Stoojcwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus. Beck. Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker. Ackman, Ferris. Harrison, Turner, Stevens Schmltt, Meier, Filip and Asst. $uprs. N'ola-i and Rosenthal voted aye. nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. l .• The Chairmnn called upon the Honorable Harold Kelsey, State Representative of this district, who was present at the meeting for a few remarks. Mr. Kelsey addressed the Board and outlined in detail the work of the last sea slon of the Legislature recently ad- Jpprned and stated that he was happy _U»_report that many bills that were introduced to centralise government in florin gfleld were defeated. He informed the Board ttat he was very much interested in the road problem that are now confronting McHenry County and that sorr- time ago while he was a member of the Board of Supervisors of lAke County a similar condition existed in hie County and at that time their Board adopted a road improvement program and issued, bonds that are being paid for ^nd retired as to principal and interest entirely out of money allotted to Lake County out of the Motor Fuel Tax THE BOARD Ot SUPERVISORS, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS LL- » 1.. J. I T I '• If - \ tm !v.^ ftVBFund. Representative Kelsey informed the Board that he was glad to be present at this meeting and that, he panted tfie rtoHjfl and the people -of; .ifcJjTtJrr^ Coutoty to Jiaoa :U.»t ba had tor any u.«4 .< H he was able to perform at »«<•>', tiiuo. .^r the close of:"Mr. j£ofe*y'a. remarfea; ,tho. Board showed tTleir appreciation bv gen? eroufi applause and ttie Chairman lj,r. formed him that lie vuuf'l pe, welcome. . i. , The Committee-on CA&lgna. L*J»or Spwv and KappUes prexented 'thei. report; w hich on met i<m ot Surf, 'turtusi a** tluly K«»con<Aed iry. ^Mpr. ,^*rrifll«nd, tUe roll being called ~Wa* d«cla«ed Ithoitaly adopted, lo-tWkO . A* Mr. Chairman and GentleHwp ttuf Board of Supervisors: i < i - > Your Committee on Claim*. Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave tu report that they have exajnined all claim* preeemited to tneni, and recommend the payment of the following, and ihat the »"i»rk !»» directed tc issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounta allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thorn.ber Co., Co. Clk. ptg. and sup. Co. Treae. off. sup. $2.61 19.34 Frank Thornber Co., Cir. Clerk...1,W)S.36 CRilaghan & Cc., Cir. Clerk fund j,®9 The Hebron Times, cir. elk fund 9.7S B. C. Jess Co., cir. clk. fund 9.31 P. F, Pettibone A Co., cir. clk, fund 7«.«« National Off. Supply Co., Ci. : Treas. printing fund ... U0.X9 Co. Treaa. Aasmt. F\»nd--- The Richmond Gazette 512.80 Marengo Republican News-* 842.80 McHenry Piaindealer 175.40 The Hebron Times .117.IB The Woodstock Journal, sup. scha off. sup 9# Crystal Lake Herald, Co. Treas. Assmt 3,217.99 Harold W. Schmidt, cir clk $19.28 co clk ptg and sup $33.2S; co v treas off sup $21.95; shf op® • sup $2.98 ; Hi*#' O. 17. Nelson M. D., co clk ilW depdn fund A. S. Romberger, co dk iiur depdn fund Grant Nolan, Judy Jus feee fund (I.M Charles F. Hayee, judcy Just fees fund 28.09 Albert Krause, J. P.. Judcy Justice fees fund 11.00 Marengo ins. Agency, Co. ins. 83.29 111. Bell Tel. Co.. C H Jail tel fund 137.92 111. State Emp. Service, C H sup fund 25.00 Lillian Schroeder, Bd of Rev fund 99.00 Wm. A. Mueller, Bd of Rev fund 99.00 Sup. Schs. Off. Exp. Fund>~- Illinois Office Supply Co. 41.88 The Hebron Times .90 Tho M. B. Cook Co 18.91 'revaart & Thayer, Inc. 2.05 Rthel C. Coe, Co. Supt. 11.18 McGill Paper Products Inc. 8.82 Ct. Jurors Fund-- Frank Love' 4.00 Clyde C. Miner' 4.00 Armour Birk 4.00 David Rattrav, C H Jail repa.... 620.00 Frank J. Mack, C H aup ......"7^^' M.14 Ct. Jurora Fund-- , Benton Street Restaurant 11.74 Knuth's Cafe 7.80 Woodstock Cafe ' 8.04 Belcher A Son, C H Jail repairs WHj.W wW6Lh resiv>t.fMiy yiitfrtotytfi if. 'ff Stnifi •••••'••>•'? i 116.60 85.14 12.41 M4I fund J. R. Klngsley C H Jail Jail repairs fund Ct. Hse. Sup. Fund--- Ludwi^ Wilson Co. A. W. Wagner K. C. Bodenschate The Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Co. Hwy Maint fund $6.76; co treas assmt fund $1,287.80; Bd of Review Fund $6.25; Supr. prtg fund $1.70; shf off sup fund $5.65 l.Stf.l* Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, shf off" sup ' fund $7.26; co treas off sup fund $1.54; sup schs off exp fund $1.0$ - tit The Bohn Hardware do., ahf off . sup fund $29.17; Ct Hse «U> ' . fund $29.25 88.48 R. O. W. & Bldg. Rd. Fund-- McHenry County Title Co. 5.00 Wayne Mentzer 87.80 G. L. Tryon. Co. Supt. Hy., Co Hwy maint fund 896.87 Lester Swain, McH Co B B fund 87.10 Wayne Mentzer McH Co B B fund 8.86 Shf. Off. Sup. Fund-- P. F. Pettibone & Co 1.11 V. J. Sirchie Co U.«l Thorne A Son. ahf jail sup clothing fund 7.10 r,ester Kdinger, ahf per diem, tpm$ serv. fund i......... 89.54 Shf. Feeding Pris. Fund-- Conway Dairy 17.88 Western United Gas St El. Co. ... 8.RS Marinda Bates 2.25 Kckert & Wells 129.06 \smus & Son .... Hoesley's Bakery ...... K'rkman Ice Co .*. Sheriff Deputy Fund-- ")tto Buchert .. 'oren Edlnger ^lbln Kuppe Martin Fkclund ... Martin Eohl - ' -- - ... - "harles J. Williams Ray Horlck Vivian Seaman ^lyde C. Miner, shf bailiff fund $40.00: shf dpty fund $44.00. .. Armour J. Birk, shf dpty fund $32.00: shf bailiff fund $4.00 .... Vestie Muldoon. C H jail sal fund 125.00 Helen Schoepke, er TB cat fuad 76.00 tester Kdinger, ahf per diem, fees, serv 100.00 Marian Edinger, eht feed pria fund - 100.00 Philip E. Blerdeman, ahf dpty fund 18S.00 City of Woodstock, C H Jail H and water fund 151.40 Walter Sahs, shf dpty fund .$12.00; shf bailiff fund $4.0# 18,00 Qwen H. Cojr, shf bailiff fUQd«. 21.00 Tph# A w., ",,r"ry •v-" 4.00 84.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 84.00 36.00 Mrs. Louise officer . ^ <-19.06' Supr. Sal. Mil. Ftinci "t?ndg» ^!dpd-W '1 A. Stockwell, sup .sal- mileage ' fund. Bridge Bond»iu.i------lil.jil. i8.t0 R. F. Dusenberry, supr aal mil. fund Bridge Bond "?arl Wittmus, E. Beck ...I-- V. B. Clawson -- 1. J. Carroll F. Kue< ker> 'has. H. Ackman -- vrank t". Ferris i.™ i. E. Harrison H. M. Turner t. G. Stevens ....... ^rank May ? 6.90 99.15 66.80 23.40 87.15 41.30 46.80 24.80 70.65 6.80 17.90 30.00 58.50 46.40 75.90 15.60 Math N. Schmltt ........ ....^ H. C. Meier :. Tohn J. Filip T. F. Nolan, Jr. : Paul Rosenthal, sup sal mi fund Bridge Bond All or which is respectfully submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL .1. G. STEVENS F. E. BECK . FRANK MAY PAUL UOSBNTIfX^^i,... IS Ottawa TB San., Schumacher .._ 4.1 Ottawa TB San Soma ...: 77.1 Ottawa TB San., Bloner 17.1 Ottawa ! tftensonVBetisOn Margaret I^indre. .^ta^ls ««,< Nelson, "Nt-rsof '£51^0, 11 hrs. rental 66.00 'Board of Supervisors. McHenry,"C6\itity. Illinois: The undersigned members of the road aqd bridge committee for said Countv would her leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we met at the old Johnsburg Fcx River Bridge on the 26th day of July. 1939 to sell about. 450 old bridge plank, pursuant to our advertisement in the McHenry Piaindealer newspaper. We had saved out all of the best olank. about half the total and hauled them to the County Fair Grounds. The plank for sale were in piles 'of about 24 each and we proceeded to sell each pile to the hlrhest bidder. The plank brousrht only $95 50 bur they'had to be flist>used of and removed from the l>c.uKiil8 of the highway and we would report that they have a!T been removed from the public highway, asd are all p*id for except 3 piles sold to the high- i Way commissioner of the Town of Riley for $15 and iie asked for time on the deal. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 31st da*- of July 1989 and then went to Spring Grove, Illinois to inspect the work being done on Sections 8 and IS MFT. We found the grading work Just about completed and the County machinery atout out of work. There enialns considerable hand work on <ruprd rails, ditches and shoulders, and also all of the gravel surfacing. We then went to Huntley. Illinois and inspected the crushing plant and the work being done there. The stone is being crushed and screened for Sec. 11- IT asphalt job which will soon be advertised for bids, same being 2 miles of road leading south east out of Huntley. Only the stones above 1 inch size Is to be used on the asphalt road and the gravel below 1 Inch is being placed on the Huntley 5 corners road leading north west out of Huntley. The matter of further work this season was discussed and it was decided to have the machinery complete the mile nf road in the Town of MarengD in the vicinity of the Anderson Bridse nearly completed last fall before heavy rains stopped the grading. Owing to so much money going for right of way purchase this season we may not be able to do 'he Hartl;<nd road surfacing known as Section 10-TT until next year. Howover ther£ will probably be enough funds from future monthly allotments 'his Fall to construct a short section of road and thus keep the machinery busy. The Alden road being only a short section of 1 Vt miles may be started next, is it appears that it could be completed before winter. We ae-ain met at Woodstock, Illinois On the day of August. 19S9 and audited and ordered paid bills chargeable to •he McHenry County Patrol System of roads as a whole, for repairs and supolies and labor at the Countv tool ho>i«e to a total of $1237.86 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County Patrol System of Roads for labor and materials, at rates heretofore approved, were audited and ordered paid as follows: Sections 3, 14 ......._..$1,639.16 Sections 4. 8. 16. 18 186.29 Sections 4. 17 424.7« ee<-tion* B. 6 28.27 Sections 7, ». 10, 11, IS 332.75 ^ectipn 13. 16 •', 147.64 ' ' ""' Total $3,996.78 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds since the last meeting of this -board, as follows: State Aid Route-- 13-13A Sec 4-IT maint. labor ....$ 10.50 SB Sec. 8 const., labor, mat. ren. 158.38 Sec. 10 Ynaint., labor, mat. ren. 18.65 11 Sec. 11, maint. labor, mat. ren. 174.or. 11 Sec. 11-IT engi. labor 213.36 25 Sec. 18 engi. labor 26,00 95 Sec. 12, c,-»nst. labor and mat. 158.54 4 A 4A ext, 5B ext Sec. 13, engi. la. 80.10 'A 4A Ext.. 5B Ext.. 5B ext Sec. 13 const, labor, material, rental 1,903.4 5 ?1A Sec. 14 maint. labor A rental 13.00 28 Sec. 17-IT maint. labor 3.50 14 ft 15 Sec. 19 engi. labor ft mat 11.20 1 Sec. 20 engi. labor and mat .... 86.23 9 Sec. 21 engineering labor 101.08 20B Sec. 24 const, labor 4.80 26 Sec. 27. en«»t. Treas fee, labor, material 82.48 A petition of about 135 names was received asklne that road leadlne west out of Union, Illinois be black topped as soon as possible and before the present smooth roadway 1s ruined by heavy traffic. Owing to insufficient funds and the lateness of the season we took no act'on thereon. We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for the County Poad fund, From sale of old planks, from Jphnsburg River Bridge $ 80.60 From Motor Fuel tax funds, rental of County owned machinery Section 8 182.36 Section 10 s.RO Section 18 ....... 780.44 Section 14 6.60 Total cost $.4,894.11 Lisa previous 1*-ymen :8"~Jime IS and July 12, |1»8» . ......LI J„..t,846 30 Total ! 8945.32 The above tun. la hereby re-appro- .priafed for road purposes, Including purchase of machinery and the repair and storage thereof. Your cwjwnittee estimates there will be hecessary for the care of the Mc~ Henry* C<*»ntyi>satrOl waveieth of road* an appropriation of ?sr><M) from c.huiu highway funds until the ne^t meeting oY this Board! p 4 j All of ithlch is respectfully submitted. N. B. CLAWSON r CHAS. H. ACKMAN • " J. E. HAPRISOST , : i J JOHN J. FILIP J FRANK C. FERRIS ! It was thereupon regularly aioved by 9upr. Kuecker and duly secoafed by Asst. Supr. Nolan that the report of the Committee on roads and bridge be adopted by this Board and the roll being called said motion wae declared unanimously carried. The special committee In charge of the repair of the Diggins Bridge presented the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of the construction of a new bridge at the site of the Dlgglns Pridge. north of the Village of Chemung. Illinois in the Town of Chemung in said r"'i'inty, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before the/n: Tb*t mftt,JU ttoe,-»it«l,oJ&.»*1d bridge oo the 20th da;r of July. 1939 and found fspid bridge c9tpjpVe*ed.:sub«tantlafly in accordance wUJi. the pjftfoe, sp^eiftvatlow -Committee on Claim#' ^aor >mnde the following report, whic . , on motion of Supr. Kuecker and dulyjj#<nd contract and decided, to aeoej>t said «ecou&ed by Supr. Filip and the roils bridge on behalf -<>f -MoHe-niy. ^'ounljr, beteiff palled, was d«clar«dWe also approved, an extra y adopted, to-wlt: Au*«pt * A. t>. Mr. Chairman und G*nUeqaeir the Board -of Supervisors: Your Committee «n County Pporj 'laims would beg ieave tv report that; hey hSve examined all claims presented' 'o them, and recommend the payment' •f the following, aed that the CWk be| Irected to issue orders uu tJie.,Coufttyj Treasurer to the Claimants for tfie sev- *rnl amounts allowed, as follows, to-wil: "hicaeo Industrial Home for Dependt. Children 8666.85 \ddison Ind. & Man. Train. Scb., dependt. chil.. (I'aymonds) 40.00 St. Vincent's Orphanage, dependt. children (Bourdages) 18,00 Mrs. Eva Kapping, dependt. chil. (Ystebo) 16.00 T. B. Patient Pauper-- ""Id People's Rest Home, Hibbard 22.40, The Long San., Kuppe 76.25 for strea^a .bed axcavatjon. 11 hr». tieftr tal of crane at $6 per hour, $66.00. The cost of the bridge J,n accordance with the .unit ,pri«es. ^hown iA the -o«*n<- itraot is itemized as follows: , ,, - 1 test .pihe ,furnished jynd.drfv^n ,8jj2&.0« .898 lineal ft. of piles furhlshed at 2*)c pejr ft,; ..,,224r5<0 fifcl lineal ft. or piles drivenjjjpCef,,,^ i«i atutments nt. l&«\.p(er,, f|t- n-rti-t 1P0.66 121 cu. j-ds. class X concrete at $35 per cu. yard 4,235.00 14440 lbs. reinforcement bars at Rc per lb 728.00 49343 lbs. structural steel at 7.1c per lb f: 3.603.35 189 bbls. nortland cement at --v $2.40 per bbl 477.601 Removal of old structure , 276.00 1 name plate 15.00 Total cost per contract $9,828.11 Extra excavation of stream bed Aft*cn»nt contradtor.; $1,U4».81 "We veco«in\end ttic.t th» County Clerk draw an order on the County Trehsurer imyable out of the McHenry County Bridge Bond fund. In favor of the contractor the Joliet Bridge ind '"Comftruction Co. Of Joiiet, Illinois \n; the sum of $1048.81. which sjiid paytnent will discharge McHenry Ooui.ty 3 'elongations tn the matte* of said bridge hipf^vemient. • All of which is respectfullv submitted. PAUL ROSENTHAL "v" CHAS. H. ACKMAN • Q. J. CARROLL I, C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby accept the WOIK and materials furnished. ar>£ approve th« above amount ordered paid to the contrfeVto'r for the aforesaid Diggins liridste. C. L. TRYON, Co. Supt. of Hwys. for McHenry County, Illinois. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the report of the committee be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The special Committee in charge of the repair of the Wright culvert presented the following report, to-wit; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Superv isors, McHenry County, Illinois': Your committee to whom was referred the matter of a new culvert at the site of the Wright Culvert, on the public highway between sections 19 and 20 in the Torn of Seneca, McHenry County, Illinois, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at the site ofsaid culvert on the 29th day of July 1939 and found same completed substantially In accordance with the plans and agreements and decided to accept said culvert on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. We audited the bills and recommend that sufficient funds be borrowed from the McHenry County Bridge Bond Fund to pay said bills involved and that the '"outy Clerk draw orders on the County Treasurer out of said funds as follows: The W. Q. O'Neall Co. of Springfield 111., for 40 lineal ft. of 6 ft. diameter corrugated, »galvp.nlzed pipe, 10 gauge .-. $354.89 Fay Wright. Hwy. Com. Town of Seneca for removal of old structure and laying pipe in place as follows: 4 men at $3.00 per day June 27 $12.00 1 man dynamiting at $3, one-half 4 men nt $3.00 June 28, ...» 18.00 day June 27 '........ 1.50 Use of tractor. June 28 - '.... 8.00 4 men at $3.00 June 89 ............ 12.00 i men at $8 July 14 Dynamite and oaps -- 8.00 8.50 9 49.00 with as a part of this report. All of which Is respectfully submitted. FRANK O. £ I.RRI3 i "J'IH, o. J. CARROLL < iinitt f ;*T. F. NOLAN, JR4!oF i • H. M. rURNKK. • i ... w PRANK MAY V-HJ - Jui.., j. , ls'tS '. Official Fees and Inolimota Received Aal Xxpeaditaies Made By C. Frank Daly. County Treasurer, County of McHenry, State of Illinois To: The Chairman of the Committee.t9 Settle with the Treasurer.. I, C. Frank Daly. County Treasurer in and for the County of McHenry and State of Illinois respectfully present the following report of all the feea and emoluments of my offiu«, and also Of necessary expenditures therefore, for and during the half year ending May 31st, 1939, where I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me arned by official services during said Half year, the- .total amount of receipts of whatever nam**' <fr character, and all necessary expenses for clerk hire, aud Other exponsesi. s Nature of Serv. Rec'd Durifef % .7*. Commissions: . - • 2<& or. $r»93,830.18 collected * 4 , as County Collector $11,998.78 2cj, on $17,TOO.16 R. E. forfeitures collected as Co. Treas. ...... . 354.00 J<5£. on $4.9"6.63 Pers. Property v Back Taxes as Co. Treas. ;... - 89.88 1«J. An $25,181.31 received as . County Treasurer ".:"'. I «£, on $130,879.58 received -Us Co. Treas^from aale Bridge Bonds 1,808.80 Jo.; on $67,987.71 Motor Fuel Tax received 1,359.75 2% on $682.75 received as flaes for Violation of Hwys 18.68 2% on $3.fi7l.64 Inheritance taxes collected 73.43 1% on $186,051.76 disbursed as County Treasurer 1,860.68 Penalties and Fees earned .... 2,181.17 Total Earnings $19,499.46 Sxpeadttuss C. Frank Daly. Co. Trsas. .. $1,256.00 Clerk Hire - 8,738.96 Stamps 801.66 Fj-elght on tax bills 14.30 Freight on Furniture - 6.70 Total $6,81161 Net earnings from Dec. i, 1988 to May 31, 1989 13,687.84 Total 8408.80 Which said payments will discharge McHenry County's obligations in the matter of said improvement All of which is respectfully SUbmlttfd. CHAS. H. ACKM A M I„. A. STOCKWELL FRANK C. FERRIS • T. C. L. Tryon. County Sun«rintend«nt of Highways for McHenry <"ounty, Illinois, hereby accept the work and materials furnished and approve the r> mounts ordered paid to the above namr> d parties. C. L. Tryon. Co. Supt. of Highways, for McHenry County, Illinois. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Dusenberry and duly seconded by Supr. Filip thnt the report of the Committee be adopted by this Board, and the roll .being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Special Committee in charge of the repair of the Pyott Bridge presented the following report, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of a new bridge at th> -ite of the Pyott Bridge, on a public highway about 20 rods west Pyotts Corner In-section 28, Range 8 in the Town of Algonquin, Illinois, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at the site of said bridge on the ?nd day of August, 1939 and found same completed substantially in accordance with the plans and agreements and decided to accept said Improvement on behalf of McHenry County. Illinois. We audited the bills and recommend that sufficient funds be borrowed from 'he McHenry County PrMsre Bond Fund to pay said bills Involved and that the "^ounty Clerk draw orders on the Counfy Treasurer out of said funds as follows: W. Q. O'Neall Co. of Springfield, Illinois, for 3-7 ft. diameter corrugated nlpe culverts, galvanised, 8 gage, each 42 ft. long at $14.67 ft $1,848.42/ Ewald Wlnkelman, 50 hrs. labor as foreman, removing old bridge and Installing' pipes 80.00 M. R. Holmes, 39 hrs. labor "19 60 M. R. HoHlmes, 39 hra. labaf .... :19 50 R. Flint, 24 hrs. labor 12 00 Rudy Metacek, 55 hrs. labor 27.50 Carl J. Rund. Hwy. Com., Town of Algonquin, rental of C%t. 40 tractor 20 hours 60.00 Kerb's Oarage. 11 gal. kero """ 1.66 Miller Bros., 50 lbs. dynamUe 8.50 R. (lOuuul! Oil Co.. 12 g*u. ga>. 2.32 Union Oarage. 17 and one third gal. gasoline and 2 qts. oil 3.75 Total $1,043.65 Which said payments will discharge "Onnnty* obliffitMqt ia the raatteri-of said, improvement". ,, AIT o#f R. F. ' ;>r?E.VBERRY ! J. o. STEVEN#: -•;> ' ,»• I, C. L. Try en. County Superintendent; if Highways for McHenry County, ijlilois. hereby accept thej-vorl; aod ina terials furnished an9 aapppprroovvee Ihi tmounts ordered paid to the above parties. !' . C. L. TRYON, Co. Bunt, of Hwys. for JJcHenry County, Illinois. ; l,,t was thereupon regularly moved by •'upr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the report of the com- •nlttee be adopted by this Board, and •he roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee to Settle With the Treasurer presented the following reoort, which, on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Sunr. Schmltt and the roll being called, was "declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: state of 111., County of McHenry, ss: To the Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee, to whom was referred the semi-annual report of the County Treasurer, would beg leave to •submit th0 followine report on the matters and things before them. 7 Your Committee would "beg leave to -epoft, that they have held monthly -leetfngs for the purpose of checking 'he accounts of the County Treasurer luring thp rwriod covered by this /'report and would beg leave to further' report that they met in the office of the County Treasurer at Woodstock, Illinois on the 3rd day of August, A. D. 1939 and checked the vouchers against SfUd report for the period beginning December 5. 1938 and endinf May 31. 19.39, o4)d flpd said report to be correct summarized as follows: W. on hand, Dec. 5. 1938 ....$81,671.13 Total income for period covered by report 355,915.96 Orand total' income $437,587.09 Disbursements for period covered by report $272,289.56 Bal. on hand In all fttnds. May 31, 1939 166,297.63 To balance ..." $437,587.09 The County Treasurer itemized report hereto attached, showing official collections and disbursments, we submit here- $19,499.45 Respectfully submitted this 13th day of June, 1939. C. FRA1STK DALY, Co. Treas. State of 111.. County of McHenry. ss: I, C. Frank Daly, do solemnly swear that the foregoing account Is, In all respects, just and true according to my best knowledge and belief and that I have neither received directly or indirectly nor directly or Indirectly agreed to receive or be paid for my own or another's benefit, any other money, article or ftmstderaiion than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any fee or emolument for the period therein mentioned, other than those therein specified. C. FRANK DALY. Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th df>v of June. 1939 (Seal) R D WOO OS. Co. Clerk. Oouaty Treasurer's Seml-Aaaraal Beport Ending Stay 31st, 1030 County Treasurers Report showing official collections and disbursements made during the half year ending May 81. 1939: Xecelpts Taxes redeemed from for. $17,700.18 Pers. Property Back Taxes 4,976.68 Til. Emergency Relief 14,048.00 Hwy Fund:, Anticipation Warrants $16,871.09; General $6,818.18 23,084.81 Supervisors. County Home ....8,440.60 Violation of Hwy. Fines... 688.75 Co. Officers' Fees --T,t44.90 General Fund; Anticipation warrants $48,728.91; tax distributions $1,413.92 .... 60,142.88 old Age Asst. Administration Salary Refunds -- 2,280.00 Blind Relief 8,946.24 «5upt. County Home 771.89 Old Age Asst. Admr 884.83 Motor Fuel Tsx account . ..87,987.71 Telephone Com 3.73 inheritance Taxes .......... 8,671.64 T,<ni«or T,|c«T!*e Cortli ,...14 R87.60 Tn«titute Fund 141.00 ^"noslt. P«-<*er of Co««rt .... 1'S.T7 of PrMge RoniJ* 1*0,979.** "•wtP1* a turner's Fund 7«e 80 ">,.t»d T«t»n 1«7>6 Ta* F«nd 889.** known Residents and Minor *«etr«i 4.1* n»ncf T,1cen«a Committee ^ "»fnnd to TB p^uner fun<L.^ J6.67'nce »d1n«»tment ..88 03 "•'"Tid nn Tlotinty Ord»r 1 *0 •fnthorp' Fund, Statf <S9.7T and Fees 1,181.17 mm Robert Orr : 700.00 Anna Orr Thompson 775.00 Nate Guii.i 400.00 WriRht-Way Oil C-Vr W..L50U.00 Arthur NaMv» • - WjUianv J> Heriey. ^Rayutoii^ Herley, Maurice Ha Herley, . Frank D. HerUsy, XruavMW ^ ^ tl) ileriey Kstate) 2,7tt0w0 Rsnsel DAggitts Hpgn A. Uwetn, atti« (Eraesi . O. Diggvns C^aaeipnation) , 200.00 FW A • "< "We therefore recommend- that, the Co»i,tir»vt for the building said Improvement is signed, tl'iitt thf County Clerk draw orders on the County Tr^vsu* er to the i»artn;s shown on t}»e above list in the«itw>Uti^ opLqAtdMt..maAes of said'parties on said lijit. ' All of which is respecftSjllv submitted. F. E. BECK • • J. Q. STEVENS - kceckkr, • L. A STOCKWb.tJU •» '•!<- '" PAti. ROSENTliAl*. -ft- - It was thereupon regularly moved bj- Supr. Clawson and' duly seconded by Supr. Scbmitt that the report and recommendations of the R. O. W. Committee be adopted by this Board and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell. Dusenberry, Wittmus. -Beck, Clawson, Carroll. Kuecker, Ackman. Ferris. Harrison. Turner. Stevens, May, Schmidt. Meier, Filip and Assistant Supervisors Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The County Home Committee presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, towit; August 2, 1939 Mr. Chairman and members of the Board \>f Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on August 2, 1939. at the McHenry Coun tv Home and audited the bills for the month of July 1939 and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid: Woodstock Feed and Hatchery, egg mash _$ 18.10 Bimske Bros., Cinders 6.30 Bakkom Bros., guards and bolts 1.08 Farm Supply Store, hog feed 61.05 Superior Oil Co., fuel oit-™~~_... F. W. Woolworth, notions Dacy Elec. Co., refrigerator Ooodrow's Garage, gas Thorne & Son, shirts Hurlev Motor Sales, gas Woodstock Wholesale Co.. tob. L. Wilson Co.. ^oap, tissue, ammonia, etc. V. Mueller & Co., cellucottop, gauxe, etc A. w. Wagner, screen, nails, etc. III. Bell Telephone Co., tel. Dacy Lumber Co., lumber R. O. Andrew Co., ice Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs and supplies Mitchell's Drug Store, drugs and supplies Marengo Bakery, bread and rolls Woodstock Awning, shades and labor *6.00 John Sexton Co., groceries Hugh Lyons, carpenter (287 hrs. fa 35c) reward & Rausch. fish Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers .... W. P. Allen, incidentsls Royal Blue Store, groceries Bohn Hdw., glass and sup Jen-A-See Laundry, laundry .... c. T. Abbott & Sons, welding .... Montgomery Ward, clothing, etc. W. P. Allen and Esther Allen, sal. 150.00 Enoch Johnson and Frieda Johnson, salary Arthur Wendt. salary -- Susie McPhersor., salary Irvin Koltr., salary , c.l.'ulys Wendt, salary Virginia Rogers, salary Linnea Walt, salary 38.8 29.04 148.70 9.61 2.74 6.89 *57.06 - 70.75 87.19 6.83 14.95 2.53 4.00 ._ 47.50 24.00 85.64 1*7.83 79.45 14.70 86.08 87.61 66.97 18.84 10.80 2.50 40.21 High School Fund Befund on Insurance ... Total Tn«*nme **>' hro'tght 'ordwari *6 *5 9.00 S6t.916.96 Dee. 6, 1938 *1,671.18 Orand Total *487,687.0* Sspeadltvfw 9aunty Orders *68,847.61 "^'le-hway Orders 18,795.07 '""•and and P»tit Jurors 1.696.40 '"herltance Taxes 1,806.19 Blind Relief 7.025.00 "ountv Orders . .....J *05.95 ^1d Age Assistance .....-- *!»8 ?3 Salaries .....«.„..K.~ 4,988.96 Tnstltute Fund 140.00 Mothers' Pensions 6.725.00 ^rM^e Bond Orders *1,060.33 Probation Officers 6*0 00 Coroner's Jurors 492.00 TnSa«'ty Jurors 69.00 Ml. Kmerrenccy Belief .14,04w.on T*etty Cash *6.00 Dot Tit Fund* Q surplus distributed ..83,863.43 sheep, etc... claims .... 838.00 M>dor fStet Ta* orders ......:._»*4,8f* *8 '-lippi.tort Tales ...i.Ji8<r».82 Voi-HWi School FriiijlJLj 6,601.00 Peftmtl of For{p(UM-9%» -f.- --- 40.46 freight on ta* bille* ? j.3Q Violation of , Hwy. tundf i.. J3|«.76»' «tamps- ..Ui... **>1,65 •• freight on furniture " ^r>° ' Deposit. Order of Coprl ' 42.57 nietributed Ri: E. forfeited taxes ....16.977.21 ' distribution, P. P. back taxes 1.W8.98 ^o'-nty Court Jurors : S|0.40 . Vnknown residents and minor heirs 1 *4.83 Total dtsb. Dec. 5f »fay 81 ...;*tl,289.5f> Balance on hand In all funds May 31st ....-- -.-V 1*».897.|3 Orand Total $437,587.09 All o^ which 1s respeetfnlly Submitted this 12th day of June. 1939. The above and foregoing report is true and correct According to my best knowledge fnd belief. C. FRANK D \ L Y , Co. T r e s s . Subscribed and sworn to before me 'his 12th day of June. 1939. (Seal) R. D. WOODS," Co. Clerk. 100.00 55.00 40.00 35.00 55.00 55.On 76.00 Prof. Equipment Co., X-ray mach. 280.00 $1,979.22 Don Hall, B and Room .$20.00 Miller, White ft Woods, hogs Pat Coyur, hogs solid --7\"Z- 185.80 464.4 67.06 71.60 ...8611.8* 20.00 491.89 361.22 38.87 The following report of the Right of Way Committee wns presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen ot the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Cpun-, ty. Illinois: ' 'S The undersicned members pf the Right of Way Committee of this Boardwould beg leave to submit the following renort of the matters before them. That bids have been called for to >'iild a viaduct over the Chicago & Northwestern Kailwav Right of Way in 'he City of Harvard In Chemung Township, McHenry County, Illinois. Otherwise known as State Aid Route 18 Extension at the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. That we have examined the Right of Way Dedications, and Records in the ihove matter, and compiled the following list of land owners adjacent to said 'mpmvement, showing amounts due for necessary Bight of way on the above -"entitnned Section. Vame of Owner Amount Marv Kelllher ........,.$800.00 Bertha Flock : ." 300.00 dw.Td Knippen partial pay. -- 100.00 Maud Windeck James M. Davidson, adm. (estate of Nascy Odell) Local Oil Company - ...1,000.00 626.00 120.80 65.00 205.80 $1,773.42 Woodstock, 111., Ailfc. 3, 1939. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry County Home Committee beg to report that your Committee met at the County Farm at Hartland August 2nd, 1939. Current bills were audited and approved"for payment in the following totals: Permanent Improvements $295.72 Running Expense $640.22 Less receipts front hogs sold Clothing Tobacco ....v. Medicines Hospital "Less money received from paying patient .« Diet Fuel $1,773.42 Supt. Allen reports having threshed over 1100 bushels of oats. Plenty of good pasture and other crops In good condition. He has had no further communication from the Northwestern Railroad Company regarding the laving of tile. Workman are patching and pa'nting ridge rolls, roof gullies, and dormers of the County Home and Hospital and making other necessary repairs. They are also removing two old chimneys which are of no une. Supt. Allen was instructed to have all inmates eligible for Old Age Assistance make apnllcation immediately. Your Committee discussed the question of "paying Inmates," and decided that a charge of *1 00 per gay would not he unreasonable in these cases. It -Is therefore recommended that the Board of. Supervisors approve this -action. and it fs also recomfhended by yobr Committee thut in all cases applying for adrnlttanoe to the County Home or Hospital the person applying shall be fnrnished with a card or letter of identification and authority for admittance «itrned bv the County Physician or the Suoervisor in charge of the ease. Your Committee insnected buildings, grounds, livestock, equipment and crops, and report everything In good condition and well taken care of. There being no further business your committee adjourned at 3:40 DS1U i • Respectfully -sum«tt»d. . t. ' i CHAS. H ACKMKN, Chm. ' ' E. F. KUECKER N. R. CLAWSOV__. ' J. E. HARRISON T. F. NOLAN. JR. Ethel C. Coe. County Supt. of Schools, presented the following report, to-wit: : (Copy of th above renort on file In' the County Clerk's office) After the reading of the report the Clerk presented and read the official bond of the County Superintendent of Schools In the amount of $12,000 with 'he Maryland Casualty Componr as sureties. It was there-'non regularly moved by Asst. SiiHr Nolan and duly seconded by Suor. Turner that the bond of the Co'inty Superintendent of Schools be approved'and the report adopted, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell. Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck. Clawson. Carroll. Kuecker. Ackman. Ferris. Haarlson Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitr. Meier, FMlIp and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Ro«- -thai vtited aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. (Vf>r bonfl see miscellaneous recordV Statements of condition at thA close of business on the SOth day af June. 1939 of the First State Bank of Harvard. Algonquin State Bank. State Bank «f Huntley. First N' Bank of Woodstock, Marengo State Bank and tly W^st McHenry Stat«- Bank together with several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of P>>Wic WiVks and Buildings were presented and orde^ ed placed on file. Supr. Be< k, Chairman of the Purchasing committee, stated that the question of the purchase for the-*Clreuit Library of a volume of American Jurisprudence •vol ttt - tJif> _4,500.00 law reports was referred to his oommit= = = = = ' I ' l l tUP tee for in vest igat ion ..nd :»rport. Hi ia-*l >'5! formed the Hoard thai tne books shipped by the publishers without ing otdered and were now in the Cir»n[, cu>t i>vurt Library and the cost of sama,;> vras #Wut $500. He trtited that hi#..,, cofrinutlee di.d.bP$ feel th&t they eoittl«% authorise this puirhase without the ap«.r. prt'v'al of the full Boprd; He fuithep.^. that be w^s informed that oerV,,p" the volume® could bA f>trrcha.4«<l ftft^,,., less i.eust. Alter some further u.scofc-, si^n W.^th regard tp said matte*, it waii,.., cefcutyrly mov^d by Supr Ttimer aQcITjV aet:'0n4^d Suftr. Ilarrf«=br. IhSp^^ thp law'reports be ritathe^ so the p*^-.^.; libbers immediately af thieir expeaw^ Voliou de'c!ared'unanirfirt>t»S:ly carried, '- trm Tjt^, Clvairtajju stated" t>iuf It w? bta oiiitjUm tU4t sornctli\9g should fep-'dd*jb% to take care of the mapy road ment problems that are now "" Board and that it was his opip some thought and investigatjbki# be tWt&f bv the M-jfiti. m l t t « * 4 d t h e the r,. llat'arc novv oS th proRruui and perhaps it would be adjs, visable for the membership of the Bcaijtf i,, to give serious thought to a boud ?sav^v to be paid for entirely out of Motcc,,,, Fuel Tax funds to complete sail prv^ lects immediately. Asst. Supr. Roo«i^^.> thai stated that it was his opfnior. that,., same could be accomplished by a issue without serious damage lo 2-iotc^^. Fuel Tax ailottmenta. Supr. Harrlsoa',^ WHS also of this opinion. After sons1 further discusssion, the Chairman rected the Road and Bridge Committe^,.^ to consult with Mr. Tryon. the Superty-.^ ten dent of Highways and have a repajx,^' prepared for the next meeting of thi^,,!; Board with regard to said matter The Chajrman informed the Boara .. that the State organisation of Town oVjfc flcials were going to have a meeting the t>th and 6th of October at Peoria ana v that they would like to have the dueqi^' paid as soon as possible and urged tbsvarious supervisors to have their towa^r, ship officials attend. " ^ The Chairman announced the solec»,v tion of grand jurors and supplemental panel for the September. 1939 term of the Clrfcutt Court ana the foHotrfriir earned persons were selected tc serve aa grand jurors for the September, lit?, term of the CWcuit Court v ^V-. j%.-. 4*.1;*' wit; S .- •;=" Roe Smith, Riley Township. -. • ' Ray Noe, Mareqgo Township. Paul Wschoh. ii a ren go Townsfrfp."' William H. Qrady. Dunham Townships.;*,1~ J. M. Harris. Chemung Township. ' 1 * G. H. Stewart, Chemung Township. A'**- Edward T. Barton. Alden Township. John F. Nolan, Harttand ToWnsdllp. Lee Baker,. Sene-a Township: George Young, Coral Township. . l.e<£ Dwyer, Grafton Townshlpt G.-' A. Larson, Dorr Township. Charles Schneider, Dorr Township. Lyle Given. Greenwood Towns kip. Ed Kjellstrom, Hebron Township. Harry- Anderson, Richmond Townships Paul Weber. Burton Township. George P. Stilen. McHenry Townshlpi, Matt Welter,.'*rcHenry Township. ""*1 Ray McMillen, Nunda Township. • Dave Power*. Mindk Township. **'*1 William Suchy. Algonquin Township. Frank Schepersi Algonquin TwwnshllJ?* The following named persons wert?'* selected to serve as grand Jurors on tw* supplmental panel for the Septemberi7'1 1939 term of the Circuit Court, to-wlt* •• <!eorge Eicksteadt, Rilev Township. ' William Murphy, Marengo Township. Albeit Pihl. Dunham Township. E. C. Munger. Chemung Township. •""•J* A. C. Strain, Chemung Township. • Frank Long. Alden Township. George E. Howard, Hartland Township04 P. W. Andrews, Senecs TownsMp^ ;,J* William Hart, Coral Township. .'i Edward Hayes. Grafton Township. Tom Rafter, Dorr Township, Walter Reed, Dorr Township. **" William Adama Greenwood Township. Albert Mathisor Jr. Hebron TownshftBP5? tllen Buchert, i.ichmond Township. ' Mark Pierce, Burton Township. "• Clayton Harrison. McHenry TownshlH™ Frank Mason. Nunda Township. Qbarles Oaivin, Algonquin Township.'tlJUl frank Brockrogge. Algonquin TyShSliWI"' It was thereupon regularly moved vy11 Asst. Supr Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the seleottos *f grand Jurors and supplemental-psiidl tmerr the September, 19C9 term of this- CtrcmUkir Court be approved and tha Clerk directed to certify the said lists-Is the Ctertpi of the Circuit Court, and tk» r611 baiWC-' called. Supra. Stockwell, Ooaeatesrry,:- Wittmus. Beck. Clawson, Carroll, KMO|bh<'. er. Ackman. Ferris, Harrison, Tanwrvh Stevens. May, Schmitt. Meier, Filip aatLn Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal votsdru aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion carried. !') It appearing to the Board that the as*<- lections of Clerks of Election In thSi^ Nunda 1 and Nunda 3 precincts wessU not made in accordance with the lartr'. governing same, and that legal obJectioSMi filed to the appointment of Marguerite" Maas as Clerk of Election aad Albert)? MathisoS Jr. as Judge of Electios i*T" the Hebron precinct were snstained bjrn the ' ounty Court and said matter refssred to the Board for further selection and the two political parties as rsp*+*•' sented on the Board of Supervisors af*> ter having duly considered said stattsr and by motion duly made, by Supr. Fillpi. and seconded by Supr Kuscker aad ds*.' clared unanimously carried, made ths following selections and directed thai Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to ttst report of said selections with that' County Court, to-wlt: ' Mrs. Anna Hall In place of MMH Schwemm as Clerk of Election la IHJ Nunda 1 precinct. -'"!i William Jurs as Clerk of Election tail place of Robert Goeben in the Nunda'3 precinct. •*."»' John O'Halleran as Judge of Electtaftn in place of Albert Mathison Jr. In tha< Albert Mathison Jr. as Clerk of KIe>u > tlon in place of Marguerite Maas la thai Hebron precitict. The Chairman thanked Supt Ferrtaj for the beautiful bouquet. thnt have b<*en- on.his t«" " day's sasMon and StatSd the meaning was ctmfi Richmond Township, J. tft. St. _ thought it wouldtbe nice for the B^fkSdito present to Mr*. Stevens the bouQMft^t Supr. Stiveris wtis called upon for nemarks. The Supervisior from Richfliati#'. Township then addressed the Chair as* thanked him for the flowers and to adjourn. Raid motion was dulaAec-. onded by Supr. Turner and dSGWS*) unanimously carried. - Thefeupto^xh® Board adjourned. 4 '! ". t RQT J. fiTEWAPT. ChdMkaau Attest:- WOODS, Clerk. ' Regular S^»teml«er The HonoraWe Board of S»pervts9C)8 of McHenry County Illinois, met IS ap-M nual session at the Court Hquse in tho; Cltv of Woodstock, on Tuesday; the, 12th day of September, A. |XVM89 at 10:30 a. m (DST). ' •: | The meeting was called $p order hjl the Chairman. Roy J Stewart aad tfcs roll h«ing c»Hed by the P'erk; th»-fo4» ;ion-itisf members - re»spoi»ii«<t to thatt names, ti><wft:-Sl»!KS- I«. V. StockweH. & K": nuseaberry, Carl Jt N\ 11tm»». KN. B. ClawHon O. .1. Caw*Jl- p»'Jl Kuecker. -Cha* H Actanaa. Frank ft, I-Vrris, Pov J Stewrt. J. E- Hsrrt,-»S^ Hi M. Turner. 4. <*« SttfVWVRrai k May, • Math N. Schmitt, Hcnrv €L >*e»er. Joha S. F«ln and Asrt. Stupervlsors T. F. Nh inn. Jr and Paul Rosenthal coastttatlB^ a full Board. r f The minutes of the Special Aagap% 19S9 meeting were read and xm UM>t|aa aptu-overt and ordered ot record. .* The monthly. report q£ the Co Treasurer was presaatsd aaA* the Board. to-Wlt*' < 1 County Tnannfs B»psH -.-fi Vox the Koath of Aagass, U8h Mscelpts Bal. brought forward. 1, 193# s, 8lS0.8533tt Pers Property Bs^k Taxes I '11. Emergency Relief l.lSi.ohi.i Highway Fund --^ Supervisors. County Home 384.6K.1, Violation of Highway Fines 36.0# 1 - C-o . Q• ^"' .cdrs"" F~e es -- 4,11^3*,- \

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