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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1940, p. 2

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^$?*f - ??*• « 41' ww**f^r W^V^C* J* *>'.••» '% ,<»? s - .. - - - t * , f \ " ' * . * mx- «ss .fS SLOCUM'S LAKE tjlort Jensen spent Sunday with Mends in Chicago. Lyle Matthews returned to school Monday after a four-day sickness with the "flu." Mr. and BJrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. Matthews assisted his brother in his farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker of Williams Park were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Webster. RINGWOOD Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prices were awarded to Mrs W. B. Harrison and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin. The Young Adults group held their talent night Tuesday evening at the Hebron High school. The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Charles Peet Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served and a fine program was enjoy ed in the afternoon. The Young Adults group held a one VOL0 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren of, hundred per cent party of present and Waucond spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin of Wauconda were callers Saturday evening it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker of Williams Park are spending this week at Springfield on business and visiting the former's brother, who was in- ; Jnred in an accident. former members q.t the home of Amy Harrison Thursday evening. Games were played and dancing was enjoyed followed by lunch. Mrs. Nick Young entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Miss Dora Anderson spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Ben Fout at Spring Grove. Mrs. Ray Peter visited relatives at Mr. and Mrs Ralph Wagner and,Beloit Thursday. little son were Sunday dinner and af- Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Den- •. lerrioon guests at the home of Mrs. nis, of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday V Mary Obenauf at Libertyville. ™th Wm" .. .... . ' Willard Darrell attended an execu-l Mrs. Dick Olson and family visited ^ tive meeting of the Lake-Cook Farm her parents at Ostend Wednesday. Supply Co., at DesPlaines Monday. I Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. ' &A large vote was cast at the school Louis Hawley spent Thursday m Chi- /3ection at Slocum Lake Saturday cago. evening James Mantzoras of Island Miss Dora Anderson spent Thurs- Lake was elected to fill the unexpired day in the Frank Kooistra home near term of Mr. Calhoun and Harry Mat- Hebron. thews was re-elected for three years. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan of Chi- ; «|go were Tuesday afternoon and sup- " ]Str guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta Mrs. Paul Walkington spent Thursday in the home of her father, Ed Benoy, at Greenwood. Ray Peters spent Thursday at Brooklyn, Wis. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Ray Pet Of Elgin spent Saturday at the home j ers were visitors at Elgin Saturday '«£ Mr. and Mrs. G. -T. Burnett. morning. v u * Mi*, and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, iBound 'School election was held at the 'Lake, spent the weekend at the home schoolhouse Saturday evening. George of Mr and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Shepard resigned as clerk after hav- Mr and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were iner perved nine years. Mrs. C. L dinner guests last Thursday at the Harrison was elected to fill the vacanhome of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler cy. « _ _ at Round Lake I Mr- TaVlor BTld daughter, Irma, of Jay Cook of Chicago *as a dinner Elgin. Harold Snyder of Chicago and gliest Saturday at the home of Mr. Myrtie and Zella Jayne of Algonquin led Mrs. W. E* Brooks. Iwere Sunday dinner guests of Wayne i Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, Foss. _ _ af Volo spent last Wednesday after- | Mr. an" Mrs. George Shepard and l&on at the home of Mr .and Mrs.^on. Howard, spent Sunday evening J with the letter's mother at McHenry. Mrs. Ralph Simpson arm son. Den- Arthur Warner. _ • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrison of Gravslake spent last Wednesday eventeg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henrv. W. E. Brooks and son. Chesney, and JOHNSBURG The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill on Monday. Mrs. Frank St. George enjoyed luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruppa in Evanston Thursday. Whiter Burg is confined to his home with blood poison. The Volo 4-H club members and their instructor, James Davis, met at the home of Robert and Shirley Dunker Tuesday evening. Burnell Russell spoke on "Swine Sanitation," and Warren Pfenknin spoke on "Keeping Poultry Clean." School election was held at the Volo public school Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank King was re-elected as a school director. Mrs. Sarah Fisher is ill at her home. Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon Tuesday. Mrs. Alda Stpith of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 vin Case Wednesday. The drainage district of this com' munity held a meeting at the Volo public school Thursday evening. Miss Betariee ^filson called at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon in Wauconda Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil and F Batek of Berwyn spent Tuesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St George. Mrs. Harry Hironimus is slowly recovering at the St. Therese hospital, t Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell of McHenry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Friday. Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont township and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Thursday. Mr. and -Ifas. Otto Klemm, Mrs. Henry StoffeP and Harry Hironimus visited Mrs. Harry Hironimus at the St. Therese hospital Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven of Slocums Lake spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wlalter Burg. Special Sunday evening services will be held at the Volo Community Bible nis, of Crystal Lake and Mrs Patrick j church Sunday evening^ April 21, at Coynp visited Mrs. Remer at Pistakee ] ejpht o'clock j Bay Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, Roy Hobart of Woodstock spent Otis Phillios were callers at Wood- j Sundav in the D. L. Hall home. In •fervk Saturday th® afternoon he and Mr. Hall and IP:?'. Fred Watrner of Gravslake spent; daughter. Elly. visited Mrs. Hall, who Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Orvnl Granger of Woodstock were Sunday supper and grening jmests at the home of Mr. < IBpd Mrs. W. E. Brooks. ----- Arthur Wackerow was a visitor at \^»e h»mp o* Mr. »nd Mrs. Aaroon Huntoon at Sugar Grove Sunday. nursine in the Mrs. May home at Spriner Grove. •T. V. Buckland ret"med home on Thursday from the Janesville hospital. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. .Toe McCannon Friday. A t>otlu^ V dinner will be served at noon. lWr<5. R'rOand McCannon and fomilv of Aleononin spent Sunday in th® C. .T. Tendon home. H: vmpHi, STflf*T mr called at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon in Wauconda Saturday. Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocums Lake. Miss Eilein Magnussen, R. N.. of Libertyville spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Magnussen. Many from this vicinity attended the weddintr of Miss Elsie Steinsdoerfer to Mr. Edward Wegener at McHenry Wednesday morning, the groom being a son of Mrs. Marearot Weg- Bill Marz spent Tuesday at Long Lake. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and daughter, Annabel, Mrs: Joe Karls, Mrs. George King and daughter, Bernice, were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner of Chicago spent the weekend with Art Peters. 1 Mrs. Earl Hoffine and children of Geneva called on Mrs. George King Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. land Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. John Thelen was taken to the Waukesha hospital for treatment last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller motored to East Troy, Wis., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Zamstorff of Woodstock spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George King. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mrs. Leo Gerlach and Mrs. Schutlz were Chicago callers Monday. Mrs. Joe Schaefer and Mrs. Arthur Klein were Woodstock callers Tupsday afternoon. Mrs. Steve Schaefer of Fox Lake, i> 1 ' '11 >" Charles Freund Thursday, April 18,1940 Mrs. and Mrs. Art'eon, LeRoy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ^ Kattner of Spring attended the Lady j Robert Schaefer at Waukegan Sunday^ Forester banquet here Thursday even-, afternoon. ing. Mrs. George Kiitg and daughier, Bernice, and son. Junior, .spent Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Earl Hoffine at Genoa, Wis. Mr. and" Mrs. Joe P. Jtiller and Mrs. Ben Stilling «pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and children of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P, Miller. Miss Katherine Fitzen of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Ififirs and Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry-'"J spent Sunday in the home of her par--, ents. i ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner «f\': Volo visited their mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Bolz and Mrs. Gus Bolz of Dundee visited at the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff Sunday. When Thomas Henehan of Queens* N. Y., learned that his brother and sister-in-law were moving into the house he shared with his fattier, he objected strongly, and when that did BO good, he blew up the house. Another Startling Value from our special 3AS RANGE SALE! • *» • V ' •Jit , ;r'JH .•V.&lr • "Ai:% ^ | ^ i * ^ ^ •* tel - >' (( ,<• 1*1 • I • I m»t |H.i. •' '•ti"' ' • ' ' This big, beautiful ... at the magic price of ONLY *12722 with your old Stow REGULAR PRICE • ,• » *133.00 OLD STOVE ALLOWAi<iet 15.30 SPECIAL SALE DISCOUNT ! 10.00 % 04A OFF I Other CP Gas Ranges at low at $10.05 with your old stove Miss Patricia Coyne enent the week- ener and the late Bernard Wegener of ^52^ ^53^ World's best low-prleed stapler. Pin*, Staples, Tecks. B^to^UFEHME steel Rubber treads. $1^^100 staples FREE. With TicUemom, $Ij6& •i*M 1/H* tef. S/»»" tea. a mmtii,nk iW m. askta At m*. flM m Stafi^ n JO 400 »mrt»d dhfUt Mi The Plaindealer •»ly 2-tk«aimMi *f m «<«• «M(|. iaeii tail, m- iitiaa maiaat S tiam at tar af ra> MM! "kill •rat" m SHAVES CLOSER, FASTER and SMOOTHER O N L Y end with hep-sister, Mrs. Remer, at Pistakee BJ^y. Mr«. Rnv Wiedrich and son spent Sn"dav with her Barents at Richmond. Mr. nnrt Mrs. Leslie Olson and family of McFenrv snent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. Jav Cristy started his duties as rural mail carrier Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Walkington of t ;K<>rtvvi]]e are the Barents of a son. •Tohn B«n^et. horn «t the Libertyville hnsnltal Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington are the proud grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee and fsmilv of Greenwood were callers in the Clayton Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and son. Harold, spent Sunday afternoon at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their home on Sunday. The immediate wedding party including Rev. and Mrs. Harry Collins were invited to dinner and open house to their friends was from six to nine o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. McKelvey gave a supper for the Greenwood and Rin#- wood Epworth Leagues at their home Sunday evening. A candlelight service was neld at the Greenwood church. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford and Mrs. Colford of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Lora Harrison at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. James McCannon of Beloit were callers in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday afternoon. Miss Alice Peet of Barrington and Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard of Kenosha, Charles Krohn and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy and and Pearl and Esther Smith were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Roland, were callers in the W«. McCannon home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson and Mrs. E. L. Peck of Elgin spent Wednesday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Emmons and son and Mrs. John Emmons of Wau kegan spent Sunday in the C« J. Jepson home. Volo. G. A. Vasey of McHenry spent Friday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Ray Hafer Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Cook co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Lea, were Woodstock callers Friday. Mrs. AnnabeHe Hawkires of Hollywood, Calif., is visiting Mrs. Hugh O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schmidt spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Needles in Waukegan. Mrs. Clinton iRtaven and daughter of Slocums Lake were Monday visitors at the home of Mrs. Richard Dowell. Miss Felecia Stevens. Jack Allan and Willis Matizen and Fred Lohman of Park Ridee spent Sunday at the "Ideal Acres" farm. Mrs. Hugh O'Brien spent Thursday in Chicago. SHAVEMASTER HAS THIS HEAD See HI Try M Enjoy HI Two model Shavemasters to chooM from. Both models have this famous dose-shaving head. Both have motors with plenty of power. Model "M". AC •aly. S7.50. ModM AC-DC. SI 5.00. •jjolger's Drug Store 'i :fche«e M (hreea ft 7 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate <rf JOHN ENGELS Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons that Monday, June 3rd, 1940, it the claim date in the estate of JOHN ENGELS, Deceased pending in the County Court of Me Henry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. STEPHEN ENGELS, Administrator. WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois {Pub. April 18 - 25 - May 3) Need Rubber Stamps T Order aluH Plaindealer. Hm and cakts, roasts and tltab all com#,out like magic # You don't have to be a magician to prepare extra delicious meals and dishes on this Magic Chef Gas Range. No- and you don t have to be a millionaire to buy it! For during our special Gas Range Sale we're offering this beautiful gleaming range with an allowance to you of $25.30. You pay only $127.70 with jour old stove 1 So if you want to thrill your family with meals like they've never had before--if you want to enjoy cooking that's carefree, fast and clean -come in and inspect this miracle value Magic Chef Gas Range. But don't forget--this special sale price will tpply for a limited time only, SQ don't delay. MAGIC CHEF--Model 4001-14 A Genuine CP (Certified Performance) Range The Best Range Money Can Buy New swing-out door type broiler-- smokeless • Red wheel oven heat control • Popular divided top with folding cover-alls • Inset base for toe loom • Hi-Lo burners give any heat |K top-range cooking • Heavily in- Many other makes and models to choose from, ImI •ulated even heat oven • Cooking top lamp • Minute-Minder time control • All burners light automatically • Gleaming, easy to clean finiih • Condiment set • Has all 22 Certified Performance features. SMALL DOWN PAYMINT1 Balance, plus small carrying 4§iarge, in convenient payments Vith your monthly Gas Service Ofhsr dealers ore offering Special Vefcmt In ®as Ranges NOWI GAS ^ ELECTRIC COMPANVl] 500 MILES TODAY AND I FEEL FH AS A FIDDLE 1 Pontine owner* frequently mention thu ou'i luperiority (or long dUtaao* travel. They're the MM -aUlaa bat they Hta ehirti. m4 they're man 4eHshrtnl. ie • Poatia*. Special Six 2-Door Touring Sedan, as Illustrated $838* A* foetnc owaere compere notea with other driver* •a their trip*, they alao diaeove* that law othera •at maioh foatiae'e feaaliaa aai aU MMOMy (18 •a SI mile* par faHoa). Up la the moaataina, Poatiae'a aaootb, aSeicat power-packed eo(iae really thrill* yoa by the way it "tout to towa." Aad Poatiae'a tatllHil aaaa atop* driving fatigae ktft* U tftrtt/ And whether yoa go acroe* town or 500 mile* a day. Va i ahorter trip in a Poariae with jPantiec'* saarvetou* "Triple- Oaahioaed" ridel And it * more economical to go in • Pontiac. Owners report 18 to 24 miles to a gallon of gas--and never « drop of oil in between the regular oil changes. You'll like Pontiac'* price, too. It's right down with the lowest! IF YOU LIKE TO get out and see the country, go in a Pontiac and travel de luxet Pontiac's "Triple-Cushioned" ride and big« wide seats bring every passenger in at night feeling fine and ready to go again at the first crack of dawn. Pontiac's noteworthy steering ease, its big-oar road balance, and the super quietness of Pontiac s power* paekad engis* save wear aad teai pe.^riraf'f aerves. * D*livtr*J mt Pintiac, Mick. Transportation bas«d oa ntU rates, sUitt and Ucal tmxes (if mmy), optional imipment mmd *cc*sfri*s-- txtra. Prices subject to change witbemt notice. R. OVERTON MOTOR SALES . . v ~ 5 r. frwt B t r o r t , Wift HoH«nry, IlL g / . i

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