IP™ J/ % r % & ^ * ' T" J , Apf&25, 1940 *«!>$.* \,Z^rf>\ SLOCUM'S LAKE Mrs. G. J. Burnett called on Miss Vinnie Bacon at Waoconda one day recently. Mrs. Celia Dowel] home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake last Wednesday. Mrs, C. H. Hansen spent last Saturday afternoon and evening with friends at Highland Park.. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of i Wauconda spent last Thursday at the Marion, and Miss Marian King of Volo were callers at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hellier of Barrington spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter were callers at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were dinner and afternooh guests at the and danrhter wsi mursnay at ine inn Kino- nf v«i« h?™e °.f Ml- and Mrs- Raymond Lusk at Maple Park Mrs. Celia Dowell and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and little son were callers at Piano last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grube in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Volpe and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Luois Volpe of Lake Forest were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. * Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wagner and spEnro eiovs Paul Weber was host to Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church at the Charles Freund home , , 4 __ ... , on Tuesday night. The evening was daughter, Florence, of Lake Villa and*spent at cards and visiting. FOIIQWMrs. George Pfannenstill of Grays- i jng the meeting a lunch was served Visit TWOWorid'sFairs trip rail fere good in aodetn sir-condl* tkmcd CMcfaet And chafe Konaad ttrriip rail fare good ia Parlor Can or Standard Pallaia HUdplng Car i i r i Pullmans b e r t h lake were callers Sunday afternoon at|by.Mrs Freund the hj. of Mr. .ad Mrs. Arttar G n Jones A1 &hmeltew Misses CMHu. an) M>rr Jrfferiesi??°TE1/N .0dd *'An" of Chicago spent . few last week,"~h Mo.nd"!r ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J.! Mlss Aly(V Nodland visited friends Burnett. (here several days last week. She re- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and turned to chic*K° on Wednesday, daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wag-; Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. ner and Mrs. Mary Sable spent last Charles Freund accompanied Mrs. A1 Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. Schmeltzer to Round Lake Thursday and Mrs. Earl Snyder at Libertyville. j afternoon. They attended a style show Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Wau- ]at Community hall. A dessert lunch- -fconda and Mr. and Mrs. John Blom-i^n was served and a musical proven were callers one day last week'gram furnished the entertainment. ... for ONE RAIL FARE! , flound Trip from Your Home Town Mart WMttsa harpfci ea rscertf! For an inm low rail fare 70a can make a circle tour lewnoli \ of the1 le United States from any point in the United State* ... visiting both of tne great 1940 HWTo.r.lIdJ'Is. Fairs... going and returnin-g by any route you choose... stopping anywhere along the way to see historic landmarks and scenic wonders. Tickets on sale now. Return limit two months from date of sale. Your nearest North Western representative will be ia your trip to best advantage. The Western Line, Route of the "400," the Streamliners glad to furnish full details ana to help you plan our Chicago and North and the Challengers, serves four superlatively scenic routes to the West. Also low individual reap* trip fares For atformaUoH, tickets, rettrtmtXMS s*t C * N W R Y. TICKET AGENT CHICAGO""NORTH WESTERN fit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. George Vaeey of Wauke& an spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Many from this community attended the WLS Home Talent show sponsored by Mayflower chapter No. 566, ££ on Friday. tirday nights Mr, and Mrs. J. W. CallaHan and daughter. Jane, of Chicago spent Sun- <ay afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlet Kerry. Miss Anne Spindler'a sister returned to her home in Freeport on Tuesday, having spent several days here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May visited Frank Tonyan in a Waukegan hospital on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn of Chicago were visitors in the Mike Huff Rev. John Dftleideri. attended the funeral services of St. Rev. Msgr. Jphn F. Schmitt at Aurora Saturday morning. Mrs. William Adstt and daughter, n, , „ n ... _ ,Beverly, McHenry. are visiting her ^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Behrens. Sunday visitors in the Math Nimsgern home were Mr. and Mrs. John Pitgas and family of Chicago. .on, LT y1le . andJ Wnr-iilil ardJ Drx arre1ll1 were August Kattner of Chicago spent Sund with his parents Mr 7nd Sunday dinner and supper guests at Mrs. Joseph Kattner. the home of Mrs. Martha Baer at Mr and Mr, Arthur Rauen Rnd and daughter, Norene, of Elgin were Visitors at the G. J. Burnett home on Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Matthews and1 Berwyn, while Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robert Matthews spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDrtvt Matthews at Oak Park. Stanley Kattner motored from Chicago on Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. T . Mr. and Mrs. John Doetseh of Wil Fred Dollarh.de and son, James, and mette were visitors in the Arthur John Hanscon of Chicago spent Sat- Kattner home on Sunday «rday »^rnoon and evening at the Miss Haze, SBnderf! SDent Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. jwih her sisterf Mrs Mvin Westman' a »n Woodstock. A Chicago Tribune columnurt re-, in the Cha*. Freund tne discovery of the wow non-||lome on gun<jay were Misses Virginia ehalant man. Wh®n informed that his j Rasmussen anfj Florence Werdell and wife had eloped with the chauffeur, he j Clarence Lund of Chicago. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright at Lake Defiance Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Japp of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuart and Mrs. Willard Oustefhout of LaCrosse, Wis., visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case Sunday. Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. Alda Smith and Mrs. Alvin Case will entertain the Volo Cemetery society Thursday, May 2, at the home of Mrs. Case. MI PLACE RESTAURANT Chfefcsn Dinner Sunday ---- 80c :* Friday Fresh Boneless Pike MANY TURN OUT TO SEE ANNUAL SENIOR CLASS PLAY FRIDAY was unnerturbed, and only remarked: "Well, I was going to fire him, anyway." ANNOUNCING OUR ANNUAL -OPEN HOUSE DAYThe Alth6ff Hardware invites you and yo ir friends to attend Annual Open House Demonstration Day on April 27 Arrangements have been made for the mo3t complete Open House Day ever sponsored by us and the following are some of the demonstrations which will be given by our wholesalers: Mr, Bill Ruth of the Chicago Paint Works will discuss your paint problems with you and will give you » £ree caa of enamefl, your choio© et oolor. Mr. Knight of the Revere Copper Co. will demonstrate the new stainless steel copper clad cooking ware. A Roper Dri-Oas demonstration will be given by Mrs. Christian, who will show you the way to a man's heart with a Roper Range. We will also have a washing machine demonstration by KelvinatypV \ Several gifts will be given away, including a porch and lawn set, servette hostess tray with sandwich toaster, hostess tray with electric toaster, 32-piece breakfast set, one copper clad stainless steel kettle, one revolving refrigerator set and several 1-gal. Qons q£ Tin int. Peter Frett was a caller in town Sunday. A nice crowd attended the bingo »>artv at St. Peter's parish hall on Sunday night. Refreshments were served. Miss Lucille Freund, who is employed in Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Paul Weber was a supper guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank May in Johnsburg Sundav evening. The event was in honor of the confirmation dav of Marip Jackson. Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Monday. VOLO REMEMBFR THE DATE, SATURDAY, APRIL 27 No purchase is necessary! t If you missed getting a DRI-GAS System a', a bargian last year -- here's another chance. Handsome "Tipton" Range, complete with Master DRI-GAS system, installed in your home (less gas) for only ;. , • $79.50 Additional 5</<• discount offered during National Hardware Week on your choice of any other model Dri-Gas Roper Range. Sthtm all--make your choice. •"'Vo'oVi.' DEMONSTRATION jNUVEIEGWWCiUSTHUSSSmnENSlS RevttiVrfamed food authority wll demonstrate in person the healthful waterless method of cooking here on See and taste foods cooked with oil the vitamins and minerals saved--with natural qglfrs of vegetables preserved--and with aOodor produced. . DEMONSTRATION SPECIAL Special ALL-PURPOSE Set consists of: S>W«y Double Soltar (2-Qt. Capacity) CatMrol*, Mixing Bawl. |M BOW!, Sauc* Pon, complct*. • 4-Qt. Sauce Pal and Dutch 0*M OrltMIt 1Mb IkMM • 10-piece set • l i S V TEKHS-BIB $19»5 FLAB r, f<(J?>UpS , Btpdialp Wm. HI Althoff Hardwar bef&rV ., ation, I f^wsed by some of .. states and has been verj^QCt and Route SI jM^ventlng conditions each ab ,. Ghka^o today. a V West McHenry 1 Miss Bertha Grabbe of Waukegan spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William WSrtz. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter. Ruth Lea, visited the former's mother, Mrs. M. Duiricfr, in Crystal Lake Friday.^ / Bruno Grimelli jieft Thursday for his new home at Khinelander, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stadfeld of Wauconda visited the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Molidor, Tuesday. Rev. Rj. C. Hallock. Wauconda, called on Mrs. Sarah Fisher Thuraday. Miss Bertha Qavis returned to her home at SJocum Lake Saturday after spending a few weeks here with Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada. Robert Dunker. Harrv Case, Richard Fisher, Wayne Panknin and their instructor, James Davis, from the Volo 4-H club visited Stanley Brown at the Northwestern hospital In D*>s- Pl»ines' Wednesday evening. Stanley fceld at the office of vice-president in th° Volo 4-H club. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenneth Lee. spent Sunday at the home of th« latter's mother. Mrs. Margaret Grabbe at Crystal Lake. Community Night was held at the Volo public school Friday evening. Election of officers took nlace for the ensuing ve*r: Arthur Dillion, chairman; Carl Thorsell, vice-chairman, and Mi«s<5 Banr, secretary-treasurer The Volo Busy Bees 4-<H club officers. their leaders and assistant leadjwof p,t tho home of Bernice and M?e Ehredt Thursdav evening. A program w»« nrran^d for the coming ve«r. Th» Volo Bnev 4-H cluV will meet at the homo if Shirlf>v Ann Dunker Sntnrdav At)Hl 27. Mr. and Mr". AM*» Tase and familv witnessed the WI.S Hn™« Talent n'av -* the Wanonda trt,"nship hieh school Fridav pveni"^ Furry Case took « in thp WLS ©lav. Mr. and Mrs. .T^mes Valenta of Chi- *p<>nt Sundav h^ro the home **f Mr. and Mrs Frark St. G«or«re. A number of frieT"*<» "athpred at the home of Marvin Wirtz Thur^ffiy evening in honor of Marvin birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in playing games. Dainty refreshments were «®rved at the clone of a. very enjoyable evening. Mfcrvin'a guests departed wishing him many more happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Caae spent Safe urday evening at the home of Mr. an|L Mrs. Lou Hook near Lake Villa. Mrs. Hugh O'Brien, Mrs. A. Hawk* ins and Mrs. Alvin Case were Thurso day luncheon orients of Mrs. A. Maitz* en at Park Ridge. In the afternoojL •hey attended a narty at the home of M". Har^v Stribbinp at. Park R'd^a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balmes and Mrs* M. Howe of Evanston spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs*. Frank St. George. Mrs. E'I wood Dowell spent Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Waucondai, Mrs. Richard Dowell and dauehterf Ada, visited her sister, Mrs. Leslie Davis, at Slocums Lake Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mrs. Zella Scheid attended the church services at the Ivanhoe Congregational church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert! Hafer became members of the churchr at the services Sunday morning. Mra. Frank St. George called at th# "Poor Dear Edgar!" Aside from the fact that Gerald Larkin received such^ a pitiable name in the annual Senior class play at the high school auditorium last Friday night, he seems to have stolen the show, according to many reports, and has been typed as a good double for James Stewart Of movie fame. By the way, the title of the three-act comedy was also "Poor Dear Ed<rar," a recently completed play by William Davidson. Hie entire production wta filled with clever puns and the numerous trying situations of poor Edgar Applethwaite k?pt the audience in an uproar. Miss Helen Stevens, director, is due much credit for the effort she put into this production; Donald Tonyan, speaking in behalf of the Senior class, expressed his appreciation to her and presented her with a token of gratitude. The play itself followed two musical selections by the high school orchestra. The other characters are not to be sligted for each player put heart and soul into the role he or she was portraying and by so doing, provided a most enjoyable evening. Mabel Bolger, ever popular in school activities, must have felt rather at home in her role. Lorraine Schaefer was tops as she portrayed the kleptomaniac daughter of the president. Marjorie Duker gave a fine character portrayal of the old housemaid. Kenneth Cristy. Jr.. and Joseph Gausden "•ere tv^ical college bovs. and Ethel Althoff, a typical girl about the campus. David Swanson, Anita Althoff and Pearl Smith gave excellent character interpretations of the oldsters about a colleee who at times tend to make life unbearable. Robert Schulz added the right touch as the scheming orchestra leader and last, but not least, Geraldine Becker showed the audience a few dance steps as the funloving entertainer. Now the class of 1940 is seriously thinking of graduation and that which will follow. As Shakespeare wrote. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Since our local performers did such a fine job Friday night, we see no reason why they cannot play the game of life as well. MISS AMY HARRISON HEADS 4-H FEDERATION Miss Amy Harrison of Ringwood waa elected president of the County 4-H Federation for boys and girls, to succeed Robert Beatty of Huntley, at the annual 4-H Rally held at the Dean Street school in Woodstock Saturday night, April 20. Other officers elected were aa follows: Robert McDonald of the Pleasant Valley Club, vice president; Barbara Madsen of the Pleasant Valley Club, secretary; Thomas Davidson of the Dunham Boys, treasurer; Eldoris Marsh of the Coral Clover Club, recreation chairman, and Laverne Johnson of the Marengo Kishwaukee 4-H. reporter. Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUBD, Props. Orw» 81 Change for Summer Now ii. the time to have your oil and grease changed for summer driving. Come in and let us flush out your winter oils and greases refill with the correct lubricants for summer. ' Have your truck tested atthis garag?. which ls an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to cars of yonr correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL Phone 200-Jf J. SMITH, Towing lohnslrarg I FLOOR VARNISH VV.TH I I L ) ( o u ^ o u r e g u l a r fuxm VARNISH satin finish WORTH MONEY "-JS ••m THIS COUPON Pimm* Nib coupon to d*al«r with 99c for quart of Satin Finish (or Cloar Olois}, | "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnith. This coupon is VOID if not usod for the | purchas* of 1 quart of "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnish, or do«> not boar the j i.gnatur* of purchaser and doalor. OMI* LIMITID TO 1 WtlK. ONLY ON: " CANtOAiMUU. OOPON AMIIT is nilio OUT COMPLITILY i-' _4 Addrau... Kamholz Hardware : West McHeuqr j t>-J| •" •' 4 '1 Phone 266 :--: Main Street I ME DEALS GENTLY WITH PRATT & LAMBERT PAI 7/ou ufant i/aufi monetfi utoti/t-tfou uKuti 1HE LUSH OF THE LIT •the very longest ol all lowest-priced cars! 80% AUTOMATIC ONLY n% OWVtR EFfOIT! NfW aausivi VACUUMPOWER StbrT to move the gc«r». *659 MASTER 85 •USINESS COUPE AH ModvJi priced at FIH, MicWflOBTramportotkm baW on rail rotoi, ttato aocl local ta*w (if "-/l optional 0quipmml md acc--or**--***-- Prieat tubfad chaag* wHho** toWco. St/sit" dufifc Buu'd Size means comfort. . . . Slxe luxury of appearance and of ride. . . . Sl*e means value. . . . And size supremacy In the field of lowest-priced motor (m belongs to Chevrolet for '4i! It's the longest of all lowest-priced cars --measuring 181 streamlined inches from the front of its sparkling "Royal Clipper" grille to the nir of Hi iwpsAhtslhwi Fisher Body! Get your money's worth this spring.. • » Get the biggest selling car in America- Chevrolet for *4«. . . . Bo good to ymuwlf, , and eye it-try it--b«y It--today! ^ XHEVR0LETS FIRST AGAIN r ICADER JN SALES 8 Ol/T Of THE LAST 9 YEAMS SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES lv i.