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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1940, p. 3

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Washington fj-'rv\F^£ ~":f 'a ^ f«T SLOCUATS LAKE Washington, May 1--No actors ever worked harder in bidding for the pub- ^ - lie's applause than do our national , fh" lawmakers. Their actions clearly inyK i'. dicate that they are trimming their •"F-V «ails with the varying political winds. The Senate Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were recent callers in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Prank LaBelle spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr1, and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Sam Baker of Williams Park spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ml Webster. Mr. and Mrs. P. Swanson of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrs. Eric tened Richard Anthony at St. Peter*! church Sunday morning with Anthony Widhalm ud Mrs. John Sheets as sponsors. The christening of the week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer was heH at St. Peter's church on Sunday. He was named Warren and Mrs. Joseph Kattner and Arnold Weber of Vol® .j were sponsors for the baby. Guests in the Frank Wagner home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe and children of Cicero and Michael Wagner of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets visited in Chicago Sunday. Miss Evelyn Sanders and Bud Schuren of Woodstock spent Sunday ABBY QERTIEI * The Senate and House are.running Linden of Chicago were callers Sun-!with her parents, Mr. and ItaTF^k the gamut from foreign affairs to ap- |day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sander*. S Fu°7aiu° f crefk br,dge' whlch means John Blomgren. I* that the legislative program of our1 j-% national assembly is Otis Phillips spent Sunday at the „ now a hodge- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson on podge matter. Recent events have re- the "Flats " vealed that many measures have been i Mr. and'Mrs. H. Lessentine of Chibandied about for reasons more per-'cago spent the weekend at the home serially political than outright par- of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Webster. > tisan. Republicans are found voting I Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kirk of Aurora *«"* with Democrats to sustain some Ad-!were Sunday afternoon callers at the ^ministration policy or vice versa in home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell ^ response to what thay colder senti- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chandlers of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and children were Sunday evening callers in the Arthur Kattner home. Mrs. Steve Schaefer entertained members of her club at her home in Fox Lake Sunday afternoon. The afternoon was spent at cards and visiting. Two tables of five hundred were in play and the lovely prizes for high scores went to Mrs. Arthur Kattner ' StaiE1 their u°r1 r;nituent8 °r ~w«e" Sunday' afternc7n "and | Edti^"FreuLd^eiSd1" coIlsolaUo™' y h*0*08® such baUotmg may supper^ goeste at the home of Mr, and; Traveler's prizes went to Mrs. Arthur " "" 'Klein and Mrs. Eldred Johnson. Following cards a delicious supper was served. Mrs. Norbert Klaus was the guest Of honor as her wedding anniversary fell on that day. Her sister, Mrs. Arthur Klein, presented her with a beautiful cake in honor of the occasion. Frank Sanders was a business caller in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson and daughter of Elgin were visitors in the Chas. May home on Sunday. Charles Freund and children, Tom 1* strengthen their hold on their Con- Mrs. Harry Matthews. ; gressional seat. Political expediency jfr. *nd Mrs. Elmer Esping were • sometimes overshadows questions of callers at Wkukegan Saturday. Mrs. .partisan principles. | Esping- attended a teacher's meeting The House cannot afford to appear at the Waukegan high school. . as independent as the Senate for thehr I Mrs. Frank Dooley and son. Bob, f entire membership must go before the and .Mrs, Thomas of East Chicago hustings this year, while only one- j were callers Monday at the home of third of the Senate seats are at stake.' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. This, in a measure, accounts for the' Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boulting and series of rebellions against the Ad- Mrs. Boulting of Chicago were Sunministration in the Lower Chamber day dinner and afternoon guests at and the reliance the White House is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker placing on the Senators to thwart such at Williams Park. House legislation as may be deemed Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and objectionable to the President. I Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and two Much of the House's current snub- *ons of North Chicago were Sunday bing is traceable to organized groups, dinner and supper guests at the home notably farm and veteran lobbies. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Lusk at Overriding a Presidential veto on pen- Maple Park. sions to Spanish-American war vet- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner aterans and the placing of world war tended the wedding of Miss Anna veterans' widows relief bills on the Deitz and Mr. Ed Wirtz at Grayslake calendar by obtaining 218 signatures Saturday. for a discharge petition are sympto- 1 The Waucond 4-H club met at the matic of the House's inclination to ac- home of Mrs. *Sam Baker at Williams ' cept the pleas of veterans' orgniza- Park last Saturday afternoon. There tions. It is freely admitted that the a good attendance. farm bodies were largely responsible Mrs. Arlene Zahorick of Island Lake for the revolt for changes in the wage and Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry, Mr. and hour law. The unpopularity of and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Willard the National Labor Relations Act with Darrell spent Saturday evening at the the public will probably induce the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- Capitol Hill boys to vote changes in thews. ' this law despite the Administration's Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake wishes to the contrary. The 435 Mem- *nd Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent Saturday w bers of the House always feel they afternoon at the home of Mr. «and are closer to the people than the Sen- Mrs. C. H. Hansen. ate and perhaps, they are right. This 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong sentiment is the animating force of and little daughter of Island Lake snuch dissension now sweeping the were callers Sunday at the homes of legislative halls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Experienced politicians are not Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. greatly disturbed at the publicity Mr. and Mrs. Wjalter Grube of Chigiven a special Senate committee pa- spen^ 'as* Thursday at the home trolling campaign expenditures. It is J~r* an<* ^r8, Arthur Wagner, considered one of the routine bi-an- Harry Grantham, Sr., and Mrs. tiual stunts to keep the fame of office- George Staggs of Wauconda were call- Seeking fairly pure insofar as faction- ers Tuesday at the home of Mr. and, «1 funds are concerned. It would re- Mrs. G. J. Burnett. quire a corps of trained investigators an<* Mrs. Arthur Wagner and to police all the complaints about daughter, Joan, were guests Monday heavy spending for Congressional ®v©ning at^ the home of Mr. and Mrs. ominations. At least twenty-five Arthur Kaiser ^t Volo. tates have primaries or nominating Weekend visitors at the G. J. Burconventions scheduled for this month. nett home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Obeervers are watching for the effect mon(* VanNatta, Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. of the Hatch Act, which is designed kyle Litwiler, Round Lake, and Mr. to prevent undue political activity by an<* Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughtnen and women on the Federal 'pay- ter, Joan. roll. Efforts to extend the law's scope 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier of Barby amendments reaching beneficiaries rington spent last Tuesday evening at of Federal loans and grants have been the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burtemporarily blocked in the House Ju- nett. fiiciary Committee, but in view of the Mrs. Elmer Esping entertained the Unrest in the House itself there is no members of the Fortnightly club of telling when the bill will be forced Wauconda at her home last Tuesday Hut. Nothing will be done until the evenin. Four tables of bridge were in jrelief bill carrying nearly a billion play with honors going to Mrs. Wm. Hollars is out of the way. It is un- Pink, Carl'Fink and Miss Marlikely that this delicate political tidbit <?aret Hughes. A delicious lunch was "When a sheik threatens to leave tfce flapper usually tells him to go as far as he likes," MyNeigfibor -- Says.-== Strain the liquid from canned pimientos and save it to moisten stuffing for roasts, fowl or chops. McOULLOM LAKE • P I1 Will receive more than two days of the House's time this week or next. | Current raids on shipping anchored in harbors in belligerent countries naturally raises the question as to what would happen in event we were suddenly projected into the war arena. rved at the close of the evening. SPRING GROVB Jlie Sa ena^t e Appropriations Cr, ommittee Members of her club met at the home of Mrs j j Qn Tuegd ook a serious view of the situation n^ht fojp an eveni of cards pivJ *rk, Chief ol the Naval operations and j Werfe warded to Mrs. J. J. Mrs Georee S. i fn types of protective measures. The anA EHa Siegler> Mrg mrs ueoree 01 *avy chief stated that most of our Mark „ .yed consolation and - larbors are vulnerable at present to Mn> M .. XT;* Mrs. H. Greenwood and children of Chicago spent several days at their cottage. Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and da ugh ter, Eleanor, of McCollum Lake were visitors In Wisconsin Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Crick spent Saturday in Chicago. John Winkrantz spent Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Gaynell Crick of Chicago is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick at McCollum Lake. Elmer Schaefer and Frank Becker and Arnold Blake, McHenry, spent Sunday at Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Gouth and daughter of Chicago are spending several tlayg at their summer home. Mr. and -Mrs. Peter Kaminski are remodeling their home by putting in a basement. Miss Nellie Crick of McCollum Lake will sing over WLS Saturday, May 4, between 1:80 and 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. Broken and son, Chuck, are again out at the lake for the summer, after spending the winter at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. O"Flaherty entertained her brother of Chicago Wednesday evening at their cottage. Being a beautiful weekend the following families spent the weekend at their cottages at McCollum Lake: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rochell, Mr. and Mrs. Makofski and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Olendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Horves, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Bald and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pitzafaro, Mr. and Mrs. Madsens, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz. Mrs. Bowler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. Pardell, Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs. Wagonseller and A. White and friends. Mrs. E. Schroll and children of Chicago are spending the week at their i desjtrt . e| ' tie rings a Pour left-over pie filling into buttered baking dishes. Bake until firm. my and Charlotte, motored to McHen-' dren^ ** dcsBirt for ^hiiry Sunday afternoon to visit his mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lenin entertained relatives <n>m Chicago Sunday in honor of the christening of their infant son. He was christened Charles John at St. Peter's church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Michael "Happy" Wagner and his two sons, Herbert and Richard, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle and family at Elkhorn, Wis. Brown pineapple and sprinkle them with chopped green peppers. Serve them hot, as a steak or chop garnish. v • • •| When planting roa* bushes see that the trench in which they are planted is well fertilized before putting in bushes and loam. • • • Canned artichoke hearts, marinated in French dressing and chilled an hour or more, are delicious when added to fresh vegetables or green salads. • • • Flour should be measured at the time it is to be used. If it is allowed to stand it will pack down and accurate iheasurements will not be possible. (Associated Newspaper*--WNU Servlc*.) ^DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, PhD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DICE It is impossible for anyone to throw a dice, for no such thing exists. It is possible, however, for a person td throw two dice. The singular form of the word dice is die, so one would correctly say he threw one die or threw several dice. It is never correct to say "several dices." (Public Ledger--WNU Service. I IATt.t acku ib.y surbm arin*e s ;tor pedoes anda Mrs- Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Siegler were the winners of travelei,s pr£es. ast armed motor boats. An appro- I riation of nearly seventeen million iollars is sought to purchase specially prizes. A lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Frank Sanders returned home on Tuesday having spent several Mrs. George Schuebert of McCollum Lake visited her sister in Chicago for four days recently. Mr: and Mrs. Milton Peterson are spending the week in Chicago with Mrs. Peterson's brother who it very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fido and famfessels^ ^ar^or nets weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs.. ily of Chicago spent several days at V, . n ... . Irvin May in Johnsburg caring for German mruum of . Bnti.h Mrs Among those from here who attend- The val base and the sinking of a bathip there by » torpedo hw .w.k- ^ h ^ d,„„ of „r and M„ ned interest in the problem of coarf ^ d „ Ne„, paviH efenses. The Navy has a number of T , „ . w Id nets from the World War, but ex- «Johnsbui* on Wednesday night were rts declaim that they are not effece. There is a procurement problem Messrs. and Mesdames George W. May. A1 Schmeltzer, Edwin Freund, » , , , - . . - ., Charles Freund. Arthur Kattner. Rayfc°' V^ mond Freund, Edmund M.y, Norbert Klaus, Albert Britz and Peter M. May. far different from placing net. for^- ,h. These steel end wire devices'^her aunti ^"Fre"n,i w inst submarine and torpedo attacks ^ I J r ? Z. supplemented by anti-motor boat "hock^. •to he*i; of h,s S^Tvdr™Snhnfb'eSi^tolfii SJ* and™^" harbor. Special material must "then fken to Community hospittl at Wood- Sot be delivered under eighteen fbonths or two years. The laying of Ihese nets is a highly technical mat- £ Be fabricated into effective nets and pooms and to fit these harbors--all of fhis before the completed nets can be turned over to specially constructed phips and to personnel who can be trained in their use. , Several thousand postmasters jiff ice s serving rural routes will be Obliged to intensify their work for Uncle Sam. Orders have been issued IQT the Post Office Department for the -fennual count of the mails on rural stock on Friday night. He is now improving nicely and expects to return home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Wilmette visited here Wednesday and attended their cottage here Callers at the home of J. A. Winkrantz were Paul Weise of Petite Lake and Dr. Roble and sister of Chicago on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Passeneau of Chicago were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Beurelle. LAST RITESHELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON FOR AL A RENARD A calf born on the farm of Calviii Pfaff near Kennard, Pa., had two up per jaws, one lower jaw, *ad six nostrils. " , The Bendix Aviation Corporation, claims its starter-driver is the world's most widely used auto equipment pro*1 duct. A1 A. Benard, 55 years old. passed away at his home on John street at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, April 25. after a lingering illness. He was the proprietor of The Nook, a lunch room on Main street in West McHenry. Mr. Renard was bom in Keokuk, la., the son of George and Lena Gunderson Renard. He is survived by his widow, Eleanor Crane Renard, p brother, Edward of Keokuk. Ia., and a sisthe wedding of their brother, Ray- ter. Ruth Renard Stufflebean of Fort ^ mond May to Miss Dolores Miller at j Madison. Ia. .Tohnpbw«r. Mr. and Mrs. Doet?ch | Funeral services were held at the were in the bridal party. {Peter M. Justen funernl home it 3:00 Mrs. Anton Meyer and dauehter,1 Sunday afternoon, with interment in wa w.c Gladys, were visitors in the Frank (Union cemetery. Crystal Lake. Rev. Vll* "T* Mav home Friday night. James Parker of the Eniscooal "hnrrb tes during the first fifteen days of Mrg Frajlk an(J John> F„.|at r^e.a offHatH at th- Mineral el and Carol Sanders visited Mrs. Ina! services while the Progressive Lodep s Bridge A. F. & A. M. of Chicago corduoted Saturday. ithe burial service. He was a former Mrs. Charles Freund was confined pay. The carriers and the postmasiers are required to count the number « """ «f pieces delivered and collected and GraCy and family at Burton #0 list the number of money orders, £nSa°ctio^StTn ad'ditTon" the Federal ^ ^ flU d*7' iPoverrment requires postmasters last week their assistants to make a trip of in- * ^ ^ Mr •pect and Mrs. Charles May at their home the ir ion over the rural routes during month of May. Warning has been resident of the Crystal Lake vicinity. on Friday, April 26. Dr. Alexander of Harvard divides drunken persons into four classes: (1> those who are alternately jovial and He wks chris- - depressed; (2) those who become quar- ; relsome when drinking; (3) those who {•sued against making the inspection ment is anxious to have light on any i drink to escape the realities of life, trip 'merely perfunctory." An enor- conditions which need to be corrected and (4) those who become childish BUY RESERVED SEATS NOW! Exactly aa shown in famed Atlanta Premiere This production will not be shown anywhere except at advanced prices ... at least until 1941. Gone With The Wind T MATINEES DAILY CONTINUOUS STARTING AT 10 A.M. CMM Any Time From 10 a. m. to 2 p. at. and See a Complete Show RESERVED SEATS NOW! Seats on Sale at Box Office for Night Shows (8 p. m.) All Seats Reserved - $1.10 incL tax Sunday Matinee (2 p. m.) All Seats Reserved • $1.10 incL tax Week Day Matinees (Continuous) Not Reserved - 76c incl. tax Box Office Open 12 Noon to 9 p. m. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED 3 Days Only Sun.-Mon.-Tues., 12-13-14 #BOUS sum of money is spent each in the interest of a more efficient and pear on these routes and the Depart- service. . •>*»«/ I and hysterical, these constituting the larger >1MT T* I NEW fMPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS ersonais Mr. and Mrs. George Blake of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday callers in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh of Chicago were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althdff. Miss Arleen Bacon of Chicago was a weekend visitor in McHenry. Miss Jane Durland of Clarke college, Dubuque, Iowa, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland. Mr. and Mrs. James Reinlie of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Traub of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and daughter of Barrington were guests at the John Anderson homo Sunday. Miss Dorcas Howe of Ridgefield was recently employed at Niesen's cafe and will live in McHenry. Harry Schnaitman of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mrs. Annabel Aicher left today. Thursday, for Chicago where she will attend the wedding of her niece, Mary Louise Aicher on Saturday, May 4, and also the wedding Jof her nephew, Roy Bickler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bickler, on Sunday, May 5. From Chicago she will leave for Springfield, 111., to visit another nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engeln. Among those from this vicinity who took part in the home talent show at Dundee last Thursday, Friday and Saturday were the Kloeckner sisters, Wanda Jepson, Vince and Clem Adams and Evelyn Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland left Sunday on a business trip to Kentucky. They expect to return the latter part of the week. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey of Yorkville were visitors in the Jos. J. Miller home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman and Mrs. E. J. Buss spent Monday morning at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and family enjoyed Saturday afternoon at Wheaton, 111. Miss Genevieve Knox of McHenry and Miss Georgianna Donahue, Huntley, were weekend guests at Dixon. Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park spent the weekend at their cot-' tage in Hickory Grange on the Fox river. Miss Ethel Jones spent Tuesday in Chicago on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hester and daughter spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Colfax, 111. William Marshall was a Chicago caller Sunday. Miss Eleanor Kinsala returned to her work as manager of the National Tea store at Fox Lake following f few weeks' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koob, Clarence Stilling, Lester Adams, Rosemary Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon spent Sunday at Chicago. Mrs. Cora Bassett returned to heir home here Tuesday after spending • few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Vogel, at Delavan, Wis. Miss Rovena Marshall returned to McHenry Monday after enjoying the weekend in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ^teffes, daughter, Lucille. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hester and little daughter were guests in the Ralph Schroeder home at Chicago on Sunday. MI PLACE RESTAURANT -- 78c Friday Fresh Boneless Pttfra Phone 377 JUSTEN ft FREUND, Props. Change for Summer Now is the time to have your oil n-iyl grease changed for summer driving. Come in and let us flush put your winter oils and greases and refill with the cor- Wct lubricants for summer. ®ave yonr truck tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE fohjurtrarg JPEED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J, * . Towing fa}**#" Read the Want Ads SPOTLESS it die word! Cellu-Tone is both « toy «itd a revslation (e busy housewives. W#lli, woodwork and furniture protected with Ait beautiful, eggshell faith withstand repeated washing. 16 dacorativt colon. Qip coupon now! THIS COUPON IS WORTH MONKY j hmnl this ceepe" to dealer wMi 75c lar quart «f Cadw-Tan* (any tl--dlwd I jcotor). Thii coupon it VOID if net utad for the pwichoaa el 1 quart of Callw* } Tona, or doat not bear the signature of purchaaer end dealer. OTTO UMtTB TO 1 WIIK. ONLY ONI CAN TO A FAMILY. COUPON MUST tl MIL ID OUT tOMPLKTUY j Addraa. Kamholz Hardware Phone 266 :--: Main Street West McHenrr HME DEALS GENTLY WITH PRATT & LAMBERT PAINT Tonlfda BETTER USEDCA BUY fro* as t • M '? - - :py Mi ' e ".'T ^ . ""v. f£ ' • ' , ^ ' $ J BETTER CM - BETTER TRADE - BETTER DEAL 1939 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan Beautiful blue finish • radio • heater and defrosters^----, 1937 Ford *5 Coup# New paint job - radio and heater. 1935 Ford DeLuxe Coupe with Radio 1935 Pontiac 4-Dear Sedan Heater and Radio 1932 Chevrolet Coach - Two side mounts - 6 1934 Ford 157-i«. Truck With closed cab and stake MS* 1932 Willys 2-Do»r Sedan Buss-Page Motor Cost Universal Credit Terms - Mam xreet West McHenry FOR BETTER USED CARS OF EVERY MAKE SEE TOUR FORD U 'j %jnaL'.

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