:'v '•*. ,' \ v .." j?: May 16,1940 - -k; THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE '1 ^GoytwjM6HT 068T- mtmctmr, i£w&w*t? m2aLozuJaUctsP 2<*F< xjnmmLmI!L!M6 Ai»ee mux St CMNA COtm 70A C qEuNATfSK fAcajMfUBMUfcIMUMCtM mKi W WDlA, MMMMIM m OMKT SKMRt SfflMfr POWN TQ|fitW» INDUSTRIAL MttMol CM MOW MAKK io Mourns mooucc MKMA NMP «o«fnw( 58 Ottr Wahmgtai 5i Letter s4 SNAG CAME RIDE ftjBLlC USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULT! qwsNAPSUOT GUILD SHOOTING REAL ACTION From this angle, motion Is rspld and shutter speed must bo high but a Stowor shutter speed can be used If you shoot from a greater distance with the subject moving almost directly toward you. shutter speed of at least 1/600 ae®* THERE'S a tremendous thrill In taking pictures of genuine fast action--racing automobiles, motorcycles, speedboats, horses, athletic events and sports. Indeed, many enthusiastic amateurs And that this is the most xestful aspect of their camera hobby. To picture real action, you need a camera with a speedy shatter, 'and a correspondingly fast lens. With modern high speed films, the fast lens is not as necessary as it used to be--but a fast shutter, with speeds of 1/300, 1/400, or 1/500 second, will always be a necessity if you specialise in this type of picture taking. • On the other hand, if yon Just take action shots now and then, and don't hare a camera with an extremely high-speed shutter, there are certain tricks you can use . . . and these will often help you get sharp action pictures, evea though you are handicapped by a slo# shutter. For example, look ftt the picture above. The action is almost "broadside" to the camera, or at a right angle to it. Naturally, from this angle, the motion. Is greatest, and a OtlSi KX ond is needed. But if you stood quite near the track, farther up, so that the horse was coming almost directly toward you, the motion would appear less rapid. From that angle, a shutter speed of 1/20# would yield a reasonably sharp pio* ture, if you caught the horse at the peak of the jump. Remember that rule: when tha action is coming toward you, motion is less, and a slower shutter will serve. By proper choice of position, therefore, you can overcome your handicap in many cases, and improve your percentage of successful pictures. „ Here is another hint! In many games and sports, there are momentary pauses. • player will halt to turn--yet still retain a good action pose for a split second. In these pauses, if you're alert, you cab capture many a fine action shot So even if you have a slow cam* era, (ren t be discouraged. A muudl with fast shutter is best, but that will come in time . . . and meanwhile, if you're alert and seize your opportunities, you can garner plenty at wor^h-while action pictures. . J«bn van Oaildar •; A Washington, May 15 -- Intensified warfare in Europe has produced political and economic repercussions here which have been feared or wishfully discounted for many months. An unmistakable foreign flavor growing stronger hourly appears in all public and private talking and thinking of officialdom. The apparent program of drifting along on foreign affairs until the November elections has been suddenly checked by overseas developments. Already suggestions are afloat far a special session of Congress, presumably in August when the two nominating conventions have been held contingent; of course, on a situation broadly classified as "emergency." Well-informed observers feel that an extra session after th? elections is inevitable assurnir-c it can frs pat off that, length of time. From a political viewpoint international complications are considered a key to the third term issue. Difficulties in writing party platforms in the face of constantly changing war problems are generally recognized. In this respect the Democrats holding their convention three weeks after the Republicans have the advantage of the time element in platform building and as to candidates. The Democratic chieftains have not been asleep at the switch as international questions are highlighted. They are doing their utmost to make political capital as ominous clouds of war spread across our horizons. Public attention is now riveted upon the sayings and doings of two leading contenders for the party's Presidential nomination, Mr Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull. The G. O. P. is greatly handicapped in this bid for popular favor because their specialists in foreign affairs do not have the opportunities for publicity which come in connection with the official duties of the incumbents. The Congress, which has been lavish with appropriations for many new Federal alphabetical agencies, has been notoriously niggardly with national defense arms of the government. They pruned estimates of military and naval men for placing our defense forces on an effective basis. Lately the public realizing the fate of neutral nations has indicated in correspondence with lawmakers a real concern over what this country should really do with invaders of our island possessions or in the continental United States. As a consequence, it has stimulated attention into armament matters. The feeling is that the time is too short before the party conventions to concentrate on this vital subject. Hence, these reports of special sessions to consider not only armament but neutrality questions as well. Reliable polls have demonstrated sentiment for the Allies, but not the point of direct involvement in war. The argument is made that the best co-operation short of direct" participation with armed forces is to repeal the Johnson Act, which prohibits loans to belligerent nations and the neutrality act of 1939, which extended the neutrality laws. The legislators, if free to consult their own wishes, would prefer to postpone legislation of this sort until mid-November when the elections will be out of the way. A Congressional session in August and continued into the early fall would keep the solons on the job ana away from their home district where their presence is necessary for cam paign purposes. The President's speech on Friday has provoked concern among the professional politicos. The orders keeping the Pacific fleet in Hawaii is expected to exercise a moral influence on any Japanese aggression in the Dutch East Indies. The Netherlands island possessions in the West Indies have awakened interest in the Monroe Doctrine, which our country is pledge ed to preserve preventing foreign countries from lodging on Pan-American shores. Besides, these Dutch isles are of immense importance to the Panama canal defenses. American industry will suffer temporarily at least from the loss of Belgian and Netherlands markets through the current invasion and the official U.S. action freezing credits of these nations. Somehow these war alarms have subordinated heretofore highly controversial dom* estic issues. This week the Senate is going through a parliamentary battle. As device to block the Walter-Logan administrative reform bill, powerful opponents have urged a vote on the LaFollette civil liberties bill, which is sweeping in its provisions. Ostens ibly designed to check industrial es» pionage against trade union organs izers, the measure proposes to utilize: the resources of the Federal govern ment to prevent employers from ret eisting attempts to unionize theiif plants and shops. In the meantime, it is reported that John L. Lewis is calling attention of legislators to hia, enormous "war" chest, which he may use during the next elections. It in said that the C. I. O. chieftain will concentrate on support of pro-C. I. O candidates for the House and Senate! rather than bother about another Presidential race. Mr. Lewis is sour on both parties though he means to have something to say in the forth-: t coming balloting in which candidates; k for ' Congressional office will, fee pledged on the C. 1.0. program. Our Army Also Has Its Engineers BLUE FOX JACKET -f - ^ 'Meia Kampf Sales A 10-cent condensed version s& Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf is one of Canada's best sellers, according to S. J. Gundy, Toronto representative of the Oxford University Press. In three weeks 5,000 copies of the booklet were sold. Tough Plastics Plastics with a tensile strength claimed to be 30 per cent or men greater than the maximum strength available with present methods and materials are being made by using; high pressure during polymer*** tion. . State* gee* hands at psntosa bridge build ***» plctnre was taken daring the army msaentais at Fart Banning. Man the Eighteenth Engineers boilt this one aexaas Uptola creak. Pretty Seaport Town in Norway TWa natural bine tor jacket, designed for spring wear, is exceptionally light in color. Its piatlnnmtsaired skins are novated eu sOk to avoid aaiurai bnlkiness, characteristic of this fur.. Chinchilla Garments There are in existence just 25 gtHfc* ments made of chinchilla pelts be* | tore trapping the animal was lfar» bidden. Most of the garments are in the possession of royalty. They are valued at from $80,000 to (1W$ . > »Po lfi ce Super*in•t*e•n*d e*n*t *E dward W, Fallon of Boston, has ordered trohnen in radio squad cars to stop wisecracking and joshing. He said that some officers had been icdtdg* nig in "smart" remarks Hwi -->» resting offenders. " .. .. 'J1** the town of Alesund In Norway. It has frequently been menttened In the news as the allies and Nasis fight for possession of Norway. One Tide a Day The Okhotsk see in northern Asia has a tide only once a day, but sometimes the rise is as high as 37 *••1. f - <&> I.. 1 OealrWUli Tibet haa doaated $800,000 to flit Chines* government to help proee cute the war with Japan. Bean Inspector One company uses photo-eiectcit cells to inspect 20,000,000 beans a day. The "electric eye" automate*® cally throws out discolored ones, f • h U. S, Allea Population The United States has more living within its borders than atf other country in the world. \ i_. Eyee Examined Phone: McHeary ISM Woodstock m It. Paul A. Schwabe m'h^ OPTOMETRIST THUBSOAT MORNINGS BT APPOINTMENT ONLY Taxes Fram Chans Before it reaches the consumer butter picks up about 11.3 per cent in cost through hidden taxes, says the National Consumers Tax commission. Pale-Aretle Desert Geographers group the Sahara, Gobi and various intervening territories into tha great "Pale-arctic desert," which stretched from West Africa to China. DANCING EVERT SATURDAY EVENING PINK HARRISON'S* ftt Pistakee Bay Fried. Chicken, 60o Hoi Roast Beef and Pork with F&noh Frieg -- Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Will Your H®*"® B. T°°* Idaho Cedar Stamps COC enrollees have found that oedar stumps measuring from 28 to 50 feet in circumference are common in the valley of the north fork of the Coeor d'Alene river in Maha. Beagfe ea Relatives An Ovambc tribesman has been sentenced to death by the high court Of Southwest Africa at Windhoek for murdering his nephew, 17, by chopping off his hands with an ax. Aet Mow*.• m "• ' V"*i" >-• ' ' •V." i WL 'TjJ. ihM - I Sp4»€*iti§ prices mnd term* still lis effect •« ELECTRIC OUTLETS Offer Ends May 31! for tmwmmmw bcchamm with mew mnd improve* clcctric kotme comvemience* adequate wiring for both present and for Make Sure*** ^ Proper wiring is one of the most important ^ features of a modern home, tnd yet it is often easily overlooked when plans for building, remodeling, or modernizing are discussed. With wiring for the most part out of sight behind walls and under floors, by far the greater percentage of homes of today have j wiring facilities that are totally inadequate to meet the ever-increasing uses of electricity. Each passing year sees an fever wider acceptance of such well-known electric aids as airconditioning, modern lighting, refrigeration, and numerous small electric home appliances. If you are building, remodeling, or moderaping your yQUC ]}!""< include future needs. Perhaps your present budget may not permit the inclusion of all the electric aidt .you hope to have some day, but by allowing in advance for such future contributions to better living, you can make substantial saving* later. And you'll also find proper wiring saves from day to day by delivering all the electric power you pay for . . . wasting none. Look ahead .. . Plan ahead ... Live ahead! Get in touch with your neighborhood Electric Wiring Contractor and let him show you how easy and economical it is to install adequate wiring in your home. Ask him for full particulars! v \ it*** Itld. tlSm/C/TY If CUCdPf by Public Seiiii* Company of Norther* Uhoii h local electric wiring contractors) Your Electric Wiring Contractor 101 WUiuu St, OIJIIHI lirtu