ft V'\ "5> : \ "\,f'. ' •'•i- -,-i[ :••••< '•}',•%.. v ;• * ,;'. •> 30,19# GntJtd Opening of Sipsnack Inn * - ' Elm StrMt, KcH«rj ' "• "-**• . ^ ay, June 5 sks LUNCH ; HERMAN XREUTZSR, Prop. -- Authorised Distributor, Prager Boer .w R1N6WOOD j-i/^ovvvvy^vvvvvvvvyirirM^irri*1!*!* COOL, COMFORTABLE S2^S&e^s MM here* (hu* v r a - , , na be Bauer k Black Klaatie Stocking. M*dt off Stf** L--»( W>?k?f»iy• i«M**i yoa com earn* fcft. ytt It » anatomically c o r r e c t -- l i v e * y o u dcr boat. f.V » am be hudwtf ft mm an >y. too. Ask jrottr doctor aboat Banci 4i Black Klaatie BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 ----»-••; • • Onsen Street ||ilM|« M«t«r Teats prow no other truck Mn match GMC (a* economy -engine for angina. Noothar truck ii bat tar-built. N« •ther comparable truck gives you ao mu • pulling power. So* GMC today! Da* paymmmit through our own YMAC Mm at lomti available rotes > THC TRUCK Of VMM • hot Street R. 1 OVEETON MOTOR SALES GMC TRUCKS Went GASOLINE - DIESEL F R I D A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y TACKLE BOX $1.00 Value Self-rising tray with S com partments; seamless construction. Fully waterproof. 1.79 TRUE TEMPER CASTING ROD American Flash, one-piece solid steel casting rod. Offset £ aluminum handle with double cork grip. Regular $ 1.98. Solid Steel Gephart Casting Rod $2.98 Pflueger "Akron" Level Winding Reel $*.95 18-lb. Neptune Merit Silk Line (spool)... $1.50 Heddon Floating River Runt ... 87c FRIDAY AHD SATURDAY Year R»» Star Store it a a»ak«r •f a ?roap a# 40 iatf«pea4eat bardwar* stores, who kav* bmM their kayi»9 power. Threegh this vast beyi»9 power are these eatofwadlaf vawet made possible. &&# now stock life preservers, beat fir© sstiaguisb«f» and whistles! J. Vycital Hardware Ifrs. F. N. Massy entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mrs.' Kenneth Criaty. Wayne Foss visited friends at Algonquin Thursday. They all visited the lilac farm at Lombard. Mrs. D. L. Hall returned home on Tuesday evening after nursing in the Mrs. Mary May home, at Spring Grove the past two months. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin spent Thursday and Saturday in Chicago. Roy Hohart of Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the D. home. Mrs. George Shepard and daughtal Lake callers Wednesday evening. Mr. aafiMrs. Tony Miller and family of Ghhjgno spent the weekend at the heme « Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, daughter, Annabel, and Miss Dorothy Michela and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and sons of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls, Mrs. Geo. King Mid Johti Nett spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Landre at Chi ClgQ, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chi cago are spending the week in the home ox Mrs. Delia Miller. Mrs. Mike Gorski and Mrs. George t ni Zarnstocff of Woodstock spent Tues- | day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ZoeTlner of ter. Gladys,"Mrs" Patrick Coyne7nd !Sunday with Arthur daughter, Patricia, Mrs. J. F. Mc-' Pet*rs. Lsughlin, Mrs. Max Beth and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis, were dinner guests Thursday of Mrs. R. Remer at Pistakee Bay. Max Beth of Chicago spent a few days the past week with his wife and Son in the Wm. Beth home. Mrs. Dimon and daughter, Bthel, of Ostend spent Friday afternoon in the Dick Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington en- CLpSES BEAUTY SHOP I have decided to close my shop Mr Pearl street next Monday, June t, and move to Chfee^ and I wish to express ,my sincere appreciation to all those who have patronised me daring my six years «f*bu*ftiess in MeBjftHft' KATHERINE McCABE. v Order your flowers for Memorial Day at the McHenry Flqral Co. Phone McHenry 606-R-l. 1-2 Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann and daughters of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Im Huemann. Miss Annabel Meyers, Norman Hag? en and Whiter Fretmd were Wauke^ gan callers Sunday evening. sunt ATLAS SCHREINER'S STANDARD SERVICE West McHenry, Illinois TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS t (Too lata for issue of May 28) Barbara and Bernard Althoff motored with Henry Hettertnann £o Bur* tertained Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon, i1\ n ^ v i s i t w ' ^ ^ r - Sir. and Mrs. Wm. Biemke, Mr. and,M"- Wm- ***** Sunday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Glenn Benoy, Galdvs Shepard and „ Mrs. Jack Bode and Mrs. Carl Alan Ajnger at a Wear EVer Alumin- Schweitzer were Woodstock callers oh um dinner at their homo Wednesday. Tu®8<'^®y afternoon. - f . evening. Mrs- "ra. J. Meyers and daughter Quite a few from here attended the Annabel, and Mrs. Geprge King were Waukegan callers Wednesday. y Mrs. Joe Miller of Fox Lake wail "•$ caller here Wednesday. county dance at Hebron Tuesday even fng. Loren McCannon, Pearl Smith, Howard Shepard, Amy Harrison, Lester Klintworth and Shirley Hawley attended the Junior-Senior banquet at Waukegan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walk/igton spent Sunday in the Frahk Walkington home at Libertyville. Quite a few from here attended the Baccalaureate services at McHenry on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boyd and Mrs. Bille Boyd of Chicago spent Sunday In the Mrs. S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neal of Oak Lawn s pen I v.!'.' Neal and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins of Chicago spent Sunday with the former's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Collins. Mr. and. Mrs. R. iRemer and daughter, Nancy, of Pistakee Bay spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgip spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Jsck Keenan and chfl dren moved to Peoria this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schweitzer and daughter, Marion, were Chicago callers one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo King were Grays* lake callers Friday evening. Mrs. Earl Hoffine and children of. Genoa called on her sister, Mrs. GeO>> King, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Stoffel of Volo and Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake spent Wednesday with John Pitzen. irir. ana Mrs. Everett Thomas of WV>od8tock spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, were Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. The children of St. John's church received their First Holy Communion Sunday at the 8:30 mass. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughters of Chicago spent Thursday i daughter, Nancy, of Chicago called iristm iy afternoon and evening in the S. W Smith home. Mrs. Amy Wampool of Vandalla, Ohio and Mrs. Winona Frank of Dayton, Ohio are visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sudnay in the J. home. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake spent Thursday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Mrs. C. J. Jepson spent Saturday, in the George Jepson home at Wauconda. George Jepson, a brother of C. J. Jepson, passed away Friday at his home in Wlauconda. Mrs. E4ith Skidmore of Delavan spent Sunday afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. George Young spent Wednesday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Johns* burg spent Wednesday evening in the George Young home. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Mildred, spent Saturday in the George Jepson home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and daughter of Johnsburg spent Thursday evening in the George Young home. The Sunshine 4-H club girls held their organization meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Walkington Saturday afternoon. It was decided that Helen Ruth Butler and Marion Hawley would go as delegates to Urbana June 8 and 4. Mrs. Elma Hawley of Morristown, Ind., is visiting in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the Antone Freund home. Ralph Smith ad son, Arnold, of Harvard spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nester of Woodstock spent Monday evening in the Bay Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the H. M. Stephenson home. Mrs. Ed Thompson and son, James, of McHenry spent Wednesday evening in the Ray Merchant home. -- ; Will McCannon and A. W. Smith spent Friday at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Abendroth of Elgin and Will Beatty of Keystone spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Charles Coles of Richmond spent Thursday In the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. Jennie Bacon arrived home on Sunday from a visit with her daughter in Elgin. JOHNSBURG Miss Thelma Jackson is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Darrell Kirk, at Mattoon, 111, Miss Katherine Pitsen of Chicago spent the weekend with her father, #ohn Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff, Mrs. John Aegen and daughter, Jeaaette, and Miss Dorothy Michels were Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and son, Huppy" were Chicago callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and sons, Bud and LeRoy, called on Mr. SBid Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, at Wauke* jpm Tuesday weeing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode were Cryson relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers an# son, LeRoy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Bohnen at Wilmette Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Rose Hoffein and children of Genoa called on Mr. and Mrs. Jaki' C Pesriinn Thiel Sunday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. IRblph Schaefer of Round Lake visited Sunday with M$ and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. VOLO Women suspected of being German spies have been writing mash notes to Allied soldiers, especially the Canadians. Authorities have forbidden officers and men to enter into correspondence #ith these former strangers, for fear military secrets might be inadvertently disclosed. Oar Repair Department Is at your servioe for any troubles yon may have your or track. It i« one of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. Drive* in and let ns cheek the ear and give you an estimate on the neoeeeary work. _ Have your trnok tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and reoebre your stato sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take oare of your correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE ntBDlr.SKRK.htm. PhaatSOOJ Ifce _ ;v HOT* Pro*. Tttili r %- v: "V ' ^• if* " • >JT-Vvf \ 1-r ^ .• ' . STANDARD SERVICE Stcmdard Oil asak)|S S fiae gasella*4 le sell rw pwfa-' M bm . . The Wauconda-Volo 4-H club mem* bers and their instructor, James Davis, met at the home of Marvin Wirt* Tuesday evening. Various talks were given by Marvin Wirtz and Ralph Brown. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Harry Case Tuesday evening, June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and G. A. Vasey of MeHenry spent Wed* nesday evening at the home of Mtt. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Richard Fisher, son of Mr. and Mr& Floyd Fisher, underwent a serious operation at the Woodstock hospital on Friday evening at 9:80. ~ Miss Marion Wirts spent the week-, end with her aunt, Mrs. Horace Grabbe, in IWauekgan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing an daughter, Nona Jane, of Hampsh 111., spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. John Balmes, Evans* ton, spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughters spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. Dunker, in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright at Lake Defiance Friday evening. The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Wiser Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerson of Crsytal Lake spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Donald Wellman of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hej* man Dunker Saturday. Weekend callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher were Rev. K. C. Hallock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francisco and sons, James Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Soreson, Miss Bemice Powers, Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, Miss Vinnie Bacon, Elmer Hapke and Arthur Monahan of Wauconda; Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont township; William Lohmann and son, Raymond, Libertyville; Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughters of Slocum's Lake; Warren Powers, Evanston; Mrs. Lloyd Russell and sons, Miss Miriam Kiifg, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family, Mrs. Richard Dowell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and family, all from this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Lea, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stitchman at New London, Wis., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Watier Vasey and son were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. Mrs. Trssk St. George visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke in Evanston Thursday. The public school at Volo closed on Tuesday with a picnic at Woos^er Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family spent Sunday at Crystal Lake i with relativse. ' : " •••• V •*: t<#* Eajqr • Nattoaal Crtdlt CmU Ml t* aw StaaM M Anil Here's Why: Wise money likes room, and Ford has die most r.;jrear4ieat knee-room at Its Ijprice, more inside length than cars far higher i* price! Wise --^likes performance, and picks the only low-price . . "8"! Bat wise money likes economy, too, end Ford rgave most miles per gal- Joa of all standard-equipped cars at its price |n die famous Gilmore-Yosemite economy .Idlest! Wise money Hkes a fine car rid** and tjuioecf thet die higt steady, quiet 1940 Fotfd has the ride .of the yenei Wise money likes value, so it knows that Ford has die biggest hydraulic brakes, the only semicentrifugal clutch giving lower pedal preseore at shifting speeds, and die only hardened valve seat inserts for all engine valves among cars atits prices Wise money likes up-to-the-min-' ate "features," and this Ford has diem all!... But why not come m mud put yomr MM momty "who" to opory- Mmg this kit srndkriUi^mM etrgbotyomf ; ooiy nammm un LiW~MICE CAM m'V[ EVE! SEEK! PHOHS 1 J-OE A DKMONWUmOH - ^ Dnirn DAUPA \ Authorised FORD Bales and Servioe vJ r r 58 ;Main Street, McHenry, IE les fri ' • • f l M