# " V '•• f- •:. ^ '4 finmday, Hay 30,1940 * .<i*p»v4* . .v: -v- - • *• '"'*•'< •*" '* ,'••*> t.\- Miy- , V-'- •:'~ '•«•'! • ~ • :?: 4.1.:" wi»t ..-•/••.3s* '*1* " '•*>»". * Br. Paid A. Scfawabe aSt« A.&Nye West McHenry THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ft >. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING PINK HARRISON f ^ at Pistafcee Bfry ! • • '! - *HM «hW»n, 60c Assorted Swdi Hot Roast Be«f and Pork with French Fries -- S5e vin# Music. Perfect Mix*! Drink* BARBARA HORIQK'S ORCHESTRA ± M PLACE RESTAURANT '•m V„^ V^: imicKen Dinner ttunoay -- 78c ty & a •^v fridAf - Fresh Boneless PQBS Phone 377 JUSTBN & FREUND, Props. Green St "WwM It do My good to tell the Jedfe 11 gboet to hk« ou* »«towoblb bmmnce?" •ETTER BUY AUTOMOML6 INSURANCE NO# ' " EARL k. WALSH, Agent >hcmbe 43 . V . ---:--- McHenry, TMSVNAM $r Your 1940 Summer Vacation Trip See the West and all the Rest in a grand All Amerimm • trip i& 1940. Pick one of theae f or ^ < < • • vacation. •. •*. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) < ) p.'.t* < ) < ) c) YELLOW6TON E NATIONAL PARK plus a visit to Beartooth Lake Lodge high in the Wyoming Rockies. Take an all expenses paid vacation trip with everything planned, see all of Yellowstone, stay at National Park Hotels. In via the Northern Entrance, leave via the famed Red Lodge Highway. The cost is low, only |124.00 up from McHenry. PACIFIC COAST TOURS including spectacular Canadian Rockies, all the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and Columbia River Highway, San Francisco Exposition, Hollywood, Catalina Island, San Diego, Tia Juana and Agua Caliente in Old Mexico, ride the streamliners. Cost only $205:00 up from McHenry. " / '** >•- «' *'*' . ALASKA with ehok* ~«f throe tsm, (sat S eroiae for £' skart trip, or inland to Mt. McKinley National Park, Anchorage, Matanuska Valley, Fairbanks, or up the Yukon to Dawson and Whitehorse. Escorted by DON ECK in person. Every.item of expense paid before your journey, even tike fctpk* M»sli*id. Cost <uUy $298.00 from MeHenry. , •**.' .* . - ' HONOLULU and the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. See these tropical Islands on a planned vacation trip, all reservations made and Said for before you start, travel on American. Lingrs, stop^#t fine otels. Cost only $325.00 from MeHenry. - * -0.; NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR with aft e*perHM*spaJd, schedules and routes to choose from. Cost only $87.00 up from Chicago. , COLONIAL AMERICA. Here's one you han% been looking for -- See Old New England, Boston, Concord, 'Montreal, Quebec, down the St. Lawrence, 1000 islands, alt you have been looking for. and more too. Cost only $145.00 up front Chicago: ; ^ ^ GREAT LAKES CRUISES, June, July and August, many sailings, rates lower than ever, "a short four to seven day cruise -- see Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Cost only $59.60 from Chicago. OLD MEXICO SoutH of the Border. See MEXICO tkis Summer but make your reservations now, all expense, escorted tours with everything paid, rail and motor tours for economy or deluxe tours, cost only $157.50 up from Chicago. TRAVEL AMERICA this year. See our natural wonderlands. The cost is low and the service great. Make your reservations or inquire for schedules now. If yod wish to check the reliability of DON ECK TOURS see your local newspaper publisher in whose paper you are reading this ad; he knows us. ' T DOfnECK^WtfRS Saite 121S -- v itally Times Bldg. -- . S|1 W. Wttiar Drive, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS • < ) Qwek trip wanted. Clip thia ad aod mail fftr free informatioB. THE McHENRY PLALNDEALER, MeHenry, Illinois 'i Cttty OonasU ProoMdiagx THS MoHSMEY PLA1RDKAUS >*•»*" ' , • v " •_ •>'#* • ... i-ST, ^, *>*& --vj ^ - 4.*<• •«' f • i* •% .,, u i Council Room, May 18,1940. The city council met in tegular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Regner, Nye. Absent: Bolger. ' Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that the minutes at the annual meeting and special meeting both held April 29, 1940, be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded, by Regner, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss, that the clerk's report be approved Bs read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded "by- Nye. that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Frank Thornber Co., Supplies $ 7.42 Blake's Motor Sale*, Auto repair is.52 Stoffel A Rgihajnsperger, BonBs 295.00 H. E. Buch, Labor, waterworks I. 8.22 75.00 5.15 #9.15 v 3.26 2,00 .41 1.00 Ma£iT)e Bujs^ Supplies^.. Special Sewer ' Account, Qlty sewer ...Y Wm. H. Althoff, Supplies W«lter /. Frwm«f, Gas, oil ..... John J. Vvcital, Supplies McHenry Co. Farmers' op.', Supplies JJLa. Henry C. Kamhoiz, W^terworfcs Ben Adams, Room rent Freund Oil Co.. Sewer supplies -- H. E. I^amhols, Sewer main- "tensnce Clarence Regner, Hauling sand McHenry Lumber Co.,. Lime sewer plant _.v.., Waiter J. Freufld, Gun greue Standard Oil Co., Heater oil Motion by Fetwerda, seconded by Regner, to pass resolution as read, designating an improvement under Motor Fuel Tax fc s*rface John Street from Green Street to Crescent Street, known as Section 1-t1 C. S. Motion carried. - hy McHenry for City -..carried. Seconded by d.H£ No. 5 (John Street). Motion carried. It was agreed that the Street and Alley Committee proceed with scarifying and oiling city streets aa they saw fit. Motion by Ferwerda. seconded by Freund to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH. City Clerk. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. Motion' Buss, Freund, 'desfttittWr^, State Bank as deposi Treasurer's funds. M> Motion by Freand Buss, to approve resolution deNsnat ing repairs and oil on Arterial Street 8P1ZNG CttOVE wmmm. 'mv. THAT PAYS Mrs. Frank May entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prize winners for high scores were Mrs. Mark Pierce, and Mrs. Ella Siegler. Traveler's prizes went to Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. John Lay. Mrs. Fred Harms received consolation. A lovely lunch was served following cards. Mrs. Frank Sanders spent the past week in the A1 Westman home in Woodstock. Paul Weber aricf Miss Alyce Nodland visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin May in Chicago Thursday night. Misses Lucille Nimsgern and Lucille Esh, who are employed in Woodstock, spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer spent Friday evening In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orth in Round Lake in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Orth. A large crowd enjoyed the free movies sponsored by the business men on Wednesday night. Mrs. C. L. Steven* visited her son, Burton, at Community hospital in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. The Martin Butler house and household goods were sold at public auction on Saturday afternoon. John Millez purchased the. house and lots. Mr.j and Mrs. Butler passed away this winter. Mrs. Frank May, sons, Frank and Eugene, motored, to Zion Saturday af- 'ternoom Miss Lorraine May returned 14.40' home with them. , Mrs. John Kattner ia confined to her 11.10 ">ed by illness. 1.36 • Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson and 5.07 children of McHeriry visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kick Wagner motored from Chicago on Sunday to spend the day with his mother. Mrs. John Wagner. Arthur Fransen of Fox Lake was a taller in town on Sunday. Michael Wagner of Chicago spent the weekend with his children in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and children were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and children were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch in McHenry Sunday. The event was in honor of the twelfth wedding anniversary , of Mr. and Mrs. Gerasch. OONORESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauneey W. Seed EDUCATION No parent can fulfill the obligation to son or daughter, without financing that child through & college education. It is a financial investment that pays dividends. And when cash is lacking, you can turn to the Personal Loan department of this bank for tuition funds, easy to pay bade, 00 of income. McOULLOM LAKE li Defease of America One of the important subjects now before the Congress and one that has been given -a large share of Congressioiial attention during the past week is that of' National Defense, Your Congressman is of the firm opinion that our Navy, oar Army, and especially our air force must be built up to a point where we will be able to turn back any aggressor or group of aggressors that seek to set foot on any land in the western hemisphere. Our nation must be placed in a poaition where it will be able to strictly enforce the Monroe Doctrine. We cannot afford to let any foreign power get a foothold or a base in the western hemisphere and we must be strong enough to enforce ou* demands that they stay out. Force and might are the only language that are understood today and it is absolutely imperative that we speak this language. We feel certain that the great majority of the American people agree with us in this regard. In accordance with the recommendations made by the President in his recent appearance before the Congress a huge national defense proerram has been started on its way. The recommendations of the President. Who is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation, are being given immediate consideration by the Congress. <3 After talking with many members of both the House snd Senate it is the writer's oninion that Congress is ready and willing to co-operate fully in preparing our nation for any eventuality. Th® principal auestion being asked is, "Why didn't the President discover that our national defesec were in such a deplorable condition lomr before this time; and what nse ha« been made of the several bijlion dollars that the Congress has anpropriated supposedly for national defense?" ' As we have stated, the'President is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation snd b*en f*>r seven years. As =nch he hi« h»er» the Commfl^der- ;«-Chief of .our Army .and our Navy. Hp has «!«o b«en in strict control of his Partv for the sam^leneth of time. He cannot contend lack of Congressional co-operation because durine his p"tir$ tenure of office he has strict1 y dominated both Houses of Congress. At po ti"°e since he has been President hss he been without hutre Democrtic majorities in each bodv of the legislative branch of our eovemment and has had Democratic chairmen and Democratic majorities in every committee. Congress has appronriat"d several billion dollars fo»- sunoosed national defense. The nublic is entitled to a full explanation relative to the disposition of the°o fund*. He has been flomma^der-in-Chief of our srm»d forces for seven v°srs j»nd has been in a oosition wherein full information i*^ncernincf our natio^il defenses -fcould been at his fin»™r tins. If to throw a smoke screen over these Mrs, Art T&mm and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheubert, of McCollum Lake. The people of McCollum Lake extend a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lemeron and family who have rented a cottage for a few weeks here. Mr. Lemeron is employ* ed at the Gordon Baking Ge., in McHenry.. VisitVs at the home of Joseph A. Schaefer Sunday were Mrs. Ben Justen. Mrs. Wm. Justen, John Freund, Millie and Susie Frett of McHenry and William Frett of Chicago. Tom Hardy of Chicago was a visitor at McCollum Lake Tuesday. Elmer Schaefer and Arnold Blake were visitors at Waukegan Sunday. Mrs. Mike Gorski and sister of Woodstock were visitors at the home of Mrs. Joseph Schaefer Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burg and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Peter Haushen his returned home after spending the week with her daughter in Chicsgo. Mr. and Mrs. H. McDonald entertained friends of Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chullerstrom entertained friends of Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Riter and son, Bobby, of Chicago spent Friday evening with Mrs. Biter's niOther who lives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Winkrantz entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Patchel, Chicago; A. Nagel and J. Jasnick, Joliet; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weisse, Petite Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. G, Schmildt of Diamond Lake, Sunday. Frank Ritzer and Bert Maclntyre entertained friends of Chicago at their cottage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel entertained friends over the weekend Those spending the weekend at McCollum Lake were Mr. and Mrs. A^ Elarton of Downers Grove, Mr. and- Mrs. Arthur Thompson, daughters of Berwyn, Mr. >and Mrs. John Adamst and daughter, Judy. Mr. Pardfll and pop, Frank, Joseph Ba'd Mr. and Mrs ^ank* Fido. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pitzaferro, Mrs. Engersol andf^ family, the Greenwoods. Mr. and Mrs White ^nd friends, Mrs. Bowler and daughter. Dorothy, of Chicago. Mrs. Anna Schlitt celebrated her seventieth birthday on 8unday, May 26, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pat Patterson, in Glenview, 111. A de-, licious turkey dinner was served and twenty guest* were present to congratulate her. She received several lovely gifts. Mrs. E. Boyle and Mrs. Schrall celebrated their birthdays on Monday, May 28. being offered and attempts being made to create a hysteria in an effort .$3 i'"*" Siasoa Stoffel C. J. Baihanaperger D I R E C T O R S Wtoe. M. Carroll Wm. A Nye, M. 0. Gerald MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION >:• vy < . y- \ -'M ,yr»vi i s'. '?A 100^- ^THE LEADERS LINEUP Krk* I- • r '-4 .j'l. Convince Yourself That Chevrolet's the Leader in Vclue Just as It's the Leader in Sales. rTi a Found Only on Chevrolet and on Higher-Priced Cars MM V Supreme on i^nd. Sea and in the Air ^ 181 Inches from Front of Grille to Raar o< Body * MODERN ROYAL CLIPPER STYLING LUXURIOUS FISHER BODY BEAUTY 4 DYNAMIC VALVE IN-HEAD ENGINE LONGEST OF ALL LOWEST-PRICED CARS EXCLUSIVE VACUUM POWER SHIFT GENUINE KNEE-ACTION RIDE JF PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES )F TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH LOWER GAS OIL AND UPKEEP COST • • •'.> c • ••xofc - LOWER DELIVERED PRICES-PLAINLY MARKED-GREATEST DOLLAR VALUE! J A 80% Automatic--Only 20% Driver Effort Smoother Steadier Safer w The l^ast Word in Safety IHHMMMMeMIMWjRMIlMNMNMIMMNNMNNHMMM For Smoother. More. Reliable Operation A Six Costs Less to Run than an Eight Ni •lh*r cor, r»gnfj»il of print combines all ItnM Chevrolet quality tBQOrtifan of pnc% can match Qmvrslil in f«ktic the condition of our annv is as bad as Thief of Staff Marshall says it is. then th*»re hss been gross neeligence in the Executive branch of our government. Since the Soeretarv of War ?r,d the Secretary of Nnvv are members of tM President's Cabinet, there ran be no excuce for failure to provide national defense. Now the Administration is finding its chickens of negligence coming home to roost before the eyes of an enraged American public. Excuses are failures. Steps should have been taken long ago to provide our country withw adequate defense. We have been for it; we are for it now. We are glad that the Administration has finally realized it and we hope that the American public will fully co-operate with the national defense program. Politics should be divorced from national defense and because we believe this to be true, we think that the President should issue a statement announcing that he will not accept a Third Term. *0« Special 0« Lux* mnd Matter D* Lux* Svriei EYE IT" TRY IT • • BUY IT! CHEVROLET'S FIRST AGAIN r Master 95 BUSIMESS COW* ^ AN models prk-4 ^ FnrLt^90"- Trans- Pnc** SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES KcHENBY, ILL. m*. " r-:-.