"•~<V if ff T^¥ Fctst INEffHBRY PUUlEALEfl MMMmM vmy Thmdqr at Mc- Imut, 111, by (%irlei F. Renick. JQrterfd. as seeond-claas iitter at the poatedfice at Mcfitenry, 111., under the act etf May 8, 1879. A. H. MOSKER BfiUt «ii Maatpr OM Year Six Mentha mm W*6V«5& 30, 1910 lie in the (tnake Mr Way <tf the past few e on Pearl in there der a Di<fta<feft" do4P manner in which living:--if lies 'n the" Life. 1 • ' r'? ' The American Wiy is a co-operative process, hi Tket, *ll sftterita try which people make their 8Wi^f_nin modern social onranizatttms ar£ 'cfc-operative. The fundamental ttislttftjtiOn between ; : ^ Jfr the Amerfcfcft Systems i* tha1 _J..f2.00jcess in the fo *1°® voluntary WKiU? conscious and Due to the fQ4Q g Are W« Headed Toward a Dictatorship? Mktoe Enterprise, variously referred to as "Profit System," '•Capitalism" or "Private Enterprise," is not merely i system of producing, distributing and producing things--it is a way of life Under our American System of Free Enterprise or better still let us call it The American Way, we live, move about, know certain facts, have certain ideas, speak and write as the spirit moves as, worship God according to the dictates of conscience, w«ar the kifid of clothes we desire, reside whew we wish, buy what we like and can afford to pay for, folio* whatever od» cupation suits our fancy, choose oar :" political representatives, select our public employees and change or control governments. * That is the American Way of life, ] and it and the way of making a living I art inseparable--as a matter of fact, . > wfcnkiCal. AB of these possibles*"! exist together. Take away or destroy . a single one of them and the whole system will start to crumble and inevitably collapse. That is what happens In an author- ,v itarian or totalitarian state--commonly known as Dictatorship. Some of these privileges are limited or destroyed by the bureaucrat at the helm, and finally all of them cease to exist. Therefore, the distinction between the American Way and the Way un- Totalitarian tive proious and hitter, It is of modern m^r- Jife. few individual** p*ke their living aloha.- WMfttfcft*.*)tfo dona by suppl«weritlpg > dividual effort* fcyiMHtt«fftrta< etchers through oo-flmalhrg nflatlonsirtps. What we have todaofcteis: Are we going to co-opeaMte'WkUif the American way, fre#mt4 tarimmtelled or are we going to'permit auMelves to cooperate utfder some djetalwrahip? Surely, 4i>Maac*n. be .only^one answer to tin* f«*stton. Respite the trend in HMMBt, .yesw toward bureaucracy (thefrforwrunner. -of Dictatorship) on tfeq pari tit a- handful of our political lewdarfc r We/most resist any further ceatftnlfotionsttvpawer in the Federal Gornnnwt Fasvauch power constitutes^s^rfcwii to the American 1£j«jr. * » J • 7 ~ McBenry ittwjwEip Ttre FfvU^os Bilfaict r/;ijlW#»eiK>rt MMMMaaaMiaH roa tutx FOR SALE--Pure bred registered young Bolrtein bulls. T, B. and Bangs tasted. Brandenburg Farm, Ingleside, m. 1-3 FOR SAJLE---Wooded water front lots On W shore dtfistikee Lake. Morgmh, JOhUsbtirg 624-W-2. *1 ¥%R SAEJR •Modeny bungalow, type home i* Hcgfagcy; ewrfknt capditicm; 7 rooms, screened g^^; iwt<and,«eld water and good basement. This hotrte is loaded on paved street in good residential section of city. Inquire at the Stock bone on Pearl Street, between Green St., and Richmond Road. 2 FOR SALE -- Eight - room modern home. Win Bishop, Riverside Drive. Tel. 106-M. *2-2 FOR SALE--Baby bed and mattress, screened top and sides; - almost new; two twin bed Mattresses. 650-J-l. FOR SALS--Resort property lake frontager Fine buildings, all furmshed; 16 boats. Bbaaonable price. Phwie 641-J-2. *2 FOE SALE--Boat. 16-ft runabout, with -US-H. P. Johnson motor, alternate firing. Phone 841-J-2„ *2 Miller, in Chicago, where aba is making the acquaintance of h«r new granddaughter. Mrs. Donald McCafferty and baby returned to their home in Ylncennss, Ind., last Wednesday after a Visit in tha home of her mother, Mns. May Fisher. Miss Ethel Jotoetf-wasA Chicago caller Monday. " 1 Mrs. William ad£. tefcy re^ turned bop* from the'WoQdstack hospital hatFtiday. Miss JuUa Dormeyer, who has been a patient at St. Charles hospital, Aurora, for the past three weeks, returned to McHenry Monday. Marguerite Johnson of DeKalb Normal, was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Klinck and the former's mother, Mrs. John Klinck, Sr., of Michigan, recently c&llcd on McHenry friends. The Klinck family •nriiMM | formerly resided on Riverside Drive in 12R ft.!this city, and this was thsir fiist visit since thc^r isft twenty-thr*e years ago. Mrs. Mollie Givens and son, John, spent Sunday in the Harold Phalin home at Lake Villa. Pistakee *2 MAT 1, toj MAT I, 1M* FOR SALE--Vegetable plants, 10c per dosen. Tomatoes, 10 kinds; cab- WilLLER IWatre -- Woodstock Air-Conditioned FRIDAY -- SATURDAY May 31 - June 1 Coetiaaous Saturday from 2 -- BIG Feature® -- 2 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS' A full-length feature cartoon in technicolor! -- PL V S -- ' * "THE ARIZONA KID" with Roy Rogers ; SUNDAY -- MONDAt J u n e 2 - 3 -- Continuous Sunday from I'Jt -- BIG DOUBLE BILL! - 'TOO MANY HUSBANDS' -- with -- JEAN ARTHUR FRED MacMURRAY . MELVYN DOUGLAS "THE MARINES FLY HIGH" -- w i t h -- . RICHARD DIX LUCILLE BALL TUESDAY -- Jane 4 15c • Bargain Night • lie "GRANNY GET YOUR GUN" with May Robson WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY June 5 -< "REMEMBER THE •§*"? NIGHT"' '<rC ' -- With -- ^HOSBAfeA STANWYCK \ /F*ED MacMURRAY -- A l s o -- :^a "OLD HICKORY" ' A historical featurette • Newa The Beautiful i<;i. iovai> ^•Mi CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatrf THURSDAY Matiaee Memorial Day Sunday Schedule and Prices! Thomas Mitchell and Freddie Bartholomew ift "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" ------- -- with -- Best - Terry KUburn A thrilling adventure fraai beginning to end! FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Double Feature IsCifclif Cooper Betty PWd "SEVENTEEN" June Lang and Lota I---^ -- in -- 'CONVICTED WOMAN' SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. 2Sc to C p. m. -- 30c after; Child. - lfe Laurence Opvier and Joan Fontaine -- in -- ' ' R E B E C C A " -- with -- Reginald Deany - C. Aubrey Sndth A picture you'll want to see again and again! Abo -- Latest Paramount News WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Jean Arthur -- in -- 'TOO MANY HUSBANDS' -- with -- Melvyw, Douglas - Fred MacMurray Alao -- Television Preview I, Jowpf M.««ner, * bage, « kinds; peppers, 6 kinds; sweet the McHenry Township fire Frofec- pot-toes, 4 kinds. Cauliflower, egg tion District, McHanry Illinois, do cdery. U M. Pierce, 843 hereby cer^y. ,»at: the^ idtewing Wheeler St., Woodstock. -2 statement* ;awt » . • > • ; 1 11 ments of the.MejBemry TownsUp Fire* *®WARI>~-Fdt* irearing Jdckej^ u*'- Protection Distnct jFnnda. for the year (lerwear is more comfort than you ending May-1st, 1MB is true and cor- ever knew before. Get this Coopers rect according, to. ifciy best -knowledge knit support underwear today. Varand belief. >f-i• ( led leg lengths. 50c up. McGee's. 2 MvBEGNER, X^asurer. State of Illinois County of Subscribed and swqrn to before me this 28th day ft May fMO. <Wf^L«^FELD, (SEAL) Notary Public. Gash Received Tax Anticipation Warrants ..$3,000.00 Cash Disbursements Peter Persch & Sons, Payment <m fire truck 41,000.00 Walter J. Freund, Four tires 158.62 M<-Henry PlainJjealer, Printing, publishing - . 24.20 John Stilling, Gas, oil, stor- ' • age - .; W.95 William Bickler,' Salary 6.25 Carl Bickler, Salary 18.00 Lester Page, Salary .............. 14.00 Kenneth Granger, Salary .... 8.25 Dar Granger, Salary 11.25 George Worts, Salary ' 12.75 Harold Hobb*, Salary ....„..v - <2.00 J'loyd Covalt, Jr., Salary ..L 18.Y5 Ted Miller, Salary 8.00 Herman Kreutser, Salary .... 16.00 Earl R. Walsh; Ford truck insurance $8.30 Peter P^*sch A- Sons, Ff«i:' hose ^ 8.61 Utility Supply Co., Bookkeejp^ ing books 9.99 John Stilling, Gas, oil, stotiffr,':,' | age 27.78 | J. W. North A Co., \ Setting I up books 25.00 West McHenry State Fank, I Check book 2.08 I Vernon J. Kno*, Orgamzation 1 expense -r1 • , „IIW. 100.00 Matt N. Schmitt. CompensafOR SALE--Simmons bedroom suite consisting of twin beds, night stand, •unity dresser, chest of drawers, tprings and mattresses. Very reasonable price if taken immediately. Phone 269. 2 FOR SALE--One steam table; one 6- bumer restaurant gas range. Phone 675-W-l. 2 mnd expect to few weeka Mnger. Mr. and His. Harold Frett and Mr. < - Mrs. Jaak Walsb'ta.apanding somaJ^ Chicago toe with lfcr oanugh^, Itrs George ^ ^ Mn.Ferdinand Fret£ Mrs. Margaret Larkin is under contract to teach at the Public Grade school when the semester commences. She is to take the place of Jfiaa Mary Althoff, who is resigning hisr position at the end of this term Mildred and Eleanor Kinsala, BeiS tha and Marie Schiessle, Mari^ FpW< ers, Alice Gaolke, Genevieve and yrs. Ella Buss enjoyed i perf#n»anceT "The Man Who Came to Dinner^ in Chicago last Tuesday. .... The M. L. Schoenholtx family expects to be happily situated in Boulder, Colo., by Wodnqeflny of next week where Mr. Schoenholtz will attend a summer school. He hopes to receive his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees this summer. Mrs, Catherine Boger returned to her home in Chicago last Sunday after enjoying the past three weeks with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. William Mau of ESgin, Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ringwood. were Sunday guests in the heme ot Kate McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs, Peter M. Justen will drive to Notre Dam-'. Ind., Thursday tied with t||»: from the Wa|- Mfewt of nurs- Kinjpwood, waa idaas of 1940 on ton ing in Chicago* Artfrar Lawrence, dangbtoi, Jean, and son, Francis, of Wauconda were r^oent guests in the Kate McLaughlin Among tboM fro* McHefiry who saw Miss Jean Franks Caumtjy, flie May queen, crown tbe Weeeed Virgin in a service at 9L Mary's church, Woodstock, Ttagggy evmlng were Mr. and Mrs, Ray^ ing, M^s. Qi John Bolger.' ' " '"V'1 .1 IN APP*Bcu&km a " w We, Ik* membewt .HcHfiin. P«i; tte. 491, American ,I>Mdotf, ^sh to express our than**1* Wn Itmn Althoff, Miss Carolyn Bauer and all the members of the vlirl Scouta for the excellent manner in which they conducted the Poppy sale last Saturday. We also wish to thank the general public for the generous contributions for the same. RAY PAGE, Commander. Mra. F. W. Scott, who have moved bare from Waukegan. Mr. Scott ia manager «f lite Gordon Biking cnh paay. Oniar yoor flowers for Memorial Dsy-at the Mfffiwrji jFloral Co. Phono Mmtaxy 1-S •»»»»» »»»*• « > #11 »»«>M I "Amoiur the $fck Mrs. Ryan of Chicago was the guest a„d bring their son, Dan^ back to Mc- FOR RENT of her daughter, Alice Ann, this past weekend. Mrs. COM Bassett waa a weekend guest in tha home of her dauehter, Mrs. Henry Vogel, at Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Martha Page of Chicago visited relatives in McHenry last Thursday afternoon and attended the tea at the JCetfeodist church Mitf* AHeen Bacon of .Chicago.spout Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wil liam Bacon. Mrs. Clarence Tuttle and son, Skiwin, of Dundee, visited her sister. Miss May Noonan last Thursday. Mr and Mrs. William VanNatta of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Robert Thompson home Monday. Mrs. Ada Mann spent a few days last week with Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Harold" Phalin and daughter, Monica, of Lake Villa, were Saturday guests in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. May Lester of Elgin was a guest of Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty last FOR RENT -- Grocery and market, 1 Saturday and Sunday, equipped. Also 6-room modern house. Call 138-M. 50-tf FOR RENT--Storeroom in N. J. Justen & Son bldg. Large front window and entrance on Main St. Excellent location. Inquire of owner. 1-tf Floyd Covalt, Jr., a member of the McHenry Fire Department, whose face and hands were badly burned in the explosion at the McHenry Dairy last Thursday morning, was released from the Woodstock hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stock of Mich- HELP WANTED •-- Women, married preferred; who are interested in earning money during spare time. Work pleasant. Highly profitable. Write-- Maisonette Frocks, care of F. Berkery, 5705 Addison St., Chicago. *1-2 !ary 80.00 19.59 ,9.50 3.50 I 13.50 15.50 6.00 |0.00 ! 4.00 2.00 y. 18.02 100.00 80.00 ~ 171.60 100.00 84.01 tion insurance Adams St H. Kreutzer. Salary Thomas D; Ted Miller] George Wo! _ Floyd Covalt. Jr~ Salary ... Harold HoblHR^Sa^ry IL". Lester PageBSafl^...^. Carl ' 1l Jp WwT ^ Jerry Kobovy, Salary John Stilling, Caei oil, ato<£ Gus Freund, One^ia^ fir« chief salary Ed Smith, Oroth»K«niatant fire chief salary National FirIP, A^bHliia, Fire apparatus National ,Fire Apparatus, 500 feet hoge^:.'...^.....:.: John Stilling utar- Buss-Page Metor Sales, SujF^" plies McGee's Store for Men, Rooti^ and coats John Stilling, Gap,rpu v City of McHerVy,: ^a5mrenk supplies Peter Persch &. Sons. Suflp, Plies National Fhr^ ^ApjMMatuCt Supplies ~ Vernon J. Knjofi J)rg#g«|iqii expense Peter Persdi 4 Soril; -Supplies for^itni " Paul GeraSMi; Roy Kent^'fiA truck Walter J. Freund, GasoMiW McHenry ^un|>4r Ct^ Sufplies Adams & Freund, Repairing truck LJ, Stoffel' 4^: IWhanjitifc^eif, Insurance on truck 84^8 Buss-Page. Mo%rt a»ik^" ' Grease f,or itruck Lester Page, Salsiry Floyd Covalfc. Jr., SaWrx] ..„ Ted Miller, Salary James Perkins, S*lajr Carl Bickler, "iSalary Thomas Diedrich WANTED--Maid for general housework. Good plain cook. Pistakee 650-J-l. *2 WANTED TO BUY--Used bicycle for girl five years old. Phone 623-J-l. *2 SITUATION Experienced. WANTED -- Clerking. Phone 95-R. WANTED--Girl for waitreas and restaurant work. Apply at Niesen Cafe, McHenry, 111. Tel. 88. MARRIED COUPLE --No children wanting a good farm job or caretaker: practical and responsible. Charley' Feil. R-l, Box 70, Lake Geneva, Wis ,7 :39.50 Care Belveir Seed Farm. Phone Genoa City, 71-R-l. *2 RUGS and CARPETS CLEAN ED-- On your floor or at our plant. Reasonable prices. Hild Shampoo Method Bergin Cleaning Service, fox Lake,! 111. Phone 3723. •52-3 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING--Re pair parts for all mowers. Work guaranteed. Will call for and deliver Used lawn mowers for sale reasonable Robert J. Thurlwell, Main st, West McHenry. Tel. 93-WX. 48-tf Henry for the summer vacation. The latter has completed his Junior year at Notre Dam« university. Mrs. O. C. Murray and daughter, Margery, of Geneva were callers recently in the borne of Kate McLaughlin. Angelo Unti, of Loyola university, Chicago, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr~ and Mrs. Charles Unti. Miss Helen Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whiting Mrs. Glenna Simpson of Spring Grove i» a surgical patient at Victory Memorial hospital in Woakegan. Lloyd Lock wood underwent surgery this week at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. 2S NON-GREASY gUND NON-OILY ,'l< ,**•% a Centreli to a ffcm hr dtMrtMlaaUagt who dwiit 1M1 \ Rotfdonee Ghjuqpto and Mrs. Robert Doering hfffe moved from an apartment in the Schneider building on Riverside Driyfe to Lockport. The apartment they vacated has been occupied by Mr. and A sassll qwMUy to DM halir before OOAJWI bwsblag will hew tki uader coatrol. u US fjii rnlrriri SOc Order yp daughter of Day at the . Memorial Floral Co. Phorie of 1 McHenry 608-R-l Green Street wcLW WW 1 know ROSSMAN MOTOR SALES MtTOO-WHEN I FM SO GO OUT I MAMTOMK WANT HAS THEM WITH PLENTYOP'PEP UP AND OCT NDO"WANT. NASH - LaFAYETTE - PACKARD General Repair Work ! ^ ^ Washing, Greasing, Towing Lawn Mower Sharpening HUTHDRIZED SERVICED RDSSMflN MOTOR SALES RIVERSIDE DRIVE axd PEARL STREET ~ PHONE J3 MPS Sk7BBMY. JBWF W • '•! *•.?-. MfAfiTUHff MA CMC FOR to COME at a MEMMATtOMAL SAVIN* 425 •6.52 3.47 --i.oo 8.92 i'3.37 •2.40 j»o.oo , 7.02 '1^0 5.02 1^9 2.36 17^2 CUSTOM HATCHING--Turfey, and ehicken eggs, daily settings.' hatches. Lehmann's Hatchery, ' Kak|:' Hillside Road, Crystal Lake. Phone 8042-Y-4. LAWNMOWERS--Sharpened and repaired as usual by McHenry Blacksmith & Welding Shop. NEW LOCATION-- Next to Tonyan Constr. Co.J v Formerly located at Rt. 31and John St. "Electric ' and acetylene, putting: and welding. , 'N, 52-3 FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to S15-. head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pete will be shot on place if desired.* Pbone Wheeling 102, reverse ehasgea* 44-10 FLOOR SANDING--Old floors likq new; refinish with Dura Seal; a lifetime floor finiah; free estimate. Henning Newman, 982 Marvel Avenue, Woodstock. Phone 451-M. *45-24 9.92 11.00 23.25 :: 16.50 ft2.75 7.50 jl George Worts," Salary ^..'Sr*^ll!50 00 25 2.50 2.50 4.50 3.50 4.00 Harold Hobbs, Salary1"^-- Herman Kreutzer, Salary w William Bickler,' Salary ..*> Earl Dowell, Salary Paul Gerasch, Salary Jerry Kubovy-,- SaTarytat. Ralph Justen:' SalarvfL.;?.**- Ed Smith, One-half Assistant fire chlfcf salary: Gus Freund,^ Dtoe-hdlf 4re chief salaskr' f26..! 60.00 100.00 Total Digbura&nMta., Balance on' Band'. ..$2,984.91 ,.f 65.09 Dead ANIMALS Prompt and Sanitary Service No Help Needed to Load $1.00 to $5.00 CASH: HORSES AND] COWS -- Hogs and Sheep Less Call McHenry, Enterprise 2420 46-tf CLIFF1S RADIO"SERVICE -- Expert' repairs on all makes, work guaran* teed. Repair* on all electrical appliances. Clifford Wilson, Prop., Tel. 13, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 84-tf </v '•f'.hMl i, LAWNMOWER SHARPENING--Als« welding and general repairing, light blacksmith work. McHenry Garage, John Street. Phone 97-J. DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if mt ! Als^r pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. N<» help needed in loading with our sani, tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Pbomi lOt, tram rbsrgss. 44>1|1 bin CmUi(-Tatter IM» Don't ibis chance to put this bcautiiuX , Modem Gas Range In yoat kitchen for only 'J09.OO. It's • remarkable value! Quality built inside and out with modem, up-to-the-minute features that will ssvt you time, work and money. It puts msgic in-every meal*..tuns out« JDasts, steaks and vegetables in all their savorj^ goodness...bakes pics and cskes to perfection ' Decide now to trade in your old stove oilJ new Msgk Chef Range. But don't delays, because tbit special ofiftt expires «i June l! m futhbi Comeaitflt -divided cooking top > Heavily iiminiiil nrin hmotsladwheel oven he# ouMrtl < lifietimo burner guarantee . No* clog «ap imin n • All tmrners light «on|i> n«iicd&< Honelaiseoaaded finish • Mit* utrenindcr^taac control - Cooking top Iam|| : < Ldrg« even4ieat own - Condiment set. ^ > VlM Belsnca,-pins small canying • ,^0 S •with •your monthly HDas Service bilL Wr.i. 4 '-.,8 1 ;-r