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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1940, p. 7

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*IC OKDBiANCB JKM» AN OtomANCtfTO TAX AUD ^ WW. - "V: ,VT" >&A\ :"A ' *£'• r - ' fe.< .V hosemen, noxxlemen and hydrantmen and make such other appointments and prescribe each duties as may be neeeaaary and pnqxr in the organisation and effective operation of thai "fire departmentduring the tptW j fyr I • Little Donald Kueny o£ Kenoah* smss/"" h" Mr,wn JANCB COMPANIES. [Board of Trustees, of the Fire De-j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and' '^nE it Atniram u tk. *»-- • P«*tment and all fire apparatus and ®°n. Billy, of Elgin, Mrs. finy Warner ^ V equipment belonging to the District' *nd «W «ad Mrs. Worthy of Dundee LuSi^i4Lij riu't ^ eMe of the Fire Chief and his 1 wep« I«*t8 in the home of Miss Anna gnp rm PBOTECTION in their onUr ^jjFrisbsr Sunday. ™ ^ *® follows. Ishall take command of audi fire, and Miss Alice Afcin Ryan and Miss Bacttm 1. It shall be unlawful for the officer highest in rank shall take; Lucia Rose Rausch, teachers at the feftf corporation, company or aaaeei- command of the fire department and ^ high school, have returned to •tie®, not incorporated under the laws direct the management thereof for the j their respective homes in Chicago for at the State of IlHnds, to engage in supression of the fin. In the best the summer vacation. the District, in affecting fire insur-1 maimer possible. Whan It may be' Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Chiaace, or to transact any business of naeessary for the peetectisn tf other ca*° entertained a group of friends. Are insurance in the Pietlkl. while in; property to prevent the spread of jfmm Oak Park at their summer home fire, the offker in command may cause H*knry <3rang*-Sunday. buildings to be removed, torn down, j Mr. and Mrs. Slmer Kinsala and or ilesUoyed in the bast --poe- j ""f Bhnar Walter, and Johnny Johns& le. I «>n of Chicago were weekend guests Sectiest 4. The Clarfc of the fit* in the Henry Kinsala home, department shall keep a record of all j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holle of Genoa meetings of the fire department and McHenry visiters last Thursday, the attendance of the members there-! Mrs. Albert Jurgens and twin sons of. a record of all fires, and the at-1 of Chicago spent Memorial Day with i *mr default by not fully complying with any of the requirements of this Ordinance, and until anch requirement* shall have been fully complied with; hot this provision shall not relieve any oempany, corporation or a*eoci» ati^n from the payment of any risk 'that may be undertaken in violation of this Ordinance. flection S. Any nock corporation,' tendance of the members at such fires,' ^er mother, Mrs. Ben Stilling-, company or association not ineorpor-1 and during the last week of April of) Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chicago call- Kted under flic laws of the State of; «?sch year, file with the Secretary ®f | ed on friends here last Thursday. which is engaged in the Dis- i the District, a full report of such »fc-1 William Mart's of Oak Park visited trkt in effecting fire insurance, shall, tendance and •fires,, which said report j ^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence pay the Secretary of the District, fori shall wade by the Clerk under ] Martin, Sunday. the maintenance, use and benefit of, oath. The Clerk shall also keep such j Mr».^^Nxna Peterson of Woodatock the Fire Department of the District, a sum of money equal fn amount to two (2%) per cent per annum of the gross receipts received as premiums upon fire insurance policies by any and all agents of such corporation, j Mrs. F. E. Cobb of Chicago was a j Memorial Day visitoi In McHenrv Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Adams attended the other records, make such reports, and, W*E ® McHenry caller Friday. keep and furnish such statistics a* j Mrs. Jacob Thies returned home last may be required of him by law. He 1 Tuesday from Chicago where she was shall, at the expiration of his term j called by the death of her nephew, of office surrender and deliver to his I William Francis Campbell, who died successor in office all books and rec-; following a heart attack. company or association, during the! ords hi his hands as such Clark. j Miss Mary Lou of Elgin enjoyed a year ending on the first day of July i Section 5. It shall be the function (days the latter part of the week In each year, for any insurance ff- i and duty of the Fire Department and t®^^h her aunt, Miss Anna Frisby fected, or agreed to be effected on! every member thereof to extinguish property located in the District by or j accidental or destructive fires, to prewith such corporation, company, or i vent the occurrence or spread of association durhg/nch year. j fires, and to enforce all ordinances re- Section S. Every person acting in lating to the occurrence or spread of the District as agent, ior or on behalf fires. of any such corporation, company or I Section (. Any fireman in attend association, shall, on or before the fif- »"«e at a fire who shall neglect or re teenth day of July of each and every fuse to obey the orders of the officer year, render the Secretary of the Dis-j in command at such fires, shall upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars. Section 7. It shall be the duty of all officers of the law having juris diction in the District to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and to arrest on view any person who shall be found violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall hinder, resist or refuse to obey any it exercises at Cigrstal Lake high school Friday night Their niece «nd eonafa, Wm Loretta Schaffer, was a amalav dC the class. Mr. Mid Mrs. Mrian DeLire of Wirran were Bwid^ visitors in the of his' sitter,-rjfrs. Jay Powers 'amily. MiSk'Etaily DeLire, who had been spending several weeks in the Powers home, returned to Warren with them. Miae Sylvia Snyder, a teacher at the McHenry high school, has returned to her hove in Janesville, Wia, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Raha and children of Elgin were visitors in the home of Mrs. Mollie Given* Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Hvfty Damm and sona of Tsmash s called on Mrs. William Bacon Banday. Mr. and MM* Osargt H. Johnson motered to CBntaii and Champaign, HI., 8unday. Their Ma* Frank, returned home vith them from the University of Illinois for his vacation. Mrs. Stacia Maktw returned home Saturday evening frotri Jacksonville, F1&., where she spent the the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. £. Heavey. Msa Helen Stevens Jeft Saturday to spend ^ euuuner vacation in her home in the state ef New York, S5j« was accompanied by the Mieses May Justen »nd Francea Hughes. Jean Warner was a weekend guest of Jane Dorlaad. She is enjoying a three-weeks' vacation from her work as m student nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Miss Baxine Bacon, Miss Victoria Shorter and the letter's friend spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Martin Cooney, Jr., has returned home from the state ,of Washington where he had resided the past year.. He also spent eometUbe with relatives atOanOfc,B.D. George H. Johnson, Sterns and Mrs. Robert attended the funeral of Mrs. Dora Price at Elgin Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pcger Frett at Chicago were guests of their daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. William Tonyan and family thM past weekend. Misses Anna and Dorothy Knox of Chicago were guests in the home of Misa Genevieve Knox on Decoration Day. Martin Heckman of Chicago spent a few days last week at the Kelter cottage at Lake D< fiance. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and baby of Chicago were the guests of her mother, Mrs. William Bacon on Memorial Day. Mrs. Rapp's brother, Bobby Bacon, returned home with them for a few days. Rev. Paul ^Fbchtiusky of McHenry, Rev. John L. Daleidea of Spring Grove and Rev. Jdhn Tuchlinsky of Freepert will leave Sunday for Florida where they intend to spend a twoweeks' vacation. Dr. and Mra, A. L Proehlich and daughter, Adele, left Monday for Wlnndbago, Minn., where Dr. Froehlteh'r mother, Mrs. Vincent Froehlich, is quite ilL They expect to return the later part of this week. Mrs. Chas. W. Goodell and Warren Jones returned the first part of the week from Gretena, Nebr., where they spent a week with Rev. Minar Gerrard and family, the former pastor at the Methodist church in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kosinski of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and son, Kenneth, of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and son, Ralph, were the guests of Mrs. Agnes Marshall on Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Yanda left Monday for Winnebago, Minn., where they will spend some time with her parents. They expect to go to Cloquet, Minn., later on for a visit with his folks, and then, before returning to McHenry for the fall school torn, they intend to take a trip through Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jaes Worboys and daughter, Linda, of Detroit, Mich., were weekend guests in the Harry Darlandf home. Mrs. Minnie Schaeneman was guest of Waukegan relatives over Ifct weekend. Miss Jane Durland completed her Freshman .year at Clark* college, D» buque, Iowa, and has returned to Mt Henry to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland. Paul Justen, who will be a Junior •t St. Ambrose college, Davenport, Iowa, next fall, is spending the summer vacation with his parents, Mfe and Mrs. Ben Justen- Jean Warner of Elgin and Jaa* Durland left Monday to attend the graduation exercises at Lores eoUegs^ Dubuque, Iowa. Mrs. William Freund and Genevieve Justen drove to Dubuque, Iowa, last Wednesday where the former's brother, Rev. John Theobald, was celebrating the silver jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. Stanley Vjnrftal, who is majoring iia music at the University of ItKneiik has returned to McHenry for the mmf mer. His brother, Richard, wh» vrfB be a Senior next fall at the Unhrendty of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chfc> eago, has also returned to his hosae hars. Mid kOSSMAN SALES h'i&i HASH - LaFAYETTK - PACKAKD Cknoral Repair Work WaaldBf, Ortadag, Towinf Lawn Mower Sharpening RUTHORIZED . SERVICE RDS5MRN MOTOR SHLES RIVERSIDE D^ive ci»jt PEARL STREET ~ PHONE 13 trict a full, true and just account verified by his oath, of all premiums upon fire insurance policies which, during the year ending the first day of July preceding such report, shall have been received by him, or by some other person for him, in behalf of any such corporation, company, or association on property located in the District. Sach agent shall also at the time of rendering the aforesaid report, pay officer of the fire department in the to the Secretary of the District the discharge of his duty. sum of money for which each such' Section 8. Whoever shall use any company, corporation or association, j fire engine, hose, cart, or any other represented by him is chargeable, by apparatus, belonging to the District virtue of the provisions of thi* Ordhv- for any private purpose, other than ance. jthe extinguishment of fires or who- Seethm €. The sum of moneyNfor ever shall remove the same or any which such company, corporation or' part thereof from its place of deposit, association is so chargeable may be OT having the control thereof shall recovered of it, or its agents or agent, permit such engine, hose, cart or other by an action in the name of and for apparatus to be used for any private the use of the District as for money purposes other than as aforesaid, shall had and received. Nothing in this upon conviction, be fined not more section shall be held to exempt any than two hundred dollars. person, corporation, company or as-1 Section 9. All ordinances and parts sociation from indictment and convic-' °f ordinances in conflict with this ortion under the provisions of an act dinance be and hereby the same are entitled, "An Act to enable cities, repealed. towns, villages and fire protection dis-1 Section 10j This ordfriartce < shall tricts, organised under any general or be in full force and effect from and special law to levy and collect a tax after its passage, approval and pubor license fee from foreign fire insur- j ligation as required by law. ance companies for the benefit of or- PASSED by the Board of Trustees ganized fire departments," in force.of the McHenry Township Fire Pro- July 1, 1895, as amended. j tection District and deposited and filed ftsction 5. No insurance agent in, in my office this 27th day of May, the District shall have any insurance A. D. 1940. JOSEPH M. REGNER. r Secretary. Bv Popular Request... Againy for a Limited Time! Satisfaction Guaranteed l;i . Or Ymr Money Back! ,f"Vf business or dealings with any company, association or corporation not incorporated under the laws of this mjjw' W 'NnOMkKK "'-if# APPROVED by the President State, which shall be in default for! said Board of Trustees this 27th day not reporting or making payments as of May, A. D. 1940. ANTON M. SCHMITT, ATTEST: President Joseph M. Regner, Secretary. (Pub. June 6, '40) hereinbefore provided, until it «ha» have complied with all the lequhtmoits of this ordinance. Section 6, Any person, Arm, Of coloration violating any of the provmons of this article shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred each offense. Section 7. All ordinances and parts1 sons that Monday, August 5, of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and hereby the same are repealed. Section 1 * This ordinance ahall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and deposited and filed in my office this 27 th day of May, A.'D. 1940. JOSEPH M. REGNER, Secretary. APPROVED by the President of said McHenry Tonship Fire Protection District $his 27th day of May, A.D. 1M0. k ANTON M. SCHMITT, 4 ATTEST: Joseph M. Peg--y. Secretary. 0 (Published June 6 '< IWWICE OF CLAIM DATE dollars for Estate of Charles Hard, Deceased. all per- 1940, la the claim date in the estate of CHARLES HARD, Deceased pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before saifl date without issuance of summons./ HUGO HARD. Executor. WM. at. CARROLL, Attorney. Woodstock, Illinois. -.,«j (Pub. June 6 • 18 - M) Inconvoi \% ~ \ , ORDINANCE NO. S-- T AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A FIRE DEPARTMENT IN THE McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. VICES HELD AT ' CHICAGO FOR MB& HAAS Funeral services were held last Wednesday.May 29, f<r* M ^ H«fe) Meyer Haas'-bf^Rstakee Bay. ~widof( of George Haas, who was admitted to the Woodstock hospital for medical treatment the previous Monday and who died that same afternoon. Death was attributed to a heart ailment. The body was taken to Chicago, her Section 1. There shall be and hereby created and established department consisting of one Chief, one Clerk, and such other of ficers, assistance Chiefs'and members of said fire department as may from time to time be provided for by the Board of .Trustees. Section 2. The members of the fire department shall hold monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month. The Trustees of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District shall before the second Monday of May of each year appoint one Fire Chief and one Assistant Fire Chief, and the members of the fire department shall on the second Monday of May elect such other officers and assistant chiefs as may have theretofore been provided for by the Board of Trustees, and eaeh such officer so elcctcd shsl! hold office for cr.e year, former home, where services were held at 2:30 in a chapel at 2800 Belmont avenue. The burial was in Acacia Park cemetery. Surviving are two sons and a daughter, George F., and Frank L. Haas, Mrs. Margaret H. Johnson, and fire two sisters, Mrs. Katie Prescott and Fire , Mrs. Louise Schoepf. Mrs. Haas, past worthy matron of Batavia Eastern Star chapter, was a grand lecturer of the O. E. S., and made many visits to the various chapters in the valley. J.ICHTINC AND RELIGHTING! STAII ClIMIINC I LUKEWARM WATER I IKi? ANNOUNCE CARNIVAL DATE The carnival and chicken dinner >t St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21. Rev. John L. Daleiden is pastor of the church. W Marguerite Freund, having completed her Junior year at Mount Mary college, Milwaukee, Wis., will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. She is majoring in French. After taking a few exams the lat- OVERNEATEI WATER j ' v*-' # How can you low? With this Minting offer yon need take nothing for granted but can prove every fact, every figure for yourself right in your own home. Here's how it works! We install a complete wpter heater or conversion unit for your present storage tank. You use It--test it--enjoy its carefree, convenient service for a full . 10 days. Then you check opetating costs on your gss btS and if you are noc^com^letely satisfied, we will refind tit payments made m tie new unit and remove it at mtr expense! You risk nothing . . . and your decision is final. Honestly, now, can you beat that for fairness? Why not act on this offer at onoe..rStart to enjoy the comfort and convenience of instant hot water, always oo tap? Wt cmvtrt yur tld ttmgt tmmk tnn a. mtdern AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER FOR ONLY *28 CAaN «r n DOWN • n A HiNTa fear Ge» Mil (mil Mrryiag ehafft _li". - Car deferred payments). II IT'S CiiAM very ssiaate •dope aammMk Gq| water beting Acat* M0 to 300 wwr Gat fat (be mm pace )WM<ede»l Rdt pmrbadtrt mmdjmtt aimmt vmttr iiatrni. . . Sm ytmr pimmirr, tr subject to re-election end until his successor is duly elected and qualified, j varsity, Chicago, Angelo Unti will Section S. The JFire Chief shall,; enjoy the summer vacation in the upon taking office and not later than, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the regular meeting held on the sec-.Charles Unti. end Monday of June of each year,] " appoint such enginemen, laddermen, INal " • Mjk/

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