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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1940, p. 3

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^ftry p ^ ^ i f f f X ' * 1111 twfyg^^ '"~~~ '" " r """ "" ^~" £"'": *:~^~ ' --:•' ;" •" '-' • '•'•'"' - ^fr^,'•[*??%~ -? *v';7K* T8B MeHENRY PLAQVDEALEB RINGWOOD pr Hf :' ?# * i, safe"a1 ' . Mrs. F. A. Hitehens entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mrs. Libbie Ladd. , Mirfs Catherine Coyne spent Thursin Chicago. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson entertained tte Home Circle at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. A fine program was enjoyed in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent fednesday evening in the Matt Blake me at Crystal Lake. •' Patrick Coyne is spending the week Ijtre with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and •on, Dennis, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's father, Wm. £/;->• Beth. ^ / Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and ,, . family spent Sunday evening with the • j tatter's mother at McHetiry. The Young Adults group were en- <2^ _ ,v " tertained in the home of Alice Mae £ ? /i and Walter Low Thursday evening. '.lK'"'V .. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters entertainjf; - \ ed the five hundred club at their home m Ifet-'- hi-* W&'-- r'kin Harvard Thursday evening. Prises | helped Mrs. Hopper celebrate her were awarded to Mrs. F. A. Hitchens birthday. and B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh- C. Pearson. ter, Ruth, of Mundelein spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and!evening in the C. J. Jepson home. daughter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. Wm. Boehmke and baby son arrived home Monday from the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. August Montag and son, Charles, of Maywood, 111., were callers in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins last Sunday. Mr. Montag is the superintendent of the grade schools of Maywood township, and were members of Rev. Collins' congregation several years ago, at Shannon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mrs. James Bell were callers at Spring Grove Sunday afternoon; Walter Low and Herbert Loetcher spent from Thursday until Sunday and Laurence and Catiierine Kally, Mr. and Mrs. Kernin, Mrs. Maker, Harry Callahan, John Hicks, Cele Kell, Mr. and Mrs. Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Hannigan, Misses Ann and Mayme Crane, Irving Crane and Billie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Venable of Rockford and Mrs. Horton of Columbia, Missouri, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Venable Sunday. Mrs. Lavin and Mrs. Diedrich visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pazdernick of Hayward» Wis., for a few days last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Sunday were Mrs. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Filiphki and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, all of Chicago. Miss J. Bis and Stanley Mazurek of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sansone for the weekend. Mrs. Sansone and sons ¥ : & M: FrLSat., July 21- Amy and Carol Harrison spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston spent the weekend in the home of her parent^, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. .Roland McCannon and family spent Sunday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Duncombe and son, Kenneth, of Erie, Penn., Miss Mildred Moncries and Miss Clara Jenkins of Nashville, Tenn., and Ray Colemborth of Chicago spent Friday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. David McCannon of Algonquin is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained about thirty relatives Sunday j have moved out to their home to honoring the birthdays of C. L. Har- spend the summer. rison and son, Frank, and Mrs. Geor- j Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough and with the latter s parents at Medford,, g.ja Harrison. Those to attend were baby son have moved here from Maus- Wis. ^ _ J Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and ton, Wis. They are renting a home Miss Marion Peet of X3gin spatit j family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs- Wm. owned by Mr. ^tnd Mrs* Mackey at the weekend with her parents, Mr. j Wurtzinger and family and Mrs. > Lily Lake. and Mrs. Charles Peet. j Qeorgie Harrison and daughters, Mrs. A. Schroeder, Mrs. Henrkks Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and j olive and Bernice, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Nemes of Chicago daughter, Bernice, spent Thursday in . an(j ]^rg Clayton Harrison, Mr. and j visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Kyle Hopper home in Chicago and: jurs_ Roy H&rrisQn and family and J. Wrnblewski Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and fam- j Mr. and Mrs. Emil Swanson and ily. | family of Chicago visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. C.' J. Jepson and of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert daughter, Virginia, were visitors in Swanson Friday. the Mrs. George Jepson home at Wau- Mr. and Mrs. S. R. DePuye and jconda Wednesday afternoon. 'children, Phyllis, Stover, Delores, Bfl- Ralph Smith and sons, Billy and lie, and Pat Lester and Mrs. J. Cusick. Arnold, of Harvard spent Sunday With | all of Chicago visited the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith. Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Wampool. who have spent the last month in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins, returned to their homes in Ohio with friends who came for them the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal and daughter, Marie, of Oak Lawn and Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce of Wau- Mrs. Wm. Negri of Chicago spent kegan were Saturday evening guests Wednesday night in the Roy Neal,of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case. home and attended the graduation ex- | The Volo Cemetery Society met at wises at Woodstock and saw LeRoy. the home of Mrs. Jay Vasey Thurs- Neal graduate. Mrs. Roy Neal re-1 day afternoon. Nine tables of aucturned home with them and attended tion five hundred and airplane bunco the wedding of her nephew in Chicago | were played. Prizes were awarded on Saturday. She returned home Sun- to Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Lloyd Edday. I dy, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. Charles Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crys- j Dalvin, Mrs. Rose Dunnell and Ellen tal Lake spent Sunday evening with j Hironimus. A delicious lunch was her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. served at the close of the afternoon. W. Smith. I Community Night was held at the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family Volo public school Friday evening, attended the silver wedding anniver- Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake callsary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tonyan Sunday. 'Bacon Saturday. t Miss Virginia Jepson who has been | The Wauconda - Volo 4-H cjub met attending Cornell college at Mtr.,Ver- at the home of Harry Case Tuesday on, Iowa, returned home for the sum- evening with their instructor, James mer. , Davis. Robert Dressell gave a very Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and fam- interesting talk on "Fitting a Calf for ily visited friends at Fox Lake Sun- | Show." Robert Dunker also gave a day afternoon. • 9 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coles of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and An Invitation To You ., * The people of McHenry and vicinity are cordially iiivited to call and see the famous Mann-Van Steen Peony Collection including the newest'domestic and imported varieties.. > See BOSS AMERICA v AVE MARIA --r^r? WHITE GOLJl vT and others of our magnificent new originations which are sensational. A magnificent dislay of the world's fiaest peonies. ' NOW IN BLOOM Height of Season -- June 15 to June 25 ----~-- Cot Flowers ... best peonies 35c per dozen Van Steen Peony Farm Route U. S. 14, the Northwest Highway, y2 mile northwest of Crystal Lake, Illinois Dosch, Friday. YOLO Sun We will sell the famous 4.75 - 5.00x19 54$ - 5.50x17 6.00x16, STANDARD GUM-DIPPED TIRE itt the following prices: ^ ^ former Price SstfeTPrice $8.60 9.75 „... 10.65 Other files priced in proportion! *5.84 6-70 7.25 39-plate Battery, as low as *3.95 Walter J. Freund Phone 294 Tire md Tube Vulcanising, Battery Charging and Repairing West McHenry talk on "Fitting a Beef Calf for Show." Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, family spent Sunday evening in the, The club will meet at the home of Ray Merchant home. Wayne and Warren Pankonin Tues- Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Sibre day evening, July 2. Whiting attended the graduation exer-) Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher is. on the cises at St. Therese's hospital at Wau- sick list at this writing. Q j kegan last Tuesday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crys- son, Jackie, of Grayslake spent Tuestal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Edward day evening at the home of Mr. and Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday even- Mrs. Herman Dunker. / ing in the Mrs. Geo. Harrison home.! Mrs. Etta Converse is spending a The Sewing Circle will meet with few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKelvey at Greenwood Friday, j Mrs. Earl Converse at Slocums Lake. June 21. James Davis, Wayne and Warren Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin and Pankonin, Robert Dresell* Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Mrs. Howard Anderson and daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy Gloria Jean, and Mrs. George Scheid, and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whit-' Jr.. and daughter, Lillian, called on the^ Harrison j Richard Fisher Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell are ! the proud parents of a son born Wed- ! nesday, June 12, at the Elizabeth |Condell hospital in Libertyyille. The 'little lad will answer to the name Auction Sale and Grand Opening of the new State line SaleS Barn on U. S. 12 east of Gei^oa City, Wis. Friday Night, June 28 at 7 p.m., Central Standard Time FRE£ DANCE AND DRINKS --•--The largest sale ever held at the State Line! ing and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes enjoyed a picnic near schoolhouse Sunday. Last Sunday, June 16, Rev. and Mrs. Collins entertained their entire family Thomas Charles and some other guests at noon dinner | Clarence Grabbe of Crystal Lake and for the afternoon In recognition of called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. their forty-eighth wedding anniver- j Walter Vasey Saturday evening. sary and the birthdays of several1 Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake apent members of the family, whose natal Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. day happens to fall in the month of Herman Dunker. June. Beside the host and hostess I Mrs. Leslie Davis of Slocums Lake there were present: Mr. and Mrs. 'called her sister, Mrs. Richard Frank Collins, their two daughters, with Messrs. Roger Emerson and Milton Koopf, of Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. on Dowell, Friday. Elmer Boucher pf Libertyville spet a few days here at the home of stration at the Lake County Home Bureau office at Grayslake Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr.,. in Wauconda Friday. ® Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers, Mrs. A. E. Singer and son, Leland, of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Fisher Monday. Mrs. M. Vanrdale is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank King. Mrs. Vanrdale suffered with a heart attack Friday. A McHenry physician is caring for her at this writing. McCULLOM LAKE Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winkrantz Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. Chick and son, Mrs. B. Hoban and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lauch of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. S. Plunkett and son spent the weekend at their cottage with callers from Chicago. Mrs. Friberger of Libertyville spent Friday with Mrs. Winkrantz. Being a beautiful June weekend, the following owners of cottages were out or had callers: Mr. and Mrs. White, Miss R. Hajjedom, Mr. and Mrs. Mayday and visitor, Mrs. Englesoll and family, Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pitzaferro, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pitzaferro and Mr. and Mrs. Rochelle. Sunday visitors at McKim's were Miss C. O'Connor, Bud Ponds, Mr. and Mrs. Noreen Scanlon and Mr. and Mrs. G. Boyle, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Flower of Villa Park were also callers. Mr. Isen, father of Mrs. Joseph Bald, i passed away Sunday *t his home in Chicago. Our sympathy to Mrs. Bald. Visitors at the home of Joseph Creek recently were Ruth Johnson and Hubert Jackson, Bill Creek and friend, Doris, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boss of Berwyn were Sunday guests at the home of Arthur Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Carus and children of Chicago. Mrs. Danielson is spending the summer here from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. filter are spending' two weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lind and family of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Passeneau spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle. Among other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pietsch, and Mrs. Danielson and daughter, Jean Marie. Weekend guests at the jStuhlfeier home were Ramon Padilla, a radio star from New Orleans; Mr. and Mrs. Lasaro Rangel and daughter, Rosit4 J. M. Rivera, Chicago; Mr. and Mm. Benny Gates, L. Wolf*, Herbic Hang and son, Herbie, Forest Park; Mrft T. Vincneio, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrat, E. D. Ordorieo, Mexico City. TTie laW ter is a sister-in-law of the lata' Frank Sarabia, aviator, who was killed a year ago at Washington while o« " a flight to Mexico. Allan McKim entertained three o| his classmates at his home last Thurs day. They were Rudolph and Hen." bert Johnson of Pistakee Bay and Dick Hayes. In the afternoon Mrs. PiritjK.' of McCollum Lake, her sister-in-law from Wonder Lake, and Mrs. Whita' Wfm eallers at the McKim hopa, kli jVoatea's Medical CaUeg* Thirty-one new students havw been admitted to the ninetieth coli lege year of the Women's Medical college of Philadelphia. It is th®. world's oldest institution for thet training of women physicians.,, W. A. Collins and two sons, of Beloit, IMr- and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell recently Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and two daughters, of Arlington Heights; The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins, of Chi-,Mrs- Frank Arney Wednesday aftercago; Mrs. Amy Wampool, of Van- noon- The major lesson on "Sponge dalia, Ohio; Mrs. Winona Frank, of Cakes," and the minor lesson on Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Frostings" was given by our home Warner, of Middletown, Ohio; Miss advisor, Mrs. Volk. This lesson was Betty Smith, of Vandalia, Ohio. Dur- very interesting to all members, ing the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gil-1 Plans were made for all members to bert Jones and Walter Winn of Spring attend the annual garden party which Grove called to renew old acquaint- wil1 be held at the Lasker estate at ance. This is an annual event in the Half Tuesday, June 26. Refresh- Collins home a ? . 50 choice Holstein and Guernsey Cows from Barron county, the best cattle country of Wisconsin. Certified on the blood and can go anywhere. $5,000 worth of new and used machinery consisting of: 2 tractors; 3 mowers; 2 loaders; 2 manure spreaders; 3 plows; 5 side rakes; 2 grain binders; Allis-Chalmers combine, like new; Hammermill, like new; 2 28-in. threshersi, like new; plenty of new hardware of everyday use sold regardless of price. $1,000 worth of household furniture, beds, tables, chairs, radios, dresRers, ice boxes, stoves, dishes, electric lamps, two rifles and whatever you rHay need in home furnishings. * 1 - Terms: One-quarter down--balance 3% interest- Thorp Finance, Clerks. ^Norm Christensen, Auctioneer ---- Free dailCe and drinks STATE UNE HORSE AND CATTLE MARKET Genoa City, Wisconsin -£ before you buv Vour hay tools Wie will give the best and most for vouf money. We carry a full line of parts for Emerson, Rock Island/fkWtvo Qoee 'machinery. One day service on all parts. When better quality is found ... Case will have it! Free Dance and Drinks--A Good Time for Old and Young LILY LAKE ments were served at the close of a very interesting meeting. Mr. and. Mrs. William Van Natta of Crystal Lake were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Robert Dunker, Harry Case, Robert The seventh bunco and card party Dresell, Wayne and Warren Pankonin of the P.-T. A. was held at Mrs. H. and James Davis Ynotored to Cham- Glicks' home. Lovely prizes were won paign Thursday. The above mentionby Mrs. G. Nielsen, Orrabelle Bettray ed boys took place in the state judgand Mrs. Beisacker. Coffee and cake 1 ing contest at the University of Illiwas served and a lovely time was had nois. Friday. by all. The eighth bunco and caH I Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenpary of the P.-T. A. was held at Mrs. neth Lee, and Mrs. Charles Rossman W. Einspar's with Mrs. M. Freund as were Crystal Lake callers Saturday hostess. Lovely prizes were won by evening. Mrs. G. Nielsen, Mrs. Geo. Wegener j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser enterand Mrs. F. E. Weiler. Coffee and tained relatives and friends at their cake was served. The ninth party will home Sunday evening in honor of be at Mrs. W. Einspar's home on Wed- 'their nephew, Frank Kaiser, Jr., who nesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., June graduated from the St. Peter's par- 26. Come one, come all! Little Claude McDermott celebrated his thii4d birthday Thursday afternoon, June 13. Ice cream, cake, cookies and other goodies were served to ochial school. The following students graduated from the St. Peter's parochial school at the exercises at the Grant Township High School Sunday evening: the little guests. Many gifts wer» | Helen Brown, Marie Dietrich, Estella receive^. Those present were Kath-, Thennes, Louise Wagner and Frank leen Klabough, Bill and Jerry Peschke,' Kaiser, Jr. Frank Kaiser, Jr., was Lois Swanson, Jerry Einspar, Orra valedictorian of the 1940 class. Belle Bettray, Ted Budil and Bobby Don't forget that the Winens. A triple birthday party was cele- Volo Bible Sunday School is giving an ice cream social Tuesday evening at the Volo brated at the home of Hubbel and [ school starting at 7:30 o'clock in the Brady Saturday evening, June 15, in evening. A three-act pantomine will honor of the birthday anniversaries of i be given by the ladies of the Sunday Viola Brady, Mrs. Heleif Robinson and] school at 9:00 o'clock. Many special Lucille Riiey. Games, singing and songs will be sung and there will be dancing were ejoyed by all the guests.1 no charges for admission. A lovely lunch was served at midnight which included three birthday cakes. About twenty-five guests were present as follows: Mary and Grace Hubbell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady, Jim COOL, COMFORTABLE ghmttfl 8tockU|. liide of dak •Ives yott •uppoit And tbhe4attm's --yat Mk Jffr* Aw ftaif flraaer •"!** SEwr" nora urwi der wQr hoae. or < other hoae. Thty can be Unadntd frequently, too. without loaing their ah«pr. Ask yourjlocto^atKMjt Better fc Black ' BOLQER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 - Green Street When better ges t» Ml, Buick owners buy HI Among Bnick-owneri tl score is more than 2 to 1 p favot of Standard, accord int to an independent sur* vey! 1660 Buick owners were asked, "What gasoline did you purchase last time?" 461 of them named Scandard.wjufe only 182 named tfef gasoline* Midwttttn gastliat favoriie iolds double lead over "mmer-op" 2 tM ae* of tC? 1 ' When onebrandof gasolineleaves more than 100 others * trailing; j; Man, that's news! • It tells you just one thing about that gasoline: It must be good! "that's not Surprising, either. Take Red Crown's famous high- 1 strung power, plus its low cost per mile, and combine Mhose qualities with its high anti-knock, and you'll see why Red Crown is midwestern champion for sweet-riding thrifty performance. •Try a tankful today. STANDARD SERVICE SMri Oil makss 3 fiss (sssMsss priosd to aaR your p«rM M bm . . l*|utar~prKl4 •if* Based 00 latest available state tax ibd inspection data Ea|ar a WaWaasI Cradit Carlf Affly It any Standard OU f S T A N D A R D O I L D E A L E R S 9 «• «• * PICNIC Ifjniere everybody has a good time and this year joa ar« sure to have even a better one than before! Dancing to the music of a fine !• % ^R(any beautiful booths for your entertainment. Roast Chicken Dinner" . SUPPER WILL ALSO BE SERVED AT A MODERATE PRIOE Qome early and stay late for there will bo »in<r ail the tisae! . . Mrs. M. Vanrdale of DesPlaines is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank King. Mrs. Alvin Case, daughter, Mary I A Ida, Mrs. Herman Dunker and Ar-| •Ilia Fjsher attended a 4-H demon

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