•srm $$zrmggw$ -';*h'- £"" ?£x&?".**<*!# Ver'WW -$r®m ,vWj <?&<, 4 Thursday, Jane 27,1H9* RINGWOOD 7 l The Scotch Bridge club journeyed • ! s; . t6 Harvard Wednesday afternoon and surprised Mrs. Ray Peters. Bridge was played with prizes awarded to i% Mrs. Cristy and Mrs. Neal. K Mrs. S. W. Brown and Helen Ruth 1 Butler were visitors in Chicago Wed- & ,-'r aesday. Mrs. EdgaraThomas entertained the iBunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low. Mrs. Wm. McCannon fr- %nd Mrs. Lester Carr. The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. McKelvey at Greenwood Friday. $>M.: Mrs. Patrick Coyne entertained Mrs. Balph Simpson and son, Dennis, of ^ Crystal Lake, Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter, Susan, of Chicago, Mrs. Jt. Remer and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. George Shepard to luncheon on Wednesday. * Wayne Foss vas t visiter St Burlington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and &mily of Chicago spent Sunday evenin the S.'W. Smith home. •J Joyce Weber of McHenry spent Wednesday and Thursday with her frandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick fyung. ' ' Howard Buckland is a patient at the ^ianesville hospital. . Martin Thompson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Patrick Coyne home with his wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Anderson of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Patrick Coyne home. Clyde Hobart of Libertyville is visiting in the D. Hall home. Miss Bernice Smith is attending summer school at DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Dimon and fAmily ©I Ostend spent Sunday in the Dick Ols o n h o m e . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkmgton were Sunday supper guests of her father at Greenwood. _ , Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Frey, and family at Blue Island. Roy Hobart of Woodstock spent Sunday in the D. L. Hall home. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Ray Peters July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon have purchased the F red Walker home and moved there Friday. ^ George Bacon of Antioch spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. . . , , " Mrs. Will Hettdrickson and daughter and Mrs. Eva Perkins of Richmond spent Thursday with Mrs. Jer nie Bacon. • j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Urbana and Mrs. McGill and W'-' Big 4th of July Tire Sale! FRESH FACTORY STOCK TIRES Here's the famous Firestone Convoy Tire -- built with patented Firestone Gum-Dipped cord body--feelling at amazingly low prices!' Why take a chance with off-brand tires of unknown make, carrying neither the manufacturer's name nor his guarantee? The Firestone Convoy Tire is priced as low or lower and a written lifetime guarantee. Let us replace your smooth tires today with a -©ftmpletfi set at the following prices: FIRESTONE CONVOYS 4.75 and 5.00x19 15-84 5.25 and5.50x17 .^r - 7-23 6.00x16 .1^.. - J 1--7-77 FIRESTONESTANDARDS 4.40 and 4.50x21... >^Llfe.58 5.25 and 5.50x18 ;. 7 IB «.95 6.00x16 ^ 7.77 • Tire prices are positively going up on July 1st, but these prices will prevail on tires now in stack until after the 4th. 39-plate $attery, m tew aa., 43-98 fire and Tube Vulcanising; Battery Phone 294 -- ' W e s t M c H e n r y son of Vernon, Texas* were supper guests Sunday evening in the C. J. Jepson home. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon attended the funeral of Mrs. Woodford at Delavan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Eppel of Ostend were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon. ( Loren McCannon is attending Boys' State at Springfield this week. , Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Rogers Park, Myrtle Wagner and Will Glawe of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the R. C. Harrison home. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Thursday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. freshments were served at the close of the ayging. The club will meet at the ImhSFof Marion Wirt* Thursday evenfc*, July ii- Mrs. 11. VanArsdale passed away Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank King. Funeral sel l loss were held at the home of her son, Lee VanArsdale, at Des- •PJaines Friday. Burial took place in the family iot at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. •Henry Wegener and family attended the ninth annual black and white day at Hawthorn farms at Libertyville on Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and Thursday. son, Loren, atteded the Gratton-Mouel- j The Wauconda-Volo 4-H club placed ler wedding at Greenwood Wednesday' second in the judging contest at the evening. Mrs. McCannon played and ninth annual black and white day. Loren sang. * The following members were also Mrs. Roy Neal visited friends at awarded ribbons: Shirley Ann Dunk- Wonder Lake Wednesday evening. (er, blue ribbon and white ribbon; Rita Mrs. Harry Anderson and sons of "Wegener, red ribbon; Arvilla Fisher, Richmond spent Tuesday with Mrs. j blue ribbon and white ribbon; Marion Jennie Bacon. i Wirtz, two blue ribbons; Robert Dunk- Mrs. Lloyd Smith and son of Park er, two blue ribbons, and Raymond Ridge were visitors in the B. T. But- Wegener, one blue ribbon. ler and S. W, Smith homes Sunday. The Ringwood unit of Home Bureau will hold a weenie roast at Clinton Martin's Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melviri Wagner, Mrs. Louis Abendroih and Mrs. Mildred Mun&hau of Elgin spent Tuesday with Mrs, Jennie Bacon. John and Bernice Smith spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurttinger and Bernie Joseph Wegener, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Wegener, underwent« serious operation at Elizabeth Gondell hospital in Libertyville Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey, son, Kenneth Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duker and daughter and G. A. Vasey attended the Wright family reunion at BarrevilJe Sunday. William R&dke and grandson of Chid& ughters of Woodstock spent Sun- cago visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher day in the Lonnie Smith home. Those from the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau to attend the Victory luncheon at Coral Monday, June 17, were Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, Mrs. Fred Eppel, Mrs. W. B. Harrison, Mrs. Robert Howe and Mrs. R. C. Harrison. All enjoyed a lovely luncheon after Sunday. Miss Bessie Florence Boucher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher of Libertyville, became the bride of Mr. Carl Thorsell Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and which everyone participated in the son, James, of Crystal Lake were quiz program which caused much mer- J Sunday evening guests of Mr. and riment All are hoping to be in the Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Victory luncheon in Ten out of Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monsixteen units got their quota this year, day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Antone Freund Richard Dusil at Berwyn. were unable to attend. * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and Roy Wiedrich and family are mov- gon, Kenneth Lee, and G. A. Vasey ing from Richmond into the Mrs. Jen- were JVoodstock callers Saturday, nie Bacon house. * Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm and Lynn Hanford of Chicago spent Fri- daughter visited Bruno Grimelli at day night in the S. W. Smith home. I Rhinelander, Wis., Wednesday. Miss Muriel Jean Butler is spending j Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta of ,Chithe week in the Ray Merchant home, cago, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruppa of . Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago, Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. James Dusil, spent the weekend in the S. W. Smith j Mr. and Mrs. Franks Dusil and Mr. and home. j Mrs. Frank Sirovatka of Berwyn were Quite a few from here attended Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and the recital at Woodstock Monday Mrs. Frank St. George. evening. v j Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wau- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connel of Chi- conda called at the home of Mrs. Pearl cago spent Sunday in the S. W. Smith Dowell Wednesday. home. | Miss Ada Dowell accompanied Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Alda Smith to LaCrosseJ Wis., Tuesson. Howard, spent Sunday with her day. They will spend a few days there mother at McHenry. ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Frank Buchert of Richmond Stewart. sons, Robert and Lyle, were callers on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Beefllein near Crystal Lake. Mrs. Boeslein is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. L Drom and two children and William Darrell and two children of Wauconda were callers Sunday evening at the hone of Willard Darrell. Mrs. C. H. Hansen was a caller at McIJenry Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lueder and two children of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. C. H. Hansen was a caller in Chicago Monday morning. McCOLLUM LAKE spent* Wednesday (with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. * VOLO tion is .Known by the World." Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family were Elgin businesi callers Saturday. The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club members tnet at the home of their leader, Mrs. Alvin Case, Wednesday. Mrs. Volk, our , ^^pe edvispr, was present st this meetmi?. ' * \ Arvilla Ann Fisher, daughter of | a very pretty wedding took place Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, captured at St. Peter's church Wednesday first prize for showmanship at the morning at 9 o'clock, when Miss Genninth annual black and white day* at evieve Wright, daughter of Mr. and Hawthorn fartns at Libertyville on Mrs. Clyde Wright became the bride Thursday. Arvilla is eligible to enter cf Mr. Joseph Wiser, Jr., son of Mr. thft state black and white day at and Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Sr. The Rev. I Modseheart, III., July 6. [George Scharke, pastor of St. Peter's Mr. and Mrs. Alvin*Case and faAtt- church, celebrated the 9 o'clock nupily and Richard Fishfer -attended the tial mass A-reception was held at Canton Swiss day at Sycamore, 111., j the home of the groom's parents. Mr. Thursday. and Mrs. Wiser will'make their home The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club met here after a short honeymoon trip, at the home of Bonnie'Vasey Wednes-1 Congratulations are extended to this day evening With nme members and happy couple. four visitors present. Helen LaCroix I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mr. gave a very interesting talk on "Tjim- J and Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Mr. and Mrs. mings for Dresses." Bonnie Vasey Alex Tough, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Billspoke on "Caring for Dresses." Mar- jng, Mr. and Mrs. Chick Barth and Mr. ion Wirtz gave a reading, "Declara-(and Mrs. Frank St. Geoge attended Re- the Democatric rally at the Bon Air club at Wheeling Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Dunbar of Chicago were callers at the W. Barber home Sunday. Mrs. George Schubert entertained the members of the Ben Hur chapter, N. 401, Order of the Eastern Star, last Friday. The guests were as follows: Anna Jorgensen, Frances Lange, Lena Frisbie, Allie Dietz, Worthy Matron of the Acme chapter, and Carl Lang*, Fast Patron of the Ben Hur chapter. Mrs. Henry Green and daughters, Maxine and Luella, are spending the summer at McCollum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Oliie Smile and Mr. and Mrs% Charles Timm of E vat is ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of«Chicago are spending a two weeek vacation at Mc(k>llum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Riter and sob* Robert, of McCollum Lake have just returned from a fishing trip in the northern part of Wisconsin.^ Jake says fishing was very good up there. Mrs. M. Bowler and daughter, Dorothy, of McCollum Lake entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Thompson and daughters, Arlene and Elaine, who are)1 spending the summer here, visited i£t Berwyn several days recently. The following spent the weekend at McCollum Lake: Mr. and Mrs. Bald and daughters, Lorraine and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Pitzaferro and daughter, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Fido, Mr. aaA Mrs. Greenwood and daughters, Marian and Katherine, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and daughter, Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Scharf, Burton Maclntyre, Frank Ritzer, Mr. and Mrs. O. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Guth, Mr. and Mrs. Allan and daughter, Ruth, and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Makofski and daughter, Elfrieda, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Pieotrouiski and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Marwego, Mr. and Mrs. Elprton, Mr. and Mrs. Matter, Mr. and Mrs Stenzel, Mr. Wolf ar*d friend, Mr. anid Mrs. Robert Wondrick, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. Schramm and family. Miss Anne Schroll of Chicago is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. E. Schroll. Miss^Earlene Smith of Iowa spent a week with her uncle land aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber. Mrs. E. Sihroll entertained her sister ' and brother-in-law of Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs.*Ned Bourelle spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hettermann of Johnsburg were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bouirelle Monday evening. Darlene, Mattoon are spending a few day* in the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Miss Frances Michels called on Mrs. John M. Pitsen Monday evening. Henry Sompel was a Chicago>caller Friday. Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday afternoon. John M. Pitsen spent a few days in Springfield, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Weitl of St. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago and Jacob Miller of Zenda, Wis., attended the wedding of Rita Ifeeund and LeRoy Milter here Wednesday. Mm. Frank Klapperich, Mrs. Darrell Kirk and daughter and Miss Pauline Bode were Woodstock callers on Wednesday. Mrs. Rose Hoffine and children of Genoa, Wis., called on her sister, Mrs*^- Qswge King, Saturday. Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers asji son, LeRoy, were Waukegan callers • Thursday evening. Mrs. Math Millenback of Iowa ijjp spending a few days with relative* and friends here. ; Mrs. Martha Freund and daughter^ of Woodstock spent Sunday in thf home of her mother, Mrs. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling Woodstock callers Saturday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund were Chi» K cago callers Saturday evening. jv; Although stray cows are rare if:' Easthampton, Mass., the town still aWf' points field drivers to round them ape Now an honorary position, the job wa>f once much sought after. V Having paid an assessment of |46||. for improvement of the highway itt front of his home, Samuel Swerdon of Fair Lawn, N. J., built a barricade and attempted to collect ten cent|| from motorists who tried to pass.' THIS WEEK ONLY 23* set lor 39c Mrntm Weekly Special! 5-pc. Tray and Coaster Set OF UNMATCHED QUALITY ft Smart and practical for gifts and prizfeb Ideal for supper and luncheon serving. Beautiful crystalline finish. Rigid metal construction, alcohol-resisting varnish, smooth edges. Set includes i tray, 4 coasters. Choice of 2 designs. Assorted cok>H3 Orange, Aqua Green, Cream.' L I M I T f i E T S TO A CUSTOMSk HOT WEATHER BARGAIHS, U'J sU $2.19 ea. $1.98 set 5c »a. , 49c ei. JOHNSBURG .i $ 'V * "The Best for OPEN TWIN T Y - F 0 U EH OURS 9 ALL TAX INCLUDE!* 0m Regular, gal 15^ ALL TAX INCLUDED Econo, gaL 14f#c SLOCUM'S LAKE Miss Julia Thelen of Chicago called on her mother one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer of. Twin Lakes, Wis., spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,J. Freund. Mrs. Darrell Kirk and daughter, Modern, streamlined Genuine hard maple; 8" Deluxe non-oKtllat'g. Chrome blades. Black body and base, finish, u-in. bowl. Pyrex quality. Round shaped cus- Caliente fesdve cdU acid resisting. Bcauti- tard cups.Detp 5-oz. ors. Mod. design, aM fully dec'rtd crackle capacity.The famous qt. size with ice lip. New reduced price. Shower 98c 11. PJEP-UP--connect to a garden hose, hang any place. Made of brass; nickel plated. Reclining Chair 98c ii. Etyoy s cpsibrceze, when you ptoses., and easy comfort ia a new Reclining Chair. Strong, durable varnished wood frame, attractive painted canvas covers. Fly SWattor 9* II. Assorted wire dijfk blades, 4KX7K ia. Bindings harmoaiae with gripe. 34 is* WM. H. ALTHOFF HOWL Phdiie 284 West Mcttrary ALL TAX INCLUDED No. 1 Kerosene -10d Per gaL TELEPHONE 240 WEST McHENBY mm .,4 fktv*- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Mrs, Etta Converse were business callers at Woodstock last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Jennie, were callers at Waukegan on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers at McHenry last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and son, Gerald, and guest, Miss Donnt Mae Obenauf, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner near Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner were callers at McHenry Saturday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree of Cary were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Wednesday afternoon. Marlett Henry, Jr., spent Saturday at the home of Donald Amundsen in Chicago. I Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Waucoiida were eallers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Willard Darrell last Wednesday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gruebe and son, Wslter, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey and children of Waukegan spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta and daughter, Norene, and son, John, of Elgin spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. <3. J. Burnett. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Olive, and grandson, Oliver, were callers at Barrington Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Webster of Chicago spent the weekend at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier and daughters, Jane and Betty, of Barrington spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. M. Van Deusen is spending a j few weeks with friends in Chicago. i * Miss Donna Mae Obenauf of Libe^-' tyville spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. C. H. Hansen spent last Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. arid MrS. Harry Matthews and t PICNIC •Where everybody hu a good time and this year you are rare to have evtn a bettor one than before! Strmla^ June 3(k i f T • i T T f T T T Dancing to tte mu»ic of a fine biuid. Many beautiful booths for your entertainment Tmmm Roast Chicken Dinnef 'f UPPER WILL ALSO BE SERVED AT A MODERATE PRICE early and stay late for there will bo something doing all the time! % ..s-; T-V --rfl