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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1940, p. 6

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:*& :• V'.- •lAfig* „ * " _ , < - - . - ' / t , v . " ' ~ v - . " • / ; « . < 1 "r,,V 4 ^ N < 7 ' I1 /« #"" « y \ » •* . '< *<• ».v .' ^ , f " ^ t I . «• " :*?• • • AMAZE A MINUTE 8C1ENTIFACTS BY ARNOLD •:» T IP^IIv. ;.- i ;?£:! BLACKBERRY PESTIN NEW ZEALAND, WHERE BLACKBERRY BUSHES Wj 1 WITH THEIR THORNS ARE PLANT R " * f PESTS, A, SI-NGLE BUSH IS EXTENDED 25O MILES. M BRAILLE WRITING to one of his benefactors and said: are in having a cannon to polish--one rfI am sorry hat INne got to leaf* bought, ft&id for and maintained by •jou fellows." | someone else. They don't realize that I "Why Joe? That's too bad. Is this only is possible under the Amer- [there anything wrong?" the friend i »can Way and that under some other •inquired • or economic system, the "No," replied Joe, Tve managed to chances are **>' would not be polishlave a bit of money out of the wages you fellows have paid me--I've bought t cannon of my own and I'm going into business for myself." Rather a silly story, isnt it? Rath- *r_a] stupid fellow,..this Joe Doakes! NoTlsfyiart enough to realize the philnnthrojpy of his friends, Joe came to the (conclusion that his benefactors Somehow or another, were making themselves rich at his expense. Just llBw, he didn't know but one thing he was sure of and that was that they were not entitled to it. Unfortunately this country has too ^any counterparts of Joe Doalces -- men who delude themselves into believing that the boss is just a lucky 4<stiff" who by some sort of accident or trickery has gotten into apposition Of responsibility and authority. These Joe Doakes either are not smart enough to realize or refuse to understand that invested capital is entitled to a fair return, that the men who successfully are managing businesses, large and small, and who BRAILLE WRITING-, tOR THE BLtNO HAS BEEN EXTENDEO TO INCLUDE 1 Nf < lit'! Syndicate--WNU LINE 0RAWJNGS.' PHOSPHATES ASSUREDDEVELOPMENT OF THE FLOTATION METHOD ASSURES AMERICAN FARMERS OF$UFFI- : IENT PHOS PMAf IS, FOR NEXT joo YEARS. . WORD FROM CALIFORNIA The following letter from Vincent Wirfs was addressed to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs of McHenry. Vincent, who is employed by the John J. Barnes company, a machine factory at Rockford, recently Hew by plane to California. * 1314 W. Garvey Blvd. El Monte, Calif. July 7, 1940. Dear Parents, Again I atn a long way fwmi htrme and although it was a long grind, we surely had a swell flight to California. Hope you all feel okey. It sure is hot out here; it gets around 90 to 96 degrees but cools off in the evening. I have been working very hard and it looks as though business will keep up that way. The company has rented a car for me to take to work and ( so that I can get the things that I [hereby are giving employment to oth- j need. • ers, are entitled to compensation com- We were flying fourteen hours, havtko aamu'ia t.Wpu n- fng landed at 2;50 a: m., Wednesday. The meals and everything on the plane were excellent. We saw the remains of the awful storm in Oklahoma; water was standing everywhere. The air was plerity rough too. We had to fly at about seven thousand ing cannons--they wpuld be fodder lor them. Stand*?, July II, 19*0 Twic« T t l i Tale* «f hUMl Taksn Pfewa m nee ef of Tmr Age SIXTY YEAllS AGO .KILLING GOOSE THAT LAYS GOLDEN EGGS ^ « " by George Peck Doakes wasn't a bad 'sort of c&ap-- all his friends liked him but regretted that nature had failed to endow him with his fair share of brains. Poor Joe! He found it difficult even to eke out an existence. A group of his friend® came to his rescue. Each member of the group chipped in a dollar per week to give to Joe. So that he would not consider himself an object of charity, they bought a big brass cannon and told Joe his job was to keep that cannon polished. This was comparative opulence for Joe--he tackled his new job with vim and vigor and kept that old brass mensurate with the service they defin itely are rendering to society. It is these Joe Doakes who are certain the Capitalistic System »has outlived its usefulness and who vociferously demand that America aftandon its System of Free Enterprise and adopt one of the totalitarian systems.; feet throughout the whole trip. Because of their lack of ability or in dustry or thrift, they are envious of those who possess those desirable qualifications Not able to rise to a level above them, their ambition is to pull those above, down to their level--in other words, to apply the lawn - mower method of trimming everyone down to the same low stature. Yes, we have a lot of Joe Doakes cannon resplendently shined. After amon„g us--brass cannon polishers who lapse of several months, Joe came I don't know iust how lucky they really You will hear from me soon, but please write. . Your son, n VINCENT WIRFS. Weekend guests at the Harold Owen home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell of Chicago, C. St. Owen of Glencoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickow of McHenry. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Hie Plaindealer. HOLT NAME Have you examined that genuine imported kid glove at Fitzsimmons and Evanson's. Price 65 cents. Casper McOmber, of Chicago, paid his parents a visit the past week. , Mrs. Stegmann will accept the thanks of the editor and family for a very fine lot of turnips. The telephone fever has struck us at last. Our deputy postmaster has erected one from the postoffice to his residence. James B. Perry, Esq., one from the store to his residence, and we hear several others talking of erecting lines from different points, f FIFTY YEARS AGO A.1 J. Dickerson, who is employed at the Oatman factory in this village, has moved into the Mrs. L. A. Clark house. v Married--At Elgin, 111* on Wednesday, June 25th, 1890, by Rev. W. O. Sheppard, Charles A. Going, pf Chicago and Miss Mary Curry, of Fort Hill, Lake county. A small runaway on Monday monling created a riffle of excitement for a few minutes. No one hurt. We learn that Mrs. C. V. Stevens has received the appointment of postmaster at West McHenry, in place of her late husband. * SORTY YEARS A^ On .the Elgin board of trade Monday two lots of butter, aggregating ! 5,580 Ibs. were offered. The quota>- tion committee declared the market firm at 19 cents. The McHenry Military Band gave the second open concert of the season, in the park last Tuesday evening. The Lady Foresters served ice cream to the pleasure seekers. Mrs. William Huston will give an ice cream festival at her' home on Friday evening, for the benefit of the M. E. church. Let everyone turn out and enjoy a good dish of ice cream, and a pleasant social time will be thrown in. Simon Stoffel will give a reception to the old settlers and a dance to the young residents of McHenry county on Tuesday evening, in his hall. ffHIRTY YEARS. AGO S # The marriage of Miss Alma Tesch, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tesch of this place, to Mr. Wm. Riggs, of Kenosha, Wis., took place at Ken osha, Wis., on Wednesday of this week. Forty-five couples attended the dance at Stoffel's hall last Saturday night. W. C. Evanson now drives a beau tiful new four - passenger "Parry* touring car. He disposed of his Buick roadster. Ed Gay lord, who resides west of town, broke his arm during a wrest- 4ing exhibition at the Greenwood celebration on the Fourth. QABBY (JERTIE Vt, i 4 * •, "Modtri flappers kit* tkftt wfcsn a man suggests taking a bite neme- WHE?E it isn't always MI invitation to eat." ^DEIOHKER By John Harvey Fvrbay, PkD. A very popular idea is that greases or cold cream on the face will cause hair to grow faster there. Dr. Donald Laird has exploded this idea, along with many others about hair, and says that if it were true we would find jars of grease and cold cream in the desk drawers of many of our bald executives. Sunlight and ultra-violet ray lamps will apparently stimulate hair growth, Dr. Laird says--but greases do not. (Public Ledger--WNU Service.) MeHEMKT FLORAL 00 *; ttPhone 608-R-l LrC One Mile South of McHenrr 7 tr on Route SL J* , Flowers, for all occasions! • I - : - - J" ' • i Phone 41 • VEWIOH J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LA*- Pri« Bldf. ^ -•' **'OFFICE HOURS "?>v, ^heedays and Fridajif Other Days by McHenry - - i,*0gr,y PHONE Iff X-K*7 SktL NLJ-KSATUOI 2>ENTIST - Office Honrs »-ll ani l** Evenings by Appohtnwt Main 8treet W. McHenry A. P. Freund C«. Ezcavatiii^ Contractor Hydraulic andOraas Soryios --Road Building--- TtL 204-M - McHenry, Til Horses Wanted I B U Y OM and Disabled Hoi Pay from $5 to $14. -- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK / Phone 444 335 Hay ward Street Woodstock. I1L PIRK AUTO POCKET INTEREST TWENTY TEARS AGO It is now definitely decided that St. Patrick's parish of this place, will erect a new $75,000 church edifice. John H. Kennebec^, who resides on Maple ave., upon which all Lake Geneva bound cars must pass, in going through this village, just out of curiosity, as well as for pastime, counted the automobiles which passed his place on Monday afternoon, July 5, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8 p.m., and the total that evening found 925 cars had passed. Mrs. Fred Schneider has purchased the Huemann cottage on Court street, now occupied by Miss Maude Curr. The price of July milk is $3.20 per hundred pounds and the dairymen are once more wearing the sjnile of approval. , _2i" INSURANCE r££S EARL R. WALSI V _ . Presenting Reliable Coinpaniss When yen need insnflraee ef as ' Pfcene 43 er tl-M Pries Bldg. JtaHMfJ CASH TOR DEAD HORSES sod OATTLK Hones, $3.00; Om, $4.00; Bead Hogs and Sheep removed Dree! MIDWEST REMOVAL OO. Tel. Woodstock 1634-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charge* Telephone N*. 800 t J/ Stoffel A Reihansperger, Insurance agents for all classefc'- 4$ property hi the best tsnipnnMT WIST McHINRY ILLINOI This dusty rose jersey dress has two large pockets solidly inc rusted with yarn embroidery in sapphire blue, yellow, black and whiter It has a high, round neck and short sleeves. THEY'RE NOT SO MM* Time and Modern Dances DOOR PRIZE - • ^ ' v.', 35c Person A blitzkrieg in reverse! The centuries- old' cat-and dog conflict ends in an armistice as Buster, the dog, cuddies Dusty, the kitten. They're not such dumb animals after Read he Want Ads SAYS: Try adding chopped candffctf Jjlnger to the whipped cream or custard you fill your cream puff shells with. • • • JL tablespoon of lemon juice, added to the water in which eggs are poached, will make them firmer. * • • Add n few chopped raisins and brokep nutmeats to salad dressing or mayonnaise served ^with fruit salads. • • • Never allow silver spoons, stained with egg, to stand- Put into cold water to soak as soon as they are removed from the table. * • • f A simple Russian dressing is made by adding two tablespoons o< chili sauce and two tablespoons of finely chopped green peppers to onn cup of mayonnaise. • • « If your floors are worn and will not hold wax, try touching up the worn places with white shellac and then wax. The floors will be much improved by this treatment. (Associated Newspapers--WNU S«rviC«.) PETER PEEVE » #f -*rrrr S. H. Freund & Sot CONTRACTORS AND BUILDE R8 Phone 56-W McHenrj Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building Your Wants' Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge en Charles Street Sign Painting Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering ^ and Repairing 0KARLX8 R1KTK8XL KENT A OOMPAHT--' All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E !5»f. Placed with the most reliable . Companies (pk«e in and talk it ever Phone McHenry 8 X4tay DR. L. B. MURPHY Office Green Street McHenry, HL

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