C mnnrsday, Jnly 18,1910 .,..4 - H. RINGWOOD ft fe-. " Mrs. H. M. Stephenson entertained {he Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to lire. Jay Cristy and Mrs. Louis Hawfcy. • I J. C. Pearson with a party of friends, left Monday foe a fishing trip fb Lake Cheteck, Wis. jj The Biinc6 club held a pantry Khower for Mrs. Alan Ainger at her lome near Greenwood Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Edgar Thomas, Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Wm. McCannon. A pot luck lunch was served . She received many articles of food ior her pantry. 7 The Home Circle met at the home ef Mrs. Ray Peters at Harvard Wednesday. A one o'cloek luncheon was rved. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Van Atten td daughter, Mary Lee, o# Flint, ieh., spent from Tuesday until Friy morning in the George Shepard \r/ ; pi a. wokwiok ^ j " PHOTOGRAPH B® %ertrattare . CM 4- ' * Pl»t«fr»pliy - Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 27* -- KvenMe Drive McHENRY, ILL. f r '• ' Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- HETT'S SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - Power Shovel Service Mwer leveling and grading ; jkement mixers for rent * J. E. NETT ^lohnsimrg P. O. McHeary, m. home; Mrs. Grace Hackney, who has spent the past three weeks here returned home with them. Misses Shirley Hawley tad Virginia Jepson entertained at a pantry shower for Mrs. Alan Ainger, a re* cent bride at the home of Shirley Hawley, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Wayne Foss were visitors at Burlmgton/ Wednesday. Miss Iva Woodford and Mrs. Cliff Thompson and daughter, Barbara, of Park Ridge spent Friday in the J^m. McCannon home. Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis,, of Crystal Lake, spent Wednesday with her father, Wm. Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and family are moving into the Dr. Hepburn home from the Dodge place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family are moving from Wonder Lake to the Dfdge place recently purchased by Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Cicorski of Wonder Lake spent Friday evening with Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes went to Starved Rock Sunday and met Lou Bishop of Medford, Oregon and J. D. Smith of Lincoln, 111., and brought them to Rimgwood, where they-, are visiting relatives and friends. Quite a few from here attended the Eastern Star dessert bridge at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heine of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the George Shepard home. Mrs. R. Remer and daughter and Mrs. Patrick Coyne and daughter! spent Thursday in the Ralph Simpson home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. George Bacon and Mrs. Lester Nelson and children of Antioch, Mrs. Harvey Bumgarden and children of Royal Oak, Michigan, and Mrs. Leon Dodge and children of Wood stock enjoyed a picnic in Dodge's woods Sundky. , Will Beth attended the hall game in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, JJoward spent Saturday in Chicago. Harold Snyder and a party of friends from Chicago spent the weekend with Wayne Foss. Mrs. George Harrison is visiting his daughters at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and family of Woodstock spent Wednesday evening in the Alec Anderson home. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Louis^Schroeder Friday. A potluck dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Chicago spent the weekend in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young visited friends at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger of McHenry spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon. Ralph Smith and sons of Harvard spent Sunday evening in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth Elgin and Mrs. Jennie Bacon soent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon. Miss Bern ice Smith of DeKalb nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Danker. Ted Sims and family of Carjr called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil of Berwyn spent Wednesday here with their daughter, Mrs. Frank St. George. Miss Neda Bacon of Round Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. Frank Nory of River Side, 111,, spent the past week here at the home of Mr. and MrsaFrank St. George. The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club will hold their local achievement day program at the Volo school Friday evening July 26. Refresh merits will be served by the Volo unit of the Lake of | County Home Bureau. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at tfee home of Mrs. William Wirt* Wednesday afternoon. There will be no meeting in August, soent the weekend with her parents, due to the fact that August is our va- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. | cation month. Mr. and Mrs. F..N. Muzsy and fam- ™ Cook, and m of Wau . Eyes : fttaninet) Br. Paul A. Schwabe orxoMEnusT Heal: McHeary 1214 Woodstock <74 A. K Nye BMg. West MeHenry THURSDAY MORN1NG8 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Saturday Night Special for July and August--- ar*Bra (otcksk^t---«« - '. <"• ' * '• "V ' Ben Connor's Oak Lawn Grill IHie and one-half mil-- north of McHenry on State 31 • « • ' ' > River at (Rt. 176) will be sold at AUCTION On Jhe premisea--nnder tent. : Foi fever oil Rt. 176, Sat., July 1:30 p. m., and Sun., July 21st, 12:30 "jC m., Chicago time. Sandwiches served Sun* July 21st. Final l4quidatioii Sale All lots and cottages must be sold to liquidate the intereft of the Receiver and others. Each lot to be sold is •tpked and amnbtfftai. Take Rt. 12 to Waooonda, left on Rt. 176 to Fox River. Pick out the lot or lots that you want, then come to the auction Sat., July 20th, or Sun., July 21st, and bid what yqu think they are worth. Lots will be sold under tent rain or shine, from large plat as they are requested. TAKE ADVANTAGE Of this rare opportunity Terms: % cash, payable at sale, plus $5.00 per lot auctioneer's fee, balance payable at Receiver's office within 15 days. Guarantee policy. Taxes paid. Sales made subject to approval of Edward J. Barrett, Auditor of public Accounts, and Circuit Court of McHenry County. For information or plat, write ? J ) fBABLBS H. ALBSSS, Receiver , 7 6. Dearborn . ^ , franklin 9250 Ray S. dross, Auctioneer, Btrwyn, UL ily and John Coyne spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and family and Fred Wiedrich spent Sunday at Milwaukee. Mrs Mary Coates fcnd son. Archie, wife and son of Iowa, soent Saturday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs, Earl Shales and Mrs, Maynard Stohtnuist of Woodstock spent Friday in the Robert Howe home. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Butler ef Elsrin spent Sunday in the B. T. Butter home. Mrs. McCannon and her music nupils rave a recital at the Y. W. C. A. in Elsrin Friday evening. Quite a few of the oarents attended. Miss Dorothy Ann Butler of Chi- Mrs. Ed. kegan visited her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Molidor, Friday. The Volo Busy Bees H-H Club met at the home of Helen LaCroix Wednesday evening. Helen LaCroix and Lilah Mae Fisher were honored with a handkerchief shower by the giris. it being their birthday anniversaries. The girls enjoyed playing bunco. Prises were awarded to Bonnie V&sey Mary Waldmaan and Arvilia Fisher. Refreshments were served at the close of a very enjoyable evening. The JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Michels. Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo visited with her father, John Pitzen, Monday. Miss Annabel Meyers and Miss Laura Meyers spent Wednesday with Mr. and" Mrs. John Bohnen at Wflmette. Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter, Irene, were Chicago callers Thursday afternoon. Eugene King is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund at Chicago. Miss Katherine Pitzen of Chicago spent a few days in the home of her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mfch Stanley Zoellner of Chicago spent the weekend with Art Peters. ' Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund aad daughter of Chicago were calless here Friday evening. Mrs. Irvin Schaefer. of Wfeukeg»n spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Charles, George and Tommy Landre of Chicago are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls, Mrs. Stephen H. Smith and Mrs, dish. A11 will meet at the Forester Hall at 11 o'clock. Joe E. Freund of Woodstock was a caller here Sunday evening. Charles Nichels of Fox Lake called on friends and relatives here Monday. Mrs. George King visited with her sister.^ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski, in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and son, Clarence, and daughter, Leona, were Chicago callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Mrs. George King spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Condon at LaGrange. Mrs. Agnes Manning had a number Of visitors from Chicago during the past two weeks. Among her guests were her sisters Mrs. Walter D. Pere i r a , M r s . Mary M c l l v e n n y a n d daughter, Mary Jane, and her friend, Marion Sauve, the Jos. P. Gormleya, and daughters, Virginia, and Rose Marie, also the Mays and Freunds from McHenry and her son and daughetr-in-law, Walter and Eleanor, from Oak Park. Mrs. Charles Stillfvan and Frank Sullivan and children of River Forest visited relatives and friends here Sunday, • CARD OF THANKS W wish to express our deepest ap- ,,: ri|||: preciation for sympathy shown fol- j lowing the death of our beloved daughter and sister last week. We ^ especially wish to thank the McCatlom Lake Community club and all jfS the neighbors who sent flowers, the '* minister, Rev. Coffman of Woodstock, and Mr. Peter M. Justen. ' - ELIZABETH BOYLrf . •,'* , ,fvj AND SONS ^ •. Order yoor Rubber Ma t l H Flaindealv. JOHN DUCKY Veterinarian Treating * HORSSS, CATTLE, D0G8, CATS, ETC. Tabphone Richmond 16 Btohmonri, IH ; guests departed, wishing Helen La-' Mamie King were Woodstock eailers Croix and Lilah Mae Fisher • many more happy birthdays. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boskher and family of Libertyville spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and cago spent the past week with her Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. cousins, Helen, Ruth and Muriel But- Mrs. Horace Grabbe of Waukegan Sou ndja jf afternoon and. even. ingspent Wednesday at the home of Mr. |and Mrs WilUam wirtz guests of Mr and Mrs. James Bell Jerry Humprev of Woodstock railed were Mr. and Mrs. Dwame Bell of at the home of Mr and Mrs Zion City; John 'W. Bell of Hartford, Mich.: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clifford and daughter, Lenora, of Walworth:, Mrs. Alice Bell and Donna Dickey of Richmond: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palaski of Antioch; Mrs. Andrew Anderson and son, Rodney of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNabb of Winthrop Harbor. \ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison left "Kiesday morning for St. John, Kas., where thev will visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and family of McHenry spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson. He is enjoying a two weeks vacation from his duties at the Bowman Dairy Plant in Chicago. McCOLLUM LAKE McCullom Lake East End Social Club held their first meeting of the season Saturday evening, July 13, 1940. At Bill Schaefer's picnic grove, around a hu£h boa fire, business waa taken up, refreshments were served, and everyone joined In community singing. The admission fee was 35c for grown-ups aad children admitted free. There were 1ST present: all members attended and some broofht as many as six guests. During the course of the evening the condition of the beach was discussed. Then and there it was decided we do something about it. Action to what counts, not talk. At 11 a. m. sharp the following morning the fun began. There was a parade of ladies in overalls, some in slacks and big sun hats, and men with lawn mowers, to cut the grass, rakes to clean up the rubbage. hammers, nails, and lumber to fix the fence. Now cars most park at the fenee instead of driving down to the lake. AH in aH. everyone did a wonderful Job and deserves a lot of credit for it. , Sunday afternoon at a special ne«tine, Mr. Femstrum waa employed by the Mc C. L. E. E. C. for Saturday* and Sundays to see that the beach is kept clean and that no one uses it other than property owners and their guests. He is also to see that rules regulating the park and beach as made by the Shoreland Real Estate Co., which has the jurisdiction over same, are carried out. We ask all property owners to cooperate with us. We will have a bunco and card party Saturday evening, July 20. 1940, in the Teiereisel basement at 8 p. m. Admission 25e per person. I freshments will be served, and prises given. Everyone is welcome. Those wishing to attend please call Mrs. Feiereisel, McHenry 603-J-l. All those interested in playing horseshoes, please get in touch with Terry Mathers. For crolf see A1 Elarton or call him, McHenry 670J-2. And for soft ball games, see or call Clarence Feiereisel. McHenry 608-J-2. To the ladies--Get busy with your horse-shoes so the men don't beat you. Walter Vasey Sunday. Mrs. Jay Vasey underwent a major operation at tile Elizabeth Condell hospital in Libertyville Tuesday. • Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters called on her mother, Mrs. Albert Hafer, in Fremont township Thursday. ' William Wirt* and family spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr.1 and Mrs. Horace Grabbe in Waukegan, in honor of Mr. Grabbe's birthdav anniversary. Richard Fisher attended a birthday, narty in honor of Melvin Krell at Wauconda. Tuesday. Miss Edna Wirtt returned to her home at Ivanhoe Thursday evening, after spending a few weeks here at th home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keen an and children of Peoria spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann. Lady Foresters, Court No. 777, will hold their annual picnic July 25, at Peter Freund's woods. Each member is supposed to bring a covered SPEEDY •WM.i DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING PINK HARRISON S at Plstakee Bay Fried Chicken, 80c Assorted SandwicM Hot Saast Beef and Pork with French Fries -- 95c J^vine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks IJBARBARA HORICX'S orchestra By "DICE" IT LOOKS UKeiDuHt OOMfrlDtfCTA CHANCE tOmnrtVACHP!- sneoY-Tw OFPOUCE R0SSMAN MOTOR SALES AND peerr? a NASH - LaFAYETTE - PACKARD General Repair Work Washing, Greasing:, Towinf , Lawn Mower Sharpening RUTHORIZED ^ SERVICE R0S5MRN MOTOR SHLES RIVERSIDE DRIVE a*dL PEARL STREET - PHONE 1.3. ;.?r • Blfi NEWS! Now...mrtil Anflrat 31st 3 nicktis *e*' \ day mtttr «* F* vtd* ^Aea only 3 nickels >*day BUYS ANY OP THESE THREE FAMOUS . # CU. FT. 1940 ELECTRIC JREFRIGERATORS •OLO * ^1STIN«boIJSB topi# cash P" •114** '•fSnAXHK calk prta •li 4** Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz and family of Ivanhoe were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts. Mr. and MVs. Joseph Ritzentaler of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening st the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Brien. Billy Martini is visiting his cousin in Chicago this week. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Llayd Fisher Thursday. Mrs. Carl Thorsell of Grayslake spent Sunday with her Sister, Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frank of Lake Zurich were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and of Grayslake spent Wed- •lit*8 ?V:'i New Bsty PSyiag Pisa BasUcs ^ Everyone to own aa Electric Refrigerator Chance »f s Laftttm! Select one of these beautiful new 1940 Electric Refrigerators--No doum payment required--just 3 nickels ft day deposited in the handy meter we provide will pay for it. Get youn.now... and enjoy the latest and finest in electric refrigeration as you pay for it this new, easy way. Write, phone CMr call at our office today., A small carrying charge is added to purchases en the meter payment plam. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 'Other dealers are also offering aew 1940 Electric Refrigerators oa tht Meier Purchase Mao) 101 Williams 8t, Crystal Lake M: ; ^ ••Ml • 1 _ - I